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Amelia Watson appreciation thread
This thread's for Ame, an adorable, dorky, wonderful detective!
Last thread: >>86313147
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Ame is hosting a charity for ocean conservation, to help the fishies: https://youtu.be/A6A1Jlb2jZs
And, she's gonna show off a special Hololive themed aquarium in VR Chat.
Play Chiku Taku: https://watsonamelia.itch.io/chikutaku
Stream Chiku Taku: https://youtu.be/fYVweqOW31w
Ame links and info: https://rentry.org/Ameliur
Post Aquarium Ames.
You guys gonna keep this up even after she's... gone dark? Technically she'll still be affiliated, I suppose.
Should've been a roingus charity.
Threads will stop when Ame stops
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pizza arrived earlier while they were finishing up chatting, now I have some downtime to eat while Ame sets up
post yfw she sings Pop on Rocks as one of the stretch goals again
Asking here again, does anyone have the Small Ame plug intro music? The one from this onehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qlyJD4-jknc
I can't find it anywhere
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I want Rratmom to design her new model. Is that too much to ask?
what did they mean by this?
this emotional rollercoaster cannot be good for me. I've cried five times today.
If she really is going to keep developing the 3D stuff then she's likely going to become another vTuber herself and will remain relevant to the board. Selen got away with keeping her thread name even. Magni had been a fleshtuber pre-holo and then became a vTuber after holo, now attached to the Randon thread. I would put money on her never actually ceasing to be relevant here, but her name and face may change.
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These two are cookin something... what is it
Egg sammich
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Honestly, I now feel convinced that she isn't actually going to stay gone (from hololive). At the beginning of this it did seem that way, but her recent remarks have changed my mind.

I legit just feel she wanted a break from the workload/dancing/singing aspect of it all and that's why she'll be indie for a while. Believe.
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Don't care.
Probably our mothers.
Right there with you. Why is this model so fucking cute
Eggs, and your going to have to eat them all.
Fuck yeah. Eat up
Rage comic cupcakes
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still kek at them opening the stream by saying they're in the retirement home together
there's a lot of great lines this stream, i'll have to rewatch it at some point. smiled the whole way through
kek go back to Twitter you faggot
nta btw
Just gotta wait and see.
the new donation goal... it's over 9,000!
I don't think I can wait and see unless a cute picture tells me to
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We're definitely hitting 100k tonight
Im not a regular here in the ame general, but I can say whole heartedly with 100% certainty, that you should fucking kill yourself
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wait what the fuck? it was 60k a minute ago???
Someone just dropped $40k. So can't imagine it's real but the counter's that high anyway
>charity goal is now $90,000
Ame must have though it was gonna reach the $69,000 milestone to fast lol
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No fucking way this is real, right?
>40k donation
ok what a fucking asshole. Obviously that's not real and it's going to slowdown other donations
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I never watched Ame much but Myth would never have been the same without her and I have nothing but respect for her. Myth were trailblazers and every hololive fan should kneel for a legend. I loved her animal autism
That has to be Ina
That's Ina 100%, that was also the top donator last time
The Tako also donated a lot the first stream. Wonder if it’s Ina.
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Now I gotta kneel on return
wasn't that guy also in her last charity stream?
hey i remember that guy
Ina is this fucking loaded???
Imagine it is Ina and Ame would never know
I mean, I assume these girls are millionaires but that's a lotta fucking dough
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I said...
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Gura complimented Ame so much during that stream, and that autist struggled to accept almost if not all of it...
jesus christ ina
Even without hololive probably, she does official art for the big gacha games
Jannies... shoot to kill.
this proves that iname is the most powerful.
Ame is humble.
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Ina is so fucking based
She does it yet again
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1. has Ame's heart changed on common twitch emotes being okay?
2. will she pretend her dog has a different name?
Imagine thinking Holo fucking Myth are anything but loaded at this point. I'm sure some heavy hitters (Mori and Gura) are ahead of the pack, but I doubt these girls have known what financial trouble looks like for a couple years.
>Goal went up to 90k
>Doesn't matter because the Mystery Tako donated fucking 40k
Good lord
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ame praying for Total Tourist Death
It’s probably beneficial for tax purposes to make donations. What better opportunity than to slam the year’s deductible down on your genmate?
