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/vtai/ - VTuber AI-generated Images - Umm Actually! Edition

Previous Thread: >>86609974

>/vtai/ Wiki (WIP)

>/vtai/ Resources
https://rentry.org/vtai/ | FAQ: https://rentry.org/vtaiFAQ | VTuber XL Loras: https://rentry.org/vtaiSDXL | VTuber LoRAs (ARCHIVED): https://rentry.org/vtaiLoRAs | LoRA Checklist: https://rentry.org/vtailorachecklist | EF+HLL Guide: https://rentry.org/5exa3 | VTuber Model Mixes: https://rentry.org/vtairecipes | VTuber Prompt List: https://rentry.org/vtaiprompts |Embed/Thread Archive (OLD): https://rentry.org/vtaiarchive| vtaiArchive: https://rentry.org/fhydhwdm

>/vtai/ Scripts
Catbox Scripts: https://github.com/CCC-anon/CCC-Scripts/tree/main/catbox

>/hdg/ FAQ + Embeds, Hypernetworks, Models, LoRAs
https://rentry.org/hdgfaq | https://rentry.org/hdglorarepo | https://rentry.org/59xed3 | https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff | Pony Artist/Character Hashes: https://lite.framacalc.org/4ttgzvd0rx-a6jf

>Cloud Hosted Installs (Now Require Payment)
Colab for Complete Retards: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1STL60qfoY-iSlhRb9zFETRLTqhNbznRf | Colab: https://colab.research.google.com/github/TheLastBen/fast-stable-diffusion/blob/main/fast_stable_diffusion_AUTOMATIC1111.ipynb | Paperspace: https://rentry.org/865dy

>/vAI/ doko?

>GPU Performance Data

>More Resources
4chanX Catbox userscript: https://rentry.org/hdgcb
Essentially everything: https://rentry.org/sdgoldmine
Tags: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups
/g/ wiki: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/Stable_Diffusion
5ch NovelAI wiki: https://seesaawiki.jp/nai_ch/
Models: https://civitai.com/ | https://huggingface.co/ | https://rentry.org/sdmodels
More links: https://rentry.org/sdg-link
Getting Started (Legacy): https://rentry.org/sdhypertextbook

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Request Anchor
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Beautiful Chocos, your backgrounds are great as ever.

Forgive me, you told me not to overwork myself with the Lamy set, but my autism kicked in and I wanted to fix every gen (at least the best ones) with the adetailer, fixing heart ahoges, and some other adjustments - so I spent a lot more time on it. But it will be worth it if you like the set. Please enjoy it. Consider it me returning the favor for the set you made for me. Sorry for the sameface a lot, hope you dont mind. Im going to sleep now.

https://files.catbox.moe/sm0o2c.zip zip of everything.

Reuse? Illustrious supports pony loras?

Thats sick.

Yeah the outputs it makes does seem to be much better than 0.1.

Sucks to hear, I found it pretty interesting to experiment. Still experimenting with various poses/concepts.

The model is in very early state but hey, it definitely has a lot of power behind it. With some tweaking it will definitely be worth to use.

Yeah I saw anons posting holding gun prompts and I feel tempted to do those myself now. I'll try it out, thanks.
Ehh... There are no chuuba loras still, I don't know how I feel about flux in general.

Awesome Ayame, TWLAnon.
When it comes to holoctober, I'll try to finish my police Botan tomorrow.

>It's not replacing pony just yet, but it's refreshing to be able to do 2 girl prompts and see all the dynamic posing
I need to experiment with double girl prompts myself. I only tried some artist styles that havent been present on leek/AUA.

>I did do coop BJ with it, while anatomy is a bit of a downgrade to pony
Yeah it's still in need of some fine tuning but if the model creator wont abandon the project, it has some serious potential.

>Found 2 pony LoRAs to stablize to get decent look and I'm currently running artist roulette over them to try and strike gold.
What are you recommendations? I've been trying "detail tweaker" on it, not even sure if it does anything or just placebo effect.

