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Is millie retarted? why would she do this to herself?
>Is millie retarted?
Everyone still in niji at this point is retarded.
fuck off retardler
she should do another /vt/ stream to kill niji.
Buy an ad, Adler.
>get blown the fuck out
>lmao rent free
not how it works
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Millie's ass
Adler Mayer...the strongest man in the world...i kneel...
Based millie, you got to show him who's the boss by not leaving niji, or you're a pussy.
I hate Ethyria but she's not wrong Alder, if you really didn't care you wouldn't give her a public (You) on Twitter.
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How is he the one who’s living rent free if he keeps leaving hate tweets?
>Checks profile
>Is a pagpag eating holofag who religiously shills VAllure

Nuke SEA
what kind of retard reply to a hate tweet that dont even have 100 likes
He probably made this thread
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which holo is this?
>Is millie retarted?
2024 and still getting one guy'd
Imagine getting ratio'd by Millie of all people. How do you fuck up that badly? Just kill yourself dude, unironically.
That's Riroron, a terminated IDOL talent.
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>a million yagoo memes in the background
Come on.
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where is the national capital region? is he talking about washington DC?
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flip bros is this one of yours?
should have replied her with this
>glad to hear that, you deserve to rot in kurosanji forever
The faggot is full on Pinoy Pride too
>Fate Blacked Order
>Blacked FGO
Maybe he is a secret Millie fan after all.
>Millie is a flip
>one of her hater is a also a flip
It checked out
Why are you even asking? Are you retarded too?
shes already dead and her career has gone to shit anon. bothering her at this point is stupid and your just being an asshole for no reason
>Every single metric that matters is down for her and every single organ left on shittersanji, attempts to clap back at a single person: pop off queen she owned him!

