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nᵒᵐ Edition
>Current and upcoming streams

>This week's full schedules


>Transparent head cutouts

[Gen 1: Indulge]
>Azura Dulait - Fertility Goddess
>Icey Snowpaws - Feral Polar Bear
>Immy Bisou - Hex Maniac
>Mercy Modiste - Dorky Yandere
>Shibi Cottonbum - Your Ever-Demanding Mistress
>Stronny Cuttles - Hypnotic Cuttlefish

>VAllure Links

>Unarchived/Deleted VOD Archive

>Greentext Archive

[FAQ for Tourists]
>What is VAllure?
The first EN A(dult)Vtuber Corpo.
Yes, this is the whorpo and they are focusing on adult audio like ASMR or JOI.
>Where will the content be?
YouTube - Kino SFW streams. Expect some spice and kayfabe but nothing TOS-breaking. Expect 3 streams per week at minimum.
Patreon - Lewd audios. $5/month per talent, 4 audios per month. Sub to whoever you like.
Fansly - Cost/content Up to the discretion of the girls.
>Is there a Discord Server?
Yes, Notification only. No interaction with any of the girls. Check VAllure Links.
No, they won't be joining any fan servers.
>Most importantly, are any of the talents in a relationship?
Yes, all of them, with me.

>VAllure Friends!
V&U: >>>/vt//vnug/
Other small corpos: >>>/vt//corpo/
More of Azura and Shibi: >>>/vt//choc/

Previous Thread >>86363491
love immy
I love my Strontistic wife and daughters!
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Icey hugs.
Icey kisses.
Icey seggs.
Icey love. <3
Immy is the best sister in the world, and she's the only girl I need in my life, and I love her a lot!
Immy is the best sister in the world, and she's the only girl I need in my life, and I love her a lot!
i want the one i can't have
and it's driving me mad
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I'm hiding behind spoilers because Mercy scares me uuuuuuuuuuu
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she sees you senpai
You might as well stop trying to get last post at this point, retarded baby.
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Have a goodnight everyone. I hope you have a good day tomorrow
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Look's like we're getting Shibi's hex code boys
like idk man people are talking about denpa and shit
it throws my rhythm off
idk why people were excited about this
we've seen her pits, its gonna be pretty much the same color
what am i supposed to do with it, print it off and lick it?
goodnight bro, hope you have good dreams with your oshi
Our mummeh in VAllure, horny be her name. Her kingdom cum, her will be done, on YouTube as it is on Patreon. Give us this day our daily nut, and forgive us our cringe, as we forgive those who cringe at us. And lead us not into celibacy, but instead deliver us into temptation.

She's always watching me
SHIBI IS SO FUCKING CUTE BROS {also I'm tearing up again)
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Can't wait for that shota audio and 2B cosplay.
Shota audio what goal was that?
damn I'm actually really excited for the doujin
19k meeting a strange woman in a park alt audio
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I love Shibi so much bros. I'm so proud of all of us.
we didn't hit 2P did we?
Man I feel bad I wasn’t able to watch much the whole stream because I was moving
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idk where we are in respect to other goals
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>Caught a rare video of them fighting teehee
hahahaha luna got KWABed
I genuinely wish the best for Shibi she is the sweetest little dork in the world
Who are you putting your money on to win this fight boys, Dennis or Pixie?
I love how quickly they stop and just look away for a second before fighting again
>Dennis or Pixie
Its Luna and Pixie in the vid
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she's the best i'M so happy for her
jesus Christ why did shibi have so little?
is this little compared to the other girls? i only watched shibis
He means in her bank account. This bitch broke as fuck.
she spends it all at harem host clubs
she says it's from medical debt/vet bills
>medical bills
>pet bills
>eating doordash everyday
>pays rent
it's not hard to see desu
She keeps having medical and pet bills hitting her. Fia in particular has cost her thousands of dollars over the past couple of months with the paralysis stuff. And that was on top of just generally not having a lot of money to begin with.
Goodnight Immy, I love you
Goodnight /vag/, love y'all
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pets aren't really worth it if you think about it
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nini bro sleep tite
they're fine as long as you aren't a childless woman projecting your maternal instincts on them
I love my dog but if it gets that bad I’m not spending multiple thousands of dollars on a pet
Easy to say that until your in that situation. I'd sell my house before I let my dog go without a fight.
I was in that situation I hated having to make it but he was old
Ntas but I have had multiple dogs that developed problems later in life, I just put them down once it got to the point where they were pissing themselves or couldn't get up on their own
Handanon check twitter
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i saw...
>black nailpolish
proper fucking torture this
Well yeah, if the quality of life goes down beyond a certain point. Fia's only a year old though, so that's different.
Oh that is rough then yeah I was just raised differently I guess
>Fia's only a year old though, so that's different.
Oh yeah, thats tough
>proper fucking torture this
One day the sun will die and the night will crawl when she feels more comfortable, she will do joi while showing her hands, and she will cup them and say
>okay big brother, you can cum now
>fill my hands with you cum
>blowing thousands on an animal you've only known for a year
that's even worse
Forgot to add
>so just love her and wait and big strong until then
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god i fucking hope so. love her all the same regardless.
I want to have extremely lovey dovey sex with Shibi on fansly now
I presume you've either never had pets or are a sociopath

