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A thread dedicated to the lovable Blonde Thief turned Bounty Hunter with a Laughter full of Joy and a Heart of Gold!
Doki Cat Edition~

>Her Youtube channel
>Her Twitch channel
>Her VOD channel
>Her Twitter
>Her Shop
>STREAM Drift Away Dokibird's cover
>STREAM The Final Heist MV
>OP Sauce
Previous thread: >>86271782

>>The Selen Tatsuki Archives (Every achievement/memory is still hers, they can't take that away!)
>STREAM Fly High Selen Tatsuki's Original Song & MV (Reupload)
>STREAM Last Cup of Coffee Selen Tatsuki's Cover & MV (Reupload)
>Play Detective Pomu and the Tatsuki Manor Mystery!!

>Our Divegrass team page
>Divegrass poll

>Don't be a Dumb Goon and reply to (or even just give attention to) every single bit of bait, shitstirring, tribalism, and/or dramafaggotry out there. Be a Smart Goon, Ignore it and Move on! (Report if you have to though!)
In divegrass news, /lig/ have also been eliminated, meaning there aren't any thread-relevant teams left in the tournament.
man.... aw well was a good run
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Idk why you'd ever be against lewd art
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>Trying to being an argument from old thread to new one
Cease and begone
Because I'm horny most of the day thinking about DOKIASS
I only bring it up cuz sexy op
The few horny-addled posters we have talk about this and this alone. Easiest example is the one guy who randomly capitalizes words. They don't even do anything about it when they could easily just commission art like so many other people in other threads do.
Still trying to bring an argument from old thread to shit up the new one is retarded cease
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Yeah, I'm thinking sex
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Predictions for next week's schedule?
Mint's birthday and probably some collabs and the return of dad of BOI
Mint's Birthday, Pico Park, Dad of War
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Don't forget to share your thoughts on our first divegrass league run in the poll if you haven't already. The poll closes in a week.
Did my part!
Need Dad of War and Space Marine.
can doki just like... go live and just do ANYTHING?
im so fucking bored, she could learn how to juggle or something and i'd be happy...
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that's not a dragoon you're responding to homie...
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Thoughts on this bird?
The sweetest and cutes bird in the world
bet shes a throat goat
She's a cutie
she's a big dum dum but i like her because of that
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I kind of like her.
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My DUMB wife!
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she aight
I will consume her one day
Aren't you a bit too small to do that, D.A.D.?
I like /hlgg/ and /choc/
/hlgg/ got btfo by fatto catto so now I'm cheering for /choc/
For anyone who is looking for someone to watch, a fellow Dragoon is doing a karaoke stream, right now!

Alright, might as well.
she's a dragoon?
Cute chuuba!
Juna! Haven't checked her out much since Wrestletuber but I hope she's doing great.
Yes. back during Selen times and almost spilled her spaghetti during their first collab
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Anyone have the image of pfp she drew as selen?
seems I lost it
Fuck, I lost it...
I didn't save it...
Tranny art.
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Found this
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Cutest goalhorn on the divegrass tournament!
We need another drawing stream.
Wait, she still uses Juna? Wasn't she gonna abandon it?
She's using both, for now, I think
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I'll head to Bed now bros, schedule soon hopefully...
Goodnight Goons~
GN goon o7
We're aware. here's the stream waiting room:
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Rest well Dragoon!
>it's in 3 days
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sleep tight dragoon

