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The 253rd Wind

>NEXT STREAM:【Members Only】Emote drawing and chats
[link pending]

>LAST STREAM:【FACTORIO】Messy messy messy! But good!

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@holoen_ceciliaimmergreen
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ceciliaimgreen
Important Videos: https://rentry.org/ImmerMarks



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>/grün/ OP Template:

>Previous Thread: >>86607170
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Good job.
It literally says schedulf right there
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otomo doko?
Green mimiccillia...
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The """schedule"""? Hey fellas, the """schedule"""!
Well ooh la di da mister fancy french man
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good night! don't let the mimics bite
>no doll joint
Nice try Mimicillia
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Really hope she will enjoy Halo Reach

Tho they probably won't finish it
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And we have never seen him after that day ever again...
Before you found CC, did you watch Hololive vtubers regularly, sporadically or never?
Do you watch other Hololive streamers besides CC now?
I don't watch vtubers or streamers, I just read the threads
>Used to watch Aqua live
>she stopped streaming, i stopped being a neet. Stopped watching live streams.
>finds funny phase connect clips, though Airi was cute and funny. Tried watching them live
>i was wrong, funny highlights aside, they were boring. ESPECIALLY Airi..
>Randomly recommended CC's debut live
>fall for her instantly
Aqua was the only member I watched for a long time. Now besides Ceci, I only watch Kanade streams, and use Fauna, Mumei and Shiori as background noise when doing other things
ive had a moderate interest in vtubers for years, occasional clips and watched pipkin pippa stream sometimes.
I was there when myth first dropped and i just wasnt into it, they were pretty cute but felt uncomfortable. like they were being held at gunpoint or something, just bad atmosphere.
Saw a clip of Ceci doing immersion stuff in minish cap and instantly fell in love, she is wonderful and jolly.
Sometimes watch gigi stream but mostly just watch ceci.
I started watching live vtubers with nyanners and iron mouse and got into myth and was pretty solidly hololive until about the time promise debuted. From there I started checking out indies when they weren't on and it eventually became my main consumption. Ceci brought me back to it
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similar journey here. Kizuna AI - Nyanners/Vshojo1.0 - Myth - Ollie - indies - Council - kamioshi'd Fauna. Checked out Phase around gen3, mostly stuck with Holo since, ffw to Connect the World, Advent & Justice, Breaking Dimensions. Oshi'd Biboo and CCGG. HoloEN is my lifeblood at this point
I mean, if you don't mind the long read... then enjoy! got a bit of history with that

>interested in vtubers since saw the first L2D programs
>I knew it's gonna be big
>not being interesting enough to be a streamer myself

>Kizuna Ai Debuts
>language barrier
>video format
>overall it's not for me...

>Suicopath clip drops in
>I love her laugh and sincerity with which she chases her prey...
>Regularly watching Suisei's streams
>Fall in love with her voice and music
>Listening to Suisei's music on repeat
>Micomet is funny
>(Holo EN drops in the meantime...)
>Suisei too busy to stream
>Naturally starting to drift off...

>Holo ID is a thing
>Sporadically watching some EN speaking ID streamers
>Moona -doing- tryharding some redstone
>Risu/Anya yapping in the background
>3rd ID Gen debuts
>Zeta is cute
>Kaela is funny
>watching them only occasionally when they speak EN and are doing interesting thing or I'm just bored out of my mind

>Holo EN drops in
>timezone issue I wish there was more CEST streams...
>not interested in any of them
>(Actually Ina is the only one I'm subbed to, but she's a bit too forgettable to me... a bit funny but like... I see her stream, look away and I forget she exists LMAO)
>2nd turn
>Bae is funny
>nvm, timezone again
>3rd turn
>I like twins
>timezone... I tried really hard this time, but it was hard to have fun trying to stay awake at 4AM during the weekend
>I'm not a retard
>turned away
>not really interested, but she actually streams in barely reachable time for me
>a bit fun, except rarely I can enjoy it long enough
>started to get tired with not being able to watch full streams, watch list fills up too quickly
>not a place for me to stay...
>4th turn comes in
>has hopes for them being in the EU timezone
>CC falls from the stairs = I'm looking for a seat to stay.
>She streams within my hours = I'm staying here.
>She's actually funny = I've chosen a good place to stay.
Immerheim über alles!
I >>86641556 also looked at Nyanners after I saw her sing "Seiso" but... she's actually too gross for me and twitch was kinda annoying.

I'm kinda scared of indies, unless they're some JP ones. I prefer when my message drifts away barely noticed by anyone.

Phase connect is kinda... I heard a theory they took all of their streamers out of psychiatric hospital or something when it was closing down so I kind of stayed away jk, I just wasn't interested in any of them that algorithm served me.
IRyS is my oshi so I mostly watched her. Besides her I would watch Fauna, Biboo, Gura and Kaela occasionally, some JPs here and there. Only thing that changed since Justice debuted is that I watch Ceci and GG regularly too now. CC has been a lot of fun I'm glad she joined
Used to watch Ame, but then I improved myself. I hate corpos and am only here for Ceci.
Started watching hololive when Myth debuted, but fell off in 2022 and started watching indies.
So I basically followed her back here. Don't really watch any of the others outside of collabs.
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>did you watch Hololive vtubers regularly, sporadically or never?
last time i watched Hololive was back in 2021. (I guess that counts as never?)

>Do you watch other Hololive streamers besides CC now?
kind of? but I have this mental illness that makes it difficult for me to focus on streams unless it's my oshi streaming. So I only watch other members sporadically (usually Raora's art streams or Liz's or other members' karaoke streams, that don't require my full attention)
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to be honest, I think we're lucky she found us, Otomos
>>86638141 (me)
I've watched here and there from Kizuna to Luna to Yomemi then Korone, hitting the EOP filter, Shiori & FWMC, and beyond into the indie/twitch abyss - but with CC it was like a light switch... so this is having an oshi, huh?
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free candy for otomos!!!!!!
mmm yummy... I hate vtubers, I love Cecilia, simple as...!
Not falling for this one again.
I recognize that stuff, its the evil sort of candy that gets rid of my my green woman hallucinations.
Objectively speaking this week really isn't anything special, even kinda weak compared with some of her other, but I am weirdly hyped for it.
Be careful anons they're poisoned
Watched mostly Gura for the first 2 years but some of everyoneelse too. Gura started streaming less, so I started to watching more indies and starsen since they released around that time. Now I'm back mostly watching for Ceci, but I still watch others for any interesting events/collabs.

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