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Well, /vt/?
More like celebrity that the general public deserves an apology from
Ashe needs to look into the Selen situation
> Verification not required
holy fucking based and 100% true. I've never seen a more ridiculous and unfounded character assassination in my life. Fucking fagoons can burn in hell for what they've put her through.
nice try elira
Nobody had to perform character assassination on her, she did all the job by herself
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>Laughs every other sentence and spends all of her money and this somehow makes her trustworthy
please, do tell me how. In like 4 years what has she ever done other than read a corpo script for 10 minutes? One other thing? Ever? That makes it ok to try to ruin her life? Based on the schizo ramblings of a confirmed mental patient?
Nijisanji EN sisters..... this is just getting embarrassing.....
maybe she shouldn't have self reported
No celebrity deserves anything
The Romans considered actors barely a step above prostitutes on the social ladder for good reason.
its not self reporting when a psycho tries to blackmail you first based on nothing but hurt feelings. public opinion is all that matters, not the truth
>One other thing
No other thing is required. The black stream was a fuckup of colossal proportions. It painted her as at best an unprincipled coward and at worst a malicious psycho.
>Selen: only here to have a good time and make sure others do the same even if it means paying out of pocket, credited Niji for every chance she got and was always open about making the most of the opportunity she got
>Elira: literally lives out of mansions and has the privilege of old friends being in the same branch, talks about omegaverse and yaoi and nothing else interesting

Idk anon sounds like one sounds like some spoiled rich kid while the other one actually works to earn her keep. I'd trust someone who knows a hard day's work over a privileged woman-child.
>"General public"
Do sisters really think that vtubers who don't even have a million subs count as "celebrities"?
Her career growth has been ruined because Niji allowed her the privilege of being the scapegoat and no one had a name or face to take their frustrations, confusion, and anger out on.
McGregor built many walls and bridges and piers over the years, and only ever shagged one goat. Guess what he's remembered for.
>Elira, I apologize for not stuffing your mouth with my dick as to not allow you to speak any fucking shit on that black stream
show me your tits Elira and I shall forgive you.
Even more than Aqua and Ame's graduations, the black stream was the defining vtuber moment in 2024
>the black stream was the defining vtuber moment in 2024
shit, did that really happen this year????
The Romans also fucked everything that moved and thought that planets were gods.
>planets were gods.
I mean, anything slightly above the average size of a country hitting any other planet completely erases anything in its surface so maybe they were onto something.
Ghengis Khan
Nathan Bedford Forrest
For the west, definitely. For Japan it's tough to say, since the black stream absolutely had blowback on JP, but definitely didn't affect them as much as Aqua leaving.
post your round big tits elira, ill consider it
the mere existence of Jupiter is one of the things making life on Earth remotely possible due to drawing an insane amount of space trash into itself
The black stream still has unforeseen consequences to the JP side due to effects it had on shareholder trust
>The Romans also fucked everything that moved
so do we, rule 34 has been in action for millenia
Arguably the biggest effect was that no one sees NIjisanji stock as "safe" anymore. It could do real well but it's no longer guaranteed. Because the company is arguably, no, realistically and outright proven to be poorly managed.
Yeah, but that doesn't really affect the JP side fanbase as much (yet). It only really affects the EN talents/fanbase and the JP staff/investors for now, though it likely trickles down to the JP talent in various ways.
I'm sure that ever since march, JP behind the scenes has had a much different tone and feeling, especially towards the EN side.

