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Grapplermate - Edition

>What is /fig/?
/fig/ is a thread for viewers to find, share, and discuss idol vtubers who play fighting games and (beat em ups), either from large companies, small ones, or indies, as well as to discuss fighting games about Hololive and other vtubers in general.

>So is this thread about fighting games or Idol showdown?
Neither: this is a thread about idols and fighting games.

>But what is an idol?
An idol is something unobtainable and moe that makes your kokoro go doki doki (WIP)

>Is {X} a fighting game?
Temporally we will define fighting games as games fighting idols play.

>Are beat em ups a fighting game?
No, but we will use the loophole above provide a home for them temporally as well since most of the fighting idols also play beat em ups. If the genre seems to have a revival at some point, we would recommend splitting this thread (again).

>I have no friends, can I ask for games here?
Just post a request in the GAME ANCHOR

>Idol Showdown stuff
IS patch notes: https://steamdb.info/app/1742020/patchnotes/
Beta builds: https://twitter.com/IdolShowdown/status/1660016297164390405 (embed)
Twitter Tech: https://pastebin.com/XQtD5D1y (embed)
Tiermaker: https://tiermaker.com/categories/video-games/updated-idol-showdown-characters-1434585

>HoloXBreak stuff

>Glossary of Fighting Terms

>Hololive Smash Clone fangame

>Fighting Idols
Seeking for a chuuba who plays fightan? check our well catered selection of seiso idols (and a few extra):

>Recent Fightan Streams
- Shishiro Hai 2 info: https://youtu.be/LeuU555U9ag
- Konkon streets: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kH4JjVa0-QI
- Towa streets playing terry: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GzLAh3n8sXo
- La+ on streets: https://youtu.be/p0e55oyN9IE
- Tomori streets: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K3wquebvcYg
- nemupipi streets 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2vR7uOjwHjs
- Tsubakino comachi streets: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DJTVu6w0ZMw

>How do I git gud? (Youtube videos)

>OFFICIAL GUIDE TO PLAYING FIGHTAN (Will be updated): https://rentry.org/vaqrg8r4

>Lost your motivation to play fighting games? Read this cute girls manga:

>"FT10 NOOB!" "My oshi can beat your oshi!"
Take that somewhere else, this thread is full of newbies who just want to play the funny idol game. Be nice.

>How do I git gud? (Youtube videos)
>OFFICIAL GUIDE TO PLAYING FIGHTAN (Will be updated): https://rentry.org/vaqrg8r4

>Lost your motivation to play fighting games? Read this cute girls manga:

>News for September 30th, 2024
- Shishiro Hai 2 participants annouced including Aki, Akari Yumeno , URS, and tsuna nekota
- Divegrass season is OVER our forever rivals /uuu/ win. We will get them next time
- Rivals 2 testing going on, anons continue to HATE platformers
- Sophie enters an all women's tournament and beats the shit out of everyone. Big fish in a small tank issues
- Fumi continues her journey to get masters on every street fighter character but is now hard stuck diamond
- Anihita/2hu/Reimu is finally partnered on twitch


And remember: No discords, no names, no fighting. Only idols and love. wao!

Other useful threads:


previous frontier: >>86180161
Anchor post for finding games. Idol showdown, Street fighter, Tekken, Fightcade. Anything goes, just keep in mind that not everyone has the game you own
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tomori seggs
last bread status? alls well that ends with koyo!
everything ends with coyo
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blanka bros..
vs vrt: https://streamable.com/hao900
vs numbers: https://streamable.com/kqqi61
generic one but vs suuji: https://streamable.com/6bsmay
last one vs holox: https://streamable.com/999fwu
Nightmare crossover https://twitter.com/necro_xlll/status/1840520742225531014
i jerked off devanon and he says he'll play marvel 3 now
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@ me next time
i dont think those games are good i just think you grew with them, old games are unbalanced and broken
gee anon i wish i could read your post but all i'm hearing is "goo goo ga ga, i'm a baby, i'm a two year old baby and i need input buffer"
yes, imput buffers are important if your fucking game doesnt even have rollback to begin with old man
Fucking pro players couldnt do their combos if they had bad tvs in tournament settings and you want amateurs to enjoy that crap
This is melee levels of cope "it's good because basic movement takes 20 years of practice to execute well"
anon you're gonna have to speak up i can't hear you over that bottle of milk that's in your mouth, your binky is making you hard to understand
"my dad used to beat me up it builds character " it just perpetuating the cycle of abuse anon you need to let it go, being able to do double pretzels is not true skill
we need to keep the ayame brazilian hype at hand because people keep asking that a lot
>yooooo this gameplay is fire
No buffer is bad game design and has been for decades, there is no elaboration needed. Allow individual players to turn it off if they want, but don’t make that mandatory
holoskullgirls dev shill in shambles...
Having to tie your shoes is bad design and has been for decades, there is no elaboration needed. Allow individual players to wear laced shoes if they want, but the rest of us will use velcro
shoelaces shoes are actually better for running, meanwhile there is zero advantage in any way to making execution harder except detracting you from playing the real game
This is why that guy tried to rizz shimada with his vod of himself doing shoryukens on a row or some shit you niggas cant play mind games or do strategy for shit and execution is all you have
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this dev is so stereotypical its really funny
the mentally that gives birth gems like dustborn and cryptogame slop
>i'm a big pee pee baby and i just peed in my diaper, im a diaper baby and i pee everywhere
why would he say this?
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oh im not dev anon he likes melee im just a regular anon
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meanwhile you guys argue about what's the halal way of doing a fushu mushu in fightan, pink cat is playing suto6 using the cleavage outfit

