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Previous Thread >>86340851

>Upcoming Stream
>Previous Stream

>1st orisong BORN TO BE "BAU"DOL

>3D Debut
>Youtube Channel

>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_モココ・アビスガード%22 (Mococo)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_フワワ・アビスガード%22 (Fuwawa)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list, VTL team info)

>Thread Template
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>M: Please don't get merch because you feel pressured or anything like that. DON'T do anything that you don't want to. We really mean it, okay?
>F: So you know, maybe you're like, "Oh, well, you know, maybe if I make a clip maybe more people will discover FUWAMOCO from there!" - it's true, but maybe you REALLY don't like video editing... Maybe don't that.
>M: However you want to, okay?
>F: You know, oshikatsu's supposed to be fun! You know, just tweeting, being loud -
>M: Being HERE with us!
>F: Yeah!
>M: That's all - that's MORE that we can ask for!
>F: Yeah, being like, "Ah! My best friend, you know, I REALLY like these vtubers called FUWAMOCO!". You know, those kinds of things, you know...
>M: So, please, don't feel like, "Oh, THIS Ruffian is doing all this and I'M not doing ANYTHING"...
>F: No. You know, oshikatsu is fun for everybody and ANYBODY!
>M: You should never feel like that, okay? So PLEASE don't compare yourselves to somebody else, okay?
>F: We just want you to have fun. You shouldn't feel pressure.
>M: We don't want you to disappear because of something, you know...
>F: Yeah, so, you know... if your smile's in trouble...
>*Both shake their heads*
>M: Just don't worry, we just want you to be here with us.
>F: Yeah, we wanna protect your smile and have fun together, Ruffians!
>M: You got it? It's not work! It should be FUN! We understand that you compare yourselves to others and stuff like that... SO THAT'S WHY WE SAY "DON'T"! We get it, you know? Because we felt it too before, okay? *reads chat message* You wish you could superchat more? IT'S OKAY! DON'T WORRY! We want you to have fun.
>F: And you know, it's the little things that count, too, you know. So, just sending a tweet like, "BAU BAU!" - that helps, you know?
>M: Yeah! Do what you can!
>F: "I'm on break right now, you know! I had a real delicious sandwich! FUWAMOCO, I had a delicious sandwich!" ... You know, it makes us happy to know that you're thinking about us cause sometimes, you know, we get a little bit lonely. Like, "are the Ruffians thinking about us...?"
>M: Please don't worry, okay? *reads chat message* You can't write well? It's OKAY! Don't worry about it!
>F: But it makes us really happy to know you're thinking about ways you can help us, Ruffians...
>M: We don't want you to get sad and be like, "I can't enjoy FUWAMOCO anymore because I compare myself to other Ruffians", okay?
thanks japan
uh capitalization schizos they retweeted two posts from tourists with fuwamoco and FuwaMoco?
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>M: Raffianz... what about Mococoe? You're not forgetting about me, right, you want to have sex with me too... not just with Fuwawa, right?
>F: Ehehehe... well, Moco-chan... I think wuffians like how... you know... well.. *shakes up and down*
>M: U-ueh! Noeh! They should also look at me, I'm very sexy too!
>F: I don't know about that!
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Fuwawa is a sexy mollusk
I'm probably gonna visit the fireflies soon they've lost the magic for me and i don't think they care about it at all because I'm not able to understand Japanese
The singer sounds like Mococo
>jp retweets
ah yes, i do love my jp only streams...
bye ruffians bye fuwamoco I'm sorry I couldn't ever be what you wanted me to be. I didn't mean to be such a burden but I can tell when I'm not welcome and I feel embarrassed I didn't realize sooner
Still a better game than F/SN.
You should feel embarassed, it was obvious from the first week
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Wowzers that Mococo is almost nude
Kek this is the 3rd time they've retweeted it since it was posted 6 hours ago.
I don't know I just can't deal with it anymore and they don't deserve to get sad by me being around and pathetic so I'll just give up and drown. it might be the best time because they'll be too happy and distracted with 1M subs and gone 3D fun to even notice I'm dead
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They literally said the same thing in both languages. Do your reps or get a job, but do something better with your time than making shit up on a mongolian basket weaving forum.
>We're so happy that we can be a part of a big event like this, with JP/ID/EN.
>Yeah, you know, it was not easy, there's a lot of different rules, and different things to do (explain too).
>You know, the game, not all parts are in english, and not everybody knows japanese, and if they do, it's at different levels, so it's really hard for our senpais to organize and make sure everyboyd is understanding. But we're really so so happy and thankful that EN and ID could also be included in an event like this.
>そうね こんなJP/EN/IDも、皆まとめて参加できるイベントはすごい大変だっと思うし
>でもこんなはねENもIDも参加できたのはすごくすっごく感謝してます (嬉しい)
Last few lines were new information, so then comes english again:
>Yeah, we're really happy, we're happy that we could participate in every day, even though there were some times that were a bit rough, and every day was really long, but we're happy that we were able to come into the hospital, do our shifts as the medic, help out and get to know everybody more, Holos Santos.
>We really hope there will be more events like this all together with everybody, but we know they're really rough too.
Then they say both in english and japanese that they definitely want to be a part of it again. Then they read the second supa and only reply in english. Do keep in mind that I'm a lazy fuck whose only "reps" are staring at Senchou and videogames, so there could be wrong things in there, but the gist is very easy to grasp.
*fart noises*
>I just can't deal with it anymore
Deal with what? JP streams?
Because more Japanese are at home right now than they were at 3:00PM JST, you stupid burger.
>they don't deserve to get sad
Why not? They deserve to feel sad for playing with the emotions of their fans, have some self respect
not just those I think k I am just failing them as a fan. and yes I know what they said in members but it just doesn't apply to me because I'm doing worse than nothing I'm just sad all the time and they've specifically said if that's the case I should go. I keep hoping it's just depression clouding it but I am convinced now it's just I'm a horrible and boring talentless loser. I'm glad others can do something to help them but I should just fuck off I'm only growing more distant as they leave me in the dust rightfully so
it happened.
Fans aren't required to do anything, you aren't their boyfriend
You aren't at fault
Fuck you no they don't. They can do whatever they want it's up to me as a fan to be involved but I'm just a boring nothing of a person. they didn't even know who I was at the meet and greet despite being day one and I didn't want to ever say that publicly but maybe it'll help me get it off my chest. I didn't even know what to say at that point so I just read my little prepared note thanked them and took a photo almost on the verge of tears. I was so upset I didn't even remember saying goodbye
>horrible and boring talentless loser
You are comparing yourself too much to others. But yeah, it is best to seek professional help to deal with it.
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There's nothing wrong with being a boring talentless loser, I'm one too. But if you're feeling bad while you're with them, then yeah you should take a break.
Boring talentless losers deserve to be happy too, and I am with them, but if you're not, treat yourself better.

