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Amelia Watson anticipation thread
This thread's for Ame, an adorable, dorky, wonderful detective!
Last thread: >>86522954
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Check out the #holoAquarium map: https://x.com/watsonameliaEN/status/1840965917376684125
Donate here: https://tiltify.com/@watsonameliaen/amelia-watson-4-ocean-conservation
Also Ame's Favorite Streams: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8bh2Nv7NqBBgKC_xM3xYQsTZC1odXq6E
Play Chiku Taku: https://watsonamelia.itch.io/chikutaku
Stream Chiku Taku: [YouTube] ChikuTaku - Original Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYVweqOW31w
Ame links and info: https://rentry.org/Ameliur
im slowly turning into a roingus
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oh sht a rat!
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Here are the JP comments from last night.

>This is the last illustration dedicated to Ame-chan, the store manager who illustrated the origin T-shirt of Myth's first merchandise... (pic related)
>Amechan's streaming activities are coming to an end, but if there's another big event like Enigma, she might be there even though she won't be streaming, as she had a fixed chat line.
>[response to above] It might be a new challenge for Amechan and Cover.
>[response to above] It's fine if graduates come to hang out. I'd be happy if it became that kind of atmosphere.
>[response to above] Well, it doesn't feel like a graduation, but that would be nice too.
>[response to above] It doesn't seem like she's graduating at all, and both she and the official website have clearly said so many times, so why...
>You're no good if you don't understand the flow of the story and only read part of it and reply
>It has begun
>The final broadcast begins
>All the EN members are reposting it so everyone is watching it
>Once again, she's a technician.
>It's like the ending of Chrono Trigger
>I'm getting some small creaks, is this just me?
>Same here, but maybe the chat is too much fun
>So you were late because of a microphone problem?
>Space-time has become distorted...
>I laughed when she came forward and turned down the volume like normal.
>Naughty angle!
>I loved Ame-chan's karaoke
>Sound quality seems to be very poor.
>Doesn't it seem even more squishy than usual?
>Whoa, let's close this lag-inducing chat box!
>The English I learned from Arnold Schwarzenegger came in handy.
>...Could it be that she's trying to appeal to the studio she bought herself?
>AME doko...?
>Hasn't Smol been upgraded somehow?
>I wonder if Small Ame will remain as the mascot?
>Ah, a naughty magnifying glass.
>Oh no... YouTube is too hard... Maybe I should watch it on hold...
>Amelia, it was a cooking utensil!!
>I've made a lot of things, and I think the mistranslations about future cooking utensils are mostly correct.
>By the way, Nabi momma doesn't appear in public anymore, does she?
>If Buffson appeared in this outfit review, I'd probably be like, "I don't know what face to make..."
>Big boobs clothes
>Blonde hair is really good
>This outfit made my legs look so sexy...
>I thought the letter from the creator of Outer Wilds was written by him
>Liebeck is that guy from The Outer Worlds.
>[response to above] The Outer Worlds, Outer Wilds, and Afterworld are all masterpieces.
>It's too heavy after exceeding 100,000 people
>Beard is annoying...
>Oh...beard and boobs...
>My boobs are shaking...
>That was close... If I could speak English, I would have cried along with the music.
>AME has a lot of sexy clothes
>By the way, Amecha has suddenly gained 1.8 million subscribers...
>Space suits are sexy...
>Yes, ecchi
>I've seen a ton of fan art of Space Ame meeting Sana in space, and I think there will be even more in the future.
>As an aside, the way to make space suits was previously lost technology, but recently a new way of making them has been developed, and a new type of space suit has been created for the first time in decades. I'd like to share this as trivia.
>I like the idea of the candy space suit smelling like candy the moment you take it off.
>It's impressive that he just walked out of the final stream with 100,000 people watching...
>It's Live2Dsmol!
>Will it end smoothly?!
>It's difficult because you're probably adjusting it yourself.
>My ears!
>Everyone is so moved that their ears are bleeding.
>I accepted it as natural, but why are the spectators alligators...?
>From this angle it looks like a nude coat.
>It's now officially set that you can travel through time and space lol
>Ame-chan is really naughty, isn't she? She's so outrageous, but...
>The Queen of Songs is also good at drawing
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Charity closed earlier today, $215k is incredible.
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>>Just this moment... (pic related)
>The big-breasted candy on the bottom right is nice... (many people agreed with this)
>Ame-chan has really improved her singing
>Not the English version but Japanese SSS?!
>SSS really good lyrics
>Fan-made Orison?
>My eardrum has been destroyed for the third time today.
>It was completed in just two weeks after the announcement.
