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Post your favorite chuuba cosplayers

Picrel, it's my girlfriend
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Let me see if I can find the Laplus Yukata costume cosplay. It was really fucking great.
post pregnant gura cosplayer
Wait what
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Rizunya’s Chloe
That's a cute Mococo
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Your girlfriend is a menhera whore
any uoh cosplayers
Why she kinda cute....
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wtf is that a white woman
You're fat
Holy FLAT I'm gonna cum source now
How else do you explain the horse face
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Do vtubers get jelous of their cosplayers always being a way hotter version of themself?
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quality is fucked but also sexooo
who does this body belong to
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it's always the flat stomach + tiddie combo that does it for me
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that one raden cosplayer
Post Shiori cosplayers
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Really pretty
Code, NOW
You are such a lame faggot
>Them hands
this is a man
White woman save me!
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actually made me check, doesn't look so
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kig chads rise up
The white woman face mogs the shit out of any and all asian cosplayers that have been posted and will be posted. Unironically how can the rest of the world even compete?
ironic shitposting is still shitposting
It's weird that brown people look at as whites with reverence like this
>be the villain for the vast majority of world history
>use soft power to brainwash the world into thinking you're the gold standard of civilization in the 21st century
>woah how can these dumb browns glorify whites?
Despite the fact that Japan, Korea and especially China is the objectively superior form of civilization in politics, economy, standard of living, and entertainment, dumb browns still cling to the long dead standard of the Euro/Anglo-centric ways of thinking.
>Korea and especially China
lol and especially lmao
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Need more Subaru cosplayers
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Because your standards are low
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Chloe gets a shit ton of good cosplayers for some reason
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Kind of gross
This and that other marine cosplayer with the horrible filters make me sad
have you seen a woman doing some manual work?
picking up groceries, carring heavy packages
thats how you get such arms
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Most of these might as well be AI
Well, I guess they already are
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Her other pics on there are decent. You're a fag if you wouldn't tap that.
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I still can't believe that she is over 60. Also would.
All time favorite Luna
If you search this image in archives, when it was first posted, you'll find anon's post with it. He said her age and proved it. Although, it was a long time ago.
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I mean, look at her legs. She is AT LEAST 50.
I think that just happens you’re cold
Who is this?
Only non-shopped eyes in the thread.
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Does anyone have this goddess’s twitter? Could’ve sworn I bookmarked it but I’m having trouble finding it
That's not old age just the results of a few short years of chronic takoyaki use
amelia watson
c-cute birb
I love this bitch so much
Idk how I never noticed that tummy
I lost...
>sex incarnate
>menhera act
It’s easy to see why they gravitate towards her
Holy sexo
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do you think her face is as ugly as she says it is
Ah yes, the anonbreaker

