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For the 505th time, what is Ope?!
Also ENTER the Demon of Sound and Lover of Idols, Nerissa Ravencroft from Hololive EN Advent.

▼ Next stream
Thu 10/03 8PM CT, The Forest Advent collab
▼ Previous streams
10/02, "Sonic Adventure 2: Battle", pt. 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrr0F--IL7M
10/01, "Sonic Adventure 2: Battle", pt. 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sjjPriB-0xw
09/28, PowerWash Simulator: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8RKKaswfrc

>Recent merch
hololive Extreme Love Voice Pack, Nerissa Ravencroft (Yandere/English): https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololive_4types_extremelovevoice?variant=45546871062748

"Shunkan Heartbeat" Advent cover
"In my Feelings" MV
First EP: In My Feelings
https://cover.lnk.to/esLvqA https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_kj9UFrjkLGkscXeNLZJfgOKADxOvDuTpY
Archive of the struck down Moka - Lilium cover
Advent karaoke offcollab (Jul 2024)
Songs & Karaokes rentry

>Useful Links
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@NerissaRavencroft
Twitter: https://twitter.com/nerissa_en
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@nerissaravencroft
Art tags: #RavenCrafts on Twitter (Lewds: #depravencrafts on Twitter); RavenCrafts, Nerissa Ravencroft or ネリッサ・レイヴンクロフト on pixiv
Merch: https://rentry.org/nerissa_ravencroft_merch01

Previous thread: >>86599833
A word of advice: as per >>1, be smart and don't reply or engage in off-topic or blatant bad faith arguments. To keep peace, hide and report.
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>Basic introduction to the new Jailbirds
Debut Stream
Crunchyroll Interviews

>Tools / Creations by the /ope/ users
/ope/'s library
Collection of Nerissa's Sounds
List of recommended streams
Information regarding membership
Appearances on other channels & mentions

