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VSMP (Vtuber Survival Multiplayer) is a whitelisted Minecraft server for vtubers hosted by PixelLink.

The server uses a custom modpack with the full mod list found here:

>Official Link

>Member List & Schedules

>Stream Playlist

>Thread Template

>VSMP Host Agency
PixelLink: >>>/vt//pxl/

>VSMP Affiliates
idol: >>>/vt//jidf/
EIEN: >>>/vt//eien/
V&U: >>>/vt//vnug/
kawaii: >>>/vt//pkg/
PRIMA: >>>/vt//ppg+/
V4Mirai: >>>/vt//v4m/
V-Dere: >>>/vt//vdere/
Specialite: >>>/vt//corpo/
Sheeptubers: >>>/vt//wool/
Phase Connect: >>>/vt//pcg/
VReverie Extended: >>>/vt//vrex/
Tsunderia Extended: >>>/vt//tsunx/

Previous thread: >>86132206
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Anchorpost for streams
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Anchorpost for clips/timestamps
Upcoming VSMP Streams (EDT):
Spica 10/1 8am
Roro 10/2 2am
Rowa 10/3 8pm
Kokone 10/3 8:30pm
Miuna 10/3 9pm
Spica 10/5 8am
Scarlett & Stella 10/5 12pm
Roro 10/5 4pm
A lot of vsmp girls are gonna be in 24 hour a rock karaoke relay starting on 10/5
good work
Rinona will also be joining Scarlett and Stella
Thanks for catching that.
Tomomi practices her best man speech
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We could've had cow blocks yesterday...
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The quads of cute brain rotters!
Scarlett is such as sweet, magical 22 year old hag girl husband
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It's rough out there for our president
I'm gonna miss her when VReverie finally collapses.
She will be back and be free right?
I don't know, but I sure hope so
you linked the wrong previous thread
Zeli 10/3 8am
5 quid to show me blocks
Should be a more relaxed Zebi blocks at that hour
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>No blocks on a Minecraft Monday
There are vsmp girls playing not blocks (Lethal Company) for Ciccino's Birthday if anybody wants something to watch
What about 2
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That'll do.
But don't tell the wife.
blocks at the pub
'avin a cheeky block with the lads
we're at page 10
don't tell me wife
did I break my soundposts or is this one
DJ blocks
blocks and clocks and blocks and clocks
Specialite has their general now with the new gen >>86469982

