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AME LOVE Edition
Previous Thread >>86464252

>Upcoming Stream
Home3D Reveal @9:00PM ET 10/01
>Previous Stream

>1st orisong BORN TO BE "BAU"DOL

>3D Debut
>Youtube Channel

>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_モココ・アビスガード%22 (Mococo)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_フワワ・アビスガード%22 (Fuwawa)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list, VTL team info)

>Thread Template
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>M: Please don't get merch because you feel pressured or anything like that. DON'T do anything that you don't want to. We really mean it, okay?
>F: So you know, maybe you're like, "Oh, well, you know, maybe if I make a clip maybe more people will discover FUWAMOCO from there!" - it's true, but maybe you REALLY don't like video editing... Maybe don't that.
>M: However you want to, okay?
>F: You know, oshikatsu's supposed to be fun! You know, just tweeting, being loud -
>M: Being HERE with us!
>F: Yeah!
>M: That's all - that's MORE that we can ask for!
>F: Yeah, being like, "Ah! My best friend, you know, I REALLY like these vtubers called FUWAMOCO!". You know, those kinds of things, you know...
>M: So, please, don't feel like, "Oh, THIS Ruffian is doing all this and I'M not doing ANYTHING"...
>F: No. You know, oshikatsu is fun for everybody and ANYBODY!
>M: You should never feel like that, okay? So PLEASE don't compare yourselves to somebody else, okay?
>F: We just want you to have fun. You shouldn't feel pressure.
>M: We don't want you to disappear because of something, you know...
>F: Yeah, so, you know... if your smile's in trouble...
>*Both shake their heads*
>M: Just don't worry, we just want you to be here with us.
>F: Yeah, we wanna protect your smile and have fun together, Ruffians!
>M: You got it? It's not work! It should be FUN! We understand that you compare yourselves to others and stuff like that... SO THAT'S WHY WE SAY "DON'T"! We get it, you know? Because we felt it too before, okay? *reads chat message* You wish you could superchat more? IT'S OKAY! DON'T WORRY! We want you to have fun.
>F: And you know, it's the little things that count, too, you know. So, just sending a tweet like, "BAU BAU!" - that helps, you know?
>M: Yeah! Do what you can!
>F: "I'm on break right now, you know! I had a real delicious sandwich! FUWAMOCO, I had a delicious sandwich!" ... You know, it makes us happy to know that you're thinking about us cause sometimes, you know, we get a little bit lonely. Like, "are the Ruffians thinking about us...?"
>M: Please don't worry, okay? *reads chat message* You can't write well? It's OKAY! Don't worry about it!
>F: But it makes us really happy to know you're thinking about ways you can help us, Ruffians...
>M: We don't want you to get sad and be like, "I can't enjoy FUWAMOCO anymore because I compare myself to other Ruffians", okay?
Can I commission FWMC to draw porn?
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if she auditioned for hololive with this performance she'd be an instant reject at the first stage
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Love is patient, love is kind.
It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.
It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.

so this is why i always got dupe image error whenever i posted perotskr.png
She probably didn't even sing. The original mission statement for EN was they just wanted streamers, not idols. Source: Kiara
I know, she also just said that on this stream too. I'm saying that performance just now was so bad that she wouldn't even make it past the first round of auditions in hololive if she were trying to join today
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Hololive knows the magic of pure SOULKINO
This is gonna be cringe
>teamate orisong
Huh. Pretty based.
I'm reserving judgement until I hear it
Is this AI shit? Did they use AI to make this song?
Uh, this sounds pretty good...
I still think gen 1 is a miracle in how great they are at performing considering literally none of them were hired for it. And most of them are (or were, RIP) good enough to be hired for that.
ok it's pretty good they actually have a talented singer and not a crowdsourced slop fest
One last time for Ame. I'll miss her porn.
This is nice.
Coco still gets porn, this won't stop.
unfortunately Ruffians could never do this and FUWAMOCO will be expecting it now
fanmade kino...
Doesn't Mococo draw these?
Yes. Mococo has 100% attempted to draw porn in the past
I was seriously expecting to hear middle aged men singing out of sync... again.
Yes but once a girl abandons hololive they're off the sex approved list
>Cringe yuri song for two people who never stream anymore let alone together.
Fish Tank Episode 1 guys.
true. all of our females are menheras
Deepfriedscream is working on it now, don't worry we'll have a song too!
how the fuck did they pulled this off with only like, a month to work with
Based Corinthians 13 poster
we still need two femruffians to sing and every one we have is menhera as fuck. I guess we have Sobbi but who else
Mococo does not like being serenaded.
they could all cut a message to FUWAMOCO in a collage
stupid fucking retard
It's always nice when your fans sing better than you do.
