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speculation thread
Because she wants to
She doesn't want to do idolshit anymore, and that is literally the only thing Cover cares about.
End of speculation.
I impregnated her, sorry. Giving birth and then taking care of the child will take a lot of time
see you, space cowboy
she doesn't. but she doesn't wanna stay either. Peak woman
Real facts: Ame thinks she is worth more than what cover pays her
restrictions and probably don’t want to do idol stiff anymore
This stream from last year basically says it all.
Hololive blew up way way more than anyone was ever expecting it to (back when EN auditions first opened no one had even hit a million subs across any branch yet) and it ballooned into way more work then she was expecting. This was enjoyable for a while but the prospect of doing it for multiple more years became too much, so she decided to cut ties and go back to more regular type streaming
HoloEN is dying. She's just jumping before the ship sinks
Probably not enough energy to do all the idol / company project stuff, stream, and also her own project stuff. Their first year being so rough support wise was probably something that seems more appealing in hindsight, having to scrape their own projects and accomplishments together without a lot of restrictions/guidance from above.
Cutting it back to just the occasional cameo so she can do normal streaming and project stuff on her own probably seems like an ideal mix of having a safety net and also freedom.
who cares? just leave already so she can be forgotten
Her problematic family moved into her household due to Ame's money. Ame is notGraduating so she can tell her family that she lost her job. Her family will move out when the money runs out and she will return afterwards
She had enough of streaming
>She doesn't want to do idolshit anymore,
>literally the only thing she'll now EVER be doing for cover, at best, is "idolshit"
Even a perfect circle is sharper than you.
Holy fucking shit an actual sane take in the catalog!

except her alt account has started back up. shes going indie.
Love you

seethe niji, seethe
4 year teammate here, no fooling here are some actually things she has mentioned or affected her over the years:
-Perms are aids. Have to schedule specific days weeks in advance just to play a game. If you want to play multiple games on one stream you have to ask each company if they're okay with that, specifically. Can't play with mods unless the mod creator gives you specific permission. Not just regular permissions, but hololive-specific legal procedures. Insane hastle
-Increased restrictions on creative projects. Holo started blocking her from using her commissioned 3D projects in the middle of her career, which is why a lot of them like amebee disappeared. They let this one up starting earlier this year but it can still be a hastle getting Cover to allow you to use something considered off-model
-Insane management issues. Meetings are all on japanese time so they constantly are up in the middle of the night because Cover refuses to work on the talent's schedules. This is why Ame's announcement was at 2:30 AM EST, so Cover could make the actual announcement at 4:00 PM JST. Most of the meetings are useless and could/should be emails or ignored.
TLDR; Ame likes to stream whatever whenever and the increasingly business-oriented cover conflicted with this, so she decided to back off.
Personally I also think she struggled with spending months at a time in Japan grinding away rather than streaming, but that one is conjecture.
Cover can be real cunts behind the scenes, we know this. Not even people like Pekora can get her projects greenlit, management will absolutely fuck with her and anybody else because it justifies their paycheck. It's Holo talents vs management that gets paid to say "no" to them, and it always will be. The difference is that on the Japanese side, this is expected for any job you get because "that's the way things are" is a mentality they live with, it's part of their culture. It's incompatible with the Western culture of talking and finding middle ground. People like Aqua are rare on the Japanese side of things, she likely grew so fucking tired of it all that in her eyes, it was better to just leave for good. Ame is at least doing this weird not-graduation thing. But I guarantee it's because management and Cover in general is heading in a direction that is increasing the workload and asking way, WAY too much of them while simultaneously not letting them do the projects they actually want to work on. Keep in mind that Ame also did tech support and fucking trained management on several things related to that. This is why people thought she was joining staff. She's probably, currently s she is, way better equipped to be a manager or general staff member that the people on there right now. It's not one singular issue, it's many stacked on top of each other and even Ame has a breaking point.

Also this may be very far down in the future and it's my own schizo take, and it's like VERY far away: but a company like Cover would absolutely switch to AI vtubers in the future if they could get away with it. Like highly advanced AI that simulated girls perfectly or close to it. That way they can get rid of graduations and do all the work they want
without tiring people out with their fax machine culture bullshit. I'm not saying Cover is bad, I'm just saying they're not perfect and because of japanese culture they will absolutely not change their ways at all.
The Gigi roleplay was so cringe she had to leave.
In all fairness, her last karaoke was pretty much a testament to what she wants to do. Too bad it seems to conflict with what she can do in Holo.
How is it sane? Girls can just ignore their popularity or if they feel like they can't, filter by streaming on another website. People who explode far beyond what they're comfortable with have been doing it since before Vtubers were even a thing.
And the idea that being way more popular means you do way more work is strange, because I've yet to see Gura do basically fucking anything this year that required work.
She hates being surrounded by lesbians
>>86480468 (ME)
Also to add onto the perms thing, Cover perms by default are exclusively for monetized youtube public streams. They have to get special permission to stream on twitch, or to stream to members, and a lot of companies demand that they be unmonetized too. Cover seemingly refuses to negotiate seriously with companies and just lets them get reamed in the ass by them constantly which is why their perms are so much shittier than others'
Tired of having 20 managers but still needing to do her own paper work.
management is full of NIGGERS
I feel like the perms part has to be stressed heavily; the Valve marathon alone made it crystal clear that this is kino that Cover had been stifling for years.
I dunno, it feels like VTubing itself is winding down. And she did enough, got enough cash, things got annoying >>86480468

