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Hololive sites

Nijisanji sites

>maybe you just dont see it
the invisible evil holo fans
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>Nijisanji strikes back
Your days are numbered holokeks
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subaru escaped and the police arrested the murderer
sex with my wife azki
Anon? What are you even seeing?
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>the vendor put the meat of the victim in his ramen
>suba:"... i ate the ramen though..."
Most of our shitposters are off in pol right now so it's mostly peaceful here
It's over
Azukochi sexo
Shondocuck status?
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PC name
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subaru checked out the bad end
she was turned into ramen
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im towa
CC's cunt friend
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the only thing they share in common is unicorn pandering
qrd on shondo? i don't watch anyone outside of holo
Why is this TCG game making so much numbers???
thats a boy
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suba crying from fear
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Did we talk about this yet?
>We suspended Milfia Valentine and Whitefield in January 2022, and announced the termination of their contract in May 2022.
>In Feburary 2022, we replaced our CEO [note: company was sold to a Chinese dude]. During the change, we terminated the talents based on incorrect information.
>While looking at something else in 2024, we realized that there actually was no breach of contract.
>Gomen ne. We contacted both talents to apologize.
>Milfia wants to re-sign, so she's re-debuting. Twitter account is now open.
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>Make hour long meme stream
>Get bunch of meme fanart
me on the left
>>While looking at something else in 2024, we realized that there actually was no breach of contract.
how does this even happen
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There's a couple more things...
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Last thread someone ask if it possible to lose your original language due to Bae. I got some bad news it already happend once.
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>admitting to wrongful termination
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We have better british women
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subaru scolding the dog for not protecting its owner and just disappearing
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Who is below nijisanji today
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ez lawsuit
What a fuck up. I hope she has them by the balls for the rest of her career there.
Other nijisanji
that was back when it was being run by Eilene so...
Miko at 53k
She even beat her first TCG
I kneel
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Autistic factory coming soon
After I'm given a lot more context. But seems like she's starting up male collabs, so grim for Shondodites or whatever.
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>The only competetion for Migo, is Migo herself
Shondo and a lot of her friends are cunts. Doesn't take a schizo to see that.
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>Still in debt
She has more rent pay her playthrough might be done for.
Couldn't you sue for something like this?
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btw this stream is just a short stream to test out her new PC
Inclining off the debt story.
I hope you are right. Maybe that will keep those needlessly smug ass holes away from here.
What's the difference between pioneer and joshukun
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Kaela 1k.....
Pioneers are mascots, Joshukun is for breeding.
pioneers are beavers
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>ReGLOSS 3D Live Reach the Top
>1st Album "ReGLOSS"
>Feeling Gradation *new*

>セプテンバーさん / September-san (cover) *new*
>快晴 / Kaisei (cover)
>青と夏 / Ao To Natsu (cover)
>青のすみか / Ao no Sumika (cover)
>Bling-Bang-Bang-Born (cover)
>奏 / Kanade (cover)
>My Dearest (cover)
>名前のない怪物 / Namae No Nai Kaibutsu (cover)

>Shunkan Heartbeat Otonose Kanade SOLO ver.
>カバー曲 / Cover Songs
>歌まとめ / All Songs
Pioneers are more worldly and are equipped with top of the line pioneering tools
The difference is that Joshukuns are worthless fucks who are forced to watch streams all day, while pioneers are hard working beavers who take breaks by watching AZKi. I will admit I cant read nip so am lost why the pioneer is being abused here.
>ID is a shitter
Grass is green
Design wise it goes like this