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have you tried changing the dimensions?
thank you for all the art++
then I'll only serenade Fuwawa and Mococo will be jealous
>Over 10k people dipped during the song
Yeah they got naked and wore each others clothes after sleeping together and held hands but it's not yuri.
>Ruffians could never do this
Ruffians have done it already, sis. More than once, actually
Unless you mean orisong, in which case ruffians have still already done it
Nerissa will pull through for us
>Teamates feel the same for Ame what Ruffians do for FWMC
I don't see how that is possible. FWMC give the Ruffians so much love that we have schizos who get depressed if they don't get their weekly Twitter like. How do Teamates love Ame while being ignored for so long, even berated for "backseating" is they try to participate and offer advice in chat?
AI slop doesn't count.
based she actually would too
I really don't think Nerissa will be with us by the time FWMC graduate... She'll be with X in the great vtubing channel above...
You have brain rot and have never seen the stuff women that are close friends do
>he thinks all the examples are AI
lurk for a thousand more years
despite all the menhera and schizo posting you can count the number of prominent ruffians that have disappeared on one hand. unfortunately mentally ill have a tendency to never leave after latching on until they either destroy the thing they claim to love, ruin it for everyone, or kill themselves
We need one of the thousands of ruffians to go through mtf surgery
hi windows
There were greys talking shit about "cringe parasocials" in the prechat for the Detective Dogs collab. It's clearly a different kind of fanbase.
>He doesn't know
That was really emotional. Particularly the scenario of Ame traveling in the future to be with them again during when for them, she's already passed away for 2000 years or something like that.
She'd be even more likely to join in a fan project then
What if she just cuts off your tongue instead
thanks for the spoilers
>claim to love, ruin it for everyone, or kill themselves
so annoying. you have to pray for a freak accident to happen to them.
>he is unaware
that was just stage 3 of the pilllar's 8 stage process of ending up with them
becoming a female vtuber and collabing with them
>The fucking dakimakura
>After the homo arc
>rerelease of merch
pretty based and holy sex
FWMC are buying this btw
>bee ame
>not ame bee
Well you could likely just pay her to do it since that's literally her job
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Why did this account tweet about Ruzes birthday but said nothing about the graduation stream
bubba who
I've always wondered, wouldn't keeping your graduated (yes i know ame isn't really graduating) oshi's merch around you just make you sad?
sex with bee ame
The name is great, if I said it people would call my cynical and an Anti but since Ame does it, it's funny.
the moment FUWAMOCO graduate I graduate from life by setting my house on fire with all merch inside
No way. Why do people keep mementos of departed ones.
It's like keeping photos of dead family members or pets, you feel sad but you think of the good times
only for the first year or so
after the second year, you can relive the fun time just by seeing it
FWMC need a daki or at LEAST an oppai mouse pad this year
literally EVERYONE with sex appeal has one
based. I probably would tag my suicide note with #FUWAMOCO if they ever leave hololive
Depends on what comes after and how she went, I guess.
If she goes out with a bang and you're left with nothing but pride over her journey, it'll bring you a smile whenever you look at it.
>She'll be with X
If she graduated, nope. If it was a Rushia situation... lol
Eh isn't that just arson? The insurance company won't pay you for that.
fuwawa too small
mococo way too big
Can we at least get mico bikini maid daki? Clothed on both sides is so boring...
Then try to bring them back with human transmutation?
it's only been 4 years and everyone has already forgotten his name...
daki birthday 2025 screenshot this post
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I'm handcuffing myself to the bed and throwing the key away after downing a handle of whiskey
if ending my life saves theirs then yes I'd gladly do it
It looks like he has frog eyes.
I'd prefer minimal sleepwear like like an oversized t-shirt or button-up (mine)
What's the point of branding it with the re-release mark
Are they not legally allowed to resell it as it originally was
guh dont remind me
maids are cute
>Let's celebrate their 1st Super on a live stream
>ARS 1,000,000
There's is literally nothing wrong with that
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What are your thoughts on this one?
Ohhh they're alligators because of investiGATORS I see...
When was that?
Bau baused. I'm sure you're looking down on them proudly, king.
hey random but didn't something with FUWAMOCO, Ina, and Moona get announced recently?
no they're gators because they're all old as fuck
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He shows no love to homo thugs
Fire is one of the most painful ways to go. You might as well take a bullet or OD first if you really have to.
did he have no black fans?
