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What's this then?
>mentally ill filipino shitposters were wrong about something that had zero actual evidence
more at 11
They definitely don't hate each other, the rrat is gura hates biboo
Promo art that they didn't draw and may not even have known about until after release.
It could be a textbook photo of the Parthenon for all the relevence it has.
that sudden 10 hr stream then biboo only ending only a bit after gura does during debut period still makes me laugh
>gura and biboo overlap
numberfags in management limit testing the potential audience to see if advent draws new viewers
Why do you take the things you read on a Cambodian basket weaving forum seriously.
the next gura birthday live will add biboo to the shion/laplus performance, oji-sans everywhere will die of heart attacks
Wait what even is this?
Biboo forma Azul will replace Gura
Not Gura.
What does Biboo's original song has to do with Gura?
You sure that ain't Kob-
Nevermind, I'm stupid.
I don't remember any other loli choombas with fish tails, retard
That's Petra Gurin
>one of them literally has a shark tail
>not Gura
sure keep denying it chumkek
thats not how a tail works its a magical girl dress
All 7 are Biboo, look at the bi jous on the side of their heads. Prism no Mahou is a solo original, it's her playing every member of a magical girl team.
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Never was
>But /vt/ told me...
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
I have no idea who any of those people are due to how off model they are.
Is biboo even in there?
Why would anyone still think that when Gura came up to Biboo on her own to talk to her during ENReco?
Biboo and Gura barely know each other because Gura is scared of meeting people. Yes, even someone as harmless as fucking Biboo lol. Let that sink in.
>when Gura came up to Biboo on her own
proof or it didn't happen
That's Biboo with a fish tail
NTA but that ain't a fucking shark tail, looks like the end of a large sash
>fee pee be pee
>he listened to /vt/
one of the classic blunders
That's Moona
what if all of them are just Biboo in different outfits and colors?
Anon....all seven are Biboo, each for one of her emotions
the blue one is fear because she fears gura, it even has a shark tail
biboo will try to turn gura into her mom.
Nice to see somebody has the same idea, also reactivate some viewers, that maybe watch somebody else if shork stops streaming after a week
i'm pretty sure those are all just herself
look at the hair flaps on the green on and the yellow one
You can see her flaps in half of the silhouetts, while other key details are missing from what you'd think these characters are.
It's Biboo im several different outfits, if I'm seeing right maybe even with gem touches, like the Pegor one having chrystal rabbit ears.
thats not what shark tails look like
uhh... i don't think moona has a tail
Biboo is finally and completely replacing Gura as the MOTIVATED, Hatsune Miku-loving, loli memelord vtuber with a big fat fish tail. Chumbuds time to come home.
That's not Guras or even a sharks tail. It seems like these are either completely new outfits or "Biboofied" versions.
sounds like what a rock girl afraid of a shark girl would say
If it's not Gura then the rrat is true that they hate each other
Yeah she hates her so much she isn't even in her original solo song Prism Magic, featuring a spectrum of Biboos wtf
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But /vt/ told me Gura would graduate 2 weeks ago?!?
Is Biboo the Kingyozaka Meiro of Hololive?
It's not gura or anybody else
it's all biboo with different forms
Why does Biboo hate Gura?
Why does Gura hate Biboo
>but /vt/ told me [something completely made up or said by 2-3 shitposters months ago]
Why does Arug hate Oobib?
fighting polygon team looking shit
Why does Arbib hate Ooug?
>But /vt/ told me
This sounds like a duo of some little goblin like shit and his braindead shitbrickhouse of a brother
The yellow one on the far right is clearly pekora
Left to right it looks like
Iroha Gigi Gura Biboo Towa Shion Pekora
That looks like Biboo multiverse rather than group collab
it's all business, they could be friends but you'd never know the difference anyway
It's literally the same body 7 times you dummies.
integral details like Pegors ears, la+ horns, towas tail. guras tail etc. are non negotiable and would never be switched for chrystal things or altered in other ways.
I'd rather Chloe than Gura
I'd rather Gura than Chloe
I mean yes they were spouting rrats but Gura streaming over her at times wasn't zero evidence.
They're all Biboo
I fucking LOVE twinning tf!
why are pebbles retarded? it's clearly not Biboo in different forms, the shark tail and Kobo's shoes should be enough to tell you that
there's only two outcomes: Biboo is a leech, or this is a Holowitches project for EN and ID and they chose Biboo to promote it because she's simultaneously EN and ID
>No Bae
BaeBi is dead
Show me a single shark on this planet with such a tail or a single instance where a Holo had any bodypart detail changed for an outfit.
Dumb retarded fuck.
Anya's chest nerfs.
Anya was never nerfed, all her outfits have the same chest. Her first rigger was just retarded.
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>she's simultaneously EN and ID
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I guess Shion also has Biboos stonecone floaty now, retards.
Who doesnt hate gura at this point, or at least dislike, other than her mindbroken cumbuds?
