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I can't believe I have been Niji... I've been in Niji for 3 years. Honestly that's crazy. I don't really care what other people say, hm about Nijisanji. I am always gonna be grateful for the opportunities here.
Obviously there is a lot of things we can work on, just like any other FUCKING company.
Guys, If you've never worked a day in your life, you will never understand that like in everysingle work place in company that you work for, there will always be flaws. But, like if people don't understand that, I think that's crazy.
So I am so grateful to be here DESPITE you know... things that we need to work on. Because for the most part, I really enjoy being here. It's like giving me so many opportunities and... and not only do I... am I grateful for those opportunities, like...
I also ADJUST myself so that I don't get so hung up over like, you know things that might not make happy all the time. Because that is just not gonna happen all the time in life. So yeah, I am really really happy to be here, hmm I am really really grateful that I get to get these opportunities and I never take it for granted. Like, you know... like really... HM
So when I think about the fact that not everyone gets these opportunities, that makes me even more grateful. But at the same time like... at the same time like... I don't believe like I get these opportunities just from pure luck you know... I really work hard to get these opportunities hmm, like I make my own luck for the most part, you know like... doing everything, like pushing myself over the limits and stuff like that, like yeah it is me making my own luck and that's what's brought me here so... You know, I work hard and I KNOW it.
Just like all my senpais and all and everybody else who is here with ME like everyone is working hard, so... you know. Whenever I see people kind of invalidating that, like maybe from the outside you might not understand, you know the experiences that we ge to becaue you do not see the TIMELINE of how much work we put into stuff. But that's so unfortunate, because if you cans see it or even come to realization that that's how people get to these places, then I don't think you can probably get there youself because you are not able to see it in the first place.
So, yeah like this year was full of so many people like just jumping on the wagon and shitting on us but... I really really don't care. I am so happy to be here. I'll always be happy to be here. AND EVEN WHEN I MOVE ON FROM THIS CHAPTER IN MY LIFE this... this still gonna be a very important experience that molded me into like someone who is better today. So I'd rather be like that than like somebody who just jumps in the bandwagon just to FUCKING be a part of I don't know... Something that's not actually that cool (laughs)
So, yeah I am really happy be here and it is also because you guys too, it is not easy being you know, part of a community that's always constantly SHAT ON TOO. So props to you guys for BELIEVING in like..........You know just believing in like......... You know us, you know... It's... Like even if none of you guys will ever know like the FULL STORY OF STUFF and... even then I think it is very admirable that you guys like........ will still trust us to some degree. I really really really appreciate that I think it says a lot about somebody when they are able to kind of make their own judgement and critical thinking and stuff like that so thank you. hmm (long pause)
Yeah this year was tough for all of us but........ Well we can always like learn from it and also like....... Yeah we are gonna... just the best we can do you know. You move forward and try to make the most of the good. An there is a lot of good so... People refuse to see it then I am just... I am just gonna emphasize it even more. Yeah... (long pause)
this is easy for her to say because she actually made money at niji, even if she fell off hard lol. the new waves make nothing and still have to put up with the bullshit
I can fix her.
Non platonically.
Enna got indoctrinated into thinking she should be grateful for her company you hate to see it.
Ironic how she touts about knowing how she knows that companies aren’t perfect but forgets the single most important thing when it comes to work:
Your company is not your friend
She's kinda' right. Anycolor's only slightly worse than Cover.
>Like like like like
I hate this verbal tick people have where they have to say like every 5 seconds. Also
>Even when I move on from this chapter of my life
Graduation baiting
>None of you guys will ever know the FULL STORY OF STUFF and critical thinking
She's still pissed that people chose Selen over everyone else at that company after the black stream. They really thought that video was a good idea.
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>Former Aloupeeps remembering her talking about her plans on only doing this for a couple of years a bit over a year ago and seeing her talking like this now looking at her like
>even if she fell off hard lol.
Enna is pretty much the only one that stayed unscathed after the black stream.
Her fanbase are the unhinged nijitards you see on twitter.
Literally overdosing on niji's kool-aid.
Fuck off Enna, my company never harassed anyone.
OP, I appreciated the fact that you transcribed everything so people won't have to watch the clip themselves. But I still don't think I care enough about Enna to read all that.
>I really work hard to get these opportunities
>I make my own luck
Is that what you call being a Hanamori clique member these days?
>So, yeah like this year was full of so many people like just jumping on the wagon and shitting on us but...
>So, yeah I am really happy be here and it is also because you guys too, it is not easy being you know, part of a community that's always constantly SHAT ON TOO.
>So props to you guys for BELIEVING in like..........You know just believing in like......... You know us, you know... It's... Like even if none of you guys will ever know like the FULL STORY OF STUFF and...

My fucking sides, how many times did she come here to attack Doki?
That's what nepotistic bitches like her always say. They always go "i worked hard to be where i am!" full of indignation.
>Like even if none of you guys will ever know like the FULL STORY OF STUFF and...
It's crazy how they still don't understand that no one cares about Selen being a shitty coworker
Are you kidding? She lost like 1/2 her audience. She used to hit 2k easy, now she gets like 800.
She was even complaining about it, saying she had plans to buy a house which are impossible now
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OP, tell your oshi I don't give a fuck
She already took two vacations this year too, like bitch, what do you mean you work hard?
>Buy a house
>In Trudeau's leafland
Didn't know niji's were billionaires
Only clique members and Luxiem have that privilege.
The rest of them can apply for food stamps for all Riku's care.
>you will never know the full story
Oh she definitely has something to hide.
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>You know just believing in like......... You know us, you know... It's... Like even if none of you guys will ever know like the FULL STORY OF STUFF and...
Bitch, if you had anything to say to save yourself, you would have done it already. The fact that even now all of you are still terrified to speak up means you don't want Doki to tell her side of the story either. Just be thankful that you still have some fans left.
>like bitch
Why do you write like a teenage girl?
Cut her some slack, her heart is in the right place
thats like two fish bitch isn't it?
Here comes Ennacuck, ready to defend her honor.
Enna is lucky because she gets absolutely deluged with raids.
There'll be 5 people streaming with lower views, and every single raid goes to her. Its like the entire company is working as a team to boost her specifically.
>like you know like you know like you know like you know like you know like you know
>muh heck full story guys we dindu nuffin
A lot of Asian girls in the West talk like white beach bums.
Bold play for her to parallel Dashcon's organizers. Let's see if this time it works out
>Its like the entire company is working as a team to boost her specifically