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It will be nothing compared to the pain of losing them. If anything, it will be a welcome relief.
Cute, but I'd prefer something more intentionally lewd/flirty. If you're gonna sell degen shit, go all out (as much as you can under Cover Corporation, of course)
I don't want FWMC's daki to be funny, I want it to be sexy.
But I guess it does match the rat's personality, so I'm not gonna say it's a bad one.
She wasn't even my oshi and I feel like shit. Maybe parasocial relationships aren't such a good idea after all.
Wow youtube's search system is so shit it doesn't even pop up in search results.
Don't inflate gun death statistics.
Black people aren't as into idol music, in general.
Wait, is that really the end?
so low effort it's hard to pretend to care
Did she really end on Bee Ame or is there more?
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>barely told fans thank you
>didn't even say she loved them
good riddance
Don't think about that Ruffian, just enjoy them to the fullest while they're here with us...
I could've sworn they (or specifically mococo) said they aren't fans of maid outfits and that's what you were referencing.
>retards in charge of actually paying attention to a stream
Wait this is fucking stupid why would I think this
>It was a faint
I'm black though.
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Well most of us won't ever be able to find a real one so you might as well go all out
She's talking to YOU
Will FUWAMOCO graduate or do this?
>in general
It just sounds like they have a bunch of pre-recorded voice packs that they still wanted to release and make money from, not necessarily that Ame will lend her voice to future projects
kek she is so checked out
Advent is already considered an old generation...
what did fwmc think of ame butchering kawaikute gomen
tell me who graduates next, ame
They probably loved it, unironically
Nerissa is not long for this world.
I really hope Kronii or Mori or ERB but realistically it's probably Nerissa.
They think being bad at singing is cute
Jesus how is Biboo improving in Japanese faster than Ame who's been there for 4 years.
The next graduation will be a yab
They will have a proper graduation, obviously.
It's obviously Gura, she'll go the Ame way
ERB because she is someone who truly does not give a single fuck about hololive
That's because it is if you're a cute girl
Nerissa's in it for the long haul like all of Advent & Justice and she'd never leave Advent.
Justice comprises of 3 people.
>Not singing the EN version
Ayame. They'll get rid of her as an example
Nerissa has never committed to anything in her life longer than 3 years. She gets discouraged easily and when things get hard, she gives up.
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look at the blonde girl in the top right of the art for the original japanese our bright parade, retard
I wonder if Advent and Justice was intended to be a 8-person gen instead to ease into more people per gen
Kinda unrelated, but why does this feel so... Normal, no emotion behind it. It feels like, I dunno... Weird... When FUWAMOCO was with Aqua on their collab it felt emotional and that carried to her graduation. Am I weird for wanting the talent to be visibly sad?
she probably doesn't even know it exists that's how disconnected from hololive she's been
she actually has a desire to learn
I am confident that if anyone graduates from Advent, it'll be Nerissa.
Bright Parade really is the best song.
>tapped out already
is ame, dare i say, hags?
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>JP version
Are you fucking serious?
Why would she cut her advent friends out of her life like that?
retards exposing themselves
She literally sung it at BD though
she's 100% pregnant
nta but all I see is my beautiful koyote wife in the top right
sometimes i forgot treerat was in this
this is why everyone hates you guys
>Why would she cut her... friends out of her life like that?
Oh, you sweet summer child.
Meru-chan... I miss you...
She's just autistic and introverted. Then again Aqua is somewhat the same and her graduation was the stuff of legends.
You type like a woman but I agree. I didn't give a shit about Aqua and I cried during her graduation. It was beautiful. I feel nothing here.
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Now this is just embarrassing, sister.
Aqua singing Little Busters with Fren was a fucking gut punch
Because Aqua still loved Hololive whereas Ame spit on her fanbase 2 years ago and stopped streaming.
Yeah, with, me,
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my phone.... crashed
what the actual fuck
Imagine if all those gators just ran a train on her.
Aqua legitimately loved the idol stuff, and she spent years doing her idol reps
Now I want to see 30% pregnant Ame and 120% pregnant Ame. Kind of like Toguro.
Sometimes I forget treerat exists. I was going through the list of ID members in my head for something the other day and I remembered all eight other ID members
That was nice. I guess it was also a demonstration of her 3D studio since she was doing that live.
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Don't call me a sister, friend.
maybe that idiot shouldn't have scheduled a stream the night her senpai graduates
Love you, #FUWAMOCO
Always will, I promise that. Okay?
A while ago, around when you both debuted, Ame told us to send 2x the SCs for the both of you, and it was because of her that I supported you as much as I did in the beginning, and built the foundation for me to be here now.
