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Amelia Watson appreciation thread
This thread's for Ame, an adorable, dorky, wonderful detective!
Last thread: >>86426474
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How lucky we are to have something that makes saying goodbye so difficult... thank you Ame, we love you.
And at AMT -6, she'll be playing Deep Rock Galactic with Kiwawa, Kronii, and Gura.
Play Chiku Taku: https://watsonamelia.itch.io/chikutaku
Stream Chiku Taku: https://youtu.be/fYVweqOW31w
Ame links and info: https://rentry.org/Ameliur
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I really hope we can get an archive of that vod
it seems wasteful for it to vanish like that
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Hi again gators.
So what's the plan after this?
I've seen generals come and go, but never asked their denizens on their plans.
This is myth's first death, so this is just my curiosity.
not the original archiver anon, but I have a ~4GB video file and a ~200MB audio file that I need to merge together because I had to reinstall windows a couple days ago and hadn't installed ffmpeg so they didn't get merged into one file
this becomes anticipation thread and we wait until more information is out
These threads will cease in less than 24 hours' time.
bless your soul
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thank you soldier
(You) will cease. We live on.
Follow Ame to the ends of the world, or don't follow her at all.
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rest up and stay strong teamates... ame would want us to make it and be strong for her last stream.
Setting my alarm for 9 AM PT sharp, confident that shit will get delayed 5 minutes
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If she reincarnates we evolve. If she does not at least for me imma actually take a break from /here/ and then stan CC or smth idk
well, considering the non-kayfabe knowledge, and this being the third time this year a vtuber I like has left in one way or another, I'll keep watching green Ame like how I watch yellow Selen and green Pomu, getting to that point just hurts a lot more than the last two did
Been watching since day 1, but member'd Ame when she showed up on Gura's birthday stream IRL, that's what really made me a believer
The thread will evolve when the time comes
Am I the only one here who isn't gonna follow any reincarnation?
Unironically yes.
no, ive got a lot of benadryl prepared for once the final stream ends
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say hi to the hat man for me anon
It was her before. If it's her after then what's the problem?
you don't love her, so go and leave
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I remember waking up and seeing a YT notification on my phone for a vaguely-titled Pomu stream and knowing precisely what it meant. And some months later I had a similar experience with a particularly-worded Ame stream title.
It's a very unusual experience. I remember the notification didn't really affect me at first but the pre-chat of people coping about "It's fine! She mentioned this in GTA earlier!" actually hurt me.
why were you here in the first place then?
Because I like watching Ame?
It literally will not be the same.
Tonight's rendition of this song was amazing, it put me in a trance. I felt at peace.

same. later gators
Follow Ame.
Time to listen to this song and think of ame
I was a pomudachi and think minto is fine.

What's your fuckin' problem?
Being in Hololive is a lot different from being in Nijisanji.
Similarly, not being in Hololive is a lot different from not being in Nijisanji.
Just ignore it anon, probably bait, more than likely.
after crying tears to linger and kiss me, I only realized I always cry with my right eye first. I’m gonna miss ame’s karaokes because whenever she put up a 2 hour frame, I always rushed what I had to do just so I wouldn’t miss her and it would always be worth to hear her sing. I’m gonna miss that rush, and I’m gonna miss ame. I’ll try to smile more than cry on her final day, just for her
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What are some of your favorite streams/moments from over the years?
NTA but even if nothing else changes aside from holo->indie it will be different because the possibility of collabing within hololive is now incredibly small if not non-existent. even if you prefer her solo stuff it will still be a massive change
"if it's her after" being key
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Outer Wilds
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
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It is
I remember being with my family during the holidays some year, and making excuses to be alone with my phone to watch her make Thanksgiving dinner. If I recall she shot BBs into Spam, finger-fucked it, and then made like a... green bean casserole without getting rid of the juice from the can. That shit was gross-kino.
Spurky, anon, spurky!
tfw no Halloween, Christmas or New Years with Ame
AMEBELIEVER! God that entire play through was pure kino and easily my top series from her. LA Noire was another amazing series. The screaming when driving through a tunnel, or her amazingly getting the car perfectly stuck on the stairs.I think it was the first or second NYE party where she played a different game every hour too which had her fucking around in FO.
Most likely that will be the only big change.
it will be hard but everything will be all right in the end. Trust her.
Donkey Kong Country -- It felt special because she was playing it while traveling, from a hotel room even. It's also a game I grew up playing as a kid, like since I was 5 and kept going back to replay so it was super comfy.

