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Party Cake Edition

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>Unarchived Karaokes (If files expired, request in thread)

Official Mint Happi (Preorders end October 18th) - https://yeahlights.com/products/official-mint-fantome-happi-coat
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>Our Divegrass team

Previous thread: >>86640457
sex with minto's cute butt
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Minto's fat butt on my face
minto's giant ASS blocking doorways
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Thanks baker
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Just doing my part
I'm eating hot dogs and frankly I don't know why I am, they fucking suck. Hot dogs suck. It was just something easy to make that I noticed in the fridge. I don't know why I do this to myself. I should have made literally anything else.
I like hot dogs...
Imagine her braps...
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>Hot dogs suck
how you fuck up hot dogs
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She's a ghost, they don't have bodily functions
*spreads her cheeks*
I mean I guess I do to, or did at some point in my life. But man they just are not fucking hitting. This ain't it chief. I've got mustard, ketchup, sriracha. I mean, they *should* be alright, right?

But they're not. They just aren't enjoyable to eat. I am not enjoying these glizzies.
I need her pee.
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Hotdogbros... He hates us...
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> I'm eating hot dogs and frankly I don't know why I am, they fucking suck. Hot dogs suck. It was just something easy to make that I noticed in the fridge. I don't know why I do this to myself. I should have made literally anything else.
>pan fry the dog
>toast the bun
>use fresh veges and cheese or relish or saurkraut instead of the typical boring condiments
No need to have a boring dog, bro
I need her poo.
he knows...
the mint...
the mint melange...
grilled hotdogs are great OR weenies over a fire pit on a stick
any other hotdogs are gross
simple as
I want to marry her and spend the rest of my life with her. Not just Minto, not this cute ghost, but the girl who *is* Minto. For real. Real marriage with the real Minto. Real dedication. Hugging and holding her and being there for her through sickness and health. Is that so much to ask? I don't want anything else.

I mean, it's too late now. It couldn't happen. There's no way we could be together or I could live up to what she deserves... I spent too long going about in pity for myself and hating the world and removing myself from it and making nothing of my life because there was no point.

If I had been blessed to have found her a long time ago things would have been different. I would have had a reason to care. I never cared about my own life. I still don't.
>but the girl who *is* Minto
So Minto?
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Get in line, loser
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Get in line, you can go right behind Doki
It's really nothing special. Just get some basic hot dog bun and some basic Wiener or Frankfurter. Put some slice of cheese in it as well, some Gouda or Tilsit cheese.
Put in the over for like 5 minutes.
Then afterwards, add fresh pickles in slices, roasted onions and Danish remoulade.
Wisp, hate to break it to you, but you can't marry my wife.
Back when I had a gas stove I would stab a fork through one and cook it by holding it over the stove flame.
You guys are weird....like you do realize mint is literally already in a relationship? I thought it'd be obvious by now that she's currently dating me... so you guys can just give up now
Back in my university days I would wrap a couple of hotdogs in white bread and throw them in the microwave for a minute or two before squirting some ketchup on top
badda boom, lunch
Pork or beef?
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It has been literal years since I have eaten a good hotdog...
I like chili dogs. No I'm not sonic.
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I'm in the uni right now and I do it constantly
chili dogs are delicious
especially with some melted cheddar on top and maybe some pickles depending on the chili
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V1 Minto-chan, my beloved!
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I don't understand how americans enjoy these basic ass hotdogs
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Ok since it's october and we're talking about some hotdogs, I got something for you bros
Buy pillsbury crescent dough sheets and wrap small strips around the dogs, covering it but making sure to have gaps. Also leave an extra large open space at one of the ends of the hotdog
Throw that shit in the over and cook until the dough is done
If you did it right they will look like little mummies. Dot the eyes with mustard or preferred condiment and have dippable stuff on the side!
It's about the effort to flavor ratio
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/mint/ - Hotdog General
I want to taste mint's hotdog...
They are objectively bad, but they remind me of childhood
You know what, I might just try this. Ty for the idea Wisp!
Me on the left
mint's bulge...
We're literally in a cake arc. I guess /mint/ is more /ck/ than /x/ at this moment in time.
it's because I'm fucking hungry but I can't eat atm
If a Wisp manages to overcome his diet and bakes a real cake then we can discuss that
semirelated but this post reminded me i defrosted some hot dog buns for lunch 8 hours ago and just left em in the oven so thanks?
Mint only likes my hotdog btw
You want me to bake a mint cake? I can. Just not sure what I'll do with it....
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Same, dieting is fuckign hard...
Give it to your neighbours, idk
drink a shit ton of water and have a bag of unsalted almonds nearby at all times
or at least that's my strat
>no I Will Destroy You
he hates us...
>3 spooky games a week
The collab was fun, but I'm happy to see some solo Minto as well.
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Our little autistic Ace Combat fan
I'm happy we get some yap but goddamn I hate chillaslop
Based Nhan
>400 US versions of the Euro
I thought he was some Vietnamese person who donated in whatever currency they use over there. Must have misremembered this, holy shit that's a lot of money.
Nhan is a white american man
Mint talks about idols the way we talk about Mint
The audience reflects the streamer. In Mint's case, this obviously deepens the connection to her. She's so unique, totally unlike any other vtuber.
Mint is our idol after all
I think it's sweet how her oshi motivates her and she motivates us
Acshually, mint is my vtuber
Minto my woman
Then Mint is my idol! Mine!
>I have no more japan trips
>until 2-3 months from now
lmao mint
Ayamy made Minto 3.0's panties spicy!
we were so close to bandaid panties!!!
I've never wanted to eat a band aid before
She just said
Minto in a leotard
No one goes for the beef!
>Mint likes RLM
>Called Mike her oshi
I'm very very new to watching her and she always says something to make me like her more.
Who's the wisp?
Yeah dawg she fuckin loves those goofy guys.
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When she was Pomu she literally did a watchalong of Neil Breen's fateful findings because she's such a RLM fan.

