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Fluffy Bounce Edition
Previous Thread >>86667686

>Upcoming Stream
>Previous Stream

>1st orisong BORN TO BE "BAU"DOL

>3D Debut
>Youtube Channel

>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_モココ・アビスガード%22 (Mococo)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_フワワ・アビスガード%22 (Fuwawa)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list, VTL team info)

>Thread Template
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>M: Please don't get merch because you feel pressured or anything like that. DON'T do anything that you don't want to. We really mean it, okay?
>F: So you know, maybe you're like, "Oh, well, you know, maybe if I make a clip maybe more people will discover FUWAMOCO from there!" - it's true, but maybe you REALLY don't like video editing... Maybe don't that.
>M: However you want to, okay?
>F: You know, oshikatsu's supposed to be fun! You know, just tweeting, being loud -
>M: Being HERE with us!
>F: Yeah!
>M: That's all - that's MORE that we can ask for!
>F: Yeah, being like, "Ah! My best friend, you know, I REALLY like these vtubers called FUWAMOCO!". You know, those kinds of things, you know...
>M: So, please, don't feel like, "Oh, THIS Ruffian is doing all this and I'M not doing ANYTHING"...
>F: No. You know, oshikatsu is fun for everybody and ANYBODY!
>M: You should never feel like that, okay? So PLEASE don't compare yourselves to somebody else, okay?
>F: We just want you to have fun. You shouldn't feel pressure.
>M: We don't want you to disappear because of something, you know...
>F: Yeah, so, you know... if your smile's in trouble...
>*Both shake their heads*
>M: Just don't worry, we just want you to be here with us.
>F: Yeah, we wanna protect your smile and have fun together, Ruffians!
>M: You got it? It's not work! It should be FUN! We understand that you compare yourselves to others and stuff like that... SO THAT'S WHY WE SAY "DON'T"! We get it, you know? Because we felt it too before, okay? *reads chat message* You wish you could superchat more? IT'S OKAY! DON'T WORRY! We want you to have fun.
>F: And you know, it's the little things that count, too, you know. So, just sending a tweet like, "BAU BAU!" - that helps, you know?
>M: Yeah! Do what you can!
>F: "I'm on break right now, you know! I had a real delicious sandwich! FUWAMOCO, I had a delicious sandwich!" ... You know, it makes us happy to know that you're thinking about us cause sometimes, you know, we get a little bit lonely. Like, "are the Ruffians thinking about us...?"
>M: Please don't worry, okay? *reads chat message* You can't write well? It's OKAY! Don't worry about it!
>F: But it makes us really happy to know you're thinking about ways you can help us, Ruffians...
>M: We don't want you to get sad and be like, "I can't enjoy FUWAMOCO anymore because I compare myself to other Ruffians", okay?
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>We don't want to do gorilla streams
They started doing gorilla JP streams.
>We don't want to do vertical streams
They did vertical streams almost weekly for months.
>We don't want to cancel regular streams
They've had a cancelled stream a week for over 2 months straight.
>We're only going to do JP streams occasionally
They're doing 2 in the same week they said this, one of them a gorilla stream.
Nothing is sacred. They will change their mind if it suits them. They will chase numbers day in and day out. You as a singular being in their Ruffian collective mean nothing.
fuwawa big milkers

Holy baused!