They do that all the time to me when I post cunny on /ggg/.
Ame couldn't afford a 1k usd installation at her home
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>Mysterious Takodachi X
do you think gura proposed scissoring once in dms and made it all awkward for a day or two
Myth bucks + gacha artist bucks, Ina is potentially the most loaded of Myth
Anon... there's a massive difference between "can't afford" and "don't want to pay for". Ame was definitely the ladder
The cutest ladder
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nice webpage
>ame was the ladder
wish I had any artistic ability

I belieb
If she decided she's completed her "training arc" as an indie or it doesn't work out she;ll rejoin
the door is open, she said it herself
and regardless i hope her and other en girls collab again in one form or another before that
1k for an installation is a ripoff. Are they tearing down entire sections of walls and reconstructing them?
>I knock shit down and put it back up for a living, I should know.
i thought the soft *clicking* noise was part of the song, but it's actually smol ame plugging and unplugging. that's how dumb i am.
I'm retarded and forgot the reply.
But anyway, AME ON THE TELLY

ame spends a lot on her family but she's still probably comfortable money wise
also she's an ex poorfag so she's super frugal
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I love her. I just hope she understands how important the "cuteness of the model" factor is when preparing for doob stuff.
I'm retarded and also can't spell either....
2. Bubba isn't his real name, she's been pretending for 4 years
This will probably be a good test for the scooby doo streams
smol ame!
she has a whole-ass 3d studio
a legit 3d model
and her brand is entirely about 3d
and she's using smol ame?
Ame is so nice...
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She definitely wants to spend some time on a long term project that she otherwise wouldn't have time to do if she was doing 40 hours of choreo and voice work every week.
If you don't like Smol Ame then get the fuck out
Her 3D model might not be set for VR chat
oh no, there's a janny with a victim complex around! whatever will i do? itll be none too soon when you fucks are seething over how shes 'changed' once shes moved on
Keeping it simple so the whole stream doesn't crash and burn
ame seems in her best element when she's smol ame
save the coral!
Ame sounds so kyut when she's talking passionately
smol ame scales the best with the vr smol world
Do not reply to this guy, he doesn't even investigates properly nor he watches streams.
VR chat Ame voice my beloved
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noise itchiiii
I'm looking forward to checking out this VR world later
I really love Ame but her buying the whole "humans destroy the environment!!!" rrat is pretty cringe worthy but whatever
Save the sea cucumber!
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>VR Ame
>retardditor fags literally don't know who mysterious takodachi x is
unironically go back
i hope she'll have a smol version of her next stuffs
it's 100% true
Didn’t it make 240k or so?
is this an image for ants?
A screencap for ANTS
See you later, investigator
I'm going to need a better magnifying glass for this one.
One of many of her bad political takes you will hear if you follow her to her PL
TLDR ame kyut
At the very least we do trash up the ocean.
what the fuck it did, why did I remember $120k lmao
>Are you guys coming?
Ya even gotta ask?
you guys are retarded, go back to india.
i have a huge smile on my face. i always loved trips through ame's vr stages
Who is controlling the camera?
Speaking. Any questions?
kys retard
bubba, duh
Will Cover let this map up or will they shut it down like every other one?
Ame - and I'm being unironic not memeing - sounds extra cute right now. Is it just this mic?
Bubba... get the camera off me... Bubba--
I sea newfag
Where find sachiowo
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guess. i'll give you three chances
Genuinely kill yourself. If you're not going to make the world a better place, you're a waste of air.
Woah I didn't know BP employyes were posting on 4chan!
You tried this in global last time, you can still go to the vr world.
you should drink every single bottle of bleach at your janitorial job
There's your answer
is that zeta seal lol
Holy shit this is already kino, I love you Ame
Her boyfriend. Happens to be me but don't tell her I said that.
nene seal... forgotten...
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Forgot about Nene kek
Ah well
zeta confirmed not cat, shes a seal!
She made Zeta a FAT FUCK
Damn, when she's passionate, she's passionate
She sounded like this last charity stream I feel. I think she's just really happy for the generosity.
so kyut!