I'm Polish you dipshit.
>Fuck you no they don't.
Yes they do, they manipulated people like you
That's even worse. I pity you.
>correct him to something even worse
Honestly, try taking a break. It will do you a world of good.
I'm not obligated but it feels like shit to be so useless.
I don't really think i can afford or want to go through therapy and meds again, it just isn't for me. I don't think my issues are at all their fault but my own and it's just selfish if me to keep subjecting others to it by staying here. I appreciate your words even though I'll just let you down too
I want to but they keep having streams they say we have to be there each week. like the home 3D. if I miss one of those I might as well never come back because the literal only one thing I have done is been there for them even if I'm a nobody.
What use does a fan have? You give money to someone and they pretend to like you
Have some self respect
Ultimately, you should do what makes you happy. Oshikatsu shouldn't be oshigoto, as they said themselves. If you feel like following them is a burden, then don't. It doesn't have to be a final goodbye either, just stop for a while, go do something else, if you miss them or maybe you see a stream of something cool that catches your eye in the future, come back. There's literally nothing wrong with that.
I missed their anniversary. I don't think it gets much worse than that. Felt like shit for half a day, but I got over it. Had to come to terms with the advice I kept giving other people and apply it on myself, learned from experience.
Still feels like home to me, nothing changed. But, again, if it doesn't for you, you shouldn't be coming back now. Don't force yourself to be there. And definitely don't force yourself to be /here/, that's the worst of all.
They also told you to take breaks if you are really feeling upset. Just take a week to a month off, it will help your mental state.
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Why is there no Fuwawa submission yet tho?
they seem pretty happy with everyone else doing what they can. they even specifically thanked people for what they did without them bringing it up during the members stream. for me they just gave a cookie cutter bau bau and moved on despite me trying so much to do anything that makes them happy. I need to just take the hint and fuck off but I feel bad because with me once I take a break I'm probably never coming back and they used to make me so happy...
>despite me trying so much to do anything that makes them happy.
Pardon me asking, but what have you done?
You should understand that all vtuber / fan interactions aren't real. Maybe they notice others and not you, but they're not their friends either. Everyone's playing this game to get attention from their oshi, but the game isn't real, you aren't building a real connection with them (in 99.99% of cases)
Having your self-worth tied up in what a vtuber thinks of you is very dangerous, because you're in this unfair environment where you're literally competing with thousands of other people for attention
I will just feel guilty every time I see them on my feed or twitter knowing I failed them
They say the break thing but I never feel like they mean it. they're always happier when people are there. but like I said before I don't think I'm even someone they know or care about even if I'm around and SC so I should stop making up excuses to torture them with my presence and myself expecting I'm doing anything of value or worth it. sorry just report me and I will fuck off I'm wasting your time too
>they seem pretty happy with everyone else doing what they can. they even specifically thanked people for what they did without them bringing it up during the members stream. for me they just gave a cookie cutter bau bau and moved on despite me trying so much to do anything that makes them happy.
A word of advice from La+
Just yesterday they were thanking people for something as simple as liking their singing when there are so many senpai who sing. It's not like they're only thankful for the people who can do great things, they appreciate just being there too. Not sure what else to say that hasn't been said.
I notice they seem to have a huge complex about their singing and dancing abilities recently.
Of course they're happier when people are there, but not any specific people. They don't sound sad when any notable person is missing from a stream, they're always happy to be there and having fun with the ruffians. They want their fans to show up, hopefully fans they recognize, but never necessarily (You).
I know but that doesn't make it feel any better that so many others got personal thanks and they barely acted like they recognized my name. it kinda defeated the whole oshikatsu talk they did earlier for me because clearly some are appreciated more than me and that's my fault.
I've been working on my drawing and posting once a week but I've only even gotten one like so I don't know that they see it at all. I'm just not good enough at all. I made some clips of my favorite things but most ended with 0 likes even from others which is ok because I do it for me but why do I even bother posting if it's just cluttering teitter with garbage. I don't know why I thought I could be more than nothing
They're just not super confident and they're extremely self deprecating. Ultimately it's good to be humble so I try not to "fight it" too much, but I always make sure to praise them and to give specific praise to the things I like. It's easy to brush off "your singing is great", but it's harder to brush off "I like how you did this specific part". They're also proud of the things they work on, even if they're not confident about their individual skills, so that's good too. I want them to celebrate their achievements, no matter how much better they think it could have been.
Such is life. I have long since accepted that I will never be as loved by them as the "top 10" or w/e you want to call them. It is what it is.
I think if you are prone to feel like this, then oshikatsu isn't for you. It is better you pick a hobby that will make you feel happy.
sorry I'm being annoying here now too you don't deserve to hear it I think I've drank too much now I will go away. I don't think I should ever come back I'm not a ruffian worth caring about and even if I want to say goodbye and thanks it might ring hollow coming from a nobody like me so I won't
thank you ruffians bau bau
take care!
God, some of you are such depressing souls. You’re teetering on the edge. They’re two Canadian twin hags behind anime avatars. Please get a grip on reality and seek real professional help. This is a FWMC general, not some help-help group. I mean this in the kindest way possible: fuck off.
you know, now that I think more about it, that anon a few days ago seems right
I think I'm gonna try to resurrect my oshi
does cytube allow scheduled stream queue or do i need to spin up automaton for that
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hehe, help-help
You're never going to find a sense of acceptance trying to get noticed by a vtuber
Develop some self-respect instead of putting them on a pedestal and treating yourself as a failure
That specific wording is familiar though
Man this thread is depressing.
Those people are paranoid and delusional. That's why they think they're saying something "special" to their "favorite Japanese fans", instead of just translating what they said earlier.
Sadly you can't convince the mentally ill, so your post is useless despite your good intentions.
baused. i will never coddle any menhera.
Honestly and I mean this in the kindest possible way fuck off and never come back because your mind and heart is right you are not welcome here and never will be. FUWAMOCO don't know who are and don't care and if they did they'd be happier never seeing you again because you sound like a miserable person
Oh, I know, I don't expect to actually reach a shitposter, but maybe some oblivious retard who would believe it.
If they WERE responding to english superchats in japanese only, it would be understandable if people were upset about it, especially if they sent one and couldn't know what they were saying in the JP part. So if it can help a bystander potential menhera, it's worth posting.
Reminder that they don't give a shit about you. They only want JP fans. You might as well end it now before you're too far gone.
Soda's impression of FWMC
