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>leaves the org she founded because a member sullied its name by collabing with males
Kneel to Mozzu.
Queen of the unicorns.
Goddess of CGDCT.
Why not fire the person who collabed with males? Someone like that should be the one getting punished
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someone should send this to that twitter guy that made her seethe with her own freechat
Not how vdere works. Also, the male collaber prime is the one making bank.
Who? What?
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male collabers are the devil
Retard. That's her PC.
what a fat cunt
Doesn't this chick have constant melties?
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Every time I lay my eyes on her model and listen to her talk I'm just awestruck.

She's glorious. How does she do it?
Just because Kawaii is a den of nijisisters doesn't mean that Mozzu magically stops being a cunt.
I forgive her
>that's her personal concubine
and that makes it better?
Doesn’t she not shower and wipe her ass
She's not a CEO or anything, it's just a friend group where everyone is equal but she was doing most of the management work including organizing merch and events and cons because making a cute girls group was her dream project
then they started doing male collabs
Literally fucking who?
If she wasn't a weird menhere who hated her fans and men I would say based.
Yes, she hates her fans and the hobby in general and it's well documented here.
she is based then
Uh.... does she realize Elia is literally a male collabing whore?
>tried dating while vtubing and pretending to be CGDCT
Holy cuck
I see Mozzu seethe threads all the time but all I ever see is based takes from her
Yes, that's what this thread is about.
They jus wanna get some cock, Aletta's little simp pigs will be happy for her.
>male vtubers ruin everything once again
Could the unicorns be right after all...?
so she's abandoning a second company. did she at least do a donothon?
I can't be mad at her, I just can't. I'm sorry kawaiisis.
>Streaming means WE'RE DATING.
You are a schizophrenic of course.
how bad were the male collabs for this to happen?
So she is lesbian then?
Hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha Holokeks Holozhangs bootlicker of the CCP and China.
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unicucks are always wrong
didn't she have a relationship with a guy in her chat?
I'm definitely not a Mozzu expert, but I have to imagine it wasn't just the male collab, right? Maybe more along the lines of her taking an issue with something here and there, with the male collab being the last straw for her?
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Nothing will EVER be more pathetic than a female vtuber who takes the opinions of little brown incels on /vt/ seriously
>I’m afraid of male collabs not out of principle but because my chud fanbase will stop giving me money
Elia probably tried to pressure her to make peace with Nene.
Did someone in V-Dere do a really bad male collab or something?
She started to corrupt Airi, Airi started backtracking because her audience was pretty clear with her, she probably doubled down on calling them incel chuds and telling her to do the content anyway. Being associated with someone like that is a liability even if you don't do male-collabs or other garbage twitch content because you're known to be around someone pushing for you and others to do it
whorse HATE
kek what a bitch. It's not like males are joining your corpo and nobody is forcing you to collab with them, does being in the same company as collabers bother you that much?
Destroy all male collabers
Hi Elia
If you need to ask, the answer is always the whorse
I kneel
But unicorns told me that collabing with males would sink your career and ruin everything
did she officially announce she's leaving?
>t. male vgroomer
She has more integrity than Holowhores who are okay with their fans' money being funneled to Stars.
Unironically kill yourself you terminally depressed failure of society. That is your only future.
She said on Twitter earlier today (>>86681759) she might leave before the end of this year, nothing confirmed yet
It absolutely is but Elia is propped up by a cuck who paid her 30K and a pest who likes to show up when girls have too much to drink paying the rest
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>Pander to unibabies
>*Be in constant drama*
>*Make no money*
>*Become mentally unwell*

I genuinely don’t see the benefit. Other than what retards on 4chan will call you based? Appealing to 4chan in general is the worst thing any creator can do. Not even Sam Hyde does that shit.
What I'm hearing is that Elia is the most successful, but it doesn't count because you're mad about it
>It absolutely is
But the male collaber makes the most money so there’s a clear contradiction here
You have to have something genuinely interesting about you other than being a woman for this to work
To be fair 70-80% of female vtubers are extremely retarded and can’t function properly IRL
are you a child?
