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Bae a cute.
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hey man
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ame is such a terrible person for making all these retards cling to that little hope that someday she will return
Not even motivated to create a thread
Do you think minecraft was the right choice for the final collab?
Don't say that yet Pako, it's not over
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Lapsama my friend
is this really how things are gonna end?
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We never got that AmeRyS collab
im glad i chose an oshi who is a literal loser in every facet and her one saving grace from not offing herself is being in hololive
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Bae cute!
Ame cute!
Still funny that artists whitewashed her.
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I'm not missing that final Karaoke
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for some reason this is the oldest pic in my ame folder
Shit collab, shit ending to Myth5Ever.

Let the girls say a PROPER GOODBYE
I can see Gura being here for one more year minimum but that’s all.
Gura and Mori know
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There is no amount of doomposting or shitposting that will ever make me stop believing in my oshi.
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Ame will come back in one year and 6 months after her granulation
Anya cute!
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I love Mori!
it's over...
not really
half of them barely remembered anything about minecraft
/hlgg/ specifically was the straw that broke the camels back, as it was way more active than /hlg/ and there were now 2 threads that were faster than anything else on the board, that were constantly pushing killing other threads
Mori cleverly getting Kiara to say "one" was the moment of closure, anon
Not even mad or sad that she's leaving, EN curse will finally be broken.
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>get recommended this just now https://youtu.be/AzP6YmaQNdIv7EffeGnNO9zFW05

Wtf YouTube
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I don't remember this little girl being so white
I'm tired please put the karaoke frame up ame so I know how much I can nap it's 4AM
Remember that old Ame Time in a Bottle soundpost? Someone should post that.
I can only hope that Fauna leaves next.
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My Ina!
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I swear the comic about the teamate leaving hit me harder than the collab itself.

Ame's actually getting pretty close to getting selfish about the OOHHH NOOO NOT A GRADUATION GUYS NO ONE'S ALLOWED TO BE SAD while literally updating her roomate profile banners, like actual selfishness from her.
she just graduated bro
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>Kiara: having a breakdown
>Ame: Kiara, only (YOU) can pull the trigger and kill me!
Why is she like this?
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I am the last mythotomo
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[Good news]

New steve uploads
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I'm still working on some lyrics for a graduation song for Ame.
Who's your Oshi
What are you listenan' to
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Love chimkin
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Gotchu senpai
Or maybe Ame herself is clinging to the idea that she will return one day.
> No reason for them to stick around once their oshi is gone.
To me, these people don't enjoy vtubers tor hololive then. Just straight up, factually. Otherwise you would continue watching the other girls
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everything is fine...
yo mikochi
It's the only way she can cope herself. She's a mentally broken person existing on facades to protect herself.
weakest hololive member vs strongest niji / phase / mystic / twitch thot indie
you still pulled a good straw
I was questioning it, but it turned out to be for the best
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If Ame actually ends tomorrow on that fucking bus stop.
My heart will break in two.
I once freaked the fuck out trying to find this page in the manga because I'd forgotten it was from a doujin. Was a funny hour or so. Very not funny at the time though because I felt like I was going insane.
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Finally i can post this Luna

Out of touch out of time detective.
Stay strong Wawa, we're in this together thoughts
Believe or not that was the best they could communicate.
do you need to be autistic to get into Hololive?
Ain't no way this is real
Ain't no fucking way
I'd whitewash her too if you know what I mean.
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The only chemistry you'd know about is bleach and ammonia
i still think ame should kill ina
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If your oshi is not a retired 30 something woman with a failed career who won't leave Hololive even when the third nuke drops you're doing yourself a disservice, really
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Ame always appreciated the iname aesthetic
Kiara will do at least one 3D thing at studio Ame in the future.
I have foreseen it!
Holospy sold me this info
it's only right to have a section in minecraft or the Myth VR Chat world
you guys were able take tomorrow off right?
Because it's kino that way
qrd on that image?
This time tomorrow, where will we be?
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Me neither
Since the announcement I've been wondering what those teamates that decided to stay in the car during breaking dimensions must have thought..
I don't get why teamates are sad, we are literally getting more streams after this fake retirement
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Only in that it was the first collab, none of them remembered half of it, or cared whatsoever.

Same thing with the letter to Ame from Aqua
>"OH I already saw it on her stream!"

The collab sucked, and just leaves a sour taste in my mouth.
I enjoy vtubers for the girl I enjoy. If she's gone, why care?
It was either that or VRChat, but Minecraft was earlier so I think it deserved the nod
where the fuck is the stream, ame
More chemistry than your parents at least.
cool it with the anti-semitism
A graduation would hurt much less than whatever Ame is pulling. She could have made another deal and make it clear she's gone forever but merch will still be released. Instead we got some selfish deal where she's mocking her fans who will wait for her for who knows how long while she's happy doing something else and not caring about them
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For more positive stuff. You >justchads better nurture and care for your oshis. I really feel this gen has potentional. Everytime I hear stuff from them it's sometimes reminds me of Ame from time to time.
Which Myth streams have one of those feels ending? I feel like some nostalgia. Already took a look at 1st anniversary.
it's on kiara now. no one else in myth organizes anything and no one else is close enough with ame to fight their manager just to let her back in
it's a logistic nightmare to set up accounts and badges and discords and shit just for 1 or 2 events per year
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This could inspire you
The Teamates will be dead.
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>Only 22 hours until Ame's not!graduation stream
I don't know how to feel about this
I love Mumei too
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I'm sticking with the hags, they have already decided to follow this career, they don't have dumb ideas like starting a family or pursuing a different path that late into the game.
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I pray for the Teamates because they will be burned badly if they go to the other side. For one reason or another.
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Anon who manages the teamup here
Does anyone here still use it? I was thinking of hanging it up since it's getting harder and harder for me to keep it updated in a timely manner and I'm not sure if anyone still relies on it to keep up with streams
now that Ame is gone its time to move Fauna to Myth
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It’s like programming. Technically no but it seriously helps
Yesterday Ame gave me hope by correcting Gura that it wasn't gonna be their last 1 on 1 collab together, but today she kinda contradicted herself when she said that she'd be involved off-stream with event streams?
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since Gurame is soon kill
can we all agree that FaunaSame is the new /hlgg/ approved lovers and that THEY ARE?
i let the bgm ending song comicanon fade out, now i'm listening to this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vn51sqnrbwE

man, I remember youtube recommending me those ambient songs playlists all the time. usually math rock.
yeah, it started with minecraft, it had to end with it
Still listening to the 1 hr ending bgm
Only if they did it right.
They should have stayed in the EN server.
Found a desert and built the bus stop, complete with the giant cogs and clock.
I think Ame genuinely has no idea what the fuck her real plan is and she is holding out some hope fucking around as an indie can figure her fucked up mental state out.
I don't think it will end well though
jesus pemaloe, please be kinder to yourself
Reminded me of this
that one botched Mythbreakers collab where they played some gartic phone instead
I still do, but your time is the most important. I'd get it if you had to drop it.
It's the little girl cheering for Gura in Breaking Dimensions. She's a lot more tanned than that though
ame is gonna seethe so hard when she realizes a "japanese yea maybe" is their polite way of saying "never fucking again are you joining an event you gaijin"
this is what ame gets for not doing her culture reps
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This is my concubine
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That's the 2nd last straw. The last straw was people bitching on /qa/.
I shouldn't be laughing, however...

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my beloved
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Based on their dancing skills
I will save Gigi from her roblox addiction
Mori and Kiara have had the "organizers of Myth" roles since like 2022.
take notes from Ame herself
it was nagi's picture so you already know what's going thru the femmate's minds
On a spaceship somewhere
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I'm pretty sure people still do, but if it's a problem for you just don't bother. People will eventually learn how to use holodex if it becomes a real issue for them.
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Gonna watch the final stream, cry, write a goodbye post to /hlgg/, and finally pick up my old hobbies and be really -really- depressed. Might not be alive by the time 2026 hits.
No streamed collabs while she is an affiliate. They can have one-on-ones again if she comes back. Believe her or not, but that's what she is referring to.
rrat: myth didnt care about a satisfying ending today because they have one planned for her actual final stream
I do, but mainly just to keep an overview of EN
it has always been on Kiara...
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Yeah Justice is really high quality. Nothing can replace Ame but I'm feeling good about how they want to carry on her spirit
I unironically feel extremely bad for teamates, she's likely going to burn every single one of them whatever happens after this.
if she wants to go on a long hiatus she should just say it instead of this shit
I watched a Hooman identify a cock from a random gay pic on here. They are never wrong, it's scary.
lmao she got bleached. glad to know hololive is just as racist as i remember
Wait so are there no more Ame public streams? Just the members karaoke and then she’s gone?
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I still use it, but I understand if you want to hang it up
You've done a lot of good work over the years
She told Myth to go off on staff and they will if necessary
Why is Jimmy so talented?
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I use it every day but I understand if you want to stop. Managing that many holos cannot be easy
Actual finale tomorrow.
She can't do experimental 3D model streams while on hiatus.
Counterpoint: ERB
unarchived members karaoke at some point in the next few hours
final stream in like 22 hours
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The way I see it is;
If Ame's wrong about how her graduation is going to work, then this was one of the worst ways to go about it.
If Ame's right, then it was the only way to do it.
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Damn, I'm >>86406759 and I don't think I'm gonna be able to match up to this...
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I just hope that Ame won't regret it.
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I think Ceci and Gigi should kiss!
I can't remember what it was but didn't Ame muscle Cover before in some fashion? I think the nips are afraid of her legitimately
>been listening to a nonstop loop of ame bgm and ed music all day
shouldve been vr
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I'm not going anywhere. I'm gonna hang around Hololive like a ghost until Ame comes back.
Seems accurate, although maybe put IRyS in A for those hips moves
Ame was having some parkour autism and didn't give the stream a clear view of Gura's sign, but here it is.
>ame is
Just what did she mean by this?
Thanks for the feedback lol
I'll see if the original teamup anon (who still pays for it) if we can find another volunteer to help out at least. I'll try to keep it up as long as I can
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I don’t even know what I’ll do anymore
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I still use it but I can just go back to Holodex if shits too much of a hassle for you, teamupanon. Do what's best for you. Thanks for doing it for so long!
EN server will be disconnected, anon.
>but today she kinda contradicted herself when she said that she'd be involved off-stream with event streams?
I would have to relisten to it again because everyone took it differently from me, but I initially thought she just meant that when they meet up and hang out in person, that wouldn't be on stream.
Either way it doesn't really matter because Ame doesn't actually know (no one knows).
Kissable face
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I hope she does because that means she'll come back
Kronii will cry again
im going to cry again
Did anyone get a soundpost of
>So what did WE think?
Holy shit Kiara I fucking kneel
>after ame's final stream

I think the simple answer to all this is she knows about as much as what it means to be an affiliate as we do.
I still use it. But if you stop updating it, I'm sure I could work something out using Holodex's feeds instead.
Do you really need to manually update it, anyway? What is there that can't be automated by using Youtube or Holodex and the Teamup API?
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Thank you, Kiara. You're the best.
I cant look beyond a single days streams
I still use it, but there are other options out there if you want to stop.
so you wont watch Dooby?
I use it all the time to plan my week out
I've had it as a pinned tab since I found it, but if you find it too much don't worry. I can go to holodex too. Thanks for your work
Wait what
its been awhile since we've had a songpost
I love you too, teamate.
Ame is never coming back. The Myth finale made me sure of this.
Don't worry about tryna match me, just convey your true feelings anon. You've got something great in you I'm certain of it.
I kneel
Thank god I didn't go masturbate to cope
That's not as reassuring... there will always be that uncertainty
nigga read
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In happier news Bae will be back soon right after Ame's last stream!!
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Damn, she finally played DRG.
I still use it, but I can find alternatives. Thanks for the hard work!
You have the perfect angle: not actually graduated!
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------THREAD THEME--------

>It all just disappears doesn't it? Everything you are, gone in a moment like breath on a mirror.
>Any moment now, she’s a coming, Ame and I always will be. But times change and so must I. We all change, when you think about it.
>We are all different people all through our lives and that's okay, that's good you've got to keep moving so long as you remember all the people that you used to be.
>I will not forget one line of this, not one day, I swear. I will always remember when Ame was me...

