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The Scarlet Vampire Queen Edition


>Timetable / Schedule:

>Next Live:
Unarchived Karaoke (rebroadcast)

>Previous Live:
Unarchived Karaoke

>Unarchived Karaoke:

>Membership Celebration Karaoke

>Original Songs:
>ABOVE BELOW【hololive English -Justice- Debut Song】

>【COVER】OTONABLUE (Elizabeth Rose Bloodflame)

>【DEBUT】Ello Ello Ello~! #hololiveEnglish #holoJustice


#BloodflameLive #BloodflameArt #BFKingdom

Previous thread: >>86552602

Don't feed the seagulls
Luv me 'Liz
God save the Queen
Simple as.
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I miss Lizzie poster. It was my favorite ritual post.
ERBiku my beloved
Was pretty funny how the autotune completely destroyed her pitch
Has Liz ever talked about Fullmetal Alchemist on stream? More specifically has she said the title dramatically? Cause this screams for it.
Pretty excited for the drawing stream desu
The Holoctober prompt for Liz's doodle stream on the 5th is cheerleader. Wonder if she'll draw that or do the medic from the first day instead
Don't think so unfortunately
Betting every dollar I have that she doesn't draw a fan mascot.
She already said what the stream was about, its going to be one of the holoctober prompts
I'd be cook if she made us cheerleaders in like metal armor skirts.
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Go back or dance, your choice
Liz raging at the autotune was a good moment, she did pretty well at Ievan Polkka too. Would be nice to hear her do vocaloid beyond SEKAI DE-
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-yo ne
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If she ever does Levan Polka in the real Finnish lyrics, that'd be fucking kino
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Kiara talking with/about Liz after the raid
Kiara really has poor social skills huh. ERB managed to salvage it, but blatantly calling someone a version of someone else is crazy. Wawa....
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Eh, maybe slightly more blunt than she intended because of ESL but I think it was fine.
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No idea how I missed it, but I guess she said the full name of Thorn during debut
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Had to do a double take on this one
I was wrong about the debut.

Your Hag is good
Tinny hearing of prayers nyan
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Kneel status?
What is Fortnite Liz going to be like?
Not quite sure I understand the question since Liz and Gigi already did the Fortnite collab a few days ago. It was pretty fun, feel free to check it out
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Nice piece, love the contrast
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Wake up Rosarians. Rebroadcast soon
Still watching IWyS, though.
Let's face it, none of us here are capable of becoming strong enough to defeat a vampire. It's over, she's gonna get with some lineaged vampire slayer that has crazy buffs from their ancestors or some shit.
Liz doko?
Liz koko
Starting in a few minutes
She's so cute
Oh rare Liz song restart
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Cute but feels wrong
Tits not big enough,
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She has returned
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I mean, powerful
>Leather Pants reference.
Goddamnit Liz!
She keeps showing her hand too early.
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Why does Liz have such baller art?
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She's kakkoii
Really wish she would've graduated instead of Ame
I know this is a tall order, but is there some kind of list showing every song Liz has covered, Rosarians?
There's playlists of these karaokes on youtube, one I saw had over 300 vids so far.
Have your (you)
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One anon is doing God's work I'm sure.
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She keeps on tempting me, but I don't know if I should break the seal on creating "x reader" fanfiction
Do it while drunk.
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Of course you should!
Bonus points if you lampshade the lack of a set appearance for them.
>that standard ringtone
(me) Past and present Liz at the same time, vampire Liz... much to think about

I will drink at night and see
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Could we convince ERB to play Burnout?
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I want her to beat me up
same honestly
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I want liz to get some revolvers.
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Man I wanna fck Elizabeth's chattinosona so bad
I've seen a Rosarian reference a spreadsheet they had but I'm not sure how complete that was, but as another anon said in the meantime you can look at NightCrowTeo YouTube's channel for each unarchived song uploaded individually.
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Would Liz sing songs from Nikke?
Would she sing songs from Powerman 5000?
That's the porn game right??
No, that would be Eros.
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Boston mention? But why?
probably tea parties and whatnot
Probably a reference to her not liking tea and US independence from the British, so the species migrated away after the Boston Tea Party
Looking forward to seeing her in a GUN one-shot someday.
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>they both retweeted it
Fingering Fauna now canon
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Suck meeeeeee
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We're never getting a mascot are we?
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We're slimes now
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The baby hippo rosarian is my favorite
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A bit bandwagony I guess but yeah it's adorable
Molesarian is an interesting concept but I don't see much fan art of it. Also not a fan of how it gets autocorrected to molestation...
Lol I've been thinking about that. There's also an unfortunate portmanteau lurking there as well.
Based on her chat on the last rebroadcast Liz just leaves the representation open and maybe is expecting a Rosarian society or some sort.
I think pretty early on she did make a comment about wanting to ask management how many different design for fan mascots they're allowed to have so would make sense.
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Well it's up to the artists now to heed the Queen's call for some worldbuilding. Good thing the variants are well documented. I think there was some collage/highlight art made after the stream with the first molesarians mention. Anyways leaving this guy for posterity.
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Finally Leviathan Liz
luv me mines
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What if we're like Ditto? Can take on many forms and imitate others like Liz can, but if one looks closely enough they will realize something is off.
The random flame somewhere on the body gives it away
I welcome the idea that anything that Liz happens to have a passing interest on turns into an x-sarian
Red hue and blue flame
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Devour collab with Liz, Shiori, Fauna, Ina next week apparently
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There wasn't a fan art of all 4, so here's one with Ina and Liz so its not Inabocchi again
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So did she explain what her little blue chest fire does? Like does it give her special powers? Is she like charmanders' tail flame, like when HER flame goes out she dies?
That's great I've been hoping for Liz & Shiori to stream together
Man that sword just stuck on there looks so funny
The unarchived karaoke videos are gone
Yeah seems like it. I'll try to make a rentry with mega.nz or internet archive links for the next bake
Damn looks like Cover got to them. Didn't realize they went after unarchived's like that
Will be gutted if they go after the individual song uploads too
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>mfw >>86731908 was a cover employee
CC's and GG's karaoke are still up on that channel I doubt it's Cover
It's also one of the channels that have the decency to wait for the rebroadcasts
It's probably more because the copyright bots got kickstarted due to a rise in reuploads when Liz edged her rebroadcasts
Thanks man
Oh I just assumed because one of the more recent ones says it was blocked by cover corp
Oh shit, any screencap? All the same removed by uploader message on my end but that might because the owner decided to nuke them after the fact.
>>86790878 (me)
Nevermind, skipped that one
Why cover why
Used wayback machine. Seems like that one particular channel triggered Cover's HLM trauma
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Pat pat pat
I'm not much of a programmer and this is pretty hastily put together, but here's links to all the unarchived karaokes either on Internet archive or youtube. Setlist provided, no timestamps though, sorry about that.