My autistic princess!
none of the examples you gave were lies retard
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Gaylo game nights are back!
We'll play Halo Infinite this Sunday, around the usual FWMC stream time (maybe 1 or 2 hours before, we'll work out the details later)
Don't worry JP haters, the game night is completely in English! And for the JP lovers, there is a cool samurai armor that you can use for free!
(You) can join if you want, the multiplayer part of the game is free and you don't have to know anything about the game to have fun playing with us!
>We're close personal friends with a few ruffians, and give them preferential treatment in myriad ways every single day
>but just don't be sad about it, OK, ruffians? BAU BAU!
The JOP princess...
Should I ask for a free chat on homework days so ruffians can play games together or is it too much?
Didn’t Monster Inc. ask and they say they prefer not to?
It's current year, ruffians already have plenty of options for talking to each other over the internet, don't make it their problem.
Aeon would just use it to trauma dump and hope they see it and I'd snap and call him a faggot so no.
Bau baused
Got it, I won't, then.
Just ask here, the worst that's gonna happen is someone calling you a faggot
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>FUWAMOCO obviously hate their EN fans
>FUWAMOCO belong in holoJP, not EN
>FUWAMOCO doing another JP stream? They hate us
>FUWAMOCO prefer their JP senpai over their EN senpai
>I don’t think FUWAMOCO’s word really means anything
>Their momentum is slowing down, I doubt they’ll hit 1mil anytime soon
>All FUWAMOCO care about are numbers
>BAUdol wasn’t really that good
>FUWAMOCO will never have a sololive of their own
>Where is my twitter like, FUWAMOCO?
>How many times does FUWAMOCO plan on retweeting that person?
>How many times does FUWAMOCO plan on reading that person?
>FUWAMOCO clearly have favorite Ruffians
>Fuwawa’s giggles are kind of annoying
>Mococo is kind of annoying in general
>They shouldn’t BAU BAU so much, they annoy the people around them
This is the reason. They saw a massive amount of bullshit in there during the move and they'd rather not open up more chances for shit to happen on a public channel controlled by them.
God don’t remind me. Every day was him trauma dumping.
The first 4 are obviously true, and they don't even try to hide it.
Does anyone remember the grayfag begging for a collab between korone and FWMC. That was funny.
I genuinely hate you anonymous. I've just put a curse on you, I asked Sabnock to handle it however he likes.
Nope, we can't have Ruffians going menhera of possibly missing FWMC appear in chat all because their collars didn't go off.
how is it the exact same posts about threatening to leave and trying to get others to follow every single time there's a japanese stream? really curious... it almost seems as if those posters aren't being truthful
Stop noticing things.
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You know I'm truthful then, because I NEVER say that I'll leave.
I mean it's undeniable JP was their first choice and they even said so you can't argue with facts
Go back to your thread faggot, your whore still isn’t getting a Popup Parade
You underestimate my power. Enjoy your curse faggot.
Watamage... I kneel...
Yes, being part of the major leagues is better than being part of lesser leagues. Who wouldn’t want that
>I mean it's undeniable JP was their first choice and they even said so you can't argue with facts
I'd love to see someone here argue against it. They always cry and seethe, but never try to deny it.
they made their bed
Tranny, you think attaching fanart to your post doesn't make your shitposting less obvious?
KEKAROO! Ruffians falling away from FuwaMoco! You love to see it!
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This. They've selectively encouraged only the worst, most selfish oilers and OC creators from the start
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>if I post some fanart with my shitpost, people will think I'm a Real Ruffian(tm)!
You are pathetic. You don't even have the guts and conviction to do it openly and on your own. You are just a rat who is sowing discord here and in cliquecord. You are a pale imitation of Eren.
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I dreamed about going to college with FWMC and there was also a Kaiju there for whatever reason.
What's even funnier is he's just going to gelbooru, finding the source of the fanart from the link it provides, and uploading here with the original filenames to appear more legitimate.
This is /baubau/ not /ope/
Haven't seen this pic in awhile. Was it during December?
FUWAMOCO love the Ruffians and they are the best fanbase.
It's ftom the October Halloween karaoke I think.
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Beautiful nuke.
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>FUWAMOCO love the Ruffians and they are the best fanbase.
Baused AND true
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They hate EN ruffians so much... It's almost unbelievable.
They cry themselves to sleep every night knowing that they ended in HoloEN, stuck with the EN ruffians, when the only thing they wanted was to join holoJP and stream completely in Japanese.
They are incredibly dissapointed in us, and they do everything in their power to spend as much time as they can with the JP ruffians.
How about this, Biboo moves to japan, her, FWMC, Mori and Bae form JP embassy gen while they also remain in their EN gens
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Samefagging idiot. heh.
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Yeah, it's the most obvious retard I've ever seen
I think he's doing it because me and a couple of other posters specifically called him out for only ever using fanart he'd saved from the thread, kek
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>xhe was samefagging again
>not only trolling but samefagging too
>FUWAMOCO love the Ruffians
Yeah, but only the japanese Ruffians.
Switch to JP fags are categorically retarded. Anya is still an ID member. Kaela is still an ID member. If FUWAMOCO wanted to they could have been streaming in JST primetime every week, in JP, ever since they moved. You are dumber than rocks. There is no reason to wait for 1 million subs if they wanted to do that.
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Can you read? I said "IF they plan to..." I was literally lamenting the state of the community and all the garbage people in it, just as you guys are doing right now, you dipshits
