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スイートマジック: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5EimdErvUh8
Meconopsis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XzkNg89Cq9Y
Ocean wave PartyLive: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2v_BFL-kuWs
Drenched In Air: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9w4X67atXEo
おどれ!VRダンス!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KCpe82_jW4
POP/STARS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDUADGntHOE
summertime: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ucwpn-JQqmI
フタリボシ: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84uvWfZqqeg
ないない: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=injd7gHrIGU
い〜やい〜やい〜や: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R5yfM_UlucY
Tabi No Tochuu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NIv_yYKl9tQ
VIOLET: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZdLXELdF9Q

Previous: >>86268679
The Ina+Reine Fishing Hut...
Look at this creature
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Such a cute spot. Shame it's kinda redundant since PPP already has a fishing spot.
>Ina save me
popping a champagne tomorrow
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I'm sad too, but drinking isn't the answer anon
wait wtf I didnt know about camels
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No! Ina! The Gun Devil is coming soon! I'm begging you, leave! Inaaaaa!
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I'm going to go out to buy a pizza, wah really hard if Ina does something cool
Oh no, Ina's possessed by the lesbian sex devil! She has to have sex with other holos to get better
We're going to miss Ina's zoo house noises...
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I was eating dinner with my mom, was the stream good or nah?
meh, it's still ongoing but so far it's been meh
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tell her to do her art reps, Ina
Is it me or does Ina's model look weepy
it's really hard to feel emotional about this when mori sounds like she's reading off a script
That's just our dope being weepy with her mic off...
since when has she been trying to do an soft speaking asmr voice? i was so confused to hear her so dead/low energy
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this feels like it should have been over like 10 minutes ago...
Saying goodbye is hard.
are we waiting for something?
yeah, when she blinks a lot that is you know she is most likely crying.
shut the fuck up kiara
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no way fag
She's coming off of being sick
It's actually really funny watching Kiara on the verge of tears, everyone pretending to be sad and Ame not giving a single fuck lol
it feels like just yesterday Ina broke down at one of the anniversaries because she was so happy to meet everyone
It's more of trip with friends down nostalgia lane than an actual goodbye stream. Also, it doesn't feel like she's leaving even though she basically is, so the mood isn't exactly what you'd expect.
Ina's voice is shaky, she's definitely crying
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They are trying too hard to make chat feel anything that this has become awkward
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It's working.
I can't even imagine how they feel. Knowing that as soon as they stop, the page gets turned forever.
For once I can't even blame the chicken. I would be stalling just as much...
This is some next level attention begging, even Ina is ready to say goodbye
someone put her out of her misery already
i know kiara has to make a sense everytime she appears but please, now's not the time
This is so fucking cringe bros... I am not strong enough for this...
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Okay Ina, we are done with this shit. You can start playing TOTK the day after tomorrow.
You can't tell when Ina is crying? Are you sure you're in the right thread?
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Don't argue with the schizo.
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My bad
You're lucky she isn't (here) or she'd never ever play ToTK.
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I kinda wanted to cry, I brought tissues and everything but I didn't get the feels at any point. This stream was so awkward.
Ina status?
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Otsumyth, I'll cherish my Ina forever until the end of the world
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eating or working probably
I was doing good until Ina started crying
I think Ame has gotten her emotions out already when she first announced the "not graduation" and probably cried offline more. I do wonder what is going to happen during her last stream tomorrow though.
Fixing leaky ceiling
The whole situation of her departure is so awkward, there's a lack of closure on the one hand, but on the other hand there's hope we see her again. The teammates have it rough, but maybe less rough than other orphaned fanbases.
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Oh yeah, they were going to add an EN dlc for this game, right?
She was free to stream on her other account all she wants, she wasn't streaming here anyway, I really don't see the point of making a big deal out of this
The lack of closure really, really sucks but I think I'd prefer having that hope that Ina would appear sometimes if she went this route. I'm still just really confused on what Ame will be back for.
yeah we'll see how it pans out, but its just weird. My guess is she might appear in like a song and maybe a video project or 2 in the coming 12 months and then just full on graduates. Which at that point feels kinda pointless
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We lost one of the pillars of Vtubing, whether they like it or not, and it just so happened to be one of Ina's friends. Anyone who can't at least pay respect to that is completely irredeemable even for me.