No surprise she’ts out.
ENReco was so fucking stupid
Sounds about right. Probably the same thing happened to Aqua.
The thing about Japanese culture and "that's just the way things are is", as the world becomes increasingly globalized and they are forced to interact with other cultures to do business, they are going to encounter people from other cultures who rightly see that this culture is a load of shit. So this problem will gradually fix itself - the Japanese will change their culture, or they will fall by the wayside.
>problem will gradually fix itself - the Japanese will change their culture
You mean become a bastardized american culture? How is that fixed
jp trying to force their culture onto american girls.
same reason we only get jp songs at ENGLISH concerts.
He doesn't know
Genuine question: Where's the evidence for her going to indie? I don't think it's impossible but this semi-graduation seems weird if that's the case. Is there a timestamp of her mentioning it on a recent stream or something?
4 years is long, They are just people under contracts after all; every time a contract end and has to be renewed is a chance for the talent to quit (at least once per year?). i am amazed at how long Cover is keeping its talents on average.
she built a 3d studio for what?
Then they will fall by the wayside.
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To be fair, Cover is anal about perms because of the Holocaust.
And also being fair in another way, it's been almost FOUR FUCKING YEARS. Get over it, grow up! The company is significantly bigger and way more well equipped to deal with this shit, Vtubers make Youtube a fucking lot of money, and they have a ton of contacts within Youtube. God forbid someone gets striked, but if they did Cover can dispute it. There is zero reason for them to continue acting like a beaten housewife in regards to this shit, and they needed to rethink this shit two years ago, but they didn't and they refuse to, and it's only going to make things worse and worse for people who just want to play video games to make (you) money.

But hey, let's put another dozen people and couple million dollars on fucking Holoearth! That's our priorities! Holoearth sweep baby, WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Teamates were such massive faggots that it repulsed even her and despite her efforts to cull them, it was still disgusting
This is why she is not doing a full graduation, the thought of teamates going to plague the other girls was unthinkable, so it is better to keep the idea of Ame around so they don't move on to shit up the others
pl twitter
Cover is a technology company right? Why can't they just build a robot that emails every music/game/whatever publisher asking for perms on release?
>Where's the evidence for her going to indie?
Have you tried looking at the catalog at literally any time in the past week?
What's the name?? Sorry I'm an adventbaby.
There's nothing to speculate if you're not retarded/insane. She clearly didn't enjoy being in holoen after the first year once she had 'made it' moneywise and suddenly resented her fanbase. She only ever got into streaming to make money being an e-girl, there was never any passion in it, now that she's rich and Cover allowed her to graduate but still make money off of "comeback concerts" and merch she's entirely fine just neeting or streaming on her Alt account for the rest of her life. Simple as.
Cover can't even accept perms that are written by the developer on anything other than
>company website
>store page
A tweet? Nope, doesn't count.
A mention on the Steam forums? Nah.
Patch notes? We can't read those.
Literally personally asking the sole developer and publisher directly and getting a "yeah"? Clearly they're just canadian.
lel, perms is not just asking X the authorization to stream Y, it's a legit contract with signatures, lawyers involved, ... i am sure the authorization contract from nintendo is at least ten pages long.
>literally the only thing she'll now EVER be doing for cover, at best, is "idolshit"
that is literally a lie.
Kys newfag
They still haven't fixed their perms situation with some companies. Nintendo heavily restricts how they can stream, because of bad blood from all those years ago. Other companies don't have that problem.
There was never any indication that Ame had an issue with her model design so it's baffling that she was the first Myth graduation. Like Sana we are never going to get a clear answer for why she is leaving. My guess is management since that seems to be the big complaint in Hololive.
>She clearly didn't enjoy being in holoen after the first year once she had 'made it' moneywise and suddenly resented her fanbase. She only ever got into streaming to make money being an e-girl,
This, /thread
>And the idea that being way more popular means you do way more work is strange, because I've yet to see Gura do basically fucking anything this year that required work.
Bro but the secret projects!
I thought Sana left because she was stupid and lazy and sad?
couldn't they just adjust their sleep schedules?
Amelia is going to be a Phase Invader
>Nintendo heavily restricts how they can stream
>because of bad blood from all those years ago.
Incorrect. You need to understand something very simple: this is the fault of Cover's people for not reaching out, because Nintendo doesn't fucking care about what happened years ago. For example, look at Smash. It's always had pedophiles (inb4 someone says "not all of them yeah" okay sure whatever not the point) but Nintendo would still sponsor them, still host tourneys, and still did all kinds of shit despite that shit happening every other month in that scene. Because if it happened more than a month ago, they don't fucking care. And Nintendo's always been anal about Youtube specifically, but they can and have worked with people whose accounts they had killed years prior. See: poketubers.

