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Hitting The Gym Edition

>What is /BIG/?
/BIG/ is a thread to find, share, and discuss the biggest indie vtubers who have on average 1000 viewers or more.

>Can I shill my 999 CCV oshi here?
No. 4views or higher only.

>Wait isn't that one a corpo?
Yes. Go talk about Corpo Vtubers in their appropriate threads.

Other useful threads:

Previous Thread: >>86372520
Akuma Nihmune love!
Noomba love!
Dooby will become a VShojo orbiter and join by the end of 2025
Fat vei is a buff bitch now
Thread theme
Some fucked up rat that's pre-debut. I have it on good authority she'll be a /big/ger though
yo mama
is fat vei natty
chibidoki gave me brain rot
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Pink Cat Sex
What does /BIG/ think of Lucy Pyre?
nice place you have here, i might occasionally use it to talk about my oshi since apparently most discussions not related to current or upcoming streams are considered bait or off-topic in their general now
She has nise tits
she should post feet
You're always welcomed here fren
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Gremlin Spanish
>lucy made fps cute
She owes me sex
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>girls cute
[citation needed]
she is my oshi
chatty loves her very much
>thread hopping
how unbecoming
Yeah, me
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it's over twitchbros
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She's so fucking cool.
Too cool for u
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>cotton 3d mocap debut and orisong
>autistic screeching between ramblings
I wanna be cuddled by snuffy so much it hurts
If you're so /BIG/ then prove it
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/big/ guys live:

>Chibidoki: Minecraft autism

>Ari: Mario Kart collab with Froggyloch

>AmaLee: Mass Effect 2

>Yuzu: Just Chatting

>Yuy: Horror games
not gonna post pics here
my oshis business mail only
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Bro thinks Dooby will associate with the company that turned its back on her best friend Silvervale.
She follows Mouse, Kson, and Henya.
Veiposter pls
She's not following Melody or Froot who undoubtedly have the most power in Vshojo
Ooh, so close, Chibi JUST ended stream a minute ago.
I think it's going to be really funny when this is proven wrong.
Chibi just ended so I guess I'm watching Yuzu or Yuy
Does Yuzu always moan randomly?
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chinese moth and valley girl prey
thats kinda her bit
Shondoe will keep her safe from Vshojo.
I see, thanks for answering. I'll get used to it.
She is incredibly cute, sexy, funny, entertaining, and nice to listen to and one day I will make her my wife for real.
Shondo will let her collab with Henya.
>Numi talks about how a guy during her M&G asked if he could make out with her
>She gets offended and later hears that he got kicked out (unclear if it was because of this or other reasons)
>"Uhhh, guys? Can we not do this?"