This is just so fucking sovl an cute i love this detective
humans have caused the extinction of thousands of species you dipshits
we aren't destroying the environment
we're fucking raping it
I made this post.
lmao! and kaela hates being called a penguin as well
That seal is looking a bit...
I thought it was going to be EN only, this is so much better. So many animals
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man it's not my fault, these images are years old and fucking archives suck monkey balls in preservation
>Kaela hates being called a penguin
>She forgot Nene is the seal
Ame... I know you don't really watch Hololive anymore but...
i dont know how you can see china and india and not think we're fucking up the planet
You all got the AI chat summary to say the chat was talking about how it was "cute and funny". My screenshot program lagged and it closed before I could get a screenshot.
holy shit! that looks like a boneyard, legit
She will be ok with it because it's cute and she called zeta a big fat seal
Ame’s so close I can smell her onion breath
Ame creatividad, like it never left.
Can't wait to see more of it!
That's literally what it is. The coral 'bleaching' is what happens when all the living tissue is gone and all that's left is the calcium structure. IE, bones.
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How much money did you donate teammates
she's beaming positively!
My Kami Oshi glows the brightest of them all
Ame just released a fraction of her true beauty for second there
that's messed up. i didn't know it was like that at all
ame is CIA
Do not reply to me. Go watch the stream.
Is she controlling the camera remotely too? This shit doesn't move like a human or a dog
Aquarium date with my autistic gf.
I'm gonna miss stuff like this hard.
Nobody else in EN is doing these projects.
I love you Ame
This is beautiful
a tenner, i'm broke after the anni merch unfortunately
Ame GFE...
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Sorry anon it's me, I'm not the best cameraman
ame giggles in my ear
I can do both, retard.
Maybe it has a predetermined path and she's just moving it point by point?
the katakana is backwards....
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My sunshine...
My oshi glows in the dark!
wtf ame is a glowie
>I'm made out of sunshine
>No Stars
wow Ame... you really threw them under the bus huh?
You are my sunshine.....
This is fucking VR Chat? Goddamn
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>I am made out of sunshine
We hit goooooooooooooal
It's pretty bad yeah. When conservationists talk about changing ocean temperatures wiping out coral reefs, that's what they're talking about. And the coral itself is the closest thing there is to terrestrial concepts of flora down there, which means the thousands of species suddenly no longer have environment to inhabit and either leave or go extinct outright.

The closest comparison to dry land would be wiping out a forest. All the bugs and reptiles and birds and mammals all flee and you get dry scrubland at best and desert at worst.
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me and who
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that's genuinely shitty. glad i donated so it can be reversed. hope it's not too late
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You and your bf can come in. We are watching Ame being cute again!
that matsuri shrimp is so adorable
she's so cute today bros...
kyut giggles
Ame really is the best...
I was able to hold it all in today but why did that line break me...
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Ame is a fucking saint
She fucking did it, bros. She did it.
beeg doritus
I'm laying in bed watching this, its so relaxing...its practically asmr
$150,000 has been met good job teamates!
Oh shit, the milestones are to unlock new areas? She and her team are so fucking smart
need that soundpost
Who was the big flowey fish way up there, mori?
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How does Ame create such amazing, actual GOATed content like this? WHAT THE FUUUUUCK. I have fucking goosebumps. I just want to say, Ame's not even my oshi, and I appreciate her so much
Ame is literally a ray of sunshine!
The music here reminds me of Manaan which is appropriate.
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>I'm really bright
yes you are ame... yes you are...
based KOTORchad
When I went to Tokyo I went to sunshine mall aquarium so im kindof nostalgia-ing at this jellyfish bit...
File deleted.
>curtain just pops out of existence
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her giggles...
fuck bros
i feel like i'm watching a tape and she's already gone
gosling-kun... she'll keep on being bright soon..
>let me see this clam
>i wanna see inside
moona's clam...
I’m enjoying every damn second of this. I love ame so much bros
Mumei please join! It'd be so cute if they both show all these animals
Her giggles...
CUTEEE giggles
Is the stream laggy? Even opened in VLC and its stuttering
Total. ISP. Death.