don't know if it will last though
who the fuck watches holocure
The VSMP president position is a poisoned chalice just like the defence against the dark arts position in HP...
I believe in Pillow.
She'll survive the curse for Furi.
Spica going mining but not strip mining, she wants real adventure
Spica is sad nobody plays around this time anymore
It's too bad she's not streaming Thursday.
She could've had Zeli to play with.
Thursday is her singing and piano day
Spica found Uta's tower
she never knew she has a neighbor
Spica likes thriller/horror movies doesn't she
She's surprisingly timid in minecraft (it's cute)
Spica wants someone to play Minecraft with...
where it is on the map
>coal farm
I remember Kanna has a wither skeleton farm that gives coal and bones, what's it called again?
can see her library while adventuring
Are you asking about the waypoint?
I think it's just called "EXP Farm" or something similar.
found a jungle temple
Spica is still traumatized by her Vivecraft motion sickness
now target practice with pillagers
Spica's new look
now hunting for chicken head
and cow head
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Uh oh
Good thing she has cats
tskr blessed screams
it's out and blew up her cow hole ceiling
now getting more fish for more cats to ward off creepers
killing chickens in the trading hall
I'm starting to think the position is cursed
Spica gave up trying to find more cats just breeding her existing ones
Cat riding the water elevator
and that's Spica gone
Unless we get a guerilla there's no blocks until Roro at 2am.
Roro is actually live right now reviewing her wiki page and talking about her history as a vtuber.
pink blocks
Chuubas with bricks, Chuubas with blocks, chuubas with bricks and blocks and clocks
In case you never figured it out, that soundpost works for me
First I'll make a quick trick brick stack
Then I'll make a quick trick block stack
c-c-combo breaker!
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Tomomi and a dog discussing famous blocks movie Parkour Civilization 2
it took me a while, but I did
was redoing browser setup and couldn't figure out whether it was sidebery, firefox update, or what, but apparently xt's internal soundplayer just up and fucked off for some reason
combining it with ye olde sounds player works
sound blocks
milk me blocks
>still 8 vsmp streams behind
>spent most of the day out getting things and helping neighbors
Gotta tell your neighbors you've got important blocks to watch.
They'll understand.
watch blocks with your neighbors
don't know how habla blocks en espanol
they understood how to whack with a heavy pipe, though, so victory was had over the demonios de la roja oxido
thankfully with the collab days at least catching up isn't too bad since you can cut down on povs
Bloques españoles
I desire blocks
Did any anon watch the v4smp launch?
What are your thoughts?
I'm an hour in.
It's a lot more modded than vsmp.
I think it could be a fun watch if the less experienced girls can get over the learning curve.
Some alternative blocks to fill dead hours.
Zeli and Tomomi both just cried about it on their streams.
Block civilization
civilized blocks
Tomomi streamed?
Yep. 2:06:17 if the timestamp doesn't work
Has anyone else been online of just Roro?
just Roro and her Roros
roro physics...
on my face
today, I will block
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Presidential Update
>Graduating 10/21
>A career opportunity came up that she needs to focus on
>Will go out with a bang
It sounds like if she ever comes back it won't be for a while. Gonna miss her.
damn I knew she would be graduating soon, but I thought for sure she was going indie... I'm gonna miss her so much, bros, but I hope her art project is very successful.
>Furi, Scarlett, Kilia (forma de Spectra) participated in the presidential debate
>All three gone
ToraP will never suggest holding an election again...
wasn't it actually pillow's idea...
feels sad man...
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time for blocks, processing veggies, and pressure cooking porkbutt
thanks Scarlett and anon
I promise I won't cry at the wedding
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celery half frozen
butt has fifteen minutes + cooldown
lillie lost everything, oof that audible pain
a red wedding was denied
Would you like some new blue goo now?
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Official graduation announcement is up
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Guy Fieri LOVE
sayonara scarlette-san
hell of a collab chuuba and chatty broad
hope what ever she's up to pays off for her tenfold
only blue goo I want is zeli ziumi and only if I can pick her up and raise her above the crowd so she can see the critters better at the aquarium
Scarlett.. Furi.. My VSMP favorites... Why...
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two of the main protagonists of the VSMP server... gone
>As you grow older, I think that you learn that having a lot of friends can be really hard to keep up with, and I think that sometimes people don't give you back the same energy, so to speak, so you guys just sort of fall apart, you know, but that's natural.
>I think, also, real, true friends--no matter how much time you spend apart--you can always come back together and there's no grudges held.
>There's no lapse in affection or anything like that just because you don't spend time together.
>I have a lot of friends who I don't really talk to on a regular basis. I've gotten SO busy with my duties and vtubing, but they still are in my heart and we catch up every once in a while--like every couple of weeks--and it's like nothing changes, you know?
>So, I think people who really care about you... they won't be mad if you get a little bit busy and start trying to pursue your dreams as long as you check in every once in a while.
>Nya. Nya!
I like the thought of her still having a get together every once in a while with her vtuber friends
also I get the closure aspect, but maybe it wouldn't be too much amiss for these (presumably) out-of-the-industry graduations to post a letter from the VA six or twelve months down the line letting people in on the (presumably) good end, though I doubt you'd get anything close with vretarderie
back to my vegetables, I'm not crying, that's just the onions from a few hours ago
Sir.. another funeral will hit the server..
theme for the Daiya-Scarlett wedding now...
>Video Unavailable
Here's an alternate link
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What ever happened to Zeli's widder?
Did someone slay it or is it still wandering the Nether?
I want to say kokone and company took care of it, but can't recall correctly
That'd make sense. Must've been off stream though. I'm all caught up on Kokone's streams.
I kind of hope it's still alive just for the hilarity when someone finds it.
yeah if it happened it was at the very end of zeli's stream or just after
I don't remember them defeating it, though, but since it was so close to actual portals someone definitely handled it
nta, they definitely didn't defeat it on stream. By the end of the stream, the wither had wandered off somewhere and Zeli was getting frustrated that they couldn't find it anymore. either someone dealt with it off stream and no one talked about it, or maybe they all just forgor?
it was in this stream
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blocks with beef
Civilization of blocks
parcour de bloques
>three blocks vods left
>no blocks waiting rooms today or tomorrow
oh dear, shall we die?
they haven't made the waiting rooms yet but there are 4 streams scheduled. Zeli streaming in 2.5 hours
We started having schedule anchors a while ago >>86450196
I trust schedules about as far as I can throw them and waiting rooms only a little more than that
I'm just being dramatic
Pillow space
I tuned out after she gasped at Scarlett graduating
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That's fair considering we're 10 minutes past Zeli's stream time.
I wonder if she meant to write 8pm est 9am jst, considering that's what most of her other streams this week are.
most likely, her schedule for last Thursday was EST AM/JST PM so she probably forgot to change it
zilly zlime
Assuming Zeli is streaming at 8pm then we'll have at least 4 girls on at the same time tonight.
It's gonna be a good night for blocks.
good blocks
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2 days now that Spica thought she'd have Minecraft the next day but it's actually a different stream
she yearns for the blocks
Spectra in 30min

