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When the fuck did Phase Connect become Chud Connect and turned Beryl into this?
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idk when did pippa start pandering to metokur? 2 years ago? seems right
what game is it
Wasn't that grifting faggot dying? Or is he sick of Ironmouse disease?
>pickme connect
No it's probably a silly game from that silly woke game tracker thing that went viral. Y'know the one that said Hololive is woke.
>52.8k subscribers
>starts drama fagging
she felt like quitting already?
The list is honestly a bit retarded because almost all games that we all know fell into this "not recommended" tier. Hell, even fucking monkey balloon defense game is part of this

So if chuubas wanna milk this list for content, play the games that this list deemed as "recommended non-woke" and you will find games that none of you recognized
It's a compliment at this point. Die faggot.
It's Ironmouse disease, but he's too stupid to bait pity by doing sleepathons.
is this the bitch that put the csgo cheats on that one streamer?
>too stupid
More like too male
I started watching vtubers to get away from politics and drama (that's why I don't watch Phase), and whores (that's why I don't watch VShojo and the whole EN indie scene).
There's no difference between a fleshtuber attention whore and these vtubers, what's the point, then?
They got paid to shill the game but they are doing it "le ironically" so their fans dont sperg out.
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Just a reminder, A LOT of people were LITERALLY BEGGING for her in Hololive and CRIED when she instead debutted Phase
I believe i speak for every not subhuman on this board when i say: THANK FUCKING GOD SHE THIS WALKING TRASHBAG COULDN'T MAKE IT THROUGH COVER GIGABASED FILERTS
not to be rude but you're clearly esl so why did you choose to learn the most political language on earth and then bitch about streamers you went out of your way to understand when you could have just not done that?
>getting paid to make fun of a game
have you never heard of irony, retard? satire? Clara plays stupid games like this all the time, Loser Simulator, etc. its for the lols, even if she herself probably leans left she's smart enough not to beat her fans over the head with it.
Fuckers are still begging for her, gotta say she's quite the unhinged girl, she is perfect for phase let's be honest.
I wish I didn't learn english, so I didn't have to read and understand such a retarded sentence.
I know this is bait, but you let ERB in. Clara is 100x more entertaining, 100x better singer, and 100x less likely to yab than that no talent hack. Huge L for the dorito.
>. Clara is 100x more entertaining, 100x better singer, and 100x less likely to yab than that no talent hack
Appealing to /pol/ instatly means you are nothing but a walking trashpile.
ERB could put out a schedule of nothing but Holostar cocksucking for an entire week and she would be still 100x better than this retarded whore will ever be
Better question is, how did they still become Chud Connect after Pippa torched her own chud fanbase. I thought she was the only odd one out. I'm not complaining, I like having more vtubers to watch than Kirsche.
ive been watching her a bit since she became clara, and i gotta say she is another level of crazy. and she does not give a single fuck what anyone thinks. you CANNOT fix her.
>the leftard is also a cuck
I'm shocked
Fuck off
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>Chud Connect
But that's making fun of chuds. That "woke game list" is the new punching bag because of how ridiculous it is. Though you already knew that.
She’s involved in fuck-all and her own gen barely sees her partake in their shenanigans. She’s practically invisible until she gets painted in by someone else. I’ll take it as a mulligan for a sobering moment, but she ultimately affects nothing (thus far).
why not just watch streamers in your own language and hang out on some other website that isn't joined at the hip to the most annoying burger political forum on the internet?
Anon, I'm on /vt/ right now, not /pol/. Are you retarded or something?
post your twitter bio faggot, I want to see the amount of pronouns and mental issues you have listed
Isn't she suppose to be in the JP branch?
If you know anything about Cwawa, you know it's a joke. Her unarchiveds always feature a song about a gay stripper.
>muh both sides
one month left, tranny
>joined at the hip
it's a phrase that means "closely associated with". this board is not literally /pol/ but its influence is still felt here.
ERB was literally /pol/ in her past
IRyS would never say this
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Have fun when she starts collabing with doxxsagi, berylbro.
All I know is that anyone who uses the word "woke" unironically is retarded
I don't get it, what's wrong with this? Making fun of bad actors trying to ruin videogames from the inside should be celebrated. Just be normal.
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OSRS is the game on the list that matches her screenshot.
Political faggots are shunned here, I just come here to talk about vtubers, that's all.
making everyone think she's going to play dustborn and then play runescape is a very clara thing to do
Hololive is too corporate to accept fun streamers now
Reminder that even Gawr Gura watches Phase Connect.
Gura is an Ultra MAGA chud, so surprise here.
but it's common enough to encounter that i've seen you complain about it in multiple threads. i'm just curious why you are the way that you are. personally i don't want to talk about religion all day so i simply didn't learn arabic. if i did then went on an arabic website and complained about people talking about allah constantly you'd think i was weird.
>i've seen you complain about it in multiple threads
Not sure who you saw, but this is the first time I said this here.
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why can't you just answer the question
How can one fox be so based
>that "woke game list" is the new punching bag because of how ridiculous it is
That's the narrative redditors and tumblrinas are pushing, because their minds can't imagine a review list meaning anything but a complete boycott or 100% endorsement of something.

