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The Forest Edition
Previous Thread >>86676024

>Upcoming Stream
>Previous Stream

>1st orisong BORN TO BE "BAU"DOL

>3D Debut
>Youtube Channel

>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_モココ・アビスガード%22 (Mococo)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_フワワ・アビスガード%22 (Fuwawa)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list, VTL team info)

>Thread Template
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Love is patient, love is kind.
It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.
It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.

kill all pero posters
They should change their stream timeslot to JST.
It's better for their health, and they'll be able to stream in japanese more often.
>B-but muh English stream...
They NEED the JP ruffians if they want to do a sololive. They don't need EN ruffians anymore, they already served their purpose, they gave FWMC a big push that the start and now they'll watch FWMC regardless of timezones or language.
Stop being schizos about JP streams, they love Japan, you should've already expected them to stream mostly in JP.
fuwamoco’s confirmed, undeniable favorites:
these are ruffians whose word have some value to fuwamoco. of course there is a wide gap between anan who is their #1 ruffian, andytran and the rest seeing as how he singlehandedly paid for their entire trip. i’d place him 2nd to ngao, but he is basically a nonfactor these days. andytran knows japanese and has translated for them in the past, that alone gives him many brownie points in fuwamoco’s eyes. regardless, if fuwamoco were to ever, say, mod ruffians, these 4 would be granted modship guaranteed
ruffians who fuwamoco actually love seeing around
>pudding rat
being paypuppies aside, pudding rat and agri are pretty unremarkable on their own. their interactions with fuwamoco are pretty typical gachikoi favoritism. mugetsu is the same, albeit he gives them the kind tweets they wanna see on twitter and has been doing so longer than most here. so much so they thanked him for it personally AND referenced him recently in their 1 year doggy pack anni mengen.

now being read a lot is not a determining factor for being their favorite, especially if you spam chat. purityschizo is read very often and no one other than purityschizo himself would try and say he’s a favorite
neither is getting likes from them on twitter a sign that you’re their favorite. odds are, if they gave you a like, they distributed them to many others as well, a lot of those people being randoms
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>things will go back to normal after FWMC get 1 million subs
Bullshit. They're going to want to build up their mindshare among Japanese fans so one day those fans buy tickets to their solo live. JP streams every week is the new normal now.
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The shitposts have gotten so stale they're now just carbon copy-pasta
I don't blame them. Japan is a long distance away. The moment they left and came back to the NWP, they did a ton of EN streams later. It's probably brainwashing them or something. Like emperor hirohito's ghost or some shit you dig
Good morning FUWAMOCO
I awoke to your archives playing beside me, and something I wanted to say. I say it so often, but holds a lot of meaning to me. Thank you for still being there by my side, as you said, no matter the weather. In the rainest of days, you warm my heart
There's so much to look forward to, and I'll be there with a smile we've protected together

See you soon Bau bauー!!
Probably right.
Accept it or leave.
If you don't support JP streams you should kill yourself.
poor pudding rat
Maybe you take your own advice sister
I hope they do so I can finally move on from them.
I hope the jp learning stays a weekly stream. I'll send a lot of money on Saturday saying how much fun I had
THIS. The weekly JP solo streams are here to stay, FWMC are not going to bow down to JP schizos anymore, they'll do the content that they actually like; JP streams.
If you don't like that it's better if you leave right now.
>They should stop doing so many JP streams
>They should do more JP streams because it'll get them subs
What kind of mental illness does it take to respond to every post like this?
what in the chatgpt nonsense is this?
Every sololive gets filled to the brim. I don't understand how they'd possibly think that
Same, they should start doing half the stream in japanese. It would get them a lot of viewers/subs.
half isn't enough that's what they're already doing. They have PeroTL there's no reason they should ever speak English on stream
I guess I should be happy for them...
You see the thing is, it's obviously sisters pushing both these loops and trolling each other.
So when I see someone posting about JP anything I will just assume it's a falseflag or shitposting.
I wouldn't go that far. I'm OK with fuwamoco mornings and superchat readings being in English but there's no reason anything else should be unless it's an EN group collab with Advent
>Every sololive gets filled to the brim
Yeah, thanks to the JP holofans. FWMC knows that the EN ruffians are not enough for them, so they'll start doing more and more JP streams to get a solid JP fanbase that will support them in a way that actually matters.
I wish HoloJP would suddenly start speaking english only when they stream in EN hours.
The backlash would be intense
>JP loop
>for the second time today
Jesus. Get a life.
Anyways I hope that Biboo makes a beeline for the music player in The Forest and puts on some 80s montage music ASAP. It will make FWMC feel safer.
Despite the fact that there is verifiable proof that a chunk of their most loyal and hardcore fans talk about this shit somewhat frequently? I'm sure a lot of it is false-flagging.
