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Amelia Watson anticipation thread
This thread's for Ame, an adorable, dorky, wonderful detective!
Last thread: >>86573759
Check out the #holoAquarium map: https://x.com/watsonameliaEN/status/1840965917376684125
Also Ame's Favorite Streams: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8bh2Nv7NqBBgKC_xM3xYQsTZC1odXq6E
Play Chiku Taku: https://watsonamelia.itch.io/chikutaku
Stream Chiku Taku: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYVweqOW31w
AME DOKO -> https://amedoko.com/
Ame links and info: https://rentry.org/Ameliur
best of luck, guys.
It sucks waiting for your oshi to come back, but I know she'll appreciate it when she's done setting up.
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Just......19 more days.....
Holy shit. You mad men were doing a puzzle where 80% of the pieces are all black?
No pic on the 2nd post, haha. I love you anon, thank you for making the threads.
That's nothing. I was in the usual room back in the day even though I'm not KFP. So much red...
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I almost cried a bunch today but seeing the new tidbits of info and hearing multiple other holos state they think she will be back gave me renewed hope. Everything will be okay bros.
I wonder how much she will lean into old Ame sayings.

Like if people start saying "Doobyway" do you think she'd encourage it or try to kill it?
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I don't know how many of you watched any other game besides our own but if you wanna fill out this awards form go ahead
make sure to vote for us clearly!
I hope I did this right
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I require AmeAss. If possible similar to this picture.
It's going to be hard to not reflexively meme but I don't think we should rebrand any legacy shit unless she does it first.
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also new puzzy:
I agree. But discordfags will 1000% do it
I hope she encourages it. She knows most if not all the viewers will be gators.
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Am I retarded where is this final left side piece
erm I forgot to quote >>86583865
When's her next stream?
I'm wonder if she'll ever sing "Send me on my Way" again. I feel like just out of instinct the chat will start spamming Ameway.
If we want any hope of her returning to Ame we need as much of a wall between the 2 as possible. The door is still open for now but the slightest bit of drama could close it permanently
The 20th (probably)
I need to have sex with this cat
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What's the stream?
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All my Ames... gone
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hey guys is this screen new? I've never noticed it before. Before it was just the black screen with the spiral staircase right
For now
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I think this was made around noon or a bit later
First time I participated. Very cool.
Yes, if you just got here there was a bit of info today, I recommend to check out the old threads
all the changes happened last thread
She updated a couple of hours ago along with a new description on her Youtube channel.

We don't know but on her Twitter there is a 20 next to a calendar.
I will trust her 'training arc' until the end
if holofes8 and she doesn't return it'll be actually over.
/) /)
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Is there no Ame in your heart Gator?
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Good job puzzy bros! We go again!

Meanwhile, real investigator >>86584877
Based. At this point, I just hope it's not a matter of if, only when. As long as we get authentic content months out next year and not just within a few weeks, this arrangment will be sick
No clue
A debut stream I'd assume
kyut doggies
bau bau
Anyone have a list of all of Ames performances in 3D shows?
Ah. I feel a bit bad. I'm the one that pointed out the Ame mention in the first place but I left them hanging after finding the timestamp for myself because I got distracted by puzzy
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What is this creature? A melon?
I just realized, will holos be off topic on our next life?
no stop asking that
its a combination thread or some shit
If they are mentioning or appreciating Ame, they are on topic. Same as always.
hololive will always be on topic, she will always be a hololive talent.
Ame is still in holo so no
But right now we can post Zeta, Mumei or Haachama by invoking the "Sister" clause, that won't be allowed under the new rules right?
this thread will be ameway, so I guess we could talk about holos and... indies as long as they are/were related to ame
I'm unironically looping that song too
I'm so glad Ame found Wunder Riku
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A kappa
But not the twitch kappa
that and all her artist that are following her onto her next life
I think they have been making AmeSame songs even before they first got hired by holo. Hopefully an official one can still happen somewhere down the line.