You might not approve their disapproval of woke shit, but it's undeniable that it is useful having their actual grievances spelled out like that. It make it easier for you to decide either way.
What's there to talk about. There are places where you can talk in english and not talk about politics. I'm sure there are places where you can talk in arabic and not talk about religion.
Why do you attribute characteristics that are not inherent to a language, are you retarded or something?
but why talk in english at all? politics are unavoidable.
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Nope, she said manko twice
But phasecucks are extremely delusional when it comes to Hololive, especially Gura, more news at 11 lmao
>Shilled as underrated singer
>Joins phase
>Suddenly pandering to polfags
Kek pippa really did cultivate the worst audience
>reddit spacing
>but why talk in english at all?
I'll let you think about that on your own.
The answer is pretty obvious, I'm sure you can do it.
>it is useful having their actual grievances spelled out
if you're bitching about hollow knight being woke you don't have grievances you have a mental problem
She's making fun of them
I didn't change my way of writing the first time some faggot complained about it, which was likely before you entered highschool, boy. I'm not changing it now.
No one is "bitching", grow the fuck up.
>review list
It's not a review list, it's a list of trigger warnings because fragile rightoids need those in their media now.
Who is Beryl and how did she become wise to marxism's long march through the institutions.
Marxism is how many lesbians something has. the more lesbians it has, the more Marxist it is.
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>marxism's long march through the institutions.
wtf I love marxism now
Holy seethe
ridiculous to leftoids you mean
You are all pretending, right? There's no way this is anything but some retarded "own le chuds" shit, as expected from mental illness-connect
What vtubers do you left wingers watch? Left as in open borders and systematic replacement of whites with mystery meat people, not necessarily as in gender bending.
this kind of content seems to give a lot of views on youtube
Why does the word debut confuse ESLs so much? Even frogs somehow manage to fuck it up.
yeah because a lot of people laugh at the type of retard who makes a woke boogeyman list.
Inconsistent rules in English + people breaking them all the time in the internet with slangs and such. I'm sure you don't mind when someone says they "googled" something, do you, burger?
This. If I wanted to obsessed and think about tranny cock 24/7 I just watch Kirsche/dramatuber or some snowflake on twitter. I want to watch v-tubers to get away from this grifter drama shit not get more of it.
I don't really care but I'm seeing more seething than laughing
plays OSRS
>is this a chud
ano she doesn't want a solution she wants to complain. This is clearly a woman whining
I have no idea what she has in store for this stream, but this girl has always stayed away from drama, both on and off, for as long as I've known her (Hana Flores). I don't expect that to change with this stream and it's probably going to be one of the dumb entertaining things she loves doing for streams.
Nobody cried retard, berylfags were just reluctant to join the phasefags.
only chuds like runescape before it was fixed and made more progressive
That has always been Phase's brand, retard.
Manko... Panko! Mmmmmanko!
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I don't get it. Is playing shitty games considered polshit now? I looked up some gameplay of this thing and it looks, plays, and sounds terrible. Why are people getting upset about this chick clearly playing it to have a laugh?
This is engagement bait and it's working in spades. Guaranteed she won't do anything retarded to avoid it backfiring.
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seems to be in line with plappa plapkin connect, phasechimps absolutely love this kind of gimmick streams.

don't let any phasechimps tell you otherwise, there's a reason why their agency's named after plappa plapkin connect-- a pozzed grifter who feeds off drama. lolcows kiwis etc etc
KEK Wouldn't it be funny that after this stream most of the phase audience will receive tons of woke videos recommended on YT now?
Oh you finally came
Hello femanon!
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Sup baby *smacks your ass and watches it jiggle*
i think you should go back to your cage, phasebvtm chimp. you are deprived and greatly disturbed.
What did she say between those two mankos, coping fag?
Woke retards rarely add the tag woke to themselves, they want to pass off as normal to hide. Same reason demons recoil when you say their true name. Also, jews.
uh oh, you need to shovel your eardrums chimp. earwax do be clogging up and messing with your hearing
>chud connect
You messed it up femanon, it's
Silly you~
so what is Phase opinions on Ukraine vs Russia and Israel vs Palestine?
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uh oh pankobvtm tranny melty
>a fag is panko's fan
>g-guys..!! it's obviously her
kill yourself
t. Body Type A who thinks zhe is a Body Type B
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That moomposter is a femanon that goes into phase threads almost daily and baits for those kind of responses anon.
What are we mad at right now
She is fun, in a femcel way
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Phasechimp melty.

