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YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@KosekiBijou
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kosekibijou

Next stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_I_r0bgjmE
Previous stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26kbmP4jcK0
Debut stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpAQib0T5v0

>Shorts/music/unarchived streams


>Intro/starter newpebble guide

Do not engage with diggers (trolls, doxxers, holo vs holo baiters). Hide, report and rock on.

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Shiboo crumbs part 2
The bat noise killed me ngl
Nerissa: confused
Biboo: gremlin
Shiori: wrangling
FWMC: doggos
me: happy
Oh look, its a caps spamming, faggot backseating retarded greyname!
At least she got her axe back, they can survive this I'm sure
I feel like Biboo might be wrangling more than Shiori in this one actually
But then what is Shiori doing? Being a supportive housewife?
and you're a much, much bigger retard for crossposting in a new thread you fucking moron
>Being a supportive housewife?
Biboo really quiet this collab
Noisy airwaves
Advent actually working together
This survival thingy reminds me of their early palworld collab
I'm surprised they're going for so long they usually end after 2 hours
I love my blood covered wife
Why is this brat teasing us again?
they need to build a WALL
Biboo as usual has 0 spacial awareness
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She likes the tree house
she's literally a child
I know, isn't she great?
>life is more betterer
And also a woman
>Shiori laughing at Biboo's dumb meme
Yeah, with me.
We about to become tree village people bros
That's called being a woman. None of them have spatial awareness
Biboo will build the BIGGEST treefort ever
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I didn't realize you could actually connect them. Now I want this to happen even more.
it will be no match for the flying sausages
God I hope
no one tell them its been more than 2 hours.
I love Shiboo together so much
What the fuck? What a retarded looking enemy. It literally looks like a fucking glitch
because it wasn't even supposed to be in the game
it got patched in post-launch as a lazy way to prevent people from making bases in places normal enemies can't reach
they just made flying hot dogs that bulldoze your shit wherever you are
>3D yobai parties
god I hate this
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Who else will be in the THING?
(he HATES it)
It's just other versions of Biboo
>im a succubus
we know nerissa.
could the far left be iroha?
I'm going to fight Biboo and force her to be my lover!
just imagine, 7 new Biboo outfits, one for each emotion
I miss her already...
she's stolen so much semen from me
do you think there are only 7 emotions
>prism magic
>red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet
it's all biboo magical girl version
Man I WISH it came with actual outfits, that would be insane.
Itll probably just be png's for the MV
I think an outfit that she can change the color of, even if its just highlights throughout would be pretty cool though.
obviously there are more but 7 outfits is already a pipe dream
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what about those other ones
Isn't it tied to her gem colors? I think there are only 7
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Actually, that makes complete sense now with the rainbow gem pattern. There were also seven buds on the flower in the teaser.
The signs were in front of us all along!
It leaked!
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I memorized this because of you. I hope you know that.
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You need severe correction
if by "it" you mean me, then yeah, I leak every time I see biboo
I completely forgot about Prism Magic. This is good.
Would you the Dark Lord Bijou?
Become a dry sponge so you can soak up all the juices this sunday
I wish Dark Lord Darkness Bijou the Darkness would me
Rage, Avarice, Fear, Will, Hope, Compassion, and Love
Casual outfits soon? What do you want to see?
People keep saying soon but its been like 3 months since their 1 year anniversary and still nothing
Tight shirt/skirt with big overly large jacket/hoodie
Maybe short hair or twintails, either or.
Man I really liked watching her play Forest. I wonder if she'll potentially play it herself if Advent doesn't want to keep going
>crying sbout crossposting
Go the fuck back globalnigger
She might, she seemed really into it during the collab. Might not be anytime SOON(tm) though
>Emerald Huntress Biboo
>Aquamarine Mystic Biboo
>Sapphire Siren Biboo
>Amethyst Magical Idol Biboo (True Form)
>Ruby Hot-Blooded Battler Biboo
>Citrine Little Witch Biboo
>Topaz Space Cadet Biboo
Stop leaking your content here, Biboo
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Man I love these streams but I'm so tired from work I end up falling asleep by the end. 7 days next week is going to be the end of me

