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Beat the Heat Edition !

>Her YouTube channel
>Her Membership
>Her Twitter

>Twitter Spaces, Event Streams, etc.
>Unarchived Karaokes (If files expired, request in thread)

Official Mint Happi (Preorders end October 18th) - https://yeahlights.com/products/official-mint-fantome-happi-coat
Virtual Vacation - https://shop.oshispark.com/


>Our Divegrass team

Previous thread: >>86260541
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>Flatminter OP
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[Divegrass News] /uuu/ wins VTL 7. Congrats to them.
nah, this looks pretty medium to me.
It's just the angle silly
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The duality of pomudachwisps and newwisps...
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Tick Tock, flatminters
Mint's birthday is in 3 days
I'm okay with any size booba this one was just recently posted on gelbooru
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The tradeoff for me is that Ayamy draws some delicious looking armpits and I miss getting armpit focused art, so I guess it wouldn't be that bad in the end
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>You find out that Mint is using your bathroom to save money on water and gas
What do you do anons?
Minto should play the OG Halo trilogy
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Wanna keep up the Divegrass talk?
Still curious to hear your opinions on
>Your experience with the VTL
>The way forward
Recent talking points were:
>Mari on loan (no other Mint friend player, ban on those otherwise and she would only be accepted for a certain storyline and as a Pomu rep)
>outdated players
Both of those talking points aren't as important for now though, the big thing is the badge and a reliable source the Chattinowisp told me he will present something more with the next thread. Also, an icon to go with it.
I read that some other Wisp also tries to work on a badge inspired by Brazilian club badges. Feels bad that we have to decide for one over the other. I'm still curious to see his ideas even if he hasn't posted any yet.
I didn't forget you, Macacowisp!
What I want to discuss with you when we have a new badge is a very own /mint/ stadium. But let's take 1 step after another. The only thing I'll say for now is that I propose to call it
>Freaky Ghost Stadium
Demand payment in sex
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>Mint is awake
>She's going to see all the horny posting
jokes on you, mint is a hornyposter
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Your favourite song. Selen. Pomu. Livers, wrongly driven out of the corpo. But their fates served as a message to others. That ours is a society that bullies the innocent. Do you, too, believe that your sacrifice will change vtubing?

*Stop The Rain starts playing*
Mint's birthday stream could not come any faster. I've been so lethargic for the past few days
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work out some way to collect her pee
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No Minto stream lethargic syndrome...
h-how do you know...?
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I like this Pomie
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>Mint's birthday stream could not come
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I want to help Minto's birthday come...
I was gonna make a cake op for her birthday but I figured it was too far away
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Cake OP?
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The captcha knows what is going on in my head when I post about Mint
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emphasize ass
>beat the heat
More like...beat my meat
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>me reading this thread
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Feel free to all shit on the Manager because, like any proper white European, I'm personally more of a tits guy.
I wish I weren't fat.
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t. Eurowisp
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I've been dieting and losing weight lately. You can do it Wisp
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Lots of people got converted by Minto. You guys might be next
I cannot, the depression won.
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If the rumours are true, V2.5 is only going to strengthen our preferences
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Maybe it won a battle but not the war. I hope you can keep fighting .
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Rejecting tits is a dangerous path that may lead you right into the tentacles of the kraken known as Flat Mint Society.
I am God's weakest warrior it's over for me.
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Maybe but even Ayamy knows that Minto's charm is her butt
I can't wait for minto's bday stream
Big update on the podcast Patreon.
>they dropped all tiers to $1/mo
>they created a playlist for the Patreon-only podcast episodes (and noticed they missed a couple in the process)
>they still have a few "special episodes" left to do (I'm guessing they mean the Tier 2 & 3 streams/videos they were supposed to do more of)
If you decide to sign up now, it may be best to choose the right-most (last) $1 plan, as I'm not sure if they adjusted the permissions to see the Tier 2 & 3 stuff on the left-most $1 plan (Tier 1)
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>>they dropped all tiers to $1/mo
Guess they're not doing another playing with fans episode then.
maybe, maybe not, guess we'll find out
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There are gallons to be lost.
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Gallons have already been lost
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Big tits are such a turn off
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How I give snack when Minters is snack
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How are you niggas so slow jfc