pic related is her kami oshi
why is orca such a poorfag?
that bro is a regular superchatter
Okay we are 99.999999% sure Mint's new mama is Ayamy right?
>Chocolate Starfish and the Hot Dog Flavored Water is the third studio album by American nu metal band Limp Bizkit. Released a year after the success of Significant Other; the album saw the band attempt to capitalize on their newfound mainstream success.

No problem...
It's 100% bc it has Ayamy's retarded way of drawing eyes.
More like 100%
you can see the art style in the sneak peek yes
and she's a massive perv
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No, I strongly disagree with your post.
100 %
That's pretty funny. I respect it. Wish I watched her earlier but I'll keep watching now to make up for lost time.
>I'm not a pervert...not here at least
She thinks about sex a lot
just like me fr fr
yeah, with me!
I just realized Minto is going to have a sister in idol, also a BA sister and poor Mel
>there's a monkey in my apartment!
yeah, me, I'm sniffing her panties
Looking at these Chilla's Art games really makes me wish that Mint could have played something like the Juon game on Wii. If only that got a remaster, second hand copies are ridiculously expensive now.
I hate that every single "spooky" game that literally any vtuber can fucking think to play for the duration of this month is always these low budget dogshit gimmicky kusoge. The rainy atmosphere is nice but that's about it. I wish they'd play REAL horror games.
Unoptimized shit at always
She may play any kusoge she wants, I'm still happy because there's Minto on the telly.
At this point I would be more disappointed if it was optimized, it's part of the experience.
I mean it kind of makes sense, these games are insanely easy to play despite being so horribly optimized. And they're so cheap and easy to get permissions for, you'll make your money back and then some on it.
The other problem is that the REAL horror games people request are either trapped in legal hell with no translations, they dont or didn't have easily available versions available on modern platforms, ect. At least Silent Hill 2 remake is coming out soon.
I want a godish cover...
>Its because the game is...BAD
I'm glad she's finally free to be herself.
>a godish cover
I have never heard a bad one I think.
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Minto is getting lots of money money
Guys, your oshi is really nice and I gotta ask, what's with the ass fixiation? I rather ask here so I don't get a shitty bait answer. Did she really talk about ass/anal in some stream or it comes entirely from the fans?
emphasize ass
mint is a pervert so we are too, does it need to be more complicated?
She talks about her ass a lot. Like, not every stream, but it's probably her body part she talks about the most.
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her last mention of her butt was less than 1 minute ago
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There's more to love about a female's figure than just her tits.
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Yeah I wonder why...
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i love this fucking dumb feature
Wow ok, it's very clear now. I've only watched some of her MGS streams so I wasn't too familiar with her preferences. And all the art and ass talk was making me curious.
Thanks for the answers, may you keep enjoying your oshis ass
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I will! May you enjoy my oshi's ass too!
The water in this game looks like fucking mercury.
>There's more to love about a female's figure than just her tits.
Well, when it comes to Mint... I mean...
If you know, you know.
Mint was spooked by a shota!
true it's all just perfect it's a full package
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Minto is the perfect weight! 0kg
Minto my... woman?
>90% of the game is retail job simulator
>9% is monkey uprising
>1% ghosts
I cant believe this game is making Mint so horrified.
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No back pain!
Mint's new mama is Ayamy, she won't be flat
Source? I thought they're just hanging out.
Mint HATES perverted manlets
She hates me...
how does she feel about perverted women
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I don't see any cleavage line unfortunately
She ignored Nhan's supa..
Funnily enough the cleavage should be where the upper circle in B is, so it's either hidden or not there. Schrodinger's cleavage.
Huh? She read it when he send it at the start of the stream.
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It seems like Ayamy stays close to the source material. You can clearly see Mint's curves, but they are obviously less pronounced than some other of Ayamy's original works like
>pic related.
Still, Ayamy's Chocomint does NOT look flat.
>thinks the girl's an idiot for not joining the guy's company and becoming his mistress
Eh, we'll see with the full reveal but they don't look big either. Seems like a nice small-medium. The Chocominto we have now isn't big at all either, just has a frilly top over mediums at best.
Yeah it doesn't look fully flat, but not as big as 2.0.
Guess we'll see
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trying to make sense of this with Paint
Time to tell pc about this one
>fishman just gave Minto an aka
>Still trying to poach her
No means no dude
Damn he actually wants to poach her
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back off mr. fish
Its not a real Aka, its not like he gave 400 like Nhan did. He basically donated the equivalent of $70 something USD in hopes of poach grooming.
probably mad that he treated her to a fancy hotel and concert and she never joined
Mint tried so hard to not get cancelled lmao
Has she mentioned anything about when the shop's gonna open yet?
Her dress top (the part you drew) seems further down her body compared to before. Especially since the brown ribbon doesn't go over the top like it does in her current model. With it being further down, I would kinda expect there to be a cleavage line if there were big BOOba.
Also I like how the gold trim was added to her sleeves, they look kinda bland on her 2.0. Same with how it looks like some ribbons were added to her apron - her 2.0 apron always looked kinda bland.
She said she has been holding off on merch/3D because she wants it to be based on her 3.0 model, so besides the happi that's up for preorder now, I wouldn't expect anything until October 31st at the earliest.
I tried to somehow redraw the white stripes since thosee seem to outline her curves. I agree with your post, but it's still difficult to tell. That top being low may imply a huge chest in itself, but that outline seems pretty small.
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you guys got it all wrong
I don't remember anybody giving birth in the OG game
Minto shooto
Doki jumpscare
Fucking kek
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Goodnight wisps love my oshi but the games kinda boring.
sleep tight! game is bad, but I love and missed minto too much to leave
Sleep well, Wisp!
I want her to play Ghostwire Tokyo or something. It would have this kind of atmosphere and gameplay and a really well realized Shinjuku that she would probably enjoy wandering around, but it would be an actual "real" game. She'd like being able to pet the animals too. It's not really scary but it has its moments.