>streaming in JST primetime every week
They've been doing that almost weekly since August.
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Look at how mad it is.
haha he got mad.
Cover wouldn't let them in the first place.
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Of course not, it's a complete non-starter. Like, what would happen to Advent if two out of five members "left"?
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I'm going to the ER later today to get my gallbladder removed
I've become hyper fixated on bookmarks and feeling bad they've never bookmarked one of my posts. Seeing them constantly retweeting old clips and art makes me feel sad I've done nothing that they want to remember. any like I get is a part of a spree and they barely read and certainly don't remember anything about me
Can somebody edit that pic with condoms?
Have they mentioned doing a rawr n' response again sometime?
What are you talking about, anon? I don't see any posts like that.
it's completely mindbroken today... what a sad and powerless thing...
Good luck Ruffian
For anyone confused, here's a recap:
Zanniethetrannie asked FWMC on Twitter to do weekly JP solo streams to "connect more with the JP ruffians" and "practice their JP", and FWMC liked his tweet and made a frame for a new JP solo stream this Saturday, so JP solo streams are a weekly thing now.
Don't feel bad, anon, I have perceived irrefutable evidence that they are directly trying to get me to kill myself and won't rest until they succeed
It would only be materially damaged if these particular two left, so yes, they wouldn’t be able to leave
did they even get the physical birthday book? they never mentioned it at all. Not that I wouldn't be happy if it got lost because the pillar left me out of it on purpose but I'm curious
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Well done on finally going to the dogtor, GWS
My autistic princess...
Oh wow they are actually cute? Shocking!
Baused. Thanks for getting us an extra stream this week Zannie
>JP solo streams are a weekly thing now
This isn't true, right?
It's true and I couldn't be happier. Why would any Ruffian be mad at more FUWAMOCO?
Stop samefagging asshole
It's not going to be. There's no way to fully know, but it does suck that the only time they'll do gorilla streams is JP during JP hours.
HoloEN should stream in English. HoloJP should stream in japanese. Simple as.
What are the logistics of trying to talk to a holomem at hololive meet? There's only one future event on the website, it's "ANIME Impulse Bay Area," I don't plan to go but was just looking to try to understand how it works. I went to the venue website and there is only one ticket choice, an entry pass for the whole convention. If holomems will be taking 1 on 1 conversations, will there usually be a specific ticket for that?
EOPs should oshihen already. FWMC hates people like you, they don't want you here.
>he wasn't around for EN0
Yes there will be a separate application for that
Did the Kaiju go to class too or did you beat it up together
Take a picture of it and post it for fwmc morning
they're awake and liking
oh shit I thought it was a fart but it was fluids
Too late for that.
I'm going to kill myself if I don't get a like or chat read this week
I just... to shiori's gyatt....
why do no ruffians love me? Fuwamoco hate me but I wish at least someone would be my friend
i'll be your friend
fwmc are for fat and balding japanese ojisan cock
So about that gta clip submission link they've been promising since Saturday...
They will open it after the advent collab. There is no point in letting it run longer than 24 hours longer.
un segundo
one second
I just came all over a vr fluffy...
thank God i got these controller cover condoms
mococo belly lick
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I'm Zeke's extra special Wuffian.
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It’s a crime that such prime girls are far away from my hands… I would do anything to have even a whiff of their smell, god!
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If they play the card store game I really hope they do it in JP primetime so it's an easy skip
It's just boring busy work, I don't get why it's getting numbers or why people enjoy watching it at all
It's almost like most people are sheep, imagine that.
where did bae poster go
she is on topic now since she is also holoJP
more like bee's, but whatever
Because the people who play it hype up getting foils and shit like that. It's an ultra gacha game without actually spending money. I feel likw Moco-chan could summon her entitled attitude and start yelling about getting screwed by the system but it doesn't feel like a Fuwawa game.
cardboard good
Who cares?
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Well then you're solo in your quest to find out what happened to that prick, good luck.
why do people like seeing someone pulling gacha anyway
pekora's fgo pull stream a while back also got crazy numbers, right? even though all she did was summon shit for like, 30 minutes
Isn’t it similar to tavern simulator?
the blood is back in my poop and it burns a lot
The same reason people like reaction streams/videos, I imagine. Plus you get to see gacha pulls without spending money.
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You got the hemorrhoids Wuffian!
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Because it is fun to watch urusai usagi rage.
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I keep finding myself listening to that song more and more nowadays
>pekora's fgo pull stream a while back also got crazy numbers, right? even though all she did was summon shit for like, 30 minutes
I can understand when it's real gacha because there's money behind it meaning there are stakes in her luck and draws, but if it's a completely imaginary thing like the card store then it loses all of that and it's not different to just opening a FGO gacha simulator and mashing the button
Watching someone get worked up over something that's really not that important can be fun. If that's all your content is, no thanks, but getting a little taste sometimes is fun.
me too .. me too. it'll be OK wuffian
[Verse 1]
Can't believe the words that came out of your mouth (Out your mouth)
Never thought that what we had would go this route (This route)
Can see the clock is ticking, but I just can't stop thinking
Every little memories' tormenting me