Gura > Kanata
Coco = Kiara
Luna > Mori
Watame > Ame
Ina > Towa
Miko is officially out of debt
AZKi practicing Dempsey roll
>youtube suddenly gives me a niji doxx
Huh this is rare
Debt is just a concept
Very easily
she looks like she just ate some shrooms
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subaru has to move houses next year because her current one is haunted so she'll take 2 days off sometime next year to move
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Just hire gojo to excorcise it
Who is the gojo of hololive
Yet a schizo is what you are.
Are you serious?
I don't understand why the one girl is resigning, why return to a corpo that kicked you out under false pretenses?
yes she actually said that unironically
Stupid girl, she should just call in Luna, she would happily perform the most efficient form of exorcism with her!
first Stinky
now Shuba
why are women like this
Maybe she’s stupid
Oh, that's why the punches looked familiar but....why?
I didn't know Subaru was retarded
Feels like there is a lot more behind this, especially since she is willing to return.
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Sex exorcism with luna
It could be a cover for some more unforunte reason like they're being stalked, but they don't want to worry their fans, or they could unironically believe they're being haunted. Either or.
Japan is crazy superstitious, this is a japanese hobby, learn about japan
when she says it's haunted it means she got doxxed
>Watson Amelia
>Wat Ame
Apparently we also lived in a haunted house once. I was little so don't remember much about it, but my mother used to have nightmare of something dragging her daily.
My sister also got hurt in that house several times, maybe it was just placebo but yeah that happened.
Desperation? What she was doing meanwhile?
anon, she's the kind of person who actually consults with fortunetellers
anon, she's in hololive
Can't really blame Subaru
Matsuri had the same ghost problem before where a hand appeared out of nowhere
That's just women in general
Extreme exposure to kanade aura
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English meme made by Japanese!
Japan needs to get a grip on itself
is your father a Morifan
Japanese people unironically believe in Ghosts
I don't idgi
Miko is saved
Nah it was only nightmares and she said that she heard voices in her head sometimes.
ghosts are real though and there's already evidence of paranormal activity like that infamous flying brick in Goldfield Hotel
what the fuck is that slop game miko is playing and why is the ccv over 50k
So how cheap is her haunted house going to go for?
It's a kamigame moron.
Unironically second best game of the year.
Very japanese (I don't get it)
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>I got accepted into that other agency but i declined ....
those not-pokemon look like palworlds and the latter got sued what is nintendo doing why let hololive play this
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NTA, but I think is related to geoguesser and her career in hololive (?).
Subaru is incredibly dumb.
People think she's smart because she takes notes while playing games, but the reason she does that is that she's too dumb to follow what's going on otherwise.
is this that flash scene from batman vs superman
Someone tossed that lol
>Nintendo invented TCG
Based taste