On the one hand I get this because asking a stranger to make out with you is extremely strange, but I dunno, I get two feelings about this. The first is that if this person had been a hot girl she didn't know the chance of her saying yes would have shot up to at least 50%, the other is that she's kind of well known for being "that Vtuber that makes out with people" in and around the space. Like, sure, you can make the argument that the kissing she does is with her friends (something she treats as normal which it definitely is not, but that's another story), but it's really not that big of a stretch to connect those two dots, right?
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Hellhound tits in my face
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Her new model is massive sex it's great.
Making out with strangers is an entirely different ball game from making out with friends you know and trust. Seems like a good way to get an STD.
Completely true, and I don't expect her to say yes, but at the same time I really don't think she gets to be shocked that people ask in the first place. It's like being shocked that a gfe streamer gets people asking them out when they do M&Gs at conventions, like, that's kind of your entire brand and legacy, what did you expect?
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i never said i was
I can agree that people having weird requests at M&Gs isn't really surprising. Chibi goes out of her way to not be sexual, and she said she still gets people requesting stuff like having her step on them.
agree. dude dodged a bullet
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Is it now required for every vtuber to get a metal shirt model.
Lot of pink cat posters today
let's be fair here, most of those are probably jokes that go above her head
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Froot has one, Zen has one, Katie has one, anyone else?
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i'll sex em all
There is only so many different groups of clothing that they can pick from. And the models usually take around a year to go from concept to product.
It is just coincidence Anon
God, I love this woman so much I hate it.
Poor Lucy, I remember her feeling self conscious about debuting with it because Zen debutted with hers not long before.
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Westerners just aren't the brightest at character design
what is she staring at?
Yeah that is just bad luck. Sad thing is that you just know that there is retards out there who think that it was intentional because they have absolutely no idea how much work these models are and think you can just copy and paste them within an hour
I want to see a chuuba in an extremely soft looking beige turtle neck swearer
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These cuddles are going to get sexual with this racoon.
Oh yeah. Speaking of >>86410002 Snuffy had a metal shirt too right? I know she at least had merch of it but I can't remember 100% if she had it on a model
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I find Froggy to be pretty funny, but I'm not really a huge fan of her model.
I don't think she did.
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She has TWO!
I can think of one more but she's not /BIG/
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I love Froggy's model and not just because I like stirrups
Damn well there is definitely at least official merch of a metal shirt themed after her.
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the aesthetic fits but she didn't have a metal shirt
It's a common aesthetic
I would probably die but I'd be happy
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This is what Chibi looks like on the shitty Reality app she's being paid to stream on for an hour. Apparently you can have random chatters join and talk to them.
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Now she has a binky in her mouth and is making sucking sounds. This app is weird.
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What the fuck?
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I have no words.
Not a loli btw
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It's over.
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I unironically kinda love these shitty reality app streams. They're fun to look at for like, alternate universe versions of vtubers. Like this fucked up pink cat
what happened?
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Michi and Kuro did one too. I need more of these kinds of pics
She was only required to stream on the app for one hour.
Nah uh
sometimes they make bangers
no they don't
Well that was silly
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Thinking of Rainhoe's heavy hangers, thick thighs, and huge shits
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/lig/? More like /log/! Amiright?
next stream when?
she's been dethroned >>86413408
that is amateur shit (heh)
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Handsome boy time.
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large orifice general? i cant say that im not interested
When did she say this?
what a handsome boy
long ago
Mari loves Chromu
Does Chromu love Mari?
Why is there a /big/ now?
Cus why not?
TLDR; A thread just for 4views. Someone wrote a pretty good summary a few threads back.
we wanna talk about /BIG/ indies
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>saru moans for someone else's animation
>has to redo it till it's good
>discord tells her "wow the moans sound good unlike in your fansly"
>she says she'll try harder with the fansly from now on ;_;
We've been telling her for years here the fansly moans could be better and she finaly got it's not just people shit talking her
because /lig/ sucks gay
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i bet none of the posters here are /BIG/
>are Australians ESL
God I hope not, /BIG/ streamers have enough to deal with without having to deal with the schizos around here.
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sweet summer child
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I hope my oshi knows about these threads so she can see how much I love her.
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He's got a point. They're all in /lig/ to egosearch.
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my oshi uses the archive search so she can see every thread that mentions her
>Mythic makes a tweet whenever they onboard someone
>but they never made for Mari
>but they made one for all of her friends that joined
It seems like they only signed her because her views were popping off at the time and they didn't actually care about her. Now that they're seeing the vtuber numbers they're signing more of them and pandering to their fans.
>Not actually caring about anyone in the group
>Signing people just to pad their numbers
Say it ain't so!
Mythic didn't announce Vedal and Neuro either so that's on the talent to care.
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Games like this would make me rage so hard. There's nothing more annoying to me than the game camera getting stuck behind things.
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I wish Grimmi was able to stream tonight.
Grimmi reminds me. Anyone think any /big/gers could move to VShojo as a result of the auditions next year? I know I've been pulling for Cotton and Grimmi but Limes and Ari have also been around them a lot. Only one I know of that said they definitely didn't apply was Saruei.
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I'll show you just how /BIG/ I really am!
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I think you can assume Vei, Silver, and Nyan are not joining either. Call it a hunch.
I could have sworn Ari already got rejected. Cotton seems like she has a good chance if she applied, although I have no idea if VShojo is going for a more brand friendly image or not. I don't think Limes applied, but Grimmi seems like a very safe pick.
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Pink cat is BIG indie
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big wolf tits for /big/ thread
Far as I know Cotton hasn't said if she even applied, but it's been a pretty safe assumption given how close she is with people like Mata and Mel, as well as this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IxSJu2BcNS0&t=840s Cotton has a great YT btw highly recommended
Think out of the box, I expect them to try to recruit a european or another SEA bigga like Deme, no point in having yet another person in the packed NA timeslots
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>Silver posters
>Nyan Posters
>Vei posters
The gang's all here.
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Surface level discussions, clip chimps pretending they watched streams, vapid one word replies, reposts from /lig/.

This is an anti-laughing compilation
My money is on Limes, Grimmi and Deme. They have three different vibes and do their own thing.
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It is Wednesday my dudes!
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Is /BIG/ a giantess thread?
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No that's >>86167427
I don't think Limes is gonna join, she streams with Matara a lot but she seems like the kind to stay indie forever like she has been.
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its whatever you want it to be
Imagine the braps
love her singing
heading to bed now, hopefully the thread survives the Eu hours
Minto Bigo
I'll do my best. gn and gm
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Trying to run demoralization campaigns against us liggerman? The next thread will be the "Still Alive Edition" just for you!
make it a soundpost with the portal song
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you sound nervous liggerman
Which one of you autists did it?
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huh I forgot about her
wait I was looking at the wrong number lel
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good morblin
I'm going to cum in all of them
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you can try
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Chatblin poster is here! Good morning little buddy!
formerly mairubee, debuted around same time as kitsuhimenaoch, and koumariya, they would raid into each other often. any time she gets posted people just cry about gachaslop, so even if she reached the threshold she would not be discussed. she cries when a lot, especially thankful to her audience, she makes songs for them even though she's bad at singing and her voice is just that of an awkward girl with a 2nd gen asian american accent.
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Good morning wobblin
yeah but shes really hot
one of the few female chuubas with abs on their model
/big/ needs to post more big tits
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Mari's about to call a friend to break up with them.
She's breaking up with Beri, it's over.
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Which big do you dislike the most and wouldn't watch even if you were paid money? For me it's FeFe.
For me it's FeFe too. Blatant botter too. There's a reason she always crops out the reason for getting banned, when posting the mail from twitch
numi hands down. bitch got issues.
I even like Numi more than her
I don't know what Shoto even does.

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