Clamy, my new oshi
She still thinks her name is Lammy
that's what I understood as the plan initially
Yeah, it seems to be getting better though.
Pretty cute stream.
She has a good idea, and reaches out and pays people to create it. It sounds simple/easy but it's really something quite special to be able to get the right people together to execute on a vision.
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i got a big ass smile on my face, she's so kyut
Did she say who made all these assets? I just started watching
We're genuinely never going to get anything fun like this again after she's gone, are we?
I mean for all intents and purposes, that's literally what a producer does. That's why its a position.
ame loves hololive. simple as.
how can our detective be so cute...
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Does someone use vrchat in EN? Last 2 generations I don't know them well enough
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What are you doing here, Claebro?!
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Not from hololive.
Ame, you don't need to rush, just show everything, it's fine
Probably seafomboy and hask, they're her two fuckboys she groomed
No there's nobody else in EN who would put up with doing stuff like this
MAYBE Ceci now but we'd have to see
her giggles
what did this retard mean by this?
Yeah, I'm convinced the rothschild have been throttling her at this point, it's been 4 fucking years and the YT chats are still way too intensive on the website and her damn ISP is utter rubbish
We're not ever getting anything like the spelling bee or this, I doubt. I think CC could maybe do something and I love her and she's my oshi but I don't think she can do something on this level.
>She is giggling so much
Bros... how do I get groomed
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>it's really something quite special to be able to get the right people together to execute on a vision.
And that's always been ame's magic.
why'd they do this to kobo
VR chat discord slaves just like many times before.
She talks to """Males""" but whips them like cotton pickers so you don't have to worry (they like it)
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watching ame?
I would tell you to such a cock but you'll probably enjoy that
Is the stream choppy for anyone else?
blessed giggles
Rapid decompression is a bitch.
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Me too, Clae... Me too. Let's enjoy the stream, shall we?
The credits are in her description.
You were saying?
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Step 1: Have a useful skill for entertainment
>holostars tank
thats my unity oshi.
Ame is a literal saint I'm gonna cry
She's a saint
heh mpreg
Holostar segregation, acceptable.
this is not going to invite relentless shitposting, I'm sure.
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i've been enjoying them all day
god she's so kyut
Of course they are the only male animal that can get pregnant
This fucking fujo

dipshit lmao
A unityfag to the last. That's my Ame.
In a tank all by themselves...
Oh my god did she sneak fucking BL and MPREG in this?
It's because of mpreg isn't it.
This pretty much confirms she's going to collab with guys after Hololive
I work at a big game studio, and most producers are terrible. You're not wrong and that's their point, but I want to highlight that she's good at it, and also good at it in a vacuum without having the resources immediately available to her - at least to begin with.
>relegated to their own small separated tank
holy shit the raden snail is perfect
The Raden snail mask is actual peak
did anyone see ao? i might have just missed her
Feels like Gigi has the vision, but I doubt she has the assertiveness to tardwrangle all of EN like Ame
Why is Raden so scary?
she sounds so fucking happy this is all I wanted....
I honestly didn't think I could love her more then she does stuff like this and I just love her so much bros. She's so excited its so cute.
it's the last snail she showed just now
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Leave now so we don’t have to hear you whine when she does.
i feel like she's going through these a little fast
we were already being raided
see the posts above with cuckposting with her vr team and saying mentioning coral bleaching is policital
Ao snail
ameurchin? urchinson?
so are (we)
>sea urchin Ame
shit, i need new glasses. thank you
This is the one and only time I'll not hate them. The fact she thought to include them shows her care and appreciation for everyone, even the fags. Bless Ame
this is kino
Umi Uni Ame
blessed giggles
She paid for the assets, she didn't make them. If anyone's to blame, it's the guys she's paying.
What would happen if I break the glass with a hammer?
my lord she is such a precious creature
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Cute aquarium tour guide...
