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> Almost 50% is Holo now
Welp gg sisters, you have a good run
Hololive won yet again and I don't even watch any stream
graduate holoID except Kaela Zeta and Anya
>no new talents to debut
>few graduations
>few dramas
>views plummet anyway
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nta, but here is a quick Google lense translation for those who don't know what some of the stuff means.
>Holo is less than 50% now
The indie barbarians are coming. It's over...
Anon, holo has never had >50%, they're inclining towards a majority
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>133 hours
Feels good being a pebble.
vspo still winning
isn't this the company that bots every big stream
How do we save NijiEN?
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Kek retard. They're inclining.
More proof all the "Hololive will die over aqua" posters were tards.
How did niji lose with 200 organs available?
did accelerating not working as intended?
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So when does Riku rope over running his company into the ground?
Rope? More like rug, as in pulling it and running.
They invested majority of their resource on Kuzuha, but he ended up losing Migo
HoloEN (incl stars) is 2/3 of EN on YT, by the first table. The caveat is that a lot of EN activity is on twitch.
but why would we want to do that?
>Matara+michi+doki+mint=1,155,569 hours.
32 fucking organs and somehow they are losing even on quantity to the ex-nijis in the west.
>June: 1.81M watch hours, 803 CCV
>July: 1.49M watch hours, 778 CCV
>August: 1.37M watch hours, 719 CCV
>September: 1.04M watch hours, 635 CCV
September closes up with what can only be called a smackon from HoloEN, managing to almost touch 60% alone, which crowns them as absolute kings of the markets and leaves crumbs from everyone else.
This is also the third time in a row total EN viewershiphas increased, and with the soar of minor EN companies like Phase against japamese counterparts it depicts a growing market…
…that NijiEN is taking in the conpletely opposite way. A catastrophic -62% drop that leaves them below the 10%, any idea of calling the branch “major” is objectively only cope and nothing else, being completely overshadowed by the “grey independence” area. Considering the AX fumble has put a big ? on the idea that a bug event can save them and the downward trend point there is no natural growth anymore, the only comment I can leave is “Ogre” as I lack of any idea how to save the branch outside severe restructuring.
This is also the 5-6 month of Phase major growth and doubling, proving that despite the catalog trolls, whatever the fish is doing works. If this trend continues into 2025 we might have to start talking of third corpo seriously, save of course major yabs.

On the overall/JP side, things are interesting. A steady overall growth of the entire industry, as we saw during this months several JP companies not into the market getting their own Vtubers for announcements and stuff, signals how somehow this industry is getting even more mainstream over there.
There is nothing to say on the tribalfagging side as the growth is uniform and stable overall. The only thing really making news is Phase taking over the 5 overall spot, which considering they barely tapped into the JP market and the oversea one is still less than 20% overall, is once again a sign of a growing market.