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No wonder
Nintendo invented Japan
Palworld didn't get sued because of the monsters' designs, ahochama.
it's that time travel scene from batman vs superman
Being a 3view m*le in Holostars is probably better than being a borderline 2view in NijiEN. Management treats you like kings and everyone else is told to just accept you. The only downside is you get terminated if you DM the wrong girl and have to use a separate bus like it's Jim Crow era Alabama.
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i am almost convinced it's real because one detail they missed on that video is the disembodied hand that floated over the brick before it got yeeted.
I remember those Sakamata threads with all our SEA "friends" arguing that ghosts were real.
are you serious mate, this thread barely has anyone that can read japanese, you think there are people here who understand korean?
the palworld lawsuit is claiming they own the patent to the capture ball mechanic, they didn't think they could win on the designs
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The occult is real unless retards agree with me, then it's cringe and dumb
The way he act, yeah... He should be in NijiEN. He'll be fit right in with the clique
Most of Asia believes in ghosts, not just SEA or Japan. Reminder that Bae also believes in ghosts.
apparently they got sued for using the patented concept of putting monsters in balls
bro how do you even patent the concept of putting monsters in balls
dumb-ass movie
Is Nintendo the Watson Amelia of Japanese corpos?
Japanese shit, it wouldn't work anywhere else.
>terminated if you DM the wrong girl
Management will downplay and sweep it under the rug. They'll do anything to let you off with a slap on the wrist.
>separate bus
paid for by the breadwinners. Just like the business class flights. The hotel stay. The studio time. Not a downside
i don't believe in the idea of human/animal spirits wandering the earth but i do think spirits (demons) roam the earth
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My POV when I come home and the miso soup is cold
I believe in ghosts but only if they're hot and I can fuck them
Is this Eilene's corpo? God, what a dumbass.
IMO Nintendo was kinda smart with their move. what they did is a form of SLAPP lawsuit. even if they don't win this case, Palworld's rep is already ran into the ground especially in Japan where everyone are nintendo bootlickers.
You are too late turtle-chama. It's her 4th consecutive days of playing that kusoge and her first stream was also a 50k, the ext streams are borderline 50k aswell.
It might not even be that specific concept. I think the currently most accept theory is that Palword's capture animation is too similar to the one in Legends Arceus' which Nintendo applied for patent a few years ago but was only authorized in June of this year.
They’re trying to make it work in the US now.
>Fucking something you can't touch or feel
How does that work?
it was until she sold it to some chinese dude sometime last year
I've always thought a sleep paralysis demon femdom doujin would be hot
I'm European, if you have ever visited a European Medival Castle at night, you too would believe in ghosts. Dumbest shit my friends and i ever did
wet dreams are actually ghosts raping you.
I don't speak squares and circles.
The entire nips are retarded. This is a country that is still to this day believe blood type is tied to anything.
wtf I love ghosts now
I suddenly remembered that Ui is signed under UMJ
>Lost a scummy battle to a fucking chink, making him even scummier than a bug
>Now this
especially the *nglish ones which had a dark history of concubines and queens getting beheaded because the fat fuck king grew bored of you.
i don't read gook
The presence of grems was detected several times yesterday, in this thread, from 8 am est to 6 pm est. Just be aware.
>sexy meter
What was this stream about?
She's still in Tokyo so it wouldn't be that cheap, 500k? Idk the price of their housing.
It's a mid game at best until Miko add some story to it making her first stream trend on Twitter and on her fourth day with bankrupt store hype and employee close to termination buff
Ghosts are invisible
Holosummer on fanbox(?)
>sleep paralysis demon
oh no please dont rape me REM Kanashibari I would hate it noooo
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subaru thinks the number of her female fans have increased
during her DQ streams she'd get a lot of comments like "oi do this and that properly" but amongst those comments she'd catch glimpses of ribbon profile pics saying "subaru-chan ganbatteeeee!!!!"
Mamma ending, she's raiding kaela.
She also ticked 370k DORYAAAAAAA
Isn’t that the same chink that called him out on his bullshit through that dramafag false earlier this year?
biboo riding me
our sleep paralysis demons don't look that hot...
It's cute how much Raora has been liking Kaela.
Raora will raid Kaela, I think EN should stop raiding ID
that was the nightwatch just putting on a good scare for dumb teenagers like you
Kaela truly is EN
I wonder how much the other IDs seethe about Kaelas success
Kaela has better numbers than Shiori therefore she's EN
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Kaela is EN though
Kaela is honorary EN.
ID is part of EN family too....
>indofag attacking EN
Don't you have some male fleshie collabs to watch?
my god
Kaela is more EN than ID
Toshi Densetsu was a good anime about urban legends/ ghosts.
Raora is pleading Kaela to not give chattini a jetpack on discord
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shigure ui 5th anni outfit
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W-Why do they only wait until pubescent age though
this fucking brat knows exactly what shes doing
Kaela handing out jetpacks like they're elytra
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they're not pesos
ghosts have all the time in the world. They can wait til at least hebe
the argentine peso isn't looking too hot right now so of course not
Numberanons tell me. The rat's return stream numbers, why was it... that low? How grim is her future?
She's one of the only ones who can comfortably do a 3D live and move to Japan yet chooses not to so I can only imagine
Is funny how Pekora got titled so much by this boss but had no issues with the Elden Ring DLC bosses. To be fair she is afraid of clowns
If anybody cares there hints that a new Nijisanji EN gen is coming soon. Most likely going to be yokai theme from the hints the livers gave.
Ame was Markiplier all along!
dont shitpost with my boy markiplier he is purer than amelia
can you call it a return when she played GTA?
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Twisty... they're going to steal the first NijiEN 2view stream from you...
She called it
>Rat is back
So yes
The raspberry tally will finally get more competition
You will absolutely lose your language if you do not practice it, it is infact not like riding a bike
Fauna will never be an idol.
She will never do a Birthday/Anniversary live
She will never be popular.
She will never be able to sing well.
She will never be able to dance well
She will never inspire people.
She already decided she was going to spite her followers by saying she doesn't ever think of them as friends.
She will never go back to schedules
She'll never stream regularly
She will always come up with excuses after excuses to not stream
She'll never give a shit about her audience
She'll never do projects like literally everyone else in EN
She'll never be relevant
Her "gaming idol kirin" will always be a lie
She'll never be a real Hololive talent
She'll forever be a worthless whore who Advent dwarfed, and Justice will soon too.
She is nothing but a shameless grifting larper.
People are finally realizing this and she's slowly declining into irrelevancy while losing her fans due to new gens

