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I can't believe Mr Donut is graduating...
>Had to deal with a flood of neckbeard ruffians refusing to leave during holofes
>Employees likely killed themselves over it
So much for FWMC's endorsement having any worth lmao
I'm glad I got to go this year when I had the chance. Also I blame FWMO for this and all the harassment they brought.
proof that FWMC and more importantly ruffians ruin everything with their autism
samefag discord raid nijisissy trannies seething over hobosharties getting btfo
>Employees likely killed themselves over it
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vC7wFxTmcNg
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GOOD post
52 years kinda nuts tho
I tried a mr donuts and honestly
issa bit small
The owner went "I'm gonna have to deal with a bunch of overweight gaijins every march thanks to two Canadians who genuinely think they're japanese, fuck that"
>leafs ruin a 50 year old store
When will Canada pay for their crimes
Whether I like or hate them I won't praise or disparage everything they do anon. It's called critical or independent thinking.
Proof of any claim made ITT?
There's pictures of the giant line of ruffians outside the Mr donut. And neckbeards on the upstairs floor camping the place hoping for fuwamoco to show up. They had to make a tweet asking for their fans to behave. I'm sure someone else can post them. I didn't save any of it.
I have fact checked the claims in this thread and they are all correct.
It's probably a rent issue and it might be too small.
It was revealed to me in a donut induced trance
>Business operates for 52 years
>Gets what is probably the biggest sudden surge of activity it has ever gotten
>Decides to close despite that
I thought ruffians being annoying was a meme or a falseflag.
And this causes them to shut down because..?
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Canadians must have been the reason the Geneva conventions exist
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Legitimately sad news, over a 50 years in business... friends, don't blame the doggos, the economy is most likely the reason.
Doesn't he have children or relatives?
Isn't it a big chain? Just get somebody else
Geez, chill out, Mococo.
Well apparently no one wanted to buy the franchise
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nothing lasts forever
even your oshi
Do you genuinely believe the people in this thread are being serious? Do you need tone indicators so you know when people are joking?
I am in fact an Infernal rather than a normal Troglodyte
>Happily run business for 52 years
>Meet ruffians
>His hope and optimism gone
it's japan, of course not.
Akiba has been dying since the pandemic. There are fewer and fewer businesses open there every year. It's not a good place to buy into a store right now. Even the maid cafes are dying out.
It's a catalog thread, so yes I do
The birthday hat is hilarious
>I'n glad I got to go this year when I had the chance.
Are the donuts at all worth the hype?
I'm getting too old for this shit
It turns out when you don't have children that means you'll get fewer and fewer people who are into children's entertainment...
Do you not have Misdo in pagpagland?
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mogged by dunkin
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What the fuck this sucks, I at least ate there last year although I didn't get the window seat because there was like 20 people
Now how the hell am I supposed to run into Hololive fans randomly when in Akiba?
Read this aloud to someone 200 years ago and their head would explode
buy the business
It's a confluence of things.
The Visual Novel industry pivoted hard from PC to mobile, and the sharp increase in production quality (and cost) and marketing power meant that most indie/doujin VNs were driven underground. That shifted that whole market out of Akiba.
The anime industry's hard pivot to massed LN adaptations means the majority of old anime fans are pressed out of the hobby while newer fans centralize around LN publishing because that's the primary material. And the preponderance of these cheap advertisement adaptations and scarcity of well-funded or successful originals means much less merch and secondary media coming out of mainstream shows.

All of this comes together to mean that anime fans either stop being anime fans or stop going to akiba for anime stuff. It had already been ailing for years, even a decade ago folks were sounding alarms when the bluray transition was hurting businesses. But the pandemic lockdowns drove a lot of small companies out of business and cut into the coffers of bigger ones, and as things slowly close down it creates a compounding effect where everything still around suffers from the area having less and less draw. When there are no cafes then suddenly fewer people show up to shop at the department stores, and when there are no department stores then fewer people show up at the restaurants, etc. This sort of thing happened all over big cities in lots of attractions that weren't anime or subculture related, just because a few little businesses going out of business during lockdowns triggers a domino effect
What's pag pag? I keep hearing it everywhere? Is that like South east asian food or?
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I have like $40,000 kicking around, think ¥11M yen is enough to buy a donut shop?
>Instantly assuming it's food
You think you're so sly huh, pagpag anon?
I just went there the other day...
That shit is in fucking akiba anon, the land value itself might be in the millions dollar range
Nice projection, but we all know who's the real pagpag here
I'm literally eating a pon de ring right now tho?
No you don't
I blame Feris Nyan-nyan.