>he pronounces the letter F as "fee"
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>Gura defends Bijou/Biboo during Family Feud against a comment from Mumei
>bring Bijou up unprompted several times in her streams
>called Bijou cute to her face
>they had to dance together and touch hands for BD
>seek Bijou out to correct a perceived wrong and introduced herself
>Nerissa who would have taken issue with anyone who hates on her genmates not seeing anything wrong
Am I the only one who watches streams?
I think they both want to interact but are very shy, it's cute. It seems like they have a lot of admiration for each other.
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SEA shit posting hours. If they weren't clips these losers don't know about it.
Management is trying to replicate Gura's success with Biboo and Gigi.
I doubt they will ever get the perfect conditions ever again to replicate Gura.
That doesn't mean anything but nutjobs here will fall over themselves to claim that as evidence of their vendetta against each other
>they are!
They are what?
> Gura streaming over her at times wasn't zero evidence.
Gura was literally just streaming in the exact same time that she has always streamed lmao
A fuckload of people streamed over justice after their debut too but i didn't see a million fucking posts about it because obviously people will keep streaming at the same time they always have
>wasn't zero evidence
anon, retard.
There's how many holomems now? Overlapping times are going to be a thing, suck it up buttercup, SOMEONE is gonna be live when Gura is also live.
why do you guys blame everything on flips?
We're totally gonna ignore the 6 months of no streams before that
>new gen debuts
>everyone streams more
90% of gura seethe is just retards not looking at what other talents are doing, most of the time everyone is doing the same thing but people lazer focus on gura because they like to anti post
>gura streams at her normal time when a new gen comes out
anon, you're too much like a woman, go spend some time with your dad and stop being a little gossip bitch.
If you're a tron or a femoid, hang.
only and specifically
>when a new gen comes out
>gura streaming all over her debut week.
>gura muting her on palworld but not bae who was as loud and annoying as biboo
>has rarely even acknowledged her existence other than mandatory collabs like enreco unlike with fuwamoco who she did talked about and even tried to butter up her pedo fans by saying she wants to "protect" chumcucks smiles too before she disappeared shortly after.
Sure bestest of friends
Its all Biboo and her 7 different magical girl transformations.
>cover slide hints to their biggest channel "hey, stream so a lot of people come back to hololive and we get more eyes on the new genn
you do not understand marketing anon.
I feel like this is cope.
>said multiple times before that new talents gets her motivated
>wrong go watch the vod
>wrong go watch every vod
How telling gura to stream during advent debut week is marketing? That's not how it work. You chumcucks and hololive apologist can't ever hold your company accountable when it does stupid shit.
>Yes let's tell the biggest vtuber who's fanbase watch nothing but her stream during advent debut week because why not what can go wrong.
>says new talents motivates her
>fucks off shortly after EVERYTIME
okay chumcuck.
no shit thats whats gonna happen when you're motivated to do something that you ultimately hate
Unless Gura comes on stage and makes out with Biboo, you're not convincing anyone that Gura hates her. Actually, even then, I'd probably think she hated that so she'd have to do it a couple more times to be convincing
>How telling gura to stream during advent debut week is marketing? That's not how it work.
The correct English for this would be
"How is telling Gura to stream during the advent debut week marketing? That's not how it works"
It's fine to be an ESL but stop starting drama.
Are you two stupid? How do you advertise massive concerts in real life? You let the biggest act lead the stride as it brings on more eyes to the event. Holy fuck ESLs are stupid.
>You let the biggest act do a concert at the same time in a different venue
What drama you fucking bootlicker. It's you who thinks this is drama because your retarded jap corp does shit backwards quit the excuses.
Who the fuck has ever said this? demented fucking lunatic
I mean, lets not pretend like catalog shitters weren't trying to push this angle for over a year now.
So the entire 3 weeks gura streamed over advent debut never fucking happened right?
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I unironically want Biboo and Gura to become more friendly with each other and stream together. I feel like they can work in a shitposting duo.
EN was shitting itself then, many people would have missed Advent without getting back into it through Gura.
She's basically the entry board.
I want Kobo to be less of an ID normalfag and stream more with ENs.
Revisionist BS. They were doing just fine the few days before gura reappeared. If cover was using gura to boost advent they would have gura stream first and raid into advent, not overlap midway through.
I mean no they aren't, but you're right about that other part, they can't.
Gawr Gura was lightning in a bottle. A hurricane in a bottle, even. Never before in Vtuber history had the been such perfect conditions for a someone of her kind.
But that time has long since past.
No one will ever be as beloved as Gura is, that's just fact.

Because /v/t found out the flips and chinks were behind the (now deleted) Nijisanji hit list that targeted people who sided with Dokibird and criticized the company. Also have you ever dealt with a Flip? They are rude, loud, liars, manipulative, two faced, and whores. They are simply the niggers of Asia (alongside Indian, if you're one of those types who are dumb enough to believe India is part of Asia).
so who are the 7 lolis?
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This thread is so retarded. Everyone in chat during FWMC morning got that it was all biboo.
don't you find it odd that the blue girl of all possible designs just had to have a shark tail?
All biboo. Looks like they're finally using her gem lore

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