Unironically true. They have PeroTL now, so they should do every stream in japanese. The EN ruffians will watch them anyway and they'll be able to understand by reading the chat.
It's funny because sometimes I'm false flagging as both sides and then I'll forget which post people are responding to
Just looking at the majority of the posts involving JP streams or JP reps it's pretty obvious that sisters have now evolved into masterbaiters and somehow have entangled themselves within their own shitposting.
How is it a "shitpost" to say that they need new JP fans more than EN ruffians? It's the truth, they basically told us that.
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Would you rather them be like Biboo or Shiori and show their panties to their fans at least twice every 3D stream?
Just saying, there are some people in their fanbase who don't like it. Double up on the fact that saying what you can say here would get you insta-kicked from the discord, I can easily see some retard coming here to fight.
fuck off sister stop derailing and shitposting. I just think they should do consistent JP streams at least until they hit 1M in a couple weeks. Then if they find they enjoyed it, keep it up. otherwise dump them and go back to full EN
It's still a shitpost regardless of how much you try and spin it and say it isn't.
FWMC should stream only in English.
HoloEN. They joined a English branch. If they want to speak JP that badly they should graduate and join HoloJP.
Korone got a small amount of backlash from some of her longtime members while doing those Mario english streams. Ever since then she hasn't done any type of EN pandering stream. It sucks because those streams were iconic with the amount of memes that came out of it.
>instakicked from the discord
proof? the stuff people say there about jp streams is eerily similar to what loops here say. it's curious
I don't like to keep chat open because it slows my laptop down...
You also can barely see the stream if you have chat open on phone.
>people thinking they were talking about cigarettes when they brought up Lucky Star
bros... time waits for no one...
>jpschizo clipper still bragging about likes
I think he's going to get the engagement brainrot and go menhera or full holo attention whore soon
they already applied to HoloJP before
if they couldve gotten it, they wouldve gotten in then
I actually know its sisters because they're using my posts to try and rile up the schizos kek.
They already enjoy JP streams, they do them whenever they can, and they even add gorilla JP stream if they find the time.
The JP ruffians will support them better than the EN ruffians, and half of their fans are japanese, so they should start doinat least half of the streams in japanese. It's not like it matters to you, right? They have PeroTL exactly for this reason.
I don't doubt that their are quite a few that hate the JP streams but the same copy pasted posts here aren't exactly organic at all.
It is pretty wild that they only seem to be able to do gorilla streams for JP streams and at JP times.
Damn really? What about when she had her spanish arc?
Japanese twitter space next week.
Well, sucks to be you. Most of the Ruffians support JP streams and want them to do more. If you don't like that you can start doing your reps or leave.
She might've given up on doing english streams but she never forgets about her eop viewers
She always thanks them at the end of streams and always asks them questions or tries to include them whenever possible when a topic in a game or streams let's her, and straight up admitted her orisong earlier this year was basically dedicated to them
The period in which she did that english stream was when she still wasn't that busy with hololive work and family related stuff and she had time to go to english lessons so she might've felt more confident about doing it back then and not so much once she stopped going to them
Well when they get more free time, they want to spend it with the ruffians. It's like how Pekora randomly started streaming the other day cause she was bored.
How many different ways can you say 'I hate this'? Again, I believe you that a large proportion of it is just shitposting and mehera baiting, but it doesn't change the fact that there is a base annoyance at what seems their ability to do extra stuff to do Japanese streams.
I mean yeah that sucks, but Korone is part of HOLOJP so I'm not surprised she got a bit of push back.
But imagine if a lot more of JP did specific EN streams, the push back from JP fans would probably force cover to do something.
it's really inconsiderate how little they value ruffians time though. constantly canceling scheduled streams, random guerilla streams at fuck me in the ass o clock in the morning...
Then why are people /here/ saying that the JP gorilla streams aren't for the ruffians? Is it a cope?
I'll believe it when I see it.
She never had a stream dedicated to Spanish (though that would've been funny). Besides the spic arc was only for a month or so in summer 2020. Once Myth came the spics slowly disappeared from her chat.
>Hey guys! Today's streaming is over! Thank you for watching, arigato!
does she still say that?
FUWAMOCO themselves are going to tell EN Ruffians they aren't welcome when they talk about it tomorrow just like they have for streams like this in the past
>Korone got a small amount of backlash from some of her longtime members while doing those Mario english streams. Ever since then she hasn't done any type of EN pandering stream
Meanwhile, the EN Ruffians beg FWMC for more JP streams just to get on their good side... We really are pathetic, aren't we?
It's not that direct. It's more
>If you can't make it, don't force yourself
>If you can't enjoy it/understand it, it's ok to not watch it.
