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Live now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zuE0Kqoh8hM

スイートマジック: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5EimdErvUh8
Meconopsis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XzkNg89Cq9Y
Ocean wave PartyLive: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2v_BFL-kuWs
Drenched In Air: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9w4X67atXEo
おどれ!VRダンス!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KCpe82_jW4
POP/STARS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDUADGntHOE
summertime: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ucwpn-JQqmI
フタリボシ: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84uvWfZqqeg
ないない: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=injd7gHrIGU
い〜やい〜やい〜や: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R5yfM_UlucY
Tabi No Tochuu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NIv_yYKl9tQ
VIOLET: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZdLXELdF9Q

Previous: >>86531699
Hearing Ina talk about survival of the fittest is kinda hot.
"I've got no savings, no mercy!"
glory to takoskla
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guys I think the son is ngmi...
Ina and I will make a better son to replace him.
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Don’t never buy no weed from the gas station bro
That's racist Ina
Joining the dark side again
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She got the good enough award!
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>Double negative
dope so strong this Tako turned black
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She loves detaining, kek
I can’t fathom the level of dopiness of a dope doing dope
when will the uncle stop leeching from us and get a god damn job?
We had an uncle that used to leech off of us for 13 years. All he did was buy lottery tickets and never worked ever, but we still took care of him. I practically knew him for most of my life until he won 500k, disappeared, and never spoke to us again.
What a chad.
Ina is loyal (mostly)
who's calling?
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Ina Frostpunk would be great
>She goes faith
>She finds out what that means
>tehe pero
This dope!
Was getting food, what did she get a bribe for?
Ina wouldn't approve child labor
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>Good Takos will have all their documents
SSJ Tako...
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don't be a coward, Ina. Money is money
Wow she's got her priorities straight
Ina is such a good criminal
Please detain me Ms. Ina
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Did you know that if you get detained in the Takostan border you get send to the tigers?
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Why is our son so fucking weak
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>Post release changes
I miss when games came out finished
I drank all the ina milk
Why are you so obsessed with this game? Is it because you're a jealous dev? You can apply for Holo Indie too
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bros why are rusky women so ugly?
Games never came out finished, they just remained bugged forever, the amount of shit broken in something like Pokemon Blue is hilarious
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Ina Heavy Rain would also be kino
pokemon blue was at least finished to the point where it didnt NEED post release patches
If she was going to play one of those disasters Beyond: Two Souls is probably the one that hits the right ratio of jank to lunacy.
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The government would never scam their citizens. Stop calculating.
Ina the CIA agent...
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She does have contacts in the Duck CIA...
More like Oliver Boltons
The holo Indie seal of approval should represent quality and the confidence that this will be a 5,000 review game.
This is a survivor among loads of rejects much like the chuuba process.
nice tits, Oliver!
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if engineers are so good for the country why am I still unemployed?
Why do engineers get special treatment, why do people like them so much, why do people need them?
Not brown or female or mentally ill enough?
Bad at your job?
Engineers do more than just solve problems, they solve problems at scale
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>two passports?
>Interesting now face the wall
Holo Indie is just a publisher for fan games, but I'll bring this up at the next board meeting. Thank you for your concern.
Bro just get your autism papers and be a diversity hire ez
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Chad coworker
Whoa, that guard is pretty cool
I'm not die, thank you forever
Surprised she didn't mess that up
>bomb threat
>"is piece of shit just defuse"
>"ok give to me and I sell for parts"
Are guards in ex-soviet countries all REALLY like this?
Based profiling Ina
Is there even an ending if you don't help the terrorists?
Ina please stop double checking the seal it's clear when it's fake
Just go watch Gura's Contraband gameplay, it is literally all like this
I think you get some award, a small apartment tier upgrade, and unlock endless mode
watching all of hololive has made me realize women are 10x the crypto-authoritarians men are
I think I played a game with the same premise and mechanics except it was pornographic.
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uuuhhh name?
Imperial Gatekeeper?
The Imperial Gatekeeper
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yes Ina we love living in the same square galvanized steel room together
We expand our apartment with galvinized steel frame.
Been a while since Ina bonked some backseaters.
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My heart sank when Ina scolded chat and now I feel like a bitch. It’s like when the super nice teacher in school yells out of nowhere.
This is why i dont like raids
There are a lot of tourists from the raids today.
presstards are so stupid
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Yeah cause regular takos never backseat and Ina never made an emote for backseating.
>Fate Stay Night playthrough
>Did you know… Shirou… has SEX???
One of these stream games is gonna have the most redundant spoilers from chat.
My octopus tip has good retention!
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what's wrong with being bald, Ina? say it to my face!
Wow Ina
I couldn't make it to the stream until just a moment ago, how's it been going?
Our son is sickly and pathetic, but we are starting to get some good money
You can make a kid cry for his birthday. Not like he’ll remember it.
Christ. Brutal.
Ina says fuck that kid
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Our son is a drain on resources and we should have let sickness take him.
This stream is kind of amazing
>son's birthday is tomorrow
i'm ina's pathetic son
have some crayons kiddo, you will be a great artist just like your mother
Even the thread is cozy and calm
Sasuga Ina for raising well behaved takodachis
Ina being very based this stream
Ina so nice...
Miss her already...
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I'll be waiting for you tomorrow, Ina.
I hate raids
Sorry Ina, I do like the rrat but I only watch you.
It was a good stream
Ina was very cute and sufficient today
Very dandori today.
Ahhhh she's so cute i missed her a lot
Might as well stay awake now. Was a fun stream though, Ina was really cute. I am glad I have a holiday today, else new TT would be horrible.
>Nod yes to 3 things
>Go home
>Go to next meeting
>Nod yes to 3 things
I love her so much
Ninomae makes me happy
A cute dope
It was very cute how she risked a third strike to let georgi go without being detained.
We love Jorji here
Can't wait for the stern-looking Inas rejecting my passport POV drawings
>Ina denies your passport
>2 masked Inas take you away to the fun room
I was watching that entire stream butt naked and ended up falling asleep 2 hours in. I woke up in a very cold sweat and missed the ending by a few minutes.
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lmao the main character syndrome on display
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Not kuro
How can Ina eat so frequently but still be (according to other holos) a lanklet and a weak ass hikki? Is it just the low speed of eating (she ate for 1h in yesterdays stream) or the asian diet/asian genes?
my Imomae
Cute, I'm happy they've been hanging out again
also she's eating AGAIN
I love that she can hang out with her friends so easily while she's over there.

