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Welcome to /vsj+/! A thread to discuss VShojo and vtubers who frequently associate with them.

Mouse is LIVE! And at the moment is the only one. She's playing Satisfactory! She also debuted a new model earlier so enjoy that. other than that if you want some VShojocraft then Sushi is LIVE! And is doing exactly that. That's it for now so keep things comfy and civil by ignoring and especially reporting bait, and being excellent to each other.

Image source: https://twitter.com/aw_works703/status/1841340665478922733

VShojo is:
Froot - https://www.twitch.tv/apricot | https://www.youtube.com/@ApricotFroot
GEEGA - https://www.twitch.tv/geega | https://www.youtube.com/@GEEGA
Haruka - https://www.twitch.tv/harukakaribu | https://www.youtube.com/@HarukaKaribu
Henya - https://www.twitch.tv/henyathegenius | https://www.youtube.com/@henyathegenius
Hime - https://www.twitch.tv/hajime | https://www.youtube.com/@himehajime1570
Kson - https://www.twitch.tv/ksonsouchou | https://www.youtube.com/@ksonONAIR
Kuro - https://www.twitch.tv/k9kuro | https://www.youtube.com/@K9KURO
Mata - https://www.twitch.tv/matarakan | https://www.youtube.com/@MataraKan
Mel - https://www.twitch.tv/projektmelody | https://www.youtube.com/@projektmelody
Michi - https://www.twitch.tv/michimochievee | https://www.youtube.com/@MichiMochievee
Mouse - https://www.twitch.tv/ironmouse | https://www.youtube.com/@IronMouseParty
Zen - https://www.twitch.tv/zentreya | https://www.youtube.com/@zentreya

Official Channels - https://www.twitch.tv/vshojo | https://www.youtube.com/@VShojo

総長 + 会長 for dedicated Kson discussion
/999/ for dedicated Henya discussion
/lig/ for more + and former member discussion
/mouse/ for subathon-specific discussion

Previous Thread: >>86567600
Answer: No. I flipped the image though so if you want to see it unflipped check the source
oh my
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i love kchon!
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I mean it kinda worked in a way on my end
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Zen/Froot/Geega timeslot
Michi timeslot
Kson/Froot into Geega/Zen timeslot.
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Mouse is the top story
I had absolutely no idea just how mainstream this thing went
No wonder it set the schizos off (they're even shitting up /news/)
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You got a new cope to tell us?
He had to have that little dig at Panini despite her dyslexia. Why is he always like this towards anything she touches? Is there some history, or is it just some kind of terrible bit?
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Works on mobile.
The only way to make me stop watching a Vshojo is if they only do boring stuff like Geega or Mouse, just a preference thing
Its okay panini, we love you
How do you know Panini runs the socials?
I do want some other style of vtuber, I like horror but I'm tired that these bitches all they do is play horror games
Mouse is a real red-blooded American and the rest of these sissy liberals wouldn't hold a candle to someone like her. Just goes to show, the Mexican race is hard-working God-fearing conservatives like the rest true Americans.
Geega is french
All of the girls should get a giant hat
You mean somalian?
ummm ok....
I don't get it.
Tell me your cope of how they're definitely in
Are you confusing me with someone else? That's my wish list.
Nigga's taking /in/posting too seriously
They're not in bud
What illness does Meicha have this is the first time I heard her talk about it.
Mast cell activation syndrome
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What the fuck is that. That sounds like some wizard shit.
Keep up the hope
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what happened
she just needs to stream consistently. and she moved to america.
Everyone's view counts are down.
Late night (for her audience)
It's extreme allergies with a hard to pinpoint trigger, basically.
Outside her usual timeslot