Mumei is doing 2 lives this year when Fauna couldn't even do 1. Ollie is doing a 3D live when she couldn't even do 1.
She is a joke of a hire who'll continue to get annoyed by management, continue to get annoyed by the language barrier and she will graduate in the upcoming year like the worthless, ambitionless hire she is.
>A gen consisting of the dwellers of realm of the dead
>The last gen before NijiCN merger
That would be kino of the highest order.
Hey, there's a 0.000001% chance that they actually find someone who goes viral.
6k natty overlapping doggos home 3D debut is not bad for her
speaking of ghost chuubas, Biboo has an ice ghost sister that's cute and funny like her.
2 view to 2 view. Sorry bro.
Here's the rewritten text with an opposite tone:

Fauna is destined to become a renowned idol. She will regularly host captivating Birthday and Anniversary lives. Her popularity will continue to soar.

She possesses exceptional singing and dancing talents, inspiring countless fans.

Fauna values her connection with followers, considering them close friends.

She will maintain a consistent streaming schedule, engaging with her audience regularly.

Fauna prioritizes her fans, always considering their feelings.

She will spearhead innovative projects, solidifying her position among Hololive's elite talents.

Her "gaming idol kirin" persona will become iconic.

Fauna will thrive as a respected Hololive talent.

Her dedication and passion will propel her to stardom.

Management and fans alike will admire her growth.

The language barrier will not hinder her success.

Fauna will continue to flourish, defying expectations.

Mumei and Ollie's accomplishments will motivate her to excel further.

Fauna's talent and perseverance ensure a bright future.

She will remain a beloved and relevant figure in Hololive.

Note: I've maintained the original text's structure while reversing the tone and content to convey an opposing message.
kind of surprised she hasn't had one, also surprised Aster somehow manages to stay above 200 considering 95% of his content is playing league and not talking
HoloEN defeated grim gang over a year ago, you will have to look elsewhere for your needs.
If she’s stupid enough to sign with NijiEN after everything that happened then I’m afraid she deserves it
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This is the right one
[Sad News] Sora: I thought I just liked the Zelda games I played, but I am becoming an all Zelda otaku!
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subaru ended
now what
Her GTA is prerecorded
watch a korean woman
nice watch history.
Nintendo is doing a low-intensity Nijisanji. They need to be careful with spoiling their image in the West, as Nijisanji learned.
>[Sad News]
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Download Windows 11.
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If i were a famale vtuber with no hololive prospects, I'd probably try really hard to get into Pixel Link (only small corpo I can remember the name of right now) or something before becoming a 2view or low 3 view in Niji.
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Stupid botnet brat...
It won't let me because there's some shit I need to change in my BIOS and I'm too lazy to do it
Did microsoft really scrap the loli?
Yeah I agree. Whatever corpo is better than joining niji rn. Their public image is beyond salvation and your ccv won't be that different at this point
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I'm a Linux neckbeard
Is this cunny actually created by Windows to shill Windows 11 or is it fan memes?
Kronii gonna hit 1m subs today.
Back to the forge BroRissa
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Anya hugged a deadbeat...
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>Her "gaming idol kirin" persona will become iconic.
Damn right.
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I haven't heard about that.
Reminder Sidebranches have all the best talents
>Bancho, Bae
best dancers. lapwhore is overrated
>Kanade, Gura, IRyS, Moona, Rikka, Azki
best singers (no, some flip shouting into a microphone doesn't count as a good singer)
best rapper
best voice actress
biggest number (Renai Circulation cover - 167 mil)
best endurance streamer
best loli
best artist
best roleplayer
>Axel, Regis
best gamers (able to mock Kuzuha in an official tournament)
biggest collab
>Future Island by Mori Calliope
biggest anime collab