I still can't like Mori, but it's sweet that they get along so well.
Ina being engulfed in Mori's gut...
>Live Ina when I get off from work
>all these cute tweets to wake up to
Her being in Japan might not be so bad.
I hope she ends up making the move, everything just seems so much easier while she's over there.
Everything goes to her brain
>Ina as Al
Somehow it kinda fits... A bit too well honestly.
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Took me a long time but if you can go past all the cringe and awkwardness, she ain't that bad. When it comes to Ina she always was a great friend so I'm cool with her now.
I hope I can one day wholly feel the same about Kiara too.
>When it comes to Ina she always was a great friend so I'm cool with her now.
That's where I'm at more or less.
I ignore her solo stuff and collabs are hit or miss, but I'm glad she's with Ina.
Ina Ina's
that's the japan experience I guess, literal waste of time meetings everyday. These cavemen haven't discovered Zoom or even fucking Discord yet
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Next time they rp she really needs to be an officer. I’m already foaming out the mouth imagining all the artwork that would be created from officer Ina
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Cheer up imo kid
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>Ina with sunken cheeks
I don't know why it works but it does
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Has she had 1 on 1 collabs with Fauna?
no but they were together for the human cavalry event in last year's sports fes
Ina please play Fears To Fathom
I think they had a 1 on 1 panel at a convention, but you know those never get streamed
Ina today?
The absolute state of the thread schizo...