>Is the Amesame faction the largest faction? That would start a war.
>Do I have to outlive the Kiryuu-kai?
>The year 4020, huh...
>The fact that the final stream was made up of homemade and fan-made works is so EN-like and Ame-chan-like...
>What?! There are no body pillows among the merchandise available now?!
>It's a resale?!
>Body pillow reissue!
>If you die, you'll become a Holomem's ghost.
>I can't increase the number of old man ghosts who are after sexual things...
>Reprints are separate from commemorative items.
>I'll give you everything you want
>Three stuffed toys!
>I love beeame
>Bubba is so cute...
>Wow, BeeAme came as a guest!
>Ame-chan is sometimes scary
>Something caught a glimpse
>Kiss! Sorry for being so cute!?
>Coke is delicious! Yay!
>Anonymous: I just started watching Ame-chan, what was it like? Right now, all I can see is that Ame-chan's song is cute.
>Don't go...
>I wanted to see BeeAme's fist clenched at the end...
>So the finish was in the form of a bee...!
>Macho Ame is cute too
>So if I hadn't passed the Hololive audition, I would never have been able to eat Tsukimi?
>The Gators are huge...
>I'm glad that JP's fans also give their support.
>Seriously, why do you have to do all this manual work!?
>Cry a little
>Parade parade parade
>Come to think of it, Amechan was one of the singing members of Pare Pare...
>Both the JP and EN versions are good. I'd like to listen to both in person someday.
>As expected, the power of the ending of Pare Pare is too high...
>> Now that I think about it, I don't know why Ame's listeners are called crocodiles.
>Isn't it a play on words between Alligator and Investigator?
>Will the aquarium be open to the public?
>I heard twice as many people said that it would be open to the public for a set amount of money as a charity.
>Bye bye, see you, Ame-chan
>Saying goodbye in the form of Smol Ame is just like Ame-chan.
>I left the mic...
>I can expect Ame-chan to pop up and say, "It's been yonks!"
>You're back!
>Just when I thought it was really over this time, she came back...!
>Welcome back!
>All the best to Ame's future.
>Come to think of it, Smol and Ame-chan were set as separate individuals
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>That's what an encore is
>It's this song after all
>In the first place, Ame-chan has been appearing a lot recently with ENigmatic, commemorative live shows, and the last raging collaboration, but if she continues to do so and goes back to her planning style, I think the frequency of reunions will be the same as last year...
>If another aquatic Hololive like thing comes along, I'm sure it'll be Ame-chan
>Ahhh, it's over...
>Ahh… walking around the stage…
>Oh no, I'm starting to cry
>Ame-chan said that this matter won't turn out badly, so I'm looking forward to seeing how it develops in the future.
>I feel a sense of loss, but it's comforting that this isn't a final goodbye.
>Goodbye Ame... I hope you'll quietly make a guest appearance at someone's live show...
>Magnificent music...the quiet aquarium scene...the giant moray eel...
>Amelia Watson became a legend
>Even though I know it's not graduation, I still start to cry
>There is a precedent where Sana-chan has done illustrations and merchandise designs under her name, but even though her activities will end, I'm grateful to Ame-chan for paving the way for her so that it doesn't end with her graduation.
>It's really, really, really over
>I'd be happy if they kept doing this for another 9 hours or so.
>It's the last one
>It's like the end of The Truman Show
>I see something on the left
>She's still there...
>You're still there, right? Come back.
>This time it's really over...
>She was a great pioneer
>Even though I know that you won't disappear, the sense of loss is huge...
>I want to see you again soon
>Feel free to come out whenever you feel like it!
>I feel lonely
>She was so playful until the very end.
>I became Affiliate Watson (picrelated)
>Her idol activities may be over, but this is the start of a new life for Ame-chan!
>I want her to suddenly come back every once in a while and new Holo's will be like, "Who the hell are you?" and veteran Holo's will be like, "Call her Amelia..."
>Even after going offline, people kept coming back, so it was hard for everyone to leave...
>The Holo Aquarium has opened and you can enter without VR equipment.
>smol awe guy!
>Thank you for creating smol candy. I've loved you ever since you were an Aikatsu uncle.
>Along with Amechan, the end of Hololive has officially come.
>When Amelia calls for help, talented techs often gather around her, so it feels like EN has essentially created a Hololive EN support branch.
Of course, it's a private company that doesn't take any public action.
>Well, as Ame herself said, I think the shape of her relationship with Hololive after the series ends will become clearer as time goes on.
