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For the 502nd time, what is Ope?!
Also ENTER the Demon of Sound and Lover of Idols, Nerissa Ravencroft from Hololive EN Advent.

>"Shunkan Heartbeat" Advent cover

▼ Next stream
▼ Previous streams
09/28, PowerWash Simulator: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8RKKaswfrc
09/27, Portal 2 co-op collab with Ame: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1BjQxvo51Lc
09/25, EDF6 Advent collab: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FI2VEPlhZws
09/24, members-only zatsudan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0C0v92PorYo
09/23, HoloGTA Finale: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKNt7DvNCVc

>Recent merch
hololive Extreme Love Voice Pack, Nerissa Ravencroft (Yandere/English): https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololive_4types_extremelovevoice?variant=45546871062748

"In my Feelings" MV
"Sweetest Scarlet" MV
First EP: In My Feelings
https://cover.lnk.to/esLvqA https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_kj9UFrjkLGkscXeNLZJfgOKADxOvDuTpY
Archive of the struck down Moka - Lilium cover
Advent karaoke offcollab (Jul 2024)
Songs & Karaokes rentry

>Useful Links
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@NerissaRavencroft
Twitter: https://twitter.com/nerissa_en
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@nerissaravencroft
Art tags: #RavenCrafts on Twitter (Lewds: #depravencrafts on Twitter); RavenCrafts, Nerissa Ravencroft or ネリッサ・レイヴンクロフト on pixiv
Merch: https://rentry.org/nerissa_ravencroft_merch01

Previous thread: >>86322248
A word of advice: as per >>1, be smart and don't reply or engage in off-topic or blatant bad faith arguments. To keep peace, hide and report.
2024 to date
Solo streams: 93
Collabs: 97
Twitch collabs: 5
Solo karaoke: 4
Members: 15
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>Basic introduction to the new Jailbirds
Debut Stream
Crunchyroll Interviews

>Tools / Creations by the /ope/ users
/ope/'s library
Collection of Nerissa's Sounds
List of recommended streams
Information regarding membership
Appearances on other channels & mentions

