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They Were Drawn into the Conversation! Edition

Welcome to /vsj+/! A thread to discuss VShojo and vtubers who frequently associate with them.

Geega is LIVE! And is back to her tried and true tactics of stealth and assassination with no witnesses and no traces left behind. I'm talking about Hitman obviously. Nothing else. other than that Mouse is LIVE! And is finally playing some Tekken 8! Also in call is Zen. Them's the options so pick a stream and keep things comfy and civil by ignoring and especially reporting bait, and being excellent to each other.

Image source: https://twitter.com/KittyRiko23/status/1842026211817750733

VShojo is:
Froot - https://www.twitch.tv/apricot | https://www.youtube.com/@ApricotFroot
GEEGA - https://www.twitch.tv/geega | https://www.youtube.com/@GEEGA
Haruka - https://www.twitch.tv/harukakaribu | https://www.youtube.com/@HarukaKaribu
Henya - https://www.twitch.tv/henyathegenius | https://www.youtube.com/@henyathegenius
Hime - https://www.twitch.tv/hajime | https://www.youtube.com/@himehajime1570
Kson - https://www.twitch.tv/ksonsouchou | https://www.youtube.com/@ksonONAIR
Kuro - https://www.twitch.tv/k9kuro | https://www.youtube.com/@K9KURO
Mata - https://www.twitch.tv/matarakan | https://www.youtube.com/@MataraKan
Mel - https://www.twitch.tv/projektmelody | https://www.youtube.com/@projektmelody
Michi - https://www.twitch.tv/michimochievee | https://www.youtube.com/@MichiMochievee
Mouse - https://www.twitch.tv/ironmouse | https://www.youtube.com/@IronMouseParty
Zen - https://www.twitch.tv/zentreya | https://www.youtube.com/@zentreya

Official Channels - https://www.twitch.tv/vshojo | https://www.youtube.com/@VShojo

総長 + 会長 for dedicated Kson discussion
/999/ for dedicated Henya discussion
/lig/ and /big/ for extended + and former member discussion
/mouse/ for subathon-specific discussion

Previous Thread: >>86694630
feels weird without the horns
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Don't know what happened to them but the artist did a prequel and they were in that one.
Geega is so perfect, bros
damn mouse wasn't kidding when she said she was main eddy
yeah idk much about fighting games but mouse is doing better than expected
You just know Geega is an absolute freak in bed.
Is Mouse actually good at Tekken? I don't know anything about fighting games.
She's a pillow princess and you know it.
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Seems /mouse/ wants to keep the thread up post subathon. Probably better that way.
I'm staying here tho.
She said she used to be way back when and it was the only fighting game she knew how to play.
I'm pretty happy tonight
i think they are making a huge mistake. I will stay here fuck them.
See you think "oh she's 4'10" and weighs nothing I can totally manhandle and dominate this Italian hag" and then she pulls out her CIA training on you and jujitsus you into some kind of Kama Sutra position you only heard about in myths and legends and then you realize you are now the fuckee and about to be claimed by a pasta slurping federal agent who knows what she wans and how to get it from you.
It's probably for the best. Nothing is keeping anyone from posting in both threads so it doesn't really matter either.
naw it's fine, trust me. It's better that way, no need to get into why again, but I think it'll ultimately work out better for people here. Especially mouse fans who stick around over here.
it should be fine, only dramafags care
Federal agents don't like blacks so she'll probably just drug me and then I get shot
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Why you gotta make it weird
While that's very hot anon, I will continue to believe Geega is a bottom.
this nigga still living the 50's
God imagine onibro plapping her after this stream. Fuuuuuuuuuckkk I hate that guy so much.
I wish Mata and Giri were wearing maid outfits together
I love Michi so much.
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Girl drinks Apricot cocktail
I for one and am glad for it. This thread was still shit during the subathon but /mouse was mostly good barring some excessive whining. Ill go there for mouse discussion and here for the other members (during the sea chill periods)
Mouse actually has potential. She needs to learn more skills though.
Unfortunately her carpal tunnel probably limits how much she can do. I love fighting games but i usually can only play for an hour or 2 before needing a breaking (especially on my fight stick)
It's getting shit up pretty hard. They'll be back. Just like /vsj/.
Probably didn't even buy that small controller that Connor recommended that would fit her hands better
Mouse hand job....
She mentioned having a smaller controller but preferred her larger one
mouse is a woman, she didn't asked for answers, she wants to complain.
When is Henya getting out on parole?
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Michi sighting, these bitches are so gay I love it! Also she's currently on call with Camila.
What's happening on Oct 10?
>>Zen: I've never played this character
>>Destroys Mouse
Zen knows the core mechanics of the game like the heat mechanics and what not. If you know that you can reasonably pick up any character and be sufficient quickly
my 2 incher would like 4 inches
Bro's acting like fighting games aren't hard as fuck for anyone who doesn't want to mash
Mouse is actually better at pulling off combos from what i've seen but she doesn't use heat or her CA and doesn't apply pressure like zen does.
Mouse is technically better but zen is mechanically better.
!!!!!!!!!! Michi LIVE !!!!!!!!!!
indo cutie live
I imagine Geega looks like a monkey fursona in real life and it makes me aroused
Camila said it's a gameshow, and that it should be simple but fun.
Giri is the hottest hag I've ever seen.
Alexa, show me pictures of Michi Mochievee butt ass naked
have standards, bro
You are gay.
Actually a raging homosexual of the upmost degree
Seems only fair. Every Hololive member has a general.
Go to bed splitschizo
Am I wrong?
Does anybody know what Michi is talking about? Someone owns that IP or it wouldn't be IP.
What the hell is Michi talking about? What got stolen?
>immediately seething over a simple observation of fact
Now go to bed
They aren't allowed to have a good thread while we suffer.
Wait does she mean her NIJI character!? Is Niji doing it or is someone using Niji property? Because Niji would sue the fuck out of them.
Does literally anyone have context? The fuck happened with Mika?
i guess niji is using her old dead corpse for something stupid
I don't know. Maybe. I haven't heard or seen anything. Surprised the catalog isn't going apeshit about anything like that.
vshojo is a hobo shelter, got it
maybe some of her old friend told her about it. She did said there are still people inside she wants to protect and is the only reason for not spill all the bullsiht they did to her.
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our hobos can afford more than one model per year.
Yeah maybe. I mean we know how corpos go so if it is Niji itself well, nothing you can do about it. That's how Jap corpos work. And we'll see what ends up happening with NotAme.
it will be really funny if they try to "weekend at bernie's" the people who left
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/mouse/ I see you still stirring up shit about the thread. Shut the fuck up. We have our thread and you have yours. We can both discuss mouse, it's fine.
nigga take your meds
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>suddenly talking about this shit even after a long ass time it's been "discussed"
sure thing buddy
You'd think the Kizuna Ai experiment would learn those companies not to do that ever.
>Obviously baiting
>Still bite
I mean she was in id branch so her spilling shit shouldn't affect the en branch that much. Plus niji reputation is already rock bottom and it affects the livers as all the vague rumours end up targeting them. Her revealing stuff would probably help them.
Well at least your owning up to it, faggot.
>michi is wet and hot
Anny invented looking up
>Obviously baiting
>Bait taken as an obvious bait
>Still bite
>All posts are bait
>Even this very post
Well, she doesn't have to say anything either. If it is going to happen, we're going to see it and the reactions would come then.
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I think I'm going insane
Fuck you pphead
Anon your format is the same every time. your the one shit stirring.
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I miss having almost daily /999/ threads. Some of the ancient Pikamee lore anons will only show up there.
There was some lore I saw in a general one time that I had never heard of before. Apparently she tried modeling at some point? Or maybe that was a schizo delusion I had.
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When Hime is calling you a retard, you are retarded.