I guess we are Amewaying this thread yeah
Wouldn't allowances be added, not subtracted? So regular /awat/ posting, and then just add notAme posting when the time comes.
Amecord status?
Already salivating at the idea of getting an official Doobycord, groom kits at the ready
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I do but I'm not on my PC right now. If you give me a few hours I can post it later
Also, I was planning on making a rentry with all her 3D performances. I had this idea a few weeks before Breaking Dimensions but with me potatoing and now with her notGraduation and stuff I haven't done it yet
>Ame will probably be too nice to wrangle those retards or calm them down
>They'll have a civil war with themselves trying not to break le doxx rules
She hasn't had an open/active discord in years though, so I hope no one gets their hopes up or starts sperging out
you have a mental retardation
Puzzle bros, does the "rearrange pieces" button only affect my layout? Sometimes I swear these edge pieces are trapped underneath
that one felt so much more difficult for some reason, but good job puzzy bros
Thought this was cute.
One more Ame puzzy before I go to bed anons

Yeah, untouched piece placement is local. However any time a piece is moved then it will always jump to the top layer, hiding any pieces in the same spot underneath it.
I would greatly appreciate that anon
shien meatspinning astel
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warning: 3dpd
which heartbroken souls still hold vigil with the ghost of a farewell?
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those 6 people must be my apparitions
Less than half the time of the other puzzle... I wonder why everyone was so motivated for this one...
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o7 nicely done puzzy bros
ame's tit mole
I'm expecting her new model to have at least I-Cups now
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one day brother, we'll be able to close that tab
because the next stream is starting
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I don't know how the fuck dragoons did it
Their oshi left with a "yeah I'm so fucked up I tried sudoku" and they survived, like, 2 months like that? insane. And not only doki, many graduate and go silent for months
We are so lucky. She's so considerate
They also had what must have been the biggest tourist attraction in vtuber history. I wouldn't wish that shit on any community
it wasn't easy
plus the raids by the sisters were way more intense than the annoying tourists we've been getting
Just glad it worked out. Teamates are gonna make it.
Man, I truly admire you guys' resilience
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Finally going to bed with a smile
Later gators
Only seen the guarduation announcement today, and finally come back to this place after 2 years. Ame was (still is) my oshi, but after pandemic ended i just, have a life, i keep up with Ame less and less.
Now the only thing i felt is just regrets
I've been the worst teamate ever, just wanna dumb it here because i kind of, deleted everything after reading the news. Life goes on, i guess
This is pretty cool
>have a life
That's what Ame would have wanted out of you at the end of the day. Don't be ashamed, be proud that you walked out of this hobby stronger than any of us.
Were you here during Amegeddon?
Shitstirrers want you to believe she hated streaming. She's raring to go, I just wish she could do it with the holo girls by her side
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>i kind of, deleted everything after reading the news.
teamate... you know she's not 100% gone right? and that we're already following and cheering her on in her new adventure?
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Looks like you got some catching up to do, cause it's far from over
It doesn't equate to sudoku anon. And that was blown out of proportion imo
Is there a recommended viewing guide for Myth 1 Block? I wanted to finally go through it but it doesnt' seem like Ame streamed any of the parts herself and those are the ones I'm primarily interested in
Well if you wanna catch some streams there's gonna be a cytube that plays her streams soon
You can just watch Ina/Kiara pov and skip days where Ame isn't there.
I haven't watched her or any vtuber in a couple years but I'm more upset about this than I thought I'd be... I was actually thinking of returning to hololive just for her but I guess I won't do that now :/
Kiara it is, then. Thank you
our oshi is so fucking cool guys
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What the hell, so she's always been /here/?
how new?
pepe has been a twitch thing since like 2013
Kek, i really needed that
Thanks teamates, i surfed a little in the old thread and found what i needed, i'll be here more often
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>pepe is 10+ years old
yeah, read what >>86587724 & >>86587701 have to say while listening to >>86587686
get out there and kick some ass, teamate
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t-thank you neal
I do not have a life and only regrets, you are the victor here
go catch up on ER though, 10/10 playthrough
Does no one else really remember the meme about Ame fantasizing about Shien meatspinning Astel?