Counting all our mistakes
Wanna sleep, but It won't happen
Waiting for the daybreak
I'm wide awake, relieving the past and
Still haunted by the ghost of you
Everywhere I look, it's like you're always there
Despite the fact that I'm on my own
I'm in my feelings (Feelings)
Like rainfall on the ground
They're soaking through the sheets
And drenching every single inch of me
I'm in my feelings (Feelings)
It's falling all around
Inside this never ending downpour
Is there no escape to hope for?

[Verse 2]
I don't even wanna look you in the eyes (In the eyes)
Thinking 'bout the night you left and your lies (Lies)
That morning I'd awoken, my heart left bruised and broken
Feeling I could drown in the tears I'd cried

Sinking down and alone
Like I'm submerged in water
Chilled straight down to the bone
Struggling to breathe just thinking about it
Still haunted by the ghost of you
Everywhere I look, it's like you're always there
Despite the fact that you left me alone

I'm in my feelings (Feelings)
Like rainfall on the ground
They're soaking through the sheets
And drenching every single inch of me
I'm in my feelings (Feelings)
It's falling all around
Inside this never ending downpour
Is there no escape to hope for?
Who you're seein'?
What you're doin'?
Where you goin'?
I don't wanna know
When you're comin' back?

I don't, don't want you to call me
I don't, don't need you to love me
Don't want your weak explanations
Knew that I never met your expectations
Now I just want you out my head
Wanna move along, carry on, hold my head high

I'm in my feelings (Feelings)
Like rainfall on the ground
They're soaking through the sheets
And drenching every single inch of me
I'm in my feelings (Feelings)
It's falling all around
But at the ending of this downpour
Is the hope I waited for
Yeah, I'm in my feelings (Feelings)
Yeah, I'm in my feelings (Feelings, ooh)
Yeah, I'm in my feelings (Feelings)
At the ending of this downpour
Is the rainbow I had prayed for
the lyrics hit differently when you listen to them as an EOP ruffian worried about the Japanese future with FUWAMOCO
Erenposter's theme
Newissa is a jpschizo...
Now I'm in my feelings...
There, there. The rainbow is waiting for us soon, this will pass
It still takes time and effort to build up money in the game. I've played the mobile version, and if it weren't for the ad skips, it would have taken a decently long time to progress meaningfully. Gonna watch Gigi's stream tonight because I think she's just the right kind of person to play that game for entertainment (gacha addict).
Weekly JP streams would be kino. Unfortunately it would always be a VOD for me unless it's on a weekend, but it would be fun. Good for practice, good content too, especially as they run out of tourist bait and have to do more proper streams, would be fun. A serious N1 study arc would be amazing.
This is a breakup song, the rainbow is leaving and sucking other cocks in the next song. You really didn't think this through.
I can't stop crying...
shit :(
>the rainbow is leaving and sucking other cocks in the next song.
Post the next song's lyrics
how did femruffian carve fuwawa into her thigh? just a prick hurts me so much
You don't like that? Boy, too late, oh, too bad

[Verse 1]
I love the sound of silence
In places, you jumbled up, and called your own
Yeah, I had some questions for you
But I think I'm good on my own

Oh, you tore me to shreds (Shreds)
You thought I'd forget? (Forget?)
Love without faith is (is) easy to replace
Time to see, loneliness doesn't bother me, and I
Lemme tell you one more thing - know you'll regret it
Let it shatter, all the memories you can't fight (No, you can't fight)
Ever after, no, it's me, myself and I (Know you hear my voice)
And all the pain you gave to me
I send back, damn, near ten times over
You can complain, sorry, baby
I guess I like watching you shatter

You don't like that? Boy, too late, oh, too bad

[Verse 2]
You ain't one to be fixed, I tried, but you're stuck like this
You love to hate me, so I guess it hurt ya?
(Too bad) Yeah, makin' you blush, callin' you bluff
Cat gotcha tongue? Ain't gonna rush this
Boy, I'm gonna make you shatter, you shoulda treated me better

[Pre-Chorus 2]
How many tears did I cry?
Waiting on the sign, you never set me free
Pessimistic me, on that, well, I guess we agree
Throw it away

Let it shatter, all the memories you can't fight (No, you can't fight)
Ever after, no, it's me, myself and I (Know you hear my voice)
And all the pain you gave to me
I send back, damn, near ten times over
You can complain, sorry, baby
I guess I like watching you shatter--
Nobody does it like you (Just know I love you)
Just stop, I'm done with this
Huh, whatever

