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>miComet Moments Compendium Spreadsheet (discontinued):

>Submission form for spreadsheet:

>不知火建設 1st EP / scrap & build ! (Shiraken)

>シュガーラッシュ / Sugar Rush
>なかま歌 / Nakamaka (Shiraken)
>アニマル / Animal (Cover)
>アイドル / IDOL (Cover)

>Collab list:

>Previous Threads

Previous thread: >>86297025
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a fitting poster for hoshimachi's household
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What is this about?
both mikochi and suityan liked one of her arts
which one? i don't know
your message scared me for a moment lol
i thought it was something bad...
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Sakurako isreal and she's trying to slide into my DM
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i thought suichan would be the one who plays hard to get but turns out mikochi has suichan completely whipped
Older sister buff.
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it's always the brash confident types that are clingy behind the scenes
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huh. mikochi guerrilla.
>family tree
now This is interesting.
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I feel like the OP's match.
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what did polka mean by this?
I was driving was Miko just whining to Foobs and Suityan she wants to eat?
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I wonder if Miko listens to Suisei on the background? I remember that one car race where she won while apparently having been listening to Kakero. She just started singing Ghost upon getting an appropriate rare card.
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100% since she's a fan of Suityan in general. The nightmare...
Didn't you watch the Shiraken watchalong of Suityan's second sololive (Shout in Crisis)?
Mikochi is also the only holo that sings Suityan's MGO songs. Not even Iroha does that.
The fanart you used was Mikochi's discord profile picture for a while.
Wanna hear it, can you give a general timeframe of when it happened?
I could’ve sworn she said a few days ago that she hadn’t been able to go out for dinner recently (don’t have a source though, just seem to remember it).

I’ve been meaning to ask. How do you all think the sololive invitation came to be?
Miko said she was wondering whether to even have guests and if she were to then it would have to be Suisei.
Suisei said she had agreed to it a while back but never received a formal request, just kept her schedule open until work requests started overwhelming her and she outright asked if it was even happening.
Did they just talk about it over dinner and agree to it on a whim?
I'm at work but it would have been a couple minutes before I posted. I can find it on break in a couple hours.
Yeah she was whining how she wants to eat yakiniku so bad. "Fubusan.... Suichan.... I want yakiniku". She kept repeating that.
>Did they just talk about it over dinner and agree to it on a whim?
i wouldn't be surprised if this was the case... i found it adorable that suityan kept it open even if it wasn't a formal request.
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her gesture...
What is she trying to tell us?
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mikochi please stop writing fanfics (Please write more) i can't handle this at all
can i even call those fanfics when it's made by miko herself... offnonfics... official nonfiction lol
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miComet wish they had met when they were children I bet… oh the absolute KINO that would have been, so she wrote the story herself
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>1. (undesirable but) inseparable relationship
What did Miko mean by this???
They drive me utterly insane sometimes
I'll venture a guess and say she meant the highschool couple you keep meeting over the years and are on-again off-again until, at some point in your late twenties to early thirties, they either suddenly marry or have a big and bad enough breakup that it damages your entire circle of friends.
urgh now you're making me think of something like
>I wish we had met when we were kids because I'd have spent more time together with you
dying here
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This one gets married.
So basically Miko called them fated partners in a tsun tsun way?
Blue haired childhood friend always loses though
Not in GL :D That's where they win.
that was the former blue haired childhood friend though
I'm seeing this in a Yuri pov as a childhood friend you
Like sisters
>Bathe together
>Sleep together
But not
>Practice kissing
>Have first time experiential sex

Suityan is winning.
Anon needs to read more GL.
3/4 of these the childhood friend wins
she won the moment she wrote Miko's name in that quiz
everything since then is a consequence of that bold move
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based Mikotop bros
I always believed in it
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oh huh. she's alive.
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Can you tell me their account
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Suityans new tiktok do I spot a pink thing (Miko) very far in the back or am I crazy?
Oh, after seeing your SS I can kinda make a person shaped form under the circle. Cute if so
Short so no one needs to go to tiktok...
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ok mikochi convinced me
i'm going to assume the pink blur is mikochi now
they decided to post those two shorts today and they were both made kanauru
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Ok ok ok, hear me out.
King of the Fubukingdom
Queen of the Fubukingdom
Princess of the Fubukingdom
Prince of a friendly kingdom sent as an ambassador while the kingdoms negotiate a marriage to strengthen their ties.
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Miko agrees
God dayum Hatehate
he's extra horny today
>Hey Mikochi, let’s go bowling!
Does video game bowling skill translate to IRL? I wonder if Miko would be cracked.
Actually, have any holos gone bowling?
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Did Hoshimachi Suisei want to be the Hero Prince so she could have the Heroine Princess Sakura Miko or Did Sakura Miko become the Heroine Princess Miko become so she could have Hero Prince Hoshimachi Suisei? What do we believe, miCometomo?

I believe Suichan was telling Mikochi that she would be her Prince so she could have the confidence to become a Princess.
The bowling ball is a bit too heavy so I don't quite think so. But I think Miko can try arcade basketball, she might be great at that. I'm a sucker for Basketball Pro Mikochi.