Ina knows what's good
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How new are you that you don't know crossposting obvious bait is wrong
fucking retard
lurk 10,000 years before posting
Fuck off globalnigger
I like when people edit photos to add the chest gem. Its based.
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stay mad retard, learn to post next time and you won't be called out
Oh I get it, PRISM magic
>this coming from a redditnigger newfag
The absolute state...
ogey shitter
I love Biboo collabs but mad 2 hour streams feel so empty and pointless
Crying little reddit bitch
Fuck off
ogey shitter
I don't and I realized why yesterday. 90% of the time she is way too quiet so in order to hear her I have to blast my eardrums with girls I don't care about.
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he is talking with himself again lmao
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I love my cop wife
Why don’t female officers dress like this?
They don't live in Holo Santos
>Biboo chopping down a tree on nerissa
>doesn't even say anything
I remember a top gear bit where they had topless women hold speed limit signs, and it worked. Traffic slowed down.
I feel like if cops dressed like that though, while no one would flee, a lot more people would do illegal stuff to get pulled over.
I can already tell these retards are too dumb to make any progress kek
>chopped down a tree onto their cabin
Biboo you dummy
She built a treehouse! I'd call that progress
Mahou Shoujo Gemstones
Thanos could never
>make their base by standing water
>apparently our water is bad
Woman moment
How can water stand? It doesnt have legs
Just like me...
Skill issue
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>Just like me
Delete this
sex with koseki green
Grabbing Koseki blue by the tail and doing the Mario
So long gay biboo
>Biboo staring at the cannibal's butts
Why is she like this?
She heard they had cake
Going by IRyS' stream so far BLOPS 2 runs like ass on newer systems. Think it will be the same for Bibs?
It will be better because Irys messed up her PC so everything runs bad
What did she do?
Who knows, it's been bad for a long time.
The collab was pretty good. Real shame they didn't go longer. I hope they finish the game.
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NTA, but it's funny you're assuming HE was the one who crossposted when it was actually me.
> I have to blast my eardrums with girls I don't care about.
This collab made me remember how annoying FWMC are in collabs. It's legit better when they aren't there at all. They don't stop talking, "bau bau" like autists, and scream way too much for me to NOT get annoyed
It's mostly Mococo. Fuwawa POV was comfy af in ENreco
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Oh this also just happened during irys stream
It's oveRyS...
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My wife
This but when mori breathes
Just woke up. Rock status?
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I still don't understand mori hate. Plus, if you hate her then a lot of biboo streams must be unwatchable for you
That's crazy. So it is a group thing... What is she cooking?
She literally called biboo useless and always treat her bad
Medications, now.
Biboo x7 still most likely, but if she somehow got 6 other holos to sing Prism Magic I would be pleasantly surprised.
That is literally Biboo, not mococo or what you are thinking.
>fire Biboo
She is going to master all the elements and become the Bibootar: The Last Bibender (tm)
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yea, you're just fucked in the head
Who's this?
Don't tell me it's Mori
I hope this is gonna be a cover song with all of Holo cunnies
It's literally mococo with Biboo's accessory. I'm betting my balls.
She got her ears and tail docked?
It's Biboo, right? She'll be in different magical outfits (magic) with all the colors of the rainbow (prism) since it's Prism Magic: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet
I want to skin FWMC and give their pelts to Biboo as a jift
Stylized fire ears
Tail is behind her body
Seven new biboo outfits
Seven new songs/covers
Yes the other pebbles are just too retarded to recognize not only Biboo but the same body 7 times in a row.
Explain why does the blue one has a shark tail
Also half of the silhouettes have Biboo's hair flaps which is another dead giveaway.

It's a mermaid tail not a shark tail
You better have been listening to prism magic every day so you know the words.
You guys are going to sing along with her... right? You do know the words...?
Love my prism wife
Sexo with pink biboo
That's my pinkboo
Tokinai SUGAR, amai MAGIC
Fuwari tada youji kan
Kirenai FLAVOR, mitsute kara
Sekai SUGAR, kira muku NEW WORLD

...I think? I cannot into JP so you can double-check... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yw0zL5YshRk&t=276s
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Psh, what does biboo know? You should try doing the opposite of what she says.
Oobib will never steer you wrong. She knows what needs to be done.
She will give us jetpacks.
You need only believe.
I only remember the part "PRISM no mahou mitai~" *winks*
Rocky. Crunchy, even.
Aren't you a bit early? anyway...
Sevenfold, a whole spectrum even
I like this Marisa Koseki.

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