You still stand there, deep in your dreams
Moving on is just way too easy
Oh, don'tcha see darling? You're all alone
And begging, begging, begging, begging

Let it shatter, all the memories you can't fight (All the memories you can't fight)
Ever after, no, it's me, myself and I ('Self and I, 'self and I)
(Know you hear my voice) And all the pain you gave to me
I send back, damn, near ten times over (Ten times over)
You can complain, sorry, baby (Yeah, yeah)
I guess I like watching you shatter (I like watching you shatter, babe)

You don't like that? Boy, too late, oh, too bad
Jesus christ this EP is truly the jp schizo experience. please don't hurt me anymore fuwamoco
I wish we had more images of Ruffian reactions and interacting with FWMC like Takos, KFP, grems, automotons, pebbles, saplings, etc.
Are FUWAMOCO the boy in here then once their EN fans start leaving
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yes, Nerissa = EN fans
Crazy 17k people are still watching shion play that game at 4am. It has been 6 hours already?
Because it's dumb, lighthearted fun and if you can play into the gacha aspect well, it's a good time.
A good chunk of the 'horror' walking sims and half of the chillaslop is worse content.
Reminds me of suika game mania.
They should play that on Saturday instead of FSN. That will be huge numbers.
They should put it on next week. I'd be really sas if they last minute changed out of FSN.
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Please no.
With the JP buff they are trying to ride right now FSN will get bigger numbers. Type Moon is Japan's Marvel.
Will a VN really beat out TCG? It is the fotm game in Japan.
Okay, switch it out with HoloGTA clips. No one cares about that anymore.
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No fucking way it gets big numbers. Grudgepost me, that shit ain't getting over 6k.
I hope they use their home3D for Saturday.
The card pack opening stream will be Monday morning JST.
I hope Fuwawa does a solo fluffy 3D stream soon I'll pay her 1k to beg for donuts
you won't see it again until full body
They are going to catch a funnel from Kiara 3D. Though I agree 6k seems like a stretch. 5k will be decent.
Holy BAUSED. They should go a step further and drop their regular stream time and only stream in HoloJP prime time hours.
I don't think it'll be that crazy, but probably not until they figure out how to stop Fuwawas stuttering.
I do not care enough about you to grudgepost you.
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Hello ruffians!
Thanks to your encouragement I started with my Nihongo learning journey!
Day 422: Today I've done my anki and immersion reps. No new cards for Anki, I'm just maintaining core 2.3k deck. For immersion I've watched four episodes of an anime.
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Are you planning to play Kanji de go alongside them?
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Good work, ruffian.
It will add alot to VN streams if they use home3D.
I want to cum all over mocochan's tummy!!
Nope, I don't know kanji. I mean, I know some, but I don't study it. I just study vocab. Yeah, that way I pick up some kanji in the process, but still.
25k to go
outside of 1mil karaoke which is basically guaranteed what other sub push streams will they have
JP collabs probably.
EN collabs are worthless if you look at ENReco.
Every sub milestone, a sister is seething.
Every JP stream, a schizo is crying.
Life is good.
Vocab is just combining kanji at some point, you can simply deduce the meaning of the word by paying attention to the kanji
Mococo fetish tier list
Another collab with Marine
ueh oh my gosh it's so sticky
I wanna bang this broad so bad
A migo collab would be good.
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>25k to go
Wait really? At this rate they won't even need to do an endurance. Heck, I'm so proud of them.
fuuuuck mocochan your bouncing makes me feel so good
>They celebrated 961k subs not even a week ago
1M within 2 weeks, maybe even 1 week if they do an endurance this coming week
I'm gonna fuck Fuwawa all night to celebrate 1M! She'll become a mother!
good golly she's so tight
>2 more weeks!!!
I've made a BIIIIG mess
bau bau...
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Your bouncing quite well Moco-chan!
MOCOCHAN you are bouncing so good oh my goodness my gosh
ehehehe look at your cute butt
time to make mocochan a mother!! here goes nothing!
No wonder they're abandoning us for JP viewers
Sometimes I remember that time I bullied a Ruffian in tetris
her butt is so soft and so fuzzy... the hips don't stop bucking even if they're a little bony she's got me rock hard
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Hey Ruffians, day 40 of fumbling my way through 日本語
5 new cards for n4 decks + taishi
upkeep for n5's
for immersion i watched Watame play the new zelda game
that's all for now, BAUBAU!!
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The idea of surgery is scary
Good luck!
What's the deal with these posts?
The weird sex ones? Just some brain damaged gorilla.
mind broken cumbrain retard
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cu mcovered floofies!!
I heard there are two 1 million subs projects. What are they?
1 is a book the other is to write bau bau and scan it into a book. Really they should combine.
>they should combine.
at least with two projects going, there's less chance of your submission getting lost
or more chance of it getting forgotten/filtered by whoever is running the project.
Can you link them?
i dont have them saved cause im not gonna participate anyways just search twitter.
I think they are both combined but there are separate forms for whatever reason. it's both on the same twitter account

