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>locks on to her next target
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That Tongue Pose Edition

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact

>Who is Filian?
White haired and bushed kemonomutt girl(?). Hyperactive zoomzoom vtuber. Fruit snack goblin. She does her best to entertain her fans!

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/filian
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@filianIsLost
Twitter: https://twitter.com/filianIsLost

>Notable Clips
Filian breaks containment
A Kid Requested Filian for Make-A-Wish
Frog Ridah!
/flip/ on da telly!!!

>Featured Streams
The VTuber Awards 2023, hosted by Filian

>Fan music videos
Love Taste
My Vtuber Life

Vod Archival Guide
Stream Archives
Dance Archive
Thread baking instructions

>Fansly Archive

>Usual schedule
Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat
21:00 - 24:01 UTC

>Recent Stream
IF YOU LOSE, YOU LEAK YOUR PHOTOS - Uno w/ Sinder, Camila & Trickywi


>Previous Thread
Filian is based
blessing this thread with blelele
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licky time
Quit fucking with the OP
>leglocks you
? The OP is fine tho?
how about i fuck you next you homosexual
no one likes Filian in /lig/
Stop removing /lig/ from the OP you dips

please vote for the future of /flip/
this nigger has ligma!!! slap his nuts!!
There is nothing wrong with the Op what are you talking about?
Oh, it's a seething liggerman
Please consider killing yourself for trying to stir up shit for no reason. Filian is collaborating with a phase connect member again within the week.
/pcg/ doesn't shit up the thread
it's only the shipfaggots from /swarm/
I just think it's sad you let one schizo fracture cross-threads unity like this.
a /lig/fag made this poll
yes, and that member is fucking P*ppa the disgusting fucking hobgoblin degenerate. /pcg/ do NOT belong here. They're nothing but trouble. You mark my words, this general will be unusable cancer come monday unless they're permanently removed
i dont know what youre on about so take this
/lig/ma balls
Nobody actually hates phase here falseflag-kun
Go cry about it in your thread leave us alone
Nobody gives a shit about your grudge. We're here to support Filian because we like her. If you hate the people Filian chooses to associate with then you don't really like Filian; you like a make-believe version of Filian that only does what you want her to do. It's you that doesn't belong here. Mark those words.
then why do we hate /lig/?
> If you hate the people Filian chooses to associate with then you don't really like Filian
I don't really care about your anti shit here but this is an unbelievably retarded statement. You can like a person and dislike their friends how fucking stupid you need to be to think that you are obliged to like anyone Filian associates with
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Guys I’m not eating enough to get jacked for filian how the fuck do I hit 2.5k+ calories
why does this thread exist?
just eat more bro. Hope this helps!
eat fucking nuts and eggs with every meal
>exercising for women
More protein.
Why would I eat cum with every meal you fucking dumbass
because thats what areal man would do you homosexual jew
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gn snackers :)
gn bro
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gn anon
man i love gilian
does filian like anal or is she a pussy purist
Twisting the interpretation of what I said is a concession. I never said you need to like who Filian associates with. I implied that if you're seething about who she's associating with then you're not on the same page as her. If this is constantly happening then you're obviously not enjoying your time watching Filian because she's constantly doing things you don't want her to do. This means you don't like Filian as much as the people here do. Plenty of people here don't like a lot of the people Filian collabs with, but none of them are consistently losing their shit frothing at the mouth like you are. You are the odd one out. You're kicking and thrashing around with your tantrums and you have the audacity to sit there when you're called out and defend the idea that you belong here among reasonable, rational people. You don't. You've been acting like a petulant kid in a grocery store when his mama won't buy him some candy. One day you'll realize that you've been wasting your time pretending, and everyone else here won't know it at the time but that day will be worth celebrating.
pls stop he's already dead(inside)
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Fuck Phase
holy frick I hate P*ppa so much it's unreal and NOTHING anyone says will ever change that fact as I have principles and don't blindly accept every bad decision Filian makes because I'm not a mindless fucking simp degenerate like certain people in this general. As far as I'm concerned /pcg/ doesn't belong here and I will continue to call them out EVERY single thread.
Have you seen lumi’s awesome tits tho
I like her feet
I hatefapped to her feet but it was more of a sex magic power thing than the fact that she has nice feet
checks out for a snacker
>it was more of a sex magic power thing
Pippa is based and so are Tenma and Lumi. I am looking forward to the Tenma collab
Retard, I am not even the guy you was arguing before, I just said that you argument that people ought to like friends of their streamer otherwise "you can't really like the streamer" is fucking retarded, which it is because you are retarded, whatever argument you had with other guy doesn't concern me, I just came by to tell you you are an imbecile because of your statement about "friends" and no it wasn't misinterpreted, you just a retard that said stupid shit.