Are you really this retarded?
checks out
How the fuck isn't that channel banned again yet?
stop noticing things.
Is this guy ESL? He doesn't seem to understand the "living rent free" expression.
Congrats on hitting 500k Millie <3
Kys kennedy
continue your work soldier.
dont stop until total niji death
Having to post your own tweets on 4channel for validation is admitting you got btfo
kys millie
stop coming here already
this holokek thinks hes the main character lmao.
This retard handed Millie a free win
I can't believe you're making me side with a niji organ.
Fuck out of here, Adler. Go shill your bvtm garbage elsewhere.
Though it at least cuts one person out of the running for upcoming graduations.
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I'm not gonna leave. Cry like a faggot
She's definitely totes retar
trying too hard sister
Millie you need to learn to stop seething..
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Millie is 'THE' definition of someone that has people living rent free in her head
It seems like this thread forgot (or they know and are shilling her here) about this stream where she tried larping as a 4chan thread
>got one guy'd
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>why would she do this to herself?
She wants a win no matter how small or pointless it is.
It's in the Philippines.
Anyone that types kek outside of 4chan should be castrated
He completely discredited himself by replying with "rent free" after stalking her twitter.
clara my whore (beloved)
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Don't even joke about that.
I'm the guy who made the 500k thread for Millie minutes after it ticked down.
I despise Niji and Millie, but I also hate BVTM for constantly fucking with everyone and then trying to pin the blame on others, like the time they fucked up Enna's birthday card and tried to blame the dragoons, or when they fucked up the holoapp with gore and doxx.
kek didn't originate /here/ newfag. It has always been used in the gaming sphere.
Did the flips turn on Millie?
Oh it didn't originate here?
Anyone that types kek outside of 4chan should be castrated
Millie being retarded doesn’t make you not retarded Adler
again gtfo from here already millie
an anonymous got nothing to lose and millie have nothing to win in this interaction. how can this be btfo? what did that nobody tweet with 0 heart lose anything at all?
because it gives them morale by handing them a win on a platter while also allowing them to use the "they're harassing us constantly" card for sympathy from tourists?
Fucking retard.
nice english adler
>holofag shill VAllure
did you see the word you type? this is just a trend fan, like skt fan in lol. just trend the most popular in the hobby.
what's with SEA and their obsession with blacked porn???
Reading the replies on there (all public by the way) looks like it was a morale boost for her and her fans.
Meanwhile, on this thread in the dark asshole of the internet that no one will see, its "OMG she's retarded! What an idiot"
So who really won?
Millie you absolute mongrel rule number one don't feed the troll. Very you equally retarded twink white knighting Millie is not the play
The girl celebrating reaching 500k subs, what a big milestone for Millie! Hater B T F O
anyone that posts /here/ should be castrated
she's definitely /here/
Should she be careful with what she says to avoid offending you retards who already hate her? Or should she clapback and let the fans have a W?
It makes me remember that time Vivi clapped back so hard the guy deleted his account.
Adler lost BIGLY.
last time a hater got owned by ex organs, he keep mentioned his heatr and eventually graduted to vshoujo. i dunno man
It gives the retard her attention. Literally ignore them and they eventually give up. Literally the basic shit when dealing with morons online. Simply don't give a shit and they have nothing
>don't feed the troll
good ol buck mentality
actually it was Vivi's thing, which the sisters flaunded for a month or two up until Vivi complained about the NBA "collab," at which point the sisters disowned her.
Where was her crown when she *le owned* /vt/ on that one stream?
im talking about mysta.
he keep mentioned his hater in stream despite he owned her multiple time
Speaking of rent free
Do people really start twitter beef and come to /vt/ to gloat about it? Why would you do this?
based yellow fever anon
small penises = self hatred
living in SEA shithole = self hatred
self hatred = cuckoldry to cope
cuckoldry = bbc fetish
>fate blacked order
Why are men like this?
based Millie, BTFO that piece of shit anti faggot
They selfinsert in it since they’re brown
We could ask Millie the same thing >>86723116
all I'm saying is it's understandable for SEAfags to be self hating when they have to be associated with people like this >>86722038
They can't relate to flacid penises
Flips have always hated her. We call her behavior "ugaling palenke" (wet market behavior). Loud, obnoxious, cheap, and uncultured. Constantly trying to "own" haters she could have easily ignored. I'm always embarrassed to be associated online to people like her.
Be honest, you hate her because she’s a race traitor who rejected flips on stream and wants a white husband. There’s no shame in that.
Hahahahaha. Fucking retards. This is like spreading blood in shark infested waters. Now other trolls noticed you can press her buttons and they'll join in on the trolling until they find a way to mindbreak her.
Mori learned that the hard way with the "condom money" superchat.
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The best
Retarded enough to reject Moona's HoloID offer
>what did that nobody tweet with 0 heart lose anything at all?
Dignity? Self-respect? Not looking like a retard in front of people?
Normally that kind of behavior should be given a 'she isn't going to fuck you bro' response but all things considered that might not apply here.
And you fuckers sitll think you're the "good guys" here?
>Millie antis are BLACKED connoisseurs
majority of sisters are flip so they don't care about that
>just ignore us okay!
I like how you idiots self-admitting to shit stirring, and are doing nothing to fix your retarded behavior.
>small penises = self hatred
Crabs in bucket behavior
It would've never worked out either way, since she's not ID, but did she have a chance to be in Council?
they are black
Sisters wouldn’t hate her in the first place.
Who said anything about good guys tard. Trolls will always exist. If you feed them you'll only cause more and more of them to start trolling you. Simple as.
>Trolls will always exist
And those "trolls" will continue to make you shitheads look bad. But I guess you don't care about that.
Everyone on that pic is retarded
You are retarded for making a thread out of something we already knew
And I'm retarded for replying to this thread when we already knew Millie and every faggot obssessed with niji (pro and against) is retarded
Cry about it faggot
>telling internet to stop
good luck retard
>If you feed them you'll only cause more and more of them to start trolling you
Only problem is her shitty company is giving the trolls more than enough ammo to shit on her with, it really doesn’t matter whether she engages or not.
I've never seen this guy in our community. He's probably just a horny retard.
Idgaf who she fucks. I simply have a simmering hatred for every tard who spam their cringe swagapino comments in every chatbox in existence or just makes a fool of themselves online while pointing to their nationality. It makes me feel embarrassed. That I care about.
Continue to look like a clown to everyone then, shithead. You're not gaining any favors with anyone.
No, we're just realists. That's what happens with trolls, ESPECIALLY bvtm/followers. They fucking love harassing people who give them even a crumb of attention. Case in point, this thread.
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You must fucking hate Millie then
>He's probably just a horny retard.
Isn’t being horny kind of VAllures appeal?
Wrong metaphor. She isn't uplifting anyone with her behavior.
Sounds like a personal problem.
remember when nijifans attacked one of their own literal who fans? smells like deja vu
Everyone in this thread are just filips projecting their self hatred to one another.
>we're just realists
lmao Pretty fucking funny to see trolls trying to dictate what other can and cannot do. Eat shit.
No, but I do remember you idiots harassing nijifans on a daily basis.
It's just to bait you into watching.
So you’re a cuck, of course.
Yes with good reason
oh good. we have nijisister here
Okay, go ahead and ignore our advice, but don't come crying /here/ when it doesn't work out and they just become a lolcow stalked by bvtm shitters and kiwifags.
Last time I checked it was the nijisisters that drove their own to suicide
>Local time of Manilla: 3:15 PM
Ah, so that does explain this thread.
>harassing each other over 20 golden tweet
>telling ike hardcore fans to kill herself over misunderstanding
>telling vantablack sister to stop babysitting him