Verification not required.
shibba still goin btw
How was fansly sub stream not a stretch goal?
Have you ever regret saying something in a maro, or an entire maro? the last 2 I sent to Immy last night when I came to the fansly stream, and the one i sent 40 minutes ago make me feel both of those respectively
Stronny, and Icey, are awake
It's an American thing actually. I know Shibi is also American, but in America they'll shoot their dog in the woods if they're worried it'll miss them too much while they take a vacation.
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can't say i did. then again anytime i send a maro i'm piss drunk so i don't really remember what i said in them kek.
nigga living on pandora
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Well, glad to she liked that part atleast.
yes i intentionally put that in the maro because you said you like it, yes its also 100% real and how i feel/think
How many times does she need to assure you specifically until you relax a bit dude, fucking christ.
Unless you're doing it for the attention, then it's based.
I only put it in the maro because she said she likes it, if she had never said she liked it or said she disliked it then I wouldn't have done it
I was distracted, what did shibi say about fansly?
She said that she is probably gonna do one soonish but not using the lush. It'll be a normal steam where she plays coc.
File deleted.
I love this sensitive bitch.
She's gonna play CoC with no lovense soon
>its making me horny
help a retard out, is she actually saying to stop or is she saying stop (keep going)
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if it turns out that you're this birdbrained cretin i swear to god i'll find you and i'll murder you in your sleep and rape your mom
Isnt it supposed to be
>and y'all know bitches ain't shit to me
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what the shibbity
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Im not. do not ever fucking slander me like that again
I totally forgot that it existed.
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ok good. just making sure
Says she played it when she was younger, but had so much religious shame she sold her laptop and forgot to delete it first. lol
So proud of the Harem, Genuinely had brainworms it wasn't gonna be a success but we made her so happy!
his retardation has really grown on me and he'll be a more notable member of the pinpal community than (You) ever will be
She's gonna play call of cthulhu?
>Corruption of Champions
Anon i...
I didn't even reply to that tweet so don't ever mistake me for that faggot
damn she really is a freak i like it, i played the shit out of that game
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yucky post vaggot do better
That makes more sense
Come on, its not that bad right?
it's basically the same thing as call of cthulhu, except instead of shooting the tentacle monsters you have sex with them and give birth to tentacle monster babies that you have lots of incest relations with in order to take over the world
Same, but I did a paladin build and only made choices to increase my chances of in wedlock procreation.
>he'll be a more notable member of the pinpal community than (You) ever will be
Nta but good. I don't want to be known, if I could make all of her interactions with fans completely anonymous, I would.
>incest relations
I wish, at some point fenexo became a total bitch about incest.
kek probably because he couldn't get patreon shekels
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>lots of incest relations with in order to take over the world
Now you're talking my language. she gonna be masturbating?
I feel like this was Pre-Patreon but this is ancient history, so I could be wrong.
wait a second, that's just Stronny Cuttles the game
I love it when she uses bunny pictures
I'll just send a maro asking her
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Fuck, good catch.
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Good job harelots.
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I've just come to the realization I'm probably never going to watch any vtubers after VAllure ever again.
I never cared about anyone before Immy to a lesser degree all of vallure and i'll probably hopefully be dead before VAllure ends or Immy leaves me so I eont have to worry about that
Yeah, I've noticed that I don't watch most of the people that I watched before VAllure. Still watch my 2 view because I was one of the two people that watched their first stream.
I'm still membed/subbed to some of my preallure oshis but I can't remember the last time I watched any of them outside of clips. Just feel superficial now by comparison. Will watch and support anyone who supports VAllure though.
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good night vaggots, i love my little sister so fucking much you wouldn't believe it. treat yourselves good life's short.
>treat yourselves good
Dont know how
>life's short
how could shibi say this to me
Because you tried to dom her and she is the one that doms (you)
Still a Holobro but I've found myself not being as interested in keeping up with Justice after watching VAllure. Hell, even Ame's graduation hasn't really affected me despite being my first membership. Nothing wrong with them but nothing comes close to how I feel with these girls.
Nah VAllure still have tons of niches that I need to go elsewhere to fill.
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say it back to her, Harem. or else.
That's what gen 2 is for.
We never did decide what we were gonna make her tweet did we?
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I remember feeling like that with someone once, was the most dedicated fucker around, never missed a stream even while at work. Making promises about forever and shit. But life happens, and people change.

All that just to say, enjoy and cherish the moment while it lasts, because "forever" and "never" are just words.
True, gen1 did a great job at defining the corpo culture and Stronny did a great job. I just hope she looks for people to fill the content gaps that the group currently has for gen2. Even within ASMR they have room for expansion.
degrading yourself how?
but the vallure of the failed dom reversal angry sex was so tempting...
In a way she finds hot i think
Well you should have prepared for her to reverse your reversal
i mean like verbally insulting yourself or are we talking like humiliating photos?
Verbally (through text) this is what I sent at the end of my maro
>Im sorry for being so stupid and dumb and being hard to love and being a fuck up im sorry for being such a schizo please don't hate me please don't leave me. I need you please I can't live without you please Immy I love you so much please don't hate me please don't leave me pleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseIloveyouiloveyouiloveyoupleasedonthateme
all from the heart baby
it back
Good boy
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>get out of shower
>immediately need to shit
Did you not shit earlier?
I did not. Big blunder on my end.
Whats /vag/ listening to tonight?
Just shit then go back into the shower to wash your asshole, you already washed the rest of yourself so you only need to do that
Fuck that, I'm holding it. I rule this body not my shits.
If I go shower can I trust you to screenshot and post anything Immy tweets? i already missed 1 tweet completely and didn't screen shot the other
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i hope you went already i'm holding off sleep for you here
I didn't, but i'll make it quick just for you Brother. 10 minutes at most, probably 5 though
for me, it's mercy modiste
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I was off by 10 minutes....will you forgive me?
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already did :3c
i go sleep (with immy btw)
Thanks for waiting Brother. Hope you get some good sleep, love you. chu
stronny tentacle pit trap

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