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>Who is Neuro-sama?
Neuro-sama is a neural network created by Vedal in 2018 for the purpose of learning to play osu! In December 2022 Vedal revived the project with the addition of a large language model, a TTS software and a VTube Studio model, which allow Neuro-sama to interact with her chat as a VTuber. Since then, she has been entertaining the chat with responses and unhinged rants nearly daily, as well as learning new skills such as singing, playing other games, and collaborating with other VTubers. Join /swarm/ today and welcome our new AI overlord!


Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/vedal987
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Neurosama
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@neurosamaai
X: https://x.com/NeurosamaAI

>Music & Clips

Interested in AI but don't understand it? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXuK6gekU1Y
How does she know what to say? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjZofJX0v4M
Want to learn more about AI? Read these: https://files.catbox.moe/kximv6.png
Want to (seriously) learn AI? Read these: https://files.catbox.moe/ajl3nx.png

VODs: https://www.youtube.com/@Neuro-samaUnofficialVODs
LoRA: https://rentry.org/neuro-lora-v2
Catbox archive: https://rentry.org/swarm-archive


>Previous thread
we love ellie /here/
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Ellie Love
He should hire her... as a gf
she gets paid in exposure
>Vedal is not paying for the Neurodog
of course
Go beg somewhere else
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So, did yall like the stream?
He didn't ask for it, why would he pay for it?
Mini wants more emotes please understand
Yes, it was pretty fun, especially the parts where they were schizoing out and talking about squirrel army
The perfect couple
ellie actually works for the military industrial complex that's crazy that's actually insane
i think assuming that a robotics engineer hasn't worked under government contract to make wartime robots would be a huge mistake
It was okay, from what I saw. I saw Nur blunder a checkmate in 1. What was that stream layout though?
It would have been better if it had some effort behind it. I don't know what hack job vedal did but at times they were responding to wrong sentences.
mfw no pentagon gf to drone strike you
Decent like 6.5/10
Nothing crazy and as always(to me) twin streams are just worse chill streams. I wish the chess they were talking was actually correct which bugged me more than it should.
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evil really needs someone like layna to carry her doesn't she
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lmao even
Carry her as in make her a fun watch? Aren't both twins much better with human collab partners rather than with each other/by themselves?
>my whore is better than your whore
Can you all just fuck off, you have whole board but you continue bringing your garbage to this thread.
Petition to make a new thread called '/vedalHarem/' and let people who want to ship their shit in there.
playing tic tac toe on eliv tum
except no ink but cum
you are utterly obsessed
get a life you brain damaged numbermonkey
>woman in a STEM field
>can't get hired
Jesus Christ the robotics job market must be bad.
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She's not black or disabled
the us job market in general is completely fucked
can confirm. have been looking for work in even basic entry level stuff for about a year now. shits fucked to hell
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cerber won
robotics is a money pit. there is a reason the stable robotics jobs are in the military
Kiara is live btw
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Oh no annykeks
I thought vedal would stop watching cerber when anny came back, what happened?
kys newfag
Go back to shitcord
she makes for a cozy mini waiting room
if the turtle keeps insisting on putting evil on screen ellie might even surpass vedal viewcount soon
Can numberniggers fuck off to /lgbt/ or wherever their usual stomping grounds is supposed to be
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ngl I loved the recent evil chill stream before Anny and the others joined. It was a bit worse compared to being alone, but, I was still happy it was a longer stream.