Make a goodbye post on Twitter and tag them they'd want to see it and it would make a good example of how losers like you should fuck off forever because your participation in communities always leads to a depressing. save us all the trouble and speedrun the fireflies route
Thanks, anon
I’d prefer gorillaposting over whatever the hell this is. Part of what makes this hobby fun is escaping from reality and you have fags like that anon or the pink spamming traumadumper trying to dampen the mood.
I guess Soda doesn't know yet how much they love cats
You should #helpFWMC this kind of stuff, btw. At least I think so, they'd love to know what their senpai think about them. They don't need the translations, but I doubt they have time to check every stream of every senpai.
Sora is the only Holo more erotic than Fuwawa. Her eroticness is off the charts, it's like the Form of Eroticism.
Meh. The constant JP streams caused the EOPs to suffer abandonment issues because of the parasocial bond FWMC fostered.
I expect the thread to get even worse when they do a JP stream for their 1m milestone.
she's a gameplay schizo...
>suffer abandonment issues
How do you suffer abandonment issues when they do eigo streams every week...?
It wouldn't be. They will obviously do it in English, translating "important" sections to Japanese themselves. Use your brain.
>You should #helpFWMC this kind of stuff, btw.
Fluff N' Fuzz fan, onegai.
Why the fuck did they even bring up character limit for the marshmallows being an issue in english when there's a whole fucking thousand character limit?
Ask the trauma dumping retards here.
Sure, bro.
why do you retards keep codding these menhera fucks? you're as bad as FUWAMOCO when it comes to bit telling these idiots to rope themselves. no person that has trauma dumped like that has ever gotten better they're damaged goods and in it for attention only
gives me mlp fan song vibes (don't judge)
They always make silly mistakes like misreading 50 million as 5 million. It wouldn't surprise me if they thought it was 100 characters like twitter or something.
Just type your message in kanji like they intended
So they will be doing an unarchived karaoke soon. What do you think they will sing?
wrong tag, #FWMCscoop
They said the exact opposite.
>Try to keep them rather short
>Sometimes the character limit can get quite big
They're saying you can write a shitload, but please don't. Maybe they have some overlay they want to put the questions on and a 200 word essay wouldn't fit, especially for a main audience who can barely read english.
I'll always try to help ruffians when they need and ask for help. I just dislike people trauma dumping to FUWAMOCO directly.
did someone already posted that matsuri clip where fuwamoco was passing by laughing and laplus can be heard saying "tasukette nee-chan"
Trauma dumping here is fine. Doing it on twitter or worse, on stream is annoying.
michael jackson's best hits
Scoop is for them to use on stream, help is for any suggestion that may interest them. Or at least that's how I interpret it. I used help before to just point them to stuff I thought they'd like to see, like senpai's impressions on their 3D Debut.
they seemed to really like myoto's and said it touched them and I imagine they'll never forget him now
Are you still going to send a max aka if they sing a MJ song?
They asked for suggestions during a mengen a while ago. Among the suggestions they read out loud were Michael Jackson and Wham. So it depends on whether they took notes or didn't and already forgot everything.
Yeah, but they also skipped it. Should have sent a letter or tweet, would touch them the same way without putting them in a tough situation that lead to them cancelling a superchat reading to decide what to do about it. Or could save it for a Meet and Greet. With the amount of money he gives the location would be no problem, he could go anywhere.
I wonder what was the song Mococo thought the ruffians would like. It will be funny if it is some rap shit. kek.
Not even two minutes before reading this I was thinking about catching up on missed streams that includes streams from as early as the first couple weeks, and reading this made me realize I could let myself be fine with taking a year to catch up and do what you're doing with FWMC streams, and it'd be just as easy as following two holomem. It could even be a little faster since I don't have to hold off on watching when they had break days in the past, and I can watch double on break days that happen in the present.
This seems like #fwmcscoop to me, but I don't know how often they check that, so maybe add #fwmcmorning and/or others too.
>just point them to stuff I thought they'd like to see
Isn't that what they said #FUWAMOCO is for? Like the sandwich bit in >>86355919
I don't mbembe them saying they would do one soon when they were talking about unarchived karaoke. Got a timestamp?
If it weren't for the advent streams organized by Biboo, they don't feel like HoloEN anymore. I'm just waiting for the transfer announcement to JP when they hit 1mil.
they explicitly said scoop tag is for when they are talked about on other streams
Who? Botan?
Since this seems to be a trauma thread already I'll get it off my chest. I post my job about 6 months ago and while I was lucky enough to have savings to weather the storm here mow it's coming up on the time I need to really find something soon or I'm on trouble. but the market for my industry has just evaporated it seems.
I made the smart/dumb decision that I had to go to anime nyc and impulse even though it was not the most financially smart choice knowing I may be giving up a month or two of rent and safety. but they were so fun that I still do not regret it yet. Everything is coming due now and I genuinely have no choice but to stop sending them scs and buying merch and I feel awful because that's about all I could offer them to help. And I shouldn't even watch streams because I need to go all in on job grinding or I'll be homeless but I don't want to make them sad but can't tell them any of this either. I cry every day
I think it's so funny how they have this image of the Ruffians and what they think the Ruffians like, especially with stuff they aren't familiar with but they think is something Ruffians would like.
should've used the occasion for job networking
last time i attended holo concert, I got business card for a couple animator and game developer
>they don't feel like HoloEN
Maybe you meant Zeta. I posted one but then deleted it because Matsuri's laugh is grating. Here's the timestamp
>It's not the original song
It just feels wrong
Unironically kill yourself
I will send a message in broken Japanese telling them I'm an overseas gaijin interested in learning about their culture and will ask for recommendations for a tourist in Japan.
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nurse floofies
wait that was zeta?
the trembling makes me thought of laplus but i guess i was wrong
don't forget to add デス at the end of your sentences
i sent my final fan letter. thanks for comforting me I'm at peace now with my decision
I asked if they would do any English learning streams
>they didn't even know who I was at the meet and greet despite being day one
Are you not active in chat/comments/twitter? Do you SC often?
If you did nothing of those then it's on you
Hopefully more fun EN songs
They are at their best when singing fun stuff from Dream On to The Fox to Barbie Girl to Sabotage
they don't speak english
I’m right there with you. I don’t regret stuff like AX and BD but it’s about time I really start going on the job hunt grind. I felt bad about stopping supas but think about how awful they’d feel knowing you went homeless trying to keep up with the rat race? At least spend a couple hours everyday looking for a job on a schedule so you can enjoy FWMC later in the day worry free.
I usually chat a few times on streams and leave a comment. I don't do Twitter a lot and I'm not in the clique but I reply to them sometimes. I don't really superchat I just buy merch. I unironically nearly killed myself then and there after the meet and greet because I felt like shit
I can think of three categories of questions I might want to ask:
1. Something I can only ask anonymously since I don't want it associated with my name.
2. Something that makes sense to ask when the people watching the stream at that time will be mostly JP, specifically something I would want JP listeners to hear so they support FWMC more or subscribe if they haven't yet.
3. A normal question I could ask in a superchat, a rawr n response, or #helpfwmc/#fwmcmorning.