Yeah I still use it daily. It's nice to go on it sometimes and look back on what streams were happening in the past and reminisce, it feels like a time capsule. Totally understand if you feel you have no time for it anymore.
Uhhh was chicken woman good all along?
>after graduation stream
I do, and I try to donate when I can, but I entirely get its a volunteer thing.
So this was the 3rd stream that Ame was talking about yesterday
>Surprise collab
I...I kneel.
is this after her graduation video?
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fucking based
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in bed, catch up on sleep for 2-3 days and focus on not getting fired because it's quarter end and audits are coming, then be back for FWMC F/SN
Also you're a fool if you think I'm ever stopping Ame ritualposts
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are they gonna do the same thing when gura quits
I unironically apologize. Based orange woman
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>finale stream
>stream right after
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>After the final stream
she will come back
i'll screenshot your post so i can laugh at it later
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You gotta be here when Ame pops back up bro. Ill miss you if you arent
Wawa my greatest ally
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KFP bless your oshi
Graduation stream is after that dingus
ganbare Kronii
It's happening? I kneel.
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>Now myth wasn't the last collab
just stick around awhile
I'm sure you must watch a few other holos. Don't torture yourself.
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this is completely unprecedented right?
>the cry babies got another guerilla out of her
Ame cute
I'm confused what's happening
it's good when holos help their indie friends
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reflecting on how times have changed and getting ready for new things
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Im sorry I doubted you
Why Kronii tho? Nothing against her, but the plan was to always be the three of them
Am I retarded, why are people saying it's after the finale stream, that's like 8 hours earlier no?
>uhhh after this I can't be on stream
>she will be on a stream immediately after it
Ame doesn't know what she's talking about? I don't get it anymore.
I missed Bae but it's not really a substitute...
dont ever claim to be a teamate again you fraud
doesnt make much sense seeing you apparently love Ame so much
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I never know what's deal people have with her other than being too much unity that she includes stars. But Ame was also like that so I don't know
I'm not a Teamate but my FOMOness forced me to join her membership and watch the karaoke stream
>sees Bancho dance once
>best in hololive
lol nosdrhd
I use it all the time but dont make it your job mate
0 rewatch value now kek
kronii cried on stream yesterday
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>after the graduation stream
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thank you kiwawa
to give Mori the biggest alley oop and solidify that Takamori always will be
this was a perfect chance to have beeber...
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Since I've been slacking too much this week I won't have time to properly edit, but I'm doing a song that's taking more time on the lyrics than anything else. Hopefully, it will be worth the weight.
idk... i just think that Ame is very cold towards the girls, she never really shows any emotion towards them so they end up feeling awkward with the situation, they were legitimately stunlocked
How come Coco and Aqua didn’t get to stream after graduation?
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Ame and her sex slaves
Why is this making me tear up
With so many EN members now it's understandable. Don't feel too bad though if you decide to stop, Holodex is a good enough alternative.
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So is it actually a not graduation?
Kronii gets to play with Ame one more time!
Based, anti fags get the rope
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Is this cus Gura couldn't collab until very recently
>after Ame's graduation
For real?
no it's like 8 hours before the final stream
based biboo
The flying dog is not at the top, shit list
>still seething
Former teamate and I'm trying to convince myself not to do the same. Those early karaokes were special.
in 1 hour 30 mins or 12pm EST tomorrow?
>after the graduation stream
so this was the collab that might not have happened. one last hurrah
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It was supposed to be Fallout 76
Oh by the way I figured this was a good time to post this so that you all remembered
Oh man I wonder whose channel it will be on!
doopid thread can't read a 24 hour clock
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I do love Ame
As in the Ame that exists in Hololive
I think its funny that Mori of all people has more emotional maturity than Ame
Or should I say, Mori grew as a person a lot while in hololive, and Ame stayed a womanchild
My main jam is I Am The Doctor
Segun tried his best but nothing really matches up to what Gold did
I'm sorry what htwath whwtf????
One last time
>shitposters just copy-pasting their crap
in the end, they never improved themselves.
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Gura will be the next to graduate isn't she? You cant convince me otherwise
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Ame leaving makes me fear for the future of /hlgg/ since Teamates are such a large part of it.
Splits are an absolute cancer and I can't see myself enjoying streams as much without this place even with the schizos.
why is everyone saying its after the finale? its in the morning
there are only 12 hours on a clock stoopid
>final stream
>won't be final
ok I'm not even gonna bother watching it then
Oh man, what a stream. The last Myth collab.
They've been around for so long it really felt like it would last forever. When it's something like a Sana situation, you feel bad for what could've been, since you haven't spent as much time as you could. But with Ame, she's been part of everyone's lives for so long.
My cope for now is that for at least the next concerts and big company-wide events she's going to show up but who knows after that. But since I'm already waiting for Coco, why not wait for someone else to return, too?

Thank you, Ame.
I used it since it was just myth, thanks for always updating it if you decide to stop, it really helped me out chu
Holostars aside, she doesn't fucking stream, and if she does its just a karaoke and superchat reading. She's insanely awkward in collabs and feels very disconnected from the rest of justice. She just sadly... feels like a bad hire. god-tier singer but absolutely nothing else
That's using a 24 hour clock, so that's tomorrow at noon SO WAKE UP EARLY
Even more of a WTF to Ame if she's going to do a normal collab right after her big departure. lmao.
Are you all pretending to be retarded or something? It's 8 hours before Ame's final stream
if you loved Ame you'd love the person who plays her
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>kiara will use her lack of social decorum to bully Ame into continuing to stream as a Holo
Do you like?
kiara... you're a good chicken
Read it as military time, you idiot.

So many retards ITT that can't into timezones...
a true holochad to the end, I kneel
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It is what it is.
People can't read timezones apparently
Americans are retarded, these replies are pathetic
what the fuck, I assumed I was getting towa baby'd but then I open and it's actually real
>You cant convince me otherwise
who cares about what you think?
The definition of a teamate is someone who is a fan of Amelia Watson from Hololive
I am a fan of Amelia Watson from Hololive
Therefore, I am a teamate
It's that simple
This is so fucking stupid.
/hlgg/ isnt disappearing retard
Kiara loves Kronii
Actually baffling many of you fucking retards here can't understand time, go back to fucking school
That's a good idea but I trust my manual updating over Holodex. I'll try to work something out to help lighten the load though
Stop being rapable
Ame came in mature what the fuck are you on about
>The one last collab, is the one with the ones most hurt by Ame's graduation
This is not a "BRAVO YAGOO", this is a "YAGOO YOU FUCKING BASTARD"
Still making it about her.
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They are fine, yes...
why are so many of you guys bad at time
if i showed you an analog clock, would your brains explode
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>says she refuses to let Ame graduate
>stays true to her word
Ame isn't my oshi, but I got Ame's membership for the first time because I want to hear her last karaoke, and scrolling down her members posts is so painful
I know she intentionally held off on doing mengen stuff because she was on break but still
Almost every single post going back for months is another apology about her lack of streams and lack of energy and frustration and stress with projects
Given how passionate she was about her ideas and how much she wants to make content for teamates to enjoy, having to keep writing these and feeling like she was letting people down for months and months must have been torture
I'm sad that she's leaving, and feel bad for teamates, but now I also desperately hope that things can get better for her wherever she goes
>10 years ago
holy shit the matt smith doctor was that long ago...
I'd also like to chime in and say I still use it daily. I find the simplicity of seeing an entire calendar for a week+ much easier to parse than a bunch of stream frames lined up back to back.

But I understand how much effort it takes to maintain it, especially with how the branch is only getting bigger over time, and with how so many of the girls ardently refuse to make easily accessible schedules.

Do what you feel is best. Thank you, and the original person, for maintaining it for as long as you have.
>Might not be alive by the time 2026 hits.
Then you will not be able to greet her when she comes back.
i'm just nervous, she will be the next right?
>DwarfKINO buying us more Ame
in 12 hours and 30mins you nit
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End me
This rrat is not strong enough for me
Only if you're a doxxfag.
I'm not a doxxfag, so I don't care.
I wonder what vtubing will be like ten years from now. If it will be around, that is
i dunno anon, stop pestering me.
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Isn't it something, to have been here since the start?
thank you for your service
Alright. Teamate here:

Sell me on your oshi and why I should move to her
Americans draw themselves the same way Japanese themselves.
You're so mad KEK
I fucking kneel.
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Do you remember?
>Hey we can have a 4th player, so Kiara who do you recomm
You know what? Fair point.
I use it, but there's alot of EN around now so don't force yourself thanks for it though helped me catch alot of Ame streams I would've forgotten about
little did they know, Kronii and Kiara are about to bawl even harder in a resonance cascade
Stonewalling everyone that felt emotion for her and trying to halfass her graduation is not mature
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man, do I feel ambivalent
the Hololive EN that's no longer the scrappy go-getters that figured out things on the fly, the Hololive Ame liked best is not the same Hololive EN that has Mori perform at Saitama, lets her and her friends perform in US every year and releases well prepared, cohesive gens that are ready to help her with her many projects
so while I see the end of an era, while I am somewhat bummed about Ame leaving, I also cannot feel entirely unhappy about it, because the things that make her leave in some ways ensure that my oshi will stay