tl;dr Nintendo perms are Cover's fault.
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She hates being an idol, she hates roleplaying as an anime character. Much easier to be a fleshtuber, especially now with a poached audience.
Where have you been? There's been an insane ramp up in both cross-company collaborations and general merch pushing. The people who weren't that interested in doing it are being pushed to do it more. It's not even just about the dancing and singing practice, the FES's and the EN concerts, it's also that there's just generally more bullshit happening on the back end than ever before. I know you can create the argument that she still could have streamed on top of all the shit, but some people just look at it differently.
The sooner we nuked that region, the better.
>I dunno, it feels like VTubing itself is winding down.
I wouldn't say it's far gone, but this is the general vibe I get. I think the "corpo/agency" model at least is definitely getting long in the tooth, in particular. Both due to changing tastes, and the increasingly noticeable tensions between viewers/talents/suits.
Explains why she's got one foot on each side of the door
They can and often did but this has negative effects on their real life. Ame has two dogs, for instance, so she has to be up and able to take them to vet, walks, etc which is hard if you need to be up from 2-6 am for meetings and then stream at 6 pm. Other girls live with their family, have university, etc that makes adjusting to those schedules hard. Also it's isolating being up that late because a lot of your (non holo) friends and family just aren't. It's hard!
She broke her fucking back dude, did you even watch her? She didn't exactly keep this a secret.
She saw how Ironmouse went from a nobody to being the mainstream vtuber and asked why she cant do that
this one still makes me mad, i like me some jap songs but this is getting ridiculous
Yeah alright I own up on that one, did not know that. My bad.
The only thing Phase could invade is a garbage can
Hololive is losing some of the spark it used to have and we only see what manages to seep through the cracks. I can only imagine what ideas the girls had that management absolutely shat on.
I dunno, she never really seemed comfortable being a fleshtuber either.
I know laws around rights an usage and shit are crazy in Japan, but why are they so overly cautions for the EN talents?
Literally nothing in your post debates what I said.
>ramp up in cross company collabs
How does this affect Ame's schedule beyond a stream or lending her voice to a trailer at best? She's not the one making your burger at a themed location.
>merch pushing
Talent input on merch is either ok, maybe change this in that way, and I wanna make [thing].
>dancing, singing, concerts
Everyone does that and while I'd need to see an actual number of who did how many songs, I'm pretty sure I could say Ame did not have a noticably larger amount of songs than anyone else, AKA her popularity did not make her do more work than a less popular member.
>more bullshit in the background
Same as ever, and I'll agree Ame probably has the most of it out of the entirety of Myth if not the company purely because she actually wants to do shit that the Japanese dinosaurs are too retarded to get. But that's related to her drive to do things, not the numbers she brings.
>Holo also started blocking her from using her commissioned 3d project in the middle of her career, which is why Amebee disappeared
It's so fucking ludicrous how they've become with this shit. Hearing all the headaches Kiara has to go through for simple shit with her 3d modeling and using fan made assets and all the restrictions just proves that Cover has gone HARD on trying to control the image of their IP. Long gone are the days of goofy fun, we're in the super corporate era.
rrat, literally, with long legs
>Where have you been?
90% of posts in this thread are Vshojokeks and Phase turdies.
Enjoy your Ame streams. Oh wait you can't hahaha
ive literally never watched an ame stream but im still somehow sad to see her go
>4 year teammate here
uh it's a TEA MATE.
Probably a suit below Yagoo has terminal Jap autism. EN was great when Myth was practically on their own, even if it was more stressful overall on the girls. Its great that EN was able to grow but almost every single great big EN collab was brought around on Myth's backs.
Every single time they are on a project, they have to do hours and hours of dumb bullshit that eat up their time. It's not just 'yeah ok' it's 'sit in a meeting, watch presentations, hear info, get asked for input' and more. And it's increasing at a rapid rate as they rob talents the freedom of the fun they used to have like this post >>86480468 talks about.

enjoy watching all your old favorite niji streamers and their future concerts

oh...half of them tried to kill themselves. the other half are men.
I'm reading every post in this thread in Ame's voice
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What the actual fuck is this thread

Ame said directly why she's leaving on both the post-announcement zatsu and on holotalk in detail

why the fuck do you join drama threads if you don't even watch the talent in question?
She started posting on her alt btw. I do hope she finds whatever she is looking for with this decision though.
Cover is a Japanese tech company.
Japan has been living in the year 2000 for the last 40 years.
Some of that was due to the fact that they (and council) couldn't actually go do 3d things in the studio, so they were given a bit more leeway to play around and have fun with it, which lead to some amazing streams, both with and without Ame. She did a hell of a lot (and I'm sure a few others helped here and there) to make those first 2 years fun for big special events. I will always be happy having her in Myth because of that, even if I didn't watch her outside of collabs with other talents that I liked.
why would they build a robot when you can use honorable fax machine instead?
God I love sucking dicks
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>literal stock_dramathread_ame_image.jpg OP

>4 year teamMmate

I guarantee everyone here are phase connect fans and not a single person who actually watches Ame
i love gura
It's ironic Japan used to be the basis for all cyberpunk because at the time Japanese technology was seen as futuristic and cool. Then they just stagnated.
Sana left because she didn't want to juggle streaming work with her main artist work.