I don't have specific questions in mind right now for each of these, but I do have a list of generic questions and I can use them and other things to help me think of a question. And of course you can ask as many questions as you want.
This is why I keep to just
>buying merch
>SCs during big stuff like birthday and anniversaries and maybe valentine's or christmas
And not even max akasupas.

That way it's sustainable and I'll never have to dial it back, which might make them and me feel like I don't love them as much anymore.
They're done pandering to EN.
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>pato-chan in anime
woah what the fuck
Then it's just unreasonable to expect to be recognized like those that send thousands of messages on chat every week and sc every single stream, leave comments and walls on vods, tweet multiple times a day about them and reply to all their tweets, and some even creating art, clips, or whatever other kind of content
Just because "you're doing your best" it doesn't mean they'll know about it or all that you go through for it
Ultimately what they see is all of those who put in the most hours and investment into them, and it's unreasonable to even think about comparing yourself with them or thinking "your best" holds equal or more value, because at the end of the day they're also doing "their best"
It's a reality you have to face and accept eventually or continue suffering about it
You shouldn't feel that pressured to send SCs. Chloe went from 1.2 million USD in her first year to 500k USD in her second year. Drop off in superchats are natural. Spend within your means.
I just want Fuwawa to give me paizuri. Is that so much to ask for.
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>on anime
but then again, loli torture isn't exactly uncommon in anime
NTA, I'm with you but I feel obligated to say that I don't think any of their "clippers" besides the ones that post to YouTube give it any effort at all. Like it seems they click 3 buttons and that's it. it's pathetic and if anyone is jealous of the retweets people get for that you shouldn't be because anyone could do it
Besides the JP clippers they follow, Andy was the only one who actually put effort into his.
Personally I can't even be bothered to set everything up so it's just pressing 3 buttons and then uploading to twitter
It might not be much, but it's still some effort behind it, and it's some effort me and countless others aren't doing
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how many did ya recognize, /baubau/?
Oh, I just realized that they're planning to use the japanese map mod on Euro Truck Simulator.
Harambe... rest in piece, king.
Omega sisters actually a hell of a veteran, huh
I sent them 17 different maros some in EN some in JP from different IPs and browsers and sent at varying times throughout the day
All relate to their feet in some way
only aki rose