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I'm preparing dinner, pls understand
The Wisps are dead asleep.
I refuse to put twitter on my phone, so I don't get instant notifs
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You're not.... Brazilian by chance...?
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We need to rework our Divegrassers so that they wear the correct panties and also add the 3 moles.
>deleted the tweet because people were confused about timezones
tbf the way she worded the tweet made it sound like the stream was tomorrow, when it's not until Wednesday (which is not "tomorrow" in any timezone)
Literally I was thinking about that too...
I think she honestly got confused herself
Wisps. I'm still sad because of Divegrass.
take up hunting and go kill some bears
what kind of bear we are taking about
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Chattino for divegrass again /here/.
I've been looking at the discussions you've had about the badge for your divegrass team, and I've made some changes based on your brainstorming. I've put a few more examples this time, and I recommend you do a poll to decide (at least):
>Type of Mint
>Presence of an external circle or not
>Decoration at the height of the font
This way I can satisfy most of them /here/. If you like one of the examples directly, all the better and you avoid the poll.
>Full chibi body + external circle
>Full chibi body + no external circle
>Chibi head + external circle
>Chibi head + external circle
Going to bed, hf and see you tomorrow.
I used to love and prefer big tits but Pomu groomed me into preferring medium with a really nice butt. She'll groom me back into loving mega tits again easy.
this one.
That 3 letter abbreviation for the team ingame was MFG for "Mint Fantôme General".
Is it possible to write Mint Fantôme General or Mint Fantôme General Football Club?
Or is this too much?
I think my favorite is https://files.catbox.moe/m1vvmr.png
But I at least think the full body + external circle images look the best by a longshot
Is she being playful or actually having a menhera moment I genuinely can't tell, she's too good at both
My favorite is https://litter.catbox.moe/6syvsa.png
No matter which, she hates us just the same
She's probably feeling a lot of feelings because of the oshi graduating thing.
I think Mint should stop being gay and let Mata finger blast her on stream
Mata stop that
this seems contradictory but I'd be willing to let it play out on my lap
Mute Mata completely and make Minto's noises the sole focus
she's getting up there in age and had a senior moment
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Minto is NOT old! She is forever 19!!!
more like forever ninetee
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Señor moment when
Gonna start having convulsions if I don't have mint in the next 48 hours
just go to your local grocery store and buy some are you stupid
Senorita Menta
is minto stinky
According to Matara, Mint's VERY stinky
only sometimes
She smells like flowers!
specifically baby's breath
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is mint real?
real size
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Yeah, real spooky.
She scares me stiff. Particularly my penis
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Mint is the top in that relationship.
Also Matara's clearly very straight and she'd fold immediately if a girl actually tried to kiss her.
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oyasuminto wisps
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Rest... forever!
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I was sleeping but they I woke up to pee and now I can`t sleep again. Help.
have you tried putting the pee back?
Looks like there will be a VOD for V-MUSE, but it sounds like it's going to be handled separately from the livestream they have set up.
W-wisps I'm about to cry
I-I-I m-made tea a-and...
and I
I forgot about i-it
a-and it s-sat in the mug and got COOOOOOLD
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Full chibi body + external circle is the best, there's no question about it. My favourite is dqdof7. I also agree with >>86404761 and think it would be nice to add the MFG or MFFC abbreviation to fill that empty space maybe? It's still itching me
>>86426891 (me)
Also since there are three different answers and the others are silent, I took the liberty of making a poll, please vote. I'll close it when this bread dies probably

