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The one with the stock image from the vtuber wiki because I don't actually watch vdere but you fags won't bake your own thread

Here we discuss V-Dere - a talent-run Vtuber Group established by 4 buddies. Come join us, let's have a good comfy time.
It might appear that we're new, but we're actually still the /same/!

Gen 1- Fantadere

Airi Viridis

Mozumi Pichi

Elia Stellaria

Gen 2- soon

V-Dere YouTube channel:

V-Dere Twitter List

V-Dere website:


Previously on /vdere/: >>83945032
Oh cool a place for everyone to piss and moan so Mozzu can come look at it and throw up her snickers bars
thank goodness, hopefully with a thread to discuss it can stay away from other generals (saw it being posted on /v4m/ at least)
this one will be the last thread
they won't, they seem to take pride in shitting up other generals
Nice, this can be the last V-Dere thread before they shut down.
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mozumi titchi
you retards were hating on the wrong one all along. the real enemy was always the whorse.
Real vdere fans always knew this but /pkg/shitters needed to make it about mozzu because people actually like her
mozzu still owes me an emotionless paizuri
We reached 10 posts congrats guys/
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I apologize, Mozzu. I was wrong all along.
You'll go back to hating her again next week, this is the standard time loop
Of all the corpos to emulate, why cyberlive?
Mozzu's a shitty person? Who could have known.
Lumi's fault. Another crime for the list.
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Mozzu, I'm really sorry to hear what happened. I know you’ve worked so hard for this company, and it’s awful that your coworkers took advantage of that.
Please stay strong.
Is it safe to watch Airi again? My schizo incel heart can't take anymore. Why can't women understand that they belong to us?
I think she'll still do the ones with the married D&D DM so if you're a diehard 0 leeway unicorn then no. Otherwise she seems to have backtracked pretty much everything else on males and collabs entirely and has been lovebombing pretty intensely so up to you to make the judgement
Imagine trusting a British Vtuber in your group. Fucking kick her out. Make peace and bring in Zoey for gen 2.
my sides
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It's the perfect time to acquire her. She's been totally mindbroken by her stagnation. She won't male collab like the Whorse
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>We're putting a team together
>Look up her name on youtube
>3/4 first videos are fleshposting
She came across my feed again the other day, I'd completely forgotten she existed.
It's pretty sad when they start to realize that they don't have anything special to offer and have no idea how to market themselves. I know everyone always says "just stream", but the reality is that you gotta tickle YouTube's balls if you want to make it
Why does she have staff, isnt she a two view?
Unironically a lot of the streamers who make it are in their analytics constantly. They try small changes, make small improvements, see how it trends. Over weeks/months they constantly improve their streaming or its content with focus, practice and dedicate study. It takes several hours a day outside streaming to do that. The others are just lucky or have corpo box. If you're not a lucky blow-up streamer and you're not in a big corpo being "just you" or "doing what you enjoy" isn't enough to make this a full time job, you have to genuinely treat it like one
Who was the anti-male collab girl? I'm very interested in buying some of her stocks.
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Same anon. Going through her membership posts now. It's so much more menhera. She is literally pining for her Siren days
so today of all days we decide to have a vdere gen again? why?
Aruru probably had the weirdest "graduation" ever that I've seen for a VTuber
Mozzu was having a menhera melty and anons were shitting up multiple other threads so someone did the board a service.
Someone on corpo was fed up and decided to bake this thread so the shitposting can happen in three threads at once instead of two
>/pkg/ fans actually always liked Aletta
Oceane, if you happen to be reading this, them having a tab open on your YT stream doesn't help at all unless that's the active tab of the whole browser. That method works on Twitch but not YT.
You need to save her Manager-san....
British women are pure garbage. Even tho Elia is some disgusting Paki mutt or god knows what. But yeah, if you live on that dogshit island you are most likely a whore or a tranny supporter.
Miryuu was pretty much the one /pkg/ liked (at least at or around the time of the schism)
>Miryuu was pretty much the one /pkg/ liked
The dumbo had her fans, and Mozzu as always was divisive but had her goslings
I can't wait for her to go a lovey dovey sex ASMR to appease us!
Not while Mozzu is still around. GFE is le bad!
Do you get to fuck fans in V-Dere?
wasn't that a manager-only bonus in CL?
This but unironically
No, they had to make it about mozzu because people actually like mozzu, everyone hated whorse then and hate her now
If they sperg out about whorse then nobody cares and they don't get the chaos they want
>because people actually like mozzu
I mean, they like her tits at least
There was a reason kektomos hated her and her fans with a burning rage before they left
I am eternally grateful that your mental disease compels you to include these signatures in your posts wherever you go.
Green whore is on
>Donation bar 500 instead of 300
>$400 in the first 2 minutes
Good for Airi
Is green whore (affectionate) back?
>8 minutes of start screen
>8 more minutes of overreacting to dono sound alerts
Yeah this isn't worth it.
everyone calls them kektomos, lil bro
Anon, if you extrapolate it out that's about $5,000/hr speed of alerts, can't you cut her a break, these are the people paying for the stream you're watching
If I wanted to rot my brain with sound alerts I'd watch vtubers on twitch
You'll get maybe 10 more max throughout a 2hr stream now they've got it out of their system
Nene won
>staff team
I've been keeping up with her, even though I rarely watch her.