TL;DR Everyone is growing but NijiEN, including NijiJP. Any investor would ask to show the plan to recover or cut losses, but I guess I’m not a sharebro.
As for the Holograds, Aqua seems to not have dented much, Ame we will see next month. If Niji will get below 25% dragged by EN or Holo will pass the 50% mark, we will see.
EN situation in Sep:
HoloEN ccv almost unch yoy, while their stream time has grown significantly, driving the growth in watch hours.
NijiEN ccv and stream time have both collapsed.
Phase ccv and stream time have both increased significantly yoy, a mirror of the NijiEN situation. They now have 2/3 the watch hours of NijiEN.
Didn't ask.
But thank you.
>If Niji will get below 25% dragged by EN
NijiEN isn't dragging them down much anymore. They're so small that even if they went to 0 they'd cost them slightly more than 1% of that 29.4%.
Merge when?
>nijiEN -62%
holy shit, phase might unironically overtake them if this keeps up
>AKA Virtual +32092%
fuck yeah
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Oof, that's kinda small
Throw Kuro and Sayu in there too, and Unnamed
It depends. On one side if the market keeps growing but them, they are gonna become negligible (pun intended). If the market stagnates but the gains/losses stay this way, their percentages are gonna get to the point that Niji is not growing like the others and percentages are gonna turn against them.
Throw Quinn in there too!
Oh wait...
Riku was right
EN is negligible
did i read that right? Holostars EN went from 844 to 596 average?
what the fuck is happening there?
Most likely some minor overlap between their core fanbase and holo.
September had ENReco in morning JST, overlapping with some homos' usual timeslot and then HoloGTA after that.
Also, Bettel, Altare, and Shinri streamed for a grand total of 6 streams between them.
the old number is from last year, so they were still having the boost from magni and vesper's graduation
It’s kind of a weird statistic, subject aside, because all other parameters are up.
This suggest that instead of one guy carrying the group, everyone is getting more equal. Which can be seen both as good and bad at the same time.
because the old number was pre armis, and the new number adds armis into the figure, spreading the average by an additional four people
More like the boost from their first anniversary week, which happened in September last year instead of July because of those two.
unironic who?
new corpo?
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Him and whatever hex is called are 2view hacks
Who are Neo-Porte and Nanashink? I think I've the name Neo-Porte in passing like once, and I've never head of Nanashink
Neo-Porte is the agency that Shibuya Hal and mafumafu yes, THAT mafumafu are the founders of, alongside Crazy Racoon CEO Ojiji and Soraru, a famous utaite.
Nanashiinku is 774 inc, the agency of Rene Ryugasaki, Inaba Haneru and Hinokuma Ran and many others.
They are also the former agency of Suou Patra and Vspo's Komori Met.
NTA but
idk if i like or hate jp name/number autisim.
>774 inc
>nanashi + inku
also incidentally 774 used to be considered one of the big three agencies alongside hololive and nijisanji before the 2020 boom propelled hololive and nijisanji into a league of their own. These days they are only just clinging onto to solvency, having lost Patra who bought out her IP to become an indie
the boost came from tempus anniversary + armis debuts
>1289 hours streamed
I see why Yagoo picked Kaela as the potential future head of ID
Erm, where is VSHOJO???
Only real numbers allowed.
>brave group
>real numbers
Armis debuted in November, anon-chama.
Pretty clearly it's just youtube numbers. No point doing a twitch graph when it's just Vshojo and the rest are indies.
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for Holo, Justice debuting and ENReco are the biggest drives for watch hours
new debuts and a massive multi-POV even should drop average CCV, mantaining the same level is pretty impressive
All those people that but the dev_is membership just to watch the encore just like me
>50 lives
Who is Liz and why she is over Pekora with half of the streams?
Vstats and streamcharts sometimes collaborate to add Vshojo.
If you want an idea of what it would look like for September, Ironmouse alone had 6.6M watchhours.
In a normal, non-subathon month, Vshojo would be several times the size of NijiEN, but less than HoloEN.
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If you were wondering where does Vshojo stands this month
they're probably counting all the FMM and FuwaMoco pack their schedules, its common for them to do a double stream, sometimes triple

Probably Elizabeth Rose Bloodflame
Subtract the sleepathon hours and get back to me
its so fcking over for nijien
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Reminder that Enna said a couple? of years ago that management was mad with them because their numbers weren't high enough.
Ironmouse sleeping for a month and barely can't beat holo EN
that's not how it works champ
Give me the average CCV if you want me to treat you seriously.
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holoseethe can't even beat a cripple with graduating a founding EN member
Highest CCV in Mouse career sub 50k
Ame yesterday 136k
The double of people are interested in Ame and Hololive.
If Dokibird and Mint alone were on that chart, they'd be #9 and #10 for EN respectively with 248k and 186k.
...Together they'd be #6, 40% of NijiEN.
The fuck is AKA virtual?