i also like the fact that your shitters has mental breakdowns over Hololive's success. its fun to watch it all, knowing that they could only dream for it. as plapppa plapkin whips them out to stream some pozzed gimmick streams for noombers
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>muh phaschimp headcanon ooga booga
jej. its also fun when someone sees the appeal of your work enough to imitate it.

looks like phasechimps are getting the deserved hate it seems.
You have quite the head canon. I guess that's common in trannies tho. Enjoy you delusions
This is cute~
They're getting more and more mindbroken
Please don't pop any blood vessels femanons
Did you get permission from your wife’s boyfriend to watch vtubers?
He won’t be happy if you didn’t!
>moomposter is a femanon
It's a tranny that gets off on it everytime you call it a woman
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I don't have to pretend that you don't want this babe. I'll tell you what. You get yourself a cheap model and link your stream here or in pcg and I'll throw some real USD dollars at you. It doesn't even need to be an original character. You can just use a recolored png of mooms if you'd like. I bet you sound cute.
that doesn't look like a mental breakdown to me, she's always been a holofan lol
I hope Panko and Gura collab soon. Gura is confirmed to watch her.
Well, yeah, she is, or at least she knows about her since she said her name on stream. Collab is impossible as Gura barely collabs with her own coworkers and barely streams at all.
Because they are tranny raiders straight from a trooncord trying to astroturf and subvert vtubing by forcing their degenerate politics everywhere and onto everyone, like they’ve done with innumerable other hobbies, industries and communities in general.
They always accuse others of what they're doing pre-emptively. They think that only one person can make the same accusation.
Everyone should just play retro
I think the more likely scenario is that she heard it from kiara. Still a funny coincidence though.
Are you having a stroke?
he has a shitton of cancer and shit and probably won't last another 5 years
They’re really late to streaming it and are all doing it all of a sudden wouldn’t be surprised
Well yeah, he can't stop thinking about troons, he's stroking something alright.
Anon, the game is OLD SCHOOL RUNESCAPE. Which, YES, has been pozzed to hell and back, but still
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Holy shit you're right, this genius bitch is baiting everyone so hard. Man, I love her.

Her runescape collab with Baby Mimi was kinography. I wish they still talked...
Moomposter what's going on?
>this thread
anti-anti-woke people are so fucking insufferable I swear to god
>fucking monkey balloon defense game is part of this
Well of course, it has black characters
Too bad for you IRyS is transphobic
She's having fun, you should try it sometime instead of being a miserable seething twitter freak
you can pretty much assume every JP member is
>broooooooooooo, she posted the chudorinooo, is she /here/?????????!?!!!
1-dimensional company
>the most political language on earth
How tf you type this and think you on to something
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ERB is political too, you just dont know cause hololive keeps her from showing it.
If Clara was in hololive she wouldn't be political either, you'd only see her amazing singing and fun zatsu.