>Then maybe trim down these negative tags and run some sampler grids.
Yeah we still dont know the most optimal negative tags or positive for the matter.
nice wamys
Intense boob shaking! Nice set. g'night
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>"X lighting"
Oh that's a nice find to give us better control over light. I'll need to try <colour> theme as well, animagine models responded to them decently.
Morning, 1.5 and pony models don't believe in night. Or if you do get it, there is a some bright AF external light source somewhere.
Pony styles? Or the various clothes. I know some styles can still work but only at higher weight.
God damn that some great variety and FF interaction. The milking one is making me think of other accessories on sex gen now when before I thought it would be too much for model. Great testing
Looks like Illustrious got another one of us kek
Jesus you made a whole movie, I remember you asking around and posted your first vid. You've come a long way and our AI models have evolved so much too
Great bouncing breasts Lamys!
Jumping the gun a bit early on cheerleaders it's 5th for Holoctober
>I need to experiment with double girl prompts myself
I think for this, less tags are better, let the AI grab anything and you should get a nice variety. I'm still in artist mixing but the other anons has shown some interaction only pony can dream of
>creator wont abandon the project
Even with what we have now, one just need to hone an artist mix and we got a really flexible model
>What are you recommendations?
Maybe try some pony LoRAs and see which ones actually work illustrious to help get over the base look. I can't get anything done if the stuff I gen I don't like looking at even for prompt testing.
>optimal negative tags
It could be one reason your gen can look bad for a long time if you overlook negative and positive tags that you grabbed from someone's meta.
KEK, love it
Requesting Ina in a skimpy mech suit inside a mecha cockpit connecting her tentacles (including the ones on her hair) to the mecha to power it up and fight. Bonus if you can include monsters.
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Sana pedaling a tiny tricycle enthusiastically, Ina in back ground staring deadpan. Like image https://files.catbox.moe/fwbhdz.jpg
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I've only started generating AI art about a month ago, so I'm really no good at judging general model quality, but this thread convinced me to give Illustrious a try (well, SmoothFT anyway), with this Shiori test set. I'll need more time to figure it out, and the model itself appears to be on the rough side, but it's looking promising so far!


Requesting Luna in a leotard with partially visible vulva
Roman invites Kiara (or any chuuba) to play some Bowling.
Whatever you make, make it spooky.
rerequesting >>86624562
soya poya hotglued
I love my oshi

I couldn't be inanon without being able to prompt ina now would i?
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Pony models are still king for 1 girl NSFW gens, better anatomy, linework and styles. But it lack character knowledge so getting 2 characters to interact will take a lot of extra work just for 1 gen. The new models now seems to have opened that up, it's a bit rough but give it time and people will refine it, things are looking up.
Those are some pretty clean Shioris, compared to like the stuff we had to work with a year ago.
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god, why didn't it upload the image.. kek
SEXO thighs, her thighs aura is intimidating her sister kek
that's a hotass Ela gg
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hey /vtai/ hope ur staying well in these times. I've been busy but its the spooky month!
I'm a beginner; what is /vtai/'s recommended "default" pony model? I've been using AutismMix over V6 XL but I wanna know your thoughts.
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it depends solely on the style you want, some are better at 3d, some do 2d now, the newest models seem to be even better than old pony models but theres pretty much 0 reason not to try just any new model on civit, I still download new models daily to try.
Humbly requesting Towa as a child, laughing and happy as Rurudo pushes her on the swings.
Please and thank you.
Like 99% of the time I just want 2D art and also good customizability with style/concept loras. On the days I do want 3D art I use a 3D-oriented checkpoint.
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thats what im saying, there are tons of 2d models you should just try them and see which appeals more to you
Koyori and Coco try to make asacoco from Coco's milk. Disaster strikes when Coco tries to squeeze her gigantic nipples into a tiny container and she gets her milk all over the lab and Koyori, optional follow-up of the milk having an aphrodisiac effect on Koyori
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Character LoRAs work to some capacity, it's kind of a hit or miss but it's worth a try especially for more obscure ones. Background LoRAs can work too.
Style LoRAs are super weak from my limited testing, not really worth it imo.
I haven't tried any clothing or concept LoRAs, might be interesting to give them a shot. Ultimately it's all still XL so anything could work and is worth trying out.
I'm still favoring AnimeConfettiTune (yes it is pony despite the label on civitai), specifically the July release. But like the other anon said, it's good to try the latest popular models to see what you like.
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Nice those look great, especially that last one. The model is pretty good but yeah has some rough spot that will probably be ironed eventually. Out of curiosity, does that wdv LoRA help in the upscale?