So I'll carry her words from both then and now, and support you for as long as I can.
Love you, FUWAMOCO. Love you, Ame.
Thank you, all three of you, for everything.
And farewell, Detective. See you again, sometime, somewhere.
she just did schizo stream yesterday, so no fucking way i'd forgot anytime soon kek
>once a member of Myth graduates, the next strongest EN is elected to fill their spot
Honestly her full 3D tracking looked on point, hope FUWAMOCO can get a setup like that someday
Are you a newfag? Ame was featured in the key visuals for Bright Parade.
was she always this stacked
wtf I hate Ame now
last second heel turn
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No friends here for you *bang bang bang bang bang*
It's not her fault that her idiot senpai delayed it multiple times and then started late
It should've been Gura...
yea, I agree
You need a team to support it though? Ame was thanking her unofficial team.
Even if Ame hadn't promoted homos and trashed her fans, her bringing this blight to us alone would damn her.
>Council changed its name because Cover will make THE COUNCIL official and Fuwawa will be in that group
i wonder how walfee feels
>Ame is the reason we're stuck with this traumadumper
I wish I didn't learn this...
Of course he's a newfag. All the JP schizos are
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Yeah and there's a english version she could have sang.
Wait is she ending on smol Ame?
This was their 1 million wish...
For Mococo to go to Myth...
And for Fuwawa to stay in Advent...
ame doko? dokomo inai
don't go ame...
I feel like she does not want to leave...
Wrap it up Ame. I need my like
She really is just winging this and has no idea how to close it out huh
really wearing out your farewell here.
what's ame's live tag
They never want to...
>2 hr mark
lmao get fucked
I want a Council of Lamy unit to sing a cover song...
What should they sing together?
A FuwaMoco like from Ame's graduation? how does that work
i thought we're waiting for midnight her time
but then again, it's not strict graduation, so she got no reprimand for going over time i guess
Once FWMC stop watching the graduation they will comfort egosa
Ame has really big tits under all those clothes, huh.
Honestly, FWMC should hire ame to help them set up 3D at their place.
why is she masturbating
Well, it makes sense to see moments like this as an opportunity to be extra thankful for having your oshi. I don't think you should expect it, but they did like posts about them even when A-chan left.
she wants to fuck herself
Please don't taint my good memories of Ame with this
not the bus stop...
Bohemian Rhapsody
Any good memories of Ame were tainted 2 years ago.
Who count as council of lamy members right now?
Lamy, Fauna, Koyori, Fuwawa
Wait is this the intro being accidentally played as the outro? Or did she accidentally play the outro as the intro?
She accidentally replayed the intro and said fuck it, let's watch it again.
Blue Fuwawa
Pink Fuwawa
Green Fuwawa
Blue Fuwawa
Not lamy enough these days
I heard Nene and Watame being on there. Was this fake news?
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I will even learn to stop holomems from graduating.
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Nene isn't a Lamy, she's the rabbi.
FWMC will definitely cry at this point
Where The Idols At? - DMX x iDOLM@STER
Later nerd
I'm afraid she died. ... it seems in your anger, you killed Mococo.
I made the original thread about Zeta being expelled as a Lamy
>FUWAMOCO graduation
>the emotional LTST version starts playing
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Something about music box/lullaby versions of songs make me feel sad and nostalgic. Stuff like this makes me get all feelsy.
To be fair, I did slow this one down a bit and put a little echo on it to really dig into that feeling.
I'm gonna throw up
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Shut up. Shut the fuck up.
They've probably been crying the whole time, even while making that sendoff picture
either an emotional LTST or an emotional version of Baudol
Who will be the first proper EN graduation? With a fancy 3D LIVE and everything.
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fucking retards should just stay in holo until they grow old and die}
fuck this hit see you tomorrows
Deploy the tweets
It's shoooooowwwwtiiiimmmeeee
It's shoooooowwwwtiiiimmmeeee
Fuuwaaa Fuuuwaaaaaa
Moocooo Mooocooooooooo
They already have the emotional LTST and LTST is more meaningful from a debut to graduation perspective
I'll do the calls to BAUdol one final time. Even as dementia has ravaged my brain and I've forgotten my family somehow I still can do them flawlessly, tears streaming down my face. With the final BAU BAU, my heart stops beating
don't put it on the hashtag it's in poor taste c'mon guys
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I hate this empty feeling I get after watching graduations. They don't even have to be my oshi for it to happen. I just can't help think of FWMC every single time.