>General Tools
Current OP Template
2024 to date
Solo streams: 95
Collabs: 97
Twitch collabs: 5
Solo karaoke: 4
Members: 15
I love my wife Nerissa Ravencroft more than anyone in the whole world (She's a hardworking cutie)
I love my future wife Nerissa Ravencroft more any anything in the world.
oh wow that's a nice rougerissa
Shiori should review that gyatt
>Shiboo said that Rissa smells good but like dead people (vampires)
I missed most of tonight's stream. Any hints of a karaoke stream sometime soon? Her last one was months ago.
Have a good night /ope/. Remember to love your Rissa
Too much art and if I wait for bumps I'm never gonna get them out fresh
Fuck the police
Breed the police
Nope, karaoke was not mentioned once at all.
Reminder that crossposting dead threads makes you a faggot. It makes you even more of a faggot when you crosspost a schizo hater that in the past 5 months or more hasn't changed the way they speak even once
Some real saggers
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I haven’t seen anything on this game yet so it’ll be fun going in blind and watching them screw around
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Should be decent
It's a fantastic game with a pretty decent story. The survival/base building is secondary but people spend a lot of time on that by itself too. Coop party sizes are also very generous IIRC
Nerissa Flattycroft
flat tits no ass
And yet she is still beautiful and I want her for my future wife.
Bros she really do be egosurfing hard
New Rissa voicepack soon
why does she reward them so much
Is she /here/ ?
Do you really still have to ask??
Albeit being too stupid to stumble on here on herself, she might unironically end up here following a parrot video (very likely) or someone on twitter breaking containment (2nd most likely)
I meant now, at this point and time. I'm sure she checks; I just wasn't sure when.
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Nini /ope/~~ I'll probably be asleep during tomorrow's collab since I have work early but I'll make sure to vod it there
someone pointed it out to me that rissa has been in every single voicepack (that isn't specifically for only certain members, the special ASMR ones, etc) so far. and I think that's really neat.
what are you even on about?
And she completely stopped doing them in Japanese as well after her insecurities told her to stop instead of getting better
jesus im honestly just impressed at you schizos, able to turn quite literally anything into a scathing negative remark. you're still wrong. but commendably so.
Nerissa's cuter than Aradia but the latter seems much better at sex
malpha > aradia
I want that awkward first sexual experience together with Rissa, it would be on brand for her.
I don't particularly care which of them is better at sex or even if Nerissa will be awkward. Hell, I'd probably be awkward too. And nervous for sure. I just want to be her husband and have her as my wife.
Aradia would have sex with you, then bring in her boyfriend after 15 minutes.
Would you let her knee your neck?
And I would thank her afterwards.
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I was just about to post it....
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Nerissa I hope you are well, Im glad to see you are playing sonic adventure 2. I also loved that game as a child. I was really into skateboarding as a child and seeing sonic and shadow grind on the rails was the like coolest thing to me even if they didnt use skateboards. Metal Sonic is my boy though, he just looked so mean and cool and playing vs mode as him was cheat mode since he had his invulnerable shield that you could spam infinitely. Im going to watch your vods soon, they sound like great streams. Also I sucked at the chao garden, I never had the patience for it, I would just make a dark chao and give him ghosts so he would have no legs and then one of the animals gives them a fireball instead of the little spike ball on top of their heads I thought that was cool. But then I never had the patience for it so I never did much with them. Judging by the thread I assume your favorite character is rouge but maybe not so who is your favorite character?
I know you like tea also and ive yet to watch your tea vs coffee debate, which I need to watch soon. Have you tried Mate? Pronounced Mah-Teh, you will love it and get addicted. Pic related. Watch this video
Or this one if you cant understand it (i didnt post this one first because this guy seems like a kook but its well explained)
>How To Make Yerba Mate (Like An Argentinian!)
Youre going to get hooked I promise. Before you know it youre going to get your whole family hooked on it and then you'll start speaking Spanish and rename your channel to "Nerissa Ravencrofto Princessa de Musica" its going be rad, Im looking forward to it. I recommend the yellow "Canarias" brand that everyone drinks, seen here
>What Yerba Mate Brand Does Messi Drink?
or the green one is good too.
You can buy pretty much everything you need from esty, the cup which is called Mate, the straw known as bombilla, and im pretty sure you can buy the yerba (leaves) from there as well or amazon would would as well. Do you use etsy often? I never knew about etsy until fairly recently, sometimes I just browse it seeing what stuff people are selling. Theres lots of cool niche stuff actually. Do you use etsy? Are you an online shopper? Or do you prefer to go in person to shop at stores? Do you like shopping for clothes? Do you like buying a new wardrobe every seasonal change? Some women are very enthusiatic about that, others not so much. Which are you? Theres nothing wrong with either of them dont feel bad whichever one you are. You're amazing how you are.