>Blaming Ferris instead of her grandfather
C'mon now
Fuck you, I'm going to buy another one and post it here just to spite your brown pinoy ass.
>post it here
Do it, faggot
pagpag is filipino onomatopoeia for patting the dust off of something, is a general term for taking something abandoned and recycling it into something new and is used as innuendo to refer to dumpster diving, because widespread poverty and frequent food scarcity (due to comically poor political leadership) means the country is constantly on the brink of famine. It's become so endemic that people will sell pagpag "cuisine" in food stalls and travel agencies need to hand out advisories to tourists so they avoid getting heavy metal poisoning from recycled street meat.
Visited last month. Had a plain and a strawberry pon de ring. Outside of the knowledge that the twins sat at the same chair months ago, the experience was pretty banal
I've been several times and it definitely feels like there are a lot fewer businesses, yet a lot more foot traffic because of the tourism boom.
akiba no longer is the akiba of old
it's just a dirty fuuzoku machi now
And if you want a nonweeb stylized example, just look at the death of malls in America for the same thing. Online shopping picked up steam in the 00's and by the 10's tons of small stores were dead in malls that normally would have thrived thanks to lots of foot traffic from random people looking at their 'anchor' stores and just spending time meandering through shops from one side to the other.
>Now how the hell am I supposed to run into Hololive fans randomly when in Akiba?
Walk around...literally anywhere else in akiba? hololive is incredibly mainstream, anon.
Is Akuba going to die? I've never been there but I watch Minto and she is always talks about how her favorite places are closing down, which is weird since it is a massive tourist attraction
I mean, there's not much you can except from a donut shop.
Makes you wonder though how these people manage to survive like this even at the risk of their own lives y'know? Poverty can make people do desperate things I guess.
They should buy it
>It's become so endemic that people will sell pagpag "cuisine" in food stalls and travel agencies need to hand out advisories to tourists so they avoid getting heavy metal poisoning from recycled street meat.
you have to be actually retarded and are going to all the wrong places to encounter, let alone eat pagpag, lmao. if you manage to accidentally eat one, you honestly deserve it at that point.
It's just like the internet, it used to be niche and have lots of genuinely unique shops, but now it's mainstream and boring. It might be prospering, but it's lost its soul.
the weak yen is probably not helping
see >>86533809
tldtr Akiba has lost it's position as THE place for anime fans to visit and congregate and then covid lockdowns pushed them over the edge and sent them into a doom spiral. Soon enough there won't be much seperating akiba from any other district in tokyo
it actually should be attracting tourists, but then again these days tourists just order their merch shipped to them online instead of traveling to japan, going to akiba and buying it in person
Fuwamoco didn't protect his smile.
On the other hand with that customer rush they might have funded his retirement.
I'll be pon de ring this one for a while.
More like Mister Dontnut
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Fuck you and your Misdo-less country.
Haachama spent less than a year in flip and it irreversibly damaged her stomach.
nijja, this is 4channel and you expect me to know that word? Don't make me look up new things!
I saw more people at Sunshine City doing cosplay than Akihabara when I went to visit. Granted, the fact that I visited there during the weekday and Sunshine City on the weekend kinda contributed to that but that is kind of unbelievable to me as an old-school anime watcher where it used to be the center of everything anime.
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He got a taste of the ruffians and he was done.
>Putting fast food, famires, chain ramen store, kaiten zushi, AND Misdo in the same tier list
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>bikkuri donki
They aren't in the same tier. Mr donut is in F
>pre = before
>ponderance = the quality of being pon-de-ring-like
It's really not that difficult.
There's a reason it went into decline during the Heisei era
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I just wanted to post frogs...
Why are nijixymsters like this?
Why are you talking as if bikkuri donki is a historied chain?
It's just a theme restaurant with okay-ish gimmick
Maybe visit one of the 3-floor buildings dedicated entirely to hololive?
KEK saving this for the next time ruffians get uppity
Only poor people and tourists buy from random food stalls
You're all fucking retards. Akiba itself is dying. All kinds of shops are closing, gaming centers, manga shops, eroge halls.
Sunshine city has frequent organized paid acosta cosplay events on the weekend, so your data is a little skewed. People aren't usually dressing up in cosplay there outside of those.
>Denki town
>turns into Otaku Mecca
There's no saving Akiba nor Japan unless they could somehow reverse their birthrate trend.
Sixth post best post?
>donut from a bag
jesus christ, its like posting a bag of cheetos to show off
I mean meetup, nobody wants to hangout in a random floor of some secondhand shop.
It was 10 pm and the only misdo I could get was from konbini, lay off me.
That reminds me, why did they stop mentioning pon-de-rings altogether?
It was especially obvious in their 3D reveal stream where they had a whole segment talking about loving "donuts".
