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Beloved member of the indie vtuber community, Alien Mixture, is graduating due to financial reasons. Disgusted to see /vt/ not talk about it. I hope the best for her
buy an ad
thought "Alien Mixture" was you using some cutesy nickname for someone more well known
>invested way too much into her channel
>didnt get a return
>continued investing too much into her channel
>still didnt get a return

seems like a rip bozo situation to me
Anon, you don't want /vt/ to talk about her.
She's everything they hate aside from her getting torched by a black company (V&U tried to charge her 500k usd to graduate, then threatened to sue her on twitterwards)
Why is Lumi going after indie vtubers?
hi alien
Sounds like she was really passionate about being a vtuber, shame she didn't have the money to back it up
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Is vtubing a dying career now? I feel like back in 2020-2022 it was the golden age of vtubing with even indies earning lots of money, but now it feels like every indie is graduating, money is coming in less, and there’s more competition
>Disgusted to see /vt/ not talk about it.
Buy an ad
>buy an ad
with what money lmao
It's been that way for a couple of years. Every retard decided they wanted to be a vtuber. In fact, I bet most people know someone who tried to be come a vtuber.
The market pop and vtubing as a career is under a recession now.
nigga, do you know supply and demand? There are plenty streamers out there and plenty of vtubers. You can't just jump head in first waiting to be successful because you "have a dream or passion". If your voice is shitty or your content is boring people will not watch you.
content creation is dying as a whole because large platforms push viewers towards existing large channels instead of smaller channels
>graduating due to financial reasons.
gee I wonder why
Serves her right, stupid bitch.

So she’s calling it if there isn’t fiscal viability by EOY. I think she should dramatically cut back her monetary investment and try to get some inexpensive evergreen content going. Treat streaming as a hobby
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You know who arent broke for their small size? GFE-chuubas
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>>>>>>she's a phaseshill
Didn't some dude on here send her a dick pic and she replied with nice cock on stream?
So this is basically confirming that she's phasing in?
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It's not dying but it's certainly not as easy either. I know a chuuba which is in comfortable enough situation she went full streamer two weeks ago. So it's doable; but yeah - I would say, you should be financially secure to afford being full-time, instead of going full-time and betting you make it big because you can concentrate full time. ... Not everyone can be great chuuba; it's better to learn and gain experience gradually in financially secure situation, too.

People can afford to be picky these days. Before, you could be a boring whore with anime avatar, but that's not the case nowadays.
So what happened in her corpo PL? Why was only her that seemed to have big issues? Have any other V&U girls said something negative at all? They recently got a chibi MV that, unless I'm wrong, C
amelia was involved.
It has not been addressed or talked about by any V&U girls. They simply moved on without a fuck given.
Filian and others like her ruin vtubers. Now all vtubers have to act like autists.
It's definitely become an oversaturated and highly competitive market.
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>Is vtubing a dying career now?
Inshallah brother.
yeah, she's gonna debut in few months
the only thing wrong I see with this is that she probably shouldn't be saying a lot of it out loud
>vtuber referring to their own activities as vtubing instead of pretending to be their character
It's such a huge red flag to me, people like this never "make it", I feel like
The vast majority of female vtubers act like horny lesbian for each other, whores making penis/tits jokes or autists. What these bitches can do has become so limited, the already micro audience outside of Japan is not looking for something new all the time, making a model as slutty or loli looking is pretty much mandatory even if the person behind them could be a genius content creator.
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All the replies in ths post are the true
V&U should've sued the hell out of this ingrate.
Streaming in general isn't making as much money as it used to in 2022, outside the top earners.
Twitch devalued non NA subs, YT keeps pushing shorts to people instead of streams, so the low ad revenue is even lower.
You can make a lot more from stream ads on Twitch, but you neex to be pretty big.
not all needs to be kayfabe
>as a person that sees this as a job
Good riddance.
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>fuck you V&U and your 3 years contract, I'm quitting after 1 year because I can make much more on my own!
>narrator: she couldn't make much money on her own.
>Have any other V&U girls said something negative at all?
Liora used to stream on her PL and vent about the company, they had the problem that other corpos did (Vrev, Kawaii, etc) where the company focuses on upcoming talents at the expense of ones they had. They started to get their shit together around the time gen 4 debuted and hired more staff, started to invest in more projects for talents and started making connections for merch. her PL activity right now is more or less just "things I want to do but can't get permission for" like participating in IRL card game tournaments
The others just vent and/or beg on their PL twitter accounts.
She was trying to beat the patriarchy.
thank god this bitch is done, some of the vtubers i watch are friends with her and respectfully, this woman is retarded, though many content creators are extremely retarded
>>narrator: she couldn't make much money on her own.
Because the company fucked her
you do realize that was bullshit right. they didnt charge her that amount, what was showed wasnt a bill just an expense report, just as everyone has been fucking saying the entire time, even legal mindset himself did not say it was an actual bill, it was a statement handed to her, in this case an expense report. my opinion is that they were trying to tell her theyre doing all they can and that she has no grounds to force termination (she did anyway because small corpos have no power over foreign contractors)
>expense report
why the fuck would they send her an expense report? What on earth would she need it for when she explicitly asked for an itemized invoice?
Oh no! Not Alien Mixture no!
We just need another worldwide crazy quarentine and well be back on track.
>check her channel
>13 streams in a month
>it's all just game streams
so where is the investment?
did she have to pay to collab with pippa
there is no evidence that points to her asking specifically for an itemized invoice. you gotta understand just because someone says something is something doesnt mean it actually is. she called it an invoice, but nowhere on the screen does it say its an invoice, in fact it just shows random general operation expenses that has nothing to do with a bill at all, anyway weve been over this like 6 months ago nothing came of it either which tells you ya it wasnt a fucking invoice.
She's said too many yabby things being a big mouth sperg. That and the leaked pics. Only the architects like that sort of thing.
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OK, so where's the legal action as stated by them on twitter?
They were going to sue her, right? Shouldn't it be a slam dunk if it's just one little girl against a gigantic korean corpo?