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It's ok to be gay, Wuffians.
Your posts reek of underage
only ojisans can appreciate a real woman like Fuwawa. zoomers think sex is gross
Only underage horny retards or indians make the kind of posts you do
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>horny retards
yes, and?
Thanks for sharing your retarded redditor opinion
You'll no longer be mentally underage one of these days, I believe in you!
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I had a dream that a shooter came into my house and killed me and my family
There there
they're unironically better contributions than the whinging from jpschizos
>Please show bob!
>Please show vagin!
Why didn't you shoot back?
He is one of the JP schizos I bet.
They should do a TCG Card Shop stream asap. Gigi who normally hovers around 3-5k is at almost 10k. With their JP ability and how popular it is in the JP branch right now too, they could get a ton of views.
Yeah, even Kaela nearly hit 10k with it and she usually hovers around 3-4k with it.
This would have any value if he did them during JPschizo hours but curiously enough he never does
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>horny retards
Yep that's me alright, remember having a healthy sex drive is crucial to happy living.
Is this game popular on twitch and with fleshtubers or is it just a holo/vtuber thing
It's big in basically every scene right now, which means even streaming in EN you're getting a bunch of people who might not normally watch vtubers.
It's the kind of game that's right up their alley too, so I don't know why they haven't jumped on it
Hololive/vtuber thing. Miko is getting 50-60k with it everyday. Everyone in JP is getting close to 20k to 30k with it.
they ignored my helpfwmc post on it sorry
>Right up their alley
Slop? Other than that, neither of them have ever showed a big interest in tcgs/pack openings, much gacha interest, or sims management games.
>Everyone in JP is getting close to 20k to 30k with it.
>Shion has been streaming it for 9 hours with a constant 17-18k viewership in the middle of nip night
I swear I don't get the craze for this shit
They locked in their schedule already.They very rarely swap out stuff for FOTM. The one time they did it was for Pal World and that's because Mococo really wanted to play it. I kinda wish they don't have a strict schedule and just put it as GAME like Koyori.
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Mane-chan will put it on their schedule. Just you wait.
>much gacha interest
Mococo and holocure.
>sims management games
It's fine to have a schedule and stick to it. The issue is when you're SO inflexible that you never change the way you do things ever. No one is gonna be mad if every once in a while you swap out games.
>haven't shown an interest
Every game they play that has a job/task for you to do they like to hyperfocus on it and rp as the people working there. I can easily see them doing the same thing here Mococo also really likes anything where you can make money
Now that you say it... she does huh KEK
This is the problem with schedules. The fad will probably be over by the time they play it. If they were more flexible about their streams then they'd be able to play it while interest is still high
it will be a jp stream
It's not even a problem with schedules. It's a problem with being so autistic you have no flexibility with your usual routine.
I wish they keep their schedules flexible and just copy whatever blows up in JP. kek.
Reccettear when?
I'd fuck the brains out of Fuwawa in the storage closet while Mococo works hard earning money and gambling it all away in our TCG shop
Yeah, having at least one flex slot on their schedules could be a good move. But I still can't see them doing that in the foreseeable future.
Don't even need to have a flex spot. Just need to every once in a while go "Oh hey we wanna try out this thing everyone else is doing right now, so we're gonna move X to next week".
You should have known that was dead when they pushed it back the second time. It was a cute, goofy game, but we won't get it now.
I think the voice mimicry dream is already dead...
Fauna mentioned Fuwamoco when she congrats Kronii about her 1M.
Fuwawa spraying you with her piss to mask the smell of sex
>Game forces you to make change with every transaction
Fuwawa is way too sexy to be real
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Mococo still smells the sex anyway and decides to retaliate by pissing on you too
mococo is good at math
fuwamoco will reach 1M before fauna will
ruffians win
>Some customers are smelly shitheads
I'm sure that'll bring back some memories.
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Have fun with the stream tonight ruffians, I'm heading to the ER.
Goodluck with surgery ruffian, I hope you have an easy recovery and everything goes well.
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what race are you
hot af
marked by both twins as intended
Ah the good ending
Damn who's this stunning woman.
My resolution for the rest of the year is to usurp pissnix and tekzi by putting effort into clips post stream while also spamming the everloving fuck of shot unedited clips during the stream
k. Keep us updated
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that's a horse
I have no idea how people have the energy to post during the stream and be in chat at the same time, but I'm just a tired ojisan that can barely string stuff together in davinci hours after the stream ends