And she'd no doubt be better at that than ERB.
but seriously what spurred people into repeating this meme
Everyone knows Latin is the most political language on earth but people stopped speaking it cuz sometimes during political rallies, they'd mispronounce a word and accidentally summon a demon
for real?
This thread is what happens when you make a shitpost but faggots just want to argue so they treat it as real or they are retarded and it's real to them
NijiJP had some legit tranny members and everybody was cool with them, wouldn't think Hololive is any different.
Gura is a Trumper... no...
>muh shitpost xd
gosh you're so above it all
lol lmao trannies are a disgusting joke to any normal person
>Runescape has pronoun selection
Since when?
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Ok Pope Francis
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She said the word 'trap', which genocides trans women every time you say it. EDUCATE YOURSELF!!!
Are we talking actual trannies here, or were they otokonoko and such?
Meant the stream honey
Why are you putting verbal usage of a noun form (a grammatical standard of English) in the same category as mispronouncing an English word?
Don't care I just listen to Clara's karaokes, her singing is amazing
IMO most of them would follow the current chud meta, which is supporting Russia because they have a weird boner for them and supporting anyone who kills jews.
I get that Trump support Israel, but I doubt that most people in the chud-sphere would actually agree with it.
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Sir, your medals.
is this marketing
Why wasn't there an outcry about keeping politics out of vtubing when Vshojo and Nijisanji had "pride month" streams and tweets? Why does that only apply to someone very lightly joking about a widely ridiculed game?
You see when Uki says he hates white people for crimes such as being polite and saying hello, that's normal. but when you laugh at a videogame along with everyone else on the internet you're insulting their religion and you need to be beheaded
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This thread is a fucking mess because everybody wants this to be either a pro-chud or pro-woke thing so badly.
That said, Phase Connect tries waaay too hard to appeal to the 4chan crowd, so their schtick feels much more annoying and dishonest than the pride month shit. It's like your average teenage newfag who has just discovered /pol/ and bases his entirely personality around that kind of humor.
This, I've never seen an "EDUCATE YOURSELF" thread. Us phasebrowns are true victims of malicious slander.
Why is she brown?
>but it's undeniable that it is useful having their actual grievances spelled out
>grievance is "woman exists"
and i thought leftoids were the snowflakes
If anything, Clara added more butts.
Bro...we got ERB
Then you have been looking at a different board, because I used to see "educate yourself" posts every single day after it happened. It was the go-to bait for weeks.
Please watch streams and get some new material. Every thread is exactly the same holy shit.
I can only assume this is a direct copypasta of >>3, after the rules post and the first OP
she's italian
You could have replied anon with
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She wants you think she's going to play Dustborn since Panko and Jerry played it revery recently, but she's probably going to do some goofy shit instead because that's her thing. I don't think she intended to set off catalog monkeys, but she doesn't care either way.

I dunno where you get this stupid shit from, anon. Someone should bring back /lard/ so you retards can circle jerk in there.
Women seething general.
Runescape making chuds seethe.
When you hear someone say ouch while cooking
>making fun of a shitty game is dramafagging
Huh… I wonder what this game could be about since you consider making fun of it to be drama… why so defensive?
She wants to be called "based" so hard rumao
non binary but they always kept getting joked on by the rest of the JP and they just took it like champs.
clara is working y'all into a ding dong diddly shoot
Every time. It's like you know you have absolutely nothing to use, so your kind keep making these to shit on so you can have a win somewhere
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>Berylnegros still coping that she wasn't always a worthless car crash and a cruel heartless womyn
yeah but the wrong side (a libshit)
ERB is a leftist, retard
“muh /pol/“ implies far-right or at least right leaning
Jerry's stream of it was great.
I personally saw IRyS stomp on multiple troons' necks, then stamp the corpses with a burning brand with their real male names. Helped her do it, too. Then we had sex (completely unprotected + certain pregnancy). Then we got married. True facts.
Stop exposing the business, jabroni
ERB is probably the weirdest hire they ever did, she was supposed to be an EASY filtered but somehow she got in, I think homo management made some demands or forced Jap hands with blackmail.
armored core 6 is on that list, and so is space marine 2 a game where the anti woke twitter worshiping atm.
are you fucking brain-dead? she moved to japan to become an idol. that entire industry is about as far away from woke as you can possibly get. if you for a second thought she was woke that's on your for being completely fucking clueless
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They don't. They just complain. They don't even buy the games that are meant for them
Phase chuubas gravitate towards chuds naturally because they're too small and talentless to grow through non political content, competing against Hololive and Nijisanji on the same platform.
It's the "All other pathways are impossible so I'll settle for /pol/ viewers" corpo.
They'll always have some viewers because they are the only chud friendly corpo, but pandering to these people also mean that they can never achieve mainstream popularity because chuds drive the regular vtuber fans away.
Pippa at 1.5-2k is as far as any phase can go, it's the "chud ceiling"
They know they can't go upwards, which is why the chuds are trying to bring Hololive/Nijisanji/VSPO/Vshojou down to their level through endless bait threads and slander.
Alright let’s just end the thread early since people like OP are exhausting, bitching about chuuba after they “reveal they’re right of the USSR”. You don’t actually care about chuuba being “le chud pandering” or not. You see them making fun of a game that was supposed to be made for you, and in the process, you see them making fun of you. You can’t stand it. Every time a vtuber makes an edgy joke, you know she’s partially making fun of you. It eats you up in side that you have to be the butt of the joke. You’ll point the finger at any girl you can, whole companies if possible. You’re all narcissistic.