To be fair, most of the current EN organs are probably on their way out, so it's normal that they are trying to boost the few bootlickers that will remain there
>it is not easy being you know, part of a community that's always constantly SHAT ON TOO
Karma is a bitch
>I really work hard to get these opportunities
Yeah it was so hard to be part of the Hanamori clique
>She was even complaining about it, saying she had plans to buy a house which are impossible now
Deserved, 2024 will be the best year of her life kek
I hope Elira, Enna, and Millie stay in niji forever.
Let them rot there.
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>even if none of you guys will ever know like the FULL STORY OF STUFF
Dumb fucking bitch still trying to play innocent to this day as if they have anything to say that makes themselves look better kek
>Yeah this year was tough for all of us but......
.....but management won't let them publicly talk about WHY this year was tough for them. Hell, being in Elira's clique is probably the only reason she won't get bonked by management for merely acknowledging THAT this year was tough for them.
I just realized how much Enna must hate Mint.
She literally said she hates bandwagoner anon, and almost every single ex-nijis have said something bad about their prior work experience.
It's probably
>like I make my own luck for the most part, you know like... doing everything, like pushing myself over the limits and stuff like that,
as someone who watched her for a few years, no she absolutely doesn't.
Selen was pushing herself by constantly breaking out of her comfort zone and advertising both herself and her branch. Enna was sitting in a safety corner playing comfort games and yelling about underpaid city workers. Actually pushing herself over the limits would've been pumping out covers like Maria.
I'm still pissed I actually thought that was just a character she was playing and not actually her real personality.
>She doesn't understand... I just wanted to help her love big brother! Everything I did was out of that love! Is that so wrong? Is love wrong?!
Enna is a Nijisanji vtuber. She's contractually obligated to (at an absolute minimum publicly pretend to) hate all ex-Nijis with every fiber of her being.
Related - I have no idea why EN management hasn't suspended or terminated Reimu for following Mint on her Niji twitter account, unless it's because they're afraid that doing so might adversely affect the company's financial results in a not-so-negligible manner.
Same here brother, join the resistance make this bitch pay for sneakily using her platform for bullying and humiliating her victims
It's almost poetic in a way. She spent most of her career seething that she didn't get into HoloEN because she wanted to be handed celebrity status for free instead of having to work for it. Then, when NijiEN was on the upswing, there was a brief time where she could have gotten that same level of success anyway, and she almost single-handedly blew it by being as mediocre and unlikable as possible.
She'll literally go to her grave mad because she has to believe that everything wrong with her life is somebody else's fault.
Reimu and Uki stopped following Mint after the NijiEN AX venue was cancelled. Doppio still follows her though.
>Doppio still follows her though.
Doppio is actually crazy.
Only one using the manjisanji buff to at least try to put out fires on the exnijis, what with helping Sayu and now continuing support on Mint.

Either that or he's so irrelevant that management doesn't actually know he did either.
Honestly, I doubt that management gives a single fuck unless the sisters make a fuss about it. That's why Enna can keep vagueposting all the fucking time about Doki, and why Ryoma had to private the Apex stream.
Does Doppio follow her on his PL account, or on his Niji account? Huge difference; that difference is why Vivi has enough plausible deniability to pretend to be unaware of the concept of post-Niji success, while Reimu does not have that plausible deniability.
Remember that the official position of Anycolor on ex-Nijis, as relayed by the CEO to the shareholders at the annual shareholders meeting, is that the vtubers who have left Niji did so specifically because they lack the passion and/or professionalism to continue being vtubers. Picrel.