They ignore high effort clips. You need to put the minimal effort possible. Also if you haven't groomed Sobbi you have no shot.
it was a lame game anyway.
would be better as a collab game.
I'm going to raise a horse now if that's what they look like
>groomed Sobbi
am I supposed to DM her or comm her or something? or is it too late
how does phoenix posts clips during the stream while being at the top of spamming chat in Pandora box? what level of mental illness is that
If you want to play catchup you'll have to comm her a few times and reply to all her tweets
I'm so tired...
How do you groom Sobbi? Aren't they an adult?
it feels wrong sending money to another woman just to get noticed by Fuwamoco but I'm desperate. I'll send her 1k
Its pretty easy once you have the proper setup
I think they've tweeted about homework previously and they are always in the voice chat but I don't dare join. In her songs she sounds a bit cute and funny
how big and black is your cock
captcha: phawa
Why not just use that money to send them SC's?
Fair enough, I'm just really bad at splitting my attention
You pretend to be gay but also have a handsome voice and a charming attitude. Impressionable women like that.
Because I already do that and they don't give them any attention. Maybe when I stop sending to them and they see i gave it all to sobbi they'll get jealous and notice me
Oh shit I thought the kanji de go was going to be tomorrow before fwmc morning but it's on saturday morning
I'm skipping it either way
You know the average girl spend way more money than they do. She'll wring you dry in a day.
They should change their stream timeslot to JST.
It's better for their health, and they'll be able to stream in japanese more often.
>B-but muh English stream...
They NEED the JP ruffians if they want to do a sololive. They don't need EN ruffians anymore, they already served their purpose, they gave FWMC a big push that the start and now they'll watch FWMC regardless of timezones or language.
Stop being schizos about JP streams, they love Japan, you should've already expected them to stream mostly in JP.
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im so behind, out of the loop, and have pratically disappeared, so i dont even know why i still check in here periodically... i always come in here and just see bait and more jpschizo stuff. at least ill be able to watch fate.
also is gaylo still on for Sun? if so what time?
Kill yourself.
>out of the loop
Don't worry, we're mostly down to three of those at this point so it's not hard to keep up. Fate should be enjoyable at least
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Around the usual FWMC stream time, maybe 1 or 2 hours before, we'll decide that on Friday/Saturday.
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It's been replaced with Jong
just oshihen ratman this place is a wasteland now
What discord do I have to join to get in?
This is a sister cobbling together shitposts to start a loop again. Hide and ignore, be strong ruffians I believe in you
seethe, you hate their health and you hate FWMC
ill check in on Sun. i only managed to play once last time, but was really fun
I don't even understand why they tried that when there was a loop already forming they could have jumped on. Sisters have somehow managed to get even worse at their one thing
I thought it was wuffians
Well good luck anon
as far as i know you can easily find the lobby, cause itll be called wuffian game night or something.
thats some furry discord
invite only how do u join
Everything will be organized /here/. I'll probably have to make the game public, and I'll post a screenshot with an explanation of how to join on Sunday.
I woke up covered in dried cement what the hell happened
thats what happens when you forget to pay the sneeze tax, wuffian
Kill yourself, retard. FWMC would never treat the EN Ruffians like that.
how did you get free?
Every single post in this shithole is 'Wanna play games?', people complaining about something they did, 'I'm cumming', and more people yelling at the people complaining.
I like playing games with ruffians. We should try TF2 next week if there's a homework day too.
That's Fuwawa soup dried up
Reminder that they'll be sadder about a random donut store closing down than they'll ever be about you leaving
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her specialty
Sure I'm down.
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Hey bros wanna play games? God FWMC are so annoying everything they do is wrong, why stream in Japanese. Also I'm in the process of cumming at this very moment while reading you all complain about more "le JP streams" how pathetic, just learn to not be a complaining bitch once in a while hnnngggggg im so close fuwawa im so close
I already left and they didn't even notice
THIS. They don't care about EN ruffians, if you are going to get pissy when they stream in japanese you should oshihen. They DON'T want you as a fan.
The EN Paypigs? Maybe. Everyone else? Disposable. Millions of JP ruffians waiting to replace them.
They should do a sloppy blowjob ASMR stream in japanese and JST. It'll help them get to the million subs fast.
Why do they hate us so much? We've been supporting them since the start, why do they like the JP tourists more?
But they did those things for me 8 and 10 months ago! Surely they still love me like they did then.
they don't care about the EN paypigs more than anyone else and I've seen no evidence otherwise. they say their names more because they pay for it but they don't care about it and think it's actually weird they send so much money for attention