>Trannies and fags want all girls to collab with males to "own le chuds"
>Vtubing is yet another vessel for their culture wars and they barely watch or donate to the girls that they fight for
Yeah unless you are Luxiem, you wont see a dime from these activist twitter sisters. Otherwise, Holostars would have thousands of views each now since their shit on twitter got TENS of thousands of likes, and that translated to 500-600 ccv KEK
I've seen a lot of them be able to earn a living from it. If you try to be like the typical twitch whores jumping into calls and playing games with homos or dudes in general, you will never make it. 99.9% of women that do are so below the totem pole that they never make it past 2view territory with at best like 3 people watching them (cucks). They are so obscure they don't even get talked about. Dead and buried without a grace to remember them by. Compare that to a "failure" that "panders to unibabies" but usually has at least a hundred or so people watching her stream and tossing her some donos. It's just better odds.
>Pander to unibabies
She was in kawaii. She had a successful donothon and during one xmass stream, she revealed how she donesnt want to just say "I love you" to her fans because she wants to say it to someone special. She also said that she would eventually like to have a baby.
Some of her most hard core kawaii fans sent her maros telling her to find a boyfriend and most of those guys ended up supporting her anyways.
So your "toxic unichud" theory fell apart right away. Kill yourself nijisister trannyfaggot.
Post the usual Mozzu chats
>own le chuds
I want people to collab with whomever they want and not give a shit about mentally-ill 4chan posters

If Mozzu never wants to be within 10 miles of a male that's her business, but she shouldn't be getting this upset over her friends doing things differently.
One of the most disgusting things I read about V-dere girls is Ellia saying how she is surprised that people consider her to be a "GFE" streamer. She avoided male collabs for so long and baiting with GFE content even while she was in kawaii. And now she is acting like deer in the headlights like "whaaa? huhhhhh? why are all these people think that im GFE???"
Hypocritical pathetic grifter whore and one of the worst pity baiting vtubers in existence.
This girl has 5 sob stories on repeat and has to repeat them to DRILL them into her chats mind how she was bullied her entire life and it was never her fault.
Really mentally ill but damn, that's some dedication.
>but she shouldn't be getting this upset over her friends doing things differently
We dont know what is going on behind the scenes. Maybe they had a deal when they created Vdere that it will be a CGDCT corpo with no males, and Elia the whore started drifing away from it because of course, she is a disgusting whore.
If that were codified in any way (e.g. a contract or something) then it wouldn't be happening at all because it would be cause for removal from the group.
99% of the biggest female streamers don’t care about or even know about unicorn shit though and they get 10k-20k a stream
and if it wasn't people would be butthurt and tweeting about it, what's your point? contracts don't decide morality, they are a tool to enforce it. the act was either wrong or not regardless
If you are the carrier of the group, you can use your power to start changing the content because who the hell would kick out the main cash cow?
Elira is a whore (and deleted Hana's vods).
>main cash cow
They don't have any revenue split
Then why are you all spamming about her being a unicorn god in the OP unibaby
This is not a matter of morality.
This is, at best, interpersonal drama based on difference of opinions.

>you can use your power to start changing the content because who the hell would kick out the main cash cow?
Sure, yeah, hypothetically that could happen. Is it happening?
Then what the actual fuck is the point of this thread
going back on an agreement is core to human morality. its called a betrayal. big deal for the person it's happening to
Isn't mouse one of the highest earning streamers anyway?
Holy chud rage
Considering the info in the OP is behind a locked side twitter >>86681759 I'd say this thread was probably made by the same guy who always leaks Mozzu's member stuff to make bait posts and threads here, the point is to bait a negative response
>She’s a unicorn QUEEN guys!!!
>*calls her dumb because they only brings drama (proof being all the drama)*
>uh actually no she isn’t a unicorn queen YOU JUST LOVE NIJI

You fags might actually be the most retarded people on the website. Unironic man children
>Queen of the unicorns.
>Goddess of CGDCT.
Should've stayed in kawaii then
Exactly and she has a whole boyfriend who’s always on stream lmao.
This whole concept is stupid.
This agreement is entirely hypothetical.
You are arguing something that may not even exist, and casting moral judgments based on it.
this started by you mentioning a contract, so yes it is about your hypothetical.
I would shrink down to 2 inches tall and personally clean her asshole.
Anons think the /vt/culture war matters to anyone who isn’t on /vt/
>great model
>not a snowflake
>plays retro games
>her pichis
What's not to like?
>not a snowflake
Someone didn’t read the thread I see
>you all
You are assuming a lot for a board that is anonymous. But as a typical tranny, you are assuming only things that help you push your tranny narrative. Kill yourself.
You are literally arguing with imaginary people at this point. Typical tranny /vt/ sister.
You're the one who brought up some kind of behind-the-scenes agreement.