@0:12 what happened to this unit of five?
I've sent questions about Japanese stuff they like. Things I would like to know but that they can also discuss with JP fans.
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Do we have any chads who asked them about ASMR?
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you know exactly what you're doing huh

also, they became trio and about to crowdfund their concert apparently
Like half of them, but I'll be honest I had no interest in vtubing during the early days. It was mostly dumb youtube skits.
I am almost breaking a prominent paypuppy, it's gonna be great to expose them as the lying snake they are. I suspect FUWAMOCO already realize it but everyone else should know too so they can be embarrassed and hopefully leave. I almost have evidence of their alt weirdness too just need one more second to get the last bit before I go
Festival cute
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>have no choice but to stop sending them scs and buying merch and I feel awful because that's about all I could offer them to help
It's amazing how much money you can spend on vtubers while not actually listening to them
Me. I larped as a "new ruffian" that started watching them after their 3D and asked them if they had any plans of doing ASMR in the future. I'll try to ask 10 more times in different ways.
I don't give a shit if you're going vigilante on payschizos, but please do not bother FUWAMOCO about it.
What are you talking about? Matsuri's laugh is amazing.
At this point it might be just a dream that they will do ASMR this year. Maybe after they hit 1M? So yeah, I’m just gonna wait without expectations and if they ever do it, yay! If they don’t. I will be just numb to it
Do a few as JP too, use deepl if you have to. Keep it simple.

I hope Fuwawa is forced to drop her voice lower like Suisei and stops giving me a headache
>At least I think so, they'd love to know what their senpai think about them.
Would they love knowing that now Korone is convinced that they're minions?
It’s always funny seeing the difference in fans among holo girls. Even the difference between how gachikoi fans in different fan bases act. I feel like as ruffians we are very needy and obsessive. Remember that it’s no one else’s job to make you happy. You have to make yourself happy, yeah fwmc want to protect your smile, but they can’t force you to smile 24/7. Stop caring about other fans and ignore your retarded self deprecating fantasies of them loving more fans other others, or that there’s even some secret romantic competition to end with them. That’s all retarded and made up by menheras and sisters and only who unironically believes that is due for a bad ending. Do you honestly think their “favorites” aren’t in the same headspace as the other menheras who are constantly worrying about being liked? You’ve seen what they post when they get skipped or left out. FWMC attract mentally ill fans, but you need to be mentally healthy to be able to keep up with the environment they produce.
not bad I guess
aoi sakura seems interesting, I wonder if she's still alive
I've never seen Andy pissnix or agri post about cloudy feelings. they seemed pretty normal at new york too. But a lot of the others were clearly teetering on the edge of menhera or have already had public outbursts. I saw so many constantly refreshing their Twitter notifications, it was pathetic
I've spoken to people in this video.
She... just debuted this year
Are you implying that Fuwawa's voice isn't naturally high-pitched and cute? I don't believe it. You're just trying to shatter my image of her.
There's also blame on them for cultivating this kind of fan base. Maybe don't do a pledge next time, so parasocial schizos and EOPs don't lash out when they feel ignored or abandoned.
I don't feel any sympathy for both sides of this mess.
weird samefagging
bruh that's obviously MTL and it's not like JOPs haven't been asking for ASMR since the beginning. just accept that they don't want to do it.
They already did it
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I don't blame them for getting gachikoi fans and people who are this attached to them.
I DO blame them for coddling the worst of their menheras though by rewarding them with extra attention even instead of getting rid of those troublemakers.

That's on them. They could get rid of these people, but they choose not to. In fact they only egg them on by pulling them back in through positive reinforcement. Act more menhera, threaten suicide or oshihenning? You now get more love from them through more social interactions.
That's not okay. It's stupid and they're not doing themselves any favors by handling it that way.
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Ah, this loop again.
did mad father got a remake or something
i don't remember the artwork being this... clean
How did you guys even thought of that many question anyway?
I sat around, thinking and thinking, asking my heart, just what I want to hear from them, what I want to know more about them, or just merely what I want them to read.
But I came out empty. Nil. Zilch.
>I feel like as ruffians we are very needy and obsessive.
Just ask about content you'd like to see them do more or for stuff we don't already know (good luck getting it picked over stuff everyone already knows, they'll answer basic ass shit for new subs)
I feel like as ruffians we are very fat and horny
The stream isn't for you, it's for jp tourists
if you are over +18 IS ALWAYS YOUR FAULT i hate these retards that blame everything on other people GROW U NIGGER. itS the GiovErmeNT, is My FAmyLI, ITS th3 cOmpany, If tHe funny Anim3 giRLS. you sound like these obese trannies on internet looking for something to blame over thet being fucking freaks.
are you ok
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Same, redundancy money's running out so I had to start looking for a job. At least being a neet again has been pretty fun while it lasted. I wouldn't stress so much about it, unless you're literally right about to be evicted it's not like you have to be out there for twelve hours a day looking for work. Like the other anon said, just schedule a time for job-hunting every day and then you can enjoy watching FWMC in peace. If you feel really bad about going quiet just send them a SC saying you're going to miss more streams because of personal reasons or something, it doesn't have to be an expensive one, and people have done that before.