We know it's true because she streamed only a couple of times after she left and then stopped streaming altogether. Ame on the other hand already mentioned she will be full time streamer. Now give me as simple and as short of an answer why Ame is leaving?
completely understandable. She was hired to stream to an EN audience. Hololive now is very much different from the company that hired her to begin with. This is a fairly decent resolution, assuming Cover is motivated to continue using its graduated IP. May open the gate for future collaborations of all sorts, if both parties are in agreement.
Not only this, Japan is insanely bureaucratic.
Some documents in Japan can't just be signed, they need to be stamped with your personal seal, like you're still living in the Edo period.
She's too fat to dance
I thought Sana broke her back?
She hates how Corpo Cover has become, anything else sis?
She did. That's why she only streamed a few times after she left.
>Some documents in Japan can't just be signed, they need to be stamped with your personal seal, like you're still living in the Edo period.
That's kind of sick though,
I don't think doing idol shit is necessary. You can tell by the contrast between Advent and Justice. One is clearly Idol group and other is more entertainment focused I think.
perms are not just perms. there is no fucking way that Cover would let their talents with so many viewers stream and promote the games of big companies for free. Especially when those companies a paying a lot to twitch streamers for sponsored streams. When a talent asks for perms, Cover ask for money.
Probably too many restrictions and she can't do what she wants.
>where's a nice unpeeled virgin shota cock when you need one
GG and CC can sing, they just need training. I haven't heard Raora sing and we all know ERB is talented.
She doesn't like being shackled by asinine management. She's genuinely very talented and whatever they're paying her it isn't enough.
You can do that in America too if you want. Mine is a picture of a dachshund.
Her accent is so fucking good she could literally just yap for her entire career and be fine.
I agree
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Someone, get a stamp of Rick Astley
>GG and CC can sing
If singing was important they wouldn't pass auditions with what they've got. Clearly Hololive looked for something else with Justice.
theyre in over their head. they think they know the path to increasing success but theyre just on the path to losing tons of more talents
The whole 'cover jap corporate autism' is insane, its fucking insane that the meetings are in jap time, its insane that most EN talents cant even understand the meetings because they are in japanese, its insane that cover refuses to have any fluent english speaker in a management position. I understand that its a jap company and foreigners have to play by their rules but sometimes it feels as if cover is keeping them out of the organization on purpose.
And all that on top of not just letting the streamers be streamers and require a ton of idol shit and probably push them really hard to come to the Tokyo studio pretty often.
>VTubing itself is winding down
Filian is slowly getting to 5view status, so if anything it is HoloEN winding down.
It's also funny that a lot of that cyberpunk literature where Japanese corps run the world was written in the 90s, and Japan's economic bubble burst in 1989.
How the fuck did the "a fucking jerboa" meme make it all the way here from /akg/?
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You already know
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I think it might have Inna who recently talked about a big part of getting hired is just fitting in with the other talents. Apparently Cover puts a lot of stock in personality type and picks people specifically who aren't going to start drama with other talents.
Streaming makes some money and some merch, but events and cross promotions with other companies are where the big money is at.
It was Mori
She probably wants to go back to be a live Twitch streamer with IRL camera.
That wouldn't sit well with Hololive. No matter how permissive they are, they wouldn't have a holomem never vtubing while doing IRL streams on her own.
Gura only streams occasionally, but she doesn't stream IRL on Twitch regularly on the side.
Calli and Kiara do IRL streams maybe once every 6 months/year.
Mori! Thanks, knew it was someone from Myth.
She's pregnant (my child)
Because she's a dumb ass
>Every single time they are on a project, they have to do hours and hours of dumb bullshit that eat up their time.
And are those hours directly proportional to how popular of a member they are? Because that was my statement, you fucking retard. Popularity is a factor, not the sole factor.
Absolute retard who doesn't watch streams. There are at least 10 girls I can name off the top of my head who do IRL streams on the side while in cover, including multiple who do actual pornography. They don't care about that. There's a somewhat convincing rrat they DO care about streaming with an indie L2D model at the same time, but I'm not convinced by that either.
She was burnt out in 2021 and only really "revived" when she jumped from project to project. She also dropped leaving with that bus way back then.
So she left because she's been burned out for years and only held on for her fans and genmates.
>nobody wants to believe this so they don't reply
I understand but come on...
>That wouldn't sit well with Hololive. No matter how permissive they are, they wouldn't have a holomem never vtubing while doing IRL streams on her own.
I don't even have a funny joke to aim at you. The quote alone is hilarious enough.
Again, have you not seen how much Myth specific merch collabs have been coming out? There's some things they can opt out of, but it seems like there's more and more stuff coming through the pipeline that the talents who aren't that interested in doing homework have been mysteriously showing up in more. Cover is forcing their talents to do more merch-related work for EVERYONE, not just the popular girls.
Again, can you read?
>Popularity is a factor, not the sole factor.
Would you LIKE me to USE capitals for EMPHASIS?
Surely they can do promotions without requiring the talents to devote weeks of their lives to tour the world doing concerts, conventions and shit at the Tokyo studio. Especially since the early EN talents like Ame were hired as streamers and not on site performers. Doubly so when they are operating under a jap contract under jap law and they probably feel as if they have no actual control over what they can do.
Honestly, I expect all the stream oriented holos to slowly graduate as hololive transitions to a full on virtual idol company.
>Meanwhile Kiara doing irl wing gliding streams in the alps
>holo doesn't allow people to IRL stream
>while they don't stream as a member of hololive
>even specifically brings up members who've done that
do you have dementia?
>There's been more projects that she has to do that eats into her 'work time'
>Other stuff posted about changing the ways she can choose to stream.
>Keep pointing at popularity
What the fuck is your point? It means nothing, that's the problem. You simplified everything to pretend that she hasn't been doing anything at all on the back end and act like she's got it so easy when it's just one of multiple factors on why she doesn't want to be here anymore.
How many guns does Ame have?
we have our 6th kid on the way.
>What the fuck is your point?
See >>86482974
wheres the receipts
If they want to swap to completely virtual idol, I think they'll lose a decent chunk of their EN audience income. There are some who really love the idol stuff, but a majority of the love, hype, and merch buying comes from fans developing connections to their talent of choice through many, many hours of streams.
It's family things, 100%. She's already gone into, before all of this happened, that she was taking care of some members of her family. We will never know what that entails or why. We can only guess based on how sudden her departure seems to be.
The depressing thing is there will be more graduations coming because of it
>including multiple who do actual pornography
There's more than Noel?
Calli said that management priority was to avoid dramafagging and catty types
last thing I heard is she can't say
Her departure was not sudden. It was decided at contract renewals months ago. The myth one block event at the start of june was organized with the knowledge ame was graduating, so it was decided in may/april. It's only sudden to us because they didn't announce it until now
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Don't worry, she's just going to enter her regeneration phase and then everything will be alright.
In this regard they've actually done pretty well so far. Mori is probably the worst when it comes to this, but she's nothing compared to some indies and other corpo tubers.
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>people want to buy merch because of the connections fans form with their vtuber of choice's streams
If a major reason for her 'not graduation' is her family trying to leech off of her I am going to be so fucking mad
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Will Ame show up here?
>you talking getting railed or the kind that Noel does?
Valve has to be one of the easiest companies to work with, and they never even bothered to get multiplayer perms on the Orange Box, which is going on 18 years old now.