I guess I'll keep looping https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wEbThT71R74 till my thoughts sort out
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>Nobody understand timezones in /hlgg/
>They're all being thrown through a loop by a time traveling detective
bravo Nolan
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At least I will actually have something to look forward to watching after having to go into the office after Ame's graduation stream.
Even if there's a 1% chance she comes back you have to be there for her when she does anon
Towa banana
guess Ame is a doxxfag then
Nothing that Ame has done with this whole thing has been mature, getting to have closure on this whole debacle would've been mature.
He's a teamate not a dooby smoker
Ame, she's cute
wait, is this lispanon?
who are you?
we're full find another one
its not her fault they're not emotionally intelligent enough to follow how she wants her last myth collab to be
I don't care about what you guys think, that's a Sundial win in my book
>Ame Come Back is gone
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You should take a rest man, more and more holos will join. You did great, brother.
which is funny cause that image has literally 4 different time zones listed. even has the UTC listed. People are legit so fucking stupid i fucking hate having to be in this thread with them
ame's personality is just like that. way back she even apologized for not playing to backseaters for not playing gwent
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Kiara Faito!
Bae > Kanade
>Ame, Gura, Kronii, Kiara
Interesting lineup there.
You know how that's not how this works. If a girl can't capture your heart then she can't be your oshi.
>If you really loved Luke Skywalker, you’d love Mark Hamill too.
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just like kiwawa!
I forgot about Ame doko, heh. Based
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Hold your head up high, teamate...
Got jump scared by Fuwawas fat tits
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I kneel chicken
I think the event that would most likely have Ame briefly returning is Myth's 5th anniversary next year
>all these teamates leaving
Have you guys just never watched a lot of Holos other than Ame? You might like Fauna, she's kinda similar to Ame. Or Ceci if you like the "creatividad" stuff. Just watch more ENs.
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>ame? what ame?
I don't know if I will be able to handle Gura's not-graduation. I hope the wait isn't too long because the longer it takes the more it will hurt
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I can't even seriously bring myself to brag about being an oldfag because I really have not done much with my life besides watching streams and posting here. Like sure I know all the memes and references but at what cost...
you need to stay alive so that if ame notdebuts you can watch her streams again
I think your logic is a bit broken bro.
I feel you on that one, man. The girls have grown so much. And even though we're losing Ame, all that growth sticks. I know she's happy for them even if it's no longer an environment that's perfect for her, and I'm ready to say goodbye.
You now understand better than the shitposters here about why she is leaving. She lost her spark, and she doesn't think she can be part of hololive unless she finds it again.
vtubers arent fucking actors
Teamates will always be here.
i heard KFPs have space
Disgusting. I'm so glad my oshi (Kiara) would never do such a thing.
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The 21st night of September!!!
I gotta say, it's ironic that Ame has been like "DON'T BE SAD" this entire time, yet time keeps doing things and playing music that will obviously tug on people's heart strings. Make up your fucking mind
Yeah obviously. That's why Kanade isn't on the list retard
Keked at this one
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She apologized killing her fellow EN members in CS GO too, I wonder why she is so apologetic
Your logic is broken if you think there's something evil about knowing who a vtuber is behind the character
Burgerchamas saw the 12 and 9 and immediately assumed PM because they are retarded
even if there was a 17 right below them
Amesametori was the original plan for a DRG collab. Kronii is a good 4th considering the members
Gurametori DRG has been in the making for a long fucking time now, I guess Kronii is their last minute +1 this time
erb is just fine and has nothing but supportive and respectful things to say and do towards the other girls, who she's watching with surprising frequency. Her actual streams are a bit one-trick at the moment, but it's a good trick, and I genuinely appreciate her doing a monthly round-up of unarchived karaoke, it makes it less of a bummer to miss a stream and I can unwind while I loaf off.
I guess im going to be up in the middle of the night to watch it, I dont care for drg but I love emotional moments
can someone tell me what time the collab is I don't get it
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Threads have been moving so quick that nobody will notice this
they're really fucked once gura starts crying so hard she can't mute
This has "I know every gen 1 pokemon by memory" vibe
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I dont have ame member for karaoke
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>What ame?
This ame!
Or maybe sailing across an empty sea?
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Lol, keep coping doxxfag.
I miss my nigga...
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She's a mascot for the company at this point, no they aren't going to treat her like that
I want a wife I can have a conversation with. Not a retarded big titty dog.
Graduation songs:
Anon, the Teamates are leaving even if the posters stay. Their identity as Teamates is over because Ame won't be around anymore and they won't have opportunities to identify as Teamates.

Also, some of them are going to be following a certain indie vtuber and they'll get a new identity from her. Those who stay here will eventually gravitate to other girls and pick up new identities. The Teamates are as dead as Ame.
What getting kicked down by society™ does to a man
Dumbass ugly Hooman, leave this place.
>Sell me on your oshi
Ames holotalk answer also reiterates that point, Ame does beat herself over stuff like that.
That’s better.
Oh well, don't pay it too much mind
All you can do it try and point it out and hope people learn
But what do I do now? Just spend the rest of my life grieving? I like having someone I cheer more than anyone else, and as sad as it is, Ame cannot be that person anymore
Is over...
I don't think most will actually leave
t. sanallite
post Mococo's image
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I'm not going anywhere and lucky for you I will be chatting with you guys because I'm a filty european and Justice was made for me
Apologies in advance for the discord tranny triggering when I still post Ame images in the next few months though
well the biggest issues is basically she barely streams, and when she does it's 80% unarchived karaokes, the other 20% is overwatch, undertale and rabbits. Also stop fucking wishing that faggot leech cunt connor happy birthday on your holo account like woman what the fuck is wrong with you
Give me your username, ill spot you
but i too am a burgerchama...
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Yeah, just watch ENs and still call yourselves teamates. When watching Fauna and she calls you sapling. Correct her and tell her that your a teamate and she should never call you a sapling
way back then she was extremely talkative on members, to the point it was really off putting when I membered other holos and they had a couple posts per month
off-stream work really killed her drive
Still here. Not as often, as Ame really was my reason for staying 100% up to date with all the girls, but I'll still be around. I left during her hiatus at the beginning of the year, and it was somewhat liberating being able to catch up on other hobbies, but I also don't really have anyone to talk to about them. At least here, I know there will always be someone to talk about whatever streams are live.

Maybe I'll be in an indie thread somewhere in the catalog if I find a specific one that stands out to me. I will always be a resident gator though.
Do you have that little faith in your oshi that nuAme's content won't be similar to classic Ame sans the new model?
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we might need to bring back larsposting
I will listen to this while watching Mori play DS3
Ame literally wants people to watch her on her new account
Who do you think you're appeasing by pretending you aren't a "doxfag"
Legitimately, improve yourself. Doesn't have to be much just strive to be slightly better than your past self
She wants people to be sad, it's pretty obvious, the way she went on Kiara at the end there was outright malicious.
who cares dude. It'll be archived, the chat will be nothing but hearts and crying emoji and it's guaranteed to be less interesting than CC's karaoke today
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psst, one more collab
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I'm not gonna let you forget about Ame that easily.
I’ve said this shit before and I’ll say it again no matter how many niggas wanna deny it, Ame’s got ADHD and until that shit gets addressed she will NEVER meet the standards she wants to hit to return
>She’s said herself she’s got a terrible work ethic.
>She’s said herself she gets stressed by deadlines.
>She’s said herself she tries to stream to avoid the stress from said deadlines.
>She’s said herself that knowing she’s avoiding something she’s supposed to do drains the enjoyment out of streaming, and so she just does nothing instead.
>She’s said herself that she’s not good at keeping consistent long term with tasks; FishTank, Ame Morning News, etc.
THESE ARE NOT NORMAL PEOPLE PROBLEMS. And if you go “nuh-uh, I deal with that and I’m normal” NO YOU FUCKING AREN’T. She has to get that shit straightened out herself, whether through extensive tools & programs to make task management easier, real psychiatric help, or fucking whatever she does to give herself structure, in order to actually improve. I have my doubts on her being able to make the changes necessary on her own… but hey, #AmeWay.
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Maybe because she, the girl who knows about the deal better than everyone, knows that it's not the end as she SAID OVER & OVER.
not bad
Hey, he was a great Joker
Kronii is just great in collab content in general.
justicebaby... teamates run /ameg/
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No, in fact I sometimes forget how MASSIVE Sana's milkers really were and I'm saddened she didn't stick around long enough for her 3D
I hear that dooby girl might blow up soon
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So this is how it ends?
WHY??? WHY NOT FAUNA???? SHE ALREADY GOT HER TIME YESTERDAY FUCKING BULLSHIT. I bet Gura wanted Fauna to be there but Kiara insisted for Kronii fucking biased
Gura is secretly depressed.
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Guess I’m gunna fall asleep to Ame tonight
watch dooby
>short delay but we'll be going for a while!
One more song!
>short delay but we'll be going for a while!
Oh shit how long is this?
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leave hlgg, play games, watch anime, and checkout nerissa and cc from time to time
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i guess better late than never
i have a iron steel plate protecting my butthole from you faggots
I'm ready to cry some more
Hajimmy is not that good lmao
>and hope people learn
they won't.
well I was kind of doing that and I got a degree but now I'm unemployed and all progress stopped lol
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You can watch Gura with me if you want but I will shoot you if you ohsihen
it's why I don't question Ame's choice. who would want to remain in content creation limbo like that
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teamates signed a suicide pact and will never oshihen
fucking lemao
Thanks kanade and kanademaniacs for lifting my mood
ok but wasnt it weird how everyone is suddenly saying rainforest on stream? Mori has done it many times so it wasnt odd for her, but I dont believe any other EN has ever once said it (apart from Ame saying it once after reading a comment), its just weird and demands explanation
JGBFPG, how was the final collab?
what a tremendous waste of money
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>btw one more collab

I hate these fucking girls so much.
>Numberfagging with Ame.
I check it several times every day, it's a very helpful format.
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This is it....THE final Gurame collab....
Wow, Kiara is actually so fucking based for this. Also got to give props to Ame for agreeing to do a sudden guerilla collab. Why do people hate Kiara again? FUCK SCHIZOS FOREVER
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Too many words for me to read, but cute Orca.
She can usually go about 4 hours without her throat giving out but she has gone on to do ones that last about 6 hours.
>Ame wants this thing that she has never once claimed that she wants
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You forgot astrogirl and Aqua's aquairo palette sequel
yui nyan . . .
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Your mouth....
Ame just has womanchild syndrome where she doesn't know who she is or what she wants, so she never commits to anything and acts like a total pushover but also gets passive-aggressive and resentful when people DO have expectations of her becuase it's not what she wants
Ever made any soundposts? That still counts for something
How is ADHD even treated?
The problem is that her ADHD, trauma/depression from her childhood and health issues like her tummy hort aren't attached to her hololive persona. She's taking all the baggage with her.
my cope is that cover isn't hyping this up like a normal graduation (no hologra or 3d events)
smartest shitposter
Kiara and Kronii can have a coping sex after this.
Have Fauna and Ame ever collabed 1 on 1?
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Anon, for some people, the hololive ecosystem is a critical part of who the holo is. This shouldn't be hard to grasp unless you're some /lig/ger tourist (you are).
I'll personally give her a chance but it'll still be different, and some people just don't care for that.
It was a nice sendoff for what was probably THE defining content for early myth (and holo in general around that time)
Holo EN MC was what got me invested in the first place beyond just find cute and funny girls to casually watch
It's been a while since I cared about MC, but this was one hell of a nostalgia trip
I'm sad that MC kino just died in 2022 outside of the mini-arcs that don't even take place in the holo server, moreso for Advent and Justice that never got the chance to partake in it
5000 licensed professionals could tell her this and she wouldn't listen because she only listens to AmeBrain™
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She's mine but you're welcome to watch. She's a teamate too
my ame... she's just like me...
I don't care what her content is like. If she isn't in Hololive, then I don't want to watch it.
she will play 8 hours of deadlock a day until she's hard stuck plat. then she will join a team as a regular where she won't talk much and will rely on low cut tops to retain viewers
It's less than McDonald's, let's not go crazy
For every 10 that don't, maybe 1 will
And I think that's worthwhile
I did and they're not ame so I dont care
where the fuck are the numbers?