Pon-de-ring is a specialty from Mr.Donut, but I couldn't find out if there hold a trademark on it.
Did they get in trouble with Mr. Donut or is it just Cover being careful?
Pon de ring is trade marked by Misdo anon.
This is why similar-looking donuts are sold under the name of mochi donut.
you lost, incel
No idiot, that has nothing to do. One anon already explained itt. If anything it was a miracle that survived this long. But like it past transition from an electronic shop district to an otaku one, it will change into something in the future.
are these good?
This was a surprisingly informative thread
> When will Canada pay for their crimes
A fucking leaf. Every time.
Am I having a aneurysm?
Imagine the smell
That’s a lot of buzzwords
Children doesnt want to run a donut shop.
Is it that easy to get (You)s?
Nijiseethe! or, err, holoseethe. Or perhaps it's homoseethe. Or phaseseethe. I can't tell what kind of seethe.
>a bunch of gaijins go to the place
>make long lines for the business for a long period of time
>place starts to get reputation that it's just some gaijin tourist trap
>any japanese people stop going
>gaijins leave because holo events are done
>stop getting customers
japanese misdo =/= stale ass indomaret misdo
its not the own you think it is indo bro.....
Oh no, we were for sure the reason.
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>ponderance = the quality of being pon-de-ring-like
Nice headcanon, but it’s fucking Akihabara
Most likely mobile game development offices and hoyoverse stores
Cover should by that place
Apparently they would camp inside the store for hours not buying anything.
>heavy metal poisoning
So if I eat pagpag, I'll suddenly get the burning urge to listen to Megadeth and Slayer?
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Why didn't someone just open up a LN store on Akiba, are they stupid?
They're literally the same store. Owned by the same company, back in the 90s all stores were converted to one or the other depending on country.
If it's any consolation, there's a Misudo right down the street from Nakano Broadway.
Wait, Shakey's Pizza is a real place? I've never heard of it outside of South Park.
That's a lot of fucking buzzwords
Why is their favourite food place in Japan?
How many times they ate there? Ten?
And rizzing zesty gyatt to you too
That particular Misdo is pretty legendary anon, just look at all the comment.
This is an actual good reason. Happen to me in a lot of cafes in Osaka. Most of the people were foreigns and you rarely see japanese people buying it. If any. The sharp decline of Akiba doesn't help either.
Shouldn't have backed the degenerate Korean church.
Many such cases.
It may sound distasteful, because it is, but the respective fanbase trooncords.
>not a j.co chad
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forgot pic
No MisterDonuts is bland like every other big donut chain. The only good donut shops are ones ran by old couples that force their kids to work as free labor.
I dunno anon, their black thunder collab donuts are so rich it's almost felt like too chocolatey.
I think your taste buds are too americanized to notice subtle flavours of japanese sweets anon
I was in Sapporo just a few months ago. I went to Royce, bought a few cheese tarts from a shop at a station, and had some butter mochi. All of it was delicious. I went to Mister Donuts got a pon-de-ring and a chocolate ring. It wasn't awful, but it was easily the most disappointing sweets I had that trip.
>Cheese tart
>Butter mochi
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I have never tried them but I fail to see how Ponderous Rings could be better than those donuts. FWMC have terminal JP brainrot.
Yes, anon. I'm a burger. I know donuts, and Mister Donuts is overrated.
Have you tried any dagashi at all when you were there?
Because most of the time, all the complaints about japanese sweets from burgers are almost always about how it's too bland or too simple of a taste.
Not just Akiba, a lot of the offline otaku stores started to cater more to female shoppers in the past 5 years since female buy more miscellaneous merches and shop offline more.That’s why most Animate in Tokyo except maybe the Akiba one seems to have more niji than holo stuff
J.co is an Indonesian donut chain, but they're superior compared to bland Mister Donut or Dunkin Donuts.
I did not. I'm fine with subtle flavors. I just don't think it's worth hyping up. Especially not for small junk food like a donut.
>open for 52 years
>ruffians flood it
>closes months later
holy shit
mister donut, even in japan, is mid at best
people only like it here because it's le dog meme
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>le dog meme
Fucking zoomer I swear
you forgot phasecucks and vhoefags
Mr Donut is a fucking chain bakery/restaurant. Why the fuck are they sad?
Even in Japan big chains operate on franchising, so if nobody wants to step in and run a particular location they're not gonna keep that spot open.
Out of all the western pizza chains out there it's fucking Shakey's that gets to exist in Japan.
is it actually trademarked or is it one of those generalized terms like bandaid and nintendo?
Well, Domino's and Pizza Hut exist in Japan as well.

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