I think there’s a middle ground here.
Things that are difficult to do can be allowed to require tight execution. Even in games with buffer, there are still tight and difficult input sequences to do cool things. But as mentioned, that can be achieved in a game with buffer simply by making the timing tight or the inputs complex (do a series of inputs in sequence, use negative edge to force timing, etc.). What shouldn’t be difficult to do is basic movement mechanics. Requiring that you hit the motion button twice within the span of three frames to do a dash, requiring that you release the jump button in less than three frames to do a short hop instead of a full hop, etc. are all simple movement mechanics, and if those require the same precision as complicated techniques, there’s a problem. That sort of thing only happens in games without an input buffer.
Tldr: basic things should be easy to do, advanced things can be hard to do, buffer achieves this.
surprised she is sticking around now that there is no slam
maybe there's a second sf6 slam
there were two for kekken
shimada when...
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2hu in sophie's chat

actually 2hu has been on sophie's chat ever since they both were 1 views
fumi "diamonds are forever" is live
figger lore...
ame graduating, board is going to be speed
we're die
thank you forever
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shammers is alive
tiger needs to wait so I can killymself after this ame stream
you cant kill yourself since its not a real graduation, you can just doki at worst and cut yourself a bit at best
dunno man stream looks over to me
nevermind she did actually came back
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huntress ccv slowly reclining to her normal levels NUMBERS NUMBERS NUMBERS

she's also live and a qt

>huntress ccv slowly reclining to her normal levels
good, she is mine, mine alone, they dont deserve her
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>she thought one's name was just The
lets name a new player The
just The
it is shimada riding a bull
I want to see Beebs saying it
>huntress back to 1500 MR

see im still better than her (by 50 points)
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why are you like this shimada
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covid fever dreams...
tumbling down tumbling down
>got plapped by a 1300 MR bison and lost 24 points total and won 4
this is why you one and done the low MR motheuckers they will drain you if they get lucky
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sophie playing some heihachi https://www.twitch.tv/afterschoolsophie
is shimada gonna try to stick with heihachi or drop her like the last dlc
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>heihachi and balance patch out
Time to get back into Tekken. I'm sorry for the person I'll become again
the tako returns...
is teamate okay
I think the worst bit I had of this whole experience was hearing kiss me during divegrass last week
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rare xrd tuber is doing sexy fightan art
>shimada raids into hanya
let them rest
Videl streets later
well at least it wasn't that one metric song
so was it confirmed she was in shishiro hai?
I gave the Botan stream a look and it looks she got into the top 12 candidates but didn't get picked in the end, though her janky PR video did get played on stream
oh I see
would have been cool though
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niji collab
Ah yes, Lome
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replace korone news with a fat fuck
specifically this fat fuck
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*this fat fuck
weird the image didnt come out
>page 9
>coyo tekken live
coyodachis all died in that tragic tekken accident
we became ghosts for the season
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first day of momoctober
starting with tekken

oh no she is addicted
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Nobody here cares but I am really happy is finally the month of the Rat
Isn't that February?
anything interesting up for today
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huh, I wonder if tomori got in the Shishiro Hai too?
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another jp collabing with various others: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7DPe3n_X5H0
shisiron cup too?
maybe, I dont remember seeing the red one in the line up
Think so, here's the full list