Or maybe, maybe, they understand that the truth is an absolute defense against defamation in the US, so they have no case.
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No, the problem is that people are investing too much into something that can only be done as a career assuming they pick up speed somehow.
Like, I see a thousand chuubas buying and playing 60$+ games at least once per month, sometimes weekly, and they are not making returns, some live off savings, no irl work, some are IN DEBT to start their chuuba career. They don't do math. If you can't invest into it, unironically pick up freeware or games that cost more or less a single buck to play on-stream. Also a gimmick, anything could work.
People are trying too hard or grinding in the "wrong way" let's say.
You are SUPPOSED to make a career out of this only if you get popular or earn a """"modest"""" amount, otherwise it's better as a hobby, legit most of the top chuubas save for a majority of the most recent corpo ones had to start from near ZERO or a grim prospect to be where they are at.
People forget that chuubas like Miko and Suisei almost gave up because they weren't going up, numbers weren't "numbering", only saying GTA 5 and specifically saying NIGGA on-stream kickstarted Miko. and Suisei's story becoming widely known + her non-stop grinding after realizing she shouldn't slow once she picked up speed where the events that saved them, Aki-fucking-Rose was doing not so hot until that one clip that made people pity subscribe and membership to her and then eventually most of those got replaced by Nips and COVER grew bigger so things got better.
People fucking forget that at one point, saying COVER was going to be as big as NIJISANJI got anons dogpilling on your ass for saying nonsense or what now is called a schizo rrat. It was a grim time, girls only stayed because they were willing to endure hardship and borderline zero pay, and it wasn't a single year thing, Blue Dorito didn't more or less settle that fucking well until early 2020, without the pandemic, god knows if VTubing would have been so succesful in the West without the pandemic, God knows if you would have gotten the current roster of HoloEN because the pandemic put them in a position in which playing the anime girl looked better than just doing nothing and letting life happen.
God fucking knows if all these indies that popped up later, all these agencies, all these projects, would have existed, especially the EN branches of things, if people weren't dying of a cough.
All of these post-boom chuubas don't understand that, success is not guaranteed, more often than not it happens via a happy accident or something they can't will into existence, sometimes grinding will work, sometimes they will get the "Who?" treatment and never amount to anything. And because of this looming treat, just like with supas, merch, membership, all the paid things, if you can't do all, don't do all. Search for alternatives and keep going until you feel like not doing so anymore.
In order to succeed, you have to risk things, but you can't risk everything, it's like /biz/ 101, dunno how many people don't get it. Zero financial self-awareness. What the actual fuck??????????
People aren't stuck in their houses anymore so the absurd demand just isn't there as much. Your product has to be really good AND you have to be lucky to get exposure somehow.
And it's not just the quality of the performer, I'm not shitting on anyone's oshi. a lot of things go into being a good vtuber experience beyond just "cute or talented woman". Events, cool merch, big streams/3Ds, outfits. All require money and it's much harder to start up these days. And even if you invest all of it, there's no guarantee in returns of you get unlucky, bad algo luck, your voice isn't mass appealing, you never get that one big stream that pops off randomly etc. You don't get that turbocharged covid era boost to get you a good start.