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Hi Mint checking up on you, are you Catholic yet? Watch this and read the comments too, theres lots of good testimonies in the comment section.
I have to be honest Mint I dont know too much about you but I am enthusiast of understanding physiognomy (the art of understanding the inner through discerning and examining the outer). Your voice and your demeanor reveals alot about you. Through your physiognomy I know you are a total sweetheart. An all around sweet and caring girl. I can tell you love your friends a lot and are incredibly supportive even if it comes as a detriment to yourself. You have a very emotional heart and youre a very sensitive girl even if you try not to show it. Your heart is fragile and you're prone to sadness. You might even consider yourself a crybaby, however, this is not a weakness this is a strength, since the source of your emotions is that there is a lot of love in your heart. This is why you are emotional since you can empathize with others. To summarize my discernment of you, you're a good girl Mint. I want whats best for you and whats best for you is a Catholic life. I know this to be true. Thanks Mint. You have so much potential, I believe in you, you can do it Mint!
>last words
I want to leave you with an honest compliment. You are one of the best entertainers on the internet. If you were to ask people for a list of the most entertaining vtubers, you would make everyones list. Good job Mint keep it up!
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If anyone still feels sad about our Divegrass run - look at our place and look how many teams we left behind
Poor rrats....
Not bad for our first outing
Absolutely yes
Totally yes
good pressing, love the acrobatics. Weak midfield, but tbf that seems a common problem for a lot of team in PES16. Still need to experiment on it, from the public's perspective there have been too few matches to give a more concrete opinion, so I trust footiewisp on this matter
Cool billboards; the "loveus/hateus" was one of the few animated one I saw. Some players blend "too much" as "generic Mint model". Audio was generally good, but as some wisp said last bread some of them are too quiet and they need postproduction for fix that. I would also consider adding at least one long, chaotic chants, like those in /ybc/ and /justice/; and removing any chants that are just pieces of music, if present
Good wisp, dress in the closet for now
Experience come with time, I trust the footiewisp
We were a new team, we placed ourselves in the knockout stage. I think it's a great success.
>Did you feel involved?
Yes, totally
Hoping for more kino.
Me like minto, me like divegrass, me like a footie field mint colored; simple as.
For the badge >>86402645
I like the 3th one of full chibi body + external circle. tbf, I really like the thin line decoration inside the outer circle, and I think it works well for the second logo too. But if I have to choose between the two, I still prefer the Mint chibi with the body
>>86430226 (me)
Me also forgot: too much MGS goalhorns. Need more variety for next league, when we have more material. I would also consider a rotation of players for the same reason.
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Captain Chocomint also racked up 6 assists; one more and she would've joined the 3-way tie for the Golden Ball. (Please enjoy this still from the credits. In case you missed it: this chunk of featured /lig/, /AG/, /HAHA/, us, /lia/ and then /choc/ all one after the other.)
I don't like competitions because someone always has to lose and that makes me feel bad....
>too much MGS goalhorns
It's because we have many MGS characters. I do agree that we need to add more variety though
>In case you missed it
Where can I see it?
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I snipped it from the YT archive of the final day, but only because I didn't realize the proper archive was already uploaded. The whole ending and credits is worth a watch, though.
Wow, I went away early and didn't even know they made such kino. Thanks!
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You wouldn't unspoil this image...would you?
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>Is it possible to write Mint Fantôme General or Mint Fantôme General Football Club?
Yes and no. Good news is: I can edit the text any time I want, how I want.
Bad news: if you choose the "full body" one, we are stuck in a timeloop where there will be people who will continue to say: "X words are covered by Mint's head" or "there is too much empty space between the words". I can avoid it, but to do so the font will be smaller than the rest of the badge - and also consider that I work in a round and narrow space; the more stuff you write, the uglier the final result is to look at. (pic related).
Honestly, and I say this also as a good omen, I would leave the space empty to put one or more stars in the future.
And reminder, since I didn't write it in my first message; the prohibition sign can also be colored differently; since there were some wisp who preferred the classic red I personally agree with the mint one btw. See you later.
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At this point I don't even care about head covering the abbreviation as long as the main caption is visible. And I honestly think Mint Fantôme General Football Club is too long, it was fine without "General".
>I would leave the space empty to put one or more stars in the future
Hmm, that's an idea
>the prohibition sign can also be colored differently
The classic red is too sharp and I don't how well it'd match other colours. Feel free to experiment, but I like it the way it is now
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Stars should always be outside of the crest
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then welcome to /vt/league anon
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I love Minto
>A stalker Wisp actually followed her to the Sayostay live
I fucking hate these people. They really have no decency at all. It was some no jobber who had their dad pay for everything too.
So uh, I have a weird request. As you all know mint had a concert with phase recently. One of the talents called LIA had a solo performance of her own. Does anyone have a video? I'd be very grateful
It's all a psy-op to get wisps to pay for her oshi's concert tickets directly
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Why don't you ask in the Lia thread?
There's a mega in the OP with the concert
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Lifting heavy ass weights is pretty tiring Wisps...
They'll get angry at me for not attending the concert
It doesn't have the lia solo performance.
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Pomu has been in hiding ever since her grand graduation. No one's seen her in months. All we get are posts delivered by proxy. Except you >>86439582 You met with her - face to face - in order to watch Sayostay's concert. Tell me where she is. Where is Pomu... Where is Nerd?