I don't even want to imagine the final FuwaMoco stream. Unless they plan to reincarnate, of course.
Would you be happier if they went by without a graduation?
One day we will have our final thread like Teammates are having right now
They'll reincarnate to real idols and surpass the limits of hololive.
Fable posted a huge W of his untagged tweet, send them they are crying browsing
Maybe they could be the first Holos that transition into management.
I want them to be here forever.
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FWMC will dance forever. They will never die.
baubau was active during their many breaks and is one of the few threads that's constantly active off stream
it'll survive
I'm not sure I can think of a holo less suited to management than FWMC
Watame predates Lamy. She cannot be a Lamy. Rather it would make all of them Watames.
god I feel horrible. at least Bae is coming back tomorrow
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Feel kinda empty, not gonna lie.
That isn't going to happen. The talents are all millionaires while the managers are just random unskilled people that get paid next to nothing.
I felt worse during A-chan's farewell
fuck that was so perfect
they just 'get it' to such an enormous degree
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That is correct. Lamy is an usurper
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For no reason at all, let me just say that I love FWMC.
kek... yeah...
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who's A-chan
Are they crying now?
Yeah because these threads are full of tourists and browns who can talk endlessly about inane shit and ERP with each other
It's only once you're out of hololive that the true challenge begins
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made me smile, thanks
Didn't Laplus say she had no money the other day? They probably spend all their money on covers, perms, animations, mvs, and stuff and don't have anything else for good food and basic care
Lapras' money is handled by her mother. She may not have any from her monthly allowance, but she's saving.
well Laplus is the worst possible example. She's a retard that switched to streaming on Twitch despite it making no money compared to the normal YouTube superchat setup
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Tax season is a bitch to holos that can't anticipate it
sounds like a job for me
Ame likes being deployed! At least I get them in her sprees.
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glad it did!
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I need some emotional whiplash
go look at "micro_bikini loli"
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Usually I would be all over that idea but horny and sad don't mix well with me
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>Ame likes being deployed! At least I get them in her sprees.
thanks brown man
it looks like they went on a spree too based on the viewcounts on some of the FUWAMOCO posts. I didn't think it was in good taste to emotionally manipulate them like that but I'm usually wrong
>emotionally manipulate
it is emotional manipulation. those walls were prepared days in advance.
now I feel awful that I didn't post something... they probably went out for the day now
Only the attentionschizos are doing it because they would never let go a chance for a like
Anon it takes a couple of minutes to write a tweet.
sorry that I love my oshis and know when to comfort them
kys attention whore likeschizo fag your words are as fake as everything else is
you know Andy is the only decent one when even he didn't post like-bait after the graduation.
Kill yourselves, browns.
You're a cool d*de, Andy.
Fuck off man it's AME'S graduation you don't need to make it about yourself and how much you love FWMC
>globalfag event ends
>usual loops start again
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Well, back to Neverwinter Nights 2
>knowing that someone will be really sad after an emotional event where a dear friend is leaving
>posting a loving message is manipulation
twitter likes are nothing who cares about them but supporting them in a sad moment is just being a good fan and friend
Stop responding to the man obsessed tranny.
He's probably drunk right now.
but without likes from FUWAMOCO I am nothing! Don't you get it? I discarded everything in life chasing them like some deranged schizo but don't call me weird it's just being a good ruffian
I rember still having an actual (pirated) CDs for that
I wonder if it still works
Ain't got no CD drive no more though
I never get likes from them, now I'm making my posts without a tag
I get it! Me too!
>30 seconds apart
Pero... all the dimensions were broken
Are we actually attacking Ruffians for supporting FUWAMOCO now? Christ almighty I thought we had a bad thread earlier but this is a new low. Attacking Ame is one thing but now them too? Sickening
We all know it's you, tranny.
not one good post has been made under FUWAMOCO on twitter in the past 30 minutes. All like baiting attention whores. Someone asked earlier 20 ruffians I'd remove. Let's start with these faggots
Meru, A-chan, Akutan, and now Ame. What a year...
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>global event ends
every fucking time
Night wuffians! Stay fluffy! 3D bouncing soon
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In other news, happy birthday 4chan!
Huh? I like Ame more than any Ruffian.
which 20 ruffians would you save?
when my dog started giving me that look we had to put it down...
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the hat is funny
lazu+ hat covering elira face completely is also topkek
All of Advent and ICOMOCHI-mama
I yield the remainder of my balance
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happy birthday!
meant for >>86511826
i am retard
Hey, I'm going to bed, but I just wanted to say I love yall. Stay Bau-mazing! :FWMCHeart~1:

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