Frankly the field is probably due for a big contraction to get supply back below demand levels so normal vtubers have a shot again. Make people miss it a bit.
It's estimated that by 2030 influencers aren't going to "influence" that well which is why platforms like YT and Twitch are getting extra hard on trying to monetize and avoid programs that stop their monetization, pennies are going to get scarce in a few years. Most streamers are not aware of this.
>pennies are going to get scarce in a few years
You need to look at whats written carefully, it says "we have no choice but to take legal action accordingly" however it does not say they are suing her anywhere in this document. earlier in it, it says they "held off any formal legal actions" meaning at the time of writing, they took none. You seem to have an issue of assuming things without any hard writing. There was no hard evidence of emails or an actual invoice, and there is nothing here saying what legal action they took. Your guess is as good as mine what they actually did here, it was likely settled or the company decided it wasnt worth their time to go after thi.

i guess you skipped over my previous comment as well in regards to "gigantic corporation" v&u, small corpos have no power over foreign contractors. contracts are only enforceable when there is you know force behind them. just like laws, a law means nothing without enforcement, having a contract does not make it enforceable.
its also why youtube intentionally makes it hard to stream on their platform and why they refuse to add quality of life features, they DONT want people to stream there, it costs money
>this is the kind of of audience phase fosters
>this is the kind of creators phase inspires
It's not a coincidence anymore, phasedramafags.
Anon, they've done nothing to deny even the invoice. All they did was threaten her and then back off when she called their bluff.

How much paperwork will you need before you understand?
btw i am sleeping now, but i hope you learned something, stop assuming and actually read carefully, its your type of thinking that is easily exploited by scammers.
oh you responded, i mean clearly you have a personal stake in this, you are not looking at this objectively, good night.
>I feel like I showed them that being me can make it. I don't have to play a character. And look at me now!
Almost poetic.
It's weird, they have plenty of paypigs even as small corpo talents but the moment they go indie they have a huge wave of support starting out but the paypigs move on a month or two later, probably to throw money at another corpo.
For some reason the biggest paypigs need a corpo backing up a chuuba to open their wallet and show support.
>People fucking forget that at one point, saying COVER was going to be as big as NIJISANJI got anons dogpilling on your ass for saying nonsense or what now is called a schizo rrat
Why even add something so patently untrue? Nobody is called a schizo for acknowledging that Hololive were tiny compared to Nijisanji pre-2020.
No, its because without a corpo most chuubas dont hold themselves accountable and stop streaming and stop being innovative. Paypigs arent as parasocial as you think, they will move on fast.
Miguel Gato.
>says she doesn't care about making money
>quits because she isn't making money
I actually like her, but she's practically asking to be made fun of
Michael Cat.
To be fair that's every indie vtuber ever
>Guys I love vtubing this is my passion I'm not going anywhere I don't care about the money
And they quit 3 months later because they can't sustain themselves streaming once or twice a week for 2 hours and doing god knows what the rest of the time as a supposed "full time streamer"
That or they go corpo and end up in a horrible company.
Since I don't give a fuck about who this is but I've got time to waste.

>I like edgy, I like being myself! (it's not working by the looks of it)
>I don't understand why they like them *Hololive* (evil cannot comprehend good something something)
>grifter opinion on how Selen carried nijisanji
>extremely long projection on how all corpos, but not all corpos (example of good corpos fucking IDOLEN), are evil.
>I am happy now but I miss being part of something

holy shit another 2 minutes seethe about her ex corpo

>Maybe in the future I will try phase connect? (Don't bother)
>numbers don't matter to me, money don't matter (So that was a fucking lie)
>I do love Vshojo, their variety of streamers(?) (unironically this is the place for her, she is sucking Phase off because it's more reachable from her point of view I guess, but Phase has a lot of limitations and corpo autism even if less than Cover.)

This person never watched a single second of Hololive.
>friend with faggots like azehara and gator
>loves to scream how much she likes sucking dick
she's perfect for phase
>she's perfect for phase
Phase are virgins and seiso idols.
No but there are only so many people who want to watch vtubers and they have only so much time.
There's way, way way too many vtubers for all of them to get an audience.