Kek true. Cozy ina btw.
Hey Bae anon, cute rat witch!. hows the animation side coming along? Tried out cogvideo yesterday (big install kek) but the quality is nuts. My gen didn't even take multiple rolls. >>86657138
Damn this is epic!
Is it just me or is Illustrious SUPER horny, even moreso than Pony? I thought it was just the Clara lora while I was testing it but I dropped it and doing some IRyS even with "cameltoe, nipples, pussy, nude" in my negatives I was getting a lot of pussies before specifying panties in positives.
TWL did a few series of xl dildos last week (>>86222098), can I get some IRyS like that?
Ame in a witch outfit with expose chest area.
Trying for modern corporate orange woman, but she keeps coming out too mature or slutty •_•
Close up of Irys' feet up on the air, trembling, implying an orgasm.
Yeah it seems to default to nude unless you specify clothes.
I want a boss like that
Can I see some of those IRyS gens if you still have em
She keeps taking her jacket off unprompted
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Cog is certainly really cool, I'd like a higher resolution/better model still but the wait time can be tough to find out the result is gonna be mediocre but you never really know
Very nice, thank you for sharing
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Backlit thigh gap with genital outline seem to work well
01 https://files.catbox.moe/08kwvm.jpg
02 https://files.catbox.moe/wf783h.jpg
03 https://files.catbox.moe/6ot63f.jpg
04 https://files.catbox.moe/ko2398.jpg
05 https://files.catbox.moe/lle19q.jpg
06 https://files.catbox.moe/6147p0.jpg
07 https://files.catbox.moe/q2guir.jpg
08 https://files.catbox.moe/zm6hwc.jpg
09 https://files.catbox.moe/cc7bij.jpg
10 https://files.catbox.moe/qpi9qn.jpg
11 https://files.catbox.moe/jzde4e.jpg
12 https://files.catbox.moe/e34s0s.jpg
13 https://files.catbox.moe/ybanjh.jpg
14 https://files.catbox.moe/7kqcpj.jpg
less background tags better anatomy
15 https://files.catbox.moe/8nuss0.jpg
16 https://files.catbox.moe/f6cvxm.jpg
17 https://files.catbox.moe/lwk1qi.jpg
18 https://files.catbox.moe/efeebp.jpg

Sexo Choco cowgirl and it's a great cosplay as well. Love the breast grab, that last one with one grabbed and the other bouncing looks amazing!
Thanks I actually didn't now that's the difference, tried it out out of curiosity, didn't see that much difference so a couple of gens were made in it.
Sexo concept, I like the panty shot first and then the face second, somehow it's lewder.
Awesome gyatt! Headaches can be the worst, hope you feel better soon.
>Okayu was teasing her
Of course she did, was it on day 3 when they drove to get the mixed juice outfits?
>Okayu was the only full-time
Knew Roboco had to leave but didn't catch what Ao was doing, guess Kronii wasn't much help either as she was running from the law and Reine. Yeah sounds rough but it looked like she had a lot of fun anyway(even when the game was bugging out).
>I love when she whips out her pockettalk
Those moments were great, her reactions were adorable when Biboo and someone else I forgot who understood and responded before the device even started translating.
>Lui's POV is another really fun
Thanks, will watch that one too.
Pretty, I like it, previous Sara in slingshot swimsuit was great as well, your posts always have a certain warm vibe.
Evening TWL, nice choice for sarashi under the jacket, really cool look for Ayame. Guess no need for a lora to get that hand with money now.
Hell yeah bouncy Lamy! Oh yes, I know what it's like fixing her ahoge, sometimes it makes the weirdest shapes.
>I spent a lot more time on it
kek, somehow knew you would go overboard anyway, I appreciate it, I was promised some shots from the back and I don't even care for them after seeing this set, it's great!
These are my favorite
, though they're all great, like the one with proper "Lamy" on shirt is great too.
they all fit a cheering expression I think
Thank you for making this set, I love it! Goodnight.
Hello, cool outfit for a witch, pretty consistent as well. That second one is very spooky.
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its Blair from soul eater, I just grabbed the lora and https://civitai.com/models/135059/blair-or-soul-eater-pony-and-sd15 and just removed the mentions purple hair and yellow eyes
Perfect honestly, keeps the workforce motivated
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Part one of the ina lora is out, the meconopsis outfit
Main lora will probably be out tomorrow.