Fuwawa is for JP ruffians ONLY.
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Blue and white stripes...
I made all of the posts you're referencing just today
They have started to become more distant to the EN ruffians since they moved to Japan...
I need a pair on my face and on my dick preferably freshly worn ones on my face
Obviously? That random donut store has been a part of their lives for at least ten times longer than any day one ruffian. If you'd abandon them now, your impact on their lives is nowhere near the impact that store had.
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you'll definitely be ESR next FWMC morning
I haven't watched fuwamoco morning in a month. it's not worth the time
She only shows her panties to the JP ruffians.
almost a year...
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They'll still give us another Marshmallow Mania, won't they?
incoming huge Ws
They're just trying to trigger menhera, so they don't need to try and follow logic. Everyone that uses their brain knows how important that location was to them
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is the shitposter always this obvious, or is this a new guy?
Sadly never ever
in the japanese golden week cyoa on the hololive main channel membership maybe. that's their 1m wish along with the branch change
Yeah, but it will be a JP stream in JST the next time.
It's the same reason why the Modern Media abandons their old audience in search of a new one. Their ambitions grow larger (projects, sololive) and they need more prospective customers (JP) to satisfy the growing investor demands (managers and COVER).
They believe that the old audience (EN Ruffians) will follow them regardless of their choices no matter how much the choices directly ostracize the old audience.
They should do a JP ONLY CYOA VN stream where they marry the JP ruffians. They could even add some sex scenes!
God I want a paypuppy to fuck me with the same dick he does fuwamoco and the hot femruffians
Who would fuck a femruffian? That's disgusting.
My favorite burger place that has been around since I was a kid closed down. Was I a little sad? Yes. Did I cry and make a fuss? No I moved on and found a new burger place.
He's gotten a bit more obvious and blatant over the last couple of months. People oshihenning left and right, longtime fans losing interest, artfags/soundposters left the thread ages ago, and now even our shitposters have stopped trying...
It's truly over senpaitachi's
I think it's the same one, but they're just getting progressively worse at it overtime. They might want to take a break because I'm starting to feel bad for them
>They believe that the old audience (EN Ruffians) will follow them regardless of their choices no matter how much the choices directly ostracize the old audience
This is true though, you can already see it here, most people want FWMC to change to JST and do more JP streams.
And they're right to a pretty good degree. People get invested and won't just give up because shit gets rough for a while.
kek fuck you but this'll probably happen
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Yeah who would do that hahaha
I miss them the most because even when the thread was in its worst loops we still have cute FUWAMOCO noises and clips to make me smile. Why did they even leave?
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God damn you Safi
29 hammers and not a single blast element, fuck
as long as fwmc dont stream over pekora or maine, im fine with it
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that's why there's two sisters and two pair of shima shima shorts
Good for you, buddy.
I mean, I still have them but a majority of them are from the times when I had a lot more fun.
The sick Moco-chan twitterspace was cute.
I can't wait for them to reach a million subs and announce that they are moving to HoloJP.
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You wouldn't fuck this?
I have them too but I mean the guy(s) that would dump a lot after every stream
Gee, I wonder.
Too busy practicing for the Christmas live concert.
Realistically, what's the next step from this if they were to do another vn stream?
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theyd probably just block it out with pero...
You're an absolute genius, why didn't I think of that?
Ah two different smells and flavors to savor.
Safi never gives me what I want...
Ooohhh, the makers. Gotcha. Yeah, it seems like they kinda stopped. Can't even find them posting in Global instead, which is what happened when Kiara's thread went to absolute shit for like a year straight.
two povs overlapping with a sex scene
Geow should kick Pero's ass
I like how they don't do them using the excuse that "they don't want to do them in a bad timezone for us" but then add random JP gorilla stream without a care in the world.
Christmas, but they'll do it in JP to get even more subs.
JP streams aren't 'for us'. We can miss them, they've said point-blank that it's fine to skip them if they're at a bad time for us. They don't want to do EN related content at bad times for EN. It's retarded, but it's what they're doing.
>Beach setting
>3D interactive
>Advent joins in
>Locked in a building together
>New fantasy
>More direct dates with both of them
>Looking for Pero
lots of ideas
They ARE for us. They do them for the Ruffians.

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