Hell right now there's easily like a dozen vtubers who I wish I could watch everything of but I can't cause a day only has so many hours.
Just stream as a hobby you fucking retard, it is not a career for 99 percent of people, and going into it with the intention of making it a career is even more retarded. It’s like making a career out of buying lottery tickets, if you win big then it’s great but you’re probably not gonna
They respect their senpai
V&U permanently damaged their image by sending that bill to Serafi. Serafi made as much drama as possible and not caring if it hurts others around her. Both sides handled the situation horribly.
However, my oshi is in V&U, and she seems really happy to be there. V&U is putting their full support behind her. What Serafi did only hurt her.
I don't love the corpo, I love Echo Lyne.
>Selen made nijisanji
>Selen carried nijisanji
She wanted to be dokibird and could not make it any more obvious
I literally never heard of her and I dealt with western indies more than most
I only know her from her reactions to the Coffin of Andy and Leyley.
This is why before becoming a vtuber you dangerously become a potential discord kitten.
Sakana, the CEO, would never take her in given the drama around her departure and her leaking the contract to a third party. Say what you will about the company in general, but their business and recruitment of talent is solid and they just won't take her because she is too much of a risk and liability to take on. It's the reason why many of Pippa's friends can't get nepohired in, Sakana has deemed it too much of a brand risk to add more Pippa-adjacent characterization to his company than what is already there with just Pippa alone and refused it.
This is Mint in a few months btw. Dookie will follow soon after.
That's what you said a few months ago though
Half of hololive voices are shit.
A lot of these vtubers come in thinking they're gonna make a living off streaming when it's rarely the case. A lot of the newer ones you see who can do this as a living pander hard to either the GFE, coomer or /pol/ audience (I've been seeing such a sharp rise in redpill react vtubers these days).
A lot of these girls are not as entertaining or funny as they think they are to make it as just a standard variety streamer.
No, that used to be the case, anons back then said stuff like:
>Hololive will get really big
And get shunned, they weren't really getting schizo, they were just attemping to make a prediction or express their idea, but anons back then told them that it was impossible, no way.
But it happened, currently saying that Hololive is big is not even a narrative, it's real.
It's in the past, but I used it to make the point stand, nothing comes fast unless it is a happy accident. And even that won't guarentee stability or growth unless you work it.
Not only that but some of the current V&U members are irl friends with phase chuubas, would be a bit awkward.
>I don't like thing, if you like it that's ok though
WHOA what a BITCH.
That said, I also see why she didn't take off just from watching a little bit of her talking. Her gremlin model isn't endearing and her voice is masculine and abrasive.
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It was not only anons, Mio used to tell and incentivize the other talents at the time to stay with Cover promising them it would get bigger.
Don't worry, I'll take care of them.
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This but nijiorgans
She should do onlyfans. 100% serious.
Or some side fart content or something because that’s her brand.
>Still not close to 10k in one stream
>Can't beat Luxnoc even with all her leeching
This isn't even true, youtube often deliberately recommends me videos from small channels. Like, ten and under subs small.
sister your organs get only 2% kek meanwhile Mint gets 70% from superchats and 98% from streamlabs kek
rosemi literally talked she can't afford ac during summer, and she won't be able to afford heating during winter
Come on Alien...

They couldn't because apparently she isn't in Korea. Honestly don't want such a thing to happen because it sets a precedent for chuuba corpos to sue terminated talents if they land on the respective country the corpo is in and for reasons that go from deserved to really stupid.

Also A-Chan constantly giving moral support to everyone on the verge of having either a breakdown or attempting to quit. Her probably still biggest winning dice roll was somehow convincing Suisei to stay despite her being fully done with Hololive after all the bs she went through and her near non-existant growth at that time.
Even Yagoo managed to convince Miko to stay, even fucking breaking down too in the process. Again. I think anyone else would have said some stupid shit and Miko would have walked right out of the door and never talked to COVER or staff again. That man was the only one capable of pulling that miracle, and several times in a row apparently.
It almost feels like those cliche time travel stories (NO, this is not a fucking Ame reference) in which slight "bumps" are made here and there so the perfect outcome, the one chance that thing didn't have, actually gets to it and it blooms like a blue rose. Practically overshadowing any other thing in the "garden".
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>Still not close to 10k in one stream
did you not notice what's going on outside anon? money it's worth fuck all now
"I don't care about money" generally means "I'm fine with a living wage and don't need to be stinking rich", it doesn't mean you're fine with starving and being destitute. Few people see vtubing as a pure hobby instead of a hopeful investment in the future/going viral lottery ticket.
I know nothing about her, why would anons /here/ hate her?
He did say MOST. For someone who was literally at the top of the world to keep the number if delusional retards she has isnt that surprising, despite the repeated woman moments

If anything, it proves women like her need corpo rules holdong their rrtardation back
Paypigs are probably also growing more and more cynic about throwing out money with each new grifter that has their mask fall off.
Just do GFE
She deserves to graduate because of this anyway. Never show your face again you unslightly whore.
She’s too retarded to do gfe. She needed to start an onlyfans like, yesterday
it wasn't her face she was showing, it was mostly her feet.
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Do you how much 4chan ads cost?
I think its expensive
Literally how do you even put money into streams? Just play a fuckin videogame or yap or sing, all of those are free unless you insist on paying for the games.
Alien took the one collab she got with Pippa and decided to scream half the time they were talking about wanting to gobble cocks and then wonders why people don't feel like watching the fat bitch
she's like between hina bobina and kirsche in terms of fat chick chuuba with a god awful voice but god I don't want to see that shit in phase