Why is the main branch full of talentless whores? not to mention the ungrateful whores that abandoned their fans like Aqua
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Their cult extends to the West as well, there are so many people who defend the Switch costing 300 bucks while using a 720p screen and a mobile phone processor that's nearly a decade old with picrel
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i still think of roman empire a lot of times
I’ll upgrade if I get the loli
Reminder this and other tierlists posted itt are bait and everyone has their own personal perferences.
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ave, true to caesar
You forgot Fauna in every category
isn't the Suisei is a flip thing already disproven and is only peddled by /jp/ holo antis
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The design is official but the post was allegedly taken down due to uoh posting in the comments
I’ll still buy a switch 2 day 1 so I can mod it when an exploit is found
Only flips and antis ever peddled it.
Don't you have some takedowns and lawsuits to celebrate, nintoddler-kun?
Windows 12 will be better, I beleb.
After that Crowdstrike backlash and DoHS slamming them, I'm glad they started caring about Windows again
I bought Palworld ten minutes after it came out on PS5, but I'm also getting a Switch 2 the day it launches. This is one of those things where the best I can do is hope the courts sort things out properly.
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Vīvat Anas
Amābilissima masculīna
Vīvat Ōzora Subaru
Prōtagōnista dē hololive
it's Japan. it would be a miracle if Palworld wins this case, anyway Pocket Pair will just be invited to a party and their bus accidented on the way.
Where the lewd?
Is this official or what
Yagoo on Hololive's Future
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Keep slurping that DEI slop and buying $1000 no games machine, retarded Sonygger
Wait. Huh. I guess she never did play it.
It's hilarious to see you people say this after that new Zelda game.
At least it wasn't sloppa
when did Microsoft became spineless fucks? they've been doing this for a long time, why stop now?
Instead of getting mad at videogames can't you play the best of both?
>not sloppa
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2 months or less till Raora overtakes her?
Loli UOH is probs a bit too much for them. It's gotten a bit more out of hand nowadays
You mean the company that makes people state their pronouns at events?
how does Raora do it? Is it JP tourism?
What's making raora gain this many subs? Her huge breast? The amount of hours she puts into streaming?
Time for an actually popular holo to teach Mumei a lesson
you missed suisei then.
Windows 10 Touko is the only good one
I do, it's just that none of the best games are on nintendo's bing bing wahoo machine
Lots of consistent streams and has a lot of clippable moments.
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How's this doing for her? Not expecting it to beat BBDB in a million years but relative to her usual stuff?
Odyssey was fun as fuck and came out only a couple years ago.
Nintendo's machine is one of the most out of date consoles in the market, they just have to scrap it sooner or later. But their games are often pretty good. Not big graphics but very consistent in being fun
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You know, I always thought people exaggerated things like that, but last month I saw an article talking about a billionaire (in the middle of legal trouble) and his daughter who died on their yacht, and on that same weekend their business partner (also in legal trouble) was randomly killed by being hit by a car. Shit is too coincidental sometimes.
So true I love the part where mario jumps and says yahoo, I should replay mario odyssey once I'm done rewatching my favorite teletubbies vhs tape for the 20th time in a row
>fwmc have shown more remorse over a fucking donut store closing than ame leaving
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is this GFE?
mario kart 8 alone mogs your entire soyn shit.
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laplus you dirty pit slut
Did we ever get the answer to why Justice only has 4 members?
recency man
they knew Ame was leaving months before we did, so by the time Ame's graduation rolled around they had already made peace with it. the Mr. Donut thing just happened so they're still processing it
think anon think
Ame explicitly asked the other girls to not be sad on stream about it
it worked well for advent
I agree, I'll go play some mario kart as soon as I'm done with my 6th grade homework
God I would fuck Windows 8 stupid.
wait justice has 4 members? i thought it was just ccggrr
No, not really. Maybe the rrats are true about a 5th one existing and bailing at the last moment.
Just today she had 3 streams.
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Gigi made it to fwmc news!!!
>sub 10k views
no, she's a whore
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Nanami was the cutest.
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I only see 3/3
i was also kinda referencing Gunpei Yoko's death with that post. he died on a car """accident""" shortly after his last creation Virtual Boy bombed.
Meanwhile I'll go play the notoriously manly ASTRO BOT on my spiderman 2 machine. It's genuinely a great game.
Also they just ticked 974k
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The other one terminated before debut
kek concession accepted
The GRIM is now on niji
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Holofans are good samaritans
Raden will beat them to 1 million
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Yagoo, Kanzarin as EN mama pls
She usually reaches 1mil in 3 days.
Stop hating ERB
you seem quite fixated on that
Look at him, he took his time to draw a little roman helmet for his cute duck.
this creature looks unsettling
Did you accidentally type 4 instead of 3?
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How's this retention for Kaela?
It will probably be slightly faster than Soiree, slower than Never Fiction
Oh then it is well within the good range. I'm glad because the song slaps
>raids grifter spic
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Eh, Best of the Worst and TotK justified owning a Switch even if it took several years, but even in BotW you could feel how much the Switch's tech is holding things back. That's why I almost exclusively use my Switch for things like Chrono Cross, FF VIII, and Disgaea.
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sad, she is everyone mama except holo at this point, and she drew more holo than her own daughters