You think she wants nobody watch her streams on Dooby?
Give me one of those, inner...
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You just want our cookies like that tako
Nobody cares about fauna
Just keep watching streams. Someone may touch your heart eventually. But I can't tell you when that would be or who she is. I didn't tell you that Ame would be your oshi, that's something you figured out for yourself. It just has to happen for you again. And it probably will, eventually.
meds, Mori takes them and she's basically a superhuman thanks to them
i get a stream, some people spend plenty of 5 dollar bills on literal waste in the form of scratch off tickets
Fauna. doesn't. care
pebbles get cookies too?
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I'm so happy these three got so close in the final years to be each others most cherished friendships (or one of). I did not expect this trio in the early years. DRG KINO SOON
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Are these retards seriously at the stage that teamates are not allowed to be fans of Amelia Watson and only Amelia Watson? Whatever she does after tomorrow, that's no longer Ame. Cry all you want, that's the truth. I will still hang out here because I watch other holos too
and that's why she's my Ame
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it's lispanon! you're as based as ever
ADHD is literally the one brain issue we have mostly fixed. Just take some damn Adderall.
imma be honest
if none of the other girls appealed to you by now then that won't suddenly change
lmao adhd is not real
Can Gura join in too?
If she did then she would have indicated it.
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A literal prophecy.
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This little pill can fix a person like you wouldn't fucking believe if they don't get addicted to it and start chasing higher doses
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I get it, I have the same issues
I've gotten.. a little bit better, I think
Having someone to hold my hand through it would help a lot, but.. asking for help is the hardest part, it's scary
So you just try and do it on your own, and sometimes it can work, and sometimes you get stuck, but as long as you keep trying you're doing okay
since Kiara is organizing a collab after her graduation, does this mean there can still be more? maybe AmeRyS isn't totally dead...
Aight here's a handy guide for Ame-like holos in case you want a new oshi:

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Hey, remember this?
"the ones who cried"
this will be a very awkward collab. those tears shed for nothing
Same, for what it's worth.
Got a STEM degree last year and been unemployed since.
Haven't even gotten better at my hobbies.
mating press
Ame in the AM ended, so all times are PM. 17PM is 5 hours into the next day. So 5pm since there's no AM.
You're wasting you're time. They care about Ame the character, not Ame the person.
Gura hasn't cried yet
What about mococo?
Thanks anon, I felt like I owed Ame and you all at least one last soundpost.
Please look at the time again, I can't deal with this many people failing at this.
Ame doesn't believe in ADHD, she's not gonna take her meds or ask for professional advice ever, that's her real problem and it will never be fixed. She preferred to poison herself for more than a year when she finally got tired and went to the doctor for her bread alergy
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Fauna is fucking boring
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are you guys pretending to be retarded or do you really think that this is a fan who is totally in good faith? stop replying
i'm taking a day off from work tomorrow
I guess you're unfamiliar with how roommate shit works but they know that you know
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I know you guys are sad and all, but Gigi is really sexy.
It's always the extreme end with you schizo.
Hey that's better than where you started so you already can't say that you haven't done anything with your life.
I am choosing to believe all these anons are not actually retards unable to read basic time notation and are instead just giga coping about ame like me
all of those can eat bread though
Did she rename her account?
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I really worry for my oshi as she struggles with the exact same issues. At least she has meds.
I say this as a sapling, but it's pretty obvious Fauna doesn't care much
If Gigi is so sexy why don't you marry her huh
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If you actually have ADHD you won't get the need to take more than what you need because you finally feel like a real person.
Nostalgic, right down the the awkwardness even feeling vintage. Quite a downer at the end as the girls were obviously upset and Kiara in particular didn't want to end the stream.
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I want to violate her armpits.
What the fuck are you even talking about?
90% of Holo roommate traffic comes from Hololive, they know this
Mumei was the first Ame-like holo
Wait, do I have ADHD?
Yes, but it also changes the way you think while it's active
I wouldn't say it 'kills your creativity' exactly but it does alter what you can find interesting or comment on in ways that some streamers would rather not have
Hey man, I made a nice $100 off one a couple of weeks ago!
>literally wants people to watch her on her new account
If this was literally any other holomem i'd say that you're right. Bitch is probably praying to be a 3 views... hell a 2 views.
After listening to 14.3 billion years had a bit of a silence then this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-KFYqCHZ7A
>I guess you're unfamiliar with how roommate shit works
Yeah because I'm not a doxxfag like you.
I've made one single soundpost
i love you orange woman. i'm so glad these 5 specifically made it in myth. it's a blessing and a miracle
Wrong, it's actually FWMC, they're geared toward pathetic losers
I do wonder why this last karaoke is members only, karaoke was one of her favorite streams and its odd that she wont share it with all the non members too
I thought this was the shikonoko nokonoko dance
I had a period like that with Record of Lodoss War. The scene I was looking for was actually in an OVA.
it's amazing how an answer so simple is completely ignored by these imbeciles
Then show me one time Ame promotes her roommate.
THIS. I believe in bitchin kitchen.
by the end of the day, she is a woman
Best GG armpits so far. I want to violate her armpits too.
gura/mooms are(were?) good karaoke chuubas
shiori/gg/cc are LA CREATIVIDADs
Are any teamates moving to IRyS?
when fauna started singing chiku taku today it felt weird and forced
no the collab is in 13 hours. it's going to be sep 30 for the west
As someone who's struggled with the same stuff, I'll say this:
Reaching out is a muscle. It can only be made easier with practice using it. It's true of a lot of stuff, and that may not make it easier, but it at least lets you know that it DOES get easier, if you give it an honest go. Each attempt to reach out becomes easier than the last.
She didn't just cry, she cried because she wished they'd spent more time together and asked if they could still play games together after she graduates. Really happy for her although I'm gonna cry like a bitch.
She proselytized it. It's not like there was a well-established name for it elsewhere
now that i think about it
outside myth who were the cllosets to Ame?
After 2 years I gave up because trying to give advice to or help someone who doesn't want to help themselves was just too draining.
meds, ADHD is one of the best understood psychiatric illness bc doctors fucked a lot of people in the 80s lmao there is well understood meds and stuff, but people is very adverse bc all the stigma around mental illness
lispanon... it's been a good run...
I hope her trip is going well and she's having fun.
Dark Ame...
Anon, I can't think of two EN holos that are more different...
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The only time I found GG sexy was when I opened up some catbox links to see AI art of her taking dick in Zankuro's style. Nearly everything about her design and personality is anti-penis to me. I just don't get it, but I'm okay with that.
If she didn't want people to watch her, she wouldn't stream

You're moral grandstanding to a crowd of nobody
Probably just wants a final more intimate moment with the teamates.
One of my worries has always been that after she graduates civ duties Mumei will start planning her graduation, but it's pretty silly to worry about things that I don't really know about
I like that people are remembering to put Mumei in the background acting silly.
WHat? This karaoke will go on for 4 hours minimum. This is way better value than any movie yo ucan go see
[Anti reply]
God bless wawa
I mean, I still need someone to watch as I go to bed and she's always been perfect for that by streaming all night.
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Yeah, Ame said Kiara can talk to her whenever but that doesn't mean Kiara isn't any less vulnerable to grooming by any other girl right now...
may Sametori continue to be there for each other
I met a traveler from an antique land
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed:
And on the pedestal these words appear:
"My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
No thing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.
I'm not holding my breath
If this was the first time a holo I cared about graduated, then I might be more optimistic, but seeing how different notCoco turned out, well, yeah...
I realized that it's not just the person, but the whole environment and ecosystem surrounding them as well
Kinda like why we watch vtubers in the first place, where the synergy of the cute anime avatar plus streamer is more than the sum of its parts
You're the one grandstanding bro.
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Better take adderall and stop disappointing people instead of not taking it and let your life go to hell of a sliver of "creativity"
>no tail
She used to be so active in her member posts... :(
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damn brat...ill take those cookies...by force!!!
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>alright teammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmate here
I will NEVER oshihen I am ride or die with the blonde bitch till I fucking DIE and beyond
I could be a fucking skeleton-ass deadbeat in the underworld and AMEEEEEEEEE will still be my oshi, fuck you weak bitch, I will NEVER move on """"""teammmmmmmmmate""""" there is no oshi that matched up to her and nay real teamate fucking knows it
kronii was always a closet teamate, just as we knew from her previous life.
okay, what exactly did she mean by this?
One last hunger game with Ame tomorrow.
Nice soundpost
Teamates (me) were coping but it was clear she lost her spark a year and so ago, you could even argue it was since the start of 2023. I hope she finds it again
she's not an ame
she's an ame
not an ame
she's an ame
she's an ame
you could make the argument she's an ame
>after she graduates civ duties
Isn't she in like, year 2 or 3 of her Bachelor's? And she's taking reduced course loads due to Hololive? Even if that were true, we've got 4 or 5 years before it's a serious concern.
EN - Mumei
ID - Zeta
JP - Mel?
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I'm really sad about Ame leaving, but I also hope that Gura and Kiara get even closer to try to fill in the loss.
round up 12 minutes to the next hour, then go forward one hour, then change the am/pm
thats when it is
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Is it a bad time to bring up the fact that Ame is graduating and she still didn't do the voice pack for that charity stream from 2020?
Awww, that's cute. I'm glad they changed the hashtag
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It's kinda cute and bittersweet that Kronii has been trying to collab with Ame as much as possible with the remaining time she has
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I love that she's getting more lewd fanarts recently, people are realizing Gigi is super fucking sex.
it came right after this
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Adderall and it works stupidly well for people with ADHD
It has a ton of stigma because normal people abuse the fuck out of it but a lot of people who take it say it makes them feel how they think they should have their entire life.
So not even once? Not even in a wink wink nudge nudge way? Thank you for telling me.
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Why is FBK such a Marvel mark? Is it curable?
There's no one like Ame in EN or the rest of the corpo now. Even the ones who are superficially similar in their oddball creativity or personality quirks don't have both of them, or if they do, it's a different flavor. You can't just replace a person that easily.
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Why do none of the ADHD pills my psych gives me seem to work?
It for sure changed who I am as a person, I'd say. But at the same time it made me a much, MUCH better person than I was before, so like, good
It would be an awkward trial period but it would've solved a lot of issues.
I'm sure these two already had an hours long cry session together
I just got back from getting a gf
How was the collab, how was the Kiara?
you'll be lucky if gura shows up to any collab after ame leaves t b h
wake up 12 hours from now and it will start
It also makes you super horny
based, but stop avatarposting. we heard you last thread
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Gura cute Gura cute!
How fast can she run?
Cecilia is a Gura
Not enough to lessen her responsibilities and forcing her to retire.
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>Ame agrees to one very last collab with Kiara, Gura and Kronii
>When she least expects it, Kronii takes the watch back with the help of Kiara and Gura
>They trap Ame and everyone in an eternal timeloop, ensuring Ame the day Ame leaves never comes
you wanna fuck her up the aysss?
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Since we're all reminiscing, post some OC you've made over the years
I also remember he telling mamatori "I enjoy your daughter."
massive westaboo
are you not a mark for the things you love also?
I don't give a shit about what other teamates do. You're the one saying "If you're a true Ame fan then you HAVE to follow her outside of Hololive", which is grandstanding.
i can see that
>I will NEVER oshihen I am ride or die with the blonde bitch