Streaming doesn't need to be expensive. Objectively speaking vtubing is one of the lowest 'barrier to entry' creative endeavors out there. Yet you have retards out here spending 1000's of shekels on assets when they are barely even two digit viewership and wondering how it all went so wrong and since there are so many stupid people getting worked asset creators have little reason to lower their prices either.
personally I don't hate her, I just think it's another amy schumer chuuba that spends her time talking about being a whore and thinks it will finally allow her to get popular, thing is she just sounds desperate
It's like youtubers, when peewiepai started making money hand over fist everyone bought a camera and started overreacting at meinkraft, most of them were left in the dust but others like the milliplier guy got just as big, which begs the question as to why someone who looks like someone else's dad became popular with kids, that ninja guy i can understand as he look every bit as a little shit as his audience.
>between hina bobina and kirsche
No not even close
damn not bad, just her voice screams "drunk white chick trying to get people's attention at a bar" or fat chick but honestly if she really wants to show us how she could gobble cock she can go ahead, she'd make some decent money depending on her face
And /vt/ refuse to save her? Why?
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>She'll freeze to death.
Fitting. She belongs in the 9th Circle of Hell.
Doesn't matter if you are good if people don't find you , Chloe before Hololive only had around 40-70 people watching Her , But you wouldn't believe that while listening to Her original song with Deco *27
Wasn't she supposed to be fat?
I know you’re an American, but look at her thighs and arms. She is fat. At least by normal human standards.
Sounds like a perfectly valid OPINION
>Disgusted to see /vt/ not talk about it.
I dont care about a fat whore that acts trashy on stream. Besides she barely streamed at all.

Eat shit and die. Indie cancer.
I'm neither American nor some delusional fat retard since I weigh only about 75kg. That bitch is not fat, she's chubby at best and even that barely. Maybe you've got your perspective warped after watching too much Auschwitz porn. Or you're into midgets with body proportions of children
>Yassss Qween slay I'm gonna say it! i dont like cutesty girls i like acting trashy on stream yasssss tumblr 2012 is my entire personality yall incels should touch grass!
Well, enjoy being a broke bitch you fat whore. No one wants to listen to that bulldyke voice.
Hello. What do we have here.
Buy an ad
>Buy an ad
>Still bumps the thread
Lmao retard
literally who
Buy an ad, Alien
this desu, I still think that if you know what you are doing you can easily become a 3view within months in vtubing, cant say that about flesh streaming
Not even close, I'm just here to laugh at retards like you
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She was the first vtuber I ever tributed. I find her entertaining because I like trashy tomboys, but it's a shame that her type of menhera prevents her from just being consistent. In V&U she declared that she'd game less and focus more on music output, but that never happened. Went on breaks/canceled streams frequently.
Shame. Used to work for a black company, was one of the people inspired to speak out about during the february backlash against Nijisanji, never really gained traction with her PL again though.
She's kinda cute in a trash way. Shame she couldn't keep her shit together enough to stay in VnU, that model was real nice. Seems that most butthurt is generated because she wasn't a consistent streamer(?) and because she didn't act like a cutesy uwu idol or some shit. And because she dared oppose muh holoslop
This man is in love with a 5head!
Can't blame him, she's cute as fuck. If I didn't have my oshi I might have been swayed by her too
More like the bubble popped and if you didn't get in on the ground floor or caught fire then you're ngmi.
Buy an ad, Alien
Who ?1st time I heard about them
9 minutes of cope
where's the part you're supposed to like about her
People like Mel Nekomata (Elfin currently) has made it harder for indie chubbas to make money, even ex-corpo because they don't want to support grifters constantly.
Just because you failed doesn't mean you have to start seething. Take the L with dignity, not everyone is cut out to be a streamer.
Never heard of you chuuba. Congratulations or I'm sorry.
Cumtribute bro just find her IRL at a con or something. She literally told you that you have a nice cock so that's easy pussy if you wanted it.
*that* toddler drawing is what cost her so much money? and she sounds like a generic fat, roastie bitch. And she wonders why she has no viewers? kek
Hi Ali, I know your here and you made this thread. I know your probably desperate to gain money while your groomer mod funnyman rams your used up pussy.
I just want to say that if you want a real dick, meet me at anime Boston this year. I'll be dressed as sensei from blue archive and I'll buy you a pizza. Pizza and 7 inches of cock sounds nice to you right?
Why would she need an ad when brainlets like you keep threads like this alive for hours. Fucking board shitting retard
(please be Bay Area)
post the cumtribute bro
>some seething 2view from a W H O corpo is graduating because she wasn't able to pull a doki
Why is this a thread
Because you didn't let it die
why do they always act like they cant be chuubas anymore if they cant make a living from it, just stream occasionally dummy. I would understand more if you had a free to use model and weren't having fun with streaming, but with how much she has done already for it, whats the point ceasing ALL activity? silly stuff
Last I checked everyone said she didn't need to pay the fine for breaking her contract as it was unforceable, did she have to do it after all?
>but she's practically asking to be made fun of
imagine graduating because staff told you that you couldn't stream the South Park game
Markiplier had his unusually deep voice and played tons of horror games which activated the algorithm for him
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damn who knew a job that requires people to sit at home and watch you would peak during a pandemic and die when the pandemic is over?
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Well fug, I guess Mission Failed
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Dying? No. It's easy to get into but hard to make a comfortable living off of.