In another timeline where Ina gave up, the ones crying and begging her to stay would be us. I can't be mad at Kiara for being unable to let her go.
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found it, I can see my Ina
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I got very close at the end but the tears wouldn't flow. Ina crying almost got me too.
inas shape is very...takolike
she stopped being a pillar a long time ago, you can pretend you care now all you want just like she was pretending she still cares
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yeah I was thinking about that too... coincidence or made on purpose?
Even her silhouette looks adorable
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Not to be a debbie downer but I had to turn my volume down during that last part. It was more cringe and awkward than sad and wholesome. Ina was feeling emotional but bawl her eyes out; Gura was quiet; Mori was holding it in; and I hate to say this, but Kiara was unironically kind of mememe’ing it. She was the only one to toggle her sad model face and kept squealing. I’m sure she was definitely sad, but it came off as disingenuous and awkward; and most importantly, Ame seemed like she wanted it to end already more than anything. More emotion was shown in the first anniversary than at an actual graduation, for whatever reason... who knows (I actually do kinda want to know).
Congratulations you're autistic, now be quiet
I appreciated Kiara acting out because it let me see more clearly that everyone else was also barely holding it in.
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yeah, the moment got ruined for some quick clipbaiting and attention whoring. Now it's time to move on.
congrats, you're the only real one, you'll get hate from teamates and kfp though
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This creature has created her nest on the 7th floor of the AmiAmi store, be careful.
The nature of the tentacle...
That drawing is legitimately beautiful
God, imagine shining a UV light on that thing…
She's so beautiful... in talent, looks, personality, soul, everything
Schrodinger's naked apron
Now I can't unsee it, thanks (genuine).
Wake up, Tagoratchis
We got rocks to break
is Ina collabing with Bijouo this week?
How much cum could those collarbones hold?
I don't see Ina there
Wait a second... I'm going genuinely insane.
I thought I read Ina's name there.
I'm going insane too because I swear to god I read it
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I need Ina, I was hallucinating sorry.
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SAN check failed.
I saw the deleted post and i swear i saw Ina's name for a split second
I don't see the post but I see Ina's name
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I wonder what the plans for this week are
same. im expecting at least two break days before any other streams though
I bet on Saturday and Monday as the break days.
oh i meant that i expect that there wont be a stream till wednesday. Obviously tomorrow is the last day so she wont stream and then tuesday probably another break to let things cool off a bit
didn't Ina mention meeting Watame this past week? maybe we will see her on a new Habanai soon
I thought she specified this meeting as just crossing her on the studio
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maybe I missed that part...
Oh don't take my word for it, my memory is rapidly declining as the days go by.
I'm hunting for this mention right now though.
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I thought she just mentioned the takopa she had with Watame when she was talking about doing vlog stuff
You owe me an Ina DRG collab now because of your foolishness tako...
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so uh we weren't just given good /vt/l export but babby winning /mlp/ export aswell so uh yeah the team is just genuinely cursed expect changes because how the fuck
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apologize for the
but man was this shit something, not the worst performance atleast as there was A goal but I've got thoughts brewin IF there's no manager tako to step up so don't lose hope there's also much discussion going on about medals behind the scenes
One day we’ll get a notification on YouTube and it’s just a live of Ina exploring an abandoned building on her own in complete silence.
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I now remember that back in 2022 i was big into football so when Ina went in her big break i thought "I don't mind if all the teams i support never win again i just want Ina to be healthy" so i don't think that somehow affected the /wah/ team or if that wish somehow worked but even though i don't watch that much football anymore it's kinda funny how the teams i liked got worse over time
I thank you for your team's sacrifice.
Real football or soccer?
Soccer i guess but i've always called it football
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Squishie earrings are a neat idea.
I don't think she cried at all
cute design
Teacucks are so fucking annoying, Jesus...
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I like Ame because of her boobs, but I like Ina’s boobs more. I still remember when we all thought Ame would be flat until she took her jacket off and revealed those honkers.
Nice on topic post dipshit
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This artist draws Num-like and extremely marryable Inas
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Ina banana soon... the voices told me...
forgot the link
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That is an extra cute Ina.
Seeing her more bluish is growing on me over time.
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We're winning it all next time tako, believe.
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