It's funny. KR and possibly ID had just as many issues, if not worse than EN, but due to the smaller reach and the timing of losing two of EN's biggest talents back to back in those awful ways, they didn't have nearly the same impact.
>read a corpo script for 10 minutes
Sister please she said right at the start that that was what they, the talents, had to say, and that the official statement would com afterwards from the CEO himself. All AnyColor did was check the script to make sure it was all legal and they somehow thought that was ok.
Elira has no one to blame but herself, she decided to commit career suicide because she was the undercover manager of the branch and felt threatened by what Doki could reveal
Unless this tweet went viral or the account is some bigwig what exactly is the point of discussing it? Are we going to bicker about every random tweet from now on.?
Selen's Termination was in early February and the Black Stream was a little over a week after. This year has been a bloodbath for both sides.
Kill yourself
>Are we going to bicker about every random tweet from now on.?
welcome to the catalog, it's literally always been shit
>Please explain to me how I'm the bad guy here?!
>I have given millions to orphan charities across the globe!
>I personally funded and helped set-up a non-profit children's hospital!
>But ooooohhh nooooooo I fuck ONE little slut in the cancer ward and I'm the fucking bad guy! She was dying, it was m- her last chance!
Who's ruining her life, is it ruining someone's life to unsubscribe from their youtube channel and stop watching them because they made a really bad choice?
It's not a human right to be a popular vtuber and it's not a war crime to vote with your wallet
You could say the exact same thing about Selen but that didn't stop the sisters from trying to ACTIVELY ruin hers and anyone who came into contact with her.
She never apologized
she could deny but that would be a lie. really makes you think
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>I've never seen a more ridiculous and unfounded character assassination in my life.
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>I've never seen a more ridiculous and unfounded character assassination in my life
all true
- Not a celebrity
- Doesn't deserve an apology
>Verification not required.
What actually caused this level of mental illnessnin Nijisisters?
>general public
>vtuber fandom

But otherwise I agree
That's a bit generous. Elira never did anything for niji other than stream and talk like a stinky fujo. Then invite her hanamori crew into what COULD'VE been a dollar store walled garden
I'll forgive her if she graduates and it turns out she wasn't involved in writing the black stream statement and was blackmailed into reading it. Otherwise she's getting what she deserves, which happens to be the same thing she tried to do to Doki
They hated him because he told them the truth
Why should I bother discussing with you when you are obviously starting from a biased perspective? You have your mind made up, just fart in the air for all I care. I got better things to do than talk to a wall with some schizo
The victimhood complex is strong

Don't remind me. That shit still pisses me off. The ProJared one is pretty fucking awful because people started going after his editors and staff too for "supporting" him.
The froot situation is giving me a lot of flashbacks to that one.
they want to be victims so bad
NijiEN fuckups, unprecedented Holo graduations and wasn't Idol's implosion this year as well? It's been an interesting year for corpo vtubing in general
The downsides of JP corpos have become more apparent this year and most EN small corpos are too incompetently run to last (and yet Phase still manages to stay on) which is making the indie route more and more enticing
Elira would have been the most beloved members in NijisanjiEN right now, had the black screen not happened.
People forget that her reputation as an apolitical CGDCT was stellar. Sure, there were rumors of her being the clique leader, but there were an equal amount of believers that she was a really nice and helpful behind the scenes.

Of course, that doesn't matter now, because the black screen video showed her true colors, and a lot of people didn't like them.
Yah Nijisanji should apologize for being too spineless to post an apology on their official channel. They should also apologize for using their livers as a shield for their own bad management practices. Nijisanji owes Elira an apology.
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*cutely drives your oshi to suicide twice, teehee pero* O(∩_∩)O
What did pro Jared do? I haven't heard of this guy since screwattack
>drives your oshi to suicide twice
Based retard kek
Did she resurrect after the first time?
His wife claimed that he was fucking RubberRoss's wife and got his entire career burned to the ground.
Both him and Ross had to deal with the fallout, but Jared became a pariah and he had to drop all of his staff because they were getting attacked and death threats for associating with him. He eventually compiled the evidence and let it out, which vindicated him, but his career never truly recovered.
Also both of their wives ended up being cheaters.
>KR and possibly ID had just as many issues
NijiID was perfect, especially compared to KR and EN.
Their biggest drama were Hana calling vtuber simps as hypocrite, which is harsh but true, and the Kobo call out.
Practically nothing.
Apparently they sacrificed ID to help cover the fact how mismanaged KR was. Black company through and through
>Sure, there were rumors of her being the clique leader, but there were an equal amount of believers that she was a really nice and helpful behind the scenes.
Seriously. It was like a schizo /vt/ rrat from SEA hours turning into reality live on stream. Nobody sane was expecting it, least of all expecting she'd go out of her way to do while Dokibird was streaming.
Yup. ID was even in the middle of doing auditions for another wave when the branch was closed. They closed KR due to gross mismanagement, and they closed ID at the same time so that KR management could save face.
Niji does not have any active branches to close alongside EN so that they can tell the investors that they're closing EN for some reason other than gross mismanagement - the closest thing they have to another branch is VTA, and they've already sacked all hands.