...are you telling me to not throw pennies in the waste basket?
Seriously, just buy an ad.
trust me, no ones butthurt over a girl not being cute, they just dont watch them. its the lack of streams that actually makes the audience "butthurt" and even if they dont throw a fit they just dont watch. youre painting viewers as angry and part of the holo fandom (?) about a literal who that holo watchers likely dont even know exists. shes not some cool edgy person for "opposing holoslop" shes just some forgotten girl and broke her contract early then threw a hissy fit about something that was a nothingburger and wasted everyone involveds time. her fans seem to think highly of her when really, she is beyond irrelevant, she didnt "make a statement" or anything and the numbers and this graduation back that up.
She posted her feet several times. She's never been very subtle
>buy an ad posting
She literally can't afford it lmao ;_;
There are so many scorned women in here, holy fuck
i dont know, i feel like most of aliens fanatics are either coomers or women that are "fighting the good fight" against cgdct. she has a lot of female supporters that support the trashy twitch style, you see them on a lot of threads on 4 chan.
Ignoring the
> I hate hololive and love Phase LOL
basic bitch vtuber twitter opinions which are whatever, probably mostly about pandering to whoever her audience was, you can tell from this why her career never took off. It's the voice. Having an appealing or interesting voice is 40% of the vtubing formula for obvious reasons
Now I remember
This was the bitch that tried to fuck over her corpo because Airi and Pippa told her to lmao
Good riddance
You know what’s funnier? The very dramafag audience who parrot “muh black corpo” about V&U to this day even when everything points to the contrary ended up doxxing her on the Farms. Maybe next time don’t try and sabotage the debuts of girls who had nothing to do with you, you spiteful bitch
>pander to kiwifags
>get doxxed
This happens every time
And it never stops being funny. Karma sure is a bitch, innit?
Vnu gen 5 was doomed from the start: bad models (tomomi) and bad vtubers (ciccino). Add to it the "club president" is a deranged menhera autist and you have a great recipe for failure.
Alien pls
They’re all pretty forgettable
Tomomi is based, she'd be a lot less menhera if she earned anything from her vtubing.
Mivi is cute as heck, Cerenity is kinda noisy but appeals to little sister likers, Rowa is sugoi dekai and can sing, Ciccino is still learning, Tomomi killed any momentum she could have had by hardly streaming for months
>l like dark humor
>I like edgy
>I want to be myself
> I don't understand the appeal of these cutesy girls
>masculine voice
>gremlin model has constant angry eyebrows even when she's laughing her ass off

Honestly everything about the way she talks and acts screans "basic twitch flesh reaction streamer". The 2D model honestly holds her back from the normie gremlin audience that would ACTUALLY appreciate her. If she's too self conscious or too lazy to tolerate putting on makeup and going on camera then it's her loss.
I'm getting a lot of Sayu vibes from her. Lots of things to say, lots of [opinions], but doesn't know when to shut up or when to not say the quiet part loud.
>nijisanji retirement home
Holy fucking pickme batman. This is not the kind of thing you say if you want to make industry connections and growth.

>can't juggle day job plus streaming, she tried, she can't handle full time streaming with a job
streaming less not an option for some reason??
>spent her dental money on cat health emergency and now she can only eat soft foods due to unfixed tooth hole pain (sounds like credit card debt)
>if you don't have money, just clip me talk about me
bitch what do you do that's even worth talking about? What do you do that 50 other edgy female streamers don't already do?

this anon is right. 100% amy schumer energy
nice essay bro.
And people will keep doing it in an attempt to be the next niche micro celebrity in a C list corpo like Pippa. It's basically self-harm at this point.
It's because of the all-or-nothing perfectionism brainworm that sometimes comes as part of the ADHD/Autism spectrum package. If they can't do thing on their own idealized terms then it's not worth doing at all.
In her case she explicitly says she streams to feel like she "makes an impact" more than anything else. Being unsustainable as a full time streamer carries a meaning that she doesn't make enough impact to matter.
Tomomi called out discord grooming mods live on stream once, she's based as fuck.
No idea if there are any, she nuked the stream as soon as it ended and not many people watched it. She spent like a whole hour ranting about that and then ranted about other things as far as I recall.
> she nuked the stream as soon as it ended and not many people watched it
So a typical tomomi stream.
she ranted about the mods in the official discord being generally shitty people and groomers on top of that. i'd name names but the groomers seem to have some pocket mod who will give you a 3day for mentioning them. then she went on to rant about males in general and how almost all male vtubers are sexpests and how she will never EVER collab with them, etc. she hates males. anyways, tomomi is great and hilarious, but she killed her momentum early on by not streaming as an anon said above. if you don't stream in the initial period post-debut, you're dead. that's why i'm worried about v4mirai's terra in their latest gen.
GOOD. filtering all the money graping greedy. if you vtubing to get popular than fk off. just stream like the majority of people
Less people are giving cash since more and more Vtubers are being caught lying, yabais, grifting and more.
Some people ruin it for the rest. Like Ironmouse does.
If the Mousey situation does explode, it will be over for a ton of starting indies and most of her circle will get tainted too (VShojo). Might be the reason why some kinda big names avoid the GunRun offer.
Exactly. IronMouse is a fraudster and like many other *ex-Popular* streamers that lied to their community will further tarnish any sort of reputation between Content Creator and Viewer making it that much more harder to actually make streaming a viable career.