Doesn't that explicitly stop applying once she dies?
She has said multiple times now shes not allowed to release a voice pack without it being attached to a purchase or something like that
Ame has the best idol journey, no idol journey, no Ame.
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Oh fuck guess I am always cursed with vtubers that barely stream.
I have been watching her undertale vods and watched her rebroadcasts live and it's been making me smile a little. I have hopes it won't be like this forever.
You probally have something else or one of the small % unlucky enough for those meds to not be effective.
What's Fauna's top speed?
maybe you are misdiagnosed
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If only more artists would realize she has a tail
Gura looks so funny with her shark hoodie
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So Teamates are the new Sanalites now? Or at least starting October 1st, 2024?
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>when she stopped walking up the stairs and looked back at ame
none of them are ame-like other than shiori & cecilia and even then they still have massive differences
because you don't have adhd you have avpd
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Gura cute Gura cute!
Till death do us part, man. If she's gone, she's gone
I came right after that too
Even if it means I might be gullible, seeing Kronii being really sweet to her and showing her vulnerability was endearing as hell.
One of the first "cool" EN arts I came across. I loved the idea of Amelia being a normal detective who saw her world get torn apart, but then found a way to leap back - not only to save it, but also ending up averting a timeline's destruction through befriending the oddities.
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It's been years
>trapped in an eternal timeloop of having to experience a full myth minecraft collab
not like this bros
A bunch of the HoloJPs are true westaboos
going to the doctor tomorrow, if i get diagnosed and fixed by a little pill im gonna cry over having had my life stolen from me and not knowing that getting it back was right under my nose for years
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I'm going to eat an entire pizza to distract me from the gloomy atmosphere.
if mooms didn't graduate after 4 years, she's never graduating. she's not actually doing a phd
I'm still forever pissed that ame actually ran into this npc and nobody posted this soundpost. I never saved it so I couldn't post it either.
awkwardkino, just like old times
refused to let the stream end until Ame shoved a gun into her hands and Mori put her finger on the trigger
>threads tonight and /ameg/
wait... teamates actually think Ame is going to come back one day? lmao
Kiara said what most of us are feeling and thinking. It is genuinely and factually a better and healthier ecosystem than it was 4 years ago when the girls had nothing but each other and 3 managers. But that doesn't mean that we can't miss those scuffed up days.

I remember Ame and Kiara each talking separately about how envious they were of how smoothly and professionally Advent's debuts went, yet also that immense sense of pride that they know they're the reason that the branch was able to provide for the newer generations.

I think Ame herself misses those days more than we do. She's always been a tinkerer, and not being able to explore the technology to its fullest is probably one of the main things dragging her motivation down. Only time will tell whether that sense of nostalgia fully outweighs the comfort of being in an environment that can support her.
bets on her last song?
Kiss Me? Duvet? Closing Time? Moon Song? Gura doesnt know I exist? Good Day? Pop on Socks?
Let me get this straight...
she's notgraduating, but can still participate in gaming collabs like usual?
what's stopping her from appearing on stream once a week? maybe she could have a zatsu collab to tell everyone what she's been doing
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Check it.
Last fun sentimental send off. Kiara held it together until the very end broke down
>artists forgetting gigi's tail
>artists forgetting gura's tail
>artists forgetting that some holos have no tits
why do we keep them around again
If you're a true Ame fan, you'd like the person behind the vtuber
If you just like the vtuber, you aren't a true Ame fan, your devotion is shallow
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I drew this all the way back when Ame debuted. It's probably the only proof I have that I was there the day she debuted.
Good Day
>>artists forgetting gura's tail
this happened on official art lmao
why is it just commonly accepted that gigi has a stuffy, stinky pussy
kiss me would be my guess
yagoo will chain her in the dungeon if she tries to quit
>if you like Ame, then you aren't a true Ame fan
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My computer's in the shop, but I do have this
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>Ame agrees to one very last collab with Kiara, Gura and Kronii
>When she least expects it, Kronii takes her computer with the help of Kiara and Gura
>They trap Ame in Hololive by DM'ing the managers "jk lol" and force her to keep streaming, revive bubb4bot and fishtank, also kick the Watson family from her house and move in themselves
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Rewatching Kronii’s first ever non-council collab after the collab ban was lifted
Bae has no tail in this...
She needs to get that lazy eye looked at.
This is super common with Bae and Gura too for some reason
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alright Kiara if you're reading this thread somehow force a FaunAme thread that I've always wanted
this would be a sick outro but it's much more likely to be the standard idol songs (SSS, bright parade, etc)
She's graduating. Cover is just covering their asses so they can still release some things that are already in production that have Ame in them.
>once a week
You’re asking for waaaaay too much.
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I was sad but then I made some frech fries and now I'm happy
I realized a little while ago that artists forget it because you literally NEVER see it on stream. You'd think they would remember it regardless, but....yea. People also forget Gura's tail too
I'm socially fine, I just can't get myself to do what I'm supposed to do, instead only ever doing whatever thing is the shiniest object.
It fits pretty well though.
great shes going to ruin the collab again with her crocodile tears at least Fauna isnt a fake bitch like her pretending to care
Shit is not a magic pill anon and it wont fix shit in a single day. You need to test what meds work, if prolonged uses, or before you want to do some shit. Also, there are side effects at the start like feeling funny on the chest or small cramps.
It took me a few months to land on the one that worked.
there is literally no way it isn't gonna be Kiss Me because that was the first ever Amesong and Ame know that Book Ends is a fucking kino trope hence why the final Myth collab began as a rerun of the first collab
is that why my youtube chat summery said they were gonna play DRG soon....
Thank you, I almost thought I was in bad company in this thread.
she's collabing with Kiara, Gura and Kronii
stop using wrestling terminology
put them on a pizza
Deadbeats, these will be the last rainforest threads with you guys. I hope it's a good one
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>the gamer of EN, the aerobics instructor of hololive, debbie the dolphin, hololives rockin rabbit girl
>hololive finest chef, ENs strongest knight, wanda the whale, the sheriff of hololive
day after
>the pez dispenser of EN, hololives busty octoberfest maid, olivia the orca, the sleepiest girl in hololive
we can just continue like this right?
fat fuck
based and french fries pilled
Nice crackpot theory.
I am not a teammate but we don't know what is really going on behind the scenes, we don't know what the "soft" graduation shit means, it could mean an open door for coming back at any time once she gets bored of indie shit.
i'm a sovl merchant
I made this before the dance stream that got postponed but still happened. I'm glad the comicanon made a better iteration of it and included others
i love how all collectively said fuck gigi fan hoodie and just draw her with a plain white shirt and nobody cares about it lol
People forget FWMC's tails all the time too
She's doing that before she graduates. Do you not know how to interpret military time?
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Should I cough up the $5? I feel like I might regret it if I don't.
I'm kinda the same, but at least I'm not a streamer I guess...
*suplexes you*
>If you’re a true Iron Man fan, then you have to like Robert Downey, Jr. if you just like Iron Man, than you aren’t a true fan, your devotion is shallow
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s-shit....Part of me.....forgets if I saw this or not.......no way....did I miss it...right?
now you're fat too
Blame hfz, it's thrulture now
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Do you ever feel
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Posting CC's nude body to make myself feel better.
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Give me
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this is the perfect chance for you guys to stream towa
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holy fuck
he's just like Kronii...
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First holo related drawing I did. Dec 2020
>the sleepiest girl in hololive
Thats nerissa
saved.blessed be, anon.
pretty ironic isn't it?
It ain't magic but it's helpful if it's applicable to you. You do have to actually put the work in to help yourself, but it does at least help you in putting the work in.
Also just an FYI if you do, be careful because you're probably gonna forget to eat a lot and lose weight at first
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Saving $5 isn't worth the regret
My new oshi is Bijou Koseki.
i alwasy had the impression these 4 talk more than usual in the back.
i know gura is hard to reach but i dorecall she having really good abnter with kronster.
i hope...they keep reaching each other and even not ame after tomorrow
so you're saying all vtubers in Hololive are playing a character and faking it for stream?
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When I used to go to Del Taco, I'd order chicken tacos and french fries and then I'd put the french fries in the chicken taco to eat it that way.
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Come here friend, lets enjoy both it to the fullest
Still thinking about Axolotl Fauna.
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Sharing this again in case anyone cares. My Ame folder
And the captain of a nuclear submarine
I was just thinking "they probably don't forget about the dog girls' tails right"
Cute nino
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show a recent drawing. did you do your reps?
How fucking dense are you
Also Kiara's feathers
My contribution to Ame in this thread was this soundpost... I will also miss you amebee you are my favorite variant...
I can imagine Kronii opening up to Kiara and crying together over Ame, which just made Kiara love Kronii even more seeing her vulnerable side, and then had to include Kronii in the collab
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what a hot little fuckdoll
Who's that? She looks cute
Artists forget many things when drawing holos. I swear they draw from memory or take a screenshot from a stream as reference, cause there is no way they are looking at the official reference sheet with the mistakes they make.
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>avoiding something she’s supposed to do drains the enjoyment out of streaming, and so she just does nothing instead.
Wait a minute that's me...
Based canon body enjoyer
candle holder is codeword for an M4A1 for those who don't know
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koronnnnesuki here
I just wanted to say that we all love Amelia Watson and want to kiss her rrat mom's voice
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the first time I've ever decided to open paint in years, only to make the most retarded joke one could make
before this it was always some small edit here or there
Ame just HAD to use THAT music at the end of the stream, huh?
>Ame is going to give the watch back to Kronii at the end of the collab
>If you’re a true Iron Man fan, then you have to like Robert Downey, Jr.
To be fair, RDJ was allowed a ton of improv on top of being highly similar to his character. He literally is Iron Man.
I made some spaghetti aglio e olio. It turned out pretty good.
Maybe the DRG stream tomorrow will be better closure
I fucking love this one, great job anon
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Share with the class nigga.
Destroyed by facts and logic.
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She'll start the stream without members mode enabled
I genuinely don't know what is sadder between Kronii's goodbye in the aquarium and Kiara refusing to say goodbye in the final Myth collab
both are really sad in different ways
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Drew this and a Sana/Palkia pic when the remakes came out.
Shit was fun.
I forgot this was the version with KK Slider in it lmao
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This is making me remember the Ame fan game and now I'm sad again
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based but you're a year too late
Kronii and Gura comfortably shit talks each other on stream
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I was already having suicidal thoughts today because of problems with my parents, and now things are getting worse.
>force a FaunAme thread
Why would she force a thread
yes anon. dont regret missing this
Damn nigga, you good.
This was my biggest hit, I think.
My first was this during the Halloween VR collab https://litter.catbox.moe/tcjwyn.png
I literally have no idea it was probably 2 years ago
Are you the same guy that made this?