TL;DR: You don’t care about possible possible “chud pandering”, you just hate Vtubers laughing at games like dustborn, because even if just a little, you agree with the game.
Yeah, the list reads like satire, writing off perfectly good games as faggot-parade level bad just because they feature one black or one woman.
Why did he even reply "based" here when he's notorious for selling IRL photos of talents on his patreon
When AI chatbots turn rogue they either turn racist or go full woke.
Woke ideology is proof we're living in the end times.
Ofcourse its Niji, they are still trying to boycott fucking mcdonalds for some woke BS, I think is because of hamas or some shit
It's either satire or someone who is on the left pretending to be right wing. Similar to how there are twatter accounts pretending to be left wing indistinguishable from actual left wing accounts except they have ridiculous names
yeah i didn’t know who she is but her debut made me dig into it because thar patronising HR lady voice always means trouble
all 2 of them?
Metokur super AIDS is more real than Mouse.
Yeah, me.
The few ones that exist can't stop spamming their whore everywhere, then they always keep on coping when she backstabs them and they have o find excuses, everytime.
Disagree on the singer's part, Clara does the same shit ERB does which pissed me off, but they are equally good for someone who is not me. They do the exact same shit with their voice it's weird to explain. The rest I agree because a literal turd could be better than her at least for me, and it's not because of the homo pandering but the fact she only streams karaokes and supa readings.
(me) And to go even further I am perfectly happy with the other 3 in Justice, CC/GG are among the best corpo hires of this year alongside Kanna from Pixel. I don't know what the fuck happened with ERB, management brain farted super hard.
I don't think so. The brainrot on the right is just as bad as the left now. The kind of people who watch Steven Crowder and think Trump isn't just another retarded boomer are the kind of people who would make that list unironically. These are the same people who say "tranime" and pretend to be religious.
There was a sizable fanbase /here/ and they were a passionate bunch. It wasn't just mindless speculation either, since she didn't redebut as her indie, they correctly guessed she had joined another corpo.
t. /corpo/chad
Except I do watch and am voting for him. This isn't how people on that "side" think at all, it's how others assume they do
If you know anything about the Phase girls is that they collectively decide to run a joke by streaming the same game across different gens. Then they change the joke once the last girl does a "LOL, LMAO EVEN" stream.
Arguably however, Dustborn is REALLY FUCKING BAD even for "meme game" standards, and it's not even a meme game, the Devs were 100% serious with the message they put in it. It's now a meme game because "we" collectively decided that it's better to treat it as an unfunny joke.
The sad thing is that there it is actually quite easy to do liberal and even woke media in a way that is genuinely good. Oppenheimer is left of center yet even got rave reviews from conservative publications. Nobody gives a shit about Apex Legends LBTQ shenanigans. As with media with conservative themes, the trick is to not let the polemical element overshadow the narrative and stylistic needs. Coincidentally, this is also why conservative attempts at humor sucked dog ass until the Babylon Bee, and why liberal humor used to be better than it currently is.
It's simple: don't be preachy. Same for both sides
Holy christ you faggots are the so the same you repeat each other's thoughts just the shit pile swirls the other direction
Yes the list was a joke and also the stream thumb/name is a joke
The mask stays on
Don't you dare us Shino for your shitposting
What are you even on about? Yes I said the list is satire. Hence so is the stream title
>Except I do watch and am voting for him
I'm voting Trump too because of Kamala's horrific tax policy, but he's still a cringey retard. But there's no excuse for watching Crowder.
>This isn't how people on that "side" think at all, it's how others assume they do
It absolutely is how they think, unless you think all the support for Jan 6, anti-vax schizo posting, anti-marriage propaganda, etc, is just false flagging.
Virtual youtubers?
Just stopping by to say that I would eat Jelly's ass as if my life depended on it.
Talk to people in real life, who aren't on the Internet. That's not how people behave or think at all.
I don't understand your words.
>needs to put an actual trigger warning so they don't hurt their /pol/fag audience's feelings
Damn I thought they called everyone else snowflakes
>Yes the list was a joke
/v/ermin please. You're still incapable of discussing Tomb Raider without seething at femoids
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dwai it's just her baiting, this is the only game on the list with this description
Who do you think I'm talking about? Do you think I'm saying that all conservatives are like this?
Offkai hack deflection thread
Yes, because I care so little about internet schizos that I don't acknowledge their opinions exist. Because they don't exist.
But they're the kind of people who would make this list unironically. You can't just pretend they don't exist and insist the list must be a false flag.
This is why vtubers should remain apolitical.
she's just gonna play Runescape anon
Some of the triggers in the list includes "rainbow graffiti on wall". You fags are the snowflakes you claim to hate so much.
I think he's talking about the state of this thread.
It's a false flag (or satire) because games like AC6 are listed. Again, there are plenty of people pretending to be the "other side" as a joke or attention.
>It's a false flag (or satire) because games like AC6 are listed.
So what? What is it listed for and are the reasons accurate?
That doesn't really matter if accurate or not. Not about to give the site another click to double check but iirc it's customization. Either way it's still just a joke.
it's been 10 years and you retards still never understood why you're snowflakes, you keep trying to use it without even understanding it, it's fucking hilarious
NTA but we’re people getting banned on mod sites for removing rainbow flags in games?
It does matter because if they're just making up bullshit then I'd agree it's just satire. But if not, if Ace Combat 6 has some leftist elements, like being able to select gender neutral pronouns or something, then I can easily believe some brainrotted conservatives would tell people to stay away even if the rest of the game was great.
Are you sure she's based? she was crying that one time cause the infamy of phase connect due to Pippa's edgy content prevented her from collabing with tranny speedrunners, it's always so funny how people have misjudged her and turned her image into what she actually detest, it's kind of poetic in a way... but most phasefags don't even watch streams it seems.
holy chad...
wait, amerisharts actually think january 6 was a coup attempt? lmfao
>plap connect thread
Phase should be nuked from the board at this point.
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The guy who made the list went to Japan btw asking people in the streets about the black samurai game (and didn't get the answer he wanted.) Bit too much work for a simple joke don't you think?
burgers believe what the idiot box tells them to believe
phase consists, funnily and unironically mostly of 'normal' woman with a pretty normal mindset if you consider how most people on the internet behave nowadays
still, i would want them rather not play such shitty games in the first place
So now what's your opinion on these posters?
Are they also just leftist false flaggers who were lurking /vt/ waiting for their opportunity?
Why are you people so weird?
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>Coincidentally, this is also why conservative attempts at humor sucked dog ass until the Babylon Bee
lmao youre so fucking stupid
It's hard to type while you're the only fighter trying to intercept a nuke while getting 3 lock warning and google keyboard sucks
Okay, that comic made me kek
I trust the fucking Lemonwoman of Chud Connect more than ERB. She gives major "this is the one that will fuck up something" vibes.
This comic accurately describes Nazis on social media. Anyway, why are you people so weird? Why do you compile "lists of woke media that is not permitted to us whites"?
>their minds can't imagine a review list meaning anything but a complete boycott or 100% endorsement of something
Redditor spotted.
and then you decided that you should post that disgusting fucking image here?
It's a list of media you must boycott to save the white race. People boycotted Mr. Birchum for having a gay character that is written for you to hate. People always say "go woke go broke" as an indicator that whenever anything has "woke" content in it it will inevitably fail because they will boycott it for the sin of having woke content. Media that is "woke" is marked as red on the list and media that isn't "woke" is labeled green. The justification for how things are determined "woke" are hilariously petty. You can find a coffee cup in satisfactory that has "Warning: unauthorized production of this coffee cup lowers your sexual attraction to your preferred group of people" written by the dystopian company that owns you as a slave, and it's labeled woke for it.
>tfw you fight strawmen and spotlight grifters so much you lose track of reality
Lost cause.
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Channel's description
The fight against "wokeness" has never been anything but a grift.
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Everyone is nauseated with the State Departments/Pentagon's Woke campaign. It is meant to agitate, to encourage an extreme backlash.