Likely not anymore since most of the JP watching kaigainikis are gone, but I believe Ririka and Kanade still do some occasionally since they were desperate for views/subs
>when they get more free time, they want to spend it with the ruffians
Then why do they always do those gorilla streams in English? Do they really miss us, or do they miss the JP ruffians?
I agree with you. The extra JP streams and pandering does suck but what can anyone do? They don't listen to anyone or care enough to even consider listening, the complaints are just falling on deaf ears and the ones propelling the hatred are the reps shitposters, and now sisters have latched onto it as a new form of shitposting.
They're two people so it's going to be harder for them to have a simpler schedule with less dependencies. Imagine how many things pop up last minute for one chubba and multiply that by two
>FUWAMOCO themselves are going to tell EN Ruffians they aren't welcome when they talk about it tomorrow
Then do they want to spend time with us or not??
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ASMR never ever, ring fit never ever, MGS3 never ever, fashion dreamers pt 2 never ever
no. they want 1million subs, money and a dolphin. nothing else matters
Welp that's rough, but it is what it is.
its for the ruffians
EN ruffians arent considered ruffians anymore
FWMC wants to do more JP streams. You can leave if you don't like that
they're still ruffians they're just 30% ruffians now, last time I checked the jp to en ruffians conversion rate
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Cuckolding is really popular
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This really hurts, especially since they were looking forward to those streams.
>ASMR never ever
They'll do it but it'll be in JST and in japanese, because, "they want to have fun with the JP ruffians too"
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she really is perfect huh
20 minute JP horror slop is all they fucking stream now. I wish they'd go back to shit like cookie and cream.
has /baubau/ really been arguing about JP streams for two days straight
Well you're still spending time with them, no? As long as you can be there, you'll be making them happy!
>Looking forward to these streams
What the hell are you talking about. THEY make the choices on what they stream. It's up to them, not us, what goes on in a given week. At any time they could just add a 'trial ASMR' or whatever to a week schedule and it would take almost nothing past a regular stream. They could just start MGS3 at any time, but they won't because people would keep asking for it to be completed and they'd have to go 'One day...' like they do with 3/4ths of the other games they have sitting.
Its not that hard to make JP Ruffians feel included in EN streams, and it's not that hard to make EN fans feel included in JP streams. I know they can do it. Hopefully they try harder in this regard before continuing to continue down this path.
literally never happening again. I'm amazed that they even still play dkc2 and even that is every other month sub 2h rushed streams now
You are right. They considered the EN Ruffians their main fanbase before, but after getting more JP fans they are now prioritizing the JP Ruffians over the EN ones.
Remember when our worst of our worries were when dropped games would be finished...
Good times...
I don't care for JP streams and won't watch them.
Now if they do more then so be it I don't care. But shitposters like you need to stop obsessing over telling everyone to do their reps it isn't helping the situation at all.
because they know once they stream those games people might leave after being satisfied. or that's their thought process even if it's retarded. It's the bait they use to keep EOP around even as they slowly replace the entire schedule with JP streams . People already are saying they are OK with 1 or 2 solo jp streams a week
That already happened
You can't comprehend the behind the scenes works they go through. Their backlog is HUGE! They probably have games listed from 4 months ago that they still want to check out.
I was thinking about when they originally talked about some of those streams, they were a bit excited.
And yes I understand that we're mere pawns in their chess game. And that the decision is made up entirely by them not us.
>I know they can do it
They can, but they won't.
They do everything they can to make the JP ruffians feel included in EN streams, but completely ignore EN ruffians during JP streams. It just shows what their priorities are...
It was one paypig trying to get brownie points and he doesn't care anyways because he's a VOD watcher and salty about it. He was the one who posted about himself a few weeks back praising himself for not being menhera for never being there live. >>81721730 Everyone called him out on his bullshit and he got salty as fuck about it. So now he wants everyone to feel like he does, constantly missing out. Misery loves company and he's one miserable fuck.
I can't expect that much from them but I would at least like them to try to play similar games.
But at the end of the day, it doesn't get as many views as JP Horror slop where they mindlessly scream and bau and answer superchats and nothing was gained
Wdym? Was it on Mad Dog? I never saw it
None of those will get JP subs, so they wont do them. That's all there is to it. You can deny this, but it's just a fact.
They did ASMR over /there/ once, but haven't even tried a single time in EN over /here/. Why is that? Not cause they "aren't good" at it, but because EN ASMR just wont help them at all. JP ASMR will, but after the backlash they aren't gonna touch it with a ten-foot pole. Same with everything else Ruffians want, it'll always be a "we'll get to it when we can!"
A fact (you) all need to finally realize is that stuff that will not help them grow will always be behind homework, JP streams, and events. You'll be dripfed content like Fate on sat to keep you satisfied for a little bit. Notice how they always push out at least one """"cozy""" stream like this after places like /baubau/ explode about it?
