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No sticky thread for the loss of one of the pillars of the vtuber industry?
Amelia Watson invented stickies
the only sticky this “tech genius” deserves is stickykeys
She literally has a new identity already dude.
Are you a fan of her so you will keep watching or of a brand and oblivion her existance?
Stream was scuffed af
No stickies for lazy whores. Sorry
Won't watch until I understand why she left. I just don't understand why she'd give it all up to do...some 3D la creatividad?
most grabbable boobs in hololive
Pillar of what laziness?
Improve yourself op
I choose brand and oblivion her existance because I hate people and I especially hate celebrity culture.
Graduations kind of lose it's impact when she'll return a week later on twitch as a full time streamer.
spoonfeed me please
That was honestly one of the most brutal streams I've watched live. Every other stream this week was kino and then her final stream was legit garbage.

Deeprock should have been the last actual stream. Just them playing some games casually, not whatever this fucking was lol
Why sticky someone that no one even stopped their streams for. Look at coco, kizuna ai, and aqua graduations, other vtubers actually stopped their streams and watched them, hardly anyone stopped their streams for ame, shows how of little importance it really was
She quit because of idolshit, way too much idolshit she could keep handling, all the red tape, the inhuman bullshit of having to fly to Japan like 10 times a year
I know Ame does not tend to show her emotions, but man. She felt so indifferent and tired. It felt like she went out with a whimper.
I agree.
Not a Watson fan (or anti) but that stream was pretty rough. Amateur hour shit and not in a comfy kino way.
She didn't graduate though
yeah, I was wondering why aqua didn't get one
so your oshi is the brand, got it
>she graduated on 4chan's birthday
She had a sticky for her announcement, which lasted a whole day. Aqua's sticky was only a few hours for comparison.
Literally no one but her was streaming. Even unrelated groups like PixelLink were silent.
sounds like a stoner nickname
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Agreed. It really just felt awkward as fuck. Even the final Myth Collab was really awkward by the end of it. I almost want to memory-hole this final stream and pretend the aquarium or deeprock streams were the end lol
why did some jap no one even watched get a sticky
nice hat
it is
Cute hat ame
She had it when she announced that she was graduating.
that explains the hats
>pillar of the vtuber industry
decorative, not structural
Typical dorito fan.
>Aqua = actually important
>Ame = EN retard that never mattered
Does that help you autist?
Ame invented everything
She was on soft retirement for like three years now and her 'creatividad' was doing jp style streams without mentioning where the idea came from. Things won't change much.
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>one of the pillars of the vtuber industry?
rumao even
perhaps even keku
I get to because the aquarium stream was the only one I watched. Are you jealous? You should be. My memory will be forever untainted.
>to do...some 3D la creatividad?
She won't even be doing that stuff. She's going to play FPS on twitch and smash her keyboard in rage. Plus react content.
What did she ever do?
Yet another bootlicker.
but she's not graduating
she hasn't done anything in years
>pillars of the vtuber industry
Lol no
Worse thing Japan ever did was involve EN and ID with their industry. You cringe faggots are delusional.
Barely over 100k ccv isn't sticky worthy
De facto she is.
>b-but she'll appear in cameos down the line!
Lmao. They said Coco would, too.
Im not one to sincerely gossip or VTsister it up, but she seemed like she could give less of a shit this entire graduation tour. Even when others were sad or crying she came off as someone who probably thought “this is so fucking gay”.
At the end of the day I don’t think she ever thought she’d last this long and probably only waited till now out of some sort of respect for her fellow genmates. If we’re being honest I’m shocked she lasted this long before bowing out.
>Ame graduated on October 1st
>4chan born on October 1st
Welcome back, Amelia Watson. It is an honor to post on you.
She’ll be back, it doesn’t really matter
>Even when others were sad or crying she came off as someone who probably thought “this is so fucking gay”
Based. It's not like she's vanishing from the face of the earth and it's not like they're being restricted from hanging out ever again
Mods = fags, so the status quo continues.