Incompetence like that likely has some factor in why she's quitting. It's clear their management doesn't give a fuck about any game or studio that either doesn't come to them begging to have their perms added or isn't Japanese
Cali doesn't seem like she'd purposefully make drama with people, she's just dumb and from a shitty environment so sometimes she causes shit on accident like with the Gura house party.
>shitty jumpscare japanese games or PAT TAM WAHKAR

i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it
The kind Noel does. There's at least one other confirmed, not sure if it's allowed to be said here but I'm sure someone will eventually.
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ame doko...
Because you're assuming that the work they do for all of those cross company collabs is not that dedicated or heavy. You said as much in your first reply and followed it up by talking about Gura, who has been in a shit ton of collaborations over the year. Then you say they can just 'ignore the popularity' by streaming elsewhere, but again some talents might have their own opinions on how much work they should be required to do for a company, and everyone's levels for that would be extremely varied. So now here she is, cutting all of the back end work and moving on to streaming on her own time, dedicating that 'work time' to the actual streams instead of the piles of corporate bullshit that have been increasing for EN especially over the last year.
>Cover went public with IPO
>Blackrock, owned by Larry Fink, a big nosed small hat, buys up shares
>Now Cover must operate under DEI politically correct standards
>Gura and other holomems talk about how management has become strict and even more restrictive and pressuring
>Working for Cover isn't the same as it used to be
>Mel, A-chan, Aqua, and Watson (known to be anti-government) leave
man did the chat was so shit in aqua graduation? didnt she had like 600k ppl watching?
mel was fired. dont be a cuck.
The house party thing is honestly way overblown by this place. Mori used to say stupid shit on twitter all the time though.
You've been a member for four years yet somehow think it's called "teammate" LMAO fuck off, your like those fake Lap-chan fans that don't know how to spell her last name
I've bene wondering this for a while now, can you find a specific date on when Blackrock bought up shares and how much they specifically bought up?
Whenever I ask this question I never get a reply. It's strange, wonder why that is...
You don't like shitty indie games that would be shovelware anyplace that isn't steam or tired meme games that are 6+ months out of date?
broke contract on purpose
I was told by schizos she wants to rape Vedal and or Filian
She probably dropped a hard R in the presence of BlackRock staff.
I may be retarded but I am not a liar, honestly I just call myself an investigator usually I dont think I've ever typed teamate out
I like them sometimes, but when a large chunk of your content becomes that shit, it gets pretty tiring. I fell off of FWMC a bit purely because the only games they play often and will finish are those shit games, especially since the move.
This so ame and i love it
>I expect all the stream oriented holos to slowly graduate as hololive transitions to a full on virtual idol company
Will the be the straw that breaks /vt/'s back? Idol culture completely subsuming Hololive until they're no longer the silly streamers people flocked to
yep, it's jews
big surprise
>"°。⋆⸜(˙꒳˙ )future full time steamer"
I just think it'll be a loss of a decent chunk of the EN fanbase. I've seen a huge uptick in idol concerts at NA cons since the comeback in 2021 after vtubers blew up in the anime space. It can't be coincidence that suddenly all these people 'started caring about idols' after a bunch of 'idols' (both girls who were idols and just the general 'Hololive idol' term) got popular. I think I went to two panels for idol concerts prior to 2020, and the room was always a quarter to half filled depending on the size. Now, it's fucking packed every time.
well yes but why does she want to leave?
Mori is literally becoming CEO. She is easy to work with. All the girls are.

It's not just about Singing. It's an extra factor. They want their idols to do more than just streaming, which is really what Ame wants to do. The issue is that she didn't really want to even do that for whatever reason.

People still say this is a "decision".
Hololive clearly gave her an ultimatum. Either stream or graduate. She probably did not like this pressure and probably thinks in her mind that she is as valuable as gura, so she said no, I'll graduate.

Gura has immunity because she's the mascot.
Hololive should really tighten up on their talents streaming.
It's not right to their fans.