Super Mario Sunshine -- This game always felt comfy and happy since I've always related it to summer days. I guess I've had plenty of happy summers. Felt super special to have Ame play it.

And of course both Bowson games, since they spanned multiple years. Shame we didn't get to see Smol Iron's journey end but that's fine.
>holo->indie it will be different because the possibility of collabing within hololive is now incredibly small if not non-existent.
Amelia Watson is ceasing normal streaming activities. The rest of Myth is not.

Watson can literally collab as Watson anytime her genmates want. That's what the announcement says. Lmfao.
Elden ring and Oblivion
Considering that it seems like they have to go through official channels and ask for permission to have Ame in any collab stream, no.
I don't disagree with your main point and I don't hold any grudge to anyone that doesn't want to follow her. it's a personal decision after all.
But recently I went back to watch the first Christmas member stream, when she is talking about the games she bought on sale etc. My first thought was "I want to go back", but then I realized, it's VERY likely that I'm going to get that this year, even if it's somewhat different.
So obviously I'm devastated, but there is definitely things I can look forward to. I'm obviously scared about change but I'm also weirdly excited about it, if that makes sense.
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I will follow her, but not religiously like now because her interactions with other holo members being so relatable & her idol journey are big reason she's my oshi.
I cry with my left eye first
I always put on Ame's New Vegas streams just because I want to hear her sing along to the radio.
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I forget which year, but my wife and I spent New Years Eve with Ame. I think it was a karaoke, which is why tonight's member's karaoke was the true tear-jerker for me.

Good times.
Ame and Smol Ame collab, and in the end Smol Ame ended up in the desert and called Big Ame and cried 'cause it was hot and she wanted to watch TikToks, but she told her to walk home (giving some lore to the Smol Ame running in the dessert ending screen) that's why it's my favorite ending screen too
>No more new years countdowns with ame
Archive chads how we lookin
So will this thread be phased out soon? What's gonna happen to it?
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same anon, this was basically my reaction to it. Forgive me for being retarded and not remembering how to upload soundposts while very drunk.
>Trust her.
that i do, she's clearly had this planned out for a while. she's my oshi because of her innovation, her vision and her desire to push boundaries, when she looks at vtubers she sees a bright future with a wealth of opportunities and she's determined to be on the front lines so yes, i trust her
>anytime her genmates want
as she said in the last collab, the onus is on them to bug cover management to let her back and that she herself is always open for that. collabs were not a frequent thing before this "retirement" and now with this extra step added they aren't going to suddenly start spamming them like there's no tomorrow. just because something is possible on paper doesn't make it likely, i am hopeful for future ame appearances and would love for them to be a regular thing, but until we actually get them i am tempering my expectations
you may have misunderstood my post, i fully intend to follow and support her in the future, i will embrace change whole-heartedly, things will be different but different is not always 100% good or 100% bad
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later gators
gotta get up early for the collab
I wonder if he'll join us in what comes after. one of the few clippers I tolerated because he wasn't a clout chaser and made nice stuff occasionally, not just clips.
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Who knows? A talent with two "active" vtubers, one indie & one big corpo, is new. Just try to make a merge thread first & see how it goes from there.
The catalog is very active now and splitting the fanbase will result in two dead threads. We don't need more generals now, the shitpost threads already struggle to survive.
Unrelated, and I may have hallucinated it, but didn't someone say several threads ago that Ina finished the loli Ame art? Is it out there?
Just turn it into Doobert Watson Appreciation Thread desu. There's a better name out there for it, but the intent is the same. /awat/ has been here since forever, just slap a new label on that keeps supporting her. Pretty sure that's what she'd want us to do.
My head feels so tired. I’ve cried so much from the myth collab and karaoke today that I think my brain is cooked.
Try morphine
YT archive, better download it just to be safe though.
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Also if there's any TeaLeaves enjoyers, Fauna sang Chiku Taku in her members vod at 44 mins in by herself and also as a duet with Ame
regular archive
Archive for 3D Ame member karaoke.
Literally anything that isn't that, narcotics are fucking evil and destroy everything for a person. Please choose literally any other coping mechanism anon.
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The surprise birthday offcollab as the first one (outside of Takamori) was so exciting for me. I remember the amount of joy I felt at that time hearing Amelia's voice in the back of the room.
Oh nice, I missed this. Thanks.
I’ve had morphine before in hospital as a teenager and it made me violently ill. I was just going to lay down and try to get more than 3 hours sleep.
Someone else already posted links but fuck it I uploaded mine already