Now say that without buzzwords and crying
It looks like she makes femanons really mad or maybe this is just another deflection thread about a big corpo doing something bad
>Makes group of chuubas
>Vision is "cute girls doing girl stuf"
>They start male collabing
>Mozzu seethes, she's 100% anti male collab
>One of em does male collabo last night (after doing this really often)
>"It's terminal"
>Mozzu is done.
>Planned to disband the entire thing but now will leave it behind so the girls can run it (or ruin it) themselves.
>Mozzu was doing most of the management work, so idk what will happen.
>Expect her leave starting next year or near the end of the current one.
Why did she leave Kawaii again? It sounds like she would've been better staying there?
>rrats she leave kawaii due two pushing male collabs
mozu wins BIGLY if true
Vtubing is a very competitive market and when most of the market is lonely men a lot of them prefer to not see their oshi having fun with other men. But I guess occasionally getting lucky with a few dedicated cucks works too
There are loads of male-collabing vtubers that are significantly bigger than the unicorn darlings in VDere and Kawaii
But they'll still tell you it's a death sentence and that unicorns are what keep vtubing alive
I think two of them wanted to leave and convinced the others that actually decided to stay at first. Idk if Mozzu was one of them
Huh. I thought Mozzu was the one who orchestrated that whole move?
She's alluded to being stuck doing most of the work behind the scenes multiple times and feeling like the others aren't reciprocating. Of course, she's also thrown shade "indirectly" at other vtubers immediately after participating in big collabs, so who knows. She's extremely menhera.
heard 3rd gen didn’t think management was doing enough to help them grow
yes. im replying to your hypothetical about a contract, to show that it is pointless. for one there obviously wasn't any contract they're not a corpo or anything official, you are showing your ignorance of the specific situation. secondly, the presence or lack of a contract would not have changed the underlying morality, just allowed a path for legislative redress. do you think mozzu would sue her?
This level of asshurt is proof that the filter threshold needs to be reduced to 2 instead of 3.
You came into the thread flailing your little noodle hands around, calling every other poster a unicorn. You are the purest definition of asshurt.
These trannies dont understand that part of it. They unironically think men watch most of these boring whores because they are "le entertaining".
I feel sorry for these apes more than the actual unicorns because unicorns actually have a solid reason for watching this trash. These troons unironically watch bottom of the barrel tier content for "entertainment".
>he says this while coming into the thread just to screech about unicorns
lol hilarious
I'd be willing to believe Mozzu was on the fence, but the rest all wanted out. Spica is pretty much confirmed to be one of the ones that wanted to leave. Elia clearly wanted to collab with males and thought her entire audience would follow her, and I always got the impression that Airi seemed the most personally slighted over the Oceane debacle and how it was handled, so she probably wanted out too.
>she would've been better staying there
have you seen kawaii today? kek her meltdown would be bigger now
>I'd be willing to believe Mozzu was on the fence, but the rest all wanted out.
Are you out of your mind? The rebellion literally started after Mozzu had her Tokyo Treats meltdown while she was in Norway and desperately needed every penny that she could get.
>Elia clearly wanted to collab with males and thought her entire audience would follow her
I listened to the Whorse talking about it during one of her Elia streams, and she couldnt get into it but it seemed like she wanted to stay. She said "things really didnt have to end up like this".
Dont know what that means. Maybe they wanted a better contract or they were pissed that kawaii management took forever to deal with the Oceane situation.
Yeah kawaii got bought out by Culture Entertainment and decided that their newer generations are turning a new page in that corpos direction.
One of the girls followed a bunch of male vtubers as soon as she debuted. The other one literally talked to her boyfriend on her vtuber twitter account not even hiding it. He was even a mod in her chat before the meltdown happened and she had to remove him.
Kawaii is a joke now. Girls get ZERO guidance on what to do they just kinda wing it.
Could be one of the most meme corpos on the market right now.
But she used to hang out with males on vrchat before??
This is what I remember, something about immigrating to norway and anons in the pkg thread shitposting about her going to live with somebody from norway that kept sending her donos on stream. I wouldn't be surprised if she was the one who initiated the destruction of gen 3 considering how willing she is to blow shit up again over something she could just ignore. Mozzu/S*v* HATE
should've never betrayed us for the fucking whorse
anyone who hates coalburners is cool in my books.
That was an obvious shitpost that one cuck poster spammed all day every day that tourists obviously believed in. She always had Norwegians on one side of the family.
But yeah you are right about the fact that she initiated the walkout.