>> Amelia herself said that she won't be a behind-the-scenes staff member, but she's not a Hololive staff member. That being said, it seems like there's no problem with her renting out her own studio, so maybe we'll see them all gather at Ame's studio and have a blast
>I hope to hear more reports of people playing with Ame in the future.
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Youtube you wicked motherfucker
I played Paladins for her, if that’s not a sign of true love then I don’t know what is.
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The part from last night that kept hurting the most was hearing her say “you’ll be hearing from me in projects real soon”. I don’t want to hear her in projects. I want to see her on stream, playing games, signing, laughing, chatting to us. It’s no way near a substitute, no way it can replace her. She’s more than just a voice.
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Can one of you guys do me a favor and tell me if I am shadow banned or something. I haven't seen but a couple of my messages go through in chat and my comment on her member post is sitting at zero likes despite being there for 11 hours and sitting near the top. Or I guess more so how would I know if I am or not. I don't think I did anything to get an actual ban considering I hardly type in chat.
Amelia once suggested the Ordinary Sausage youtube channel to us and I've now watched every video this man has ever made. It is her type chaotic energy in sausage form.

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In another stream she said to Kiara that if they want to play more games with her, they will need to pester management. Kiara as the original Teammate will be sure to put all of her womanly pestering power into it.
Can an experienced twitchmate make a rentry guide for twitch extensions? Is it a bad idea? maybe it's too soon
im 100% sure that kiara will make it happen and will Kneel so hard i'll need a wheelchair for the rest of my life
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i still don't feel like doing anything.
I don't get it? I'm being serious. I'm fine with her not hearting it, I just wanted her to be able to see it. I left her a nice message.
I'm sorry I misread you, I'm retarded and can only read hte first line before trailing off. I thought you meant you were shadowbanned here.
Are membership streams going to be released to the public? Is the membership closing at all? I don't recall seeing any official word regarding that. Might be a good idea to archive the entire members only collection, if it doesn't exists already.
I can check for you, but I'm not sure how to find who you are, and may be difficult to find your message.
Membership is closing yes, she said she'd like to make all member streams public so they're not lost to the void.
yeah I watch him, the sausage skull video he just released is somethin
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For you guys too:
I visited a random public instance of the aquarium. It was mostly JP and maybe TW bros just hanging around, heard lots of sugois as they went through the exhibits. I even found this guy at the end. Everyone was having fun. I'm so fucking proud of her, man.
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I'm at work now and doing better than last night. Still feel really sad and empty. But better than I was crying in bed last night.
I unfortunately didn't see the members post until this morning, so probably not getting a heart from her. I used to be too shy to comment. So I never got a heart.
Hearing her play that song really took me back. Those songs got such a soft announcement early on but I remember feeling so excited hearing them.
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You can't expect to get a like on the members post. There was too many, and Ame couldn't like them for too long. I doubt she has the ability to like them any more.
hey anon one way for you to post in the community/non members post and check if yours appears in an anonymous tab (ordering by new posts of course). it shouldn't be hard to do now since the posts have reduced a lot since yesterday. alternatively you could try with >>86541506
but you'd need a way for people to see who you are
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Hagmelia Milfson
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>No more Detectodogs
>No more Akiba Misdo
>Can't take Ame to their favorite place
I feel for these dowggies...
we were so damn close......this picture is going to hurt for a while, I've had it as my screensaver for probably around years now
Wouldn’t the gluten in the pon-de-rings be a problem?
one of our resident /mu/ anons released a send-off track for Ame
she said she'd like to make them public after people in chat suggested it but she didn't seem confident that it would happen. now that she's lost access to the channel and socials it's probably not likely unless management comes in clutch
Done nothing all day but lay on the couch on my phone wasting away. Gonna put the last members karaoke on and get some house chores on.
>didn't post link
my braincells have significantly reduced lately....
Yea it's up to management now, hopefully she didn't forget to tell them.
thankyou japanese archaeologist
This I will fucking kneel to Kiara
>ame leaves
>ww3 starts
now this......now this is kino.....bravo yagoo! bravo!!!
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She put a ton of effort into keeping us from being sad, so I'm going to try to make her happy by getting some things done today.
what this time
I somehow feel like the possibility of her returning isn't related to the monetary success of her indie career going forward. It's more about self-improvement stuff or something.
I didn't ever have time to finish the last elden ring VOD so I decided to put it on while I work. Only about an hour left, she's still on the Metyr fight. I was scared that it was gonna make me feel worse. The first thing I hear her say is "Stupid ass, ugly ass, fatass-uh lokkin yubis!" and I immediately got a big smile on my face. She's left us an amazing legacy, and now I know what's to come is gonna be great too. It still hurts right now, but we're gonna be alright bros.