Her Antichamber playthrough, the Bedtime ASMR, and her outfit reveals were all so fun to see over these past 4 years.
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Dawn of the Final day
Thanks, Your version will live on my hard drive with the other. Never enough Ame.
Gonna try to get some sleep before the collab with Wawa and Kronii and Gura later, should be up before then. Good night, gators.
Get some rest man. We don't all react the same way, but in the long term this is better for you. Nobody reacts the same way to any drug, but narcotics are helpful in the moment, but evil long term. I was prescribed them after a root canal which was nice for me at the time, but at the same time I had to watch my mom was prescribed them constantly since I was fourteen, and she's been gone since way before I turned 25. They're fine in small doeses, but long term they're not worth it for anyone. They take too much from you for you to just feel normal. It's terrible, but some things are not worth it.
I'm going to miss Christmas and New Years with Ame
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For all that it's worth
All her Apex/CSGO/CS2/Valorant/Ow2 streams
Since that's how I also got attracted to Ame in the first place. Just learning that she plays Apex was enough for me to check her out and that spiraled me into this vtuber stuff. I may not be into shooters as I was before but I still cherish the time I enjoyed just shooting stuff same as the time I cherish the time I had with Ame since I don't know if ill still be interested with vtubers after this.
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this last day is a trip
glad I took it off
gonna be great stick in there teamates
wouldn't it be funny if her first gaming stream after reincarnating was armored core 6
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She is gone, she never cared about you, she never cared about her gen mates, this was just a throw away job, a quick and easy way to get money from people she hates.
Great bait
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I had to pass out for work, what was the set list...
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do you think she’ll stream more often as an indie than she has the last 2 years?
watch for yourself lazymate
There's no doubt in my mind.
Why is their so much at 4 am
t. graveyard shift burger
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I'm legitimately not baiting though. I don't know why you think that's a bait post.
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Ame Cheebs
I assume they're just shitposters trying to start an argument about what a "real teamate" would do. Just ignore it.
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Thanks for being great gatorbros, I wouldn't have preferred to spend this final week with anyone else
The karaoke felt so short
>Ame moved Kiara out of the way and now Kiara looking off to the left
Ah it's the little things. Great picture nonetheless.
I’d be up for a teamate game night in the coming weeks if anyone else is interested? It might be a good way to come together and have fun during this next uncertain stretch of time.
no promises but it wouldn't hurt to try. Name a game, place, and time in the future, get many of us to crawl out our holes and not drink ourselves to death
Tell me everything is gonna be alright
I liked the part where chat asked Kiara if Ame was muted and then Ame screamed at the top of her lungs
Why are you screaming?
>the only reason why I'm able to even do this cool studio stuff is because you guys always supported me from the beggining
>After we did our first VR streams and you guys were like "ooh I want to support Ame because she does all this tech stuff" I really appreciate it, thank you so much
>To me, this is like, the most fun. Been able to roll around and dance around and do cool funny things that you wouldn't usually see, you know kinda like using tech to it's fullest and to me that's really kinda of what vtubers are all about in my opinion
>thank you guys for letting me do this
The studio won't go away, and neither will she.
Anon go watch old vods and clips. Old *old* ones. It was SO therapeutic to me. And after the karaoke and what I quoted, I'm hopeful.
It's pretty clear to me what the next timeline will look like, and even tho we'll miss the girls, the context, the culture. We won't miss her, because she'll be koko.
If we get to a point where we can have Ame moments, like idk, 3-4 times a year? with myth and Ame mentions (that I'm sure will be posted here since many of us will still watch HoloEN) and so; while she does the stuff she loves as an indie... isn't it a very good outcome?
thinkin bout the bidoofuh
Have you seen him?
we will look together
I’ll keep popping the question in threads in the future and asking what people would want to play and when. Probably too soon right now, but I was thinking of something free or at least very cheap to play since even less fortunate gators can join. I feel like throughout all this pain Ame would be happy if she knew we’d come together and made friends and fun together to pull each other through even if it’s a little bit.
>Ame would be happy if she knew we’d come together and made friends and fun together to pull each other through even if it’s a little bit.
insert "Ame Causes Goslings to Have An Aneurysm" soundpost here (I believe that's the one where she talked about us being a family community)
does everyone think she's just gonna go indie?