>IRyS is the bitch from that movie with fish will smith
lmao so fitting
it would be extremely painful
>kronii, goddess of time, being a slow snail
thats hilarious
Boy I hope its not Ubisoft
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kek these designs are great
>kill me
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>ame's pussy licking itself on her gamer chair
was there a sana fish? I missed it.
ame is breathing heavily with red marks on her face and messy hair from the mask and sweat dripping down every part of her body
Damn, nature looks like that? Maybe I should go outside
this just BTFO's holoearth tenfold
its hard to see, but shes a little eel at the bottom
there needs to be some ambient bubbles in the song, i feel like
>Bubba seen trailing behind
so who was the little eel looking thing with Kronii, Bae, Iyrs and Mumei?
CUTE hic
he's controlling the camera bro
Sana probs
like, in the tank?
needs a giant YAGOO sunken statue head
need someone to rip this BGM NOW
kek this is perfect lol
That sound...
Man. Does this make good money making stuff like this?
What was the pink and blue fish
I think this is probably the big thing she is not interested in being a musical/idol. She clearly likes producing and other aspects of the vtuber world so not likely to leave. So both becoming indie and also coming back if the project is right for her/cover seems likely.
shiorin so kyut
>how Ame views Shiori
>outer wilds mention
lets gooooo
>Ame gave Shiori the scariest one
This. ame probably knew about it after she was sent the 3D assets
even if she's out of holo for a long time, I don't respect anyone here who won't be keeping up with her
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>Shiori gets an Outer Wilds-inspired exhibit and design
This is real fucking love considering Ame's adoration with Outer Wilds
Always the retarded things. Really? You didn't charge you controllers for this? Ame pls...
One day you'll recognize this for the soul it is
i think she made the base outlines
didn't see an a-chan or nodoka fish. might have to wait until it's fully released, i guess. can't wait.
Im the anon you replied to: I've already subbed to her PL account. I'm making sure I can follow her post-Holo content
Where's the gator tank?
No not the cuttlefish the one before, by brain is not working right now
those nemos swimming with advent?
all me
Scuff is important to the feeling of the stream
I wonder if they're really old controllers. A 3 yr old phone of mine barely keeps a charge for a day while idle.
one day you will regret your words and deeds
If Stars JP were separate from Live JP, then Stars EN is probably still upcoming. I didn't see any of Tempus or the others.

Waiting for the big reveal at the end where Sana has her own tank because she's a literal whale.
Outer wilds dev was in chat
She's stalling her graduation for us and youre complaining?
You're a big gator.
if you mean the pink one with little wing looking things in the same tanks, thats Biboo
I'm not against staff getting into such projects but I think it's better for them to be different things from the talents. someone mentioned an yagoo sunken head so he could be some sort of decoration
paid BP shill posts
also she never talked about politics
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outer wilds dev is showing respects to his number one outer wilds player
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so was sana the turtle?

Humans can't be perfect, I forgive her
This is so incredibly sweet and endearing. The tonal whiplash coming from Last AmeSame to this is hard to bear but it's helping in its own way.
That one, right there
I hope ao never uses the suit version of her 3d ever again and only uses her pure SEX idol outfit with the blue eyeliner.
Everyone kneels to Amelia Watson.
She's too powerful.
i wanted to make a >MEMEME joke, but I can't. based
No it's on screen right now
For all we know, she might even collab with holos on her PL account, but they won't be their hololive characters. This is just a cope though honestly. I just dont want her to be alone as an indie is all
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No, I don't believe you. It's never going to end.
The only Holos I can see carrying the torch are CC/GG if they step up their game but I don't think they can get to these levels of creatividad.
She did say she will be continuing music/dance lessons, however. I figure the larger issue is the constant "homework" and travel for HoloFES and the like.
how does this physically work by the way? how come Ame can move by walking and not via VR teleporting? the cameraperson isn't actually far from Ame at all right now, are they?
Who is the turtle supposed to be?
where is Ame?
That's the Outer Wilds dev, not a duende
I'm going to need a complete breakdown of every little fish because I can't make heads or tales of most of these. Even the ones where I know what girl it's supposed to be.
these would make great merch
Oooh it could be, aqutan love!
Wait, where did she go?
Ceci PL was somewhat creative but not to the extent of making up vrchat worlds and stuff.
The only way I see something like that happening is if they team up.
GG with Shiori for example.