This one's a part of this
white towa...
who are our girls here?
the holo girls? tomori? bonchan?
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what are your plans for today fig?
I been just watching coaching videos of other people to see if I learn something.
suprisingly i do, even if it not my main
Gonna try out heihachi
Just planning out my diet and exercise plan for the month today...
I heard being thin makes you better at gaming.
Doesn't work for me...
t. skinnyfuck
Justin Wong also makes me think there may be cracks in the theory...
I’m jerking off and biding my time until Heihachi drops for normal people.
I love Tekken but I’m not gonna buy that fuckass ultimate edition when I can just pay for characters individually. Also fuck buying that one stage
I felt like trying some Xrd, learning Baiken now. No sure why, not like I'm actually gonna play against anyone.
Before you are 25 you can get away with a lot of shit, muscular ikemen Tokido is about Justin age and is still competing making it to the top while he is retired.
I predict Menard will burn out hard for that reason. Take care of your body and it will take care of you later on.
yeah but you would be even worse if you were fat so thats a consolation
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thanks devs very cool
>streamer rotation
every fighting game needs this
What gayme?
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fumi streets; https://www.twitch.tv/fumi
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darkstalker EX colors
People will shit on jive but somehow we at least got a bunch of ACTUAL darkstalkers outfits to use
this is just sad
they dont want to spam outfits in order to create fake scarcity
just make them permanent DLC???
those skins were never limited you realize that right?
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I feel like shimada messed up the format
to be fair, she's been smokin that shit that made tom cruise
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uoooooooh streets: https://www.twitch.tv/rururiri16
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i dont think we are worth it of any of these categories except maybe most exiciting match and there were several just as good as our 4-3
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botan streets later: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zpr065hmtcs
botan sex later
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Coyo sex?
not even for a second
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neat update
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jp streets: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0oe3JrPcjxQ
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someone I've never seen before playing classic blanka: https://www.twitch.tv/bblueaether
another shishiron hai chuuba: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZyKj2sHrFkY
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tomori also on: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=68uSJKdo9X8
looks like being in shishiro hai boosted her numbers a bit
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also white towa doing her own thing for her own event: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4XNSY_PbXA
I wouldn't even last a second in her
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Nia Suzune????
is she training or is this the real deal
yeah you are not beating botan while playing marisa
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Nageki (Lethal Plan) is live playing streets (1800 MR)

the black one has a cute voice
it ogre
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Coyoctober begins
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more jp streets: https://www.twitch.tv/tamamochi_kazuyo
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boobsei: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bc8HfjkYMkI
shishorn cup too? is there a full roster out ?
no she is part of towa blanco's event
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I want to take a day of rest to let my fingers recover but Im bored... I want to play more
if you break them enough they become like steel
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i fear i might get carpal tunnel tho
in any case i went into the battle hub tournament and got 3rd so its ok to cheat a bit
you either end up with carpal tunnel or tendentious
>haven't touched tekken in 2 months
>still know my combo
muscle memory feels good
in theory you are also better at tekken now because you have "forgotten" your mistakes and bad habits and only the good parts remain, now that they have time to consolidate in your subconscious
This is why taking breaks is important
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listen to korone new song it was her birthday
This isn't more electro swing jazz shit is it?
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Going into a tournament wish me luck fig!
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>TNS run
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nah they dont let me in TNS , TNS is NA only
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japanese women are just built weird, it 8 am in japan
That's just degenerate night owl hours.
Some of >our twitch EN chuubas also do them.

It's what naturally happens when your NEETdom goes unchecked for too long.
I finally got a decent controller guys, I’m thriving again
CC in da fig
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first match, it was pure slow motion
why did they let this dude in
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and then he started saying people from my country shouldnt be let in and that his internet was "good"
tell the TO to enforce a no wifi rule what is that
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Won my second match against a 1750 MR Luke!
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fumi streets: https://www.twitch.tv/fumi
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church also streets: https://www.twitch.tv/church_hb
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Got wrecked by a 1900 Juri...
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you know why
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yes but why specifically
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sero has a sexy spooky outfit
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...pink cat is a fox?
I thought she was a fucking pink cat
my life is a lie
STUPID fucking link anon, everyone LAUGH at his dumb ass LOL
its ok i think the pajama one is a cat the ears are rounder
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CONSOOOOOM https://x.com/Capcom_capkuji/status/1841659434772070507
i would buy them if it were holos instead
soph has been live for a while
amour kekken story https://www.twitch.tv/amour
The diorama panels look pretty neat
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>covid cant keep me down!
>covid keeps her down
shimada brainrot does this to her self
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jp streets: https://www.twitch.tv/kuzuyo914
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botan streets later: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OUWKBMJ5ZK0 uoooh
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get moving
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I mean, I'm glad for them. That said
>Almost executes Mio publicly and dares Cover to get their shit together
>Cover has to kneel to the jerks because muh gaming perms
>Cover explodes in popularity to the point they now give the Smash Bros buff to any game they play, still treat them like a no priority
>A holofan, a Miofa at that, wins their SF6 tournament without being sponsored
>Capcom pulls this months later
Sometimes I really, really want to know how close the marketing guys are to losing it when the higher up push for these things.
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>>A holofan, a Miofa at that, wins their SF6 tournament without being sponsored
do it for your oshi
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Hmm, I guess Tekken's Blue is similar to the lower half of SF's Master, and Ruler is similar to Diamond. I usually have no idea what this Giga Ultimate Tekken Deity stuff means, but I'm starting to get used to it.
This is accurate imo.