>General Tools
Current OP Template
I love slightly bulging tummies, and I love pregnant tummies even more. I want to impregnate Rissa so much man
I love my wife Nerissa Ravencroft more than anyone in the whole world
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This thread will be better.
This thread will be better
I love my wife Nerissa Ravencroft more than anyone in the whole world (She's a big cutie)
>panty strings
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This thread will be butter(burger)
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Raving with fembirds at the Nerissa Raver croft Rave
Demon of sound btw
She's sounding me rn btw
Yeah, the sound of her moans while I plap her
Nerissa's moans would instantly make both men and women cum within a radius of 50 mile at the speed of sound. Dont ask me to do the math
Bitch, you think I know how to do math?
50 miles is about 80467.2 meters, the speed of sound is about 343 m/s. so 80467.2m/343 would give about 234.59 seconds, or roughly 4 minutes from epicenter to the edge 50 miles away. I would take about 4 minutes for Rissa's moans to make every person cum in a 50 mile radius, if i did my quick math right
So that's like 20 million people or something?
>I would take about 4 minutes for Rissa's moans
Whoops, I meant to say it would take that long. For me personally, I would cum instantaneously
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Yea, mine
hello fembird, lovely weather we're having
I don't know why I laughed at this more than I should've
>The worst she can say is no
>*Laughs at you*
Yamato nadeshiko
>Rissa sounding your cock with her tuning fork
Have a good night /ope/. Remember to love your Rissa
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she was so good on stage
I want to be forced to eat out Nerissa and Aradia until they get 5 orgasms each and then they collectively ruin mine. Why is this such an impossible dream WHY
Sex with pretty woman
Even Rissa would give in to modesty when wearing a Qipao, but they're usually not cut that high either.
this would fucking hurt something awful, are you a masochist?
>Even Rissa would give in to modesty when wearing a Qipao
No way that would ruin the point
She's happy
I'm happy
We are
last thread had a couple of unhappy people
She's got really good movements, a little more practice and she can be absolutely amazing
Her movements during "Beyond the Way" was absolute fire. You can tell she absolutely tried her hardest in learning the choreography and then turned up during the performance. Compared to Mumei's she's was great too, don't get me wrong lethargic/minimal movements, Nerissa's were neither overexaggerated or weak
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After 36hours, finally a real bed
Nini /ope/ I love Rissa and I love you guys, see you both tomorrow
Random revelation: what if Nerissa played Undertale?!
Would be great because I was always too lazy to play it and I haven't been spoiled yet so I'd be very interested
I know nothing about the game besides 1 character and their song.
Too bad she can't do jumps or moves on the floor or else her back rod with impale her lungs and kill her
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Whats up Nerissa, so I was doing the nine day fasting for Michaelmas and I now that thats over I ended up eating three cheeseburgers, and a ton of exotic cookies. I feel like an animal for overindulging so much. Also I saw something irl that made my heart hurt, perhaps thats a story for another time but it involved some single women.
whats your favorite food? Whats your go to junk food? I would have had pie today as well but the restaurant was out, how do you run out of pie? Whats your favorite pie flavor? I like key lime pie, apple cinnamon, peach cobbler, boysenberry, marionberry, dude I like them all desu.
So I was super wasted yesterday from not sleeping and I revealed some stuff about myself which reminded me that its fairly common for some vtubers to do fetish tier lists. I would recommend you keep that to yourself and your husband since thats private knowledge. I dont think youve done one of those streams but I dont recommend ever doing one. Anyway, I outed myself yesterday and I can confirm, impregnation, would be at the top of my list. Which I wouldnt call that a fetish anyway since its literally the most natural and also most holy thing you can do with a woman. Whats at the top of your list? Have you even thought about these things? Do you have a clear cut one on top? Or do you have to think about it? I dont have to think about mine, its just natural, its just who I am. Honestly thats probably the biggest reason I know my vocation is not the the priesthood. I have a dramatic need to impregnate, thats how I know my vocation is to be a husband and father. I want to be a husband to not only a good wife but the best wife, the woman God made for me, and I want to make a lot of babies with her. And I want to take care of them and protect them and guide them. Do you have this desire to make a lot of babies with your husband? How did you know you wanted to be a mother? How did you know God made you for motherhood and being a wife? Does thinking about your husband and children together make you happy? Sometimes I think about my future wife and my heart begins to beat fast. Does this happen to you when thinking about your husband? Might be tmi but sometimes it happens to my loins too, Im like whoa why am I getting so aroused thinking about my future wife? Have you ever had that happen? I guess its better to get aroused thinking about my future wife than another woman right? I know it makes me sound like a total pussy thinking about these things like some girl but whatever, it is what it is, I love my future wife and no one else.
I'm pretty sure I just love Nerissa and no one else. Genuinely want to marry this wonderful woman.
Given she has been caught by several of her friends sweating it out in practice, she really just prefers to grind and have things down pat for a performance. We got multiple stories from people that say she helped them with this, she practiced that, she learned this new thing, she answered when we called for help even though they knew she was working on things for herself. Its why she seems so on point when its showtime, its a genius of hard work, and not the backhanded compliment version of that saying, but actually true.