Rissa loves Christ
Youre my favorite poster other than Nerissa. Youre the man
She's not seductive enough to be a demon. She should be a loli angel instead.
>not seductive enough
this poster is delusional and should be beaten with hammers
fuck japanese. this is Holo En. E.N.
>fuck japanese
well i keep trying
the fuck is she doing at 3 in the morning
Celebrating her wins man. Why does it matter why she's up at 3 am. Why are -you- up at whatever time it is in your time zone?
insomnia man, how have you not gotten used to it.
Futa frotting with Rissa
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Btw I should probably have mentioned theres a few different types of Mate (the cups) the original calabash (calabaza), wood, ceramic, glass, and theres stainless steel now. If you want to go authentic go for the calabash I recommend the torpedo shape. However the calabash and the wood ones have to be cured, which can be a hassle.
Im sure you can find videos on youtube but the wood ones you have to coat in butter and then soak it with yerba overnight then clean
soak with mate overnight, clean and repeat for like three or four days (technically you dont need to do this since it will self cure over normal use although you may get a bit of calabash taste those first few times). The biggest downside to calabash is that it is prone to fungus if not dried and stored dry correctly. Note, green discoloration is perfectly normal and not fungus, youll know its fungus if its fuzzy.
>ceramic, glass, and stainless steel
If you just want to use it and not worry about curing or anything, these materials are perfectly fine. The ceramic ones are the most common, youd have to search around for glass and stainless steel.
If you want to go authentic go with Calabash. If you want a daily driver, wood is reliable and maintenece beyond the inotial curing. If you cant be bothered and just want to drink go with ceramic. If you cant be bothered and just want to drink but still have the exotic status symbol of having a leather wrapped torpedo Calabash then you can find leather wrapped torpedo glass ones that look identical but are made of glass. You can take these out anywhere and drink whenever and wherever. Its unironically a status symbol outside of South America because Messi popularized it.
>Why Messi, Neymar & Ronaldo Drink Mate ?
However to Argentina, it is a fundamental part of culture. If you want the status symbol part make sure you buy a mate with the metal lip and casually carry it around while youre out, walking, at the store, wherever. Im not even joking, you'll be instantly more fashionable, just act like youve been there before. Act like youve been drinking it your whole life. "Oh this thing, its called Mate (you have to pronounce it correctly Mah-Teh), its a prehispanic cultural drink from Argentina (pronounce Argentina in Spanish too, Ahr-Hehn-Tee-Nah) its actually really good, it has a lot of benefits, ive been drinking it for a few years now (you obviously havent but just be confident about it :^) ) you just have to try it darling" Im not joking youll get addicted and youll have it daily and youll get your whole family into it.
she's a lesbian.
People not getting the gap moe cannot truly appreciate her.
Straight frotting with Nerissa
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>casually leaves the brunch spot looking effortlessly sophisticated as the paparazzi snaps her photo.
One million hours of photoshop later, I dont know why I made this at this hour. And the woman is carrying the brazilian variant, chimarrão, which is different and hers is super huge look at that thing
The wood recommendation should say: no maintenence after the intial curing.
Anyway I was just checking the Mate on etsy, theyve actually got a good selection, just pick whichever one you think looks good. Remember to get a bombilla as well. As far as water temp goes 75c(167f) - 80c(176f) is good, but ive seen people recommend as high as 85c(185f) general rule of thumb is the higher temp the more bitter it may taste so its up to you to pick a temperature. That guy I thought was a kook suggested lower temps and in some places they make it with ice water. So its up to you to see what you like. Nerissa I hope youre not up still, sweet dreams and sleep well.
I missa da Rissa
I kissa da Rissa
I fucka da Rissa butta
That dont rhyme
does she like oshi no ko
Ask her tomorrow, but i dont think so
>modern anime
ahhhhh voicepack too sex
As an idol fan, probably complicated, and not immediately going for a negative spin of idol culture, but also, she liked Perfect Blue, which was a somewhat better commentary on idol culture OF THE TIME (we need to stress that when looking at both). There is some truth to the criticism, but I think her opinion would actually be pretty nuanced in the same way she isn't an ironic anime or idol fan who idolizes Hatsune Miku but hates everything else about idols. Or a female anime fan that hates fanservice (she rather likes lots of it, being a watch of Shuffle, High School of the Dead and Highschool DXD was surprising though). So I'd guess her actual opinions on things would be interesting.
That knive if gonna be used to deball (you) jailbird. Not (me) jailbird. I get to keep my balls. I never peed on her floor
Succubus Nerissa
I repeat, succubus Nerissa
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>Spooky Halloween voice pack
>Rapes me in my dream
>Confesses her love to me by the end
