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Happy Birthday 4chan!

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Previous thread: >>86618665
>【3D LIVE】「 Outside the Box 」Nanashi Mumei Birthday Celebration 2024
>Promise first group song - Our Promise
>Mind Craft with HoloEN
>Second original song - mumei
>Holotori first original song - HOLOTORI Dance!
>Stellar Stellar (Hoshimachi Suisei)
>List of Songs / Karaokes
>Chapters, Clips & Music Videos
>5th Fes
>Youtube Channel:
>Merch (Birthday merch 2024 order period ends 9th Sept. JST)

Reminder: >>1
Do not reply to bait and 'invitations' to doxxshit, shitstirring or dramafaggotry (the general jargon for these individuals are 'printers'). Be it inside AND outside the thread - hide, report and move on.
Streams / M.E.S.
> 歌枠 | Singing (unarchived)
>【CHARITY STREAM】Ame 4 Ocean Conservation
>ANIMALS with Ame & Moom !!
Owl Mentions:

Useful links
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>Database Backup

OP template: https://rentry.org/7uy87
Updates / additions :
moom cute!
moom cool!
moom-endorsed cuteness!
why she has grey hair?
she's a hag and her eggs are dead
>still in emo phase when hag
is that why she's not cool? because she keeps getting hot flashes?
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>CC wants to finish Halo reach
More CCmei yay
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I wonder how she feels congratulating Kronii for everything bu never getting congratulated back by her.
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She's too nice.
Oh NOW that twitter account cares huh?
She probably doesn't care about Twitter posts all that much.
I’m guessing she’s happy that the main account is actually tweeting about it promptly instead of waiting a week this time, rather than sharing your lack of object permanence and seething about it.
Probably nothing? Either she didn't notice or she's already used to it.
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I'm glad holoGTA art is still drawn.
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Mobmei is so cool.
kromei won
didn't show up to birthday either, guess she doesn't care about those?
Eyyy whatsa matta wit you
This has already been explained. Just because you don’t want to believe it doesn’t mean you can try digging it back up.
Considering it's a fake birthday, yea.
>"I never thought I'd die robbing side by side with a rat..."
>"What about side by side with a friend?"
>"Aye...I can do that..."
The stupidest thing was that they shot each other accidentally. Truly the dum and the dumdumer moment.
Wasn’t bae shot by the cashier?
yes, the cashier shot bae and bae shot mumei
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Mumei didn't shoot Bae
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heh, all this drama about who shoot first
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It was self defense!
But Greedo never fired his gun...
love me moom
Hey me too!
Love you? eeeww, no.
My toes in Moom mouth.
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Mumei is cute
Sniffa sniff
No, sexy
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yummy moomloaf
Moom butt!
Luv Moom!
this is your oshi after swedish candy
she run out of swedish candy months ago
nothing stopping her from buying more
Your reps...
The only thing she's reppin' is the local burger joint.
same energy as walking behind a woman in a mobility scooter at walmart
moom fat butt
Cool brownies.
Mumi is smoking...
>All this cool Moom art
Do JPs think she's kakkoi?
nana moomz, on the other hand...
I think it got a bit of PTSD after how everyone shat on it after the Mumei fiasco.
Going to sleep, dont do anything silly Mumei
Stole this from /uuu/ I want that Mumei pop up parade figure

Oh thanks, sent my Mumei request in.
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what's the optimal one to request? pop up parade? how does that differ from the rest?
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Mumei with a belly button ring...
>Best deck in the card game.
>New plushie collection.
>Anniversary soon.
The Promise/CouncilRys resurgence is happening, I can feel it. Anniversary 3D Live coming soon.
IRyS talked a bit about choosing who to sit on for her plushie. I wonder if this means Mumei choose to sit on hootsie instead of friend or if friend was never an option
She always liked hootsie more than friend
Has Mumei ever explained why the fuck "Friend" is a thing at all and what it represents?
same reason bloop, death sensei, and every other mascot that debuted with their respective talents exist
cover commissioned them to sell merch
Yeah but all of those feel more organic to the lore of each person. And Bubba is based on Ame's own dog. Friend is vaguely spooky and then Mumei started drawing spooky shit to play into it and got her 3D ghost costume because of it, not the other way around.
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>Mandatory marketable mascot
>That the girl likes to pretend doesn't exist
It warms my heart to see Mumei/Hoomans and Gura/Chumbuds have this in common
Friend = Bag = Fukuro = Owl
same word in japanese
That's one huge cloaca
So Friend is really just a visual pun, that does make sense.
Win a darwin award.
>9 hour old post in a dead thread
holy fuck you are mindbroken
Did you tell him to fuck off? No, you didn't so I had to.
I don't care if clips are posted though
Don't fight...
You should
that anon is always derailing the thread with his posts
i'm pretty sure he's an anti at this point
Post the actual timestamp of a stream then that makes the same point you retard. You contribute nothing at all with your whining otherwise.
he doesn't want to contribute, his goal is to ruin /who/ and to be frank I'm tired of tolerating him
It always happens around this time too, so it's kind of obvious as to who may be doing this.
Clip are to be antid, you got that right.
Time to arrest all troublemakers
Very funny, retard.
Late night Moom activity as well as late night Gigi activity around the same time... The Roblox afk grind continues...
Yeah I can see who's the real anti now.
>replying to himself
Just its clips instead of clock this time..
it's the same guy
exact same post style
Its the only one willing to talk to him, dont be that harsh..
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I spent this year as a ghost
There is one more.
The rest of council was made by the gods(kami).
Mumei made friend out of paper(kami).
Inverting god made men to men(civilization) made god.

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