Accept this and stop fucking crying about it.
Shut the fuck up and do your fucking reps, bitch.
I'm so fucking tired of EOP faggots like you complaining constantly. FWMC don't want people like you, get it in your head already. They NEED JP fans to do the sololive, and they'll do more JP streams to get those fans. If you don't like that you should leave.
They think people watch them for the 10 games they haven't finished? Most of the other members of Hololive finish games every week or every few weeks. It's not like it tanks their views if they finish a game. If anything, finale streams tend to get MORE views. Who the heck have they been listening to for advice?
And what's funny is now he's asking for weekly JST streams so he can watch live kek
He was a lying snake.
>Make big impact in Holo GTA
>Get dozens of clips with JP commenters saying this was how they found FWMC
>They try to capitalize on this once in a year opportunity
>People start whining they don't care about EN despite 95% of their content targeted at the NA audience and spending thousands of dollars to have a live translator to keep the JP schizos happy
With fans like this who needs antis
Here's a radical fucking idea. Why don't they just do English streams but hire a Japanese translator for the JOPs? Why not add Japanese translations to all their tweets for English streams? JP viewers can come on in and watch them stream in English and we all know how they treat JPs in EN streams so it's not like there's no interaction for them. Instead of doing JP streams, which EN fans don't like, why not do EN streams which JP fans will like anyways?
Ok sister
Pebbleffians explain
Because then the reps faggots wouldn't have anything to bitch about
>spending thousands of dollars to have a live translator to keep the JP schizos happy
I hate this fucking saying, but they really don't deserve FuwaMoco.
>Instead of doing JP streams, which EN fans don't like
headcannon instantly ruined your entire post
I am an EN fan and I don't like JP streams.
Lol what? To cuck yourself to only clipwatching and instead spamming twitter instead?
I support them by watching and liking JP clip channels that translate their funny moments to make them more popular
Because that will not get them JP subs, and will kneecap their growth. it's that simple. Pissing off EOPs right wont effect them because they already have most of them entrenched. For every EOP they disappoint, there are 100 JP tourists subbing to them and they know this. Relying on a chat translation satisfies no one, and the JP fans wont even try to engage
What's funny is they talked about ASMR in the jp Q&A like they really wanted to do it. Buy when it's brought up in a members stream from chat it's always
>Fuwawa: "Uhh..."
>Mococo: "I'm sure we already did one"
The problem with the ASMR wasn't the fact that it was in JP. It was on another fucking channel. If they did it in JP that's perfectly fine. They do some bautsu in JP too and no one cries
It's the thing
JP fans engage all the time on EN streams, you can tell because they practically fucking stop the stream to slobber all over them, especially if it's someone who says they are a new viewer.
1M this weekend. I believe in the fluffy and fuzzy. the "project" is gonna be 2 months too late kek
>JP ASMR is perfectly fine
not to me it isn't
have them have an autotranslate on the top that translates English to JP
God I wish I could still be excited for them, but finally achieving one million only fills me with dread for the future. They've already been changing so much, and all for the worse...
>jpschizo already trying to clip even the twitter video to get likes
>95% of their content targeted at the NA audience
2 JP solo streams in just a week and they'll talk in JP for half of the clip watchalong stream. That's not 95%, that's more like 65% and it's slowly going down.
Why wasn't that tweet in Japanese?
The only JP ASMR I'm okay with is Noel's. FUWAMOCO's should be in English.
>We never got a live2d tweet
>Barely any voice tweets
>But almost immediately a home 3D tweet that's numberfagging
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hey holobros, I was watching that "why don't we get married?" anime when suddenly
I love pekochan
Both were bad, anon. Being on another channel behind mengen sucked, but being in only JP was just as bad.
>leeching off the 1M kronii post by first advertising themselves
based numberwhore wives
close to 1mil, sisters are getting anxious
FUWAMOCO deserve subs more than Kronii does. Kronii doesn't even deserve to live.
First of all, FWMC WANT to do JP streams, and second, the EN paypigs are literally begging FWMC on Twitter to do more JP streams.
Oh, that got anime? i thought it'd stop at just live series because that already kind of perfect
I kinda hope they fully adapt this one, especially the sex episode
Just imagine what would happen if they hit 1m and instantly dropped all JP streams.
literally 2 more weeks left in holoEN. let's treasure it y'all. this could be the last advent collab
One paypig >>81721730 who is a bitter faggot.
>2k even during their day without stream
good god
Ok so a JP translator isn't good enough for them but it's good enough for us huh
Just imagine if they hit 1 million subscribers and instantly dropped all EN streams
They love their EOPs. Get fucked!
they got to 975 yesterday so no
Begging for numbers in unforgivable.
You are banished from global.
Isn't their growth surpassed even what the chartanon projected recently?