Are these the 5 most powerful EN talents?
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>treat you seriously
No one will take you seriously because this metric is only for numberchimps. No streamer and no sponsor use this metric. Wtached hours has always been the gold standard and this is corroborated by several big streamers/vtubers
Essentially the same sort as before: several times NijiEN but not rivaling HoloEN.
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>watched hours is the golden standard
Except it's not, it's a good metric but only if you know how to contextualize the data, Mouse is number 1 during sleepathons and high in general because she rigs the system, but her CCV and popularity is below mid/high HoloEN vtubers.
Did Kobo go on vacation? How does she have fewer hours streamed than Gura?
AFAIK even Cover doesn't care about CCV. They don't care about watchhours either, their preferred metric is is Youtube subscribers. IM has 1M Youtube and 2M Twitch followers (the equivalent), the latter is pretty huge.
Is this tranny shit still partnered with vstats? Because Miko's data is higher there.
>Twitch followers
Nobody cares and they are not equivalent to YT subs, they are below worthless.
the subscribers metric is not aimed towards you it's for their investors. It's safe and one of the only metric that never goes down unless you're in niji
Sometimes they do graphs themselves and they are always full of errors.
watch hours is already in context that's whyu it's the gold standard it's lit ccv + streamed hours. You can't have higher watch hours if your ccv is low.
>unch yoy
That's what I said, at first glance you see IM first, then you realize the sheer discrepancy in streamed hours and realize how little her CCV/popularity is and how much she has to compensate to even scratch the top. All of them would dwarf her if they streamed the same amount.
Funny, I'd say the same thing about Youtube subs, but Cover seems to disagree.
>All of them would dwarf her if they streamed the same amount.
You will inevitability hit diminishing returns at some point. Not all your viewers can be present 24/7 to watch you. That is a common error many tv shows suffered in the past. The change in their slot times that caused their audiences plunder. That being said, there are a lot if sketchy ways in which Twitch counts "a view" that don't fly with Youtube.
That is true for Mouse, from 15k prime time marathon she goes 5/6k sleeping. Apply the same to Sakura 40k average Miko and she would win by a landslide.
She would still be on that list if she streamed less. If Koyori streamed and equivalent amount at the same CCV she'd still be below IM, not gonna do the math for the others.
These discussions are always fairly stupid because, yes, her extreme streaming schedule does make her appear bigger than she is, but she's still huge in her own right. Basically one of the only vtubers outside of Holo/NijiJP that can play with the big boys. No reason to exaggerate or minimize it.
>7× more stream hours than Miko
>not even 2× amount of watch hours
HOLY MOTHER OF GRIM. Are mouse fans actually proud of this???
Nijisanji EN is truly a pale shadow of its former self, barely more relevant than Phase Connect. Remarkable.
They’re huge in SEA and they’ve been around for quite a while.
>she goes 5/6k sleeping.
You wish, she falls to 4k. And who know how many are just people muting the tab and just leaving the PC.
>She would still be on that list if she streamed less. If Koyori streamed and equivalent amount at the same CCV she'd still be below IM, not gonna do the math for the others.
I don't usually get involved in numberfag arguments but this isn't accurate. If Koyori streamed the same amount as IM and with the same content, she would be above Ironmouse. I've seen Ironmouse's usual numbers when she's not doing subathons, let alone record breaking subathons. She's getting great numbers right now but they are boosted because of the content.
693h in a month is literally 96% of the time of that month. I mean honestly that's just silly. For starters, Ironmouse herself isn't even streaming all of that time (the famous "sleep parts", which her own pal Connor admitted could also just be when she goes to do other stuff).
But more than that, any one person isn't actually watching all that either. They're just leaving that on a background tab while they do other stuff, game, work, sleep. Twitch famously counts a completely tabbed out and not active stream viewer.