I actually found part-time work as a cook a couple weeks back, it's been pretty enjoyable so far.
>t. underage fag who spends too much time on the internet
Typical glowies, saying nothing is ever the government fault.
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shuldnt pink rafferans talk more about mococos vagina bones
hit the nail i see
>just send them a SC saying you're going to miss more streams because of personal reasons or something,
FuwaMoco, I'm going to war. Wish me good luck and BAU BAU
Why would they? They constantly get attention.
if you are a schizo still your fault retard, use that time and go to a doctor.
getting your SC read isn't attention. it's their obligation.
wake up, anon
the government controls more than you thought
they want you to blame yourselves for their own problem
they control the water system
they control the distribution of methane gas among population
they control the three shell association
that's all three aspect of life, mind, body, and soul
and that's not all
do you know who controls the government? that's right sc
You don't get to shift blame when said schizos were enabled by them from the start. Both sides are at fault, and I'm not gonna defend either one.
I don't count paid for attention as anything. Anyone can get that but kudos to them if they're happy with the way they spend their money. It's insane though and a but pathetic if anyone thinks SC responses are anything but acting
in my country the water and gas distribution is private
So you are going to pretend it's just that?
You don't even superchat and you expect them to recognize you? Are you a retard?
nigga even the most anti gachi holo have schizos, some of the worst ones.
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Kizuna Ai.
The babiniku that was part of the 4 heavenly kings.
Don't know their names but they're huge and I remember them hosting a couple events holomem were a part of.
government is controlled by superchats?
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You don’t get to say “I miss you”
You watched your heroes fade
Into the rear view-mirror of the villain you portrayed
Stop the pity party, listen, you don’t get to be dismayed
You don’t get to be emotional, feel blessed you got it made
These the best of years of life because you chose to make a trade
Is someone playing it?
So? We're talking about parasocial faggots HERE that fell for their loyalty pledge. Now they're melting down over JP getting more attention over themselves.
retard, they don't give out any meaningful "attention" other than replying to superchats
yep that how humans work if you spam something that get eyes on you sonner or later you will get more attention. Blue check, SC, chat like a schizo, clips, animations, art, cosplays, etc. look at these superfans retards that got vip status for some holos over doing over the top stuff for their ochis.
holy cope kek
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>no you don't understand it's actually the vtubers who are at fault!
>everything is fake!
yeah, yopipi
it's been 3 hours and i think she's finally on the true ending, so it's actually kinda short enough for them to play for october
and if it's really a remake, it should be good enough to warrant a replay even if i'm sure they've played it in the past
a great strat is to use a icon on youtube that get a high contrast with the chat colour.
What's its deal? Is it a classic in its genre or something?
you do not have a real human relationship wtih vtubers
you pay for a limited slice of their attention
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>real human relationship
if someone for example get a blue and pink mohawk in the next expo that retard will get attention.
>please care about my chat reads
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Now, I know we said things, did things that we didn't mean
Then we fall back into the same patterns, same routine
Come back, it wasn't you, baby, it was me
Maybe our relationship isn't as crazy as it seems
Maybe that's what happens when a tornado meets a volcano
All I know is I love you too much to walk away though
Blue check doesn't count for anything. I don't know why you people keep bringing it up.
something like this with a black letter jacket and sunglasses
what about pink checks haeh
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The thread was comfy this morning
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was very cute to see mori release end of a life because it was like seeing a child grow up a little bit
she is still retarded and thinks she can outsmart the audience and have a lot to learn but its understandable why mococo oshi her
it's kinda like watching horror b-movie i guess
decent enough at horror, but also so hammy you can't help but watch it
maybe I was too harsh on Matsuri. She beat the shit out of Nodoka and called her a homewrecking whore in the latest hologra. kinda based
im kinda mad with cover over not doing music projects with the ENs that live in japan
Festival love!
Hi tourist here I clicked the wrong thing goddamn your schizos are fascinating I bet my home turf could compete though have a nice day
The only ruffians that should feel like their work is appreciated is the artists and clippers like the JP ones and tekzi who never send any money yet get constant attention. All of the paypuppies that send them thousands will never know if their stuff is noticed because they like it or if it's just an act to keep them sending more money.
Try watching some streams and maybe you won't be so retarded, tekzi
thanks phasefren
Anon, clips and art are useful to them as well. They RT them because it helps them not to give the individual person attention. Artists and clippers are by far the biggest schizos and always feel underappreciated.
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Thanks, kfpchama
I think you're misunderstanding me. I'm not saying those things aren't useful, I'm saying that the casual clippers and artists that don't send FUWAMOCO any money should feel better about the attention they get because it's based solely on their own merits and talent being appreciated. When they retweet a pissnix clip it's probably just because he sends them a retarded amount of money because all of his clips are low effort slop that even 2 views would be ashamed of
Thanks, Ruffian.
better to have schizos than indifference
You too, wispbro
They would have no clue what that means but they would laugh once they google it.
I just watched an NHK singing variety showing twins from Thailand singing the Mothra song that The Peanuts sang. They were even dressed up like them when they starred in the Godzilla VS. Mothra movie. Should I bother tweeting it at FuwaMoco?
*NHK singing contest variety show
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what the FUCK
chat is this real
yo wtf, surely that isn't real
Did I miss confession time? I admit I am a readschizo, but not one who’s concerned with other people’s insofar as I tally up how many reads another ruffian gets.