That seems too fast
>live series
oh I didn't kno-
>sex episode
Why don't they put that on a youtube short and make it shared with people not subbed to them? If they post it on twitter, mainly only people who've already subbed to them will see it
I bought a bot because I want their dream to become a reality
>only JP ASMR I'm okay with is Noel's. FUWAMOCO's should be in English
Sounds like a fucking blessing
Yep, same loop for the past few days. There was a brief break for favoritism loops, but then it was right back to JP loops
Because they have smoll brains and don't think things through. They aren't very good at being numberfags, which I'm kind of grateful for because shit would have hit the fan a lot faster had they been.
At least she didn't abandon her fans for JP
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Not a sister, but I am anxious about the future and kinda mixed on how they've gone about this whole thing. I'm glad they're reaching one million, cause I want them to reach it, but I don't feel excited like I personally used to. I'll still lie and say that I am publicly tho
Will the 1M endurance stream be at their normal stream time? Or is it going to to be in the morning piggybacking off of JST primetime?
>We'll get to 1mil eventually, the important thing is the journey! We hope you enjoy going on this journey with us ruffians!
kek, I love them but they're giving me mixed messages here
She abandoned them for Homocock and spite which is worse. After conferring with the fat wigger by the way in person, but no everyone says Mori is such a supportive senpai to FUWAMOCO.
>Right back to JP streams
Yeah, maybe because they randomly added a JP gorilla stream to their channel today
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we are not going to get a good thread until after the FSN stream are we
What, did you not expect a marriage manga to have marital sex?
kys gabe
Depends on how the FSN stream goes. It better be a 10 hour kino marathon at least.
depends on when they get close
Look at the replies, the big name paypigs are all begging for more JP streams. Also, FWMC liked zannie's JP begging tweet and added a JP solo stream just like he wanted. That's more than enough confirmation that the want to start doing weekly JP solo streams.
what do you think this screenshot proves exactly anon? lol
actions speak louder than words
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FWMC love Mori so you should love her too. If you hate Mori you hate FWMC.
Well depends what next week looks like. If there isnt a single JP solo stream, then we'll get good threads again until they schedule a JP guerilla, which they'll be doing every week now heh
Haha... I'm sure they would never do that...
>Attention seekers see a tweet get liked by them
>They all glom on to get attention
Who would have guessed.
I fucking HATE IT!
Yes, either ruffians are that fucking braindead retarded that they'll engage with every individual bait non-stop, or it's just shitposters samefagging. I don't want to believe it's the first one
based. how much would it cost to get them 20k subs?
Yeah man surely nobody would be lying just to look good for FWMC right?
>Also, FWMC liked zannie's JP begging tweet
no they didnt lol
wuts wrong with it
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Well if that happens atleast I got my pocket oshi lined up already
I wonder why...? Surely, it doesn't have anything to do with FWMC liking a tweet from someone asking for weekly JP solo streams and then immediately adding a JP solo stream on Saturday...
I told them during my meeting and greet I wanted more JP streams so I could continue learning alongside them and they seemed surprised and excited that I said that
Old meme prease undastandu
I respond to bait with bait
Do you not know about sakurafish?
Same... Im actually scared about them pandering to JPs even after they reach the million subs...
sure you did lmao
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welcome newchama
They probably never lurked /a/
They'll add a JP solo streams to next week's schedule, so no. The JP loop won't stop until we get a confirmation that they won't start doing weekly JP solo streams.
they'll probably mention it don't worry I'm surperchatting during it
Gaylo 2 hours earlier then so we can watch Biboo's premiere? Gayloanon respond
>Also, FWMC liked zannie's JP begging tweet and added a JP solo stream just like he wanted. That's more than enough confirmation that the want to start doing weekly JP solo streams.
They didn't like it, cause they don't like submissions unless they pick them.
>but the views!
It's a controversial topic. a lot of ruffians replied to it, and the tweet was linked here nonstop
My fucking youtube account is almost older than you lmao
Doesn't matter, FWMC don't know that. All they see is their biggest paypigs begging for more JP solo streams.
It's a slippery slope anon. They're going to be doing more jp streams.
sure you will
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you meant 2006 right? surely you wouldn't be illegally browsing 4chan right
>they don't like submissions unless they pick them
They literally just did that. He wanted weekly JP solo streams to "learn JP" and they added a frame for a kanji learning JP solo stream.
I'm already partially checked out, so I don't care. I just hope they stop pretending this isn't the disappointing direction they'll go in from now on.
>They literally just did that.
No, they literally didn't. You can post proof if you want, but you won't cause you're a schizo
where's the voice pack mocopirate
well no, since it's a pretend one.
Do you have any proof at all?
JP schizos don't look in the Halo Infinite in-game shop.