No one can replace Ame by themselves
>Says pufferfish are her favorite fish
>makes Kiara a pufferfish
Nothing, shipfag, nothing
Add in Shiori. She seems to have grand plans in store
Despite the scuff I'm glad we got this downtime just to look around as Ame was kinda rushing through
inaocto is so pretty
That octopus's anime eyes are making me feel things...
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I kneel...
You motherfuckers better buy Outer Wilds and the DLC now if you haven't done so yet for some reason
no I know, making a good game doesn't prevent you from being a >MEMEMEfag. but he wasn't doing that
My wife is so beautiful
I agree, plushies of each holopro fish would sell like fucking hotcakes
were the assets for smolverse released or just VR chat files?
Outer Wilds is why I started watching Ame
i agree and make it so a portion of the proceeds go to revitalizating the ocean
Man, indie devs are "the REAL ONES" sometimes huh? Absolutely fucking based
holy based
the shark should make some pit stops in front of the sea urchins every once in a while
Her favorite's gotta be a genmate, Ina and Gura already have aquatic equivalents, Calli's fursona is a ferret so something tube like makes sense, that leaves Kiara, and if you wanted to draw silhouettes cartoon chickens are kinda blob-ish. And you know, they're friends.
honestly I want the other girls to find their own formats. creative stuff or not I hope they keep making fun collabs with each other. a simple, yet fun, game collab is all it takes for an enjoyable time
Outer Wilds lead dev is always watching holos so whenever there is a mention of the game he shows up in chat.
kiara being the most emotional one in myth really fits that always kinda on edge feeling of puffer fish
does anyone understand how this studio shit works
how big is it
If she gets stung, Ame will have to pee on it!
I bought it 2 weeks ago and finished tha weekend, and of course i'm currently catching up the Outer Wilds VOD, i just wished o would've done it sooner...
I want to watch but I'm tired and feeling better. I'm afraid I will get sad again once I see the end and cry myself to sleep
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reminder: this is what you're killing when you leave your room without shutting off the lights. all of this.
Based, I will now buy 2 copies of his game
this starfish is asking for it
every branch collab in the history of HoloEN was made to some extent thanks to Ame.
Even if she was not the organizer, they used her assets.
These girls won't do shit without Ame sadly
is she ok?
Uhh well she used to have it in her living room and then later in her garage and now its in part of her streaming room, its not massive. basically a bunch of really expensive tracking cameras strung up on poles in some sort of cube perimeter that track her movements.
but my imaginary friends are afraid of the dark!
Is Ame muted?
I don't doubt she will continue doing music but think she wants to be the one producing or writing stuff music included and having to travel to perform means less creative time
yeah shes charging her stuff rn.
is Ame cuted?
Yeah. Had to go take a big crapuh
I don't think she's using mocap? trackers and controllers I assume?
Oh. I thought she was back lol
more so than usual
but the aquarium is way bigger than that space could cover, how does she make it work
What if she took the camera to the bathroom with her
yeah this is not mocap. probably since it's a large map to walk around
I miss Ame...
New thread:
I would buy the max of Ame urchins and juggle them
the aquarium is just a map in a game, shes probably walking on a tredmill.
Controller lets you move the larger distance. So in the space you can look around and move a bit the controller will move the axis point all over in grid space.
oh yeah she organized the special events in EN but that's not all I'm talking about. I remember seeing people saying that both shiori and gigi talked about plans of big collabs that they wanted to make. I don't want those to simply emulate exactly what ame did, even if I liked all of them. I want these girls to find whatever they are good at and like doing and do that, creative streams or not
My point is that in 3 years no one did any big collab without Ame's assistance
I'm skeptical of those ideas and "big collab plans", that's it
>not even page 10 yet
Ame on Reine's stream
Who the fuck leaves the room without shutting off their lights what the fuck
She called in for her birthday
>Repaying her for calling in to Ame's first birthday
She's such an angel
you'd be surprised
how new?
Ame gassy, Ame kyut, Ame love
Reine crying now....man...
Sometimes I do that so I feel very slightly less alone when I come home to my barren and empty house. Like the lights are on so theres people there.
loneliness will kill you. you can still fix it
The gift shop BGM is going to make me fucking cry. Ame PLEASE
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Whoops that .webm is meant to be a .mp3

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