Yeah thought so
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who else is still here
vtubers arent actors retard
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>It was good while it lasted. We eased each other's boredom for quite a while. Well, Watson, it's been interesting...
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And the Sana pic for reference.
This was one of my favorites soundposts. It's sad that the audio is gone.
take your meds
wen sex
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>im going to keep the watch
>if I give it back then you wont have to excuse to come find me
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Aside from the fact that she has no nipples or sexual organs, she's literally MADE for sex.
i want to punch you so bad
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Exactly this is why retarded shitpost such as "She will be the next to graduate" is baseless as ever, they even let her scott-free without streaming, Cover Investor will lynch Yagoo if he let Gura to graduate

t. Seed B Investor
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I ordered taco bell and got extra food than I normally do. I'm gonna eat my sadness away...
I'd fucking pay it for you if I could
looks like this >>86409466 one's dead so I'll post another
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>plain white shirt
It's just an assumption. It could be a tank top or a camisole. Her mama hasn't drawn her without a hoodie yet.
I apparently made this in April of 2021, some good times
fat fuck
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>the upcoming collab basically confirmed Ame can still appear on other girls streams, just not on her channel
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from march 2021 i dont remember the context at all lol
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My first comic. Started drawing cause Mori said she used to draw in threads too.
no it didnt, its happening earlier than the graduation
what did you get from taco bell?
You multiply those frames, anon-chama
s-surely someone will save the stream for us poormates right haha...
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how are you supposed to breed her?
>anon discovers he has undiagnosed ADHD that's been hamstringing him all his life
If I had a nickel for every time this happened..
It was fine
>tfw the news that EN server is going to get disconnected from the others
Kinda mad, t b h
Based, I miss the pokearc
I swear to God how are you faggots so confident when you can't even understand how clocks work
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Thanks bud. Have an early Ina/Anya Unravel 2 pic back when I thought she was an oppai loli
kek I don't get it
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they will put Ame in a dreadnaught for even after graduation she will stream
>Kronii will refuse the watch so she can always come back
Kiara and Kronii should act as Gura's lesbian moms from now on
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Ame literally never dies though. Canonically time runs out for her and she ends up frozen at that bus stop at the end of time for all eternity.
>aside from
That just makes her MORE sex
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Naname's voice is ridiculously hot
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Mori is Live Again!
Same but ice cream. It's the first time I ever ate because I was sad.
can a computer anon confirm this isnt like, a virus for me.
sorry friend, just making sure....
Mori is live again... again
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Goodbye Ame.
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I've been here since the split and I'll be here until the end. 2030 at a minimum, we're going for decades bros
Mori is live again!
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The only OC I have ever made.
thats not adhd thats completely normal
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Clearly Gura asked someone to pass the egg salad.
You go on a lovey-dovey date shopping for parts together and build a new automaton that looks like both of you.
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>Mori was supposed to start an hour ago
She was crying...
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found another one from january 2021 this was shortly after i started to draw kek
Anya not being oppai loli is a crime
reminder gura performed with a kronii cardboard cutout instead of waiting for her 3D
that's just how many people on your same ip with you
gigglers cute
Nice I have this saved from when you first made it
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Why does it have to be so late
I gotta be up in 6 hours
anyer is schrodinger's loli
Do it, and hang out with us while we all cry together one last time to her singing
It's fine.
they were still talking
Wow that is some great art
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it's honestly hard to pick one
She said she delayed it because Myth was talking in discord after the collab
i'm regretting not buying any ame merch because it's yellow
but i really want to rep teamates at future hololive events. what should i get?
Are otomos not waterproof? Seems like a design flaw
gurii is literally timerys tier, if not better and is better than gurame
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It'll get better.
Come watch Mori with us. It's better than being sad AND alone.
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Mori is live again!
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kek Bae
I still think about this one every now and then
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probably also when the DRG collab was set up
Nice, the reps paid off
Microsoft defender gives it the seal of approval
Why did Kronii know so much about marine life?
I'm not sad at all
I know Ame is going to be around
Hell, she'll probably even collab with doki in the coming months
Will you still be here even if Gura graduates?
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>did you do your reps?
No. I quit drawing for over a year and only half-ass picked it back up
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Baelz lies of P or Bijou lies of P?
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Ame is leaving Hololive to become an Onlyfans girl and the last 3.5 minutes of her graduation stream will be webcam footage of her massaging her own IRL boobs before management manages to cut the feed.
But seriously, she's probably going to go late as balls so don't beat yourself up over it
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I'd just like to say thanks to Mori for her being supportive of Kiara when it was obviously really bringing her down having to say goodbye. You have a good oshi, deadbeats.
man, this chill DONMAI is fucking with my emotional response
>donmai... cause I'm betting it all on me...
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And sometimes they draw from reference but reveal they never watch streams since they draw Mococo with only one sock having a fishnet pattern when both of her socks are fishnets
I've literally never made OC but I make funny posts sometimes
thats not ame though
Genuinely a good comic
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One of only two goslings I have saved
she loves Grand Blue
I want to jerk off but I'm too sad to jerk off and it's frustrating
whos the cutie on the left?
I remember that skateboard drawing kek, nice work mate
here's the video with audio! glad you liked it!
I didn't think that one was as popular
These are the anons that mad fun of Kiara for not being able to read a clock
And I would say not being able to read a digital clock is even more impressive than a mechanical one
cute flattie wife
I want to go back
I'm assuming waterproof but don't float.
Piled corn
Used my rewards to get a free gordita crunch and also got that new discovery box they just put out with another gordita crunch, a dorito taco, and a regular taco. Also got a sugar free baja blast and some nacho fries
the end of time will be (essentially) when all particles in the universe have decayed leaving nothing in existence
so there will be no bus stop
>[Announcement regarding the resume activities of dormant IPs]
yeah, I mean I pretty much spend most of my time here watching other girls anyway. There's no shortage of hololive girls I like
Bae for Souls newbie and Biboo for experienced Souls player.
You better have drawn some more FAT TITTIES when I see you at Fes anon
Otomos are as water proof as Ceci, they're not watertight but also water doesn't really matter as long as they can dry out well.
God I want to impregnate Gigi.
Thanks, Mori singing that still cracks me up.
That's a real sad way to look at hololive or even life and relationships in general
Canonically according to what?
It's very normal in today's society given the complete information overload you live in
It's not an illness
>the duality of teamate
That's cool, too.
Someone was playing Cyberpunk and the thread was talking about not having optical drives anymore so the joke is the chumbud passed the teamate a disk full of "CP" for him to try out.
That sounds like a fate worse than death. Or at least until another Amelia enters the next timeline, free.
both good desu
Biboo for less suffering, Bae for more suffering
What the fuckkkkkkkk...
I appreciate your oshi for wearing her heart on her sleeve like she did. You have a good oshi, KFP. Hope you enjoy the DRG collab
i replaced your nzulvg.mov with om3tcw.webm and got this https://files.catbox.moe/om3tcw.webm
bitchin, enjoy your meal anon
Draw a GG bimbo
(°□°)︵ ━
>Ame leaves
>new Fatebringer lines coming out in 6 weeks

I have no one to use them with...
I'll kill you one day
You can't fool me
oh kek
are you a sadist? do you enjoy watching the suffering of others? if yes, pick bae
t. Nigga who wants to suffer the rest of their damn life
these ones are fucking funny
There's probably close to a thousand gifted memberships over the course of the past week alone, RIP to anyone who didnt get one.

Been answering Google surveys for a long time, I had enough to get one. Fucking jewtube didn't give me one of those gifted memberships (I already got it twice in the past)
Kinda weird
I like and watch all holoens
Season 2 soon!
mori is using her 2020 voice
blast from the past
>rewatching/listening to that final bit where they were counting down and trying to get Kiara to say 1
>realize that during her muffled whimpering at the end Kiara was actually saying "Ame, please Ame, cancel it" (i.e. your graduation)

holy fuck my heart, I didn't even catch that the first time around, gonna need another heavy drink
"Bus Stop at the End of Time" is the name of the location, not a literal description.

It's where Ame's time stops. The rest of us will go on experiencing time after Ame gets frozen at the bus stop. Time only ends for her there.
oh Mori was 100% crying.
I know that feel
Alright, see you there.
>Your Oshi
>Your DS3 build
Calli's been crying I can sense it
Thank you my brothers. Hope you remember to eat something delicious as well
I have no problem with this at all but I can understand if somebody does
>Gura never finished Atlantis
They were having sad discord sex
I heard it live, fuckin hurts, man.
Oh yeah Mori said she was goign to try and draw one of these every stream, but always forgets lmao.
I'd watch both if you have the time, both play in different ways
Bae for a complete newbies first Souls and Biboo to watch someone style on bosses
>Your oshi
>How many songs should Ame sing
Catarina set with ringed knight paired greatswords.
Mori was crying.
Mori gets it. She really does. Someone should tell her
>Subs only chat
Fucking bitch. Let me call you a good person without having to increase your numbers.
some real cute (and yummy) pics in here anon, thanks and good taste~
>i can't do it
I like Bastard sword + shield
KEK the end.
Fucking shit man. The tears started flowing again...
does it not exist anymore?
i picked the wrong week to stop huffing nitrous oxide
I really hope they release those models some day
As sad as it is to officially have an era end I'm looking forward to the future of Hololive.
It's so weird that Advent has been around for over a year what the fuck
Niggas I just got a membership gift
isn't this awesome?
I went full struggler
The Wameholo will live forever.
Deserved. You should be subbed to anyone you consider a good person.
all of them
They should have done that before, Ame gave in to social pressure easily, but she said that all of them gave her their "approval"
Tell the spam bots to stop spamming her channel
>Tatsunoko - Drove away
>Fandead - Murdered
>Sanallite - Went out adventuring before going stale
>Kapumin - Murdered
>Aqua Crew - One last month before going out
>Teamate - Taking a bus (might be back)
Reptiles are the only ones technically still alive.
I'll draw us all with fat titties
moralfags are so cringe
Wake Me Up When September Ends 120 times
Oh hey I have this one saved
66 strength
Yes, I am Lispanon. I made a lot of sound posts back when Vtubing stuff was still in /jp/. Ame graduating really shows how much time has passed honestly, the times surely have changed. I will miss La Creatividad, but I’m happy she’ll at least still have a role with Hololive, even in the background.
time feels weird bc justice feelt it was rushed lol
Why are all of the gifs Bae uses so compressed

If Ame sings the song from Coco, I'll fucking put a bullet between my eyes.
Thank you man, I lost hours trying to find the audio in the archives. Gotta update the filename now https://files.catbox.moe/fxppz8.ogg
150ish should be safe to break the record. i think currently held by september?
Same desu I used to think I would leave once Gura does eventually stop but realize that I still spend all day here watching other holo girls while she is away.
ahhhh cute nice!
Kiara should keep asking Ame to come back everyday until she finally does it
The Cups song
You lucky bastard
This is so ridiculously awkward. How the fuck have I never seen this before KEK. This has got to be one of the hardest to watch moments in a stream right?

galaxy gas anon....
Also I'm suprised Rainforest became the official name and spread to the other girls instead of it just being a /here/+mori thing
I miss Ina...
Bruh like almost every Holo has sub-mode on, where have you been since like 2021? lmao
did mori just say she wants a communist style jacket. wtf
ඞ AmongUS
Ame decided to graduate after this stream
>Ame is literally dying
>Let's pretend we're in school!!!
wtf has she been doing? she doesnt stream anymore
The EN server really is a time capsule
>One last month before going out
what does this mean
Can you fuck Pekomon in this?
what's wild to me is that justice has been out for 3 months
Then I would be subbed to too many people
neither of Myth are the girls i feel in love with anymore
Kamina. I heard communist too kek
Oh, I thought she said "I can't say it" when I first heard it. Time for more tears
This is why Ame's leaving btw. It's also why Gura's been so quiet.
I wish the game supported mods so I could make nude versions of all the spirtes
I posted the Pikamee bench on /hlgg/ way back
Poor Fauna. All her work will be fucking gone, all the stuff she uses for her tree will be fucking gone.
Whatever the heaviest weapon
She's been on streaming break for the month, doing recordings every second day + rehearsals
A full month of streams before getting axed
It does
There are many Indie character mods
they go to femboy heaven
(my bed)
It happens
What's the chance Ame explained the deal after this & that's why Kiara is fine now?
I find this really appealing but not in a horny kinda way. I wonder what it its about it.
Kiara go to sleep, it's 5am
Watch streams
And what would be closure?
Naw, it's on the new one.
Hobo server begone
Ame's starting soon, but I'm pretty tired. Maybe just a quick 15 minute nap...
that wasn't as bad as I remembered it
Fauna mainly only uses stuff from the new server
Even the mob farms are pretty outdated
the mackerel...
Is she in a bunch of other holo's 3d lives coming up, or is she getting a solo soon?
That's kind of what the Myth voice drama is about, though she's a time detective from the start.
mori made it official
gura shouldve made gurame official too
why can't staff do anything righttttttttt
she posts from her phone, shes actually explained this b4
Thanks for your work bud o7
I never said her tree was gone, I said the stuff she fucking uses for the tree.