No I am not a nijifan. No I am not a phase fan.
I'm your worst nightmare, a holostars fan. Males work 1000% harder than all vtuber girls and get 1/100th the views.
90% of her PL fleshtuber shit was her nervously smilling and brushing her hair while she greased Overwatch or akwardly ate her dinner on stream, while Bubba and the rest of the animals threw a tantrum in the background.
I dropped off a lot of people because of this
I like that Gura and Ame don't stream very often because of it. It means I don't have to dread clicking their page and seeing a stream for some garbage game that's crap that I know is going to just be her talking through what happened in her week trying to fill dead air of some boring meme playing out on screen.
Hololive is the golden ticket, it's much easier for them to stay than to leave.
If a stakeholder is entitled to a seat on the board, then their percentage ownership must be publicly disclosed.
BlackRock doesn't own a stake in Cover.
Neither does Vanguard or Blackstone.
Yagoo still owns more than a third of all Cover stock.
What an absolute fucking Trainwreck. She should have just pre-recorded this before fucking off.
So then anon is just repeating a dead rrat?
Right, Kino.
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Funny that I kinda like the chit-chat a lot for the girls I like. FWMC just don't have a lot going on outside of doing work because they overload themselves constantly, so their chatter falls off pretty quickly because they run out of things to talk about (and can't spin the simplest shit into fun stories). Kiara on the other hand...
guys, she just wants to give us time to improve ourselves.
Pretty much.
If it were true, it's something that is trivially easy to prove.
Once I discovered that both Vanguard and BlackRock each had a 5% stake in Games Workshop, certain things started making sense
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you may stop talking out of your ass now
So then they have 0.57%... and when did they acquire this amount?
All this scuff just to live sing very out of tune, while overpowered by terribly unbalanced audio. Bad camera angles, doesn't even know if the audio is working.

I get she was a pioneer of the EN branch or whatever but damn, this is hard to watch.
What an amazing trainwreck. She should have several more streams like this before becoming Hololive history.
Watch the stream and it becomes quite clear, she fucking hates management.
She doesn't even know her own Gens song. it should be pretty easy to tell why
do you know what IPO means
stop expecting to be spoonfed everything
If it makes you feel any better, this is probably just an example of the trash Cover had her put up with.
That isn't enough for them to buy a seat on the board.
Thank you for demonstrating your complete financial illiteracy.
please kill yourself
duet with homos?
So then you can provide proof of Blackrock acquiring 0.57% shares during the IPO, and not after? Why not post it then?
It's not just this stream
>israel troll farm is here
she is tell us in the stream, she whould back to concerts and idolshit, watch the stream faggot
Wasn't it like 1.87% a couple months ago when their name first got brought up?
homocollab, she fears to drag the entire holoEN down because of it, so she graduates first and disassociates herself from holo, then she can freely homocollab.
I can't understand what anon is trying to say
Toby Fox wrote a tweet that gave Hololive permission to play his games on stream and monotize them but Cover still chased after him with autistic legalese.
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why did she follow a random chuuba know only for being a Vedal/Neuro orbiter
How do you even know that, faggot?
we'd probably see Niji try (and fail) with the AI shit, which prompts cover to not even try.
>In the future, down the line
>Depends on how things go
>Maybe you will see me again
>You will still hear my voice next month on VPs and I might still join future projects
So given that she will certainly stream on rm, is this really all that different, practically, from her previous semi-hiatus status?
euchads...i can hear my neighbors waking up
I think she's saying that because she herself doesn't want it to be final, you heard how she almost immediately started to choke up once she said that this was the final stream
Well yes, because she'll actually stream.
She does scuffed 3D stuff and she's very cute from the clips youtube feeds me.
>When a talent asks for perms, Cover ask for money.
you okay anon?? i don't think that's how it works. pretty sure it was the other way around, perms are needed to allow cover's talent to make money and monetize when playing their games.
extensive cataloge use on the dooby situation
you are so naive.
And might I add she's staying as an 'affiliate' meaning she's leaving with the door open just in case things don't work out in her favor. Smart move all things considered
the increasing amount of homework got to her.
Ame teasing her fans in an open ended graduation without its name. who says to their fans I might comeback one day if the situation change. Just move on and let your fans move on too.
based schizo
that's still enough for them to have an influence
and you still talk out of your ass
At least for karaoke it does. You want something not in the catalogue that Cover has with the company they contract with? Get a track made with your own money and we'll graciously add it to the list of approved tracks for anyone to use.
Want to get a sololive? Pay up, because you're fronting a heavy chunk of that cost.
Want to get a orisong/cover/album? How well did your last song do in terms of numbers? Well, you'll get a small amount of help from us to pay for those things, but we'll have you use them for every event we have from here on out.
Nintendo suits are also fucking insane.
they're almost at disney levels.