nijisister : whY dO theY keeP haRassinG uS?
You Holodrones and Phasecucks falseflag as Niji fans just to stir shit
Why would anyone want to even pretend to be a Niji fan, you have to live with the fact you thought even being associated with them as a joke was a good idea. No one should have to go through the embrassement of even pretending.
People posting /here/ don't need to be castrated because 99% of /vt/ posters will never breed in the first place.
How in the fuck are you gonna pin that on the fans? Everyone was on her side at least until Feb 5th.
>randomly attacks vtuber
>vtuber fails to ignore him
>kek rent free
Who's going to tell him this isn't how rent free works. Millie is a retard but come on.
who need falseflags when your own fanbase are cancer?
>follows AI slop
>always uses "kek" in his posts
yeah that's certainly a unicorn LARPer in /#/
Because it was the sisters harassing her? I dont get it
Are you trying to imply that it was "random trolls" that suspiciously retweet exclusively nijimale stuff, post their nijimale merch, only talk about nijimales dating back years?
Good lord..
jesus christ please rangeban SEA
I think they're both fucking retarded, the guy for responding to Millie's tweet 3 minutes after she posted just to seethe at her, and Millie for responding to him and giving a troll attention
>@‘s her
>I live rent free
That’s not how that works.
/#/ hates bvtm
Millie had multiple breakdowns onstream including a huge one about her mother not loving her and she basically has zero zelf confidence when it comes to her looks. You think Millie of all people will withstand the upcoming onslaught of trolling she just unleashed on herself by replying?
Randomly harassing someone is as retarded as giving them attention. They deserve each other.
Thank god I block everything and anything related to NijishittersEN and never get to see this pathetic display of u.profesionalism (well, nothing new from NijiEN I guess)
It just applied to flip, it their culture.
always the pinoy
>replied to him specifically out of hundreds/thousands of replies she might get
It is rent free
What that anon said, now all other bvtmfag gonna troll her just to get a reaction.
Is there nobody on Niji teaching them not to feed the trolls? Hololive had ONE twitter instance of this, Mori replying to shitty art of her and Connor fucking, and it never happened again.
They don't have English speaking tard wranglers in Niji
Millie did that 4chan rp stream back in the day that generated a ton of backlash. If she didn't learn it after that she never will
Nta but i can't believe we have a real retarded tourist on this thread. She probably thinking "4chan is one person" unironically.
>/#/ hates bvtm
>Ernoul and Aku their biggest namefags follow bvtm
She doesn't seem very bright but immediately resorting to
>rent free kek
on Twitter is also mouthbreathing retard tier banks. At this point a "no u" would be more clever.
Adler-sama... I KNEEL
So which is it sister? Are they being harassed constantly or are they being cheered by their fans while the trolls skulk in the shadows?

Also still waiting to hear you explain how she btfo the guy when she wrote two fucking paragraphs to say the same thing that other dude then managed in less than a full sentence.
># love them
>proceed to doxx them including the flip schizo home address.
They sure love them.
that 500k milestone(again) rubs her the wrong way so she decided to one guyd this one
whatever people think of millie it's interesting to know that as one of the most central members of 'the clique' she intends on never leaving unless forced basically. or at least that's the impression she gives (which will be all the more hilarious whenever she does leave).

that kind of telegraphs that the clique is intended to just cling to the branch until its dying breath like a strangler fig tree killing its host. millie, enna, elira etc will be the last ones out, meaning the branch truly fucking has no future ever and there will never be an opportunity for a serious house-cleaning, post-clique world scenario. I mean maybe that's not a surprise she's digging in because where else is she gonna go after this, just back to indie probably?
Who are you talking to anon?
wasnt elira the one who had this happen to her on a concert
>makes herself looking like a seething retard by biting xshitter bait
>she totally won you guys
absolute nijicope
Anon. A one-guy retard doesn't need to do ANYTHING to "discredit himself". Even bothering to reply to them is as stupid as genuinely replying to bots you dumb fuck.
>this is yours average catalogshitter
Why can’t we just ban those phoneposting monkeys
>proceed to doxx
Numberfags are Kiwiniggers?
well they also dox holo vtubers even if they shill so hard for em
>shilling hololive
What in the fuck?
Anon, you have no idea how public opinion works? They aren't exclusive.
Doki is somehow the incompetent loser who couldn't even wait a day to release a video because she somehow forgot to tell her manager until the last day while ALSO being the genius mastermind dissolving Nijisanji from the shadows with her army of goons.

