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boxes and boxes of cards

>Latest & Upcoming
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>Recent Stream:
TCG CARD SHOP SIMULATOR: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHI3R56aOZw

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Previous: >>86638481
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ge night...
Does anybody know what music Gigi was playing while building her statue of Kronii in ENReco? It was really chill and I wanted to add it to a playlist.
jesus lmao. gi night grem
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why is gigibro looking at me like that
Watching the vod now. This is a kino stream. Her spraying smelly neckbeards and displaying her gacha addiction is hilarious
Post the real version
Kiwi fun tomorrow!
Gonathon if he locked the fuck in.
total bijou death
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this imples Gigi would eat a grem
Gigi you just have to clean your pussy better..
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Gi Night Grems
gi night grem!
Would you? Look at how tasty we are
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gi night, grem!
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I want to be Gigi's lunch...
yeah, my grem
i was out today, why does the TCG shop vod have so many views
no one knows, lots of speculations only.
my theory is they're either jp viewers who're on the game's hype train, or ame's abandoned viewers. or a mix of the two
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Hey, screw whichevergrem of you used picrel for a thread a while ago. I can't look at my gigi folder without spotting it and giggling like an idiot now. I'll pee on your shoebox spot and tell gigi it was you.

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