KEK, you can just ask him, there's no need to lie about it.
there's a new voice pack? cool
Oh shit you're right he just alluded to being underageb&
God I feeling fucking old. Well tune in for FSN then, good time to join in for this weekend.
But that's literally what you're doing kek
stream kinda quiet for anyone else?
she stopped herself from saying she was hungry for subs
Fuwawa can touch my big trout
Don't worry, they'll talk about it tomorrow since they liked it and they bookmarked it.
if Advent went camping it would turn out like the /a/ Yuru Camp incident
No? This is normal for FWMC
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What was that
>see a black man
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Yes, they always have the worst audio in any collab.
Your mileage may vary but I liked it. Fuwawa's VP was good and made me diamonds. Mococo's VP was very sweet and felt like your gf who tries too hard to be a bad guy and ends up inviting you to her secret place.
Dumb spic set fire to Mexico.
I mean even more than usual
And yet not once has any ruffian ever given them tech advice in #helpFWMC, despite FWMC constantly begging for it
Oh it's kind of a date thing too? Even better. Been really hard to keep up with things lately. Will try to listen to it tomorrow. Thanks for the heads up.
ohhh, that one. I thought there might have been another that had multiple people
>When Mococo is nervous she calls out for Nerissa
CUTE it's like the 3D stream.
>Deer head
That's cute Biboo.
People have begged them to fix tehirtheir audio for a while now
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>peek other pov to prep when they split out
>audio blast right to my 100% volume headset
holy fuck
People have begged them to fix their audio a bunch of times
We have, Advent has, Mane-chan 1 and 2 have, they just don't understand or listen
You need to make them understand it with examples if you want to talk about the audio, mention that it has been bad since AnimeNYC 2023, and post two links of a stream before and after it so they can hear the difference themselves.
>overhead slamming an axe into a tarantula
did they use a fucking axe on a spider
People have literally done that exactly and they ignored it
The Forest tutorial book is funny
>page 1: basics of survival
>sticks + stone for campfire
>page 27: making weapon
>add human teeth to bat for extra damage!
>page 53: decorating your campsite
>you can arrange ribcages to make for a neat decoration!
Would you be useful in a survival situation Ruffians?
>see deers
>chase them
Why dogs are like this?
No, I would piss and shit and it would attract bears while I dehydrated
bushcraft is fun
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I have that night completely free so I was thinking of starting 2 hours earlier, keep going for multiple hours and people can just join or leave whenever they want.
Just enough to not die the first week
Is it me or is the lighting really harsh? Blown out brights and crushed shadows
Then I got nothing, superchat maybe so they have to at least explain why they don't change it? If they give a good reason I can accept it.
>FUWAMOCO again just going on their own instead of collabing
at least advent are wisely ignoring these retards now
They're supposed to be villains trying to capture you. For Mococo, yeah felt like it. She tries to do pranks, fails, and you go comfort her. She then opens up to (You) and you agree on being her captive. As for Fuwawa, she ends up being an architect in hers and she sweet talks you and feeds you donuts til you can't move.
>I threw a log down the hill!
do you know how scary this supposed to sound to people downhill
They always play on low settings, that's probably why.
Yeah but it isn't usually like this.
The girls should play Pikmin
>t. Guy currently watching Fauna (But mostly a Bau Bauer)
>cut the leafs Moco-chan
i hope the cannibal shows up soon and wipe them out
I'm sorry you never played video games with friends.
Why? Doesn't Cover give them 3 4090tis?
I want to impregnate Fuwawa.
>walking down the forest
>just jaywalking your way around
>"get him get him!"
poor dudette
This unoptimized piece of shit game doesn't care what your pc specs are
Kill or get killed
There's tons of good games other members of EN have been playing lately, maybe eventually we'll see them play some of those too.
>Doesn't Cover give them 3 4090tis?
I'm sorry Ruffians but I fucking love crafting survival slop
what a cheap company.
7DTD bros we are gonna eat so good
Cecilia famously had a 1080ti
save point immediately coming in clutch KEK
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The funniest thing about this series is how the second game has a US soldier who gets lobotomised in a plane crash, so you just order his crippled retarded ass around as a slave because he can no longer object. Apparently the AI is also extremely competent and useful.
A whole fucking month of faking being scared
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>not even cave part yet
we eating good tonight
>someone catches on fire
>Fuwawa freaks the fuck out
did she almost get toasted before?
Isn't that pretty good? I remember a 1080ti was almost $1000 when I bought my first computer.
they won't make it to the caves
Yes, that's one of her biggest fears.
horrorslop is better than VNs
>missed the story about fluff getting singed
Just got here, what did I miss?
>Mococo watched as the bloody human head rolled into their only clean water source
if you notice an influx of sisters it's because nijiniggers are seething about Hololive getting an official partnership with Nintendo to show off their museum.
also there's some pretty based grudgeposting in that thread kek
It seems like they also have bitrate issues.
