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Previous Thread: >>86696415
Wild sex!
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Sweaty sex with Poko
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Trust the plan
i forgive coni
Unironic skill issue, here, leave me alone.
Poko is a nymphomaniac.
>6 fingers
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Momo will never bless my ears with her earlicks ever again...
That's to the commissioner, I just did a lazy edit.
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Ay papá...
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In the forum where I was bored was a fan with an oshi
And he told us of his life in the land of abenee

So I came onto the stream where I found a sight to see
Now we live beneath the waves of our Poko abenee

We all live in the Poko abenee, Poko abenee, Poko abenee
We all live in the Poko abenee, Poko abenee, Poko abenee

And our friends have come aboard, many more of them from Idol Corp
And the fans begin to say

We all live in the Poko abenee, Poko abenee, Poko abenee
We all live in the Poko abenee, Poko abenee, Poko abenee

(crazy shit interlude)

As we live a life of ease (a life of ease), every one of us (every one of us) has all we need (has all we need)
Hair of blue (hair of blue) and eyes that gleam (eyes that gleam)
In our land of (in our land of) abenee (abenee)

We all live in the Poko abenee, Poko abenee, Poko abenee
We all live in the Poko abenee, Poko abenee, Poko abenee

We all live in the Poko abenee, Poko abenee, Poko abenee
We all live in the Poko abenee, Poko abenee, Poko abenee

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She should get a Junny model and do that
>coom ASMR not allowed in other websites
Is this recent? I literally listened to a pretty lewd Mono ASMR she did on another site.
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Reminder of how coni thinks of you if you ever wanna become a mod for someone
Nobody cares, Coni.
It's understandable take tho.
pretty based if you ask me
she's absolutely right. the kinds of people who WANT to be unpaid jannies are the worst
Solid take. Doing things for free for your oshi is awesome but wanting to get a name out of it (and power) is bad
Based take. (I still applied to mod my oshi's chat)
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I'm so proud of my oshi!
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Hold up, do you guys have a black souls streamer?
I am going to Lala
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Coni has a couple of Black Souls streams. She's said wants to return to it at some point
Coni, huh? She didn't grip me the last time I gave her a shot, but BS is a tism game for me, so I'll check her out again.
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You did apply to mod your oshi's chat right?
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here's how you get mods that aren't complete 100% total ass cancer:
1. no one with pronouns or flags in their bio
2. no one that is actively asking for/about being modded
3. no one that's obviously a wannabe chat celebrity kind of attention whore
4. if it's possible to find out, no one with more than like 3/10 autism
also LMAO at the gaslighters in discord acting traumatized by cunny posted in here
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what happened on discord lol?
From where is this?
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that doesn't surprise me
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they were looking for the source of some enya art and the only hit on reverse image search was a /jidf/ archive, then they saw cunny
reminder that cunny is effective at filtering them
Today's stream
>by cunny posted in here
holy fucking shit you're telling me these people aren't twitter bots?
Holy sex
Imagine sex with Juna
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nooo stop posting weird stuff like this it hurts my penis noooooooo think of the sponsors!!!!!
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>NOOO not the hekin paimonino
Good luck finding decent mods. They are very few good ones out there. Most I've dealt with are power hungry psychopaths.
out there grooming i see
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enya if you want to filter these people from your fanbase you need to post cunny NOW
>guro is ok but not lolis
actual psychopath
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I wanna know what happened to Coni with mods and discord servers but...doing reps on a chuuba that isn't in holo is such a hassle...please spoon feed me ;_;
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Fuyo lovesense pomf streams when
Do you know what they meant by
>has made 4 different enya edits
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unrelated thing being talked about at the same time
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Internet babies are fucking hilarious ngl
>guro is more acceptable than cunny
what planet are these people from?
>guronigger pretending to have standards
This is the sort of people Enya attracted from her PL.
>Mod reads the thread and goes to tell them to shutup about veetee
my sides
that's Enya's attention whore mod btw
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I'm getting fit for my oshi
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whoops meant to reply to >>86718533
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Juners my beloved
Explain yourselves phyrophiles ,no really wtf is wrong with that retard?
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i love my wife junny
Xhe is a gaslighter >>86717204
And people say posting cunny isn't the best way to filter trannydittors.
>go to read
>see that immediately after this retard says this another retard shits on /vt/ users' social skills
I'm actually fucking crying LMAO
Eh, I can get retards being retards, they are born that way. But why on earth did Enya mod a latinx retard.
Fuck off gringx, don't put the blame on us
Junas lactose braps in my face
No, literally, his YT @ has his IRL name because why the fuck not. I'm not gonna say it but it's just a few clicks away.
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Mimir time, gn anons
Juna love
nini jewbro!
goodnight anon
Nini anyon~
>go check Enya's chat on discord to see what the fuss is all about
>immediately stumble upon the pfp of some tumblerina landwhale with blue hair and glasses
Dios mio... la creatura.
Imagine having to share a chat with those trannies...
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If you've ever wondered why her live chat is so awful sometimes, that's the reason.
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imagine having to share a board with that brat...
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oooh, she demands rape correction!!!!!!!1111oneoneone
Brave hate
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Goodnight jewbros. hope you have sweet dreams of your oshi.
ni ni
Reminder: Lala may be the worst player in league history and we will never wash the stench of shame off due to Lala's monumental failure.
I don't watch Lala, so what do you mean?
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nini jewbro
sleep tight!
Lala got more saves than Trust the Plan this league.
Ni ni get good rest
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Nini bro
imagine the blowjobs
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Why all girls that play BA love this character?
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I hope Hina wins Tonya's poll for cosplay.
i don't even play gatcha, but i hope we get more little girls out of it ToT
Anon just fucking look at her
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kanabun, my fucking goodness...
Mutsuki,Iroha,Ibuki,Kasumi... wait you are right
God I need this so bad
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Is that Rin, or just someone else who looks similar?
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Honestly I was too horny to even stop to consider it LOL
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I wanna breastfeed every idol member and change their diapers.
is coni "a woman scorned"?
is the soft graduation model becoming more commonplace?
Is this a thread where we love and trust Coni?
mozzu said I shouldn't support coni, so no :^)
She didn't say that.
sup jews
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Jewbros, is it gay to fap to porn of Tanya Degurechaff of The Saga of Tanya the Evil? On one hand, she has the mind of a middle aged man. On the other hand, cunny.