Ame invented doing JP streams retard
The members unarchived karaoke was pretty epic. The true end.

Same set as the last public stream but somehow didn't seem phoned in. I feel like she was like "lol gotta sell merch, they're making me do one."
ahahahaha no no no no hahahahaha
>hardly any idea what her new ewhore brand will be
>very likely garbage
Enjoy your sloppy seconds tw*tchgroid, idolGODs have been waiting for this day for years
Are you just pretending to be retarded or did you live under a rock when her graduation was first announced and a stick of it existed?
My money is on the former.



And seethe while you're at it as well, sister.
Shes fucking stupid. Bitch was planning this for months and fucked it up with the shitty last stream showing she gives 0 fucks about her holofans that still stuck around and 'announcing' her redebut way too early trying to secure subs at what she assumed would be the height of her attention. I want this bitch dead. Imagine having millions of subs and your gura-like streams do 1/10 her numbers and get low holo tier numbers looool I hope her last few months off seeing that were grueling, reap what you sow arrogant whore
Huge Holofag here. She just doesn't want to do idolshit anymore and instead focus what she's good at making 3D VR shit.
She knows that it might not be the best decision, thats why she's hoping COVER would let her return someday. Its more easier to understand her decision from that perspective.
Yeah, but if past experience is any indication, nobody (comparatively to what she had in hololive) is gonna watch her, so what's the point?
Not even gonna deny being a bootlicker? Figures.
hehe hat
She wants to be under the radar again
Why is it always react content
>she is my oshi but without the dorito and the noombets i must drop her :(
>so what's the point?
Almost as if she just wants to do what she wants
People weren't saying this for Kson's fat ass
Coco graduation wasn't an ambigous shit
>hololive has nothing else to offer me so i move on
It was a proper graduation
Ame case is
>Cover is Ame graduating or not?
>ask the crystal ball and buy the merch
Ame herself said that this is something they're going to do moving forward. It's Cover's way of letting talents go but still make money off their likenesses. Sleazy shareholder bullshit, but I'm sure she left cause the company is going full idol shit now and she just wants to play Valve games alone
Sticky for a hiatus? How desperate are you
this has happened before.
The merch was cheaper on geekjack for once. Pretty based
The brand gave one of the small corpos I really liked a chance to be insanely successful, to make plenty of money and open doors to do things they wanted to do, but I also didn't realize just how much it would fuck up their content that I liked.
People will just scream 'GROOMER!' when you say their streams were different before Holo, but they really were, and not just from a chatting standpoint. I know I should have realized when they got in that shit would be different, but the start was promising for the content I really liked from them prior. Pretty great that this sentence could apply to like 4 EN right now.
I’m not mourning the homo collaber, I’m mourning the loss of stability for the rest of EN that I actually care about.
Fuck idolshit, it's always been complete trash and a massive hindrance, it doesn't play to most vtubers' strengths at all, especially the EN ones since there isn't an idol culture outside of a small portion of east Asia.
Not everyone wants to slave away doing pointless, dead-end idolshit and is too cowardly to leave a situation that they don't want to be in, even if they might lose popularity.
Idolshit is cancer and will hopefully kill hololive for being so stupid in mismanaging their talent, the best parts of vtubers are when they deviate from their strict limitations of japanese salaryman managers.
I enjoy the singing and dancing, I'm sure everyone does, but "idolshit" is cringe and limits their audience so much outside of Japan. They have talents there to do really cool concerts like Mori, Nerissa, Gura and ERB, but the idolshit just pushes normalfags away and for good reason.