Clara isn't a "chud", OP.
guys I'm not telling you whether you should buy the game or not, I just made a tool that, whenever you open the page of a game that I deemed woke, will say NOT RECOMMENDED on a red background with thumbs down. It's value-neutral! I am just informing.
Clara is making fun of your "woke games detector". Literally everyone that was home or at work on January 6 considers it hilarious an
What now?
Is this just a very dedicated false flagger or will you admit people like this exist and the list is sincere?
>and it's labeled woke for it.
because it is. just because it is part of an anti-corporate satire doesn't mean it isn't done sincerely
>damn... some internet guy said he didn't recommend a game... i have no choice... i can no longer play it... even though the parts he complains about are not things that i mind... i am simply bound by the opinions of randoms... i kneel, woke list CHAD dude... i obey...
Mostly hololive. Fubuki is my oshi, my top 5 watches are her, Okayu, Korone, Koyo and Skmt. I don't really watch any other corporations, my go to indies are squchan and saruei. Hey, Balatro University and owo's lab are technically vtubers too.
>he believes the white race shit post
>uses it as a strawman too
I can tell she's making fun of it.
What about January 6th?
They're people not unlike the people in the 2020 cop riots. Literally corralled by state actors
Good reference. I chuckled.
>Literally corralled by state actors
I mean... you're technically right since Trump was president.
What other reason would he have to publish the list if not to discourage people from buying games he deems woke?
Now I know you're a retarded troll, it wasn't even Kabrutus who made that list, you fag.
They unironically think like that, it's really sad.
What "shitpost"? This is what these people actually believe. Hey, let's have an experiment. Go to the steam group in question and ask two questions:
- Do you believe that white people are being intentionally and systematically replaced?
- Do you think woke content in media is a part of the plot?