>mfw the scariest part about this is that it'll never happen
yeah, out of ten
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11 akshualy
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It feels so good when I say how much I love Rissa and say nice things about her and she hearts it
rrats that say Nerissa can only be a bottom absolutely flattened by this voice pack
Acting Nerissa can be a top, the yandere pack showed this. Real Nerissa is a bottom, though one who can take control.
It's always nice when you stumble upon some fan video with a very small amount of views but their oshi noticed them.
I was talking about Rissa
Ik and I was trolling ya
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>>86678960 (me)
Only available in the US btw i'm a sad birb
Jackets on sale, 135$
so, all we have to do is ask Rissa to roleplay as a succubus until it becomes her new normal?
It's worth a shot.
She will break character 2 minutes into foreplay
I think she'd be able to keep up the teasing, at least.
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part of the fun would be watching her struggle with maintaining her composure. Eventually with practice she may be able to last an entire session being an aggressive top.
Nah she doesnt have the stamina for that either
>Kiara talking again about how much Aradia's split tongue freaks her out. Can't stand split tongues in general.
Better get used to it, Wawa. She's gonna be your sister-in-law.
That's okay. I'll be sure to help her get into better shape as well.
Sorry Wawa, after Nerissa and I get married, I wouldn't necessarily stop her if she wanted to split her tongue as well.
Lesbian cockroaches .
How does she manage to find the most random stuffs on twitter?
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Sorry Rissa, but you need your other horn to get rid of your dyslexia
That's not even dyslexia. That her just not reading over anything she types before hitting send.
I do that quite a lot actually
that is old and bad bait
Fun fact, that's a music producer/writer who worked with other vtubers.
Nini /ope/
I got work early today so I'm going to sleep and taking Rissa with me. If she chooses to keep cuddling with me and the misses the stream, don't get mad at her, she's just an eepy girl
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Good airbags
Night jailbro
Cumming on Nerissa's face then pissing off the cum
Does Aradia have a high body count?
Pretty sure she wouldn't give a darn if she objected or not. That other but where she was throwing shade about her room when they were at the Maldives means it'd probably be a spicy in-law relationship. And by spicy the chicken would get fried and she knows it. But she wouldn't need to worry because I'll take Rissa off her hands.
I feel like Kiara has never received a beating or gotten into a fist fight in her life
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Hi Jailbirds, Novelite here! I saw your lovely wife was playing Sonic Adventure 2 the past two days and thought I’d share with you that Episode 2 is out of Sonic x Shadow Generations. It’s really good and figured you might be interested
Positive enough comments on those past couple pics she made her IG public again
Thanks for sharing, novelitebro! I think Rissa would definitely like that episode, since it has Rouge. And man, the fight scenes in this series have been really good.
Nono, I meant pure tongue lashing, I'm sure Aradia wouldn't mollywop Kiara. That wouldn't be bullying, that would be a massacre.
She's a feminist woman in Minnesota. What do you think?
Didn't you just describe nerissa
I love this woman. I definitely do want to spend my life with her.
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was it initially privated because of the creepy tribute on twitter
NTA new to the social media scene. what was the creepy tribute? Is it what it sounds like?
What tribute
If you have to ask, I'd rather not say
Fair enough. Hopefully it doesn't happen again.
She really is a fake succubus
I don't know man, I'm thoroughly enamored.
>Froot's ex-husband be like:
been watching the big bang theory since stream ended last night, what's been going on bros
Debating how I should ask Nerissa to marry me. There are so many options available. Also, where are you watching BBT? It's one of the shows I have a minor interest in watching because of all the clips I see.
watching it on the standard piracy sites. myflixerz.to
>late start
she's nervous
jesus rissa please fix your discord audio, I have to set the volume to 10 every advent collab
Why does she always do this bros? Go fuck around alone and being completely silent
She's focusing on trying to learn a new game.
Does the stream look 240p for anyone else or just me
it's been like that for sonic too, guess updating her obs ruined the bitrate or smth
It looks whitewashed but the game is pretty dated. Are both doggos playing? The game supported more than 4 players IIRC.
Doggos are doing the usual, one is playing, the other is backseating
This is a bad stream....
Even when things are going on she just sits there doing nothing
Alright, I think I'll pass on this stream. I have a headache and Biboo and the Bau Baus are not helping with their screaming
>girls are having fun
>other threads are having fun
>/ope/ is miserable
I think she's trying to absorb all the shit that's going on. FWMC screaming is probably a bit distracting to her when they're fighting in the dark. On top of trying to LEARN the game since crafting survival/horror isn't something she's used to. MC doesn't count. It's going to be hard to keep up. She'll get there.