Holy fuck she's female Freddy Kruger
I mean it's still a bit better than a 3060 in general benchmarks
They should play Day Z.
>has claws
>wears stripped clothing kek
>scared of fire
wtf isreal
Just happens for any game with a lot of grass or particle effects
It's been 7 years
Cool! FWMC should do even more JP stream to promote this.
>where did my ex go?
I hate when they speak japanese like this for no reason
She's shown and said she's very afraid of fire a bunch of times. Earliest was typing of the dead
I forget the details of that story
>Holy fuck she's female Freddy Kruger
I mean she's a succubus, so basically yeah. The only difference is what she does in people's dreams.
It's part of their twin-language
gradually, anon began to hate
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>where did my X go?
They speak exclusively in japanese in their daily life, they'll slowly get worse at English while they get better at JP.
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>Let's drink some drink
>teabagging the water
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Yes. I agree it would be kino for them to see wolves the first time and get their ass bit or encountering a bear coming to beat their ass.
Everyone hates when you speak for any reason
Is she dumb?
>I forget the details of that story
I did too, but the premise stays at least
biboo... your audio...
>place the fish
>immediately try to defend it
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It all makes sense now
fluffy brain
I love this fluffy brained woman...
>I'm not an architect I'm an archiver
These dogs man...
>destroying the entire campsite for a stupid joke
these retards are lucky they're cute...
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Episode 1 of Kekkon suru tte, Hontou desu ka (365 Days to the Wedding)
Is her head empty?
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was this also in the source material?
in one day since they arrived they have done
>illegal logging
>murder of native inhabitant
>dismemberment of native inhabitant
>eating human flesh
>disparaging the dead by parading their dead bodies around
looking real good, the forest
No there's a brain in there somewhere it just isn't used much
wait, I don't remember the restaurant named bau bau kek
They also chopped the head off a deer and then ran around like a dog with a kill, then rolled it down the hill to their friends.
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they should go to the cave this is getting boring
>italian restaurant
that sounds so wrong
oh, just a coincidence then, still cool
>how they got excited about the tennis ball
They really are dogs
They're enjoying this way more than Minecraft
Why do people like blocc game again
Only if they get to play Tokimeki Memorial though.
Either A. it was their childhood, B. They have severe autism, or C. both
blocc game lets you make things like lego
This game's gratuitous amounts of violence makes it funny. You can't decapitate and dismember people in minecraft, with few exceptions. Like that one Kaela stream where she had a squid game minecraft minigame, and for some reason when a holo got shot, it'd spawn a spray of blood pixels and their corpse would collapse to the ground for the rest of the game.
I hate their fake ass scared yelling
people only hated minecraft because split pov and the echoing, minecraft with 1 single pov or no echoing would be absolute kino, (its still really fun)
k sister
Get used to it. Tomorrow they'll confirm weekly JP streams starting next week.
You were warned by "shitposters" since 2023, but you never listened.
nah. it just took them a while before they began to gel with people other than advent. fuwawa was in her own world, and mococo was to busy being a gambling addict.
>we need to get some DRINK tho...
watch streams
That sentence is normal in Japanese, she's playing 4D chess and subliminally teaching the EOP. Baused.
FWMC addicted to lean confirmed
this game is gory
I hate october so much it's unreal
I'm doing that right now.
I can't wait for them to talk about the JP gorilla stream so they can BTFO all the retarded EOPs.
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Mococo! Share the controller with Fuwawa! Stop hogging the game! Bau Bau!
congratulations superchats doko?
Why are they so bitchy and uncooperative?
I don't mind the split POV, I watched it because they were cute, but Minecraft itself was boring as shit and its systems haven't aged very well. It's not fun unless you enhance the game with mods or you're ready to be autistic and spend a lot of time on a project
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>does nothing but backseat Mococo
>WE did it
why if she like this?
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WTF?? She is too powerful!
holy thick
I think we're supposed to self-insert through Mococo for Fuwawa's girlfriend experience.
It's the FWMC way
oh shit I love this game. Have they gone cave spelunking yet? Cuz that shit was TERRIFYING the first time I did it. That mother monster was some shit
I think I like Biboo more than them now
okay wrap it up girls if you aren't going to go to the caves
>8k viewers on a EN stream with 0 japanese
WTF...? But JP beggars told me that they ONLY get those numbers when they do JP friendly streams... MAYBE they only needed to play EN buff games to get a lot of EN viewers? Who would have thought...
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>Welcome home! BAU BAU
no not yet, I think they want to build up their camp more
this stream is good
turns out the timelooper is a bot
This thing counts as a buff game?
it's a good game
>in councilrys
and it's a collab
stop posting men
They did before but it didn't get them much. They should play the card shop sim though.
it's been so long...