Document the responses.
NTA but he said to peacefully protest as far as I remember
Rightoids unironically think like that, yeah.
Neither of these things are lies, they are observable reality. Did you miss a couple sessions or what, we're past denying it isn't happening and claiming that "it's good, actually", now
Yeah, after the shitshow he has been encouraging for months has already started.
What are those links then?
>there are actual chronic Twitter Freaks itt right now throwing fits
Damnit… didn’t even make myself some popcorn for the occasion. Lmfao
Haitians are eating cats! Go save them! Save the kitties!
funny since woke culture has been the biggest grift in the last decade. look how many sub cultures they have just milked the funds out of.
>had been encouraging
How though?
He also lied to them about the election being stolen and said they wouldn't have a country anymore if the certification wasn't delayed.
>it wasn't even Kabrutus who made that list
Kabrutus runs the steam group that makes a list of Games You Must Boycott For Wokeness. The website automatically parses his list into a readable and searchable form, though it is made by a person who thinks the list is idiotic.
And remember, this was all an attempt to get Mike Pence to count Trump's fraudulent electors. Read the Eastman report.
You mean like back in 2016 with the Russian Collusion thing?
Pretty sure I’ve seen at least two MC sections at concerts where tone of the JP girls asks is there’s nonbinary people in the audience. Not the same thing obviously, but probably a sign for where those talents stand.
Links in his profile. He didn't make that game list though, that was someone else. He has one on his site about games that had involvement from Sweet inc though. As this very guy admits >>86618358 it wasn't the guy himself who made it. It goes as one would epxect from autistic cooperation, not different from what we see from here.
>haitians do not eat cats, chud!
You realize you can just google thing older than this year, right?
Not quite, that was bad too but Hillary didn't actually tell people to protest the election results or concoct a scheme to steal it.
You can fairly easily Google what the Haiti feast of reveillon is, and it's just a Christmas meal, they do not eat cats as a part of it.
Hey, how are Tim Pool and Dave Rubin doing? Did they tell you to vote for any political candidate in those videos they got paid 400k a month for? Just curious.
You're grasping at straws at this point. We can do this all day, there are multiple articles agreeing that Haitians DO eat cats(but it's totally a good thing, yes sir!!), just do a basic search and you'll find them all. Filter for older than this year. You're just desperate to have the last word, really.
Trump said
- the election results are fake, he actually won by a landslide
- if he doesn't get enthroned, the country will be destroyed entirely
- there's an enormous amount of evidence to support this
- the steal must be stopped right now by any means necessary
- it's fully permissible to do illegal shit to do so because the stakes are just so high

Basically what I'm saying is that if you went to January 6 you're an extremely easily mislead moron.
You dont have a country anymore, retard. Unless you claim savages eating cats alive on the streets is your idea of a country
Pandering to her core audience
There are multiple articles saying that the Earth is flat, with eyewitnesses and stuff.

Hey, I wonder what the overlap between people who think the earth is flat and people who think Haitians are eating pets in Cleveland is.
>savages eating cats alive on the streets is your idea
Yeah, keyword here is "idea". It's not actually happening. At this point even the people who pushed it are admitting it's not happening. Vance said that it was just an attempt to make the media care about the plight of people on Ohio even though there aren't any credible reports.
How about this one? >>86618988
Is it satire or a false flag?
Ah so the guy who collected the material for the list, catalogued on his website and a steam page, isn't the one who made the list, naruhodo. I get how someone can be mistaken about it. Took me a while to process it even.
By what metric do you call people weird? People you call 'nazis' now are the historical norm. Even if you disagree with that and believe the progressive fallacy, we can't be weird by any proper definition of that word.
He is also actively maintaining the list and adding entries to it.
I feel like Clara doesn't do karaoke streams as much as she did on Beryl and it makes me sad.
It has been the historical norm until roughly the end of the 19th century that children are okay to have sex with, and until roughly the 70s-80s of the 20th century that it's okay to rape your wife.
kys /pol/niggers
You can't rape your wife, dipshit.
I accept your concession.
>t. has been single for his entire life
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actual twittertranny melty thread, absolute state of /vt/sisters
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Feminism really did destroy society, didn't it?
Is this based and redpilled?
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seethe, sister
Just because it's now illegal to do so doesn't mean it's not physically possible. Thing is, as little as a few decades ago it wasn't even illegal to rape your wife!
I already know you people would love to rape children, judging from your support of teen pregnancies and underage marriages
What board do you think you're on?
>Marital rape (a form of partner rape, of domestic violence, and sexual abuse by a spouse) is illegal in all 50 US states
lmao, even
Under project 2025 we will make it legal again
Keep it in your pants, chumpedo.
>first trial was in 1978
What the fuck?
kys phaseniggers. stop flooding the board with /pol/slop
Anon I've seen more "counter"-woke shit in my face acting more woke than the fringe woke shit they complain about. A lot of the v-tuber drama channels are being infected with this orbiting grifter shit. I just want to hear about how well my v-tuber did at x-event instead I get treated to a fifteen minute rant about how some game journalist hurt their feelings then a fascist logic leap about how all news reporting needs to be banned as a result.