Fortunately (?) for Anycolor, the Nikkei crashed in August. So they can just cite something like "economic factors beyond the company's control" as a reason for closing EN without losing (too much) face. And because Sayu and Doki are still streaming, they can also claim that the two of them made statements which were so damaging to the company's reputation that they had to close the EN branch - obviously that would be a lie, but at the same time it would be "true enough" for the company to say so in official documents without getting bonked by market regulators.
Show me the likes. I'm curious if it has more than her average CCV nowadays.
It was so stupid, if they just left it with Riku's dogeza NijiEN would still be in decline (because they would be still be short their top two females talents) but they wouldn't be so absolutely hated like they are now.
Hell, without the black screen most of them would have more subs now than they did on Feb 4. While they all lost subs right after Selen's termination, most of them started regaining subs a few days later, albeit at a significantly slower pace than they had lost those subs over the first 48 hours.
do women really
Reminder that Rtx Elira is a fat fuck
She'll be fine. She has her best friends Millie and Enna and her cat meowmeow
I dropped this retard when she collabed with well known dramafaggots. The only Niji EN departure that actualy felt justified.
I mean she's kind of proved them right, she continues to this day to be a psycho yab machine
You don't apologize when you're not wrong
these the kind of nigger that blame scarle over starbuck knowing damn well starbuck dont even support israel or palestine.
yeah, at the beginning of the year idol was poised to be #3, now they practically cease to exist. Shit is wild. Riro yabs, Yuko yabs, Fuyo and Rin fuck off to parts unknown, Juna is a cockthirsty homobeggar, the ES branch is DOA. At least gen 2 kept them from being completely obliterated.
The NIKKEI has actually for the most part recovered for the most part from the crash in August, it's not a viable excuse right now. Although, I think at the very least when it comes to the fate of NijiEN we will not be seeing another wave unless revenue picks up significantly, They're spread too thin.
anyone who tries to off themselves because their coworkers dont like them very much deserves to die anyway. they'll find some other minor reason to rope at some point if that's all it takes
wrong. perfectly thicc and nothing more, she looks great
meowmeow sounds so fucking cute, I hope she eventually puts videos on twitter
Then explain why in her 3D debut Enna didn't even bother lifting Elira instead she went instantly to Petra

Also in the besties offcollab Enna said Elira had fat thighs and Enna's stick arm got crushed by them
quit posting your own twitter. it should be bannable.
stop anon, I can only get so hard
>I'm a petty bitch
>sexually harassing uber drivers
>getting drunk and invading pomu's stream, and when pomu had to block her out she used admin perms to re invade.
>hogging all the promotional stuff and merch despite being less popular than pomu and selen.
Yes, you're right. Both the Nikkei and Anycolor stock have recovered nearly all of the value lost in the crash. And most of that recovery happened within two weeks of the crash.
But that doesn't change the fact that the crash happened at all. And the fact that the crash happened means that they can legally cite the crash as an "official" reason to close the EN branch.