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A Dokicat is fine too...
schedule doko...
Juna streams on her PL account?
Goodnight Bro!
What is it? I know this is a bad question to ask, but I've never come across it naturally before.
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I think Doki's shorts hit the algorithm again, I just saw one of them on an account that has barely touched vtuber stuff, I know she's been wanting to again so that's good!
She deserves it since she also post her Dokibites
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Dokiiiiiii BEAR!
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dokibear would block a ball
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I STILL TRUST IN SELEN BEAR (as a normal player)
Eepy bird....
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GN goons, keep the bread comfy.
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¡Bikini Sexo Bird!
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me in her bikini bottoms (unbirthed, not visible)
Sleep well dragoon
Very sexo
For the next league I'm very tempted to make some optional questions regarding who should play in which position. It might actually hurt our tactics a little bit, but it wouldn't hurt to have some preferences in mind at least. If Selenbear does stop being a GK though, I'll have to update her model - I kept the original one precisely as a nod to her cursed experiences in previous leagues.
Don't we normally have a schedule by now
I'm freakin out man, I'm FREAKIN OUT
Just give me a little bump doki, that's all I need
She said that this would be a collabs week, so she is probably still waiting for some confirmations.
Or she is just sleepy because DAD is being a brat.
I'm super hyped for the Mint birthday collab.
we'll either get one in the next 2 hours or around 12 hours from now
Doki might appear on Mint's stream at least!
Goon, it's already confirmed, they're playing together (also Matara and Limes)...
Lmao no not usually. If it's a heavy collab week not till Monday at the earliest.
>stream Apex once after weeks away
>get hooked again and decide to play all night
>tonight of all nights, somehow get matched with a Niji
do you think she'll swear it off for good now
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Too early in the morning for your bullshit
Doki .. You said you were going to bed at 1 the other day...
That said it's still funny. So did they win?
Gently kissing each of Doki's toes
No, they died instantly it seems.
Literally who? Is that from JP or a new EN wave?
also lmao
nvm apparently they wiped early.
Since everyone's replying apparently the last EN wave. Who debuted either while she was MIA or after the termination.
Oh thank god
Damn. He is supposed to be good at it.
he's a movement player, he's described himself as "a mediocre player that abuses movement to be annoying" and he definitely struggles in direct early gunfights... but also the Ash that killed him perfected him with a Wingman instantly so what can you do
Idk, but Apex sucks!
that's the spirit
I had no idea what his name was, but after seeing him in a screenshot, I recognised that he was from the same wave as Twisty.
It seems like there's a strong possibility of cheating that happened
almost definitely, yeah, their shots were instant and "with a chunky wingman and holo sight"
Man apex is trash
How much chaos will Doki cause during mints birthday?
Depends on how much chaos a foursome entails.
Huh we apparently placed decently well in divegrass. 17th overall not bad for a first outing
She will purchase a strap on announce she's flying out to see mint and they will have sex on stream
Cope. Mint will never. She didn't let matara deflower her who is a 5 foot 11 titty monster. Doki doesn't have a chance.
It could've been so much worse, yes. I had to devote so much attention to our appearance that I basically didn't do any testing at all before the league and just copied a main cup team that did well and had a formation that wasn't illegal. Even then I only finished our aesthetics just a couple of days before our first match...
Matara refused to do anal Doki won't
she's still awake...
Okay and?
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Wtf is Rampart's pose even supposed to convey? lol
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I can already see subhumans being obnoxious to shit up the thread. Here's magical Doki
Ah hopefully not, they're just gaming.
I don't blame you for being wary tho, thanks goon.
Seeing as they about posted it in numerous threads it's clear what the intention was.
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Rampart got carried hardcore
Hello, I'm a threadshitter. Where is my designated shitting place?
>12 kills
Neat fuck off back to your thread now
But this is my thread.....
Not if you're posting shit from EN it isn't
Are you the diaper guy?
No I think that's >>86431814 he was looking for a place to shit afterall!
They are complaining that /HAHA/ is raiding them.
It's ok, just stop posting about it bro, even if they run into each other again.
You know how people feel about that group, rather not rile people up. There's no POV and she's just gaming anyway, albeit on ungodly hours.
It wouldn't surprise me if catalog shitters were raiding both threads. It's SEA hours after all.
I don't honestly think there are enough people awake rn to raid even if we wanted to
This. The thread's usually completely dead around this time.
i posted the original screenshot, i was just excited
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>doki gets a nice champion
>thread is angry
why is /HAHA/ like this
Goodnight anons
>Posting garbage from NijiEN here
>Thread doesn't like it
Gee I wonder
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>/HAHA/ hates doki winning
OK let's stop talking about peeepooopeeepee . No more fighting.
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Chill, its done and over with. Matchmaking just did something ironic, they won a game. Now at least keep the bread comfy.
Goodnight goon, heading to bed too
maybe I WANT to talk about doki pee!
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I have the schedule it's just Alan Lake and a deathless run of MONKE
Not to bring it up again but apparently Management privated the VOD kek.
Squishing Doki's chubby belly desu
slight psa: If you want to discuss somewhat off-topic points, just use /BIG/. I already asked and we're welcome to discuss there as long as it isn't schizo babble
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Did he react at all, or didn't he even realise?
Alan Lake 2? Eww.
Tis merely a jest
(Since you say you lurk this Bread.) Thanks, Bro!
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yeah, anyone who can actually be civil is welcome.
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Mint sucks on Doki's toes and kisses her feet when nobody is looking
>implying Mint is the bottom and not Doki
That's the issue: they're both the bottom.
That's a Paladin too (one of Vivi's fans.), so it's nice to see that her fans are just as nice as she is!
Oh, it's a cute design.
Hopefully one day the two of them can do more together. She seems like a nice girl, and I remember her from theduellogs stuff.
She deleted the Tweet. What did it say?
probably something about her birthday in a few days. It's gonna have Doki, Lime and Matara.
Birthday stream, Doki's going to be there. She deleted it because she got her timezones extra wrong.
It is a cute design, and she is really nice! I'm sure that they will Collab again!
Ah, I see. Thanks, Bros!
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Jwu, I'm very eepy still.
>She deleted it because she got her timezones extra wrong.
Sorta. Her birthday is on the 1st but the celebration stream is going to be a few days later because she's still in Japan. Her tweet made it seem like the stream is going to be on her birthday
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