>ending the wither bloodline
is she referring to the wither in the nether maybe?
Seems likely
Spectra now live
She's spawning a new one.
She wants to get a haste beacon.
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>Collecting wither heads
>Wants 15 heads total
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>Digging out a space to kill withers under the end portal
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>Suffocating the wither
glad it works even with the weird moded portal
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>Expanding her hole
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>Mining away
>Yapping about how weird it is to be a vtuber fan turned vtuber
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Zeli joined
She left shortly after joining
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>Raiding Kokone's gunpowder farm
ghost blocks
Spectra gone
Zeli put up her waiting room for 9pm
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blocks love
up you go luv from /wool/
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Thank you
Here's a grinning Raki in return
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Tomomi randomly online
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>Rowa is still lost from her adventure last stream
>Looking for a waystone to get back home
>Kokone joined
We still live
And we praise our Slime Goddess for giving us life.
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>Kokone offered to help Rowa
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>Kokone flew out to Rowa
>She scared Rowa so bad she reverted to Korean
Rowa's discovering magic
I like watching Rowa get her mind blown every time she logs into Minecraft
teaching a caveman how to make fire
Kokone is showing her the shulker farm now
Her mind is going to explode
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All of her nutrients went to her tits instead of her brain.
her exact words kek
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Wails of joy(?)
>I could've kept the tomatillo
>I gave it up for the pecans
>yeah I know what ender chests are
>You know you can craft them right?
>dead fucking silence
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>Rowa calls Kokone a nerdge
The bear is going to learn how to fly
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>Kokone had her put everything away first
>No faith in her kohai
Rowa knows her limits, I respect it
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Zebi eepy. Running late.
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>Found the waystone she was looking for earlier
Kokone wants to build some kind of Mario Kart race track it sounds like
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An ice boat track?
>Everyone's doing something different on their streams
The server... is alive...
I love Steve Minecraft.
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Zebi thought a stranger was on the server
Oh now it's a Minion.
Yeah but she wants to see how intricate she can make it
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The saddle Zeli and Scarlett found for her...
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>Everyone looking for Kokone in her house, but she's not home
this is a V&U server now
They are communicating purely by brainrot
100% true and Korean
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Rowa entranced by the rotating sign
>Zebi is lagging and crashing a lot
>Might have to end early
>Seeing if she can fix it
Scarlett might get on later after eating
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>They finally put the saddle on the bald guy
>Zebi hops
>Leads the guy into pushing Tomo into the lava
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Time for an adventure!
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>Zebi got materials for an enclosure for the bald guys
Erika Furudo is here...
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Kokone's enrichment room
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>Zebi is crashing too much
>She's ending stream
> Gonna go play Dead by Daylight with Tomomi
Scarlett on stream
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Kokone and Rowa are meeting up with Scarlett
They're checking out Frefy's
Scarlett passed her acoustic test!
Now they're doing Backrooms hide & seek
>Scarlett spent $400 on league skins once
So many blocks
Rowa's stream is ending
Literally waifu
vod blocks
yay blocks to catch up on
disconnected blocks
blippin blocks
Correction: Miuna 10/4 9pm
The perils of the Nether
Catching up on Kokone's vod.
Apparently this is an allay love hotel.
up you go again
I miss Lillie
Me too
It's always hard to come back to minecraft after losing all your equipment to the void so I get it if she wants to take a break for a bit
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yeah that was a rough one, I would have ragequit so hard. but she also hasn't streamed in a week.. I hope she's alright
I think she's fine. Probably just needed some rest after her high school reunion party.
She's back tomorrow for the rockin' relay.
Hopefully she'll be ready to get back to the minecraft grind next week.
Yeah you're probably right. Hopefully next week is better.
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>Scarlett is thinking about making her grave in this spot above her castle
big blocks
it'd be a little odd, but also maybe really nice if they'd plan casual events to "finish" builds of fallen personas
kind of a shame to just have weird half finished things on the server and many hands make light work
it wouldn't live up to the original vision, but at least it could be a little love letter, like a community getting together to clean up after storm damage
small blocks
tall blocks
short blocks
snort blocks
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>Are you holding anything important?
>I'm only holding the lapis you gave me...
>And my pe-
Has anybody died as much as Tomomi has?
she definitely racked up a few more deaths yesterday
Furi never ever... what was the point

flip blocks
I realised today that we're never getting Furi's minecraft school... It could have been so good

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