Yeah I don't think I'll ever willingly watch mori or kiara since they're about my least liked Hololive members, but they love Ina, I love Ina, and she loves them (us) back, and I appreciate them for it.
Besides Iya Iya Iya was a banger and Mori has gotten Ina to be really cool in concerts.
She said the plan was to try to stream at the same time as yesterday (TT+2), though she has a meeting at some point.
I didn't quite understand Ina when she talked about today's Takotime. She said she had a meeting, but was she referring to near starting time or closer to endtime?
I thought the implication was that she would skip the meeting since it was a waste of time
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Cute Mama'nis.
I always wonder how these meetings go. If they as inefficient as those at my job, them some ~20% could have been a single teams message, ~40% a single email. I cam't imagine how bad it is with japanese salarymen in the mix.
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It wasn't until staring at this image that I was inspired to wonder if Ina's squishies are only that color because they're next to her hair and face.
Only cool people can wear glasses like this
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Ina is extremely cool tho, here is some definitive proof
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I always wondered if I was ever to marry Ina would she be the housewife, or would I be the housewife?
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She has a good diploma, two jobs and earns a lot of money while needing to go to the studio and to attend meetings daily. Don't know about you, but I'd clean the kitchen and roast the chicken real good if I had a girl like that coming home every evening.
If Ina tells me that she expects to see me cooking her a meal while butt naked in an apron by the time she gets home… I’d do it ngl.
Is it weird that I’m excited when she’ll do that eventual collab with the AmiAmi vtuber?
>while butt naked in an apron
Pretty sure this part wasn't in the original script.
The first stream was pretty fun so I'm eager to see what she does with the rest of them in general, collab included.
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I’d expect the same from Ina so she’d also expect the same from me
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If Ina would quit both jobs she could make a good housewife. But I'd rather be her househusband and support her current jobs/dreams.
Besides I like to cook
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Ina... wake up... Ina...
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My Ina...
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Ina noooo
I hope that dope didn't hurt herself.
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that's it, I'm done with those japanese subhumans overworking my Ina. I'm going full racist on them now. Don't try stop me, for my nukes can not be disarmed.
She should do another lying down stream
I really need to do my reps...
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I will do them in 5 minutes.
Ina please take care of your back
Fuck I miss Ina a lot tonight
I never know what to do whenever Ina doesn’t stream. I just lay in my bed all day and scroll through YouTube shorts, DoorDash and masturbate. Waiting until she streams again, I miss Ina…
why are you masturbating to doordash
do your reps
food porn
I miss my Ina...
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man I'm out for work almost all day. At least I'm not missing streams
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I hope one day Ina finds me and crucifies me to one of her walls.
>My authoritarian border agent cant be this kawaii
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I’ve been playing Zenless all day doing in game commissions, I need a job man…
Hopefully Ina masturbated today to relieve some stress
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This achievement name…
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I don't get it
I had Papers Please on my library for a while and I'm trying it after watching Ina. Two hours in and it's pretty good
No and it will never happen, beggar
You're a weak little bitch so she'd never marry you. She'd be my housewife though(while drawing freelance).
When I read this post I didn't realize it meant no stream today. I'm sad....
>Ina's back hurts
>my back hurts
Just dropping in to say thanks for the idea takos, I’m going to try this next time
What did Ina mean by this
eww fauna
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I would help uphold a fascist regime for Ina
It's not fascist if everyone loves and worships Ina and would do anything for Ina.
And if they don't love and worship her we simply kill them
We’ll send the unwilling/dumb ones to concentration camps so they can learn to love Ina without any distractions.
How did someone come up with an even worse version of my watching ID streams imagining they were speaking Simlish
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Sex with yakuza boss Ina
I can’t wait until Ina leaves Japan so these vile tweets flirting with Mori will end.
is Ina team skibidi or team toilet?
Clearly on team biboo tax
I’m the opposite. I think Kiara’s fine and her chemistry with Ina is fun. Mori just absolutely grates on every nerve I have though.
This is why i hate collabs
>Mori has gotten Ina to be really cool in concerts
you now remember how mori used a skinwalker for Ina for her solo show, which was really uncool of mori
I won't deny that, but I think Hololive in general learned has fortunately learned that fans really don't like skinwalking.
you're also both uninformed
Mori just aanted the pictures and voicelines from the girls when performing Lose-Lose Days but UM overruled her and put them in a song that wasn't even Myth related
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Man I've been so shit about getting my shit together to draw this week even though I really wanted to draw a lot of things.

I'm gonna go back to forcing myself to at least doodle something in 5-10 minutes every day. Starting 10 minutes ago.
Your only evidence that she was skinwalked for that is "I don't like mori". You could make a more convincing argument she was skinwalked for something like marine's live but you only have an issue with that one performance for some reason.
probably because it was so obvious
retard falseflagger chiming in to make a disingenuous point after someone corrected actual misinfo?
more likely than you think!

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