Cyberlive all over again
>clean humor
>Let british vtuber into your group
>She male collabs
>She gets your friends to male collab
>She wants you to male collab
>Say no
>She starts post gifs of crying anime girls on her twitter alt account
Elia should be kicked out of vdere. If it's Mozzu or Elia we know Mozzu contributes more and the group can't function without her
This is what the rest of the world thinks of you.
>mfw unicorns get cucked by a cuck
But in order to get to that point you need to dickride and kiss ass to Asmongold or fuckers like that. Is that really any better that sucking up to Unicorns?
Why does it feel like Euros are so much more prone to male collabing
>you need to dickride and kiss ass to Asmongold or fuckers like that
No you don't. The amount of vtubers that have ever been associated with OTK is in like the single digits and most of them were only around for a collab or two.
Much more loose culture than the US (sans cities which mozzu doesn't live in)
I saw an albino crow once I now question if black crows ever existed.
If you want them to deteriorate their mental state at the cost of more money then yes. The unicorns are right. Now you know how menheras were made.
nene is a egotistical bitchy whore and the managment is horrendous thats why
Isn't that the preggers girl from Kawaii? Why did she leave that company in the first place again?
you have several stories mixed up, sir. Spend some time away.
Mozzu is literally insane and needs to get back on her meds. She's always getting upset over nothing and needs to learn how to stop being a entitled bitch all the time
Production kawaii is just a bomb waiting to go off once an inevitable yab happens.
Whatever happens to that corpo is inconsequential unless it's about Nene since she's keeping the company afloat.
Which ones? Shortly after the Oceane drama and an entire gen leaving, all /pkg/ or /#/ was leaking into the catalog was Safari being pregnant and moving to Scandinavia. Save me from these rrats.
vdere traitor keks cannibalizing their own corpo, their fans too. deserved. good luck to vdere gen 2 kek
Piss (nonsexual)
kek, this bitch only helped the male collaber whore to leave kawaii while keeping her paypigs
Whorse and Sava deserve each other.
I don't think even her deserves Elia... She's the biggest grifter I've ever seem
>"things really didnt have to end up like this".
I wouldn't read too deeply into it. A woman like that would say the same thing when you break up with her for literally cheating on you
in her own words, she does exactly the same amount of work she used to do in kawaii except she doesn't have to give some retarded jap 50% of her fans' money
I think she is the only one in vdere who talked about why she wanted to leave
Why the fuck did she leave Kawaii if she was anti-male exactly? I thought that was the whole reason why they fucked off
anti idolshit, anti-paying a cut to the corpo, thought they could make more on their own in general
take your pick
Imagine choosing to graduate because someone in your corpo decided to collab with someone of the opposite gender instead of just minding your business. What a dumb cunt
why would she stay in kawaii if management gives her 0 support, they make her join useless JST meetings every day, she has to finance and work on her own merch and shit, and they take 50% of her money?
>b-b-but they don't collab with males!
she can not collab with males as an indie too
Based on what she's said across all the membership streams:
Kawaii, at least at that time, did not give enough support to justify the cut they took. Since the company refused to do work but was still taking half the money for doing nothing milking a bad contract for all it was worth Mozzu left knowing kawaii didn't have the money to pursue overseas litigation. Simple as that
things going about as well as one would expect
The only good thins about Kawaii are Lua Asuka and Isla Coleman.
I kneel, I will start watching her now
Fuckin faggot using gay ass buzzwords. Go an hero
and Auri
Yeah and how many vtubers collab with males and have stable good viewership? I’ll give you a hint, it’s pretty much the exact same number
unironically explains a lot of her menhera this year, I kneel mozzu
My guy your corpo’s reputation will effect your audience. If you just wanna do cgdct but all your genmates are collabing with guys, people will assume that all girls in the corpo do that and steer clear, hence why she wants to leave
unironically giga based.
All of VShojo, so there's 11 already
All of the ex-VShojos besides Nazuna, so there's 3 more
All four members of Vchiban
All six members of 3AM
Yuzu, Tricky, Bao, Shylily, Numi, Camila, Sinder, Laimu, Giri, Snuffy, Chibidoki, Dokibird...

So that's about 36, off the top of my head. Most of them have had little to no interaction at all with OTK.
Of this list, 31 of them average 1000+CCV, with only 3 of them low enough to be comparable to Mozumi Pichi's average CCV. And they're still higher.