i just don't understand what she has to gain from leaving, unless she's going into some non-vtuber project
found it
>collab with everyone who's feeling the most from the """graduation"""
I had my questions, but I want to say Kiara wasn't the only one shoehorning this, which would be good. Knowing months in advance definitely deserves more time than just the past few one off streams
I hope if nothing else this lights a fire under their asses when it comes to collabs after Ame's gone, 3 separate members have said they were putting off things they planned together for months "until there was no more time"
stop the copium....
>3 separate members have said they were putting off things they planned together for months "until there was no more time"
Yeah, it hurts to say, but I kinda hope that it was because of their own hubris and not because Cover has had them swamped in work and/or regulations to where they couldn't make time for each other or something. That'd be grim.
wasn't exactly copium, I just really don't know what to call it besides retirement lol, I'll finalize the wording 3 months in advance depending on whether she actually comes around or just has her model puppetered around for appearances and merch
She should've never corrected Gura about their last 1 on 1 not being their last... 'cause even if part of me doesn't believe, I will still believe anyways because of that moment..
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fan mv from someone who writes music for hololive.
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He's the Chiku Taku composer actually! It was his dream to write an original for Gurame one day, but it never came to be.
am I delusional for thinking that a Gurame original can still happen
is DRG a POV drifting game or will it be relatively easy to locate Ame?
Who nose, if Mori was able to make the Rainforest song happen then it's up to them to make Gurame happen.
Depends on the role and mission. Some of them you have to move around separately a lot, some of them you have to stick together, and if you're in charge of drilling you'll be alone.
What rainforest song, did she mention that in a stream?
Yeah, there's a rainforest song and another mv that will have Ame cameo
She said a song involving Ame was coming out in the upcoming months and people think its the Rainforest song Mori teased awhile ago
ony the time will tell if it's going to happen, but I agree with you that it can still happen
Last day. How do you guys cope?
Alright, I'm up. I think I'm just gonna try to get some sleep after all this is done, but I'm awake now. Just two more streams left, gators.
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I hope that anon who made the Winnie the Pooh reference the other day and was afraid people would think it's cringe is happy
So many cute pieces
man that soundpost really makes me wish I wasn't a lurker and actually chatted. I thought I was happy just watching quietly but the regret kills me.
Mornin', OPmate
The collab in an hour and 25 and her last stream later
>Knowing months in advance
Didn't Ame only pull the trigger just before the Enreco stuff? They had talked about it, but it was certain. And, knowing Kiara, she definitely would have pretended that it wasn't a real possibility.
Morning gators. I drunkenly dozed off some time around Good Riddance at 3 am. Looks like I've got another hour and a half of the archive.

Chat doesn't get archived, right? That's the one thing I'm kinda craving right now. Feels a bit lonely without the emotes flying by.
How long will the last stream be?
Hour, hour and a half, perhaps even two hours.
What's the longest graduation stream there has ever been?
I'd be down, post it again later and in hours when more gators are here, we probably could've tried the /awat/ sings Chiku Taku thing too if the person who suggested it shilled it at better hours.
pomu's was pretty long
Man, this is a good soundpost. This is one of those things that just makes me write a huge blogpost in my head that I won't bother typing because I'd be re-stating the obvious.