To be honest, her sticking to fleshposting ASMR is just not going to help her grow. She needs to totally revamp her content and do something other than whatever it is she's doing now. It's obviously not working, and worse yet, it's actively harming her.
She wasn't even putting effort into that last I checked. She was doing AFK replay streams. On Youtube.
>The one with the stock image from the vtuber wiki because I don't actually watch vdere but you fags won't bake your own thread
Unironically based, I'll help you.
Exactly, it's not even low effort, it's negative effort. She should just call it quits until she can figure her shit out.
YouTube is very simple: you get people to stick around for ads, you get promoted. AFK streaming is doing the opposite of engagement.
Now rejoin kawaii and have them fire these new male collaber whores we got now.
It's time for a return to form.
She means her doxcord
Whore doesnt want to be seen as a whore by her fans by male collabing.
She prefers getting a train ran on her by actual party chads instead of sexpest 2view male vtubers
The rest of the girls are all in on the "own the incels" trash now
Whore... why did she do it
Wasn't Airi trying to damage control though? She gave up on that?
77 now
i'll give you a bump because spica is cute and mozzu has nice tits
thanks kind stranger
What would it have looked like of the bad ones didnt get hired into kawaii and the others were still in? How big would kawaii have gotten?
They would be where Phase is now if not bigger. Nene is competitive with Pippa in some metrics as-is. The morons threw it all away.
If only women weren't crazy and kawaii had a more rigerous screening process
Is it true the pee drinker is leaving?
Spica is the only good one in V-Dere
Here's my rrat about member responsibilities:

Tech support and financials
Social media and promotional
Music composition and production
General business management (events, merch, logistics)
Mozzu getting in Menace to replace Elia as top money maker and therefore fireable.
come back to us, we forgive you
Now that the smoke's cleared I think it's time we said what's truly on everyone's mind: the coin purse kinda sucks.
>Spica is the only good one in V-Dere
She has always been the best one, and I think this is what pissed off their former "leader" more than anything, getting upstaged that hard.
>doesnt want to collab with males
>shes a whore
Braindead logic
Yes, did you miss the rest of the post retard?
I guess thats why she was talking about shaving her pubes before she went out to touch grass to "freshen up" to keep in line with her anti-male pro GFE stance then
unless you install something that kills the page visibility API… pretty useful if you don't want ew-tube to pause the videos if you _dare_ to switch tabs in a mobile browser, but I won't link any such extensions because they'll get b&.
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I don't know why this thread even exists but i'll post this and leave.
Braves plan of killing their competition through sexpests is going swimmingly, hololive needs to step up with their sexpests
do managers really want to fuck fans?
Vera did at least

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