Also, Evil Within and Evil Within 2.

"Real" games that are horror-like or horror inspired and kino, and not low budget kusoges.
>Mint left fruit in her fridge since before her Japan trip and it was making a high pressure sound like it was going to explode
>it was probably fucking rotten and fermenting on the inside
Should wrap 600+ rubber bands around it
if she wants shinjuku/tokyo vibes she just needs to start yakuza already
Ghostwire Tokyo is actually apparently a super faithful recreation, like practically 1:1 faithful recreation of Shibuya. By design. They really wanted to nail it.

>The game's recreation of Shibuya is praised for its attention to detail, and for showing a different side of the usually bustling district. The game features iconic locations like the Shibuya Scramble Crossing, Tokyo Tower, and the 109 high-rise fashion building.
I would pay good money to see Mint play a proper horror game like Alien Isolation. Evil Within would be cool too. Or even some older games like Quake or Doom.
i also heard the game is boring as fuck
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Sweet dreams, Wisp!
mint should play darkwood
Anon... Pomu played classic Doom as like one of her earliest games.
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That just means more opportunity for Mint to regale us with stories from times she's visited the locations
Minto is a reincarnated japanese princess
made a soundpost out of this.
I was afk when this happened and only saw people quoting her but.... what the fuck dude? Why is Doki in this game?
Pufferfeesh my beloved...
Bro... More boring than this?

I played like 6 hours of it and thought it was good. The world and the atmosphere and graphics and yokai are all cool.
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It's a tier reward for Chilla's Art's Patreon. Selen was in a few games before she left, and Doki was in shinkansen 0 as a tomato salad.

She also planned on nraising her subscription tier to "be an interactable NPC" a while back, dunno if she actually did it since that's like 5k USD
Have you ever tried Kielbasa as a hotdog? Its pretty good with a sweet coleslaw hat and some horseradish on the bun. Bun should be warm potato bread for best taste.
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Nice that she finally admits it
I've learned from a Weird History Food video about hotdog styles in USA that there's a region that imports polish kielbasa for their hotdogs because of how many polish immigrants moved there ages ago.
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It's just like my Pomu Rainpuff doujins!
>Evil Within and Evil Within 2
She'd hate these. Minto is not a stealth game enjoyer.
I still think she'd end up loving Resident Evil because it's silly campy and has lots of cute girls but she thinks it's bad horror.
>Minto is not a stealth game enjoyer.
... huh? the metal gear streamer can't handle EVIL WITHIN because it has TOO MUCH STEALTH?
Because shit straight from the tap is worse doesn't mean shit with a bunch of fresh herbs and seasoning is good
bro... nta but watch mint more before posting things as fact
she has said multiple times metal gear is a weird exception for her because she likes the story
I don't really find them to be stealthy honestly. Especially 2
My point is they're not even that stealthy most of the time. She could brute force EW2 easily. They onyl rarely have enforced stealth sections.
if you're based enough you dont need to stealth in mgs
>I'm really sorry, I'm kinda sleepy

Did she literally forget she collabed on Pico Park for like 4 hours before this?
Not to mention the jethag
I can't wait for Ayamy to release her Minto doujin
Why would the brother need to kill himself, I would imagine if their mom was haunting the old fuck, it would be all good once he died.
it WILL have bandaid panties right?

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