God I love these girls.
michi is in a relationship with me
Michi is a relationship with me
I vaguely remember her talking about wanting to do that when she was young.

I don't consider myself a super OG pikameefag, but I was there for quite a while.
I think this hiatus us coming up to being as long as the pre-debut one.
Noooo she is with me
She will return on Oct 21st cap this
I wrote all of these
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No she's talked about it before. She thought about doing it, but they had stringent requirements like cutting your hair a certain length which she didn't want to do. Her father is also very attractive and she inherited a lot of his looks. Even when she was in America, not many people could tell she was half Asian. She also said one time she had to get an X-Ray, and the radiologist was nerding out over the fact that she has a Caucasian bone structure.
You will die a horrible death if you're wrong
Built for agartha




i not asking for dox or anything, i was just thinking these days. Did they named her with an american name or japanese? I like to imagine this very blond girl with green eyes with a very japanese name.
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the audacity
>jots down "9050" for future reference
>for no reason whatsoever
>Michi learns about snipping tools and shortcuts
This retard...
nice one grampa, very original
Be nice anon. Remember she didn't touch a computer until she was 15, so like 2 years ago.
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I believe some /999/ anons once said her name is written in katakana, which means it's western. She was born and raised in America until she was 5.
>Her father is also very attractive
Is that something she said? It seems like every time she mentions her dad(s) it’s to throw shade at them, kek
Adriana is back to streaming (occasionally) if you guys wanna hear some more of her singing
she has 2. I think she likes to dank on jp father
tanks anon, I love her singing
The one that she dunks on is the JP one, the American one is the chad but also quite stupid according to Henya. She loves both.
Jbw in action.
i like ironmouse
bro likes ironmouse
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wasn't that pic from here lmao
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i see you anon
Its over
Asian hags
they did said zoomers don't know how to use computers anymore.
Who polluted michi's mind?
Someone tell Michi to watch the American psycho Streaming video from earlier today
It's Henyas tech bros watching her doing this
>Michi is about to get her period
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Is there a point to tracking it when she literally tells us every single time?
No need she always announces her periods and ovulations. Also she is synced with Mata and giri fyi
So you're saying i could impregnate all of them at the same time?
who the fuck watches porn on their phone
I watch porn on my phone in my bed. When I'm about to cum I pull my shirt up so it doesn't get dirty. I then waddle to the bathroom to clean up.
Me in the bed its suckes watching sting down on the pc
Its the best way
Why don't you just take off your shirt
Lay some fuckin' paper towels on you to catch the cum
Or finish in a tissue or something
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lmao where did she get it from
people queuing up to fight mouse kek
*cums on you*
That was legit the first time I've laughed at a TTS
And people think Michi is young
Bruh Michi Lurks here
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Everyone's trying to throw a little so they get the full five rounds, aren't they.
hime's grandad going over kuro's anime tweet
Yeah everyone is being very respectful, leaving after each game, lining up, it's cute.
Michi minimum 32
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Haven't watched Michi much but she's really good at yapping and interacting with a chat
>old memes
>from 10 years ago
i hate the internet

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