Pic very rel.
>is real
Oh wow. I wonder what happened. If Doppio is still following and not them it doesn't sound like management.
All 3 (Reimu, Uki, and Doppio) followed on their Niji accounts.
After the NijiEN AX concert venue was cancelled, Reimu and Uki unfollowed her, but Doppio still does.
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Some of the livers were probably salty that the AX venue got cancelled and blamed her for it, since 1) she was always a big pull for conventions, and 2) her AX concert went off without a hitch
Chunni boi remains based how is this possible
>I also ADJUST myself so that I don't get so hung up over like, you know things that might not make happy all the time.
Yeah I’m sure someone almost committing an hero more than once is just them not being able to adjust. You know, like, just GET OVER IT, hmm.
yeah I’m sure people being on the side of someone pushed to suicide over a corporation is just people “jumping on the bandwagon”, I’m sure people shit on nijisanji because its trendy and not for all the bullshit and harassment it’s fucking done since your branch even existed
if you're gonna write an essay at least format it so it's readable
Even in their wildest fantasies where selen really was an evil menhera saboteur, it still makes anycolor look bad because they allowed it to happen, there is no version of events where nijisanji is innocent, bullying someone to suicide is just the cherry on the top for their incredible shittiness
>Oh wow. I wonder what happened.
The AX concert was cancelled, literally everyone made fun of NijiEN, and Mint and Doki didn't give a fuck and kept being successful as fuck. Reimu and Uki probably got mad with Mint because they thought she was giving them the cold shoulder.
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And Nijisanji did not bother disproving her claims, they officially confirmed that there were some issues
> Reimu and Uki probably got mad with Mint because they thought she was giving them the cold shoulder.
God I hope. In fact I hope those evil shitters never talk to Mint again. Their kind already ruined her work once.
I think a lot of it was her own self hatred and creating self fulfilling prophecies. She is genuinely talented but also very menhera and you see these cycles happen all the time with these types of people.
>and creating self fulfilling prophecies
Remind me what was the lore for Zaion, Selen and Enna?
she was an unlikable cunt long before the Selen shit went down
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>So I'd rather be like that than like somebody who just jumps in the bandwagon just to FUCKING be a part of I don't know... Something that's not actually that cool (laughs)
Ohhhhhh she's seething about Mint and Doki real hard here lmfao
Apparently the Ryoma stream is back up, doki included. He probably privated it himself because he was worried about management, and they didn't give a shit so he just put it back up.
https://youtu.be/11i03cLl1BI?t=13264 timestamp for first doki appearance, direct mention, "Dokibird real?!" they get instagibbed by a cheater
https://youtu.be/11i03cLl1BI?t=17897 timestamp for their champion game.
Honestly he doesn't seem that bad. Wonder why the hell he's even in that place.
I should probably figure out how to clip youtube vods now that streamable is out in case management ever notices or sisters go nuts.
They did? I don't have twitter so I can't check, but I decided to look in the archives and found two posts from september talking about Reimu still following Mint on her main account, maybe she stopped following recently?
I don't see Cover shitting on someone who just tried to suicide.
That passive aggresiveness why does livers keep saying this shit to their own viewers who are watching rather than confront their all out war enemies and niji defectors in public. They are even imposing the image of others they don't like unto their own fans kek.
Anyways all the things she's saying is too one sided that doesn't acknowledge the seriousness of what she and others did towards Selen(and more behind the scenes) and even in passing she just downplays it like any other simple mistakes.
post her feet
>just like any other FUCKING company
Lmao, so much projection, doesn't she realize some of the problems are unique to kurosanji?
It's the fame that got to her head. Must be feeling sad to once be at the top of streaming space only to fall down by acting like a shitty person. she won't feel sad about being a shitty person just the fall from popularity.
It's uncanny how much she sounds like some of the sisters who keep seething on this board.
Nah, that person didn't actually check. JP fans noted it on S-K at the beginning of July.
If Reimu and Uki unfollowed her because they were butthurt that their AX show was cancelled and hers wasn't (ref. >>86561171 and >>86561589), chances are that Doppio's decision to continue following her might have something to do with the fact that he didn't have a show to cancel in the first place. In other words, he didn't have a reason to be salty about that, and management didn't have a reason to pretend that he was salty about it.
Granted, the "-8" on Niji EN's latest report card means that neither he nor any of the other EN livers will ever again get booked for a show which can subsequently get cancelled for lack of ticket sales, but he lost nothing because of that - he isn't part of the Golden 20, so even with the Niji Male Buff™ he was never gonna get anything bigger than a meet and greet to begin with, regardless of the fallout of the Selen situation.
Incoming Mel nonsense with a side of Aqua bullshit if they are feeling creative
Anon, we know some of them are /here/, with one of those organs being her friend
That sister you argued with last week could have been her
Enna is purpose-built for having her ass split in half until her rectum prolapses.
>The yab guy got away scott free with no lawsuit.
Wait, isn't that literally what Kotoka said about Zaion
A flaw is usually something most people work around and isn't really a hindrance. Bullying coworkers and sending female talents to the rape studio is more than a fucking flaw.
What is S-K? I tried looking in the archives but I didn't find any mention of Reimu unfollowing Mint before this thread
>just like any other FUCKING company
You could do so much better than her, niji anon.
You could have Scarle or even Reimu.
Suki kirai
Kotoka added her own flare that Zaion was a troublemaker trying to hurt her "family."
Lol is this the new cope. Yeah our company's black but so is yours, to yours is slightly better? Lmao
why the fuck would that even be something they note?
At this point I'm pretty sure Heaven's Gate members would be more rational and honest than them.
We're not joking when we said nijijp fans put nijienfags to shame anon.
You think nyfco were bad?
I am very impressed and very, very disturbed.
I can't imagine the shit they must've sent to Doki and Mint in feb and march.
I heard they were even nasty to Mayuzumi, who was basically the JP Selen and he left with a normal graduation...
They are hating on Mayuyu now because he was collabing with Chinami-sensei back in June.
Is she sick? Why does she sound like that?
Enna seems to believe people hate on Niji because is "fashionable"
You know if you add up her vacations in 2023, it comes to about 5 1/2 months?
She said she's a "workaholic" who "makes her own luck" and she takes almost half the year off streaming?
She literally took
an adopted it as personal creed.
Damn, beat me to it.
Lying on the bed like a dead fish and letting Diego hump her bony ass counts as hard work, apparently.
The black screen was basically a rehash of what Finana and Xsoleil collectively said about Zaion, but with some "change the answers a little bit so the teacher doesn't know I'm letting you copy my homework" energy (and a massive amount of "let's harass a suicide survivor into making another attempt" energy on management's part)
It kinda makes sense that Enna would repeat management's official position on the matter - regardless of whether she does or does not genuinely feel that way (spoiler alert: she does), there's still a very strong chance that management "suggested" that she make that statement.
I thought dramatubers said nijijp is absolutely booming with little to no issues compared to their EN branch.
Dramatubers don't know Japanese
Yea it's funny she says that when, apparently, she knows the full story and isn't sharing. What gives? If you have something to exonerate yourself why not share it? What's stopping you? I doubt Niji would prevent you from stopping the current hemorrhaging of NijiEN viewers if you had that ability.