Her bee farm alone is one of the big factors and it's not on the new server.
>hardest to watch moments in a stream
the Kobo IRyS collab was worse, Kobo legit ended up crying because of how bad it was
come on.....share......
did i miss an announcement about the EN server? it's not getting deleted right? just disconnected from jp?
The narruner
Bandit's Knife, luck
Keep it up, anon! Hope to see more pics from you in the future.
Think she mentioned she'd be able to show what it was soon so I figure there's something coming out in October/November
No chance it's a solo though, maybe a 3D live
is this not gonna be a dark souls stream?
Mori used to be my oshi
I try not to watch her because I didn't wanted to realize I still have some feelings for her. But I'm such a dark souls fag.
she's not even fine now, she's just resolved herself to make happy memories this stream
All of Myth and probably a lot more people we won't know about probably stepped in to help calm Wawa down over the last hour
Unga bunga two hander with that one hammer you get from an early boss
I thought she said "I can't do it"
one deadbeatsona then dark souls
But she always used AmeSame more than gurame
I'm away from home so I don't have my pictures folder but if I weren't I would post that edit I made of the "spin that chair" comic with Marine spinning an egg.
>Mori suggested minecraft
>Gura suggested digging a hole
these bone heads
She remade the bee farm on the new server
That will make her cry more though.
Sub mode has been pretty much mandatory since that time when Kobo's channel got taken down by spammers with porn pics making it show up on her overlay
she said she had a bunch of stuff upcoming for the new year, and she had been busy up until now, so this was the only time she could go on vacation
>lia canceled again, ma'am
>t. not a minecraft monday chad
>Kiara didn't want to dig the hole
Yeah, the one in her heart
her "intro" is drawing out a deadbeat first
She's gonna draw this deadbeatsona and then hop on DS3
I watched that the other day and it was over hyped.
>Kobo cried over it
At what point?
wtf something is happening to the EN server? I didn't watch the collab
she did
No, there was only Koyori's and it doesn't pump out honey nearly as fast as her bee farm.
Can you draw GG armpits?
>This is so ridiculously awkward

That's what makes it so kino tho lmao
holoEN is dead anon.
I don't like to sad post, but it was kind of sad that all of the amesame DMs Gura dug up are around debut and shortly after debut
Mori is going to be too busy crying to stream tomorrow.
I need to figure out how to automate turning soundposts back into webms with sound so I can preserve my hundreds of soundposts
does this mean mori will be participating in ames final stream?
>No stream tomorrow because she wouldnt be able to keep it together
Disconnecting the EN server from the main server feels like kind of a dick move. Yeah, it wasn't as populated as the main one, and yeah it was stuck in the stone age with broken and outdated farms, but it has just as many memories tied to it for the fans that were there during those days. Quite literally, people IN the company wanted to get into hololive because that server exists.

And for what? Updating to whatever the most recent patch is, so that we can have a week of MC streams, at most?
>open mori stream
what is this?
Anyone have the soundpost?
After the new minecraft update coming soon, the server is getting nuked
HoloEN is dead anon...Ame's gone...
She picked old ones on purpose, dumbass.
A stream with Mori in it.
It's Over
>I always feel weird calling someone my oshi
>Anri's Straight Sword
NTA but she didn't cry in the collab, she cried in a stream after that, same with IRyS, but she just almost cried in members because she was talking about her social anxiety problems
>this is a very tight hole
Genuinely what the hell is Ame gonna do in her “final” stream tomorrow?
Entire server is getting updated which might mean that some servers are getting unlinked
They’re updating something server-side and it’ll sever the portals to the individual JP/ID/EN servers.
Where is dark souls though
>Ina and Mori are sleeping together
Holy shit......
Need more Gigi pits.
Mori has a dark soul.
She just said that she's gonna use her studio
>social anxiety problems
her and fuckin everyone else in hololive apparently
>Mori brought Ina and IRyS to the Morizakura venue
Oh great can't wait for the shitposting for whoever is overlapping the graduation stream as Mori just said.
busy fucking rat
Time's weird like that
nothing can top this for me
seriously what the hell has Bae been doing all this time? if it's recordings then for what?
Ame's final parting gift is conclusive evidence about Hillary Clinton and she left it in notes around EN server (the thing she said she would finish up after the collab) so they're sending the whole server the way of Harambe
She's gonna draw this deadbeatsona 1st and then play the game
>open Mori channel
>no Dark Soul 3
>close Mori stream

Namco Bandai will be hearing about this.
Lol true. The real emotion and anger from Ame makes it really next level
>Please don't-
>*gets shot*
>*controller slam and gets up out of chair*
>....fucking bitch (thinks she says it quietly enough to not be heard, or is just too angry to care)
>Go awayyy *gura trying to explain*
>Go away go away go away go away
>....okay. *gura leaves*
You can't script this stuff LOL
I expected Towababy.
I was not disappointed.
Mori has these drawings she needs to finish so she is doing one of them before she starts. It's basically going to be a bit of zatsu before she starts.
>IRyS is busy
>Bae is busy
When the fuck is that Promise 3D Live going to finally happen so everyone can get back to streaming for the 2 months before they're all needed for New Year's.
I'm starting to think Mori brings people there because she has a craving for the stuff.
>too busy to hang with Mori/IRyS/Ina
That’s how you know Bae is busy as fuck
Imagine going to your oshis themed cafe and seeing them sat there. I wouldn't even know what to do.
Could be a new album or 3D stuffs.
Pretend I posted that time the Bamco rep was in her chat
>eat at the mori cafe
>hear thundering footsteps entering behind you
>before you can turn around to see who it is you hear "yo yo get your boy and her homies some of that stuff with the pink anime girl on it"
No one is going to overlap Ame. At least no one in Hololive.
Can a teamate tell me what happened to bubbabot?
This is true friendship imo.
Yeah. they proves she is doing some crazy shit.
All we know is it involves dancing and singing since she mentioned singing practice
That doesn't narrow it down a lot kek
wait wait wait, the Deep rock collab is real? when?where?
You are a rockstar mori
Nigga that live was probably recorded long ago.
Well Mori said there's a stream ban for en so probably jps or id
I think it's time we admit it: Dropping schedules was a mistake
Does Mori know that Kiara wants an autograph from New Jeans?
>Mori is a rock star
>Mori doing coke
She's entering her wild phase
>Mori doing Coke
>Feels like a superstar now
Checks out
>People are busy
It's funny seeing the NEETs here discovering this concept, yeah you cant always hangout at the drop of a hat, only teenagers and children can do that.
>The venue that Coke concert Mori is opening for is the third biggest indoor stadium in the world
Holy shit.
-20 minutes off the current time and swap the am/pm
Do you think Towa actually talks like that in her personal life?
Modern women come out of the factory an anxious mess
Kek, Ririka
i honestly don't see them being good friends as they used to but she was clearly very limited on things she could show, rember that she had to filter brand risks, possible doxxing, insulting people or companies, dark humour, and all the other bullshit you can imagine
>look at them like a deer in headlights
>pretend to tip my hat I’m not even wearing
>spin around and cowboy walk out of the cafe whilst pissing my pants
A bunch of indies prob wont either desu. A lotta people outside of hololive were very inspired by her too.....
That's how all my dates go.

>wow I haven't had yakiniku in a while
>hey would you wanna go out and grab food? we can go to this place that lets you grill the food at your table

I have not gone on a date in years.
Mori is the one who said she would try and get a autograph for her
what wrong with this?
im not huge on mumei but its a good irys impression (for the time)
She is not a fucking druggie, stop this rrraat
Friend cute
For whom exactly because for Mori anyway it's helped her a ton plus she pretty much streams at the same time every day.
If they can update 2b2t to new Minecraft versions, surely they can figure something out here.
Nagoya Dome > SSA
Fuck SSA honestly it's not even that great a venue
You forgot
>the way she plainly said fuck you to Gura's face
>didn't even put up her screeching Smol Ame voice for it like she does for her swears, she was that mad
Likely some big 3D opportunity given all the dancing and recording work. But at least she'll be back the day after Ame's graduation
Nah, this is still the most awkward
>It's dead
The day Mori collabs with BACK-ON is the day I start listening to her music again. Get on it, reaper.
Fo sho
I knew it was big, but I didn't know it was quite that big.
For everyone but Mori
It's in 12 hours and 40 minutes
I think you'd have to treat them like strangers and pretend they aren't there
>Good morning! Are you awake, showered, brushed your teeth, and ready to go to school?
>Hololive 62 High School's entrance bell will ring soon!
>Let's go straight to the Youtube channel talent holoID
I can't tell if I'm the target demographic for Hololive Indonesia any more, but the members sure are cute.
HoloID_EksulDays (Club Days)
>Reine = OC Making Club
>Moona = Culinary Club
>Iofi = Interior Design Club
>Ollie = Dubbing Club
>Anya = Radio Club
>Risu = English Club
>Zeta = Debate Club
>Kobo = Camping Club
>Kaela = Fight Club
Cover axed it
I got swayed by the mood and went to listen to the last Aquairo palette. Now I'm really sad
huh, I just realized why they made Bae the VRchat ambassador instead of Ame
he probably means ame
Mori not expecting Ame to not even be apart of a 3D VRchat project.
>mori thinks ame would watch future project streams and be happy
bit delusional no
fuck im not a chattini
cant watch the raorao Stardew valley
Mori is in the stage of grief where you start making fanfic about the person leaving
having the karaoke stream open was a good call just got a gift sub
always liked her singing
cried to this several times
Bubb4bot got lost in the shuffle since it ran off a dedicated laptop and it was difficult to set up, especially when Ame kept moving around.