regloss 2, trust the plan
jesus what kind of shithole does this ruffian live in that you can find that much trash on a beach?
normal, she usually has good retention from EN raids
chattini are very obedient
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>Kaela get adopted as the 5th member of Justice do you agree?
> wrongful termination found after 2 fucking years
> chuuba wants to re-sign now
who is more retarded here?
Ruffians are so obsessed with getting acknowledged by them that it wouldn't surprise me he only did it because of that.
who is the 4th?
I need ina paper's please dope art
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>chuuba asks for audience questions
>"what do you love from each genmate?"/"first impressions on genmate?"/"rank genmates based on [random trait] please??"
why the fuck is it always the same shit?
>>86609749 (me)
4th member*
Pretty good interview
>no plans for Seabranch due to complications of talent management
>Regloss is a test subject group (which was known) but there may be more devis groups coming
>Yagoo loves RPG and has only PC and a switch on which he played TotK
Who? Next time you will tell me there's a chuuba named wilson. Take your meds.
Is she expecting them to do rp in that server?
How many wins is the GG ERB duo going to get
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You know who...
Genmates are important. That illusion of being close and a family sells.
Ichika is a little too young
Nana looks dated
8 looks retarded
By process of elimination, Touko wins the userbowl
maybe she has perks or is being compensated very generously.
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>being a schizo about an innocent question that they just used to say how much they like advent
Fauna successfully gaslit people into believing she has huge tits, just like Teamates successfully gaslit this board into believing she sang better than Fauna.
Nigger the JP girls just did a 7dtd server too, I'm sure Fubuki isn't mystified by what this one is going to look like
And she keeps doing it ever day. I'm sure the majority of her audience don't have a clue because they don't watch the homos.
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Mococo is the 4th member of Justice? Just because she's flat?
>>being a schizo
i just find it boring anon that's it. i'm not gonna harass them or shit up the thread about it.
> Collab a lot with CCGGRR
> Raid them
> usually stream long enough to be in EU hours
If you think about it, she kinda is.
>Ichika is a little too young
Is this /hag/ thread?
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You're like that retarded nijinig that created an entire scenario in his head after watching some holo fan watching clips
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>Too young
Back to your general, sister.
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KEK, that was INSANE. Straight after debut

Did she ever achieve a feat like that again? I feel like she slowed down on chatting. All of those messages were done in the span of 4 hours
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No she’s replacing Ame as the 5th myth member
the 5th member was a big bully
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I want to give nurse Faufau an urgent injection of my semen into her vagina.
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atleast she calmed down still fucking spamming english in a JPs stream is gay
The final member decided to go into hot sauce business instead
The beggars barely talk about ERB since what she does is so common now.
maybe the 5th one was also a homolover and got spooked unlike ERB
No idea, I don't track her. But I wouldn't be surprised.
>FWMC raided Miko
FWMC raiding Miko. WHY, stop fucking raiding other branches.
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> Vchuuba anime had a fucking ex-niji reference
> but zero actual nijisanji chuubas
how badly did niji fuck up their contact with this production?
She usually has better retention
>BAU BAU said by miko
who else should she have raided?
FWMC sees Miko's numbers, expect them to play this
is there another EN on?
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> still using windows in 2024
I hope she's at least happy. Homo management must have begged for one of their own, they're probably a bit disappointed about it though.
Raiding Miko is a smart move to get an attention from JP audience
FWMC blessed miko with a 168K yen card
Is not, that confuse them a lot and disturb their stream. I would not complain if that was the norm for JP, but is not. Keep that raid feature to only EN.
Axel? You know the other EN on right now?
Fuck off AndroidFAG!
Everytime this gets posted I just let it play, song is too good
If i was a tcg shop owner, i’d put a vendo machine for bottled drinks.