I've never known choice. Where I was born, the vtuber I oshi... I've never had the freedom to choose for myself. But you, right now, are free. Do as you will
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She lives under Minto's desk now
It's SO fucked that Skullface says this shit to Paz then immediately starts to torture her and puts a bomb in her stomach after she helps him.
It's a cute girl, so it's fine
Paz was cooked anyway and she knew it, she cracked only because Skull Face manipulated with her feelings for Big Boss
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I miss Mintoes
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just gotta make it through today then I just gotta make it through tomorrow then there's Mint Mint is coming back she's going to be back we won't be so alone anymore
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Good morning mintoooooooo!
That's the same answer word-for-word that I got too. I wasn't sure which question they were saying yes to though, so I asked for more clarification and was waiting to hear back.
It's Minto's birthday! (in Japan)
Good morning Minto!
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>Birthday: ...
>Birthday - Japan: :O
Why is she like this?
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I am going to take a nap and there's nothing Mint can do to stop me
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Consider the following
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V1 Minto-chan, my beloved!
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Wisps.....I have some news......
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Oh no, Minto shut him down!
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it's too late. The truth can't be stopped...
Minto and I slept together last night, here's a sketch of it.
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That's a very nice sketch, Wisp. If it yours, you should finish it
I overslept today, I can't remember this ever happening. Thought they would kick me out as soon as I arrived at the office, but they were actually understanding and said that shit happens.
Perhaps I should just rest for a bit and let you guys do with that Divegrass stuff. You seem totally capable without me and I'm honestly impressed and happy that I have you Wisps.
Apparently 4chin thinks that all I want to write is spam, so yeah. Seems like I have to keep this to myself.
Please vote on that Wisp's poll.
It'll be done soon I paid it off today for 200
Thanks for the reminder
You can also choose multiple options if you can't make up your mind
God bless Minto
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This freak knows where the used panties gacha machine is
>mentioning an eroge store like it's nothing
Is it possible to learn this power?
Welcome to the Minto experience.
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I know, but I can never get used to it...
Mint's extremely casual
>okay but you have to actually drown
>not like the obs raises
Streaming suggestion to Matara lives rent free in my head.
If I were to have developed a slight crush on Mint, what should I do in that situation?
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Languish like the rest of us. Eventually make an effort to get a grip
No idea, mine only got worse with time.
I'll try commenting on some Divegrass stuff again. This time, without gifting (You)s so maybe 4chin won't think this is spam. I try to make it short.
Your work is amazing and I can't praise you enough. I feel as if this is truly your team.
Amazing work, great that you put up a poll on your own. I voted. Still think that Chibi head + glowsticks in her arms taken from the badge would be a great icon, but that's just my opinion.
>text on badge
I'm damaged by my real life club because its badge has A LOT of text written on it, so I don't see this as a big issue.
>finishing 12th
I wasn't really aware of this, but if you translate this to an 18 team league like the Bundesliga, this would be a Champions League finish.
>player and goalhorn variety
I agree with what you said. And just like that other Wisp said that he likes the idea of Lain more and more, I like the idea of Pomu with Tits on loan more and more. Just check our OP text, she may even have her own goal horn and we feature this with every thread.
>now that the VTL is over...
...should I perhaps relax and take a break for a while? I mean, after THAT day at work? You seem totally capable of finding a badge and icon without me. Just, don't forget that other Wisp who wanted to try his hand at some Brazilian club inspired badge.
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>should I perhaps relax and take a break for a while?
Perhaps you should. You can still provide input on topics and discussions, you are still a Wisp just like us and your opinion also matters
I think Mint should play Fallout New Vegas
I think Mint should play with my PP
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I think Mint should play with my balls
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There's no solution. I had a crush on this dummy for like 3 years already.
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Try 4.
Just, please don't forget that other Wisp who wanted to come up with a badge idea. If you say that my opinion also matters, don't forget that EVERYONE's opinion matters and everyone should have the possibility to contribute something.
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>don't forget that EVERYONE's opinion matters and everyone should have the possibility to contribute something
That goes without saying, but you've contributed enough already so have some rest, just don't disappear on us completely. As for the Brazilian Wisp, we shall see when he delivers
>just don't disappear on us completely
Hell no I won't. As soon as you have the badge and icon figured out with me giving advice from the sidelines, I'll propose my idea of a stadium.
Oct 3rd is our national holiday and this means I have a long weekend. Perhaps this is all I need.
On top of this, there will be a lot of Minto to watch and a lot of Minto to discuss in /mint/.
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Early but I am listening to some great city pop and thought I share. And yes I missed a thread.
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>As for the Brazilian Wisp, we shall see when he delivers
I don't think I can do anything better than what you guys did.
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Still, we didn't forget you and your posts were not overlooked. You're in this as well even if you step back.
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Do your best, I'm curious to see what you've got

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