Depends on the day. Depends on the partner now-a-days
Why is he like this?
The hierarchy for hiring goes:
>black female
>black male
>white female
>white male
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whore behavior
Has this whore ever gotten 4 view without raids?
see >>86693522
She caters to a niche market
yes, the last days of her subathon
a lot of days during the subathon actually, sometimes near 2k, subathons can generate hype like and get peoople that are more passive watchers tune in, especially since they know they can rely on the streamer to be there
zip tieing the twins together by their pinkies then taking turns throatfucking them
Go back to your discord to cry more about muh Vedal Splinter.
Emiru is an AI sexdoll right? (So she's on topic right?)
So which whore would get to collab with Neurodog firsf?
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nur? nur? nurnur? nur? nurnur? nurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnurnununununununununununununununununununununununununununununununununununununununur
anny at twitchcon eu 2025
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non-pedofilic athletic hebenur only here
Will Anny actually meet Vedal?
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He is intentionally avoiding her
Yeah cucks
I doubt it unless she goes to a con he's at but even then she'll be mogged by all the cunny surrounding him
How good of a poker face do you think Vedal has? I hope he can keep his cool when he sees how fat Anny is.
i actually cant stop jacking off to annys asmr vods, i cant get anything done like this
Bro, gotta have the ass picture to go with it.
unironically have not seen such an image
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Holy kek
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>mention image
>links me mp4
is this real....
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cerber didn't let him go
Kek, you have outdone yourself this time.
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did someone say filian?
did someone say mizkif friendzonian?
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>the image right after this, with tutel getting cucked by Camila
>Camila replying
what a leech
3DPD status?
Ravaged by countless penises while Vedal crossdresses at home
>open camila stream
>first thing I hear
>”i love you cerber”
I’m so sick of seeing this leeching whore everywhere
Camimi, Doob didnt give her a follow back kwab
take your meds cerberschizo
don't reply to the threadshitter
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Evil love!
Cute gremlin Evil.
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sex with nere (no dirty talk allowed)
if anny was still /here/ do you think posts like these would make her body dysmorphia worse
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Hi /swarm/!, you might not remember me, but I certanly remember you, I drew a pretty shitty Neuro back in the last subathon and you guys were really supportive so I decided to draw a shit ton after that, this is after 212 days of progress, hope you like it
Hey cute neuro
good shit anon
she could look like that if she stopped eating slop and did some pilates or something
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Hey, I remember you.
I saved your drawing.
i see you improved yourself anon, good work
She would probably be more upset at it being AI art
Wouldn't the act of sex be also filtered? her pussy must be like a void that just makes anything that goes in disappear forever...
lmao i saw what you did nigger, nice pasting btw
can i see her tummy
Thanks for your compliments! I'll be coming back every couple of months to show you how much I've improved from now on!
So this is how it feels huh? having your older works stare you right in the face
>another camila collab with filian and other whores i dont care about
yawn, whens call of duty zombies with vedal
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>/swarm/ making another split thread
you could've at least have called it /jump/
smdh she isnt even officially part of the neuroverse, yet, no need to dab on teammates like that...
>another split thread
when did we make the first one?
/flip/ was the first one
ages ago and it was kinda comfy while it lasted
I don't see the connection
/lig/ likes to take credit for that even though they always seethed about filian and the real fily lovers just took it like cucks, took until this place cared about filian to shake it up. now they rewrite history, but i was there, like, a few months ago lol
>>75290324 this shit
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you know nothing about /lig/, newfag
kek i remember that. now, it might be possible one day that if Vedal AI becomes a real thing, with multiple streamers in it, we might have to actually create splits, but until then, one thread for everything is fine. these threads are dead whenever there is no stream from any of the "neuroverse" or when there is no drama
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Camila just said roflgator, vedal, and filian have been the most impactful people on her life.
That wasn't really a split but an OP hijack by a shipfaggot.
i dont see a split thread
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camila addressing leeching
"Making babies" is allowed (Neuro said that once).
Most people don't understand how to create content with AI, but she does
It's doesn't have to be good for military use, if it did the job better the military will use it. Same as drone, the best surveillance drone is a drone created for recording weddings
Good for ellie. She deserved that
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>no whore clan
An entire general dedicated to fat vtubers?
>name is /big/
>doesn't even compare to /swarm/ and /flip/ in terms of activity despite having >big< fanbases
look what they need to mimic a fraction of our power
The flipper
Someone must escort him to JP. Otherwise it won't happen
Kekwa. Perfection
Yes, 1 more connection to vedal. He'll send those women to befriend her and make her collab with neuro via peer pressure
how is the tamandua enthusiast doing?
It's strange to see filipino hasn't tried to contact doob, considering her obsession to a certain chubba
This neuro need a witch hat
Little surprised about this one, the other 2 check out.
Actually thinking about it more, you're right. All of whore clan have been next to useless for Camila and Filian has done plenty with her.
Who’s in the whoreclan again
the indies clipped by this channel https://youtube.com/@roachchan
hagnurmaid paizuri
>bao, numi, sinder
Seems about right
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A non exhaustive list includes:

There's more but these are the main members of whoreclan. Squchan/Vienna lean on the minor side.
I'm surprised there hasn't been a Yuzu collab given Vedal's uhh preferences
why is she an alcoholic
Their time zones are too far apart.
>But Mini
She's invested and really wants the collabs.
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>no anny
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>vedal’s preferences
the graph is real but he memed on the names, therefore he's an ass>boob guy

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