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I like the way this artist draws Liz, its pretty cute
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All good anon
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I like the not so innocent eager look they've got for Nerissa
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Liz mogged
She can always get erect of course
Do u think they know
Nice, how about add it to the OP?
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Where's the titty flame? How am I supposed to fap to this?
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grems: friend or food?
Yeah I'll add to the next one
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Friends of course, but now you have me curious as to what they taste like
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Just a heads up that tomorrows Rabbit + member's isn't back to back. Rabbit early on at 1200 BST, and members at the usual 1900 BST
Being able to heat up any food before eating seems like a rather nice perk
amazing work!
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oh, nice
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Mean for this.
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Frame up
The artist is speechless in chat lol
Nice mustache, girl
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She's a WITCH
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The monologue during ENreco with Liz staring down Fauna was funny already but learning that Fauna was just afk the whole time was fucking hilarious.
Burn her!
Alternatively, it makes eating frozen treats very sad.
>it's not very effective
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She might even absorb it and make herself stronger
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But this witch sinks what does that even mean
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Just evaporate the water before she can sink, EZ
But I thought they're supposed to float
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Wait what, really? Looking it up, it gives conflicting answers, but floating is the more accepted answer. Not sure why I thought it was supposed to be them sinking
Well it's all bullshit trials so I would assume the dead tells no tales kind of thing. Never knew of conflicting verdicts.
Sinks = Good, honest, Christian sent to meet their lord.
Floats = WITCH (retrieve and proceed to burning)
Guess we'll just have to assume that the Lord wants to meet a smoking hot witch for once
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Live button has been defeated once again
Holy shit the cookie just disappeared
Who was it pointing at? I wasn't looking at the arrow because I was assuming she was going to spin it
Is Papa ERB Queen Father or King Father?
Mother Queen
(I assume) Father King?
Oh that was a spinning wheel? I Wasn't paying attention to it. No I don't think it pointed at anybody
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Ririka, but she still hasn't rolled it, has she?
Nope, I guess she'll roll it 5 times
Am a retard thought the chips were the pointer
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Ame medic
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Based. Sing sh0ut Liz.
I wonder if she'll actually be able to go through all 5 prompts today
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Coming along pretty nicely
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This background music is putting me to sleep
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Its really nice how supportive Shachou is, I feel like I see him in chat every other stream at least
Liz says that while she's still considering the cute form for fans, having done a lot of doodles about it pre-debut, she considers rosarians similar to how Marine has the pirates as her fan depiction. So I guess rosarians are a bunch of knights for the kingdom?
>she doesn't know Neighbula
She also confirmed she doesn't want to overlap with anyone else
Another reason why she's always watching holo streams when she can. So much lore to follow!
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>we'll never get Liz playing straight man to Sana's goofiness
1st cover being released next week. For realsies this time, for real reals (hopefully no delays please god)
Hinted at some other exciting stuff but needs approval from Henma to release details. Again, please no delays...
That doesn't help to SELL PLUSHIES or leaves us a VOID in fanart.
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>So I guess rosarians are a bunch of knights for the kingdom?
Some chibi armors like in like Spiral Knights would be nice
I'm pretty youtube's copyright system is still nonsense and anyone can file
copyright claims on behalf of owners they don't represent.
Botan as police coming up next
>my EN oshi is drawing my JP oshi
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Gobliz appearance denied, I guess she wants to stay serious today
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Current progress
Cute! I had to switch to vod gang to watch wrasslin'
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Comfy stream, she wasn't able to finish the 2nd drawing but here's her progress at the end
she's got a very cute art style
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Wawa 3D Live soon
>small white arrow
I'm surprised I didn't miss it myself
Earthbound playthrough confirmed?
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Some elite energy there
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me on the left
I don't want to alarm you, but you might be on fire.
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>'ave you got a loicense for that telly?
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This looks really nice!
I'm going to tell you to go somewhere in seven and a halfish hours.
Looking sharp
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