Sorry, cut the numbers to 35 and 30, I didn't remove Shia from the Vchiban count
It bothers me reading chat messages from men. Castrating boys on birth is the only way.
600 dollars
>Castrating boys on birth is the only way.
Good news then because Mozzu did a chat castration stream for Valentine's day
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Do we like Mozzu now?
I just checked twitch and there are currently 87 female vtubers above 100 views. Of the ones I've seen around here and there (about 60) 59 of them collab with men, the sole exception being Nene Amano. Literally all the ones above 500 views do.
People /here/ just don't seem to get that unicorn pandering is a minority on Twitch, which is where the VAST majority of EN vtubers are.
Yes, vtubers are on Twitch. There's what, a hundred small corpo and indie EN vtubers on Youtube? Twitch has thousands, maybe tens of thousands. The question wasn't "how many vtubers on Youtube collab with males and have stable viewership?".
Explain the Holocorns
I see no evidence of her leaving V-Dere.
>Still no nude model after promising for ages
Sava betrays everyone
Here’s my theory:
>Mozzu realized she was too mask off too early
>Deletes earlier comments and unlocks account
>Tells audience “if you can’t handle my being stressed sometimes you don’t belong here” (this implies her words were said in a careless moment and weren’t genuine)
>Leverages her meal tic- her good pal Elia’s offer to go to Japan
>Returns from Japan and says “sorry but being together just made me realize we don’t ideologically align anymore”
someone should show elia those tweets before japan
I liked when she drank her piss on stream out of a moldy cup
I’d say she must have seen them but I could buy that Elia doesn’t actually read anything her “friends” post, least of all Mozzu.
Management does nothing for that. If you got an ad for 1st gen Kawaii 3D then it came out of their pocket because management refused to advertise for it. After debut the support anyone gets is a monthly allowance to use for anything, like commissions so they have more art of them out there and to use for thumbnails.
Lmfao imagine being this dude
Mozzu made her alt specifically so the other girls don't see her posts
When they started following her there she nuked it and made a new alt
Also she privated her profile before posting that shit and deleted everything before opening it again
These are women online Anon. If we revel in this kind of gossip do you think they don’t?
Why do Nijisisturds always try to use this as a gotcha as if Anycolor isn't already guzzling Chink shrimpdick?
Did someone other then Elia male collab? Because Elia has been male collabing for quite a while now
Good riddance.
>cute girls, good humor
The lack of self-awareness here is astonishing.
I can’t tell if this is bait, but Airi both nuked her ASMR and did male collabs only to backtrack heavily.
That's pretty surprising she male collabed
>my buzzwords are better than yours
Anon. Unless that cuck donates 30k to every other vtuber who male collabs ever it doesn't prove anything. Exceptions exist.
She pulls out her special move called pity baiting
Don't have to. My wives are in advent
Kawaii is pro-male
I've never watched this girl but every time there's a thread about her it's always the most annoying shit in the world, why is that?
Pretty sure she doesn't actually care about them collabing on their own terms, but she might be getting asked to organize events/streams with males, or at the very least, peer pressured into the direction Elia is taking.

There's nothing wrong with fundamentally disagreeing with including males chuubas in your plan for growth. Even less so if the group came together under the mutual understanding that they were in it together.
At this point she might as well not have, she showed up for one off-channel stream with Elia playing league where her only interaction was to screech at one guy to leave her alone and was otherwise dead silent. The fall guys mixed collab she ended up not joining any voice calls whatsoever and just lovebombed her chat the whole thing. The only thing she hasn't backtracked on is the D&D thing but I think most non-obsessive unicorns are okay with that because the DM while male is also a well known, respected irl streamer who is married and therefore will almost definitely not be sex pesty or weird
Isn't this the same girl that seethed over girls doing morning voice clips? Can she make up her mind?
>Personal Cunteater
no sir i do not like it
>therefore will almost definitely not be sex pesty or weird
is this your first time online??
making a spectacle of not collabing with males while routinely telling your chat how parasocial and needy you are is NOT gfe, learn the difference
Did you miss the
>well known, respected irl streamer
They're not okay just because they're married, that just helps. They have a history of not being weird with other women over time
>At this point she might as well not have
This is prime woman thinking: backtracking now doesn't absolve her, that's why it was a bad idea to do it in the first place.
I honestly feel safer with someone who has dipped their toes in the water, realised its freezing and pulled them back out than someone who hasn't touched the water before and might still be convinced by someone else to do a backflip in
What a cunt lol
So what's gonna happen to gen 2? I hope this doesn't become another cyberlive>aetheria situation.