It doesn't matter whether YOU think she won or not, just whether or not people can spin it as if she did on twitter, because this is a clear case of unprompted, targeted harassment.

Remember how hard they shilled that "omg the niji artist that totally went to a con totally got harassed by the holofags despite them allegedly whispering under their breath to themselves in a crowded convention" thing?
I'd rather not even give them a hint of validation and watch them slowly rot and decay from afar.
How did that retard fumble the come back so hard, He litterally just had to use the Millie copypasta but hits her with rent free actual retard.
>sisters this desperate for a win
>There is no consistency but all that matters is what she can get her fans to believe!
So what's the point of anything then "rrats are all that mattter" retard?
There is none. You're speaking on an ethiopian basket weaving board dedicated to mentally women LARPing as cartoon characters.
Glad you finally understand.
>Actual retard doesn't understand how Millie got owned
>This means the thing you were too stupid to understand is stupid
Anon... Grow up soon, okay? Just this once let me explain: Millie spent a whole fucking paragraph writing "rent free" in an overly obtuse manner, him saying "rent free" is the same as going "no u" when someone writes an essay about how "no, it is actually you who are the thing you are accusing me of!".

God I hate children.
>I see only facades and am very shallow!
O...kay? Odd thing to come out and insist is important but you do you I guess?
Why would that consider a doxx when they all confirmed containment breaker saying they are /here/?
Why would it be rent free if he literally tagged her unprompted and then IMMEDIATELY responded to her?
can niji go a single week without an L
Everyone in this screenshot is pathetic.
>if you anti me that means you like me
She never moved on from 6th grade so obviously she's retarded.
He should've congratulate her for 500k, that's the weak spot
discord stream 2 when, Millie?
the first one was kino
shes a lolcow
It's a fucking job, you wouldn't call the cashier at McDonald's retarded
Damn she really shouldn't be replying to nobodies like that, management are gonna have her for this.
Highly debatable. When you're essentially self-employed and make your own money, you very well can be fucking retarded and shoot yourself in the foot. A job that pays by the hour isn't the same because there's a predictable treadmill you can grind.
You think a Mcdonald's worker wouldn't quit once their working conditions goes from bad to shit? The service industry has high turnover rates for a reason.
Also comparing a Mcdonald's worker to Millie's career is dumb. The Mcdonald's worker deserves more respect than Millie.
>The service industry has high turnover rates for a reason.
Tbdesu it's not so much the service industry that has a high turnover rate; it's that young people have high turnover rates due to a lot of them being lazy retards. Young people just tend to use the service industry as a first job. That or retail. I worked in a medium sized convenience place for 7 years. Average age there was probably just over 40, and the place had zero turnover. I think the average tenure was about 10 years but the people there had no plans on leaving so that average was only going up.

The place I'm at now has pretty insane turnover, and it's all kids who hit the reality of hauling stock around for 8 hours and can't handle it.

tldr Millie is a retard
Anon, if a bunch of people over 40 are working minimum wage, that's not a fucking good thing. Jesus christ.
The only winning move is not to play. Why is this simple concept so difficult to understand for their kind?
You're too young to be talking about employment. First of all they're not on minimum wage they're on above it, and secondly they're all perfectly happy in their life situation. Wait, do you think minimum wage is some unlivable amount of money? Holy fucking shit dude stop ordering takeaway and dildos. I have like $40k in savings and I only worked 4 days without even trying to save money.
I guess that's why he's comparing Millie to a Mcdonald's worker, coz she'll be as stuck as a 40yo working in a convenience store kek.
Except Kuzuha since he is the only one making money and Riku treating him like a king compared to everyone else
>Wait, do you think minimum wage is some unlivable amount of money?
Anon, it is if you live anywhere with a standard of living higher than fucking kansas.
go back
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Is OP retarted? why would he stalk Twitter and post screencap threads to /vt/?
'Not feeding the trolls' is a crucial but long forgotten skill to have while dabbling on the internet. Who do we blame for this?
>MY experience was great so everyone else's aren't valid.
>"I did it, so everyone else SHOULD be able to do it".

what is this boomer ass mentality. Minimum wage is barely livable within the majority of the US, unless you wanna live in the middle of bumfuck nowhere and bother cows for a hobby.

Millie is dumb as shit but you're really reaching with the comparison.

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