I'm not gonna fucking post gay sex for your fujo satisfaction, Ame
The name did stand out to me during the puzzle if that was you lmao
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im referring more to her usage of (you) anonchama..
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Good night
Nighty night
Nothing like waking up every hour with night terrors. Being extra tired after these days doesn't help
yeah that was me kek
2021's already 3 years ago?
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>just woke up from depression coma
>find out the last thread I was on already expired and am already 4 threads behind
>read through all of it and we're apparently confirmed to be tiny rrats
>there's even new lisan al-gaib activity and even new twitch emotes
Wtf guys... can we slow the train down a bit? Just a little bit... maybe the rrat conductor can have some of my leftover depression cheese in the fridge? I'm still recovering from lack of sleep and severe crying dehydration...
Make sure you're drinking more than just water. Maybe some Gatorade
If you're actually dehydrated find pedialyte, it's infant rehydration solution and it does the job better than anything out there.
Papaya orchestra
Check /Hirys/. They probably have them archived.
>implying she won't be the one grooming us to fuck each other
She won't even have to... get over here you son of a bitch
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Speaking of old shit, anyone remember when Ame asked for drawings of her with that gay ninja from an otome for her Christmas present? I think it's a funny moment because she only got like two drawings.
Gonna finally watch the aquarium stream
I heard the bit with Kronii is heart-wrenching, am I in for a ride?
I'd like to know a bit more about Kronii and Ame's dynamics as I didn't really pay that much attention to EN Gen 2
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D-Did I do it? Did I reach the pharmacy? I'm pressing the help buzzer but I can't feel the button...
Better strap in gator, These things always go hard and fast when a graduate(yes I know) decides to reincarnate right away.
>recording straight from musescore
kek, guess everyone's been inspired these days
Am I one of the few one who wanted to do jazz covers instead? I'd post it but I need to re-do the audio on new VSTs
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Chiku Taku at 900k
Kronni has severe loss issues I heard
bowlson anon, I still have not received the folder....
It is a really cute stream. You can feel the happiness in Ame seeing her friends enjoying her project
You'll see.
And they didn't really interact that much onscreen, at least... But there's more than one way you can read that.
There's already a jazz cover of papaya somewhere that I found but I can't remember if it was on youtube or "twat"-ter.
I'd say it might be mine, but my video is years old and likely buried by now lol
These last two weeks of ame streams were some of the best streams she's ever had. She felt reignited, and impassioned again. I hope she carries that forward into her next projects.
Someone get this gator some fucking fluids!
It might be? I remember the video starting in a detective office but I can't remember clearly if it was in black and white monochrome or sepia tone or something.
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sorry teamate... but he's forever dreaming of ame now. o7
Ame live !
Lucky bastard o7
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fucking around with the cytube right now. I'm gonna need to change the layout a bit
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Do you think she knows already? I really wish she's found out by now and also follows her. It'd make that sweet little fairy happy.
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Stupid adorable crybaby.
i think she's following the rat on twitter
Oh nice. I broke down when I saw how broken she was about ame that all she could sing during her karaoke was "you are my sunshine" literally over and over again.
Honestly I felt a bit remorseful seeing her express herself and tear up over Ame's departure, really gave me some better insight on her character as a person
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nah I'm still alive. but I desperately need more rest. nite-nite timmets.
collectively voted #1 tsundere in all of hololive by all branches for a reason.
She's really sweet, i do not watch too much of her content outside of collabs but i really like her as a person
Nice, any ideas for how watchalongs would work? I wanted to rewatch some but it'd be even better with other teamates.
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make sure to love your warden
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>check Mori stream to see if there's Rainforest updates
>She can toggle off her cape
Dude forget about it, did you see HER PITS
I was just in there too hoping that's what the surprise was. I suppose i won't complain about the 5 minutes of super-zoom on her tits though.