The only thing this could mean in-context is that she knows exactly what kind of fucked up shit happened behind the scenes and is almost gloating that no one will know about it.
Their organs might not have any issues so far beside the YAB yab obviously, their problem is with their zealot fans.
And throw the rest of the clique under the bus?
Enna might be a genuine sociopath but even she wouldn't dare cross the big boss E herself.
It's called taking all the credits from those who did most of the work. People should realize by now how easy it is for people like her to lie and trick others.
And they're still right. The key phrase is
>compared to their EN branch
And even with the issues Niji JP has, comparing their issues to Niji EN's issues is like comparing a parking lot fender bender to Tenerife.
>She was menhera
So they were exploiting a mentally unstable person for profits and doing fuck all to help her, despite being aware of this
>She wasn't a menhera she was just uhhh
Either way you spin it this is an abject failure of management, and you apparently pushed either a mentally ill person toward suicide or just a regular person toward suicide. Never going to be excusable.
I'd like to hear her explain what "hard work" she did for that HYTE PC case sponsorship, and how it was more than what Selen ever did.
The full story is they believe she deserved it. She broke the rules so they are in their right to bully and harass her and to hammer down the nail that sticks out. In their circle this makes sense, it's how Niji operates. To any sane person outside the circle, this sounds psychopathic and awful.
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I'm actually surprised by the complete lack of ndf presence in here. I bet the discord is stirring like a Hornets nest
Give it another hour or so, SEA is only starting to wake up now
Didn't HYTE specifically request Selen, and were denied?
SEA is asleep for another 6ish hours
Do you have a link for her complaining about her viewership and saying she can’t afford a house? I definitely wanna see that clip.
Current time is 9.20 am in Japan, and most of SEA is either in the same time zone as Japan or one hour earlier. It's after breakfast over there
What? No, Japan is further east than most of SEA. It's only 7am in Jakarta
>giving them the cold shoulder
tbf, ignoring anything from nijiEN is probably the best move if you wanna avoid getting involved into any drama.
I don't think that's ever been explicitly confirmed, but it was the rumour going around and the speed with which they dropped their Niji deal to jump on a Dokibird collab definitely supports it.
> I ADJUST myself so that I don't get hung up on depressing things.
> I GASLIGHT myself as a distraction from how bad things really are.

As someone who lives in the same area code as her, I'm not sure if that's a commentary on her income or on what's happened to real estate prices here over the last couple of years. Or both, I guess.
They came close to that when they fired Rushia, she suicide baited, and they tweeted that superchats weren't everything (which was completely unnecessary). Then she released a statement saying she never doxed anyone and Cover read her statement and told her she could release it; in 10 minutes, they released their own statement saying "wrong."

They also hired a new gen but upon realizing one wasn't ethnically Japanese they came up with an excuse to have them be an entirely new branch. Then, instead of giving them a purely Hololive aesthetic, they made them look like Nijis and got them to pander to non-Holo fans. When the numbers suffered as a result, they pressured them into grinding and forcing content to get a certain number of subs by a certain date or else they wouldn't give them 3D models; two of them almost quit because of it.

People keep saying Niji's in flames, but Cover lost six talents this year and there's still three months left, and nobody would be surprised if there was one or two more.
>Cover lost six talents this year
six talents? ...Are you counting A-chan and the dude?
Amelia, Aqua, Mel... that holostar...
If we're counting side branches and fucking STAFF then you do realize that Nijisanji has lost over TWENTY fucking people this year due to their own incompetence?
>that holostar...
Wait, what holostar graduated in 2024?
My bad, it's five, not six. It's going to be six when Laplus graduates in a month.

Homos and A-chan are talents, yes. A-chan had a l2d and multiple outfits.
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That anon is retarded if he doesn't consider A-chan staff. She's literally listed as a talent member. Her and Nodoka both.
Gamma got terminated
>there's still three months left, and nobody would be surprised if there was one or two more.
but enough about nijisanji
>>86568614 (me)
>That anon is retarded if he doesn't consider A-chan staff
*talent not staff, but either way, that anon is dumb.
>Gamma got terminated
I completely forgot about that.
Enna talked about this before, she has a massive amount of savings. She saves most of what she makes. Which is troublesome because she's constantly povertybaiting and pretending she's on the verge of bankruptcy. Apparently Enna can't afford a car, can't afford to repair her dryer, can't afford to eat out, even implied she would go homeless. But it turns out this entire time she was saving to buy a house.

This was hinted at before, when her father was begging her "please just a few more years, just stay in Niji a few more years". People didn't read between the lines and bought her povertybaiting hook line and sinker. Her current grift is to pretend she can't afford a proper streaming monitor and brings up the topic whenever she wants supas.
I mean what do you want her to say?
It has gotta suck to feel like you're on top of the world to start the year, and now you're just kinda a small corpo girl now.
The best bet is to wait it out in hopes that NIJI can provide opportunities again one day. Worst case is the branch closes oh well.
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Last I heard of this bitch was picrel. Is there seriously still anybody watching her after she tweeted this?
She claimed at first that this was about chatGPT.
but then contradicted herself in the recent stream and said she tweeted this because she was dying in the hospital and wanted her fans to think she "found happiness before she died".
I think what probably happened was that she was playing around with chatGPT in the hospital. But turned it into a much more dramatic story for the benefit of her stream, and to bait sympathy.

Regardless, the way that she carelessly plays with her fans this way is despicable.
Again, not sure if povertybaiting or just acknowleding that dinner for 1 at anything nicer than Pizza Hut is like 50 Canadian dollars now.
Fuck this province man.
No Enna dipped into her savings to buy a bunch of fancy furniture for her apartment. That seems to be the moment she gave up on ever affording a house. That was right after the doki drama went down and everyone's income plummeted.
>Even in their wildest fantasies where selen really was an evil menhera saboteur
lets see
it's subjective but she knowingly posted comments to ruin everything for everyone. The company fucked her over but she ended up hurting innocent people like Rosemi. If Pomu didn't leave before that she would have caused pain to her friend too
definitely, by self admission
she hit the nuclear button on exit, that's 100% sabotage
inb4 sister etc. I hate BPD bitches like Enna AND Doki, wish they stab each other at a con
Good morning!
A bit early for you tho. Make sure to poop lots on the street and eat all your pagpag
No, but his company fired his ass and he's been basically expelled from the music industry. Not to mention the company lost some people and even talents because of this.
so... what happened this time?
Not my problem. NijiEN had a long period of bonanza and good will and they did their best to piss it all away, drive away all the people who caused it, and told the fans that liked it to eat shit. Selen's termination was just the explosion of a bomb of resentment and disappointment that had been ticking since late 2022. I hope Enna enjoys having to survive off Luxiem's dwindling run-off.
The next move the branch is making is trying to pander to japan. They're starting to do more JP streams and pulling in their JP contacts. Enna pulling on Chima to get the Nornis concert is part of a larger pattern, they're all starting to do it.
Enna also said she's doing to be taking japanese classes too
>definitely, by self admission
Self diagnosed menhera. If you believe that, then every other teenaged girl is menhera.
>knowingly posted comments to ruin everything for everyone
>she hit the nuclear button on exit, that's 100% sabotage
Yeah, after getting driven off the cliff mentally. Suicidal people aren't exactly known for thinking about the consequences of their actions. Instead of blaming the victim, the perps deserve the blame for the consequences of their actions. Any talent who blames her instead of the people who pushed her over the brink aren't being good people either.
And no, turning suicidal in response to extreme stress doesn't count as menhera.
like you know... like you know... uhhmmm.....like you know...uhmm..hmmm...yeah...you know