Team Mythic/Vshojo/Nijisanji will ultimately become *BLACK COMPANIES* and no amount of *FAME* would bring them back into White Companies/Legitimate Streamers.
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She will steal the money and run off the Mexico
You can directly correlate the fall of vtuber numbers with the debut of Tempiss btw
Whats the ironmouse situation? All I know about her is she tells everyone she's basically bed ridden.
>Less people are giving cash since more and more Vtubers are being caught lying, yabais, grifting and more
I dont know a single vtuber that regularly cleared out her donothon goals. They do a couple and then make excuses until people forget about it. If you bring it up in the chat you get banned for it.
Regular streamers are the same. They promise a ton of shit and never deliver. They just kinda wait it out so people forget about it.
It's because they bring up unreasonable goals towards their community and their community believes in them.

It is ultimately best not to give any sort of *goals* and just *stream* and let people donate on their volition. No Subathon, No Donothon, No Promotional aside for legitimate charities.

If the streamers really want to make any semblance of $ they be better off broadcasting games from Keymailer, Woovit, Lurkit, Daredrop, Rainmaker, and PressEngine.
She sounds like she has never watched a single hololive stream. I think people like this specimen here is what Mori was referring to when she said that management tries their best to vibe check them to make sure they aren't trouble. THIS bitch would never make it into hololive even if she did like them. I dunno why indies and smaller corpo vtubers get some bit of attention and then they run their mouths off in the most retarded way possible every single time.
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She's going to be in hololive.
Oh damn, now I remember her. She was the worst part of that collab by far.
she would be LUCKY to make it in phase connect
She was in V and U for a reason
I think a lot of their girls are nice
This one is the most underrated gem. I think by now the times ive masturbated to her are in the triple digits
This girl sounds fat. Must be why she liked Selen. Being a contrarian is cringe. "Muh bad evil corpo." She likes edgy 4chan pol girls. What a surprise.
Good taste
I wish I started in 2019 or 2020. Too late now.
i lowkey want this to happen so i can spam her maro for 2 weeks making fun of her le holo bad twitch opinion
but honestly even new small corpos aren't going to take her unless they are so desperate
Don't forget what happened with Hexa because she went public about Phase Connect blacklists in a Discord full of TVA groomers.
she saw the current money farming meta
Post a picture of her design next time because i have no fucking idea who that is.
I beeta my meata to Meeta
Its multiple things:

>Entry point for streaming is a lot more expensive due to riggers and artists charging more/higher wait time.
>Oversaturation of options means money is spread more thin.
>Sites like Twitch are having major issues with profits so they are slashing revenue percentages while increasing ads and sub pricing, thus driving away people and making discoverability harder for newer people when ads keep playing constantly.
>People have less money due to the rising cost of everything, which means less donations and less subs unless the person is doing a subathon or something else.
>Even then, subathons have become so common that people are feeing burnt out from donating to them (both streamers and watchers) unless its a big streamer trying to push a record.