I've had this exact same thought as I gradually got pulled into vtuber heaven these past few years — the value of this stuff is to have that voice at the back of your mind while you're living your own life; separate, but together, in a weird way.

I'm not a regular in chat, but it makes me happy that the hardcore fans are able to give the girls that same experience, too. The feeling of knowing that we're influencing each other in some way. I independently came to the same realization a while ago, and it's cool to hear her say basically what I was thinking.
some Niji had an 11 hour graduation
I'm gonna miss you ame ;_;
Listening to the Outer Wilds OST wasn't a good idea at all...
Yeah that's a hard hitting one. Maybe it's the time loop element, finding people across space and bringing them together to form a melody, and Ame putting so much time and love into that series and of course the sun station landing marathon with the AMEBELIEVER chant in chat I'll always think of her when I play/see/hear that game.
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Hold on to this. We'll redeem it together one day.
Dawgies are shilling Ame's aquarium
What if the real reason for leaving Hololive was Ame's pregnancy with my child? Of course she'd want time away to raise our child without worrying about holo homework, but they can't just say she's on maternity leave without the vtubing world exploding.
>"No thank you"
Her words when chat was joking she is pregnant
Chat is this >>86432937 real? If so I missed it.
thanks anon
I forgot the sauce
I think my dumbass brain has finally processed the information and now I'm in shambles bros
Ever since the announcement up until yesterday, I wasn't really feeling much
But then I watched her karaoke and stayed up awake til 5:45, had one hour of sleep and went to work
I made the terrible decision to listen to the original songs she covered during the morning shift and I started tearing up
The second I got home I just started crying like a child
I was wondering this too.
I'm happy that I got the experience of falling asleep with her singing in the background, but at what cost??
Trust Ame. Hold onto hope.
If you want her to return better don't feed that new quirky project any money
I don't think so. I left the stream open until vod became available and did't hear anything
what kind of retarded logic is this? it's not about the money
whomst is streaming drg?
Gura and Kiara
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delay incoming
i'm stuck in a fucking call so please delay like 10 minutes
Hey guys, watch this.
you get 15
No... you can't make me.
thank god, I'm alread supposed to be off, the microsecond they hang up I'm breaking this shitty laptop in two
Should I get taco bell today in honor of them chat
Make sure they put chicken in your taco.
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>Ame joining the DRG stream after her "graduation" stream.
I'm confused.
It's crazy how many people care more about their relationship than the two girls themselves kek
I'll give you a hint, it's in 10 minutes and she hasn't had the final stream yet.
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what does it mean
People need money anon if she gets barely enough to survive there will be more reasons to reconsider going back to holo again than if she ends up succesful as a twitch thot indie simple.
I see nothing wrong with that
Man i just learned i have a meeting at three
ah well I should be able to catch most of the collab and will be back for the final stream
Sorry orange woman I'm gonna watch the collab on my Oshi's wife channel.
Ahhhhh my bad. In my time zone, it's already the first. In my mind, I've kept thinking that the Myth Collab on the 30th was the last.
But think of all the yuri
Can't eat no stinking money fukkin fiat worshipping thoth mcgoth devil spider
>Sorry orange woman
What is it about Kiara that draws haters into literally every hololive thread? I always thought the term "rent free" was stupid, by my God do you guys give it credence. Just enjoy your oshi and ignore the ones you don't like.
Final stream is in 8 hours but don't quote me on that, i'm also shit at timezones. Anyways you're just in time for the collab!
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One more collab, lads.
Gooba PoV: https://youtu.be/NJ5jozV74K0
Wawa PoV: https://youtu.be/zs-8A7pob60
Another 15 minutes
I know it sounds silly and a lot of people will try to deflect but it's unironically 100% her voice. Like, plop Kiara's personality and behavior into someone with a nicer voice and her antis would drop by like 80% I guarantee it.
>kiara asked for a fucking stream at 9am
I.... don't know what you expected....
b-b-but anon, muh headcanons and teetee posting
I hate her voice.
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Ame died in her sleep from overworking
She was 1 day away from retirement
Post some pictures of Ame sleeping
I'm sorry for your loss, guys.
i'll be watching the Ameoke while we wait o7
>Ame didn't even bother to set up an alarm
Not surprised, there is no way she's waking up. Just throw the collab in the trash.
Oh I know, but it's fucking retarded. Genuinely, how immature do you have to be to constantly shit on someone because of something they can't control? Just mute the channel and move on. I work with children that are more mature than that.