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That's pretty much what she said in regards to it
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I believe that Ame has financial problems due to her family leeching off her so she's semi graduating from Hololive but still on their payroll for certain events/tech management but she'll go indie so she can claim more of the overall pie.
friendly neighborhood /mu/tants ;_;
She's not getting a penny from Cover going forward.
Bros... it hurts...
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Didn’t expect to be bawling my eyes out cleaning my bathroom listening to her sing “My Way”.
We will survive this bro, do it for her
not him but I don't think that would be the case
I don't mean royalties for stuff currently in production like figurines, unsold merch etc.
dont reply to the troll dude, hes been at this for days
I thought I would be okay the next day but I still feel empty inside... woke up and went to work with a void in my chest.
>amelia after our 5th child
somehow her stream yesterday found a way to cheer me up a lot and I feel sad but not as much as before. bless this girl for choosing a normal home 3D stream as het final stream
It'll take time, but you'll get there.
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So what's rrat regarding Bae and Ame? Bae did a pretty good job avoiding Ame at the end aside from a few perfunctory tweets.
man she's just the best. I feel the same but more as a feeling of loneliness, i think im going to be alright
>holo v holo
really arent sending your best today, the bait during the last week was way better
When I'm outside I feel really okay with it, then when I get to my lonely bedroom it starts crawling again
Go back to the catalog.
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Going to the gym, its been hard to get back to it but I will become strong again. It's what she asked us to do. Be productive, and wait for her.
nice, I hope to be on that step starting in the new year, a few health things I need to take care of before I can start doing stuff like that
I only ever occasionally tuned into Ame's streams so I can say I was as much of a Teamate as others, but her notgraduation, while fun, definitely still hurt. Today, for me, it feels like the scene where Bilbo leaves Bag End in Fellowship, taking a deep breath of the night air getting ready for the next adventure.
Godspeed detective, until our next meeting.
I've had sleeping problems for 4 years, I used to go 6 days a week. It's been rough.
In case some of you didn't
Play Outer Wilds
That game is cathartic as fuck.
Glad to hear it, anon. Take care to not get sick from the gym this time of year
mm, I recently got put on bloodpressure medication after going to the hospital with a bp of 210/110, and I've had gout issues for years. Havent had a family doctor for 10 years. Well, got a family doctor and multiple referrals and such. And in time I will feel proper and safe enough to start working out.
watching ame's employee of the month stream has been a livesaver if anyone is having trouble dealing. might help.
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It's such a good fucking stream, dude. Was trying to save it for later in the month but maybe multiple watches wouldn't hurt...
I made a comment on the public post and it appeared while incognito so I guess that clears that up. Thanks anons. I do have a follow-up question though. I've been stuck on mobile lately and have been having issues with chat where the keyboard will pop up and I'll press send and nothing will go through unless I mess around with both the YouTube send button and the one on my keyboard and even then it won't go through sometimes. I was wondering if it was a memory issue or maybe if Gboard interferes with it somehow. YouTube in general seems buggy. Your help is appreciated, sorry that I'm not very tech savvy.
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I woke up, swapped my encroaching hobo beard for a depressed alcoholic in a bar at 1am beard and started looking at some jobs to replace what I have now
Oh fuck I never actually watched that, I put it in my watch later and never got around to it. Thanks.
mobile technology is wizardry and thats coming from a computer guy, its all held together by duct tape. might be an OS issue might be a hardware issue might be an app issue, who fucking knows
Man, watchalongs for LOTR or even Hobbit would have been great
I'll wait for cytube anon to watch such iconic streams
Youtube is recommending me good Ame stuff. Somehow it knows I need it.
I'm sorry for thrashing you Neal, u alright.
I am Muad'Dib's most patient roingus
Has there been any news on archiving the membership VODs? I've tried it on my end but not had any luck.
All the members streams and the one unarchived members karaoke are on my hard drive, and if people havent made a torrent for it all by the end of this month I will do so.
There are multiple anons doing that but I think they prefer to wait until membership ends
I have them. And there are other teamates that backed them up.
I also have videos, shorts, all the streams and membership posts.
I wonder if anyone is able to scrape the comments under the member posts since Ame did chat in the comments occasionally
I never really cared much for Ame, she came off as disingenuous, so her leaving didn't really bother me. Great design though, might be my favourite of Myth.
I can try, but I don't have time to cobble something together to get around yt retardness until mid october.
Surprised that I didn't find any scraper tool for it.