If I’m not read at all but I see others getting read, my enjoyment of the stream begins to plummet and I feel like they’re ignoring me.
i did not ask
I will be a bit sad if they use any of the shitty twitter clips instead of the actual effort ones on YouTube for holoGTA. I don't think it's a concern at all but still I don't want them to be hampered by catering to the shitty clips
>I feel like they’re ignoring me.
They probably did. I saw them pass over Phoenix's egregious chat spam to read the BR's comment that virtually said the same exact thing he did.
No, I’m not shadowbanned. I always make sure to check.
Mori has been getting music gigs in Japan though. She just announced that she will be the opener for that Coke Studio Live with Creepy Nuts and those JP/ K-POP groups I don't fucking watch.
Saitama Super Arena has like a 37k capacity from a quick google search.
Why not? If they want to see a fucking sandwich, why wouldn't they want to see this?
What's your home turf?
kill yourself you spend more time thinking about these fags than FUWAMOCO do
>retarded amount of money
Having money is a talent itself.
They ignore me until I say something stupid and then I'm read instantly and look like a retard. I guess the secret is to be a shameless retard?
about time they ignore that faggot. his spam and arrogance aren't worth what little money he sends. Mane chan needs to ban his ass and enforce the spam rules
They won’t have their unofficial spokesperson banned.
Fuwawa has surprisingly read me quite a few times in the last weeks (I used to never get read).
But in return I've been banned from getting any likes or rts or hearts or anything else from them.
I’m read too often to the point where I’m more careful about what I say.
watching their home 3D I'll only be able to think of "that" Mococo webm
What motivates people to make posts like that? imagine thinking you're so important that you start posting ads and weird unofficial statements on their behalf. saw his baudol tweet and just cringed. what a fucking freak. It has to be embarrassing for them to see a retard acting like that
Don't play the victim, Pissnix. I know your game.
A menhera who has started believing his own delusions.
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for now it's just weird and not harmful but I get really bad vibes about people like that because they seem one fuck up from snapping
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they aren't going to be able to do anything but click the preset animations
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Be careful...
That's because Mori is under Universal Japan.
People have to understand that Cover isn't randomly giving opportunities to the girls. They need sponsors and marketability to get those.
That's why the million subs milestone is so important.
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Rabu rabu
I just... to the fluffy ass
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There's been a stray cat roaming around and oftentimes coming into the house to eat my cat's food, I tried tricking him with treats and coming up from behind him to get him inside since it's raining but he got scared when I closed the porch door so I let him back out
12000$ And you can have a dinner with FUWAMOCO! By dinner with them I mean eating in a restaurant in Japan of their choosing and them being a giant tv screen but you can hear the eating noises and chat as long as the dinner lasts!
i'd do it in a heartbeat
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Just try and make sure there's somewhere warm and dry in your yard for him to stay, there's a stray that lives in my backyard and I put a little house up against my back wall, put some blankets inside and he goes in there when the weather's lousy. That or keep the door open so he feels like he can go back outside, but obviously you can't do that if you're worried about your cat going out.
I really want a couple of karaokes with Mococo using her natural singing voice.
stray cats should be euthanized they destroy ecosystems and are living a life of suffering
go for a walk and take a picture ruffians you'll feel better
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Hey Ruffians, day 36 of fumbling my way through 日本語
Had no power or cell service for a day or two there but I still managed to keep up my study streak!
thought about changing the days to match how many days that have passed but I already had about 7 days ahead on my Anki streak before I started posting my reps here so I think I'll just continue the streak as it is otherwise it would randomly jump about a week and a half ahead kek
I have found that I really prefer studying on my PC much more than on phone, even though the material is the same something about PC just feels right.
Hope all the other southern ruffians made it out alright, I had to spend a whole day cutting my way through all the trees on my road...
That's all for now, BAU BAU!
Reps love
I always have at least the porch door open and there's a comfy spot for him to rest there but I only ever see him eating food when he's inside. He probably takes shelter in our barn but I don't know if he'll survive the cold in there once winter comes around...
mocopan is unfortunately starting to break containment.. I'll miss iher
where at
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So long as you've got a spot for him that he can get to that's warm and dry and out of the elements, he should be fine. Cats are pretty good at staying dry and keeping themselves warm so long as they can curl up somewhere. Unless you live in the middle of Finland or something, then you might want to coax him inside. If you do want to bring him inside you just need to get him used to it very slowly, most strays will panic once they realise they can't get back out so you need to slowly make him more comfortable.