Btw migo is about to recover from her debt.
the final montage had everybody in it except nijis
when people started shitposting about nijis being absent during the earlier episodes i thought but theyd show up eventually but no
literally erased from vtubing history
You're right anon, miko sounds really disturbed and not at all happily BAUBAUing right now
>knowns Dutch memes
>probably has family here
>Supports LFC
>Eu hours
Kaela is just with extra steps, like Zeta
boring bait
She's being professional unlike the dogs
Which Dutch memes?
how did she get into debt
oh my god fuck off already with this JP vs EN bullshit you fucking last SEAmurai transgender fuck
>*knows Dutch
*Kaela is just Dutch with extra steps
I'm walking in the rain
Niji probably demanded no ex-nijis in the show
not until she starts releasing the nude versions
>Cover paid to have studio exclude niji
why are they so petty
I fucking hate them for wasting a slot. And more important, they wasted the bong ticket.
Nijisanji just doesn't have the love of the wider community it used to.
>Aoi Sakura
I recall her first stream didn't even trend on youtube despite getting 500k+ vod views in 2 hours. I've seen a Yorumi 20k CCV stream get on trending before. Seems fishy.
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> loli cunnyseur
> lives in fucking Tibet
Now that just seems like bad viewer etiquette.
Everything about niji numbers is fishy
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I mean there arent that many good charismatic bongs, the closest one would be Bonnie Barkswell but she is a male collaber and homo lover too
Actually twin buff is kinda crazy, 2 170K cards in 5 mins
>bau bau arigatou bau bau
As I said I wouldn't say anything if JPs also do that. You should ask Luna what she felt when she was raided by biboo.
miko got ANOTHER 160k card and attributed it to fwmc being twins
she going "arigato baubau"
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Kuzuha you are such a fucking shitter. 2 times on the same fucking day.
>the dogs
going mask off so soon? worthless Seamurai transgender fuck
Pekora opens packs for like half of the stream and rarely gets expensive cards. Migos luck is off the charts.
Imagine applying, getting through an interview or 2, and then seeing ERB months later.
That was the most awkward thing I've ever seen. She didn't have a clue who Bijou was. The sidebranches should be kept completely separate from the core hololive.
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Forgetting somebody?
I hate that thumbnail he uses, it's soulless
She kinda reminds me of Chigusa
Not that charismatic so no I didnt forget her
Woah, it feels just like the other day they hit 960k, I guess GTA really works for them. Okay let's have a prediction, at which point will they start endurance to 1M and what will they do for it?
Did the shark run away again?
>still trying and samefagging
You won't even get the honor of seppukku you SEAmurai fuck.
You will drown in a tide of pagpag
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Owlpussy too strong despite muscle atrophy from paraplegia...
Bro, Luna does not give a single fuck about any of the ENs.
Picking Aki as holo rep still baffles me though, sure enough she got seniority but I'd thought Sora or Miko would make more sense
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Does he ever get tired of it?
Aki is the holo with the closest connection to the wider streaming community.
>multiple collabs with IRyS
>inb4 IRyS isn't EN
You will burn with the rest of your shitposting kin on the day of reckoning, SEAmurai
Worthless threadshitter.
Aki is cheaper
I want to jack off to kanade but she only has few good porn
The guy above gets it. Their move was totally calculated.
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God I wish Mumei would collab with my penis...
pekora current mental state? will she ever stream the same time as miko again?
Luna actually collabed with IRyS or just as a Splatoon tagalong?
FAIL collabs
Flare Anya IRyS Luna
>he doesnt know about FAIL
how could other ligger chuubas even compete with Ui?
I know those, I skip them, my question was more have they ever one on one collabed
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Stop moving goalposts. And besides, EN has less than half the girls as JP and all of them haven't even collabed one-on-one.
niji probably want ex-niji to fuck off if they want them to be in it
but surprisingly the studio didn't bend the knee, riku was bamboozled
I don't have any goalposts I wanted to know if they ever collabed one on one. I suppose not.
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Another day another Total Holo Victory
I'm getting the Henma experience at work today and I'm gonna be honest I think I would've killed myself if I had to live like this every day for four years
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two pillars, two branches
Luna in the past year has 1 on 1 collabed with only one person: Polka
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you think Ui used the Hololive studio for her concert?
What's the context of this photo kek
Fubuki is gonna invade the server
What's with taped headset
They should have sex.
Some guy in Canada that does not like Fauna but does enjoy warm orange Fanta and has dubious hygiene.
The reminder i need to clean my keyboard
average fauna anti
Status of Moonlight growth comapred to bbdb?
Aki also happened to have an incident that very closely mirrors the establishing scene of the anime (chuuba drinks too much on stream, doesn't end it properly, silly shit happens)