I'm guessing Nintendo USA and Nintendo JP are waaay different in how they act.
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Graduating? Lol no, buy my ghost ame acrylic stand starting tomorrow for halloween merch myth collab. Losers
what name is her pl account under? never bothered looking into that stuff before.
Boku no uwu
probably because US also has their own flavor of corpo autism (mostly copyright, thanks disney)
shes rebranded to a new name so it doesnt really matter anymore, someone on this thread already said it
Nintendo suits are insane but this scenario is almost certainly Cover's problem, they are a disgusting dogshit black company but somehow Nijisanji has basically no issues with nintendo perms. Pomu was able to stream Pokemon Black, a 15 year old game, while Cover can't even stream the newest pokemon game after like 2 months of release. They need to do better and negotiate more seriously.
was Amelia actually based?
Oh let me add to this.
Need tech support for at home 3d stuff? Better pay someone else to do it, we'll give you a little bit but most of it is on you.
Want to get a better PC or mic equipment for better recordings/streams? Out of your pocket you will.
Buy your own games.
No you can't use that stuff you've already paid for and used in the past because we decided on a whim that we don't like how it represents your IP anymore.
You got a comm'd addition to your 3d that you want to use for home use? Better suck us off enough to allow it or hit some arbitrary sub count that we demand.
Need an MV for your song? Well, here's a list of people that you can work with, but you'll be paying for the whole thing and we'll have some level of input to protect our IP that you developed for us.
Pedocentral Nintendo USA is probably more lenient than autismlitigation central that is jp hq
Probably an insane take but it feels like Ame wanted to take a break and rather than give her the same treatment Gura got in 2022/23, Cover is forcing her to make it official.
We'll get confirmation in a few months if/when they release more Amelia Watson merch (Gura got merch during her nearly 2 year long hiatus where she barely streamed after all).
Cover probably saw Gura's lack of streaming and of an official announcement as a lost opportunity to make a massive "comeback" stream. Gura coming back after a nearly two year long hiatus would've been a bigger net gain for the company than letting her do whatever for those 2 years and only forcing her to join idol activities.
Ame may have been given the same option as Gura where she would be required to attend certain events but rather than bother with that she may have just said fuck it and taken the official route. I'm sure she'll let something slip within a week.
she is eloping to have gay lesbian sex with gura
If this were true, Myth wouldn't have been choking up yesterday. If this were true, Ame wouldn't be trying and failing to not make it sentimental.
nta but read previous comment, corpo money > donation money.
Someone like Kobo must have been making more money from sponsorships than from donations. She is the ideal future of Hololive that can make money even in a poor marlet.
raped by mori
>wanted to take a break
and yet future "full time" streamer, i think the opposite is true, they didnt let her stream how she wanted
Independent agent here I've worked for Niji and Cover (backgrounds and stream assets).
I occasionally sit in on meetings at whatnot if there's an event planned. Other's have said the "that's just the way it is sentiment" is super common in Japanese work and I can pretty much affirm that. The managers coming up with things to do never stop and ask
>do you think [name] will be too busy?
>let's ask [name] if she's rested enough for another day of practice
They just assume they can work, show up, act 100%, then get up and do the same thing tomorrow.

I've never spoken to any of the girls but I can tell they're weary. People often think "making it" as a corpo vtuber is something that people will gladly keep up until the brand crashes and burns, but some people are willing to just let it be a thing they did for a few years back whether or not they have savings.
Fes and all idol shit has been 100% voluntary. The girls all wanted to do it. If they said "no" they wouldn't have to do that shit. But that's where the money is and the "audience pressure" of "why are all the other girls performing but you're just streaming x game?" etc., is what got them doing it year after year.

>six months from now Ame starts a stream
>as the stream starts the viewers are not met by her model but instead see an emaciated asian woman wearing winter clothing that hangs off of her, you can tell she is bald from chemo
>h-hi chat I guess you were wondering where I have been
>you see in this timeline I have cancer and it doesn't look like I will be able to escape to another timeline
>you know I always cared about you...
I guess maybe it's just I think the non-JP side will slowly begin to really feel streams getting cut back, and support will wain which leads to not just less donation money, but also less of people buying corpo merch.
>If this were true, Myth wouldn't have been choking up yesterday
When you work with someone for 4 years, just knowing that you won't see them as often and be able to interact in the same manner as you once used to would make any normal person choke up.
Full time Holo streamer vs full time indie are two completely different animals. You don't have to pretend to be an idol and waste time doing stuff you have 0 interest in to appease shareholders.
shes pregnate?
>quick merch shill right before ending the graduation stream
bro, she's clearly hiding her tears now, she's about to break crying! btw don't forget to buy the new merch.
yes, by me
Hololive is pozzed now and she can't wait to get away from this
>Full time Holo streamer vs full time indie are two completely different animals.
Yes they are, with indie allowing for pretty much no headaches. You do realize the literal only difference between the two in this case is perms, right?
explain further
>You do realize the literal only difference between the two in this case is perms
Sure, lets not include all of the optional mandatory idol related activities.
yeah this final stream really does give me the impression that cover is completely out of touch with the girls, at least, the girls like ame that just want to stream and shit
Vtubing as a whole isn't winding down, so much as it still hasn't recaptured the 2020 lockdown peak especially on the EN side. Plus after 4 years for EN and even longer for JP, a lot of individuals are moving on or just spending less time on it, especially if you're Holo-only (even if you're holo+niji, well...). There's also the fact that a lot of the biggest girls have largest number of dead subs from 2020-2021, so it feels like more of a decline than it actually is if the growth had been consistent over time.
EN vtubing is winding down. JP shit is still going strong.
I wouldn't have expected shitters like ReGloss to get 200k but here we are
It pains me to think about Biboo in a year.
Because OP touches himself at night. (You), specifically, ruined it for the rest of us.
JP bots hard because they have number autism and asian le saving face mentality
based schizophrenic
>implying Ame has 100k active fans
>implying she even had 50k
JP is totally still inclining right now. Just look at comiket numbers, how much advertising and deals their getting in Japan and with Japanese companies, and generally how many people over there are interested. EN on the other hand is really starting to stagnate, and it's not even for the lack of talent. It's just that the wider audience while being able to enjoy stuff like FES and the EN side still wants streams as a first and foremost. Gigi has been going hard with the RP stuff, and it reinvigorated Mori's interest in doing another TTRPG stream which was a lot of fun. FWMC are still going hard on their grind with idol stuff. Raora is a new, extremely promising artist who might actually capitalize a little more than Ina (or Sana haha) could. ERB is doing some weird shit in her own corner. Shiori is a bit different from any of the hires from Myth or Promise. There's still places to go in HololiveEN that aren't idol focused, it's just if Cover really wants to put the effort or allow them to do it. Hell, they put a bunch more restrictions on handcam streams because of the MorixKiaraxIrys nail painting stream, which was pretty popular.
she's going to vshojo
t. knower
wtf why doesn't yagoo have more than 41% AT LEAST???
No, she wants to leave, and she's leaving sooner than originally planned. That's why there's the "not a graduation" thing, it's because she wants to leave now instead of waiting for her planned projects to complete.
Almost everything has been winding down after Covid, especially tech and gaming
The fuck are you on about? JP vtubing is still on the up and up, and it's only down if you consider anything that isn't a christmas miracle or a Coco to be anything even remotely negative.