ugh its so hard to read this sentence. how did aloukeks even survived watching her?
Subhumans the entire lot of them
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I'm not reading all that. Summarize it in two sentences or use a food analogy to explain it to me.
>That fucking wall of text-to-autismo
Not reading it but I agree. Fuck Kurosanji.
Oh, you have BPD? That's so sad. Have you already tried a rope?
>Dying in the hospital
Someone's autism manifested too hard, what the fuck???
>food analogy
Enna, who eats Soviet-era vegetarian omelet MREs, says that people who eat filet mignon and jingisukan are cockfags. Also she doesn't like mint and tomatoes.
ahh, man. that's hilarious that we just know when brown feet start shit posting.
can someone redpill me on ennacuck/ennaschizo
Generally the board goes to complete shit at exactly 11PM PST every night. Usually you get a flood of garbage bait threads.
yeah what happened to him?
why kurosanji didnt file a report on this guy? the dude already admitted in public. its easy win for them unless...
we've already went over this a few times, niji staff were involved in his rapes so they're protecting him
Omg zomg I can't believe you guys bullying the angry birb uuuuuu
according to kiara she is a pretty and worthy of a boyfriend birb
its crazy all of his victim still staying in kurosanji. guess they are not that smart to connect the dot
Well its true.
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Mint's birthday tomorrow has a collab with Doki and Matara, they are currently seething about that. And also are scared of how much money she will make compared to the last nijien birthday, picrel.
Matara is still leeching off of them?
She never said that, she used to work in retail and always talked about how much she hated it, she used to work with Millie on public attention.
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Oh hello nijisister, fancy seeing you here.

Also Japan's laws regarding "slander" and "defamation." If one of the victims tells someone from Anycolor management that they want to graduate because they got raped by YAB and someone else from management knew about it and either did nothing to stop it or actually joined in, the victim will have told one legal entity (the [biological] person from Anycolor management) information which is damaging to the reputation of another legal entity (Anycolor itself)
Rape victims cannot disclose the identity of their rapist without damaging their rapist's reputation in the process.
Didn't read but I want her to know every last problem is her fault.
imagine using her page as a breeding ground and turning on her as soon as she offers an olive branch to doki. christ, you're all subhuman.
don't victims also have to re enact what happened in court, usually shaming and embarrassing the victims so most don't even come forward.
she is next
That as well as the colors on the PC cases or something right?
>attack matara
>samefag and then get angry at the said attack
The ryoma doki bait thread was also funny like that.
No she isn't. She will never leave. She's just graduation baiting. she's learning japanese and getting ready to move over to JP branch. She's started to appear in JP events.
Nope, they're scummy businessmen looking to make a publicity stunt to sell computers and decided to jump on the bandwagon
>Nooooo please bite the bait and loop for three more threads
i hope not.
enna, elira, millie and all the homos deserved to rot in kurosanji
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Mind broken man that obsesses over Enna. Obviously he loves her due to know much he hangs onto her (actually watches every stream and can give time stamps). You can't talk about much when he's around because he'll constantly reply to people even if you don't reply back to steer any conversation about Enna.

There are also plenty of mind broken women in /NijiEN/. Some due to him, some due through other means. They perceive almost any negativity as the poster being ennaschizo and will either call you that or "fatty". Due to this the thread is frequently unusable. Ennaschizo doing his typical shit with big mucho texto posts complaining about Enna and him replying to your posts or other posts about Enna. Then mind broken women calling people fatty or constantly engaging with Ennaschizo.

If you browse the thread you pretty much have to ignore/filter most posts. It would probably be better to be in /tsun/ when Purina fanbase would go schizo, or /pkg/ when one or a few guys went schizo over hearing a guy's voice in Nene's ASMR over being in /NijiEN/.
oh no no no nbinted
Yes, they're still friends.
Lmao no. This is the easiest gig she's ever gotten, and even if it isn't paying as well as before, she'd rather rot than her a real job I bet
This is pretty much the best description of him, though I honestly thought he had left some time ago as I hadn't seen Enna baitposts in a long time (though it could also be because Enna hasn't been streaming lately, so who knows)
>please forget about selen fiasco because we are working hard just like other company
Lol morning
Right on time
Yeah, people think Japan is a safe place, but they're just much better at covering stuff up. If some gaijin reports a crime, they're more likely to get deported, unless they have connections. Train molestations are so common that they're a meme, because they almost never get caught. Victims are seen as almost as bad as the perps if they come forward, because they're upsetting the social order and making their family/police/country/whatever look bad.
enlighten me
Archives. Even some dragoons were shitting on that catalogfag
So who in EN is gonna try to stream over them?
Not that it matters, since that stream will get that liver's now-normal CCV and SC numbers, and nobody aside from the sisters will find out about it until after the fact. But I'm still curious - who's gonna draw the short straw and get voluntold to stream in the same time slot as Mint? Or will someone (coughcoughennacough) actually willingly volunteer to try to counter-program three of their ex-coworkers just to spite them?
....or will there be some big, totally impromptu collab with a bunch of livers, that just happens to be running at the same time as Mint's stream, and has the totally unintended side effect of preventing those livers from watching her stream on either their personal or business accounts?
Money is on Uki. He regularly streams over even his own coworkers birthday streams.
Do you watch any of these vtubers?
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TBF I also exposed Reimu as part of a spic pedophile ring which few know about because these happened in the weeb spic sphere. I am also the creator of great art such as
I wonder how much she seethes about doki in their discord
I'm sure her most dedicated aloucucks are still watching her, she really likes to joke about cucking them so they are used to it, she really meant it when she said that even if she killed someone they would forgive her, she really has trained and conditioned them so she can do whatever the fuck she wants and she will have a small but dedicated bunch of cucks....
These points are interesting and something I've been thinking about ever since the Selen Shock. I've been in a similar postion a couple of times in my life where I was fucked over by my work place, but I decided not to go nuclear on exit because I didn't want to punish my coworkers. But that's because I liked them and we were friends. If anything, Selen's actions implied that she wasn't friends with any of them OR she she cared about herself more than them.
she is making things that's cool but jesus stop being /here/
An Uki stream over it is nothing. Why would Mint, Doki, or Matara's fanbases care what or when Uki streams?
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It would have been glorious to see the seething in Nina's and Pomu's page in real time kek
Once again, you people are making shit up