She's already in the US? I heard her talking about it like three days ago
Already done masturbating for the day.
nta but like really bad allergic reactions that can just happen randomly looked it up
Cope what? Grimmi and Deme are still in the process until explicitly proven otherwise.
>Cognitive Impairment
Is that why they have been an anxious retarded mess this week? They seemed off.
There we go
Nigga that's not what coping means.
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Mouse thinks raccoons are not cool
Its okay anon
NTA that's actually valid
They have no mentions of being out of the application. It's still on the realm of speculation and wishing for some.
You are quite retarded, my friend.
Not what she said at all, but pop off king
They can try again next time, its okay
Ah I see. You are merely pretending to be retarded.
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Retarded it is
Good night
Enslave zen
If you actually believe that deme pass any of the phase then my friend, you might be the retarded one
Is it bad? Never heard of it.
>he doesn't know
It varies tremendously from like, a rash or a stomachache to anaphylaxis. It's the same response as an allergy, but without a clear cause.
I need to FUCK Grimmi!!!
Is this the new cope?
Imagine getting basically an allergy out of fucking nowhere, just because your body said "fuck you" today.
is mouse still pretending she isnt dating connor?
easy to pretend when its true
I see thank you anons. I was worried cause she ended stream rather suddenly. She sounded real sick. I'm a little less worried now.
Guys everyone (as in LITERALLY EVERYONE) got vetoed. The auditions were a bust. Nobody is joining, everyone said they failed. Literally from the horse's mouth. Stop thinking they're /in/.
hit a nerve huh?
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Guys everyone (as in LITERALLY EVERYONE) got accepted. The auditions were a hit. Everybody is joining, everyone said they are /in/. Literally from the mouse's mouth. Start accepting they're /in/.
This is the truth. Actually Gunrun and Loutlot are having models made and will become vtubers themselves to make for the lack of new hires.
Didn't know that about her. That must suck to have.
That's not true, what about my oshi *insert vtuber in predebut*!
When a certain member left over the new contracts, the org didn't realize that they way they were written would give her a veto going forward indefinitely, until she signed something new. So now she just quietly vetos every single new member out of spite and there's nothing anyone can do to stop her.
Based picks
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There's also Team GEEGSPORTS
without geega
They carry her legacy
Not enough poop talk
They are mostly whining about twitch subs
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Grimmi's new model reminds me of Sally from a random femdom hypno doujin who became popular in the giantess fetish community later.
Wow she's cute
Looking that up now
I think I’m done with you all
I think I'm not done with you all
I think therefore I am
I'm thinking about Michi's ass
René Descartes!?
I'm thinking he's /in/
gotta let it go anon. hes been dead for quite a while now
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based Shondo
2025 debut
yet you all still praise her like there is no wrong she can do. when are you going to quit kissing the ass of vei
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I like Geega because I imagine her as this all the time
please for the love of god: fuck off to lig, amnesia faggot. then we only have to kick out the last false flagging silverfag and vsj would be a utopia
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Someone's getting a bit hot
uh oh melty
She may be right but she also pretends to be a little girl as her main bit so
it's october, which means that seeing and fighting ghosts is allowed, so I think i'll cut you some slack on this one
Zoomer girlfriend of my dreams
Wife of my dreams
rent free
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geega i love you
If you're not even applying for NP then how is that possibly true.
she's the perfect woman
holy fuck. such a fucking melty. and is amnesia fag in the room with you right now?
Mouse went from a fat model to a skinny model
Shame this is all undone by being with fucking bounding into comics
Why is it that almost all the talents had massive problems with Minecraft server lately when they try to log in and orbiters like Saiiren\Katie\Sushi playing without a hitch?
Maybe they didn't update or something. But Mouse got on during the subathon
Like who? Kuro got banned and Mata is using her nijisanji account and cant switch it.
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I’m a teacher and I absolutely loathe my students. Do you think Vtubers are the same? Do they hate our guts? Is this the sausage principle again? I need to know
Mouse also had trouble getting on to the server
Yeah but you aren't directly dependent on your students and also can't ban them on a whim or trauma dump on them whenever you like. Makes for a slightly different dynamic.
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No they love me.
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I like this model
Henya sure loves her fanbase by deliberately ignoring them
I'm surprised no one is complaining about the flat chest, it's a nice change for once.
hello tourist buy some merch on your way out
That depends on a lot of things. But i can't imagine any of the corpos enjoy the fanbase they've created.
hi vsj, some thread on the catalog is posting an image of 5 silhouettes with a vshojo logo on top. i'm well aware vshojo doesn't and has never done gens, so anon just made it all up right?
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Now that Mel has massive tits, Nazuna is gone, and Henya is dead. Having a small chest is a novelty in VShojo.
>Now that Mel has massive tits,
I'm still mad about this. They don't fit her body type
I think she actually has smaller boobs than Henya currently. Henya is small but she does have like, little tiny barely A-cups. Mouse has like, mosquito bites on this model.
Yeah, one anon took some gacha characters and made it themselves. Apparently at least one of them is from Nikke.
Sonch Monhun in ten minutes!!!
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I wish I could channel even 10% of her monhun or ARK autism into my own hobbies
Its not flat chested. It just looks that way sometimes.
What is he doing?
They must have had a ton of applicants if he already ends it a few hours later lol.
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JP streamer labor organizing so companies can't take advantage by lowballing small streamers on sponsorships and merch deals.
>cat wakes me up to cuddle just before sonch starts
he knew it was sonch time
A Sonch household, you love to see it
You just know Geega will grab you by your cheeks and force you look at her while she's riding you.
That's what she did to Jowol
delusional shipsister retard
sex with michi
sexing all up on michi until I die
art of this or geega fucking her other guy friends please
You gotta pay up
this but me
actually this is only me
nuh uh
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That's nice. Dunno if I'd blame the vtuber hate on anime being "icky" tho. Vtubers are just the new age furries.
which cheeks though
She is short
Except furries are super based and Vtubers are just kinda based
Furries are also tech savvy
>Except furries are super based
10000 word essay on your reasoning complete with sources
Will Dooby join Vshojo?
Who the fuck is Vshojo?
ligma balls
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good night /vsj+/
Goon night anon
geega please rape me
dooby more like booby lmao
smoke a doobie and watch booby
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Vshojo bossfights
A streamer union forming in Japan of all places was not on my bingo card.
kuro also has a flat chest
zen's intro screen where she's a full dragon
Full Dragon Zen
Ironmouse Unleashed
Lv 999 Geega
Tengabot kson
Dragon Lich Froot
Space Princess Hime ready for fullscale planetary invasion
Terminid Mata, also ready for fullscale planetary invasion
Pre-domestication Goddess of Nature Haruka
Michi, Kuro, and Henya haven't really shown combat prowess yet.

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