Remember that this is the same company that claimed "covid" as the reason they couldn't map the livers' 3D models to their mocap data and produce the AR Live show, even though that contagious respiratory disease didn't stop the company from making 19 people fly to Japan to do the in-person singing and dancing and mocap recordings for that same show. And nobody "important" questioned why it stopped them from processing the raw data but not from collecting the raw data (the livers are not "important" in this context).
I still don't know what Elira did wrong, literally everything bad I read about has been an unsourced shitpost. She...invited some of her friends to join? Oh no, what a horrible person.
I will never forgive dragoons for all the libel and slander
Did you not watch the black stream? Everyone loved her before that. After the stream people kept making rrats leading to more rrats. And when a person is as despised as her, people are inclined to believe all the negative rrats without question.
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Coco or pretty much anyone that dares to mention Taiwan at all, not even recognize, just mention, as if it were a taboo word.
Yep, glad that didn't turn her off from streaming
True, but she can't stop self-sabotaging. Almost every stream she has a small meltdown and talks about how people tend to leave her behind, even when there's plenty of people and streamers supporting her
This one fucking hurts, but it's kind of his fault for not having common sense
>share nudes online on a 18 only group
>nudes leak because of fucking course they did
>end up being sent to minors because of fucking course they did
>minors pin blame on jared
His only sin was being retarded.
I know this is most obvious bait on the entire catalog, but it's been fun and I have no streams to watch right now anyway
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>True, but she can't stop self-sabotaging. Almost every stream she has a small meltdown and talks about how people tend to leave her behind, even when there's plenty of people and streamers supporting her
She's actually been doing fine since... June? She started going to conventions and making up with people in person, and her mental health has really recovered since then because of it.
She still sometimes dooms a bit, but they're much fewer and farther between.
The reason you don't hear about it /here/ is because she's just off in a corner doing her own thing, and her streams have been more sporadic due to all the touching grass.
She's gonna make it.
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Don't worry, dildo man is coming soon.
ow the fucking edge
Yeah, he can eat shit, but she's also completely separated from the "regular" vtubing circles so it's unlikely they'll ever interact anyways.
We If you look at his twitter contacts he is even more isolated other than Usan and michi. Sunny ( kunai) is interacting with jowol and froggy while this guy barely interacts with anyone on twitter. It's looking to be a 3 view debut stream to me.
dont apologize to horrible coworkers that harass you into suicide and then fail to see any wrongdoing on their part.
It's been over half a year and we haven't seen any proof of this bullying or harassment. You'd think if any evidence existed it would be shared.
So you are picking and choosing to believe which words that come out of her mouth based on how convenient it is for your narrative. Got it
You don't get it. Millie is a flip but at least she lives in cucknada. This is guy actually lives in flipland. He has access to the freshest, most potent pagpag in all the world.
Underestimate him at your own peril.
Enna is the one that brought them over. Enna and Millie. They followed Elira in and then propped her up as the face of the company
So instead of taking it out on the sisters you take it out on a vtuber the sisters give no shits about? Makes sense
Bait used to be believable.
>even if it means paying out of pocket, credited Niji for every chance she got and was always open about making the most of the opportunity she got
See, the chinese like to give things away for "free" then demand more things in return later down the line in a guilt trip.
She didnt get the merch she felt she was owed even though she spent all her money trying to bribe the company so she threw a shit fit and pretended to commit suicide via overdosing on pain meds.
Which one is the woman child again? Oh right, both of them.
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Oh-ho-ho! It's funny because Anycolor themselves admitted in Selen's termination notice that she was a victim of harassment and bullying from within the company! Oh-ho-ho-ho-ho!
We don't take it out on anybody.
The best revenge is just living well, and Doki's living very well right now.
Nothing beats shitting on Doki to get a couple (you)’s, huh? The Dragoons really got to chill and stop falling for such obvious bait.
Over time I realized Doki is kind of a shitty streamer and person. Elira may have been right but went the wrong way about saying it.
Doki thrives when she is building others up, like when she hosts events that allow other chuubas to shine. On her own though shes pretty meh
So she's a leech
More like a host for leeches.
It's strange that the sisters came back, where did they go all this time?
I think they disappeared for about two months and with just a single thread, they were no longer the same as they were two years ago.
It is incredible how they lost in 2024 and how weak they are now.
I also don't know. She had a stable and consistent personality for years and made ONE video saying her side/defending herself and suddenly she's evil?
There's a reason the metoo movement crashed and burned
I felt bad for him but then the retard started defending the completionist over weird shit with charity fraud and then the completionist started talking shit about him too and it was a realization that they're all awful people
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This guy
Okay I actually agree with this
Take your fucking meds
Also while I'm at it since I never really have a good opportunity to ask, what the fuck is "pagpag"? I'm afraid to taint my algorithm searching for it since it seems to have a very negative connotation.
The people in the Philippines are so poor they rummage through the trash for scraps, recook it, and eat it
unlike doki you do deserve to die.
I'm sorry but what the fuck?
What else are they gonna eat. You ever take your girl out for wings and they literally two bite them and leave the rest of the meat on the ends. I imagine that's like a feast for a family digging that out of the trash.
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It's one of those threads
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>talks about how people tend to leave her behind
They did (except yuniiho)
Damn, that is depressing. Imagine having all your friends turn their backs on you and siding with the corpo that fired you
Goes to show that friendships don't mean shit in this hobby, and only act friendly to you if it benefits them
clique points +10
They* only act friendly to you if it benefits them
>All whores with no backbone
This is why only holos are worth my time.
It's much easier to ignore your mistakes than to admit you messed up, so they'll continue to ignore Sayu
Yeah... She's basically given up on them and now lives in her own little corner with her fans and a few other creators she met at cons.
I really wish it could've gone better, but at this point it's just life now.

