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/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

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How is /vt/ going to celebrate the milestone that a gfe idol vtuber became the number one sub twitch channel beating all others fleshstreamers for the top spot? Even if you hate vshojo, its still something we should be proud of.
>It doesn't lol
It literally does. Go find me a mech warrior 2 vtuber stream on twitch right now.
I still don't know how ironmouse did. At least when it comes to flesh streamers, they have some sort of personality and talks. Ironmouse just kinda mumbles and spends alot of time completely silent. she's completely reliant on whoever she is streaming with to do all the talking while she usually just squeals in response.

Is it really that easy as a female vtuber?
You can't.
Everyone loves mouse
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Normies are really mad that an anime girl overtook Kai cenat. But is it really that big of a deal?
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All this means is that twitch is underpaying KaiCenate
>that a gfe idol vtuber
She doesn't fit that criteria OP.
connor think she's gfe
Ironmouse streaming buddy and who she groomed to ber her partner
I don't get it
why does /vt/ hate the mouse?
Pretends to be vtubing jesus but also is two faced and throws her colleagues under the bus in dramas like during wizard game or froot supporting the cause or Nux or the vshojo web page doxxing people or whatever else i'm forgetting.
Holokeks hate everyone that isn't in Hololive
They’ve hated her from the beginning, literal chuds who hate to see a latina being successful
>Pretends to be vtubing jesus
>but also is two faced and throws her colleagues under the bus in dramas like during wizard game
She was the only one who spoke out against the harassement.
>the vshojo web page doxxing people
That never happened and it doesn't even have anything to do with Mouse, just like the other shit you mentioned.