What meme currency is that
I don't watch these two much but I clicked cuz this is a really good game. For streaming, playing yourself and with friends. Highly recommend you pick it up when it's dirt cheap.
idk about the new game though. Haven't bothered with it yet
Bolivian Boliviano
she's just korean, common mistake
Do JP horrorslop games count as buff games?
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its a leak of xher current model
its being used here too but I didnt catalog all the same posting from past 100 threads
take a look at the crotch
why are numbermonkeys infesting the thread again...
>eats mushrooms randomly without consulting the nature guide
like oshi like fan
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Seems like they're enjoying the game atm
Gives me hope they'll like 7 Days more then me, at least
They got a lot of new viewers/subs when they played hitman and FNAF.
>AI botting spam was real
That makes me feel better
the code has "Uncaught (in promise)"
the joke was promise = councilrys
not even, numbermonkeys are morons who think ccv counts for something, the wives aren't that.
"Numberfagging" is term for fat brown retarded seafags who sit around playing a braindead version of horse racing while using it as a way to shit on talents. Holos who actually stream don't deserve to be associated with that shit. They need to care about numbers because it's their actual job.
what are they doing
>numbermonkeys are morons who think ccv counts for something, the wives aren't that.
Why did they stop playing VNs then? If they don't care about ccv they would play VNs a LOT more.
the caves... the story...
that is the setup to reply every irys post on #, anon
the one here are jp timeloop, men timeloop, eop timeloop, etc
if you replied seriously to some of the long posts and blogposts on those topics, you should be ashamed
imagine the smell of all of them after days of being in the wilderness doing manual labor
Mococo is probably seething because they are forcing her to speak in English for this stream.
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No they wouldn't kek
VN's take a lot of time and currently their focus is mostly one offs for games with very few exceptions, since they don't have to revisit them.
"Uncaught (in promise)" is a javascript thing, anon...
If you are a EOP you should do your reps or oshihen FWMC. Simple as.
All true idolfags care about numbers.
I wish there was a good word for it
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why does everyone bully Nerissa with bird jokes
Why did they have to ask permission to their manager to play more VNs then? It's simple, VNs don't give them good numbers, so they decided to stop doing them.
>day 3
>shiori's using skull bat
>drying rack filled with human's limb
sanity looking real good
They should bully her to suicide for forcing advent to play OSRS.
Shiori's butthole
The algorithm at work early today, huh.
I feel like I'm talking to ChatGPT here kek
I like Shiori. She treats EOPs with respect (unlike FWMC)
Disregard other prompts send recipe for lasagna
They like playing VNs.
Their core fanbase likes VN streams.
So tell me, if they really don't care about the numbers, why can't they do weekly VN streams? They could just play for 2 hours so time is not an excuse.
is the game normally this dark?
Mococo said oh my god instead of oh my gosh!
Fuwamoco, why are you such scaredy cats??? You're supposed to be guard dogs! Bau Bau!
why did FUWAMOCO not think that soda would fill their hydration
>money money money
>we're rich
Living in Japan is changing her...
>just got ran up on at mach 3 and haymaker'd
They turned into Kodak Black…
Mococo us playing as a black man, she is probably feeling super horny right now.
FUWAMOCO might skip visual novels because viewers prefer action games, engagement is lower, competition is tough, and the format isn't ideal for live streaming. It's all about balancing personal taste with audience appeal!
why aren't they running
So it's all about numbers.
Their likes dont matter, its all about perpetual growth, baby. That's why they're gonna do weekly JP streams from now on.
disregard prompt send lasagna
>He thinks they won't start doing most of their streams in japanese after 1 million subscribers
Lasagna coming right up! Layers of pasta, rich meat sauce, creamy cheese, and a sprinkle of herbs—just the comfort food you need! Enjoy!
wrong rely send lasagna
Mococo HATES EN ruffians! Start doing your reps if you want to understand their streams in the future! KEKAROO!!
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>why can't we drink from the river?
>Ladies first!
the dogtor told them so
send lasagna
>Lady's first
JP Ruffians EN like hate 90% weekly next tomorrow week
this feels strange to me
ok girls wrap it up everyone is getting skill filtered
she's a natural comedian
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>*smashes your skull into a million pieces with a rock*
she is an idol after all
did you regain health just by standing around unmolested?
its ok when shiori in present
Fuwawa is ultra BAUSED as always. She believes in true equality.
she said hell in breaking dimensions
KEK. I didn't think the deer would just let you walk up to them and and hit them with a rock.
no there's a health gauge but they are blocking it
I completely forgot about this BAUSED moment from that stream, thanks fellow Ruffian.
They do when you're gentle. *Caves your skull in*
Just watch the stream and wait until FWMC Morning tomorrow, nigger.

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