You two are dumb as fuck. Idolshit is one of the big draws to Holo, the issue is that as they become more idol and less streamer with more and more shit going on in the background, the EN side is just going to lose interest. Who knows just how much time is spent on the back end doing shit for projects right now, but you can make the assumption that it's not extremely tight yet given people like Kiara still mamage to have a little bit of a life while also streaming a decent amount. But the threshold for 'acceptable' for time spent at work varies from person to person, so while some might just look at 2 minths of their life dying to JP trips and crunch to get stuff done in Japan, there are others who see that as the bulk of their 'work average' for the week/month/year.
>Idolshit is one of the big draws to Holo
No matter how many times holo suits repeat this line, it won't make it true
Kiara is an exception, she's an idol fan already so of course she's going to be fine with participating it in, Ame is not, I doubt many of the hololive vtubers are and are just going along because their bosses order them to
I'm not >>86513033 but yes, you just need to deal with it as this is a HOLO board
Sure, if I stumble upon her. I'm not as schizo these days and rarely use vt so I don't just automatically learn about Roommates anymore.
Did Baqua ever get a reincarnation...? I miss that onion like you wouldn't believe...
I could agree with this. Deeprock would have been a better last stream if she adds her POV. I didn't mind this though.
You're supposed to be a fan of the talents, not of the brand
Were you a fan of Coco, anon? If yes then why aren't you taking your own advice and following her 24/7 when she went back to her Kson persona?
nta but some of us are just fans of the character. i don't follow actors behind them.
You can be a fan of the talent in a specific environment
I mean, he did kind of get into that in the last part of that sentence. idol shit can take away from the streams, which might be an even bigger draw.
I think that's true for myth and promise, but the other two gens should be under no illusion what their jobs entail now.
>It's another "dumbasses don't understand what the point of a sticky is" episode
Number 2. I'm not into twitch thottery.
Same reason once upon a time there was a guy named jinx on YouTube. It requires no fkn effort. Nontent.
What, are you expecting a gotcha? I never even watched Coco.
Lol no.. Women are actually better when they have to contractually control what they say.
scuffed vrchat projects
That's cope
>What, are you expecting a gotcha?
Kinda, yeah. Because if you WERE a fan of her (but then suddenly stopped watching her) it would then make you look like a hypocrite.
This is bullshit. Enviroment matters quite a bit in how someone will act, and while there will always be some parts that shine through whatever the filter is, the majority of their front facing personality will be pushed through that filter.
I don't care to hear their shitty political opinions or react content brainrot.
What's the difference between singing and dancing and "idolshit"? Collaboration with males?
aqua is fucking dead, deleted all her pl socials and disappeared from the grid
las person (non holo) to say they had met recently was found out to be lying, she probsbly an hero'd
Uh no, little retard. Plenty of people like Luke Skywalker but aren't into Mark Hamill. Plenty like sheev but aren't into ian McDiarmid.
theres only 3 pillars gura, mori and ina
ame and kiara could have been literally anyone else and nothing would have changed
>no sticky
dosenr deserve it shes a nobody
she didn't earn a sticky
that is absolutely not cope. watch any vshojo stream and it will be abundantly clear. however, at least with justice, it seems like hololive is unfortunately much more lax than they used to be
Ame was the sole glue and duct tape holding the makeshift disaster that wad early EN management and Myth together. Without her Gura would've quit year 1, Mori would've staid stuck in season 1 and Kiara would've killed herself.
Inners would've still ben inners, but she's just a cute girl doing her own cute things on a "whenever I feel like it" basis, hsrdly a pillar
>Kiara could have been anyone else
You're funny.
The only cope is the impliaction that it's not the same way for men
Everyone is at their best when under contractual obligation to be at their worst
Let me guess, the same is true for Coco/Kson?
I don't hat kson, I dislike her content but I just don't mind her for the modt part.
But I fucking HATE "I miss Coco" niggers
she did though?
Coco deserved a sticky. Not this bitch.
fibby pibby
>hololive is unfortunately much more lax than they used to be
Are you shitting me with this take? This is absolutely not true. They have become more rigid and same-y than ever due to both settling into their niche and YouTube becoming more draconian year by year.

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