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Post and discuss your favorite /uoh/ vtubers, from the largest corpos to the smallest indies.

Previous >>86625485

Remember to report shitposting, trolling, and offtopic.
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Latest ASMR (video)

Last Stream

Upcoming Stream
Where can I find the full image? My usual methods gave me no results
cropping out the text and using reverse search did not work, but using danbooru to search ui_shigure and naked worked: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/112572514
Thank you very much. I'll keep in mind what you said for next time
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anyone archive nii's ASMR stream earlier?
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the cownny ToT
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That girl went full menhera. Shes ditching her beautiful model to rebrand herself as a fucking literal clown and I cant take her seriously.
and she literally JUST got this model too lmfao.
tbhdesu I like clussy though so whatever.
making neppie a better person with each plap
Ok. I'm done. Byd
real talk, neppie did seem a little off this karaoke stream, like she was distressed.
thread reading neppie stop checking /vt/ its not going to get you anywhere but downhill
nah it was a super normal stream :)
>supposed to do fallout
>zelda stream stops abruptly (say she is going to continue tomorrow)
>theo leaving the server
>said zelda stream becomes a drunk stream where she is a mess
nothing to see sir
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Pebble/Grem looking to branch out here. Anyone have any similar chuubas to recommend? Looking for one that enjoys playing challenging games, mostly.
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I didn't even realize Theo was gone. He's been pretty quiet for a long time. I guess he really didn't like being unmodded. (Or possibly the unmodding was a result of whatever made Theo leave)
As far as Zelda and Fallout go, I'm pretty sure nep said beforehand she would play something else instead since she beat the main story, and during the Zelda stream she was clearly tired so it's not that strange for her to end early.
Yeah, but even with it she seemed like she kind of rushed for the end of Fallout abruptly.
I love our bunny, but I'm worried about her.
I wish she would talk to us more when something is weighing on her.
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>I wish she would talk to us more when something is weighing on her.
give up
I think this will be her 5th model now? I liked her 2nd model and was unhappy she switched to the gross alien thing with the antennae. She seems to alternate between attractive and ugly with the models. I don’t really watch her anyway so whatever.
My oshi
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great oshi you got here anon

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