There is nothing in that clips that says she's complaining about the lack of viewers. Nothing at all.
Damn, he actually seems like a decent guy. Pretty cracked at Apex too. I feel kinda bad that he was accused of being some ASMR Youtuber faggot now
>why the hell he's even in that place.
It's a calculated decision that even working for a black company like Nijisanji will still boost your profile over just being a 2 view Indie.
Probably a good idea to save clips of the matches too, but at this point NijiEN management is making a rare non retarded decision just ignoring Dokibird since if they clipped Ryoma's VoD of the Dokibird matches, it would just reconfirm how much she still lives in their head rent free. Especially after how their last attempt to control things with Vivi entering the Street Fighter Tourny Doki was in only just further solidified Doki's rep.
Their gen also seems to be the most stable out of all.
Pick one
had a quick glance and all i see is male x male shipping. i'm good.
has there been any spontaneous collabs from them after... which was the last. wasn't it some karaoke off collab.
So she pisses herself every once in a while. Big deal, whatever.
Ot doesn't matter if she's complaining about it or not, objectively she has lost a massive amount of viewers. At her peak (Luxiems peak) she was averaging 3k+ viewers with the ability to go over 5k for big streams. Now she's a 3view. Her SC income while never great even then has also nosedive. We all know about the sub loss. All that is publicly viewable.
He said "most stable," not just "stable." Their gen is about 67% stable, which is a damn good rate for the branch.
She didn't make someone almost commit suicide and now no one remembers that nijisanji had to apologize on behalf of her and Millie when in the first place no one outside of twitter and this board accused them of anything? They practically gave them away and then never punished them
The other anon was replying to the guy who made the claim that she was complaining about her viewer loss. He wasn't disputing the loss of viewers itself. So either you have comprehension issues or are legitimately retarded.
Who is even objecting that...? Did (You) bother reading what they were replying to??
Can someone please think about the narcissistic abuser?!
Out in the depths of the digital sphere There's a girl named Enna spreading fear
Exactly my point. If Uki is the one who tries (and fails miserably) to mog the first bona-fide live 3-way collab between Mint and Doki and Matara, nobody apart from his usual viewers will know about it until after the fact.
Yup, that was the last one. Way back in February, two weeks after the black screen. A third of the branch doing a totally impromptu karaoke offcollab stream that just happened to air at the same time as Doki's Not-TSB collab stream was set to start.
The last solo attempt by any of them to mog a special Doki stream was when Enna had a seven hour zatsu at the same time as Doki's charity stream a few days later. Nobody found out that it was an attempt at counter-programming until after the fact; and in news which I'm sure is completely unrelated to that stream's underwhelming viewership and revenue numbers, Enna went on a one or two week "hiatus" immediately following that stream.

Curiously, nobody in Niji EN has tried to counter-program a major Doki stream since then, despite management's obvious undying hatred of her, and of her continued existence.
I don’t like that corporate forced this bitch into my Nornis kino.
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Found a nijitranny in the wild kek
Lied, huh? I'm sure they have proof, right?
Jesus make this easier to read or tldr it
> that nijisanji had to apologize on behalf of her and Millie
kek, what the fuck forum is that?
This is how retards are capable of sleeping well at night. Being a 98% functional idiot.
I honestly like how Doppio always has Rosemi's back when everything fell apart in Niji.
Looks like resetera
Is this the streamer that got owned by a piece of paper?
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>rushia suicide baited
Yeah, like a teenager of tumblr who just saw an episode of Sherlock where it's revealed him and Watson are both completely heterosexual men and they would never have homosexual feelings for eachother.
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I thought she lost half her audience because her boytoy graduated.
Read his name as Cuck and had to double check
Nah, kyo is now a borderline 2view shitter. He's the one that is nothing without Enna.
Imagine giving your info to resetera. The last time I visited the purple site, a troon was attacking the users for not including holostars in hololivs watermelon game ranking.
damn, resetera discovered vtubers? what a shame.
They already have a history of harassing video game creators for not conforming to their bullshit.
I mean it’s pretty much sunk cost for her now. She’s been found out to be a bully and she knows that no one will want her outside of Niji anymore. So she has to go all in whenever she wants or not.
I find this incredibly funny how the guy’s PL was very questionable but came out as one of the most drama free in Niji
do nijiniggers even make money, I heard most of them need an actual job and they do vtubing for fun (lol)
Elira is rich as fuck. Her family owns several mansions in Canada, and she can go to Japan and not stream for months without problems. She doesn't needs to make money, she already has more of it than griftbird will ever see.
you know, you could've completely fooled me, but now I know elira is poor as fuck lmao
do your reps
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riku would be proud
It's funny how Enna is still saying the exact same shit of 9 months ago
>Don't waste your time looking for the truth
>All companies have issues
>I'm so happy to be here, thank you for your blind trust even if you don't know what happened

She is totally incapable of doing any kind of introspection, I bet she still thinks that they didn't do anything wrong just because Selen broke the "rules". I hope she never graduates and Anycolor keeps milking her dry for the rest of her streaming career.
mucho texto
I mean, Selen only went public with the harassment AFTER nijisanji tried to destroy her reputation, and even then she literally said that management was the one to blame because they were the ones who created that situation. Back then the only people who pointed a finger at some organs were the schizos from this board, everyone else thought that they weren't involved (until the black frame stream happened and their mask finally fell off)

As far as we know, Selen only gave names when she talked in private with Anycolor to complain about the staff members and organs harassing her while she was still at the hospital, and that's totally fair and what she had to do.