Youtube is not obligated to promote anyone equally
Biboo has talked to Luna in Japan
kek, also the money "flex" is very fun
did he fucking taped his headset..?
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Just check holosongs
this is madness
how can a person get to this level of insanity just because of some cute anime girls?
she never pays the bill, the game auto charge it after certain days
it happened right after she wasted all the money on construction and puts her into a huge 900k debt
this looks both too staged to be true, yet too... high effort, so to speak, to be staged. it's really something else.
post the warm fanta
Wait why is the money burnt?
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The Power of Green Kirin
Who carry cash nowadays
It's not, leafbucks have a part that's clear and decorative, makes it harder to fake.
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Is this why holokeks eat mcslop?
I do, but only because some places don't take credit card, and I do want to have a bit of cash on hand if for some reason the PoS is down and/or my debit card fucks up for some reason.
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its cute that they think someone would bother to fake their currency
You are so naive
wow I was watching back and I never seen Miko that upset about something before
that raid was a massive miscalculation by FWMC
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also I am a tranny, a nigger and a faggot
Doesn't notERB have a song with higher numbers than notIRyS?
You're playing a dangerous game there buddy.
Add one more and the post wouldn't work
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This image reminded be of Biboo's graph from last night
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That's a THICK tail.
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dead thread
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On lunch break qrd on the yab
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Oreo shake got its price increased by 2 dolars
fwmc raided miko and miko didn't like it
IRyS will need to see a dentist in the not-so-distant future.
Windows 11 is good now.
Windows 11 is sexy now but you should still do a quick research on main linux distros for near future
kys microshills
You should activate windows NOW
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Bloat is good actually
Chances we're getting two HoloEN to 1M this month?
Very high, almost guaranteed
Almost certain unless fwmc slow down hard for some reason
I'm gonna mastirbaye tzo windos 11
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I'm happy with my Russian Pirated Windows 10 with no Microsoft Spyware
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She is so cute when she get excited over the smallest thing
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I still can't believe they made club penguin their logo
Why are JP news so based? Why can't my local yahoo page start making news about cute anime girls
Anon having a seizure while jerking it to windows 11 cunny...
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They fucking copied HLZNTL
>gigi stream
>with erb
Was planning on getting a new PC soon but car troubles have me waiting a little longer my piece of shit life
Only boomers use Yahoo
dont worry, cece will save us
perfect zatsu game, hope hololive gets perms for it
Say hi to Xi for me
Recursive mimicry
Ollie's 3D Live is going to be a can't miss event. Every time she has performed live on stage she has had a show stealing performance. Funny that her oshi is Matsuri because Matsuri is another one who you wouldn't expect to be good at the idol stuff but is actually amazing at it. It's going to be kino.
Found the grem. You guys said there weren't any, but i told you
Yeah, no thanks
You know funniest part of it? Kuzuha doesn't give a fuck even though he's a team leader and is playing SF6 instead
Vods and clips exist
Niji can make it work cause theyll just use the same tactic of letting kuzukek win
Xi >Xsir
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What happened I thought ame leaving was supposed to kill EN?
What a faggot. Windows 8 is right there...
>CC streaming at the same time as GGERB collab
She hates them!
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She is saving us.
Raora 3 times on the top 10 kek
What sort of CCV are we expecting? 50k? 60k? more?
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Hola mis amigos del número
20k at most
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KEK this should be the first post of every /#/ thread
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She killed the debuff aura
Buy an ad, ollie.
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You clearly haven't watch Holofes.
I mean, such a thing always made more sense for Nijisanji than Hololive.
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Go to sleep Ollie
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Ollie, i tab out when you’re on stage.
EN Kaela
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They should do another cooking stream together, it was really good
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cecilia is just the better green
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least obvious raid
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Who is Fdund?

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