I strongly disliked Cali for the first 2ish years after debut, so I just ignored that she existed. It's really not that hard.

Congratulations, you're a child.
Today's the last day
Stay strong teamates
ame must be sleep deprived as fuck after all that happened in the last few days. I appreciate this one last collab for them but ame needs some damn rest.
she's cute and i thank her for being fun and the a +1 for many collabs
but she ain't my oshi,
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Just woke up from a dream where I left with Ame.

It's a good thing my life isn't where it was at the start of MYTH because waking up from a beautiful fantasy like that back to cold reality, might have been enough to push me over the edge.
She can rest tomorrow
With all the talk about coffee and everything, that was probably her plan. Just to tank it until the last stream
>something they can't control
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Ame just waking up in the morning gotta thank God
might be trips of truth but what if it was actually kronii herself? or even gura that forced this? what then?
>ame's final stream will be like her debut, tired as fuck and running on fumes
How sure are we that it'll even be a real stream, and not prerecorded like Coco's?
>tired and sleep deprived Ame
I should generate some AI slop of this...
Kill yourself retards. Go do your Kiara vs Ame somewhere else
Antis should kill themselves
Case in point. You guys talk about Kiara being menhera more than she does. Considering the amount of ego searching that girl does, you're probably responsible for her complex to begin with.

I'll stop now. I'm just tired of seeing her name dragged into every thread just to shit on her. I came here for Ame; not to read some Kiara anti shit.
+30 min
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((((they)))) don't want you to know that dwarves are actually smaller elves.
Did we even hear how this came about or did it really all happen off stream? Knowing her, she definitely didn't want to deny them something right now of all times and probably went with it knowing she wasn't going to cut the membership stream short to accommodate . Damn woman, if there's anything I'd want post graduation, it's for her to get off Colored People Time and rest for once on her own schedule
kek never seen a -15 before
-10 min
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yeah i'm gonna have to miss part of this with all the delays
but I will be back for the final stream
We can infer what happened. Ame really needs to learn to say no. This was ridiculous.
why are you even replying mate. report and ignore
I'll miss your oshi, the schizo fanart was peak.
whelp, i'm gonna have to go, have fun teamates!
Remember when Ame delayed a stream by an entire year as a joke
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I had a dream that Ame was giving me a lap pillow.....take me back...
nigga shut up, you're worse than fencel
While laughing with Mori
Airplane was a good watchalong
worth it
Anyone know what was at the end of Ame's Karaoke? I fell asleep while watching since it was going on to 4AM EST.
ame would definitely hate a nigga that schizos out over her friends than someone who schizos at her
Fair. My bad. I haven't browsed vt in over 2 years. I forgot what it was like.