It seems like /ope/ is always that way. Everyone should just enjoy watching Nerissa. failing that they should change perspectives honestly
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she is overstimulated, confused and temporarily deaf
I enjoy watching Rissa any day anytime doing literally anything, but there is barely any Rissa in this stream and more annoying screams so it's not a balanced watching experience
>I enjoy watching Rissa any day anytime doing literally anything
So stay a while and endure a bit. Lower the volume if you need. She's trying. We know she is. The screaming from the other girls is a staple of Advent collabs, it's nothing new honestly.
Sigh... fine Rissa I'll keep watching
If you like maps with notes
I always open this collabs with a much lower noise level for this very reason, I believe Nerissa enjoys to collab with her gen but forgets about streaming while juggling playing the game and interacting with the girls
Thanks, love these. I hope they do a big RUST collab again one of these days with all the new Holos. That was so kino.
This game kinda reminds me of that.
nerissa is the 20% doing 80% of the work kek
What does Nerissa look for in a man?
True JB. Let's keep up the support.
Literally wish I had this when I played with the boys back in the day. Went in and kept it blind.
Love her one track mind. Multitasking isn't a strong point but Advent is my favorite gen to watch for shenanigans.
[spoil]totally not biased because I love Nerissa[/spoiler]

Also can't wait to see the 7days collab and what Nerissa is going to do if she joins.
I failed the spoiler. It's fine. I'm not going to change it.
>>86708161 (me)
meant for this my bad
ability to get her pregnant
i wanna watch nerissa drop a log in a parking lot after desperately trying to hold it in
Nerissa Woodencroft
She literally didn't even look at the monster what the fuck? she just kept logging kek
Nerissa Logcraft? Nerissa Lumbercraft?
Nature Ravenchop?
It's up to the men to fight. Rissa is ONLY for household chores and daily breeding
this game really picks up in caves but if you don't like screaming you probably won't like it
Fuck man, I don't remember the caves in The Forest but the caves in Sons of the Forest are absolutely nuts. also hoping they stumble across the actual story elements
Hoping too much for a 2 hours collab with only 1 hour left
Every POV is like that fog and grass is too much for youtube
caving and exploring is 90% of the game so if the whole collab is building a cabin I'm gonna be salty
Not that I mind since I have to get up at 8 am for work but hoping they continue the collab until they actually beat the game.
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Same, got work at 8am too
I'm not trying to compete with that but damn bro... wish you luck
wait a minute i just realized tha what she's doing is the closest the game has to farming for her at this point!..
Yeah she defaults to that whenever possible really
this stupid dork literally got distracted to the other side of the map
Gee I wonder why she has the lowest ccv again
Begone, numberfag
Fuck off numberfaggot
Nerissa: Calm, cool, collected
Everyone else: Screaming their fucking heads off
nerissa's model just sitting completely still looking forward saying nothing looks so bitchy I love it
Nerissa: doing fck all, barely speaking, boring
Everyone else: playing the game, being good streamers, entertaining
She is focused
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I cant escape it
Specially with some of her comments
Mococo: "What am I supposed to punch with?"
Rissa: "Your fists"
kek Rissa
kuudere anti-joi from nerissa when
>I'm focused on Manifest Destiny
>Manifest Destiny
my based queen
"can you guys leave me alone"

well then don't collab bitch
why doesn't she block like ever
maybe she just collabs because she doesn't know if she'll be able to get into a game and if she can't she wants a backup plan
I... I believe she doesn't know that is a possibility chief
This game seems a little bit easier when the cannibalism is so freely accessible
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Rissa sneezes heal me
she sneezed, stream saved, peak content

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