Kneeling rn.
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need mentally ill women
Did you know that now her twitter is mostly dedicated to breastfeeding and milking videos?
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borderline child abuse. it's creepy.
No. I think she's probably run of the mill flip and looks fine but forgettable but because she lives in silicon valley where half the people are rich fucks who spend thousands on plastic surgery every month, she has no actual idea on how normal people look
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Tastefully plump.
Nice. Rarely see vspo cosplayers
Is this broccoli?
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Not enough tanned cosplayers
Any good fubuki cosplays?
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Older women cosplaying makes me unreasonably hard
that bitch is preggo.
>Tranny shark
what a bummer
What the ....
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ew wtf is this taotan? turn off the filters girl what are you doing
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I wonder if they do need me...
Nice use of figure.
Too accurate.
Kino even.
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This chuuba streams NIKKE
thread needs more FLAT cosplayers
is pretty flat
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Who is this supposed to be? It just looks like a generic school girl.
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The deadliest Ame...
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Can't believe this hasn't been posted yet
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FUCK the duck
How long until Twitch bans small Asian girls from cosplaying
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Rabu u Onyon...
Sauce on the video?
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Yeah its great and she wants to knocked up again so she can keep doing these vids.Had some problems with her husband tho I might volenteer to help her career out
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Actually impressive. Its hard to make flashy designs look good without it being uncanny
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Lemme guess, she also goes to CBU?
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I want to pump so much cum into Taotan that she'll look pregnant by the time I'm done with her.
>those eyes
I need this woman to ruin my life
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How come not a single twa has been posted yet
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Why are they so smug and sexy
pippa cosplayed by a troon...
cute feet
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You almost got me you sonofabitch
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Most Pippa cosplays I've seen have been straight up men just having a laff m8
j e s a s
ch-ch-cheesed to meet you
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That's just normal pippa
Name? Can't make out the text in the image
Why are some cosplays hot while cosplay porn almost always is? I have yet to see a good cosplay porn video.
I don’t even know where to find cosplay porn desu but I did see a marine gangbang that looked good get posted a while ago in global. No clue where to find it
Bro you can't post that and not post sauce come one
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if you're really good looking, you don't need to do porn
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Found it on here, haven't been able to track down the source just found other unrelated Aqua femboy porn
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I think this is part of the set. I'll see if I can find sauce later when I get home.
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Onyon... we will find you
Static images of cosplayers let you fit them to the character. Once they start moving and have to act, they don't act like how you think the character should, so the illusion is easily broken. If they remove too many clothes, the illusion is broken and they're just another body. Plus the best cosplayers tend to be japanese while the worst porn also tends to be japanese. Not just stylistic choices but really retarded stuff like mosaics and face blurring. You have to luck out a lot.
90% of the pictures in this thread have absolutely facewarping filters applied to them. You forgot what real humans look like.
I mean come on look at this shit: >>86577371
I genuinely love how creepy like a fairyfolk she looks here.
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finally, an actually smug gaki
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I love Ina!
don't know what it is about this picture but it's absolutely perfect. The costume itself, her look, those eyes, the glasses the lighting that flat chest everything just feels right about it.
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The damage filters has caused to the cosplaying hobby is immeasurable.
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I request your finest Fubuki cosplays
>>86683151 (me)
oh, and only seiso cosplays please, the fox is not for lewding
? why pretend to be me
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because i will not allow lewding the fox friend, what's so hard to understand about it?
damn what a faggot if I had any FBK lewds I'd post them
try me, bitch.
Porn almost always lacks subtlety. Sometimes less is more, especially when it's the accuracy to the character tied with the slight tease that makes it hot, rather than just because they have their titties out.
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Where are the other 56 images?
Because that could conceivably be Ninnermae Inyanis herself
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relly quick and dirty, sry am very rusty with gimp
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Post more Marine cosplayers in her bikini
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Is this gravure? I hear that word but I'm never sure what it means
I remember that this one had to clarify in Twitter that the Oji-san who was seemingly ignoring Con etiquette 101 and taking too many photos and videos of her even as far as following her around everywhere was actually her dad lol. People were actually worried and mad thinking some retard was actually being too bold for his own good and stalking her. Nah, it's her Papa. He's 100% supportive of her hobby/job.
plastic surgery + filters. it's almost AI level.
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It's the eye makeup, look, it's really bad compared to everything else that makes her cosplay work.
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looks great
that dad? me. We made so much offsprings that day in front of everyone, gomen! Sorry for bad engrish.
>skinny fat
>horrendous tattoo
thats pretty cute
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tried my best
if your best is spothealing brush im not very impressed
hey, at least its something. Just trying to help another anon out here who despises tatoos as muchn as i do. If you can do better i'd really appreaciate it.
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I guess I got to after talking shit
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Please anons... seed
TuT tummy erotic nice work my man, way better than my 5 minute craft
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bland ahh matsuri (skullemoji)
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It's this one, though I think the other two videos aren't from him
and here is his fuckbuddy/bf
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The Aqua femboy from the webm is wearing different pantsu something longer and striped, but all these Chinese femboysl look the same to me
yes, the source I posted it's for the posts I quoted, no idea who's the other Aqua cosplayer
>That source a post or two above this post
Wasn't expecting that but ok.

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something something "bone bros"
Ina? That could be anybody.
Post the magnet.
Alright, helped myself and just looked up the magnet with the same name and size.
Did anybody post THAT Shiori yet
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appreciate you anon i hate tats too but she's hot as fuck
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>emo mumei
>double fisting
I’m so fucking lonely bros
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Anyone got her name?
very kissable
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holy thighs
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The kind of cosplay you can smell through your monitor
The best
Where'd you find it?
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out of 100
Did they draw that tattoo with a pen themself
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pippenis is canon
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