But the problem is that skill in SF6 ranks stops being lineal after Master rank. I'm 100% certain the shitter MR masters (1400 and below) are just Diamonds who got lucky at best.
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modern bison purple ayame is live
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>meanwhile the sponsors at Cover's
>purple ayame
is this what happens when you fuse ci and ayame
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Yeah, I can imagine that. Low Master is inherently wonky because of how the system works (same with some 1500s who play a few games each season but don't play enough to fall back to 1300).

I think it's also never linear near the top; the skill gap between 1800 MR and 2000 MR is probably way bigger than 1200 to 1400, because that's getting into pro tier.
>almost executes mio publicly
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Crapcom kickstarted the holocalypse massive archives deletion by flagging Mio's Ghost Trick playthrough, thus giving a strike to her channel and technically, all of hololive's channels since they are under the same main account except Suisei's.
Then whoever retard they send to Cover to help with the fallout told them that they should be thankful they only did so once as a warning so Cover learned they have to get perms for everything to fight off scenarios like this.
Ok I can see the point they were making about it being a favor but that is the most retarded possible way to phrase it
Like maybe “hey, you should be more careful going forward, because other people might not stop at one” would work better
The worst part is still that the fallout damage made every single JP corp no matter how small develop severe perms autism even for western indie titles
Educate yourself
Apparently the prick was even worse than that. Obviously don't have all the story because it was written in japanese but whoever was liveTL the tweets from the meeting back then told us that the asshole was pretty dismissive to Cover's and the holo's work as a whole, and Capcom at first was going to massive claim a lot of the archives with the purpose to genuinely shut them down, but cool heads prevailed and decided to just do that one stream under the excuse of copyright, even though some 5ch anons pointed out that there was a good chance in reality it was because Mio was using a modded DS to livestream the game from the actual source.
So Cover "should be thankful" Capcom didn't clap their assess back then. It's surprising how this specific part of the holocalypse is almost never mentioned when the topic pops up.
As for me, I just pray whoever retards decided things had to happen this way get exploded by a meteorite of the size of a chihuahua
jp streets: Watch :https://www.twitch.tv/tamamochi_kazuyo?sr=a
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jp streets: https://www.twitch.tv/goma_350
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never seen this one play streets before: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ogPfS3jcItA
stoner face
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slightly offtopic but puerto rican man is trying the kiara mod in streets
so joshus say wao when they are happy and oaw when they are sad, do they have any more vocabulary?
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I want to thank capcom for putting the end player control just right about the end replay making sure i need to start over every time if i miss
i hate this
Also sad is that they have justification to keep it up after one of the JP Stars got saved by perms autism.
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Pink cat (real cat) is playing FighterZ with some dude.

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that's fucked up
the no streams
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another day another getting wrecked by a lvl 99 mob in a tourney
You are having your day fighting other 1500s- 1600s and suddenly a 1900s guy pops up and its TPK 3-0
At least I got 5th out 16 which is ok
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good pasta
I'm glad there aren't many lilys in ranked but to be frank about half of the cast is deeply irritating to fight against.
no one even plays lily
the no one...
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huntress on streets: https://www.twitch.tv/huntress
I think huntress is doing those challenges for the recolors
huntress pc is chuggin
>trying to grind colors
>gets paired into a mirror with 2 bars
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crazy jive had chun with the morrigan skin to just the color
god i want to have sex with cammy streetfighter

that's not relevant to your post but i felt i had to express it
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jedah colors are alright I GUESS
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>huntress runs an amd card
gonna vote for macdonalds
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sophie live with more nina grind: https://www.twitch.tv/afterschoolsophie
Mewbsy Cat
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I'm thinking grapplers have no rights tweet
Grapplers should be removed entirely
pretty sure this is just the standard position
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this terry straight up mashing and doing unsafe jump ins and huntress still loses...
streaming kills 90% of your neurons
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kon kon streets: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W0fzOSHZu1Q
she lost like 100 mr today
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iron lung is playing tekken with chat https://www.twitch.tv/ironmouse
IDS tournament happening apparently
this is the EU one isnt it?
mouse is so entertained by the simpler things
No idea, I just saw the retweet
thats really cool
I wish I saw it
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Laplus playing with Karubi later
botan streets: https://www.youtube.com/live/SVbZTce4FtE?si=-XxDWxAxc0bq7H4s

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