What are some other must watches? I already have the Spelling Bee and Outer Wilds queued up. I guess I also have to get around to Outer Wilds too...
Play it first if you didn't
Believe me. It's not your usual game. It can only be played once
This. It's an experience you can't put back in the bottle. It gets repeated a lot but it needs to be. Everyone I've seen who goes "Eh, I'll just watch it instead" always walks away feeling like they missed out.
planet zoo
Yoshis island playthrough and her Oblivion playthrough are some of my favorites. A big plus if you watch the Oblivion there are a ton of streams of it. So just more kino. Also her playing both portal games is really good because she loves those games so much.
Also, Ame's Favorite Streams is up:

Maybe not "must watch" category but I really loved her comfy streams like A Short Hike, Donut County, A Frog Detective etc.
Also her Pokémon Snap stream is super good.
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ame's final stream is #2 trending on youtube right now
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the train ride part is so comfy...
kek. I feel like that stream must seem like avant garde art to anyone who doesn't know Ame
>Doobert is now just Doob
did she end up solving any mysteries?
(apart from just holoMyth)
she could never solve the mystery of why the teammates are so dumb
was she any different in members streams? I never got the chance to see one
They were intimate, closer, warmer. Wonderful
I think so. Felt like her voice was softer. But it could have just been the overall vibe since there were less shitters in chat.
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any drawing stream of hers just doodling or passpartout
I know her primary platform is going to be twitch but it would be nice if she still had a membership on her vod dump youtube.
Probably not happening though, I assume she will just post random goofy memss or stories on xwitter instead
She solved the Q question the answer was Q
I know you guys dont really like that place but they have 2 different archives of membership posts in the discord server, you need to connect your youtube account with membership to access it so do it while you can. I will eventually upload it once membership closes and things settle , but still do go ahead if you want to archive them yourselves.
If I was any good at coding I would make an offline container that works just like how you see them on a browser but they are text files or screenshots for now. Still better to have them than not
Not drastically different, just more intimate and chill.
what I've queued up:
A Way Out w/ Gura
Imagination Station (members)
ENReco (missed it...)
>6 months without a fav steam between Lethal Company and the Spelling Bee
That's a long burnout.
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Teamates! Allow me to introduce the cytube project.
>What's this?
A cytube is a place where you can make playlists of videos to play automatically in a chat room with others. You can sign up or use a guest account to type.
>But why?
Its so we can all experience Ame like she never left until she can finally return. Your favorite streams being put on loop all day when you got nothing to do and experience the live chatting experience like you used to! Even shitpost live in the thread about it.

I don't like the idea of letting these moments be forgotten like a memory. It'd be nice to have something still happening for everyone to enjoy while we "Wait and See". I created this schedule based on some of her old layouts and it can be edited like any other like with fanart and such.

I now ask, how should I go about selecting what playthrough go about? Google form sheet? Poll? Random? There will be a permanent playlist on the cytube of some essential streams always on as well when its dead hours. We also need emotes, I plan on grabbing the ones from her membership but we can add any number of them as well. I plan to get this up and running by this weekend at least. I know there was another anon who said he could help but haven't seen him in a bit.

Any ideas and suggestions are greatly appreciated
I see them having trouble getting multiple images from posts and I don't see them scraping the comments either
Hope someone finds a way to preserve it all
that was when she was officialy on break and then moving, she came back for the final time at the end of june
Honestly her not making another freechat was another death flag I never noticed at the tim
someone said that the videos played should be played chronological which i like. it's like reliving her journey from the very beginning.
>gonna miss key moments of Ame's career all over again
Sounds cool. I don't really have an opinion on how to choose what to watch since I'm fine with whatever. You could probably just go with whatever's most convenient right now and adjust later depending on how it goes. I just want to hear Ame's voice...
Maybe each week we can loop through streams from the same week 1/2/3/4 years ago, that way we get some variety and balances out differences in Ame's output in later years.
Would be nice to have a dedicated day for watchalongs too, perhaps a different one each week.
Is the screensaver version different? If so, can you upload it maybe?
Twitch has sub only streams by the way.
I think the way twitch subs work is the only good thing about that platform
Day 1 Teamate looking for help. A couple years ago she posted (for the first and last time, I think) a wallpaper for us with her Ookami Blues art. I've lost the high-quality file that was hosted on GigaFile through a PC migration and of course that link no longer works. Would anyone be able to help me get it back somehow?
doobus will be #1 vtuber
just wait and see
I feel like I've never seen anyone actually use it though. The big streamers want all the ad revenue they can get, and the small streamers (that I sub to, anyway) just pull people into sub-only Discord.

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