>Actually, have any holos gone bowling?
iirc I think Miko has mentioned this before. Miko said she hasn't, but she floated this idea. I wanna say it was during the most recent Gen 0 collab.
Eh, did you forget Stellar Stellar and lyrics explanation by Suisei and subsequent event led to Among Us Stellar Stellar Miko ver?
IRL Bowling requires strength so I don't think she'll be good at it.

>dinner with holomems
>secrecy for no reason
>there's a literal fbmcmt collab tomorrow
They're spending the entire weekend together. Again. Lol
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what the fuck
youtube search
>miko suisei before:2021
Suisei keeps saying miko cute
>miko suisei before:2022
Micomet discreetly texting each other while in the same room with other people.
>miko suisei before:2023
Flirting in front of others.
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I am writing my fanfiction within canon, anon, baka
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tomo moment lol
fanfics between real posts
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What does this mean?
From translation to Google search I got synergy
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Miko is Suisei's cinderella
>king hubu
>princess mikochi
>prince suityan
can't wait for the fanarts.
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they had a bit too much yakiniku
still can't believe mikochi liked picrel
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cute animation about the fubumicorone collab
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22h jst
suityan frame doko
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Noone answered the other day but what is this exactly? Competition?
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A summer festival location and test of courage event in Minecraft. The location has stalls with food and games and the organizer sends them to the event partway through. It seem like they are allotted a couple hours where they are the only ones at the location so they can check it out.
So it's basically Foobs chaperoning a MiComet date? Like the same thing Miko and Foobs did last year?
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fubumicomet love
Couldn’t keep track of all the names so here’s from jp
> hajime, kanade, raden, korosan, suichan, and miko went to yakiniku or shabu-shabu
And one of the regloss girls (Raden I think) addressed them as the dai dai dai senpai and the bibideba senpai or something like that, hopefully someone translates that bit, not much micomet from what I could gather but them being good senpais is always nice.
Off-topic bonus: Korone, the perverted old man, went to town on Kanade’s ass and seriously groped it.
Damn, I just noticed Suisei had the ring box in her hand, I always got distracted by the bouquet.
>korosan going out with kouhai
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Stream now, new frame for Suisei who's retarded:
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>Suisei used to have a bunk bed she shared with her sister and slept on the lower one like all younger siblings do.
>There's a blue bed on a lower bunk bed.
>Suisei goes for the upper bed that's red.
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Idiots, the lot of them
Usually this would have been a fubumiko stream.
But our jelly Suichan can't help herself.
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I'm time-stamping myself to check what Fubusan said at 40-42 I'm assuming that it was MiComet could share the bed since they kimoi ed
It’s cute that micomet placed Fubuki in the middle. I’m reminded of Fubuki saying she really enjoying spending time with them but feeling she may be overstepping.
Also I wonder if Suisei’s throat will be fine. Miko has fewer issues with hers but her sololive is also in like a couple of weeks.
I feel like I'm overthinking right now but it almost feels like Suityan is making sure she is between Miko and dude.
i didn't expect this to be horror themed lol i expected it to be more like their yearly micra dates
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You're severely overthinking it unlike I, who clearly and unquestionably witnessed Suisei kissing Miko just now.
Probably but also just witnessed them totally only competing with one another and forgetting Foobs on the ride for a second.
Is there anything like a ride where they will possibly pull a Disney ride like they did with Pol Pol and leave Foobs accidentally to ride alone?
We are going to get a cute SS in a minute possibly I'm excited.
damnit I wanted a cute bench shot together
Was Miko doing a promo of the haunted house? Or was it a speed run so the others didn’t have to go as well? Also, did she say it was nostalgic?
Suityan speed ran it Miko did too but read things
damn miko just showed her cucumber to suichan....
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Suisei: No, no, no, no way
Fubuki: Come on Suityan, on the bench now, it's for the sake of business!
Suisei: Well, if it's business then...
I cant believe Miko showed her cucumber to Suichan....
why is friend like this lmfao
>Miko sits on the hammock with Suisei
>Fubuki says no go sit together its for business!
>Suisei sits back with her
>Suisei offers Miko a ring
>Miko offers Suisei her cucumber
>Suisei says GET AWAY and leaves again
These two are little shits. Thank you Foobs for making them be cute.
Miko's cucumber..
From Miko's hole to Miko's cucumber...
From Suitop to Mikotop
a ring for miko's cucumber
a cucumber ring
Hatehate did sounding a few days ago, waiting for this now kek
He's never done futa Miko right? It'll be interesting...
Miko causing chaos and drawing attention of the whole server lol
Foobs again kek. She really was trying to chaperone a date
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Suichan bullying Miko
>S: Ah! Fireworks are going off! It's beautiful right Fubu-san?
>M: Wait for me, I wanna go too!
>S,F: Yaay
>S: It's great right Fubu-san? *peek*
>S: I'm reminded of the emotional fireworks show in GTA.
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Why are they like this...
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