Damn. I'll check her out hoping she becomes my first nonholo chuba
Good luck with that
>instead of just minding your business.
All the smart vtubers do this, keep their own niches but are still friends with each other since they don't get in each other's way. I think this menhera had personal beef with the other girls as others have said and decided this was the best escape hatch she could get that her fans would accept as an explanation.
she's gone too menhera and delusional and her audience just enables it further, it's sad but is what it sad
how she still posts in this alt account and no one tells her to shut it down is beyond me
She's getting plowed off stream so who really cares if somebody adjacent to her male collabs?
why do unicorn friendly chuubas make trannies seethe so hard
Didn't she post masturbating audios?
first time i'm hearing of this. if so, anyone got 'em?
I was reading a mozzu thread a few weeks ago and somebody shared like 2 spicy things but I dont remember if it was supposed to be her or another girl being talked about. Pretty sure it was her though
Elia whore, she is the one that needs to leave vdere
My rrat is her loyal antis got under her skin and the fact that she was a numberfag and was doomposting didn't help.
She is using CGDCT as an scapegoat.
not audios but her asked (begged) her fans to send her maros for her to masturbate, and talked about it live in freechat
I think it's more she's the one doing work for something she doesn't like and being guilt tripped into it
She will never steal the carnies.
>"We don't know, except for this one person, they caused it"
Can you be more fucking retarded without trying?
Mozzu please masturbate
nta, stop being retarded, if you followed mozzu you'd know this male collaber bullshit is a scapegoat and she has been openly complaining about having to carry vdere for almost a year now
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but will mozzu's peachies be okay?
I make sure they're consistently well fondled
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mozzu please let me in your groomcord before you nuke yourself please
Elia hate. She's ruining everything.
/same/ as it ever was
My cock is asking directly.
Fucking based
Do you think Connor feels emasculated because his girlfriend relies on sympathy dollars from her illness rather than his own income?
She literally doesn't need him. Must have a good dick game to still be joined at the hip with her
>kills the corpo she made because it has a male collaber
I kneel...
My kneels, they hurt from so much kneeling.
My dick hurts from so much titty
So it's made by Sava to attention whore
It’s not the Freemasons, anyone that followed her alt before she locked it was grandfathered in.
Well sadly she is her own enemy and Elia being a whore doesn't help
NTA, but I don't doubt it just since most vtubers are zoomers and zoomers (men and women) are generally pretty dysfunctional from my experience.
Why is this board suddenly calling this vtuber based? You fags used to constantly post those youtube chat logs of hers where she's complaining about men, make up your mind already.
she's a feminazi misandrist and therefore based according to /vt/
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Trying way too hard with the pickme shit
cry about it homolover
A. She is genuinely both menhera and stupid so she is constantly doing and saying stupid shit
B. She has a lot of antis who are just as menhera as she is
C. She has a lot of even more malehara fans that anti her here 24/7 for some reason
mozu anti posts used to be fun
>For some reason
Leaving the company after milking people with donothon is never forgotten.
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you are not following, these people are her fans
not in a figurative way like "they hate her so much they must love her", they are her literal fans
Pickme is a woman’s term, but if there ever was a real description of it this is what it would look like. Unless you’re being forced to male collab against your will why is it such a big deal if your friend interacts with males? If you let that get in the way of your friendship then you’re a shit friend.
Does anyone have Mozus Jpop playlist? I'm trying to find one song that she posted months ago
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The more I know about her the more I'm convinced she lacks self awareness.
She's a massive numbersfag and the easiest way to get numbers and money is to pander to unicorns.
She is quite literally mentally ill. Theres no way around it. This girl is batshit crazy.
God help whoever works with her in the future.
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>effect your audience
What audience? It can't affect an audience that stays after "if i stream less I will have better noooooombers" and someone who constantly late or moves streams
>usually I'm extremely tight-lipped
Any good moments?
Yeah, you don't even have to watch her, just occasionally visit /corpo/ or /pkg/ and search "mozu" or wait for her to show up in catalog, she comes up once every week or two with a complete breakdown. I'm sure somebody could post her numbering or telling viewers she's sexually attracted to them
chuubas being open with their chat about their problems should be a good thing
>search for the common misspelling of her shortened name
>get tourist bait catalog thread
Funny how that works
>telling viewers she's sexually attracted to them
The good times are over, she's anti-GFE now

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