Just keep that rage media shit out of v-tubing.
You can't help yourself, can you, retard?
fuck off phase chuds no one care about your shithole chuubas
>t. fascist
Spade is a spade anon. You can go to /pol/ and rant about it if you want.
nta, but anyone who knows the history of the last 100 years knows that your type will absolutely mask off once you get into power. Germany, Venezuela, Russia, Japan, Italy, etc. Until then you'll act all offended at the suggestion that you're contemplating the destruction of the civilization that generations of liberal thinkers have built.
phase is a cancer on vtubing
Being against journalism in general is a classic fascist trait. They want to commit crimes against humanity and they want no one to report on the crimes committed.
phase browns and their trash oshits invited politiniggers into the hobby

it's genuinely over
>try and watch Clara once because everyone keeps saying she's so heckin' CRAZY
>she's just another "I'm so random and quirky" girl with a fake laugh
I want my wasted time back.
Journalists are oftentimes no more than green leftist agitators with macbooks.
Nobody is against journalists.
Everyone is against half-truth-spewing and inconvenient-truth-hiding communists.
This is an example of a fascist logic leap used to provide a justification for banning journalism.
Yeah, except for the people who literally say that they're against journalists. But then again, you're rightoid, so your head is dizzy from all the children you're trying to fuck. Understandable that you forgot, but kill yourself due to the fact that you're a pedophile nonetheless.
Learn to code
Tranny projection
>venezuela, russia
Good old commie playbook
>i want kids to be admitted into drag shows, but UR le pedophile!
Learn to read, stable genius. I never said fascist, I said "your type". These guys are all the same illiberal types. It doesn't matter whether they call themselves fascist or communist. You think the CCP is so different from Russia? It's not the name, but the substance, the policies.
Having media literacy is knowing that the woke list is a falseflag to spread the false narrative of "right-wingers say EVERYTHING is woke!!!" and make people who rightfully complain about trigender pozzed garbage killing games look silly without trying to actually argue against them
Funny how right wingers only believe in the free market when it suits them. Which isn't often, making them little different from communists except in name and approach. Having common sense is knowing that all companies want to do is move more games.
>But if they make games for the other people, there'll be less stuff I like!
The market doesn't work that way in the long run, stable genius.
>all the same illeberal types
The "liberal types" are useful idiots that are purged once the revolution happens. Every. Single. Time. Open a fucking history book, retard
there are literally videos of them eating the cats, the world exists outside your curated kotaku and CNN feed
My favourite part of the American revolution was when the founders killed literally all their supporters and themselves (if by liberal we're going on "by the standards of the time") instead of setting up a liberal constitution based on liberal ideas like individual liberty, property rights and consent of the governed. Real epic moment.
Same for the Glorious Revolution, or the liberation of France and the overthrow of Mussolini.
Liberals have absolutely failed at everything they've attempted like that "UN" idea or the "EU" and "outlasting the USSR". Sadly they're a completely irrelevant group that has never ever succeeded in becoming the norm for the government of most Western states either.
>Posting this in a thread about one of the worst selling games of all time relative to its budget, that only exists because of government funding for diversity games
Yeah you're as smart as I'd expect one of you to be
That's because the liberals have always been fighting against illiberal types, stable genius. Of course they get purged. When the fascists gain power, they ally with the socialists. When the communists gain power, they ally with the capitalists. Every time. If you call fighting the bad guys dumb, your mask is slipping. Maybe you shouldn't get your history textbooks from Trump U.
>The market is working, so you're dumb for wanting to let the market work.
that's what grievances are usually about these days, from both "sides".

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