The worst you can say is new growing blood is hard to find, but potential stagnation is a different issue from what you're talking about entirely.
Could be sickness either her own or a fmily members
Maybe bubba is getting old and she doesn't want to be away from him for long
Could be purely economic. Maybe she knew 'graduation' would bring more eyes to her and her reincarnation as well as donation and merch bucks
She may just not like the corporate side though. Bet these bitches have at least one stupid meeting a day.
Retard. She didn't renew her contract, so this was the time she was going to leave forever. Blame Cover/the people working on the projects for not fitting her time table. Remember that Kronii's MV took 2 years to come out and Gura's full color never did. Cover works retardedly slow
It would be a good argument only if they somehow stopped pekora from streaming. EN is just lazy overall.
This is weird ...to say the least.
you have to be a spesicial type of retart if you think EN is winding down, nubmers have neve been so high
>and she's leaving sooner than originally planned
Retard-chama... look at the date.
they bot for EN too but not as much as for JP, noomba need to be highest in JP
They also don't live in japan.
>be you
>finally get to sleep
>phone rings
>moshi moshi ame-san, would you like to participate in this collab/sponsorship/whatever
>repeat for 4 years
Yeah, totally. They definitely have the numbers they did in 2021 and 2022. What fucking world are you living in?

she always came off as an internet oldhead
So placing bets Calli is next right? Her only reason for stealing a spot was to be the ultimate weeb and do VA work. And now she is getting work under her own credit and not Cover
Calli's contract with UMG is through Cover so she is never leaving. She is quite literally the girl in the entire company least likely to leave now since her contract has brought her from singing as a guest in dingy bars to collabing with Reol and Lotus Juice lol
Gura is definitely next
how many times is she going to say goodbye for the final time?
kiara, too. shes too hooked on the idol culture.
gura would be too lazy to even leave, she rather not do anything.
No, it was always 0.57. It was never anywhere near 1%
Kronii is next
gura will never leave because she's the face of EN and cover will give her whatever she wants if they can put her face on everything
Given what Gura was doing before she joined, I at least can't see her leaving to go back to that. I could be surprised, but I also think Cover is willing to give her a lot of slack even if she's barely doing anything regular as long as she's willing to do the odd major event. If she does leave it'll be a surprise.
>So placing bets Calli is next right?
sorry, good things aren't allowed to happen so she's never leaving
If she can get away with being an affiliate and conitnue getting money from merch and sponsorships then I can definitely see her doing it just to get away from all the work.

but she is.

FWMC are more hooked than she is to the idol stuff, but Kiara really does love to sing and dance, even if it isn't in the traditional 'JP' idol sense. Bae has nothing outside of this stuff either. The onyl one of these not committed fully is Kiara because she hasn't/doesn't want to move back to Japan, but she may end up having to if she wants to keep going sooner or later.
fuwamoco are fake jp girls. they will do this for the rest of their life if they can.
They're not fake. They have truly become Japanese.
Sana has some reasons
>The homo debutted after she left. She doesn't want them
>She complained her health is falling
>She wasn't allowed to show off her true drawing skill
>She hated her time in holo, ban everyone who remind her of it
>She's focusing on her main career and got some successes
Yeah, that's why they get scammed and people try to trick them on the street knowing they're white women.
I don't know how to break this to you, but that is not Gura.
what scam?
>her last karaoke
Anon what you said was years ago pls use your brain
Problematic in what way?
they don't approve of associating with sharks
Usual deadbeat family type stuff.
>Neglect daughter for years because she can't offer us anything
>Oh wait she's got some cash now
>Come one we're family, you gotta help me out
Ame bought a new house for them to live in together. They did not move into her existing ones. Ame did this intentionally.
This is really only her mom (who she is living with for the first time in a really long time). Her aunt + older brother are good to her and her little brother is still a kid

so who died?
Close (well not really close) but no cigar
Nobody that we know of. Ame likes her family a lot and thought it would be easier for her to move back in with them (I don't know why, I had it pegged instantly she'd get embarrassed about streaming around them). Maybe because she was still going between japan/la a lot and her brother was always watching her animals and stuff, so it became easier when she moved in.
She banned people because they kept hounding her over it; getting hundreds of people whining about when she's going to coddle them isn't great.

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