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>miComet Moments Compendium Spreadsheet (discontinued):

>Submission form for spreadsheet:

>不知火建設 1st EP / scrap & build ! (Shiraken)

>シュガーラッシュ / Sugar Rush
>なかま歌 / Nakamaka (Shiraken)
>アニマル / Animal (Cover)
>アイドル / IDOL (Cover)

>Collab list:

>Previous Threads

Previous thread: >>86252236
What happened? I got no alert that we were page 10? I'm assuming it's because my shark oshi George is alive?
rip pretty op
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That’s what happens when the ship dies I guess. And now the ship will remain dead until Miko’s sololive and maybe that indie’s Minecraft server visit but I can’t remember when that’s supposed to happen.
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man today's stream had lots of great stuff
neko posted a few highlights
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Fubumicomet test of courage next sunday.
>mikochi wanted to give a bouquet to the leaders
>suityan wanted to give a ring to mikochi
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>But their inventories were removed so they chose to have sex instead.

And speaking of the ring, I feel picrel is topical (nail colors).
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been busy all day
did mikochi watch any micomet clips?
from today's friend stream
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damn thats so fucking cute
suichan acting needy to mikochi and mikochi taking care of her
fuck around and find out and fuck each other afterwards
another clip about >>86322438
suityan craves mikochi's attention, it's really fucking cute
Subtitled jp clip

Suipuppy came for her Miko-san
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>Ame made Miko one of the smallest/most delicious well known sea creatures and made Suityan the largest fish in the world.
What did she mean by this?
i have a phobia of sea creatures (whales) and way too sad about ame leaving so i'm not watching
what animals?
this is adorable...
I wanna eat some Miko now
Nevermind nyeggas lied to me. WHERE THE FUCK IS SUITYAN!
>miko is a lobster
NOOO LOBSTER TASTES AWFUL we love crabs here
You are alone here, I love Lobster and hate eating crabs
Suityan is a blowfish i think
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Is she Dory?
I am land locked I have no clue about Sea life. The only time I ever encounter anything sea related is when I order crab rangoon...
damn she looks delicious
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Crabs > shrimps > crawfish > lobster
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for me it's shrimp > crab
i don't eat the others but shrimp is almost part of my blood
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Bill Nye the miComet guy
Did I hear that right? Is she selling Suichans?
Is that why I keep randomly hearing Suityan?
There is a star card maybe that's it?
Also this game is 100% addictive. I have the OG clicker one on my phone as well....
what the fuck KEK
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Just noticed what miko is sucking in her twitter pic
>google searches pic. Gets sent to suisei.
what is suityan doing..
Maintenance of Miko's Hole
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mikochi selling suityan
suichan is inside miko's hole
Miko's hole is packed full of Suityans
first we got suityan's hole
and now mikochi's hole...
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miComet LOVE
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I really love this artist
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Loveeee the colors, kinda wish they went for a light blue bg for Suichan but I like it either way
Here’s a mikometto supercut with stuff from all over.
I-is that?!
New Suityan track is good.
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Miko, your arse...
She really had to go with that name and we had to make it trend
There is a janny who doesn't like Mikotop. YOU NEED TO ACCEPT THE TRUTH
I-is that?!
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Blue board anon, can't post nsfw. Use catbox or something.
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Good job Miko keep pushing for Suityan in your hole. Peak business strategy.
miko.. your hole...
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Chat on Suisei's Twitter Space asked who she was going to give the ring she bought in GTA. Suisei responded it was a spur of the moment thing, probably whoever she happened to run across, really it was more of an economy needs a boost kind of stuff, shouldn't think too deeply about it.

Someone on the Suisei general is likely archiving the space.
when did mikochi invite suityan for her sololive?
yeah suityan i'm not believing that or the subaru explanation at all. (about this >>86306090)
>when did mikochi invite suityan for her sololive?
A year ago. Suichan said yes of course, but then as it came closer it seemed more and more difficult to do because of her schedule but she made sure she could still do it after all.
damn, one year ago...
glad it worked out.
thank you.
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I kinda fixed the mess of files on phone and found more Minecraft MiComet I had.
my day is complete
nekotail tl'd most of the micomet from suispace
What I took from that is Suityan finds Miko's hole interesting kek
Also that ring was 100% for Miko especially since she did think of flowers as well
My question is who bought what first? Did Miko buy the flowers first? If she did I could see that's why Suityan switched to the ring because she saw her buy flowers and guessing the intent wanted to one up so to speak. If not than she just really loves Mikochi.
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tsunmachi is back in full force
Mikochi wanted Suityan to do a street live in front of Miko's hole...
Suisei always performs well in Miko's hole
Goddamnit Miko every time I read it I giggle.
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suityan is a regular at miko's hole
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Fire in the hole!
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Do not put fire inside Miko's hole!!
eelcome to Miko's hole!
Not sure if this clipper is good but he translated what friend said about micomet during that fishing stream >>86320840
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Miko's hole
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i can't believe friend confirmed mikotop...
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>going to miComet place
I assume this is a poor translation kek
Probably meant Miko's or Suisei's place.
Which basically means the same th—
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...met sharing a party hat
suityan inside miko no ana...
I don't know how I forgot that Spaded is a big Myth fan. I only say this because AME just RTed him and then honestly wonder if the artists just auto block holos on their r18s or have quite a few seen MiComet sex?
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wait did she retweet our spaded?
there's two spaded accounts, the one with the dog plushie pfp (our) and the one with a dog drawing pfp (black and white iirc)
both post myth
j-jesas hatehate
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She RTd their SFW
Shark bite tail
Also Miko's hole looking like it's going to be a bitch to move in.
im out of the loop
wtf is Miko's hole? lmao
the name of her shop... for the last 3 streams
Her card shop in the game she's playing.
She also sells a star plushie she calls Suityan but it looks like yagoo is now in the hole as well...
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hearing suityan talking about miko's hole sure wasn't in my 2024 bingo (or any bingo ever)
god bless my baby and her silly names
the star plushie looks so much like starfy
i hope mikochi plays it one day. the dragon power is perfect for her.
literally micomet, a star that can attack with fire lol
and it's guaranteed to have 5 million suityan mentions because mikochi is playing as a star kek
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>Be in the Micomet thread
>Doesn’t watch Miko

Kys Faggot
not that anon but i barely watched anything of HoloGTA besided clips, because I have to wagecuck.
hello schizo
understandable. gta week was super special for me because my boss got arrested, so i had all my mornings free and managed to watch everything live (missed the last 20 minutes of 2 days because i still had work in the afternoon on those days)
he already got replaced so i lost 3 mornings. today was one of those so no live miko hole for me.
vod jail...
>>86543135 me
note: my mornings = jp night time
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So has every artist accepted suicock x miko now? Every time I see a micomet lewd fanart now it's always futasui
your yumi reps?
shark draws both
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we have some Mikotop chads too
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puppymachi my beloved
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cute big puppymachi with a cock
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i hope there will be holoGTA season 2
this one was a trial run
there will definitely be another one
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