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Worm jamming out Edition

Welcome to /mouse/ - Ironmouse Subathon General!

Top 3 subs all time on Twitch reached! Can we go higher? Mouse is currently singing with a Connor collab soon.
Here we can discuss things related to Mouse's subathon!
Please avoid talking about chuubas other than Mouse if it isn't in the context of the subathon!

Image Source: https://x.com/moorshy/status/1840630823638155612

Mouse - https://www.twitch.tv/ironmouse
Twitter - https://x.com/ironmouse
Goals - https://pastebin.com/vA7b6XWi

Related Threads:
VShojo+ General: /vsj+/

Previous Thread: >>86409834
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Thank you first time baker
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>Worm Jamming Out Edition
The edition should be all capitalized like above but otherwise nice bake
I miss when Mouse used to say Donate Plasma for a chance to be inside me.
good job first time baker
I copied the last one, I'll do that next time.
Some don't do it but that is generally what most do at least for vsj. Not a big deal really.
Im out of cigarettes
I had the wrong tab open
I don't think she's getting that Connor collab tonight at this rate.. Or it's going to be another hour long one.
Always gave me a chuckle
i tried vaping for the first time this week. maybe it's different for a cigarette but i don't really see the appeal in smoking
Yeah he's locked in on this game right now.
we'll see, she's able to twist his arm sometimes and if she proposes something that's not just satisfactory to beat lud he'll participate
That means you're not manly enough
Not much reason to vape if you don't use it to get over cigarettes unless you are a dumb kid.
At this point I think it would be nice to just have them talk for a couple of hours like they used to. Let Mouse have time to focus on the timer a bit while hanging out. But I don't think that will happen.
please don't start smoking, I've lost family to that shit, it's not worth it
all of my male relatives died of smoking-related cancers so that's manly I guess
connor is allergic to hanging out he has to be doing something at all times
Where will it end.
I don't want to watch the movie if she is going to stop it when Connor is finally finished.
Weak lungs and immune systems, they deserved it. Real smokers live to 90.
Almost Kai if she ends at 3AM, Kai+5k if she ends at 7pm without sleeping
Nah she'll get Kai before 3am
need oilers to call for matches with tts when they want to drop sub bombs
I'm so curious what they plan to do with Bubi tomorrow and how long it will be.
They will have to do it with a cap if they do because the last push will be huge.
it will likely be a couple of hours at most. bubi doesn't like hanging out long. my guess would be sometime in the middle before the end with maybe a couple of hours of solo mouse to end off the timer.
>Mouse wants to add custom crimes
Gooned to Mouse
>we get pete instead of connor
based mouse
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we love pete
we love him so much
pete is the best
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Lap Pete.
i miss mouseatrops
Based Pete making sure we still have a good view.
Pete gets the caca games Connor won't play kek
He's literally pointing us to where to look.
Pete is the best wingman
bro 7 days sucks ass and connor called it trash
For some maybe but Connor also refuses to play a lot of good games too.
it's his contrarion mindset
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Prepare for another wave of ‘’who tf is IronMouse?’’ By faze glazers
We already had a couple come into chat when he got 100k. I'm not sure they care enough to get that much more. More likely we'll get shit when she beats Lud and maybe Kai.
100k isn't even in the top 10 all time
money laundering fazeclan
It is impressive how many subs they have between multiple channels. I think they might have had a chance at the top of they consolidated on one stream instead of multiple.
Higher IQ than catalog fags, look, they didn't capitalize the M in mouse in the tweet.
isn't that qt's nephew lol?
the amount of bait posts fell dramatically after her yt channels came back, funny that
They performed a public service with all that subathon advertising.
monke time
Connor believes in beating Kai
that makes mouse happy and willing to push hard
Why is Connor so based?
mouse calling monkes alcoholic problem
the gaslighting is too real
Mouse is going next level right now jesus
chat hoppers leading me to think a thor raid will be coming in a few hours tops and he's probably priming them to gift
Mouse's name is Timothy, confirmed!
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How is it possible to talk with someone everyday for years.
I don't know what has Mouse and Monke being so loose recently and joking about these things but I love it.
Probably is helpful if you live a somewhat eventful life. Never run out of things to talk about.
it's called mutual attraction anon.
both of them have been extra sassy its been great
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Under 10k to lud
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I appreciate that he came back just for this. Nice.
>ksheena matching again upto 250
Its effective
We're approaching the point where hopefully most oilers start doing this, or 5 sub trains, etc.
I'm starting to think if we do another push before bed we can beat Lud before bed and get Kai's record on screen and be ready in the morning to push as hard as we can
have you...never had friends?
Its funny how well it works because you can guarantee they would have donated that amount anyway
Need fanart of mouse leglocking monke neck to the point of strangling him
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Dan, please, we need a Golden Kappa today.
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So we 've gotta be averaging 1713 subs an hour today to just barely make #1.
Front page golden kappa. Please.
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Good morning, Mousenation. Today is the final day. You all know your duty.
>Chat thinks he's talking about Luds record
Dammit get the 1st place number on screen faster
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He's doing it, he believes in Mouse and is telling his chat to sub to her.
The rat returns, with buttered bread to consume.
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She can eat butter now!
Let's go butter
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Fatten the rat
And before that there was also a temporary pause in bait threads when Kanata's channel and the main Hololive both received an automatic strike for supposedly using copyrighted music material, really makes you think.

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