Ironmouse's paid subs count is an achievement (fueled by a core of paypig gachikoi, mind, as she has far more "paid members" than she has ever had actual viewers). Her watch hours? meh, really just not that impressive in context
IM's CCV was not particularly high this month, it was just about dead average. Her content was the same as it always was. It's simple artimetric to see she would beat Koyori (and Karubi) if you equalize their stream time.
In a year Koyori streamed 20% less than IronMouse and got 10% more of the views. The fuck are you talking about.
I am surprised niji en still gets those numbers. Who do they even have left at this point?
The only starsEN member who told his audience not to collab beg has 1.9 times the superchats of the second highest stars and 9.2 times the average of his other 3 genmates.
I can't tell if you're an Ironmouse anti or an Ironmouse defender if you're saying her content this month is the same as it usually is when she's been doing a month long subathon and just destroyed Kai Cenat's sub record.
I mean that the games she played etc. were essentially the same. I'm pro btw, especially compared to this board which is extremely anti-IM outside of her thread.
By the way, this is not the first time IM has topped one of these charts, and the other times weren't during subathons, they were just months where she streamed a lot and got higher CCV because she did different content.
>Phase going up
What the fuck, I thought they were really just a meme, some girls are low 3 views.
They have a lot of streamers, and while the worst of them (the newest, typically) float around ~200-300 CCV which really is abysmal, many of their mid-rankers can get to 800-1000 depending on the content and Luxiem and Noctyx are still good for low 4view much of the time
No, seriously, what the fuck?!?!?!
The numbers don't lie.
Also doesn't count the girls that stream on Twitch more often like Lumi.
Sure, but the context where the games were played was different and that matters for tourist draw.
And yeah, I know IM usually does very well on these charts but like you said it depends on the content which is why I objected to you just equalizing stream time. I'm sure you could do this on some of IM's other months where she wouldn't reach the figure she did this month even after equalizing.
Please andarstand, graduation is the main content.
>No new content
>Growth goes negative
It's literally that easy.
This month was basically normal IM content. She played a lot of mindless collab games with her vtuber friends, 1-on-1s with CDawg, a bit of zatsu, reaction, and FOTM. The only exception was the sleeping, which actually got low CCV and dragged the average down. So I'm not really sure what the point is.
And his birthday was yesterday. Just in time to rank in. Retard.
My point was that even if the content is the same as normal, the fact that it's an event means more people will watch. Same applies to other streamers when they do any sort of "marathon" stream and they might just be chatting or playing games normally but more people show up.
Lmao, they are bottom feeders eating the scraps of NijiEN cadaver. Also they debuted 10 members in the last year.
Sure, she probably got an event buff, but not a huge one. Every time I looked she was around her average CCV. People aren't going to watch amongus stream #4782 just because it's a subathon.
I doubt niji fans are switching to Phase tho. There is no way the same people who freak out about McDonalds and starbucks could handle Phase
I think nijifags are just leaving the EN scene. Male fans already left for Doki, Mint and Matara, female fans looked like they were switching to StarsEN but they fell of hard afterwards. They're either going to bilibili to just not watching vtubers anymore.
Nijifans go to the homos but then ultimately abandon them to become twitter clipfags
bro so desperate he started theorizing about vtubers stream length. There's a reason why they don't do long stream sessions. It lit kills their algorithm it's more than diminishing return on views it also apply on exposure.
We can't.
Management can, and they know what they need to do. They just refuse to do it.
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They are so desperate they started comparing mouse to to Japanese streamers in an EN stat thread.
I don't see your oshi in there anon. What happened to her?
>Sora is 35
I can already hear Miko squealing
wait -62% for NijiEN?
is this a comparison between each month or the start of the year?
I know they're in constant freefall (except Scarle and Meloco), but to lose that much in a month is a bit too much.
same month last year