Thank you.
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Yeah Style LoRA are weak but still contribute to wrangling some of the flat base Illustrious has. Suppose it gives me something decent to look at until I find more interesting in-model artist mixes before i ween myself off the LoRAs
They pumping those barbells like they are nothing
Sexo thigh gap, very good concept sexy yet still classy
> Guess no need for a lora to get that hand with money now.
Yeah good opportunity to think of concepts to prompt in Illustriouus while also particating in HoloCtober
That's true, that one took me 10 min kek (pain of 3060 kek) but I was honestly pretty surprised it followed my prompts extremely well. Fingers crossed they keep developing it.
Nice, thanks!
>Out of curiosity, does that wdv LoRA help in the upscale?
No idea, I just never bothered to remove it after the base gen. Now that I think about it, I wonder if WDV is why some of my upscales in the past looked funky... Something to look into later, I suppose.
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>Yeah Style LoRA are weak but still contribute to wrangling some of the flat base Illustrious has
You're right, I shouldn't have said they're not worth it since they absolutely do help stabilizing some of the wonkier Illustrious outputs.
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I see, not familiar with that anime so I didn't recognize it as cosplay, that would explain the consistency. Still, look's cool on Bae.
Good point, I wonder what other concepts that needed LoRAs for now might work. Also forgot about Holoctober, guess I'm free on the autumn prompt day.
Doki in sundress please
Hey thanks for doing my Raden request anon!
Kanata, Ange or Suisei opening their clothes, revealing she's wearing a black or striped bikini underneath, plus oily belly.
Thicc witch Fauna
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Good evening, /vtai/! I wanted to do an advent gen for today but work left me with no brain juice left... bweh.
I'm still playing around with Illustrious, it's fun! It isn't good enough to be a main model, though.

Cute duck!
>I think I vaguely remember your first gens if you posted them here so I'd be interested to see what's changed since then.
I'm leaving this on my backlock, I definitely want to do this!
kek nice
Oh no, poor goobs. nade nade
Very cute!! Soul eater is super nostalgic too
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Presented without comment.
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Me on the left
Eimi in lingerie with a beeg preggo belly.
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Love the colors.
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Good night, /vtai/!
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>another day of over 1k gens
My work here is done. Good night!
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Other anon did some chains/leashes milking machine, might be more consistent. So I'm thinking maybe the undressing while being fucked might work. Stuff like upper body activity and then sex i the lower.
Evening BibooAnon. Yeah definitely a side model for more interesting compositions and concepts that you just know pony will struggle with.
Good night!
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Super cute!, GN
gens, on the sigma grind. Though I think I have around that today too from style testing.
That dude is dead but a life well lived!
feliciaronii is cute but abs doko?
god i love fat tits like this id also creampie
This is old but can i request this with ame, ina and biboo policewomen? >>85117038
Requesting pov Froot in a prison shower against a wall getting creampied while you squeeze her big ass cheeks and she looks at you with an exhausted face please: https://files.catbox.moe/if98rl.jpeg
Hey I made the Choco Sensei dressed as Morrigan request from the last thread I didn’t get a chance to say thanks before that thread closed so thanks anon whoever did it
Thanks anon!! This is how I wish to die kek
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Felicia has abs?! This style doesn't do muscles that well. Have to keep experimenting.
Lazy, fatass slob Kronii sitting on the couch in a sports bra and track pants, the pants tearing around her thighs if possible.
Requesting a faceless guy giving Honey Goblin rough fertilizing sexiness a fantasy style tavern in different positions all over the place with stomach bulging please I just wanna breed the goblin
they're not visible in official art but she's pretty buff
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Do you uhh- do you have games in your phone?
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You do?! Let me play!
Dang you're right, never noticed.
No! she will use up all my rolls. Saving up rn. Cute
>Dang you're right, never noticed.
They've toned it down over time but she will always be buff in my heart.
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Fine! FINE. kek great gens
Ririka, Azki or Choco sensei shopping for dildos and other sex toys while wearing a cap, sunglasses and a facemask.
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Goodnight, wow you cranking the oven hot
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Hey /vtai/ i found a stable mix for Illustrious, the mix remembers artists but it doesn't keep the separation of characters as the og one but is fun to use either way, this little fella is the one that help me with the stabilization of it in the mix https://civitai.com/models/305383?modelVersionId=342868 here are my results as well:


and I found other that is Illustrious based as wellhttps://civitai.com/models/813634
But this one keeps character separation, remember characters, is loras compatible and remember artist so far is the best mix i have been able to get at least for now is the next best thing i have been able to get but needs to be wrangled with artist styles

third holoctober day delivered

That is a super hot kaela.