Go back to your shitter thread Mozzu
It's not, since the very moment she became a girl, everything happening inside her head became irrelevant because nothing girls think never matters.
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Yes, it is very gay, not different from fapping watching troons
Current physical reality is the only thing that matters.
>troonfucker spotted
Not really, by troon rules, you are what you think you are, contrary to actual biology. Tanya on the other side was born biologically a girl.
She agrees with them. And of course trannies are into guro, they do it to themselves.
Or a better answer that kills off that retarded argument:
No, fapping to humanoid characters who have a womb is not gay.
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this was what prompted me to ponder such queries
you'd have to be gay to not want to fuck that desu senpai
Sex with a fully biological female is not gay.
>Y-yeah he is a middle age man in the body of a little girl but i-it's not gay, okay?
I mean, where does your penis go? Into the guy's soul or into the girl's body?
ngl if Tanya looks like >>86727046 she could have a dick and I would still fuck the living soul out of her 9 year old body. If that makes me gay so be it.
Sex with a woman who thinks she's a tree does not mean you are having sex with a tree. Troon logic isn't real.
>m-my physical body/sex doesn't matter
>my "soul" is this gender so that's what gender i am
This is the actual troon logic.
Get a load of this homo.
i want to fap to tonya instead
This is the correct answer.
this faggot would fuck a woman in a dude's body
You should post about vtubers
Korean women make me horny
Stinky koreans...
I want to put a baby inside Koa, if you know what I mean.
Should I be concerned about Coni or is she always this schizo
I know what you mean too well, Koabro
Momo isn't potty trained
Momo streams on pomf
Momo is potty trained and doesn't stream on Pomf
>Noooo fapping to a man in a girl's body is not gay it's nooooooot!
lmao even
that is correct
>little girls are gay now
/jidf/ has fallen
>Noooo fapping to a loli is not being a pedo it's nooooooot!
lmao even
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childrens vaginas
Momo's juicy Korean cunny
It's just one stray troon
or a troll ;)
There's a difference?
stop trolling, ugly troon.
Fuyo is so hot!
not hairy enough
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I want this to happen in my dream
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if she has a cunny it's not gay. shotas on other hand
Mozzu is leaving vdere because they became male collabers. She's forgiven
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Do you trust Korean woman?
>a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
Seeing all the shit happening, I'm kind of hoping she will return an do things she's been doing before, and I don't mind if it's at her own pace.
fuyo forest
Shove it up your ass nigger
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Don't get distracted. Focus on your next step.
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Roca's coming back.
Time for comfy watchalong.
Today's a good day.
Every day with Roca is a good day.
I'm looking. What now?
>no movie poll yet
should I be worried?
Roca gets busy during the day sometimes, but I believe she will post it in time.
yeah busy having sex
don't worry, she'll post when she's home
yeah, with me
that sex? Me
I miss Koa.
>300 to go
>13h old post
that's ogre anon, unless a big account intervenes it's not making it.
>Post is even on her account
what the fuck are Robertos even doing lmao
>Discord doodle
the invite link is idolcorp
literally just make a burner account and join
They get to swtich pronouns too? Unfair
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Lala > Trust the plan
No, because your dick will ERASE his maleness our of HER brain, because SHE will realize how good being a WOMAN is

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