Everyone complaining that she is an attention whore, a liar, a menhera or whatever they call her are most likely just projecting their own personal issues.
But finana was /here/ claiming that she was blackmailing the organs and the management with out of context screenshots and call recordings.
She made a document outlining her reasons for quitting on the spot, this was only sent after AnyColor ghosted her initial communications (this after they had persistently pestered her while she was in the hospital, to get her to clear their name of the whole Last Cup of Coffee debacle) You also don't really use personal, private medical information to blackmail other people.

I'm no expert on the matter, but I find it rather hard to believe Doki faked her reaction when she learned they were publicly talking about that stuff in the black stream. Meanwhile Vox was very obviously lying just on the basis of fact.
lmao and you trust the dumb bitch?
It's such a weird take. "She lied about being harassed, we know this because they hosted a stream at the exact same time as her first stream since leaving Niji where they discussed her private documents and slandered her to their entire audience. This clearly demonstrates that Niji would never have been harassing people, it's obviously not what they do!!"
No finana said that doki did attempt and the management ( and some livers) have been trying to reach out. But then she went nuclear and threatened to release recordings and dms ( like vox ranting about AR live) unless they obeyed her demands. She also said they freaked the fuck out and then management had top livers ( elira, vox) give "their side" of story which resulted in the black stream.

Then she admitted that they fucked up and elira is sorry but it's too late. Then she got one guyed and started fighting with a random anon.

Anyways that's just what she said. Don't get mad at me.

But aren't dumb people bad liars? Anyways, something to think about.
And whoever believes Finana is too stupid to breathe. The fact they're still alive is evidence of humanity's failure as a species.
I was wondering what the fuck he was talking about, and then I saw this thread. I guess he watched Enna's stream and took the
>you don't know the full truth
claim as
>doki is a liar, no one harassed her, we are the victims and we were just trying to defend ourselves
If nepotism is something to be grateful, well... it probably is. Being friends with Elira is the only reason she and Millie got into Niji, but hard work? Yeah right... maybe from her point of view shit posting on twitter is work. She's just a bully suffering the consequences of being a horrible person.
How that video got approved I will never understand. Like even IF we believe that they were approved to make that video someone would have to have gone over it and think ' Yep this is 100% fine there is no way this possible backfire'.
Holy cope.
She knows it's over for her. No other self respecting agency or corpo will take her. She won't survive as an Indie without the retards in the box of Kurosanji. She has no choice but to join Vshojo, the home of the hoes and drama/pitybeggars. Grim!
>Then she got one guyed and started fighting with a random anon.
Yeah, me
it's a localizer moment, niji has no idea what the west thinks so they trusted elira knows what she's doing
Hololive would win bigly if they got her
We already have mori and erb, we don't need another one
This. And they were also fucking scared of what Doki could say, so they wanted to get ahead of the narrative. That's why Vox reported himself with the legendary
>I don't consider that a form of harassment
Anycolor is so used to threat and hurt people that they didn't even consider that Doki had already moved on and she wasn't going to do anything.
To be fair, Selen could just be a pussy who'd an hero if she was called a dork.
>Then she admitted that they fucked up and elira is sorry but it's too late
And even so she is still working there, getting all the merch, promos and events she can grab. Sorry my fucking ass, she is only sorry about people not buying her bullshit.
>the people who quit have the gall to be successful
>while our branch flounders and loses opportunities

Rats mad that the rats who escaped the lab are living better lmao
It’s not the best year of my life if I dont cream my pants from happiness
Uki found out she’s white.
>she hit the nuclear button on exit, that's 100% sabotage
Don't try to ignore the fact that she came out with that stuff AFTER Nijisanji termination notice tried to smear her and push all the blame onto her.
If someone accuse you of stuff, and you respond by giving your version of the facts, it's not sabotage, it's self defense.
When was this? Cause this is the first I'm hearing of it
This was when elira was awol. As I saw someone mention in another thread that elira may be mindbroken at this point and has currently isolated herself in her hugbox full of nijis( especially enna and millie), her 500 something viewers and her cat meowmeow.
She is already in a relationship
this comes from the assupmtion that finana is /here/ leaking shit which while yes, Finana would be that fucking retarded, is still pretty improbable
I know you're reading this Enna, kill yourself. You will never have a house, you poor fucking pig. Kill yourself. Go back to retail, you useless waste of space. Kill yourself. From now on, your life will be horrible and you will never reach your peak again. Kill yourself. You will have to go back to being the ugly fucking pig that no one cares about. Kill yourself. No matter how many dicks you suck, it will only serve to remind you that you threw away your future because you're a stupid fucking mutt, understand? Once a mutt, always a mutt. Kill. Your. Self.
many relationships actually, how many stockholders does niji have again
No this was back when elira was awol. It happened only once but it lead to people falseflagging as other livers to get you(s). Fortunately they were not very good at it.
>mori and erb
Don't get me wrong, I think Elira's role has been largely exagerated and that she is not the antichrist that so many anons want her to be, but she still willingly played a key part in the black frame stream and in Selen's harassment, and things could have turned out pretty bad if Selen's reputation wasn't as good as it is and she didn't have the support of so many people. I don't give a single fuck about Elira feeling sorry about herself, and especially not if she is still getting paid by Niji and pretending that nothing happened.
coulda told ya this was gonna happen back in like 2020
I think you misconstrued my posts as trying to garner sympathy for her or trying to downplay her role. I just wanted to share an interesting piece of trivia ( finana being /here/) from back then since everybody was speculating what events may have transpired before and after the black stream.
>Obviously there is a lot of things we can work on-
Sure, widely known and it's good to see it acknowledged.
>just like any other FUCKING company
And there's the problem. Instead of focusing on improving herself she just has to take a jab at other companies and pull the "they have problems too!!!" line.
VShojo claims that one not. Go the fuck away.
Ah, don't worry, I understood your post, I was just trying to give my point of view about Elira.
Most people who say they hate retail work have really shitty work ethic and tend to be horrible people in general. The job isn't difficult. The biggest factor in how enjoyable it is is your own attitude (and physical fitness).
They've been consistent about it anon, it was surprising because of how audacious and poorly executed it was, but it shouldn't have come as a surprise itself.