Even just feeding him regularly will be a big help, especially heading into winter so he can put some weight on. You're a good Ruffian.
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no...she's too powerful...
saw it on reddit and in a hololive discord server I'm in. maybe it'll fizzle out
would you fly to Japan just to shake their paws?
hell no
Thank you again for the best summer of my life, #FUWAMOCO Like all seasons it had its brilliant and cloudy times, but that path we walked together made beautiful, once-in-a-lifetime memories that I'll keep close in my heart beside you

I love you Sweet dreams
bau bau
Of course. Hell, I'd fly to Japan for a M&G if I won a ticket.
i don't want cooties
yes that's a once in a lifetime opportunity. although ideally I could win one in NA
Yes. I would drop everything and do it.
Only if I could shake Pero's as well
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Mococo's lawyer is about to do some unarchived singing in 20 mins if you're bored
Hopefully they'd shake more then their paws for me. That memory and picture would change the course of my life and I could die happy without worries
no, i hate 3d
I have an entire summer's worth of garbage please I need to know when the next pickup will be I'm starting to worry
Had to check holodex because I had no clue who her lawyer was anymore...
Am I the only one noticing that they've seened less excited and loving than than during superchat readings? It's not a huge difference but something feels different. It might just be their exhaustion
kys stop thinking start jamming
Are you happy when you receive money? It's that simple.
I can't stop crying today... Ame leaving has me so scared of losing FUWAMOCO
They used to have back and forth with people and were overly thankful but now it is starting to seem like it's a burden on them. they sped through even max akas
I felt that overall they were a little off yesterday
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oh gosh I'm cumming!!
>slightly inverted nipples instead of them being really pokey
That's hot
nipples aren't permanently erect you know
mine are
They got tired of speaking in eigo.
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bau bau...?! wuffian?
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it's ok to be sillier than usual today!
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I love FUWAMOCO and FUWAMOCO love me! They want to make me feel so good!! aaaaaa their tongues are rough
didn't they say they hate peanut butter?
is he ERPing with himself
Post THAT image of Fuwawa's tits
Fluffy feels so good oh gosh oh gosh oh gooooodness
Mococo doesn't have to know
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CC is so cute!!
There isn’t a day where I come here and think that nothing wacky is going to happen! You guys are crazy! Also my favorite is Fuwawa.
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Mococo wants you to make a big mess on her sister's floofies! Don't let her down
I cum to you a lot too Nerissa. Thank you for taking care of them in ways we can't
stop sexually harassing them you faggot gorilla they do not like it
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Anyone rape posting about them deserved to have their lights knocked out
I just want Fuwawa to rape me. I want her to rob me of all my semen until I pass out from exhaustion, my dick raw from her forcing it to release cum a dozen times in a row without pause.
make sure to send this as a marshmallow, wuffian!
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fuwawa sex
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Wait I just checked the maro site to be sure, and the text limit is 1000? That's not small at all, and I remember writing walls on that shit to people before, why did they mention the text limit kek
They're asking you to not write a wall, not lamenting that you can't.
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I love Kronii and Fuwawa’s fat tits!!
they mentioned it because they want short English messages because they have to translate. they specifically said don't use the character limit or it'll get skipped if it's English but I know retards can't help themselves
alright I sent a total of 23 unique fully English questions, all varying in levels of quality/detail. Some were simple others were alightly longer, but all of them are the types of questions that would easily cause them to tangent. All were sent through unique IP addresses and a variety of different wifi's(I went to the mall, McDonalds, Starbucks, then cycled through my mobile data all while clearing the cache)
If they don't answer a single one, then they're actively skipping EN mallos even tourist ones. If they transalte all of their answers, or answer them in JP then I'll be severely disappointed. But honestly, I'm kind of expecting that at this point, knowing them.
I'll spend a few hours making more. Hopefully I'll reach 50+ mallos by the time the stream begins. Assumijg every Ruffian I see in the comments/twitter replies is also sending them malos, then we should have a couple hundred fully EN questions.
Hopefully you're doing the same, Ruffian.
Did they? I thought the only thing they said was to be mindful of the text limit and that was it, full stop.
why does Fuwawa always giggle when someone mentions how well trained wuffians are?
>they mentioned it because they want short English messages because they have to translate. they specifically said don't use the character limit or it'll get skipped if it's English but I know retards can't help themselves
They did not say any of this, nor did they say they would translate anything. They simply said keep it short because they want to answer as many questions as possible.
Glad you fell for my threadshitting last night though
Kill yourself, tranny
baused. I've also sent 24 so far hopefully a few more tonight during the stream time. I even paid for premium on a few to boost it to the top. We need to set the expectations correctly for JP ruffians that they are holoEN and stream predominantly in English. I would feel awful if any of them fall in love and realize they only stream in Japanese once a month at best to bait subs or during collabs
Because she knows that she has the Wuffians in the palm of her hands!
They said keep it a little short cause they plan on reading a lot and want to get through them all as fast as possible, IIRC
>than than
Since when have you noticed this?
Thanks, I'll take your word for it, was a bit busy at the time so only heard bits here and there.
>Am I the only one noticing that they've seened less excited and loving than than during superchat readings?
Jesus you must have missed the last mengen supa reading, cause they were basically in affection-overdrive to the point I feel bad for not sending one...
Why is "deserved" in past tense? Do they no longer deserve that?
You're a retard. They specifically said
>English questions are ok too I would just try to keep them rather short because sometimes the character limit can get rather big
>difficult to translate

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Post them bouncing next to each other in the ENreco announcement stream

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