It's a global /#/ thread, tho. Literally, just look at the 2nd & 3rd post >86526738 >86526796
ah that makes more sense, thanks anon
When the racing horse he bought gets injured in a race and he realizes he has to avoid the ultimate shame by doing the ultimate redemption.

Unironically?, get rid of the people who participated in the black screen stream.
Their presence is poisoning the branch constantly, like eating dolphin meat (it has mercury) and wondering why you are getting more schizo by the day despite eating well (clueless).
They are in dire need of a rebranding.
I again propose the idea of changing their name to NijiWorld or something so they can molt off the title and connotations of NijiEN faster.
>Hololive won by doing nothing
What's Riku's plan now?
Ironmouse is the top vtuber in the entire world and even beats all of holo JP
Also, the reason COVER cares more for YT subscribers it's because advertisers and sponsors DROOL when they see them. They depict growth and even after the culling of bots, it still makes sense as a metric (even if they can be really inaccurate or dead subs).
That's why, despite everything, people like Laplus still get sponsorships.
Selling coffee
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Hololive are less than a quarter vt viewer market share
>Jurard above Moona
I think I might have underrestimated the Homos but it's clear they can't break the HoloEN ceiling anyways lol.
This chart is from April 2024.
Nijisanji has taken a huge fucking drop in viewership since then. Meanwhile, Hololive's numbers in viewership have gone up.
This chart is now outdated as fuck.
Chart is from Q2 April to June. The next Q3 will come out this month.
>The next Q3 will come out this month.
Let's wait.
LET'S GO PHASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>what the fuck is happening there?
Holostars EN has never had a moment of growth in two years. Just one slow but constant slide since the branch debuted
>Their presence is poisoning the branch constantly, like eating dolphin meat (it has mercury) and wondering why you are getting more schizo by the day despite eating well (clueless).
But most of them were in hiatus for weeks. And the others didn't do better. So your ideas don't have support of the empyrical evidence.
Ignore the troll.
>like eating dolphin meat (it has mercury)
Don't the Japanese eat them?
Hololive has also dropped
Interestingly, the two remaining pillars of NijiEN, at least going by superchats, seem to be Scarle and Aia. At least, these are the only two I see in the top 100 on playboard for Sep. Wonder why they don't shill them more. It's the clique, isn't it? Phase only has Pippa in the top 100.
These are pretty decent numbers though, comparable to Holos like fwmc,kronii, miko, korone, etc. and also Kuzuha from nijijp.
>at least going by superchats
So they're not pillars.
Because nobody watches Scarle or Aia. They have insanely devoted fans who open their wallets on command but average 200-300 CCV. Hard to shill someone when you have no idea what they do.
Fucking KEK
Motherfucker, I almost choked to death with my Subway. Been a while since I heard about that.
Wow, that's really low ccv for their superchat revenue. But from a business perspective, even if I didn't know how to shill them, I'd give them the resources to let them shill themselves. Whatever they're doing, it's bringing in dedicated fans who are presumably willing to buy a ton of merch.
>>86556063 (me)
I think I got one guyed. This is true for Aia, but looking at vstats, Scarle looks like she's getting deccent peak ccv, maybe 400-600? One recent stream hit 4view unraided too. However, this is lower yoy... it looks like her ccv has been gradually declining over the past year.
I was talking about average CCV.
Kek, that's hilarious
I would guess any serious management is now in their cope mode just ignoring nijiEN now as a lost cause to avoid taking the blame for it. Probably management nowadays is mostly or entirely a bunch of faceless new people to use as scapegoats.
>Leave the ID market
>ID market overtakes you
Dare I say what the fuck
Oh... usually people talk about peaks, so that was my assumption. It looks like Aia had an average of 240 in Sep, while Scarle had 370. Bit higher than 200-300 but close enough. This is down from 490 (Aia) and 600 (Scarle) last year, which doesn't look great. Aia's down more than half yoy while Scarle is down a bit under 40%.
Peaks include raids that immediately evaporate for most big streamers, if Aia and Scarle are so small they don't get raids, it would make more sense to look at peak, no idea if that's the case.
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Marine at number 1. She'll overtake the hololive channel for views all-time as well pretty soon

Raden had a huge month for some reason, ranking 7th. Hiring bakagun the third really paid off

Aqua 9th despite being graduated and gone. The graduation was such a big event that even the fumes are enough to boost her over the vast majority of the industry

Laplus with her unusual strategy of going heavy on hyper-regular video editor digest videos seems to still be working, she's 17th
>The "Marine fell off" rrats were people trying to slander Marine knowing it was a losing battle.
Bow to her NOW!!!
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Nito Wai down to 47th these days, there was a time where she was on the podium every single month but I guess those days are over. Still very successful, she's right at the same mark as Pokopii and Shig Ui