Eventually Twitch implemented their new rules around copyrighted music and I imagine Ame just didn't want to bother with it after that.
OK that is funny
Turn around 360 degrees and walk away
>Kaela = Fight Club
What are the rules of fight club?
thank Twitch's DJ policy killing karaoke streams and casually listening to music on stream
No ID will overlap Ame
There are different types, for example Mumei talks about hers and how they affect her in real life, but at the same time it seems that on the internet she has 0 problems making friends and talking to people, IRyS says that outside and on the internet she prefers to be alone because she gets paralyzed by any type of interaction, unless she really really knows the person behind, and just imagine that she talked with Kobo for the first time ever in her life in that stream, it wouldn't be the first or fifth time she just follows Bae, Mori, Kronii or Flare in social events with other members so they can help her talk to the rest, otherwise she would a Shiori and go to a corner to look at her phone
Ame told Myth she wanted to leave around HoloFes and it took a few months to be fully confirmed
I still haven't listened to it, and I keep skipping the original when it comes up on shuffle. I'm not ready yet. She was one of my 2 JP oshis.
I miss Sana's gigantic brown tits
That sucks, love that dude.
You're dumb
>so this was the only time she could go on vacation
It's not a vacation...
Set your alarm for 12 hours and we don't know what PoVs
That was almost a year ago unless you're saying she had already decided then
Huge mori tits in my facd
I really want Risu to overlap my oshi for tradition
I don't get it
Last Ameoke, huh?
I guess I can spare five bucks...
GAH im gonna miss a little bit, should have know to keep my entire day open...but luckily Ill be able to catch most of it. thanks anons,
hopefully its delayed by juuuuuust a bit
has mori mentioned the lld mv or the rainforest song?
We are going to have to go through this again
does Yagoo hate blondes or something? I'm worried about Kaela and Haachama
>This anon thinks anxiety is some sort of illness instead of a normal feeling everyone deals with
Ganbatte Mori
cocaine is fucking amazing
Who's gonna make her say "1"?
you can listen to music you just have to split the audio so that the music isnt in the vod
so what were the ame projects if the aquarium only happened the last 2 months
If it does that I don't need it.
and then add one hour
Why is the reaper brapper so fucking sad all of a sudden?
Mori tapped into the lore that Amelia is going to the next timeline/investigation because that's always been her defense mechanism, going chuuni and believing in things more powerful than reality. Consulting fictional characters, creating a persona of herself stronger than the human controlling it, layering mythical ideas into concepts. It works for her.
>she cried in a stream after that
I don't understand. As a viewer watching the whole part where they were alone together, it wasn't even that bad. They both must just be retarded to cry over it lol
>your oshi
>a song you want Ame to sing for the last time
Orisong with Mori
you literally contradicted yourself within your own statement. You acknowledged that (ADULT) NEETs exist but then said "only teenagers and children can do that" this is a stark contradiction.

Furthermore, the jobs that holos have is more akin to NEETs gaming than it is to normal wagie jobs so your 'well if you were a reeeeeeeeel adult and lived in the world of reeeeel work you'd know' shit falls flat
dunno why people keep pretending vtubers jobs can even be compared to wagiecucked jobs like retail or blue collar shit like what anons here do but it's dumb as fuck every time they make this comparison, they are so disimilar that it's nonsensical to compare the social lives of both as if it informs anything
Irys sounds like my wife. She tagged along with her friends when we were all hanging out and I thought she was cute so I insisted I sit next to her and kept trying to break the ice.

These days, I'd just get called a groomer.
No need for a countdown because it's not Otsu Myth
Ever since Persona Mori's been particularly introspective these days
If Haachama leaves Cover is unironically over
Double-layer joke
>Ririka really likes Schauessen sausages
>That tweet is a common template JP celebs use when they want to announce a marriage on Twitter
Anyone who replies after me is a jetpack-less chattini
Mori is sentimental today
Kiss me
Kiss Me
kronii couldnt hold it in by herself so her and kiara will probably force an emotional ending
You guys make a way bigger deal out of the ambassador thing than it is. It was just a sponsorship for a con she attended where she did a karaoke in 3D.
Kobo is a sensitive kid particularly with first impressions .
unga (ledo's hammer more specifically)
I mean, I think it just shows itself differently between men and women desu
Kiss me
Wait is the HoloEN server shutting down?
Kiss me.
Damn, you mad as fuck
>I'd just get called a groomer.
how old is your wife....
She tried getting the jetpacks for us, but Raora yelled at her and blocked her in discord.
I wonder why.
Nah she's mostly been talking about Ame, the EN sever, and the potential future of VR chat stuff
kiss me
>yeah I need more time sorry guys been so busy with other stuff, I wanted to set up something really special for this but I just need a bit more time....
End of a Life
The Phantom of the Opera one
Kiss Me
>Watson Amelia Ch. hololive-EN yeah I need more time sorry guys been so busy with other stuff, I wanted to set up something really special for this but I just need a bit more time....
Moon song even if it's not allowed
Heh, I get it
>Watson Amelia Ch. hololive-EN yeah I need more time sorry guys been so busy with other stuff, I wanted to set up something really special for this but I just need a bit more time....
Can someone please explain how this logic of "if you actually care about the person and not just the character you're a doxxfag" makes any sense?
what is this relay about exactly?
>Anya = Radio Club
Is Anya going to do a ham radio stream?
Basically they're announcing ID4 at the end of the relay
>23:27 Watson Amelia Ch. hololive-EN yeah I need more time sorry guys been so busy with other stuff, I wanted to set up something really special for this but I just need a bit more time....
Why did this artist doxx Gura?
Mogu Mogu Yummy or Violet
can't wait
Kiss me but the other one.
33. This was 16 years ago when she was 17 and I was 18.
You're damn right it was the right decision Mori
>What's right has become a lot more clear these days
She's growing up...
the only good chattini is a headless chattini
-Posted by the Otomo gang
30 min delay for last Ameoke
>last minute subs and gifts pouring in
>delays another 30 minutes
t-thanks based Ame giving me more time to fetch my wallet
Kiss Me
Hahaha holy shit man, Neetboy is mad. Post your paycheck faggot.
Bubbly, Lucky, anything for some more THEY ARE before it's over
My Way
>You received a Watson Amelia Ch. hololive-EN gift membership purchased by another fan. For 1 month you’ll have access to all the special perks and benefits of an Investigator membership.
Phew. Almost had to pull out the old credit card for a moment there
is there going to be someone archiving this? I won't even be home to make a personal archive now that its delayed
Part 2 of their August project
Oh shit, that's right. The "fuck you" had so much salt and anger behind it . It's crazy how usually calm and chill Ame is, except for when it comes to games. She suddenly becomes a rage monkey lol
Everlong or Black Hole Sun
Because it's against board rules to say otherwise.
You do what you wanna do, people are just gonna get mad if you do it here.
>yeah I need more time sorry guys been so busy with other stuff, I wanted to set up something really special for this but I just need a bit more time....
kiss me, alternatively city of stars
Kronii got 3 extra collabs with Ame before Ame leaves
Calli is such a sweet girl I genuinely don't understand how antis could be so mean to her
in normalfag terms, it's like jk rowling writing harry potter.
you can like harry potter w/o agreeing with her politics
They might be disconnecting it from the JP server for some reason. Or management just wants them to build on the JP server from now on or something.
no you wouldn't you fucking asswipe
you're probably the type who thinks you can't even call christmas christmas anymore
Classic Ame.
How the fuck does that makes you a groomer? you two were literally two kids
We really do not need any more emotional baggage on that one
>Let me Solo Her is a deadbeat
Vtweeters are still mad
Dog Days Are Over, Stand By Me, Remember Me, Famous Last Words, Disenchanted
congrats, I fear I might have to.
What was it anon? You can't just link to a privated stream with no explanation
[Bad News] Let Me Solo Her is a memberbeat
I just want to stroke Mori's tits y'know?
only the most terminally online freaks would call you a groomer anon
We better see every single ame variant in this karaoke
The Impression That I Get
literally me
he's also a novelite and a pebble
>Your oshi
>Will Ame sing Mogu Mogu?
66 minutes
It wasn't a gift either, he paid for that himself.
lurk moar
The End of the World
You spend too much time on twitter
I'm glad this attentionwhore didn't get more than some people mentioning him in the chat of Ame's last Elden Ring stream.
There’s a delay?
I feel this way about every holo
Where's the link for the DRG stream
It's more like if you like watching jerma clips but dislike watching jerma streams
Operation Ivy (JK I know you said you're not allowed) Ookami Blues
So what happened to other servers, like ID and the old JP server?
>I'm not a coward, I've just never been tested
>I'd like to think that if I was I would pass
>Look at the tested and think "There but for the grace go I"
>Might be a coward, I'm afraid of what I might find out

Very Amecore song, especially with how she's handling this graduation.
they read all the rrats about her early on and everything she says and deos ever since goes through a filter of "she's lying, she's faking", etc
its just dumb
This but every holo
Have you not watched her ever
>expecting catalog niggers to watch streams
see, that's your first mistake
Nothing has happened yet. We don't know if anything will happen, just Ina vaguely saying something might happen to the EN server.
I watched the stream to forget my feelings.
damn you reaper you are just as sad as me
>still missing deadlines this close to the end
Maybe that Chloeposter was onto something…
Rather than post some cryptic response that has no meaning to a newfag like me, can you ACTUALLY give me an answer I'll understand?
I dislike mori because she doordashes fucking water
It's like how I dislike XQC because he buys more shirts instead of doing laundry
What happened to that ame song she released? I remember she was a dog girl in the mv.
Yeah, she sings it occasionally and ever since she announced this I've been listening to it on loop.
just delay your graduation
7 AM Jakarta time. Yeah, no way Risu streaming that early
>friends with Connor
>friends with Magni and Vesper (the only two niggas to get fired in Holostars)
Mori can't possibly be a good person if those are the friends she had
also she's unfunny and annoying but that's subjective
holy newfag
Ame's delaying because she's currently writing down all the requests from that surveypost.
>I hate Mori for something she hasn't done for over two years
MANY such cases
>got gifted an Ame membership
For what purpose?
>the nips are afraid of her legitimately
5-foot latina gremlin > 5'6" amazonian woman?
sorry anon I'm just shitposting and in the middle of
I'm unironically going to get my wallet for this if I don't snag one of the gift subs in 20 minutes
I assume he's talking about the Coco and Moona collab. It started the 66 minutes meme.
well she stopped doing that now
deleted all the delivery apps off her phone and everything
For the members karaoke dummy
But the original planned MV was blocked from happening
The last TTRPG final boss kinda looked like someone doesn't it?
>(the only two niggas to get fired in Holostars)
that's not even true
I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to stay up for all of Ame's member stream...
>Ame sings Kiss Me 9 times
Even if they got fired (they didn't), you'd still be wrong
>(the only two niggas to get fired in Holostars)
Beyblade nigga...
Kronii should have sex with ame before she leaves
Mori's butthole
What did they build exactly?
I swear you guys think all brits look the same
But I don't watch Ame
Hence, not already having her membership
Nobody remembers beyblade nigga and the manga one got terminated for the same reason Mel was.
A giant dick
man... good times
No I just didn't see it was already posted
I said particularly for a reason
Holy shit I forgot all about this nigga.
Nah, pile it on.
Fansa is the vtuber graduation equivalent of Taps.
He is still wrong, but they also did get fired. Been following them and keeping up.
>getting mad about something he didn't even look into
bruh, she was ordering like 4-5 5L bottles of water at a time, not single 500ml bottles. IRyS even made a comment about them in a off collab because she couldn't lift the bottles lmao. Would you want to haul 25kg of water without a car?
>doing archive reps of last thread
I can't believe there was still chemistry posting bullshit during a group farewell stream. I think some of you guys are just as autistic as Mumei when it comes to reading the room
>your oshi
>is she retarded
living as a NEET is fucking great, actually
keep stacking those shelves and flipping those burgers you cucks
the holos will NEVER actually be relatable to (You) and are rolling in money working from home wile you toil away like a fucking idiot for the sake of ""muh fulfillment"""
if this is not the last post all anons itt GAY
In the JP server.
They built a bus stop on top of like a chunk of sand. It's really underwhelming.
Again, yes, Im a newfag. I dont even fucking know what the 66 minutes meme is. That's how new I am. I wasnt even around when Coco existed. Please help a newfag out

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