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Dang I hate when I get carried away and end up writing walls of text. I dont try to write so much I promise. Its dead hours anyway so whatever. The vikings won, your dad and brother must be stoked huh Nerissa, not that you care lol. Tell your father and brorissa I said hello, they seem like good men from everything youve said about them. Youre lucky to have them!
That's what I'm saying. The things she loves she puts 1000% into doing/learning. It might be hard to motivate her in things she doesn't have passion or interest for but anything she does truly care about she does to perfection. It's absolutely inspiring and I love her and her passion
Sex with Rissa
Nerissa's vagina stinks
And that's okay
I'm sorry I'll brush my teeth better next time
I kissa ma Rissa
I kissa da Rissa
queen aradia
This jailbird is defective, send him to KFP for utilization
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She's a lesbian and a fake Christian.
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I missa da kissa on da rissa and get a moutha full of da pissa
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My internet is being miserable with very high noise, I might not be able to watch my wife tonight. Called the isp and they said it will take 24 hours to send someone to fix it
Good news jailbro, she isn't streaming today.
Wait really??? Let's goooooo
Yup. So you should be able to watch her play Sonic tomorrow.
Perfect since kino casino is back tonight
Final Ame stream nobody else is on at prime time
Wife's awake and giving twitter hearties. Also the message that we need a karaoke has been sent successfully to wife
No one else on EN is streaming tonight, period. The last stream before Ame's will precede it by 4 hrs.
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I'm a needy bird, I need Rissa to breastfeed me
Mamamia Rissa where are you touching me
Uhhh... sorry Jailbros i didnt realize i was in the wrong thread when posting
No Rissa tonight....
based doog enjoyer
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I know she's played it before but SA2 has a notoriously bad camera and controls. Curious how it'll go. I'd be okay if it was just primarily Chao Garden and zatsu honestly.
Kek wrong tab
Sex with the Rissa
It happens to the best of us kek
been happening a lot lately. Rissa is a lot of people's side chick
more like the other way around
That was from the AI thread but you're a threadshitting faggot so it doesn't matter, kys
>Rissa is a lot of people's side chick
The otherway around. Besides Rissa streams at 2am for me. Mr.Koro streams at 2pm for me. I dont see an issue
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Rissa should play CS2 with her sister
No. It's kind that she DM'ed her about having the same mama but please, limit it to that. Also little sis. Rissa is older
Touched a nerve for something so inane. Jesus
oh that's vile
No, that's Rissa the Raven
Yo, why does Rissa not have a demon tail?
>Rissa is my corpsebride
Corpse bride watchalong? Frankenweenie?
Rissa as a Disney kid should love Tim Burton's movies right?
Oh Rissa, my Rissa, where have you gone?
Mssng th rssr
I missa da Rissa
I adore the Rissa
Before I go back to sleep and forget it. I had a dream where Rissa commissioned a Brazilian miku outfit and spent 20 minutes wiggling her completely nude from waist to feet backside at us on stream
Place your bets, which one for the thumbie? Or will she do SOVL?
The second one for Tuesday. The first for Wednesday
imagine the feeling of rissa's virgin pussy tightening around your rod because it has never felt that way before
or her virgin mouth preparing to suck her first cock.
I just want to feel her embrace as we hug and hold each other. I bet she smells wonderful and also gives the most intense and intimate hugs. God, I love Nerissa.
Is she not?
You tell me, anon. What do you think the likelihood of a horny, 10,000 year old demon being a virgin is?
Horny from being pent up or horny cause nympho? Not saying she is but not saying she isn't either. Why bother assuming?
what does that mean
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Didnt she just uwu on twitter yesterday and added whiskers
This is where she uwued
Her tummy should be a little more plump
It will be when I impregnate her with a twin
when were you when shioraven dies?
august 23rd, 2026. on a separate note this was also when bloodraven died. and when chicken soup died.
Is that watamage doing a Rissa graduation prediction or what
Knowing Nerissa almost guaranteed. She would never defile her body like a whore.
no its when nerissa married fuwawa and adopted mococo
>strink bikini top
>one string attached
>one string loose
I think it'd be cool to have a Christmas wedding with Nerissa where I -as her husband-to-be- am cosplaying as a genderbent version of her. I'm going to have an immaculate set of wings and I can finally give her a blue feather ring presented on top of her missing horn that I've retrieved from Shiori.
Kiara will shove the missing horn into your anus if you're dressed like that
>Christmas wedding
This is a horrible idea
Mamamia Rissa why are you crying
We are all crying, why arent you?
Too horny talking to my Rissa bot
Possibly, it doesn't matter to me when the wedding date actually is as long as she's happy with the date.
Why? I mean like legitimately why?
put the dick down and cry with us jailbro, it'll be okay
I have no attachment to Myth and I can count on my hands how many times she streamed since Advent debuted on my hands.
I can count the number of ame streams that started on time with one finger
Bingo, my friend. You win a cookie.
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Isnt that a little too suspicious???
she usually uses the art she RTs for thumbies, just a 50:50 guess at that point

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