Haneru is 27th, the only nanashinku in the top 100. She's done well to stay relevant despite the collapse of her company
WTF /vt/ told me Nijisanji was actually more popular and that it was just western EOPs who liked Hololive how could this possibly be true!?!?!? I thought the Japanese prefered Nijisanji!?!?! How could a more popular agency with 3x as many talents rank lower?
Did /vt/ like to me????????????
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in the 50-75 range we see names like Karubi, Inuyama Tamaki, Patra, and Salome

Also Kotoha, one of the honeyworks vtubers
Akiroze, who's kept her relevance to some degree even a year after that ark boom caused a career renaissance
and 3 Isegye girls
Wow, so that is the reason started to become closer with Raden suddenly.
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in the 75-100 we have indie ccv mavericks nerumero and chiroru, who have audiences entirely separate and disconnected to the wider vtuber universe, but still sometimes compete for daily golds.

Ayame is here despite barely ever doing anything, her fans make sure to watch anything she does put out

Hinano is here, the only vspo in the top 100

Ame is here, in her final month of her streaming career
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Rin Penrose hell yeah
Doki on the board for stream watch time DORYAAAA
That says less about Jurard and more about Moona. There's a reason there's still no ID4.
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okay lets do WATCH HOURS as well

Miko beats Kuzuha this month, despite 60 fewer hours streamed. Pekora 3rd due to her much lower average compared to Miko.

Bijou 9th, very strong performance after being 31st the month before. She beats out...

Ame 11th, in her last month ever as a hololive streamer, still couldn't quite get the most watchhours of the HoloENs. She was way outside of the top 100 the month before.

Chiroru 13th, the NPB season ends 7th october, and as soon as the Hanshin Tigers postseason ends his numbers will drop off a cliff

Hinano 14th, the highest non-holo-niji-indie on the list. 95 hours at 9k ccv average isn't too bad

Patra 17th, her ASMR still draws.

Tsuna 21st, the second vspo on the list, showing a much higher hourage at a much lower CCV compared to Hinano.
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the 5view watch!

only miko, pekora, korone, and suisei had a perfect record in terms of getting at least 10k ccv on every stream (of the vtubers that got at least 10 streams over 10k)
Just for reference there are 720 hours in a 30 day month
Iron lung literally streamed for an entire month and only just barely beat out someone who streamed a quarter of her hours
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Subgrowth winners!

Raden is on top of the world, gaining 171k subs in September, far beyond even the random indies that had big surges. The conversion rate on her shorts has been impressive!

The only Niji in the top 25 is Lunlun, a phenomenon that is winding down but still bigger than anything else going on in the company
>so that is the reason started to become closer with Raden suddenly
Shorts views don't reflect actual popularity so she has fallen off. She can hardly reach 30k CCV on her own anymore.
yeah I think you missed a word here, that doesn't make sense
Now that's cope
she spent too long not streaming. It was going to hurt her eventually, you can't just abandon your audience like that and expect to stay just as relevant forever
Rin's still skyrocketing towards that million. She's definitely gonna get there.
Raden's growth is honestly insane. You can't even put that to just the 3D. What happened?
>she spent too long not streaming
This is such a funny thing to say when her past high CCV used to get called unrepresentative of her popularity because of a "rarity buff". I actually agree with you though.
I think a lot of stream watching fans just gave up on her especially with her latest moves during box game streams where she's actually playing but not streaming despite talking the whole time.
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her shorts exploded