The real reason is that she's successful outside of Hololive and not pandering to unicorns.
When coco was fired from hololive
Coco wasn't fired from Hololive. Also what did Ironmouse do at that time? Any proof or do you just continue to make shit up?
Twitch just exposed this lying whore
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bait, but still BASED
that relationship is false, it is pure business.
She is mid and has the worst fanbase of all the vtubers.
all this is a lie.
>gfe idol vtuber
the rat is nothing of all those things
>beating all others fleshstreamers
Nobody cares about that here, only the tourists think that we are at war or something similar.
>its still something we should be proud of.
No, I was never a number monkey and I don't care about this stupidity.
It's really sad that the IMcucks believe this while she talks on stream about Tyrone blasting cum in her eye
Errr I mean she's sick she can't possibly have had this happen 3 years ago
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>the moron uses the same image even if it was debunked in a previous thread
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gura isn't just gura the vtuber
>Reaction content
>Steals content but DMCA's anyone that hosts a certain clip of her
>Constant E-begathons
>Sleep streams to get to number 1
She's represents everything wrong with streaming. The worst kind of content imaginable. And most twitch vtubers try to emulate her. She's the reason the twitch indiesphere is garbage.
Bait used to be believable
Literally look at the regions. It's a romanian name.
no, cringe
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I don't
Yes and that is going to affect this image so much. Lmao
You have to admit that you lost at your own game, number monkey.
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It literally makes up for at least half of the searched for "gura". Are you seriously now going to argue that Gura was more popular than hololive before she even existed?
This bitch's fanbase spams this Board all the time and they're annoying, they're not even funny.
Are you going to argue that IM was more popular than hololive in 2004?
All these images are worthless and do not prove popularity.
Obviously not, retard. Whatever ironmouse existed in 2004 stopped existing and has not affected ironmouse searches since.
ok, thanks for admitting that these images are worthless and are not a good measure of popularity.
More like her haters spam her all over the board and you retards keep falling for it. Nobody who watches her would describe her as a GFE idol.
Anon the only people who spams this board is haters baiting other people. Mouse's fans rarely come to the catalog and don't make these shitty threads.
You're going to need to prove that the gura searched in Romania stopped existing when Gura debuted. The results here show that it didn't happen.
>Mouse's fans rarely come to the catalog and don't make these shitty threads.
You keep saying this but never fail to fill these threads up with your ilk. It's almost like you're lying.
>Victim blaming
The only thing you did was expand the list of reasons why I hate you.
I don't have it, your image doesn't prove anything.
Stop projecting.
My image literally proves that half of the searches for gura are not related to gawr gura
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bro you could just as easily call him retarded by doing this
Nah that image does the complete opposite of what I'm talking about.
MY point then is he's retarded by splitting up a name into a more common word or name to try to prove something.
Oh right I totally forgot that he did that.
I think it's probably right to assume that most people would just search for "gura" when trying to find the vtuber while no one would search "mouse" to try and find ironmouse. You just need to account for the unrelated searches.
I know what you're saying, but she is actually fairly commonly referred to as both just mouse and mousey by her fans, just like gura would just be known as gura, goobey, etc.
But no one would ever search for mouse to try and find her
>ironmouse 2004
It's always her fans who spam these threads seeing how you're all here right now.
>Nobody who watches her would describe her as a GFE idol.
That's just a falseflag to make it look like it's someone who doesn't know anything about her. Everyone knows it's you who makes these threads.
Try harder ennacuck and stop bumping your shit thread.
Why are you blaming "ennacuck" now instead of crying about holofags like you always do?
>Mouse's fans rarely come to the catalog
If that was the case, these threads would die, like all the other bait threads made here.
Donate plasma.
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Sure, mouse. Open wide.
>numberfagging Google Trends
VShojofags are not numberfags btw.
Also, they don't leave their general.
It's not a name, it's a word that translated to mouth.
Regardless, if you subtract half those numbers, Gura is still more popular than Ironmouse. Her only relevance is when she does subathons.
Vshojofags have completed their nijification
Similar to how Gura's only relevance being when she streams.
lol, if that was the case, that graph would look very different. And in Ironmouse's favor.
bro gura alone is more successful than all of vshojo combined
She isn't the number one sub twitch channel of the world
Oh, I see, my bad.
>But is it really that big of a deal?
Considering that normies still hate anime and anything related to asia, yes. I expect another purge from twitch
Openly cucked and blindly defending whores?
Shit, you're right...
Donate plasma
We wil
My cute mouse wife is breaking down gender barriers
Of course Holofags/Phasefags can't handle something not awful happening to Vshojo, tsk tsk
Nijification is when the fans are too ESL to understand a joke from a coworker, think that it's them seriously insulting a coworker, then doxxing them and making a grudge list of them over misunderstood sarcasm. That or doing the same thing because a talent they don't like interacted with a talent they DO like. THEN it will be Nijified
>victim blaming
IM antis really are something else, eh?
>no u
I see that you can't even deny that you were gaslighting. By admitting this and as you saying it was only my fault, it is literally victim blaming.
anon, you showed that these images are not useful to demonstrate popularity.
are you stupid? The mouse is an animal, no one is going to think about your bitch when they hear that.
IM bros are you fucking stupid? Just fucking report and ignore. Why the fuck are you replying to the phase schizo?
That literally doesn't matter.
everything you said is false
SO those things that happened to Nina Kosaka and Mika Melatika didn't happen?
I imagine most of the board is indifferent to or likes Ironmouse. The problem is that /#/ absolutely hates her because she's one of the only EN vtubers that gets big numbers and massive achievements while being outside of Hololive, and also being the complete opposite of unicorn-friendly. It also doesn't help that there's a falseflagger (allegedly a fan of Enna) who spams their thread and uses Ironmouse to troll, (ironically this guy is also one of her biggest antis and attacks her while acting like a numberfag to stir up her fans against /#/). Add to that anti-Twitch sentiment, general contrarianism, and a pinch of mental illness, and it starts to make sense why she gets a lot of hate /here/.
You'd think /#/ would worship numbers and be mercenary about it, instead of picking favorites and bitching when they're not at the top.
No, Nijification doesn't mean that. It doesn't mean anything, it's a word you made up now.
Besides, the vshojofans already harassed their vtubers in the Hogwarts drama. You are the same shit.
>I imagine most of the board is indifferent to or likes Ironmouse
No, everyone hates this rat because his fanbase spams this Board all the time.
Nigga really just linked a post from a dead thread at the start of a completely unrelated thread
have you been in /#/ anon? It's basically a bit more number centric hololive global thread.
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Fuck it I decided to humor this but the post he's replying to says that if there's no results for what you're looking for then Twitch will show nothing instead of giving you related things. And that's accurate. There is zero people on Twitch streaming MechWarrior 2 right now so you get this. And if you go to the vods tab you get only MechWarrior 2 vods, not vods of every other MechWarrior game. It's not a very popular one though.
They never leave their general, they're just in every shill thread numberfagging
Honestly, I don't know what the other anon was expecting with this.
>It's basically a bit more number centric hololive global thread.
Yes, because that's literally it. Holofans hate number monkeys, that's why they expelled them in this general when the Board was born.Do you newfags think people are joking when they say this is the holoBoard?
>Holofans hate number monkeys
Wrong. All holofans are number monkeys because if they weren't they would all just admit that Mousey's is the biggest vtuber.
I thought you vshojofaggots said you don't go to /#/ but it seems like you literally live there.
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Newfag,you are the number monkey.
Nobody cares who is the channel with the most subs on Twitch.
cute drawing
Holofags do which is why they attack ironmouse very single day
Nope, no one knew about this until you spam this board with this.
I must also add that criticizing someone is not the same as attacking them.
The ones spamming the board about this are the number monkey holofags.
nope, it's you.
Nope see >>86592290
Once more requesting art of horses fucking Mousie's iron lung chamber while she's trapped inside it.
fucking based kek
True. They can't deal with someone who isn't part of the blue waffle company they worship being number one. Hlgg is pure cancer btw just like /#/
ding ding ding correct answer
>there's a falseflagger (allegedly a fan of Enna)
He's obviously not a fan of Enna because he's a holofag.
My queen
How is that based?
I don't get it
Look at her go
t. Knower
This is all this is your work, vshojocucks. You're not fooling anyone, stupid tourists.
Kys Samefag
They lie about everything
Where would I donate plasma
Shut the fuck up vshit.
>charity stream
>makes idiots buy her subs to get her to top 1
>takes half of the charity money
>"hOw dOeS sHe dO iT bRoOoS"
Is that really what she does?
That's such an anti-way to view her
Because I'm generally against pity, "pet" relationships. Mouse falls square into that category.

>awww my poor widdle cripple retard
>awwww my deathly sick booboo

It doesn't help that she is tied at the hip to Connor, someone I found insufferable even before he met Mouse.
do you lack empathy?
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it's a sailor moon character
I see.
>It doesn't help that she is tied at the hip to Connor, someone I found insufferable even before he met Mouse.
But mouse created connor
She’s a woman
Your best bet for finding that information would be asking your local hospital, doctors, or health officials. You could probably find some information online especially if you live somewhere like America.
No she didn't.
cute mouse
Wow! I didn't know sleeping during most of a stream gets viewers.
She doesn't sleep
Don't tell them that, you'll crush the spirit of half of /asp/ who are preparing to sleep on stream for allegedly free, easy money
The trick is pretending to be sick, she is the twitch equivalent of a make-a-wish kid.
That is literally what happened though? She positioned her subathon as being for charity… and then took half of the money
She’s taking half because she needs to survive. Be happy that she’s donating the other half
I don’t she’s an annoying little grifter
I would punch you out if you called me a chud in person

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