Do we know who it is that slept in? It could be Kronii or Gura, right?
gura's been typing messages in her chat and kronii retweeted kiara's frame so it has to be ame
Kiara and Gura in their chat. Kronii retweeted.
It's Ame
while I agree that she should have gotten more rest, you need to shut the fuck up and let her decide whether or not to spend time with her friends and chat in these last moments.
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>Do we know who it is that slept in? It could be Kronii or Gura, right?
I agree with the other guy, you're worse
At least he just had an autistic hyperfixation, you just sound like a woman
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[Important Gura Update]
oh nyo
Are we getting a kfp raid?
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you can shut up now, collab will happen and it will be fun.
Anyone shitposting after this instead of posting Ameass is Romanian.
His twitter follows seem to point that he intends to.
thanks gloombus
She said during karaoke yesterday that she had to set up some 3D stuff for the final stream
Can I have Ameass on my face?
How bad is it to be Romanian?
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Final stream starting at 2am.. eurobros..
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Hey guys. I'm sorry that Ame is leaving her streaming stuff, she was really cool. Myth will always be 5. I did my reps for once to say goodbye, you guys were great for the time we got to be together, I'll never forget you.
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Cute tako!
thanks takobro
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I'll tank this last one. Last week was way worse with the 11 hour ER marathon. I may have accidentally put myself on the Uberman sleep schedule
Not for long
Ive been staying up late too catch all of her streams already anyway so this one wont be a problem. it sure as hell will be depressing tho
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Cute! Thank you!
thanks takofren, very cute drawing
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Defecto detecto
Thanks, but i'm not leaving. I'll be always supporting HoloEn and Ame no matter where, when or in what form
based lisan al-ghaib appreciator.
My delectable Ame
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Ame as character is dying.
Sure, her roomate will stream on other account but Ame dies tonight!
Though I bet she will be back sooner or later eventually.
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Thanks! I'll also be around, you just won't know it's me because I'll wear a mask! No way I'm missing Ina play Monhun even if I leave to play somewhere down the street every once in a while!
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I fell asleep too, but I just finished the archive, and the ending was pretty abrupt. She did try to kiss all the gators at the end though, and that was pretty cute.
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So...it's really happening today?
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who up doing?
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This is the end of the road for us. It’s been an honor.
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No, not just you. I've been watching Ame since the debut, but I'm not sure how to feel about the reincarnation, I hate Twitch and Twitch culture, and I'm not sure how I feel about Ame focusing on 3D stuff, 3D stuff is fun but what I liked the most about Ame were the comfy streams, chill gaming streams and collabs with the other girls... Ame playing LA Noire, playing A Way Out with Gura, her Outer Wilds stream, Bowson's adventure in Cyrodiil... That's what I think about when I think of Ame, so I dunno. I'll watch her reincarnation to see how to feel about it, but I'm not excited or looking forward to it, I'm just worried and sad.
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>chat still spamming 'PTSD'
This one fits.
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I'm sure we'll still get vidya streams
but yeah will miss the holo interactions
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it is so
You know when the announcement happened I just found myself listening to let it happen on repeat, I've accepted it but it still doesn't feel real.
Teamates is there a sound post of ame doing a whiny crying sound like she's making fun of chat
I swear to god I remember one but I can't find it, it would be early Ame iirc
NotAme will surely befriend some new people. Although not the same but it will lead to new people, and maybe some old.
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Yeah it is...
Same. None of this feals real
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Alright guys! how we doing? how we feeling? I am caffeinated and ready to roll

Beyond the circumstances it's a Monday and freezing, so yeah - I'm thinking it's ass. But I will show up for Ame nevertheless.
In honor of Kiara pulling through I will watch her POV. Unless Ame goes live of course
If she does I just hope they're good people
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I shit you not, I was fucking tired, like TIRED tired after the Myth collab, went to lie down for an hour before the karaoke, woke up, was even more tired but she delayed, so i set alarms every 30 minutes, each time feeling worse by the 30 minute not-sleeping but when the karaoke started and I woke up I felt completely rested and I've been riding that ever since. I can't explain it.
I'll be happy as long as she doesn't turn into the twitch streamer grindset mentality like all other streamers in that platform.
Also, i hope she makes karaoke streams too
watch kronii stick to ame like glue
This probably isn't the one you're thinking of, but it's a similar situation
Ame sounds eepy
>tfw former teammate but still has her shirt
Ame is the opposite of a numberfag so I doubt it
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yeah. I can't wait.
Lost dance perms
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sorry to hear that bub, hope you can have some fun today and maybe get something warm to drink!
similar but different for me. i've only slept like an hour and kept snoozing the clock until 30 minutes before the collab and now I'm feeling great!
thank you tako. I'll follow ame wherever she goes but I'll keep watching hololive still
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Gura's audio has been totally fine since it started, what are chumbuds talking about?
Tired Ame sounds so kyut
what happened?
fuck and I pulled an all nighter last night
The in game manager said to stop dancing and get to work.
they want her audio to rattle around deep in their little shrimpie brains
New thread:
Ame gassy, Ame kyut, Ame love

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