The smart thing to do is treat streaming as a hobby and maintain a normal job and not invest a shit ton from the get go. If it takes off and you have an audience? Invest a little more, and keep going until its profitable and you have enough saved up to cover you if something bad happens and feel comfortable you can make the leap to full time. Going in face first DOES NOT always work well and will lead to more issues down the line.
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She's a beautiful woman
generic name generic design, sounds like a basic bitch too. what is her edge?
I am looking at her follow count on twitch, only 10k? That is not quite small, but at the same time its not quite "drop everything and make this my job" levels.
she tried to be doki so bad and realized no one cared about her or v&u
even legal grift set didnt care and only made 2-3 videos about it before realizing no one gave a fuck
>give me more money to be a fat annoying whore!
I feel zero sympathy.
Hot sauce on that cutie?
It's not dead, just not piss easy anymore. In much the same way old jump series would not have survived the axe in this climate, so too would hacks like shartemis not have a fraction of a percentage of their current viewership if they debuted today.
and phase trannies will continue to pretend they din du nuffin and that phawse isn't the worst thing to happen to EN vtubing alongside luxiem
>tfw laptop wasn't powerful enough to run l2d when it dropped
I wouldn't have made it anyways, my aesthetic sense was so undeveloped back then
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Meeta Osita the sexy loli latina.
Im stealing this, thanks. Now I want to think of the most italian way of saying i jack off to her
Some girl from /tact/
She got a lot of twitter trannies supporting her when she left VnU. Everyone in vtubing should have learned their lesson that twitter troon support never EVER translates into numbers or money. They will like your post or two and give you a follow and that is it.
Holy shit this
You already paid for the model, rigging, assets, etc. Etc.
Unless you're never buying games or moving to places with no internet you can stream once or twice a week. Even my normie friend does that to afford ff14 sub from random donos
She’s far-right
>gets sent 500k usd bill to graduate
>it's somehow the girl's fault and not the employer for sending the bill
Here we go again, give it a rest Serafi, no one cares
>i like le edgy and swearing
ah yes, to be 16 years old again
>unironically bootlicking the black company
4chan is dead.
persecution complex, no one cares about v&u, and even less about you
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I care about V&U
What's funny
cause there's no money in shitting on small corpos
I will say that streaming less than 10 hours a day usually mean a dead on arrival channel if you aren't already established
This is why you should only get into streaming seriously if you have a boyfriend/girlfriend who can support you or still live with your parents and not have to worry about making money.
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It's obviously a prank, what's the issue
What happened? I thought black corpos deserve to die. Why'd Niji get special treatment?
how the fuck is this thread still up, no one is even talking about the girl
Because we care about her
too late
she did get a free house, so that probably helped.
A free house in what sense? As in she inherited one from a family member or she has somewhere to stay rent free?
fuck off redditard
who is that
inherited it from her grandmother
I'm guessing it's the taxes that are getting her if she's struggling to support herself with just streaming.
is that the one with the frog pool
if i didnt already own a house i would marry her for the house, some anons here gotta get on it
awful name but rip
>“muh invoice”
An estimate of total expenses isn’t an invoice, dramanigger-kun
For a lot of these girls vtubing was supposed to be a ticket out of being a wagie. People who like streaming will keep doing it even as a part timer or as a hobby.
Why would they send her an estimate when she asked for an invoice?
Why on earth would they even send her an estimate of total expenses in the first place? What would she need with it?
Back to kiwifarms where you belong
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How do I make women talk about me like this?
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>can't make a living
She uses her bald/5-head toggle way too much
>playing the coffin game again
But didn't she already do that in her PL and recently?
you can take a part time job to sustain yourself
if you really passionate about vtubing ofcourse
You sound like a rebbitor
What does that mean?
>spent money on "cat health"
>can only eat soft food
she is eating cat food isn't she?
she breached a 3 year contract after only a year and getting 450k dumped into her and that still wasn't doing enough. only black corpos and vshojo would bother touching her
Nta but it means (You) are super gay and you should kill yourself now
>450k into her
if that was the case you'd think she'd have a decent fucking model.
Serafi's model and rigging was hideous. They probably hired a fucking teenager on fiverr and called it a day before pocketing the rest of the "investment," just like every other korean company.
>everything I don't like is reddit
>A child's guide to posting on 4chan
>what is her edge
peak trailer trash
jazz the chad will save Ali
haven't seen this in a while, here's a (You) just for that
American-made ordnance will save us from Ali-mohammoods.
The magic of catalog.
someone important
>450k dumped into her
The 450k included the salary of the CEO and all the other employees. It wasn't even money they spent on her specifically.

Black corpo.
she wont respond though
why not?
>I want her to get into hololive and start earning more money than 90% of other vtubers so I can send her a troll maro HAHAHAHAHAHAHA that would own her so hard HAHAHAHAHA!
Why is this board full of literal brainless imbeciles?
Nice tits though, shame about the lack of porn
be the change you want to see in the world.
pay artists more than you would ever pay her.
there was some webm of her fucking herself with a baseball bat.
Isn't this one really anti gfe?
This girl thought she could be the next Dokibird by delving into what her black company did to her. What went wrong?
grimmivt (Twitch)

Here are erotic samples from before she did vtubing

Plapping: https://vocaroo.com/1gIxole2bqYQ
Blowjob: https://vocaroo.com/1mMmYBmAnStY
BlowCum: https://vocaroo.com/1cuRCsw3vKeT

You're welcome
post it.
Unlike Ali, Doki actually IS edgy and doesn't need to say it.
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They're on pixiv
the last one is the bat
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thanks anon
... But old jump series were and are good, that they would not survive doesn't that mean the climate is shit?
>... But old jump series were and are good
A lot of them take a while to get good, longer than they'd get now without being canned
She said she didn't like Hololive.

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