>They already skinwalked her on twitter to dox the fact that Doki was hospitalized, to try and calm people down over her MV being taken down.
>Meanwhile they were desperately trying to get a hold of her so they could get her to lie and exonerate them publicly
>Then they went with an absurdly slanderous termination notice to try and paint her as the problem instead of just talking to her lawyer and letting her go quietly
>Then the black stream in such a way that it is guaranteed to affect her mentally while again painting her as being in the wrong with blatant lies (bloo bloo she recorded meeeee even though that's perfectly normal and legal blooohooo this is baaaad)
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How the fuck is this thread still alive?
Fatty is relentless.
I like the rrat that the tweet about her crying from happiness was from the same night that management decided to get rid of Selen, presumably right after the meeting.
it's really hard to attribute it to anything else considering how the rest of the year went for nijisanji lmao
Marry him already you mentally ill woman.
I mean it'd be easy for her to just say what she was so damn happy about, no? Why was she vagueposting in the first place?
Didn't she have a nier karaoke? It was probably that, the Singapur concert and the ax stuff
Remember also she knew Kyo was graduating but somehow it was the best year of her life?
Like I need any more proof the Nijisis need to be euthanized for the good of humanity.
Fuck no, I am not marrying a brown creature with the exception of Reimu
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>call me "fatty"
>my abs are so rock solid they feel like a wall
Hey fatty! Sorry but I do not think so. Life is good
nah, it's a soul crushing job, like most job where you deal with attending people. Some people are so entitled that they treat you like a slave
>soul crushing
Hello my name is Apu, how can I assist you?
Watching that shit play out live felt like a fever dream. There's at least a dozen extremely poor decisions that'd have to be made to reach that point but they somehow turned the dial to 11 and managed to exceed all expectations.
Didn't Vegeta get his ass kicked right after this by a woman?
by a white woman*
Big difference here
Say no more, sis
If Kyo can get out them those three can get out as well.
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Yes, I watch all you streams religiously because your father is right; you are an idiot who cannot stop herself from saying whatever comes to your mind regardless of how self-destructive it is... You are your worst enemy and my work is the evidence of it.

You were at the center of the bullying of Selen and the timing of your trips to Japan (to protect your ass from a potential lawsuit) and your tweets/streams sneakily attacking her confirms it. Because you are such an angry sperg everyone had to pay for it, NijiEN is in shambles yet you are clearly being over supported to the detriment of your own colleagues who had nothing to do with the Selen bullying by an enforced mandate from management because...

All you have "achieved" was handed to you by being Elira's friend, she is the only reason you are tolerated although all the irreparable damage you have caused to the branch...

Now seethe more, you pathetic excuse of a bully, my dick particularly enjoys those streams.

PS: Reimu is an alcoholic who was part of a huge spic weeb pedoring. Also she was the one who started calling me fatty, which my dick appreciates.
Crab buckets, man.
If a customer treats you like shit you tell them to fuck off. You've literally never had a job if you think otherwise.
>Says shit only jobless morons would think
>"Y-you never had a job if you think otherwise!!"
There's honestly a real chance that Niji isn't letting them graduate out of fear they might speak out and leak more shit to try and save their own hides.
I see it on a daily basis. The people who complain the most just have bad attitudes.
We all started calling ennaschizo fatty because he claimed that he was like 6'4 and made of muscles.
Lol. What the fuck is this absolutely retarded attempt at logic? "People who suffer shouldn't get to complain, otherwise this means they have bad attitude"? Nigger go take a walk and touch some grass because you aren't even living on earth anymore.
Where the fuck do you work because as someone who has actually worked retail
>The customer is always right!
The best you can do is refer them to management who will tell them they're totally validated but they're not gonna do anything about their complaint
t. Ex Target employee
>Dungeon Meshi avatar
>absolutely garbage opinion

of course
Tell us more about your bad taste anon
Alcoholic whores are based
>implying someone salivating over Dungeon Meshi would even know what "taste" is.
Exactly. it was one of the few really memorable animes we've had in the past few years
>Doesn't deny it
So it is confirmed then

she calls herself a bitch, it's an acceptable pronoun to her
>I like this workplace where I get all the benefits, am the ringleader, get to bully people with impunity and treat my customers like shit because I can be assured of every opportunity regardless of popularity since I'm part of the clique
made it more honest
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In retail? I've worked several jobs in retail and that was never the case. This anon >>86609750 describes exactly what happens. You'd have to be the mother of all karens to get the direct fuck off treatment.
she is probably the 2nd one to get rekted after the black stream because it basically proves her toxic content true not a made up thing
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It actually happened in two threads, and then there was that time someone strangely went hard on defending Enna for a whole night, and then the day after Enna said she was too tired and missed a collab.
And then there was also Finana doing this.
Enna has better things to do that browsing this shithole LMAO
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Literally the morning after she was arguing with people like this, she complained about being too tired and couldn't join the collab.
This slip is incredibly funny.

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