Raden's shorts songs are a meme among people who don't even know who she is.
I think the only other holo who has done that is Subaru, except in her case it's just the Subaru duck animation that has nothing to do with her actual content.
Makes sense. I was wondering what people were talking about with the "MAITAKE MAITEKE GURUGURU GURUGURU" all month.
>lost two members
>half of the branch not streaming, on hiatus or in japan
>dedicated dramanigs farming videos every week
>still 2nd place way above all the other EN groups
Lmao, now I get why phasekeks spam about nijiEN so much, even at it's worst period they're still doing better than them.
Big six
The duck
Two members?
Kunai and the corpse sound alike graduated.
NTA but kunai and hex.
What's insane is that NijiEN is on the cusp of being less relevant in the en sphere as HoloID
>The fuck is AKA virtual?
HoloID's rival for ID market
I wish her pants also exploded, desune
Phase bros I thought you were better than Niji what happened?
So all those people saying phase was second to holo were lying?
They probably meant ccv, but it's only on YT. If you include twitch then VS is 2nd. In EN, that is.
The size of HoloID is understandable because they don't even speak jp or en most of the time. But an EN branch has no excuse.
They even have competition, the hell.
It also helps that her streams have a wild appeal. Hajime also released a meme song with BANCHOU and didn't even have the same type of growth.
Quinn is a 3 view and kyrio hasn't started streaming. But he'll most likely be a 3 view too.
i feel azki has a better claim to be big 6 rn, fbking got big story arc buff
FBK is still stronger than Azki, she just goes through periods where she plays abolute slop. When she actually tries she can bring in big audience.
>Sleeping stream
That's why no one took serious on vshojo numbers. Take that shit out of this board
go back to you monkey thread. stay mad
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back in the cage, monkey.
Boggles my mind how Miko has taken the crown from Pekora, and how Subaru of all people is gunning for 2nd. And where the fuck is Marine, did she stop streaming or something?
Also wtf, since when is Suou Patra an indie?
So the top 5 in EN are
1. HoloEN
2. NijiEN
3. Phase
4. HolostarsEN
5. Dokicorp
Wonder if we'll get even more seething and bait the closer Phase gets to overtaking NijiEN. Their ccv is already much higher.
Where do you get individual channel stats like that?
>Also wtf, since when is Suou Patra an indie?
A while ago. Mary's independent too, and the other girls rebranded.
Honeystrap is dead.
Why is HoloID declining?
Also holy shit, is DEV_IS getting more watch hours than all of NijiEN?
unchanged year over year, businesschama.
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>ERB > Soda-chan
it's unironically over for unicorns
Marine hasn't been streaming much and that counts for alot in this chart, same reason why ui isn't named while patra is
bruh i havent keep up with numbers and surprised about this.
we need more shorts focused holo
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How is Marine crushing it on views while falling behind on watch hours?
>Not all your viewers can be present 24/7 to watch you.
Nta but i will never take twitch seriously when they could open 10 tabs on background and leave it for the whole day.
>doki almost caught irys
Fuck off
>Whale Taylor
This guy showed up in my algo, what's his story?
It's not "the EN sphere" on these charts, it's "everyone except Japan".
>Whale Taylor
He does covers of english pop and rock and k-pop. Also tries to be an orbiter of Ironmouse.
Honestly at this point I'd be okay with it if Rene followed suit.
Sora has never had crazy CCV, and ERB is barely 11/18 in EN and last of her gen so I dont see your point
Watch hours is views x hours streamed so you work it out
>Why is HoloID declining?
ID got bored with the current holoIDmems while cover refuses to debut freshlegs
Vstats > channel > month of september 2024 for doki/mint
Twitch tracker (last month) for matara and michi.
His birthday was 2 days ago so he got a boost. Honestly it's usually some combination of Altare, Axel, Bettel, and Ruze at the top for the guys at this point in terms of SC/gifts.
>9 HoloIDs almost beat NijiEN
she's streaming less, but her MVs still perform really well.
pai pai kamen is getting 140k a day, yuureisen is getting 50k, bishopai 45k, iii 90k, maribako 40k, etc.

loads of residual views from the legs of everything

also the shorts, marine hits 1M+ views on her shorts more than half the time, and 2M+ a third of the time

and her streams always get at least 400K vod views too

she's a bit of a triple threat, anything she leans on racks up views
"watch hours" is a meme metric that only counts live stream viewers.
There's no way to see the actual watchtime that counts everything including things like how long someone watched a particular video before stopping.
What happened with Raora, lowest CCV of her gen, I thought GG was the runt?
Shiori keeps being an outlier in membas, they are insanely high given every other stat she has.

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