Don't sell yourself short, those Shiori's look good, as other have said there is room for improvement in the model, but you can compensate doing other things.

What is with oreo women that they are so hot, like always a great set.

Anime confetti and 4th tail are my default to go for pony models, specially for 2d or 2.5d for XL models i use mostly anythingxl hyperXL.

Clothes loras work with it, some need a little more wrangle that usual but still work.

You really are squishing the model for what is worth it, your gens are looking incredible.
>the mix remembers artists but it doesn't keep the separation of characters
then what's the point
KEK the case of the Boba killer. The pose pic style is pretty cute.
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Wasn't quite satisfied with my artist mix, since it seemed like the body and clothes looked rather flat and not clean or well defined like some of the other folks' mixes. I'm not sure how to describe it accurately. Added a couple more artist tags and adjusted the weights. Since some have already been using LoRAs to stabilise the gens, thought I'd throw in one of those 3D / real person LoRAs too. Kind of an interesting look, might include another LoRA at lower strength to see the results. I might just keep this mix for booba gens but experiment with entirely new mixes over the weekend.

LoRA at 0.5:
https://files.catbox.moe/zrl5xw.png (I am obsessed with this pose)

Same seed, LoRA at 0, 0.25, 0.5, 1:
(11mb grid): https://files.catbox.moe/nkhdkd.png

Welcome! Really nice curvy Shioris.
Yes, it's incredibly horny. I was trying to gen some body/bikesuits and it just defaulted to unzipped
Nice Choco sets, and lovely backgrounds stealing those tags if you don't mind. I also like the earlier braless set with covered nipples, what a tease.
Thanks for this! Looking forward to the main LoRA.
Aww, cute
>clicks on full image
(Very) long tongue my beloved, love the ones where it coils around. Needs rimming.
Cute style evolution, I see you're keeping with the big eyes.
Thanks for sharing, and nice tests! The second one looks good - silvermoong always does good stuff. (RIP my SSD space)
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ring gag doko
Very nice Ina gens
Those are some nice breasts.
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i don't really like the way they end up looking
that looks fine
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Cute like boba date with some assassination. 2 girl prompting looking really good now
Nice tests, looks like the eyes are really nice and clear
Kinky Inas
Sexo! Can you get her to pull a dildo out of her mouth from under the mask?
Requesting smug loli mesugaki/gyaru Raora
HNNNNNNNNG Based gens.
NTA but requesting the other way as well!
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Goodnight /vtai/
Looks good to me, actually looks less extreme than the big clear plastic ring ones.
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This counts for day 3, right?

Looks good to me, great expression and lighting.
Blessed anal gapes.
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I did!
Night lads.
You're literally my kami-oshi. I don't know if you're the original or not, but that doesn't even matter now. Every time I open the thread and each time I see "maek promp beeg" a smile gradually forms on my face even among these trying times. And if that isn't oshi-worthy then I- I am probably using the term oshi wrong.
man I can't check link, bc security pickin it up.
Can't check any catbox links at all.
can check litter.box. imma have to fix it
KEK, perfect
Tanned Shuba with big booba.
Gn anon, her sleeping image look great, do you have fullbody image?
Copseki convincing (You) she's copsexy
thank you beeglittle Miosha!
super cute Ina!
Sick Baejima!
WOW that's a nice looking Ririka gg!
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Kindly requesting Pochimama iida paizuri
im looking for some positive and negative prompts for pony anime style. im using these prompts but maybe there is something out there that is better
zPDXLxxx,score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, source_anime,best quality, masterpiece, rating_explicit, nsfw,<lora:neg4all_bdsqlsz_V3.5:2>,anime screencap,BREAK,
highly detailed fingers,highly detailed hands,highly detailed body,highly detailed face,highly detailed eyes,highly detailed iris,highly detailed nipples,highly detailed pussy,highly detailed vagina,highly detailed hair,BREAK,
<action prompts goes here>
<girl prompts goes here>
<boy prompts goes here>
<background and camera prompts goes here>