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Teaser of Mori's new MV
This month
Gators STILL suffer the most.
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I'll have some videos queued up like her debut and chiku taku as part of a permanent playlist while I'll set up a schedule of whats playing for the day. A few teamates suggested doing it chronologically which sounds good enough to me, though with the upcoming holidays coming up I will queue up seasonal streams, like 1 or 2 weeks before halloween I'll queue up spooky streams or streams that aired in october. I think she did a few thanksgiving or thanksgiving adjacent streams like the cat shoot out so I can load those up at least on the days leading up to thanksgiving and all December I'll load up holiday streams and karaokes
Full EN Orison WITH AME
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And full EN cover song. Ame included
>>86592013 (me)
Not cover, sorry. Original
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>written by Mori
full EN song with ame.
Hopefully the mixing is good.
I liked her writing on Non Fiction. I love Ame's lyrics on there specifically
EOL and myth or treat are goatsd
Counterpoint: Myth or Treat was written by Mori.
it's hit or miss with calli, really.
so I guess the rainforest original just isnt going exist
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Beneath that sex symbol clock-woman body, is a heart that is also sexy.
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EOL is easily the best original song in all hololive.
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ame did say she would see us again as soon as this month, but i doubt itll be in this.
ame can always still provide vocals for mori. im betting if there is one itll be dropped on ames birthday
They had to practice for HoloGTA? kek
And Ame won't be in the 7 Day to Die project. Man...
yay. I hope that sweet little fairymate gets happy again.
Yeah? There was a tutorial they had to do before they could log on officially.
All things considered, I'm glad I tuned in.
I think Violet is the best song in EN.
Some holos are... kinda...
these are the things that depress me the most about ame's leaving...
unfortunate truth: if ame was still a normal member it would be just like holoGTA with her forgetting to sign up and either not joining or joining without a POV randomly and sparsely
Sounds infinitely better than nothing. Gimme gimme
Why do you compare it to GTA at unholy hours & not ENReco?
Remember Anya said she will hold Yagoo at gunpoint for a cover song with Ame in her gmod stream, so look forward to that too
mori did mention it might "start" at 4 AM PDT as well, though. depending on how fucked her sleep schedule is ame mightve tuned in then instead of the more reasonable 7 PM PDT
wait, so next concert we will have a full EN song performance but what about ame?
just wait and see
got it o7
Been going through some Ameoke. Shame we didn't get a final Can't Stop. Woulda been a really bittersweet "This life is more than just a read-through"
who nose~
Yeah i guess... Still sucks
Iirc she's waiting on the MV for that right now and thinks it won't be done till late October
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A catbox link to avoid posting a wall of text

For the rentry you'll have to wait some more though. I've never made one so I gotta learn how to do that
I hope I see more that'll beat the "cardboard personality" allegations since I don't watch her
good list, thanks!
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>>86592864 (me)
Shoot I forgot to add the Myth anniversary from last month
It seems pretty clear now she was talking about the EN song
I guess it's worth just going straight to the receipts. Does anyone have anything explicitly saying that there'd be a song with just the two of them?
you'll have more luck asking the deadbeats
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You will don't worry.
Does anyone have the Kiara "I'm a fooking teamate" soundpost?
RIP. No Rainforest-specific then. The video is her own song (with a video that includes Ame) and the song is the full-EN one. Thanks for the unfortunate receipt.
Oh yeah it's with hindsight it's just the MV for one of her old songs and one for the new EN song. But from the way she worded it and timing, it sounded like one was a group song and another was the Rainforest song.
That sounds good, but I meant the actual watchalong (movie) streams. I was wondering how they would work like having the movie playing with the ame stream overlayed in the corner synced up. I'm not sure how cytube works so I wonder if it would be feasible to do the watchalong streams or not. Since you can't simply just toss the stream by itself in a playlist or you can but then you'd be missing what Ame is reacting to.

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