Still can't look at people like Cy Yu though, since his was flat out a betrayal, followed by clinging to Doki's coattails the instant he smelled clout, and then returned only to try to be on the opposite side of a drama as her during the kenji thing.
I mean, being mutuals doesn't mean much. Giri collabed with magni but doesn't mean they are best buds or anything.
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No worries, kyrio is coming. He'll fix it.
She's had a fair amount of pre-Niji collabs with about half of the people in that picture
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>I've never seen a more ridiculous and unfounded character assassination in my life.
Being generous, the clique stuff was at best just nepotism and at worst exclusionary bullshit prior to the black stream. And there isn't anything wrong with using your influence to get other people you know into a company, because if that is wrong than this entire virtual world we live in is founded on that very sin; the amount of companies that have none of that is practically zero. Ironically the best group in that regard might be fucking Unlimited of all things, and I say that purely because their original group members AFAIK never really knew eachother. But everyone else? There's always some nepotism. Even in groups that only lasted a year or two like Mio's first one had nepotism.

But of course, Elira being the dumb soulless cunt she is, revealed that the worse of the scenarios was the case and it was a clique of bullying rather than just simply getting friends hired.
And now we have pussylickers like (you) doing everything they can to rationalize the warts growing on their lips as some kind of blessing from divinity.
>Thinking that dragoons are the only ones who were disgusted with Elira
They don't think at all, they're a bot where the input of insulting niji results in the output of FUCKING STOOPIDBIRD. It's like the bike comic, the original one, not the cuck one.
Who did she collab with in that picture?
>Its ok to drive people to suicide since other companies have done it.
Sure buddy
Well its not just him. Clearly plenty others believe it as well since NijiEN is no longer gaining, rather losing subscribers.
NTA but I distinctly remember Giri had a collab in which they made corn dogs. Sayu was close with the Bao/Niji/Yuzu trio as well
>Its ok to drive people to suicide since other companies have done it.
What? I said no such thing in my post, read it again. I said NEPOTISM is inherent to the Vtuberworld, not that.
Sayu was a social butterfly who prided herself on making strong friendships.
Though apparently they were one-sided because she's a naïve idiot.
Her old youtuber wiki page from 2021 has a ton of people listed as close friends who ditched her after the niji thing didn't work out.
I don't doubt for a second that she would've seriously killed herself if Yuniiho hadn't reached out.
Can you link that wiki page?
None of these people are described as lose friends or were in her replies from that image
None of the people in the replies from that image really even existed when that youtube page was made, anon.
If you want, you can go comb through her 2022 or 2021 subathon vods and you'll probably see a lot of familiar faces. I can't be assed because fuck if I remember who was in what part of each one.
I think the stuff about Elira being a mob boss is mostly fake but she obviously feels comfortable with defending Anycolor despite everything that's happened both with Doki and others in a way that reflects poorly on her
>Giri collabed with magni but doesn't mean they are best buds or anything.
No, but they did an irl collab 6 months ago vid name "He Tried To Take Over My Kitchen..."
Uh, I know that. Thats what I was talking about.
>I can't be assed
The feeling's mutual, considering I don't care about her all that much. I'd rather coom to my chuubas.
>literally everything bad I read about has been an unsourced shitpost.
black stream aside this statement is actually correct
The black stream can't be set aside. That's kind of the point.
That's like saying "oh Vox only killed ONE person in cold blood. Do you REALLY think they should be punished for it?"
So fucking cringe. She hasn't even acknowledged how bad she fucked up.

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