you wouldn't get it
help me understand
Let it go. You can't have that knowledge and stay normal.
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that next target?
yeah, you guessed it
i can handle your knowledge. im going into battle and need it
>hand prints
Those hand prints? Mine.
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I wrote that post
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I wrote your post.
Are you going to post more fillyButt, too?
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I miss the kettle. I hope she gets well soon.
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Do think Filian smacks to these pics, too?
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a dude poses for all her fansly pics
What a weird thing to say when there isn't a single fansly pic in this thread. Those pajeets must live rent free in your head
oddly defensive anon
worried youre jacking off to a vrchat tranny
How was what I said defensive? lol. You are the one thinking about pajeets all the time
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Huh? I assumed these were known pics
>randomly bringing up indians
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What the fuck is this moon video?
I'd have said her channel got hacked but I don't see that video on her channel. Did it just get taken down?
It still appears on the Home tab for me, but not the Videos tab
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I don't see it, you want to tell me she got wierd video on her channel and it only got 199 views in 16 hours and now it got taken down before anyone of us could see it, I doubt it.
I think it might be just a youtube bug?
it's still there
Oh yeah I see it. The vids thing in the home tab is a playlist. Was she browsing youtube on her main channel and accidentally saved some obscure science vid to it by mistake lol? What a fuckin nerd and that's extremely relatable if true
Oh its actually does, funny, she might got hacked in some way as this video belongs to another channel but mentioned on her home page for some reason. Report it just incase
Oh, nvrm then don't report it
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>tfw ywn watch hours of documentaries on space colonization with Nerdian
Why even live
Yeah that happens to me sometimes as well when i pass out next to my phone and it saves random shit to my playlists when i roll over it
Why is this so endearing?
Because beeing passionate about something is sexy as fuck. When someone asks you about your hobby your eyes better be sparkling with joy while you nerd out.
>>86698083 (me)
Filian could talk full 6h about space and sell it as ASMR
This >>86698083 plus the juxtaposition of adhd Filian willingly sitting through a fairly dry 30 minute presentation on colonizing the moon is cute, and also I personally like the topic so bonus points for being a shared interest.
It's gone now kek. Watch it on stream tomorrow Filian.
sorry, too dead inside
Lmao, what are the chances that she just discovered about it from here, since she is definitely browsing 4chan
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Your joy will return when your life gets better
this happens from time to time on her channel
it’s just an editor fucking up
If true – fuckkk, I need that so much. Her nerding out is peak content. Nerdian is peak Filian.
Need filian history content where it’s generally accurate but she gets dates slightly wrong and pronounces names weird
>Filian talks about WW2
>mixes up Austria and Australia
>shits on Australia for 4h
holy fucking based
melbourne snacker needs to be humbled
>filian killer
The Filler
she’s off tomorrow, right?
No, eye tracker with Cotton is tomorrow.
big news, thanks snacker
With the advent of 2020 clause written in to the United Nations Agenda 21-30 came to maturity. Instructables were handed down to corporations to then hand down to subgroups regarding /vt/ and vtubers from places like the army about things like vaccine and Ukraine. To make the whole of anime beyond just vtubing fake and gay and hosed down in a hoe hole as a diddy party. For the forseeable future in vain.
Yeah she had to cancel because I'll be there and we're going to have sweaty baby making sex
buy an ad
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This is out of character for Vedal, he should be slumped over in his chair drunk while programming Neuro.
But Filian making out with Camila is accurate
If Filian landed on (You) like this it'd probably kill you like a scene from The Boys
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Only one way to find out.
Her ass has to be covered in bruises.
I'll try to be a little gentler in the future.
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I miss Filian a little bit.
this is like a different side of filian (I know its just a bit but its pretty convincing)
Camila just announced a game night event Oct 10 with Filian, Michi Mochivee and Cottontail.

So I guess the rumored VShojo ban is over/didn't exist
>the rumored VShojo ban is over/didn't exist
You mean the 1 or 2 "trust me my dad works at Nintendo" type posts around the time of the Nendo fiasco was actually bullshit?
Are they gay for each other?
layna definitely took her cunnilingus cherry
She's only banned from collabing with NA VShojo members
>so many newfricks
posting old filian clip
But this can't be true. Filian didn't know what 4chan was until a few months ago. That's what she said on stream. Surely she would never lie.
I really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really wanna touch Filian's butt

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