zPDXLxxx-neg,bad-hands-5,score_6,score_5,score_4,pony, source_pony, source_furry, source_cartoon, 3d, monochrome, realistic,paintings,sketches,username,fat,missing limb,floating limbs,disconnected limbs,long neck,long body,part of the head,mutated hands and fingers,malformed hands,poorly drawn asymmetrical eyes,lowres,bad hands,text,error,missing fngers,missing hands,extra digt,fewer digits,cropped,worst quality,low quality,normal quality,jpeg artifacts,signature,watermark,bad feet,canvas frame,3d,wierd colors,extra fingers,cloned face,ugly,gross proportions,missing arms,missing legs,fused fingers,too many fingers,Photoshop,poorly drawn hands,poorly drawn feet,poorly drawn face,mutation,extra limbs,extra legs,extra arms,disfigured,deformed,blurry,bad art,bad anatomy,missing eyes
what model are you using? different pony models use different negatives
i mainly use these two
Note that these are not final products, they're the base resolution gens, but maybe this will give you an idea of how I prompt. By the way, I use stealth png info so you can download anything I post and load the metadata if you also have the extension.
You can find most of the style/concept loras by searching the hash on civitai.
Space outfit Ame, open jacket, big erect nipples through clothes
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Oh hello, /vtai/! As requested by >>86635372, I'm here with the beloved member of HoloJP, Anya Melfissa! I like Anya and her dynamic with my oshi, Moom a lot as they form the cute "Brown Hair, Don't Care" duo. Other than that, Anya has a really unique design, and I'm not even mentioning this dagger is barefoot in her default outfit. Despite that though, she isn't really a VTuber that gets enough feet art, although you also have Fauna who has like less feet art than Kronii does so go figure...
The LoRA did some interesting things and put wristwatches on her ankles in the second outfit, but it makes it look more interesting I think. Also, I guess I have managed to pull off extra glue with the tag "excessive glue", but it seems like by the time I have them delivered to you, most of the glue has dripped off...
I'm going to get started on Biboo set too, but doubt I can finish it today. So look forward to that next week if you don't hear from me again today.

This time around I'm not going to Catbox the glue variants because am lazy, and they are in the Mega anyway. Enjoy!
I've added a number of LoRAs for Illustrious but this is probably the one you guys will appreciate the most. Multi-character prompting does not work very well with LoRAs, but they work fine separately.
bunny fox
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its fine if you couldn't seem to nail the "extra" glue, this set looks amazing as is!
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>hand on her jacket
Partially related to this gen, anyone else tried to gen some zombies on Illustrious?
I managed to get some pretty good heads (lots of gens with missing jaws that looked fairly decent) but everything else looked terrible.
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Ina in different style and model. Forgot to prompt for the visor cap, but I'm sure that's not the key factor here...
Nice heft on those breasts there. Your gens got me to take prefectPony out for a spin. Have you tried v3?
Don't think you need that many positive or negatives. Most folks tend to upload their gens with metadata so you could download and take a look.
Thanks for the links, grabbed the fishine LoRA.
Very stylish!
>onahole swimsuit
Its Day 4, so thats *checks chart* Chef!
cute jef
cute jerry
In true Jerry fashion, she prefers meat
someone put a leash on this psychopath!
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Nerd wife on the log, what da skibidi
Think I'll do Shiina next. Should be a lot easier than multichar wrangling and I think there's just barely enough art to do her default costume + kani hoodie.
Ahh dang so multi-chara LoRA is still tough on illustrious?
could i get sana in some sexy halloween costumes. nurse, clown, witch, whatever. doesn't even have to be that revealing of an outfit, she'll probably sexify anything she wears anyway
Cute! Thank you for doing the request!
I actually prefer single character LoRas, much easier to organize.
At least as long as they have the correct filesize, not the default 800MB ones.
Yes, LoRAs always hammer in concepts way harder than the base model's knowledge since they are adapting rather than expanding inference. If you made like a 16 character LoRA with lots of data of the characters interacting it would be fine, if overbaked. At least regional prompter still works (see picrel stealth metadata).

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